MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Harry Potter and the Beginning of the End by Ozma333

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Chapter Notes: Lessons, a search, and an unexpected discovery…
mugglenet fanfiction betas: I have checked and triple checked. This story was rejected because of line spacing formatting. Neither on Word or your site can I find anywhere where the line spacing is less than or greater than 2 spaces. I may have missed it, sorry! Thank you for your attention. -Erin (please erase comment before posting)

DISCLAIMER: If I actually owned any of these characters, you would not be reading this for free! We all know this is all thanks to JKR!

Riddle’s Orphanage

Neville had agreed instantly to become the Secret-Keeper. Though his eyes widened characteristically as Harry outlined his plan for the coming months, Neville was quick to promise his assistance. Harry’s heart had swelled with pride at his fellow Gryffindor’s surge of courage. Hermione had preformed the charm quickly, Neville gulping audibly by the end, and by lunchtime Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny found themselves rushing to see Krum.

“Herm-own-ninny!” Krum strode up towards Hermione with his arms held wide open. Hermione smiled and extended her hand in greeting, sparing one sideways glance at Ron, who had devoted himself to studying the bare thread carpet on Krum’s office floor. Krum stopped appraisingly, feet from Hermione, and then, grinning brusquely, kissed her hand affectionately before turning on the rest. They had all just let themselves into Krum’s office. Harry found a vast library adorning one wall complete with titles such as Embracing the Dark Arts for Their Defeat and What One Can Learn from the Other Side of Magic. Harry thought them to be odd titles for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but then reminded himself that Durmstrang had very different priorities. The rest of the room was crammed with Dark Detectors and various instruments Harry had seen throughout his years, including a battered Pensieve and, suspended from the high ceiling, one very old broomstick.

“Harry! How haff you been?” Krum asked, shaking Harry’s hand.

“Er, well.”

“Miss Veasley, good to see you out of class.”

“Hello, Professor,” Ginny mumbled and Harry grinned inwardly at how awkward it must be for Ginny to address Krum as “Professor” knowing it was her best mates ex-boyfriend.

“And, Ron,” Krum continued, “it is nice to see you again.” Looking as though it pained him greatly, Ron extended his hand towards Krum with the reply, “Viktor. Nice to see you, too.” Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all let out a collective breath.

“Herm-own-ninny tells me you haff a need for Occulmency lessons,” Krum continued, offering them all seats.

“Yeah, I do,” Harry replied as Krum sat behind his desk, observing them.

“And you haff had lessons before, I vas told,” he pressed.

“I have, but they were a disaster,” Harry said.

Krum nodded his understanding. “Whom did you practice vith?”

“Just Snape,” Harry replied, his face involuntarily twisting as he said the name. No matter how much he knew about Snape’s loyalties, he would never forgive him for the way he had treated all of them for so many years.

“You misunderstand me. He taught you, but whose mind did you practice in?” Krum continued.

“It was just him and me…I saw in his mind a bit, without meaning to.”

Krum frowned. “Vell, that could be the problem. I told Herm-own-ninny that you would need a friend because the easiest way to learn Occulmency is to start with non-barrier Legilimency.” Harry didn’t know what that would entail, but he was not at all excited. All he could remember was the horrible headaches remaining after his sessions with Snape, and the pain in his knees as they continually collided with the floor. Something in his face must have conveyed that message because Krum just grinned. “I know it sounds invading, but it is the best way to master the defense.”

“What would the non-barrier Legilimency entail, Viktor?” Hermione asked tentatively. She appeared to be the only one of the four to grasp what Viktor was saying, both Weasleys were shrugging at each other.

“Vhat you and vhatever friend you bring along vould be asked to do is allow the other person full access to your thoughts. You haff to relax and grant them admission to vhatever thought or scenario floats through your mind. I remember my first time,” Viktor laughed appreciatively, “it vas a very uncomfortable exchange…”

Harry shifted slightly in his chair. He had immediately thought of Ginny. He undoubtedly trusted her and would give her un-obstructed access to his thoughts, but just as suddenly flashes of thoughts that he did not want her to see came rushing past. It was not so much that he wanted to keep things from her, but some things he wanted to be able to share in time. He didn’t want scenes of him being locked under the cupboard at number four Privet Drive, or being bullied in middle school, to flash through while she was being given unguarded access. Pity was one thing Harry didn’t need at this moment. If Ginny saw some of the things that had happened to him, he was sure pity would be the one thing he was going to get. There were some things that a bloke’s girlfriend just didn’t need to see firsthand!

