MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The End of All Ends by hp_fanfic_chick

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When Hermione and Hannah quickly hustled over to the Entrance Hall again, the different Head of Houses were barking orders at all of the students to do this or that, or stand here. They were spreading themselves out, and making the Entrance Hall look like a giant army. Hermione quickly walked over to the Hufflepuff side with Hannah as she cried and then quickly hugged Ernie MacMillan; Granger then ran quickly to where McGonagall was standing on the stairs. Hermione wiped her tears, and she asked where she was supposed to stand. “Both the Head Girl and Boy are up a bit closer near the staff," she sighed, and pushed her into the direction of the professors who stood front in line. The house elves had squared themselves up behind them. 7th years were found scattered among the lines.

6th through 3rd years were crying or focusing too hard on certain curses that could bring a Death Eater down. The door was sealed completely, lock after lock, but that was no real guard for what was behind it; lurking in the shadows was one of the most powerful and darkest wizards. Ron then ran up to McGonagall begging that his little sister not be involved in the fight.

“Nonsense, Ginny is one of the brightest 6th years. There is no way she isn’t staying here to fight. Ron, go now near Dobby, and stand by him. You and Hermione will be easy targets, please watch out for one another."

Ron looked down at Hermione who was trying to calm herself down by breathing slowly and rethinking every curse she could remember. She then quickly walked over to Neville who had been standing there shaking. Nerves got to him too. Ron was about to fight “You-Know-Who”. He stood there, transfixed on that thought. He thought about Harry and what might be going through his mind. He thought about Hermione, how he had the most fantastic friendship with her, and Harry. Then there was the knock. There was a small gentle knock on the door.

The Entrance Hall went absolutely silent, as Dumbledore pushed the staff back in case the door collapsed and fell in. Hermione went back to her spot and Dumbledore then moved off to the side. Confused, Hermione looked down past the line to see what he was doing. He was staring intently at the door.

Harry was in the common room pacing next to the fire, standing there with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, both whom were very frightened and shakened. Parvati was crying silently, as she wrote a letter to her parents thinking that this was her last night to live. She thought it was her last night to say that she loved them, or that those petty arguments with her sister meant nothing. Lavender Brown stared at the flames almost dead, if not for her heavy breathing, Harry would have thought so.

The man who killed his parents was about to burst in and kill friends and students of Hogwarts. He was going to kill the staff, students, and Merlin knows who else; his scar burned as he paced back and forth. Harry was thinking to hard on what was going on, though, that he ignored his scar completely. The second years were lined on the stairs, as some sort of defense, and they were all watching as the infamous Potter paced. All in shock that he wasn’t the first one that the staff came to to help fight off Voldemort.

Harry let one tear slip from his eyes, and so several second year girls started to burst out crying. Lavender jolted from her spot, and led the tearful second years to the back of the line and moved every one down a step to fill in their spots.

Harry suddenly jumped. “The windows,” he said. Lavender and the teary-eyed Parvati both looked up at him confused. “The windows,” he said again. “5th year, Lee Jordan sent nifflers into Umbridge’s office by windows. What if they try that?” he said looking at the two fearful girls.

“I will inform McGonagall right away!” Lavender said jumping from her spot and running through the portrait hole. After a few seconds of silence, Parvati looked up over to Harry.

“Tell me Harry, do you think this will be our last night living?” she said as the tears just covered her cheeks and she gasped for breath. Her mouth salivating with fear, and her nose started to run as she cried.

Harry looked up at her. “For me or you? No, for some, yes for others,” he replied as he went over to hug her as she let out another burst of tears.

Lavender came running to the Entrance Hall and she ran straight to McGonagall when there was yet another knock on the door. Lavender froze, she was suddenly extremely frightened. She walked quickly to McGonagall, “Windows are vulnerable. They’ll come through windows.” Lavender dared to whisper in the dead quite of the hall.

“Not to worry, Lavender, those have been cared for,” Dumbledore said out loud, scaring several 3rd years as he broke the silence. Lavender nodded her head and quickly ran away to the safety of the common room, running through the ghosts that were on the stairs without caring.

Hermione looked up to see Lavender run away, as she looked back to the door again. She looked back at Ron who was pushing his red hair from his face, and she noticed that he was rather pale. Her curly hair floated behind her as she pulled it back just moments earlier after hugging Harry tightly. Harry was what she was thinking about. Then there was another knock on the door. Then a rather strange noise was made, and the door gave a loud creak, but was still standing. Most of the students and house elves took a step back from where they were standing.

“Courage is the power of everyone in here. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor are all houses of courage. They are all houses that you should show pride in, yet even more so, you must believe in them. That is where you come from. The four founders of Hogwarts would be so proud to see us standing proud and united together against the common enemy. Fear though is what we should also look in ourselves for. Fear is a driven power to give people strength where in some people it can not be found. ‘Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself.’ So Lord Voldemort has come to Hogwarts. Yes, it is so very true. Here we are standing at Hogwarts together.” Dumbledore said with a small pause as the door creaked again. “Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.’ This is what is right. This is what we teach students for: for defense, for bravery, for honor, for confidence in the future. Hogwarts will show what valor we hold tonight,” Dumbledore finished.

Hermione stared at him, thinking about valor, thinking about Harry, thinking about Cedric Diggory. Ron stared at him, thinking about power, thinking evil, thinking about the possibilities which were countless. And every student was thinking about life above all else. How they wanted their parents and older brothers and sisters to be standing next to them. How they wanted to be next to a loved one. How they wanted someone else to battle this through, as if Hogwarts had brought them no comfort or love in any way. Hermione stood staring at the door, as it creaked yet again, and suddenly gave way. It more so crumbled to the ground, then fell inwards as many of the staff and students thought.

Gazing back at them was the emptiness of the outside, no one could be seen. Hagrid was fidgeting as he looked out to see his hut ablaze. They were there, just no one could see them. A spring breeze with the thickness of oncoming rain was blowing through the door, turning the hearts of most of the students and staff cold.

Then the worst fear had hit Hermione. What if they had brought the Dementors? The Dementors had been bought off by Voldemort by offering them what everyone thought they didn’t want. Freedom. The freedom to do things outside of Ministry control: to kiss people that they have been wanting to get there scabby little fingers on for ages. Voldemort had offered them this power and freedom. A small singing caw could be heard, but that was Fawkes as he flew in from Dumbledore’s office, to aid in whatever way he could. The breeze went cold, and in the distance, the fire of Hagrid’s Hut was dimmering. The grass was going limp. Hermione feared this, as she gasped. McGonagall talked as calmly as she could and told all of the students to perform a patronus that instant, and have their forms go off to save them in the distance. Dumbledore’s phoenix patronus was the first one through, followed by patronuses of all sorts and sizes. Hermione thought of her happy thought: the day she went to the Yule Ball with Krum, that had to be the happiest day of her life. She whispered the charm, 'Expecto Patronum' and a rather large otter sprawled out of her wand.

Ron thought of his happiest moment: befriending the most famous wizard in the world, Harry Potter. He whispered his charm and a dog leapt out of his wand. The other 6th and 7th years were the only ones who knew to how to perform the charm too. They tried to help the younger years try and perform one. A few accomplished it, and out the door was a rush of patronus charms.

Dumbledore stared intently on where the door once stood.