MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Death Eater's Pensieve by juls

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Chapter Notes: 1:Pensieve memory from OOTP paraphrased from memory.(OOTP Pensieve scene pgs641 to 649. American scholastic edition)
2:OOTP pg 37/HBP pg 25
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter belongs to JKR.
A rather tall man in black robes mumbled “Lemon drops” and a door opened to a set of winding stairs. His shoulder-length black hair was greasy and made his pale skin and long nose seem even more pronounced than they were. His mood was as black as his robes. He had struggled for a week before coming to this decision. Tucking a worn book back into his robe's pocket, he fought the demon the book's presence had revealed. He rubbed a hand over his tired black eyes as he slowly pushed his feet to move.

Walking up the stairs to another door, he stopped, bowed his head in thought and almost turned around. He felt like a student heading to a detention rather than the professor he was. He was still young, only about 21 and teaching Potions in the wizardry school he had attended himself only a few years ago. Shaking his head as if to shake out some old memory, he returned to walking up the stairs to another door at the top.

He took a deep breath as he summoned the courage to raise his hand to knock loudly on the door in front of him.

The door opened to show a wizard standing there. His long hair and beard graying with age. He wore a purple robe and a high pointed purple hat. His eyes twinkled behind his glasses as he greeted the younger wizard before him.

“Severus, hello, what brings you to my door tonight? Come in, come in. Sit down and have a lemon drop.” Albus pointed to a bowl on his desk with yellow candy in it . He watched Severus look disdainfully at the bright yellow candies.

Albus Dumbledore sat down in his chair behind his desk across from Severus Snape and waited for him to talk.

“I need you to use your Pensieve with me,” with those words said, he pulled up his sleeve and showed the angry Dark Mark on his arm.

For a moment there was perfect silence, as though time itself was hesitating. Albus took a deep breath. He knew what it must have taken Severus to finally tell him. To dare turn his back on the powerful Dark Lord. Of course he had known that Severus had turned to Voldemort’s side sometime during his last year at Hogwarts as a student. But he also had at least a faint idea of the reasons, and he couldn’t hate Severus for what he had done. He had hoped that Severus would come to him eventually. He was relieved that Severus was finally ready to confide in him.

“Accio Pensieve!!” he said waving his wand. The bowl floated over to the desk and landed between them, the clear liquid swirled.

“Where shall we begin? I really think a lemon drop would help calm your nerves, Severus.” His eyes still twinkled, a little saddened by what was to come.

“Albus, you'll never persuade me to touch those awful Muggle candies.” he shuddered. Pointing his wand to his forehead he slowly pulled memory after memory from his mind and put them in small vials on the desk before the Pensieve. “This one first.” Severus said pouring into Pensieve. He swirled it with the tip of his wand until it took focus.

A young Severus sat underneath a tree, his hair greasier then the present. His second hand black robes shabby with age. He held open his second hand copy of Advanced Potions, jotting a note here and there in the margin.

In the distance four boys and a girl of the same year sat, glancing his way once and awhile. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Lily of Gryffindor. How he hated the boys and their closeness. He was as always alone, a Halfblood in the Pureblood house of Slytherin. He tried hard not to notice as the first two named came closer to him and his tree. Severus hated those two pranksters the most. Someday, he vowed he'd return all their pranks back on them tenfold. Yes, revenge was a dish best served cold.

Suddenly, he levitated into the air upside-down, dropping his potion book to the ground and his robe flowed down over his head, exposing his shabby and graying underpants. James and Sirius laughed so hard they fell to ground rolling. Remus rolled his eyes and Peter just twittered a small laugh. But the look on Lily's face would have hexed the two if she had waved her wand at them. Instead, she counter-spelled Snape and he landed on the ground with a loud thump. She had always treated him with kindness and was often his potions partner, much to James and Sirius's disgust.

She knelt down and picked up his book, smoothing out the pages as she closed it to hand back to him. She smiled and offered her hand to help him up. In his anger (and his embarrassment of being helped by a girl) he shouted “Mudblood!! You dirty filthy Mudblood!!” He grabbed his book from her hand got up and with a swish of his robes turned from her hurt expression. The word Mudblood seemed to echo as the memory ended.

Severus swirled his wand in the silvery liquid to retrieve the memory and to tuck it back away in his mind. His complexion seemed paler then usual. Albus leaned back in his chair, stroking his beard without saying a word. He remembered that day, and how hurt young Lily Evans had been. Severus had turned even more to the darker arts of wizardry that day. Looking for the way to get his revenge on the two Gryffindors. Severus' one true regret of that day was the loss of his Potions partner. For Lily Evans never spoke to him again in life.

Severus picked up the next vial and hesitated a second before pouring it in the Pensieve. “Ready?” he asked Albus.

“Of course, my boy. But, are you?” The older wizard asked.