Harry’s mind reviewed what Snape had had access to during his previous lessons in fifth year; Cedric dying, Ripper and that damn tree, kissing Cho… And as much as he wanted to deny it, he did not want to see visions of Ginny with Michael Corner, or Dean for that matter…

Ron was another story. Although he could handle having Ron see embarrassing moments, like being bullied by Dudley, without fear that Ron will want to mother him to death, he knew for a fact that Ron could not handle any images of Harry and his younger sister…or the dreams he had of his younger sister for that matter…

And that left only one person. Harry could handle having Hermione see things that had transpired between Ginny and himself, in fact he was almost positive she knew most of it anyway. The pity would be a larger obstacle, but, with a firm talk, Harry may be able to overcome that. Hermione really was the only choice…

“Right, well, I can do that,” Harry began again uncomfortably. He glanced around, Ron looked horrorstruck at the thought and Ginny was avoiding his eyes. Hermione was fiddling nervously in her chair. “Er, Ginny,” and her eyes snapped to his, “it’s not that I don’t want to share things with you…but, well I…”

“It’s alright, Harry,” Ginny responded, actually sounding slightly relieved. “I mean, I would do it with you, if you asked me to…but…” Her face reddened slightly. “There are some things…I’d rather tell you about than have you witness first hand…”

Harry laughed in relief.

“Wait,” Ron cut through, “you’re not asking me are you? ‘Cause mate I don’t think I could stand to see…” he broke off awkwardly, glancing in Ginny’s direction. Ginny smacked him in the arm and muttered, “Prat!”

“Actually, no…” Harry interrupted, “I was going to ask Hermione.” Ron looked as relieved as his sister as Harry turned to Hermione. “I know it’s a lot to ask…”

“Of course I will,” Hermione responded, though admittedly looking rather nervous.

“Well, now that’s settled,” Krum started in again, “Shall ve say next weekend? Saturday?”

After agreeing on the time, the foursome quickly left Harry and Hermione’s new Professor’s office.

“Now that that’s done,” Hermione asked awkwardly after leaving Krum’s office, “should we try and find…” she broke off as a nearby student passed, but everyone knew what she was talking about. Harry was adamant to search the orphanage Riddle grew up in. He had spent most of the week researching its’ location and finally felt confident that he had found the correct one. Although Hermione seemed positive that the place would be Horcrux-free, Harry simply couldn’t sit still any longer. He needed to keep searching, even if the location was questionable.

“We can go tonight,” Harry responded after the younger student had passed. “Ginny, we will meet you here at eleven. I’ll Side-Along Apparate you to the place.”

Ginny nodded in agreement as the foursome hurried off to find some kind of lunch.


Four soft pops broke the night noises of what was once a bustling, old-fashioned London street, as four teenagers seemed to materialize out of thin air. The hissing street lanterns flicked out in turn as one figure held an object that looked mysteriously like a Muggle lighter. There were no cars in sight and the only other beings to be seen were two cats, which were spitting and fighting over an old tin can. Though, it couldn’t be denied that whispers and footsteps could be heard from the darkened alley directly behind them.

“Looks abandoned, doesn’t it?” The whispered voice of Ron broke the apprehension of the foursome, who were standing stock still in the mouth of the long alleyway. But, just as he said it, a light flickered on in the large square building that stood across the street. From what Harry could judge by his first visit into the Pensieve, the light belonged in the office of the buildings matron. The structure looked just as dingy, though perhaps more appropriately placed. The run down appearance of the building blended more naturally with the deserted feel of the street, contrary to the lively, busy road it had once been.

Glass broke not so far behind them.

“Let’s get moving,” Hermione whispered, nervously glancing behind them, her hand tightening over her wand.

They began moving slowly from the darkness behind them when Harry threw an arm out to stop them, “It’s chained.” One glance confirmed his statement, the large iron gate that was freely open back when Dumbledore had come to retrieve a young Tom Riddle, was now barred by a heavy chain.

“We can unlock it,” Ginny replied, looking questioningly towards Harry.

“I just don’t want anyone to know we’re here. We have to stay quiet.” Harry felt Hermione tug at his arm and point to a large dumpster propped against the iron fencing.

“Let’s just climb,” she suggested. “No magic, no detection…”

Silently agreeing, Harry drew out his invisibility cloak.

“There’s no way it’ll fit us all, mate,” Ron reasoned, but the voices behind them were becoming clearer. Harry didn’t want to be detected by Death Eaters, but he was also keen to avoid the sort of men who would lurk in alleys at this time of night, Muggle or wizard…

He hastily threw his cloak over both the girls and urged them forward, Ron and he running in their wake. Hermione huffed as she ripped it off upon reaching the dumpster, but Harry could deal with her indignation later. One by one, they hopped the fence.

The inside was remarkably still clean, though incredibly run-down. It was, apparently, still an orphanage, though now large notifications of Child’s Rights and Institution Responsibilities adorned the walls. Fire extinguishers and alarms had been inexpertly placed by the front door, and large bags containing what looked like dirty towels sat propped at the side of the ascending staircase, apparently ready for pick-up in the morning.

“It’s just as it looked in the Pensieve,” Hermione murmured, fingering the railing to the stone steps. The matron bustling in the office must have knocked over a tin, because a small crash and muttered curses were heard coming from under the door.

“His room was this way,” Harry said quietly, hastening to ascend the stairs. The orphanage air had a dead, still feel to it, as though no one could possibly be alive and moving; however, the soft cough or slight whimper from the rooms they were passing played contrary to the notion. Harry stopped at the first door on the left, the same door they had all seen already, but he found soft snores issuing from inside and faltered in his decision to search this location for the first time.

“It seems…wrong…somehow,” Harry trailed off.

“What does,” Ron prompted him.

“This…kids asleep in there…” Harry continued, laying his hand on the closed door, “it’s just wrong…”

Harry couldn’t explain it, but a feeling in him began to swell. There was no Horcrux here, somehow he knew. The cave was so quiet, so isolated, so alone…this was nothing like that. How could a Horcrux be here? Quiet children, snoring and sleeping everywhere around…

“Well, we’re here,” Ginny offered, “if not in the room, why not check the basement?”


“Harry,” Ginny whispered, “I don’t think it’s here.”

Harry looked darkly around the room. “No, I don’t think so either,” he muttered, disappointed. A thorough search of the buildings basement uncovered no more than a few mousetraps and old, broken desks piled haphazardly by the foot of the rickety wooden staircase they had descended.

“It’s alright, Harry,” Hermione began soothingly, “we’re bound to have to search more than-” But, Hermione was cut off as voices in the foyer above drifted coarsely below.

“Filthy place, innit?”

The foursome froze.

“Why’d He have us come ‘ere? Bloody Muggles…” a second voice grumbled.

“Don’t question The Dark Lord,” the first voice hissed menacingly.

Ron’s jaw dropped as Ginny’s eyes widened. Hermione instantly began to worry her lip and wring her hands.

“If they find us here, if we’re caught…” Hermione whispered, terrified. Harry’s mind was racing. He did not want to be caught by Death Eaters this early in their search. He did not want to give Voldemort the time to create additional Horcruxes. And surely, if they were found out tonight, Voldemort would be able to guess what Harry was looking for. There was nowhere to hide in this bare, dingy basement and the invisibility cloak could only cover two of them…

“Hermione, come here,” Ron whispered urgently, ripping off his traveling cloak and hurling it towards Harry and Ginny. He ruffled his hair and un-tucked his shirt. “Harry, change the color of my hair, and Hermione’s, too,” Ron ordered quickly. The sounds of the Death Eaters footsteps above were growing ever closer.

“Ron, what-” Hermione began but was cut off as Ron dragged her roughly towards the collection of broken desks at the foot of the stairs, her hair rapidly turning blonde.

“Take off your cloak,” he ordered and then began helping her when she hesitated. Hermione tried to lock eyes with Ron; it couldn’t be plainer that for once, Hermione had no idea what was about to happen.

Ron lifted Hermione swiftly and sat her on one of the desks, facing him. His fingers traveled to her shirt buttons and he began undoing them.

“Ronald!” Hermione hissed. “Just what-”

“They’ll fight us if they think we’re wizards,” Ron began hurriedly, not forgetting his job of her shirt buttons, “but if they think we’re just orphans, out of bed…”

Hermione finally caught on as Ron ripped the rest of her shirt open. She immediately tackled the top button of her jeans, opening as much as she dared.

Ron pressed himself into Hermione, her legs on either side of him, just as the footsteps stopped at the doorway.

“You two,” Hermione snapped at Harry and Ginny, who up until this point had stood stock-still with their mouths hanging open, “get under that cloak! And turn around,” she added for good measure as a dark flush rose up her neck.

Harry and Ginny did as they were told as the door creaked open. Harry averted his eyes and focused on the stairwell. He could hear the top steps groan from the weight of the two descending Death Eaters.

Ron and Hermione pretended not to notice the footsteps drawing nearer. They were kissing passionately and, in Harry’s opinion, were certainly making this look convincing.

The Death Eaters had descended.

“Stupefy!” a Death Eater raised his wand, immobilizing both Ron and Hermione. Harry didn’t recognize either of them, though he thought they were vaguely familiar. They couldn’t have been much older than he was…

“Oi! What the hell is this!” the second Death Eater said. Ron’s right hand was now resting on Hermione’s chest, as he and his girlfriend were frozen mid-snog. Harry couldn’t help but admire the trust Ron and Hermione had placed in Ginny and he.

“Filthy fucking Muggles!” the first Death Eater spat, evidently revolted.

“I don’t know, Malcolm” the second one replied, “the girl’s not half bad…” He was circling Ron and Hermione. Harry tensed, gripping his wand tighter, he would not let anything happen to Hermione.

“Disgusting,” the Death Eater apparently named Malcolm muttered, as the second Death Eater looked hungrily at Hermione.

“This bloke’s covering her best parts though,” the second Death Eater remarked.

Harry felt Ginny twitch beside him; a panicked look crossed her eyes.

“Focus, Derrick,” Malcolm sneered, turning to take in the rest of the room.

The Death Eater named Derrick ignored his order and kept his appraising eyes on Hermione. “The Dark Lord wouldn’t deny us a little Muggle fun, would he?” he asked, laughing harshly as he pointed his wands to Ron’s hand.

“Stop screwing around, Derrick!” Malcolm ordered, now raising his wand.

“Fine,” Derrick returned, looking put out. “But, this is pointless, nobody’s been down here in ages. Unless they wanted a snog,” he finished with a snigger.

“Let’s get back to report then,” Malcolm said, turning towards the stairs.

“What about them?” Derrick gestured to the Stupefied Ron and Hermione.

“Leave them,” Malcolm said coldly, “They will be an amusing display for their matron.”

The sounds of the Death Eaters footsteps faded away up the stairs and Harry heard a distinct popping sound before he took off his invisibility cloak and approached Ron and Hermione, muttering the counter curse.

They broke apart immediately, Ron removing his hands and softly closing Hermione’s shirt. Hermione hadn’t moved and her eyes were shining with unshed tears.

“It’s alright, Hermione,” Ron began with a tenderness Harry hadn’t known him to possess. “I would never let anyone do that to you.” He enfolded her in his arms and Harry could hear Hermione’s soft whimpering.

Ginny rushed to Hermione’s side, rubbing her back. Hermione slowly broke from Ron’s grasp, sniffling, and turned her back to the boys, fumbling with her shirt buttons.

“Here, let me,” Ginny said softly, uttering “Reparo” under her breath. Hermione stood to button the top of her jeans.

Harry eyed Ron nervously; he looked shattered.

“Ronald, take me back home?” Hermione asked in a small voice, turning once more towards Ron. He moved immediately to oblige and after a small pop, they had both disappeared.

Harry and Ginny followed moments later.


“She’s asleep,” muttered Ron as he closed the door on Hermione’s room and promptly fell into a chair by the fire that Harry had conjured. “Accio Firewhiskey,” Ron muttered in the direction of the kitchen and a large bottle of amber liquid came hurtling towards him. “Want some,” he offered quietly as he poured himself a large glass.

“Ron, it’s not your fault,” Ginny attempted, as Harry Summoned two large glasses from the kitchen.

“Did you see her face?” Ron asked in a broken voice. “How could I do that to her?”

“You didn’t do it to her, mate,” Harry responded, handing Ginny a glass and sipping his own half-heartedly, “she understood.”

“Hermione knew the risk of being caught by the Death Eaters,” Ginny continued in a hollow voice, “you both did, and you trusted that Harry and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and we wouldn’t…”

“But, did you see her face…”

Harry and Ginny shared helpless looks as Ron finished his drink and poured another.

“Harry, I need to borrow a book of yours, would you mind?” Ginny asked as she set her drink on the table.

“Of course not,” Harry responded quietly. When Ginny turned to leave she mouthed, “Talk to him!”

“We’ve never even done much more than that, Harry,” Ron began before Harry had the chance.


“We’ve been getting close, sure, but never closer than we were tonight,” Ron paused to slurp the Firewhiskey, “not like that…”

“Er,” Harry honestly had no idea how he was supposed to respond to this and so settled on focusing on his drink instead. Ron seemed not to have noticed.

“And then to see that Death Eater looking at her like that…talking like that…” Ron ears had gone red from anger and he balled up his fists. “How could I do that to the woman I love!” Ron practically shouted as he slammed his fist into the table and upended Ginny’s glass, shattering it.

Ron’s outburst seemed not to need a reply, for which Harry was grateful. Instead he pointed his wand at the shards of Ginny’s glass and muttered, “Reparo.” Ron seemed unaware of what he had just admitted.

“I’m hopeless, Harry,” he continued, slumping back into a quieter state. “That was so stupid of me.”

“No…it wasn’t,” came a strangled sounding whisper from the hallway.

“Hermione,” Ron leap from his chair, “why are you out of bed?”

Hermione glanced wryly at Harry before wildly inventing, “I wanted a drink.” Harry thought it was much more likely that Ron’s shouting had woken her.

“I’ll get you some water,” Ron offered immediately, hastening to the kitchen.

“No, I think I’ll have some of that,” Hermione replied shyly, indicating the bottle of Firewhiskey. “It’s been a long day.”

“Hermione, I’m so sorry. Really, I…” Ron continued, conjuring a glass and handing it to her.

“Don’t be,” she replied softly, pulling Ron down unto the couch with her. “It was a really brave, smart, and daring thing to do.” Hermione smiled at Ron and then at Harry, who had not succeeded in disappearing into his chair as he had planned. “I trusted that Harry and Ginny wouldn’t let anything happen to us. And, I trusted your judgment,” she finished soundly, leaning into Ron’s shoulder.

“We wouldn’t have let anything happen,” Harry said quietly, shuddering inwardly at the possibility.

“I know that,” Hermione responded genuinely. “Still, it shakes a person up…”

Harry nodded.

“It’s a good thing you thought to change our hair color, Ron,” Hermione continued moments later, marginally more cheerful.

“I thought we should in case we’ve seen them before, but I didn’t recognize either of them...” Ron trailed off, under the impression that Hermione was teasing him.

“You didn’t?” Hermione asked, astounded. “Harry?”

“No,” Harry responded truthfully, “I thought they looked familiar, but…”

“Well, I should think so!” Hermione snorted. “Malcolm Baddock and Derrick, Derrick… Well, I can’t remember his last name; but he was a Slytherin! Actually, I think he was on the Quidditch team.”

Ron’s mouth fell open. “That…that… I can’t believe that git,” he muttered through a now clenched jaw.

“It all comes back to Voldemort, doesn’t it,” Hermione continued softly. “Because of him, Hogwarts is closed. And, with Hogwarts being closed and education ceasing, narrow-mindedness and cruelty are on the up rise. He is at liberty to round up impressionable students who would just love to, to…”

“Ruin everyone else’s existence,” Harry supplied. “You’re right, Hermione…” Harry took a deep breath. “We have to find that next Horcrux,” he said forcefully.

“Harry,” Ginny muttered as she drifted back into the living room, her head buried in one of Harry’s old school books, “is this true?”

“Is what true?”

“This-” Ginny’s eyes snapped up, “Oh! Hermione! How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” Hermione insisted. “Is what true?”

“This bit on Acromantula’s…” Ginny trailed off, referring back to the old text that Harry had decorated extensively with the help of Ron. “You scratched out the part saying Acromantula’s are unconfirmed in Scotland and wrote confirmed by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley instead.” Ginny looked questioningly towards Harry.

“Oh, yeah. Well, actually, we did confirm that,” Harry responded, laughing a little at the look of disgust on Ron’s face, “back in second year. They’re in the Forbidden Forest, quite a lot of them actually,” he added at the questioning look on his girlfriends’ face.

“How did they get there?” Ginny asked, confusing Harry. He couldn’t see why she would be so interested.

“Who else,” Ron muttered. “Hagrid, of course.”

“Hagrid was breeding Acromantula in the forest?” Ginny asked, a look of confusion shadowing her face.

“Well, I don’t know if he intended on that happening exactly. Riddle…” Harry paused and glanced at Ginny. He knew she was still haunted by the memories of Tom Riddle’s diary. “Erm, well, Riddle blamed Hagrid for opening the Chamber of Secrets. He accused a pet Acromantula of Hagrid’s…”

“Pet, my arse…” Ron interrupted darkly.

“…of being the monster. Hagrid didn’t want Aragog, that was the spiders name, to be killed so he set him up in the Forbidden Forest.”

“That’s how Tom Riddle got away with it!” Ginny asked, outraged. She had never heard the full story before and Harry felt a little guilty, perhaps he should have told her sooner.

“Well, yes…” Harry responded, locking eyes with Ginny. Instead of hurt and anger, he saw a flash of comprehension. “Why are you asking about all of this?” Harry asked, suddenly extremely curious.

Ginny rolled her eyes before flopping down to the couch next to Hermione. Hermione’s eyes had gone very big and Harry was starting to get the feeling he was missing something important.

“So you think…” Hermione rounded on Ginny.

“Wouldn’t it make sense?” Ginny returned.

“Of course…”

“Anyone going to let us in on the secret?” Ron asked hopefully.

“Honestly! Don’t either of you read!” Hermione responded incredulously. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it…” she continued, snatching the book out of Ginny’s hands and burying her nose in it.

“Have neither of you taken the time to actually read the book you were both, evidently, sharing?” Ginny asked, astounded.

“I thought our experience with the damn things at least got us out of a bit of reading…” Ron muttered.

“Well, had you bothered,” Ginny continued, “you would know that-”

“The Acromantula is believed to be wizard-bred, possibly intended to guard wizard dwellings or treasure, as is often the case with magically created monsters…” Hermione trailed off softly, reading the passage directly from Harry’s old copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Sirens went off in Harry’s head. They were looking for a place where Voldemort would store his next Horcrux. A place secret and safe; a place he had once felt very powerful…

Voldemort felt powerful in the Guant house after his first act of murder, powerful when he discovered his ability to control the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, powerful when he could use and manipulate two innocent orphans, and powerful when he could use his cunning to expel an innocent student and blame them for the murder that he himself had committed…

“So,” Ron began with a very dry voice, “the next Horcrux is there…”

Hermione nodded.

“With the Acromantula…”

Hermione nodded again.

Harry initial feeling of elation was replaced with horror. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Acromantula in the forest. Last time they had barely escaped with their lives, and Aragog had still been living. Even Hagrid couldn’t help them this time…

And, as though she had read his mind, Ginny approached Harry and squeezed his hand. Warmth spread rapidly through him and he knew that this venture into the Forbidden Forest would be different. This time, he would be ready.

A/N This was one of my favorites! Hope you enjoyed! I knew Ginny would be an integral part…she is very clever. The next chappie is on its way…so sit tight!

By the way, anyone surprised Harry picked Hermione to practice with? I always was a R/Hr shipper, but I felt bad for the H/Hr shippers! There is, most obviously, a deep bond between those two (more sister-brother in my opinion), but you have to hand it to those shippers that the connection is a special one! Thanks for reading as always! I’ll work on that update!