Severus didn't respond, he hastened to poured the memory into the Pensieve before he changed his mind. He was not a wizard made for sharing himself, even when he felt it necessary. He swirled this memory with his wand to make it clearer to see....

“Narcissa.” the young version of Severus said to the beautiful blond woman next to him. She was the current Pureblood princess of Slytherin house. “We are meeting them where?” he grumbled, he didn't like not knowing all before it happened.

“We are going to Lestrange Manor. My older sister, Bella and her husband requested I bring you there. This,” she held up a long rusty key, “Is a Portkey there. It will be active in about 5 minutes.” she looked at him, into his eyes and tucked a black lock of hair behind his ear.

(Albus stirred in his chair at this.)

Severus moved his head closer to Narcissa's and kissed her, pulling her nearer and tighter in an embrace. Breaking their lips apart he lowered his head to her necked and sighed. This was dangerous game they were playing at. A doomed love from the start. The Black family would kill one or both of them if discovered.

“Will he be there?” He finally asked. “Will Lucius be there?” he breathed in the strawberry scent of her hair. Lucius was a Slytherin who had graduated Hogwarts a few years previously. He was also Narcissa's betrothed. They were to be married in a few months after N.E.W.Ts were done. Their time as lovers was growing short.

“I don't know. Probably.” Narcissa pulled away and looked at the ring on her finger. A Malfoy heirloom, its weight seemed heavier tonight. “Its time. Hold on.” And they both placed their hands on the key and disappeared through a portal. They landed with a thunk and stood up to look at the imposing manor owned by the Lestrange family. Lucius, Bellatrix and Rodolphus stood a few feet away from them.

“Cissy, my love. Snape.” Lucius greeted them both. An enveloping hug for Narcissa and a nod towards Severus.

“Welcome.” Rudolphus shook Severus's hand. “You two are the last guests to arrive. Come in our guest of honor is awaiting you, Snape.”

Lucius kept his arm around Narcissa's waist as they followed behind Bellatrix and Rudolphus. Severus trailed a foot behind. The only pleasure for him was he got to watch Narcissa's backside. He was glad at that moment of his skills at blocking people out of his mind.

(Albus gasped. Grabbing for a lemon drop, he then decided on something harder and grabbed a licorice snap...)

As they entered the manor, he noticed many former Slytherins. They all seemed to be surrounding one man, as if in adoration of him. His hair was jet black, as black as the robes he wore. He sat in a rather ornate chair of gold brocade. Around his feet, a snake laid lay curled, its tongue flicking in and out, as if tasting the dark magic that surrounded his master.

(“Thomas Riddle,” thought Dumbledore.)

“Bring forth the boy, Rodolphus. Its time we actually meet.” He watched as Severus and Rodolphus walked to stand before him. The others made room for them to stand in front of the seated wizard.

“You must be Severus. I am Lord Voldemort. I knew your mother long ago in school. Eileen Prince, wasn't she?” The man smiled, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes.

“Yes, Eileen was my mother. She died a few years ago.” Severus answered. His Muggle father, Tobias Snape, had been charged for her murder by a Muggle court.

“Pity, the Princes were a noble Pureblood family.” Voldemort motioned down to the snake curled at his feet. “This is Nagini. Pretty, isn't she?” He said something in a hissing voice to the snake, and she moved from his feet to curl round Severus's legs. Nagini's forked tongue flicked out as if to taste Severus's fear and slowly wound itself up Severus's legs and torso, tightening around him till Severus could barely breath.

This was a test, he could feel it in his bones, knowing somehow his reactions could mean his continued life or possible death. The snake's head finally reached where she could see eye to eye with Severus. She stared into Severus's eyes for a few seconds that seemed like hours. Nagini flicked her tongue out again, smacking Severus's long hooked nose. She then turned to her master and seemed to hiss a few words before unwinding herself from Severus's body.

“The dark arts interest you, my boy?” asked Voldemort. “Nagini senses it in you. You do not fear her? Most have cringed in her embrace.” The Dark Lord laughed.

“The dark arts intrigue me, My Lord.” Severus answered. “I have learned all that I can be taught at Hogwarts. I plan on asking for a teaching position in DA, maybe Hogwarts or Durmstrang after NEWTS are done.” he said with self pride.

“I have heard potions are a specialty of yours as well. I have great need of a knowledgeable potions master.” Voldemort put his arm around Severus's shoulder. “Yes, my boy, I think you are perfect. Just the one I need.....” he turned to his followers.

“Oh, you are all dismissed. Thank you, Malfoy for bringing this delightful young man to my awareness. You will be richly rewarded. Go, go.” he waved to them dismissively.

Severus dared a glance at Narcissa as she walked away in the arms of her betrothed. She never looked back.

Without a word, Severus returned the memory to his mind. He stood up and went to a shelf filled with decanters.

“May I?” he asked Albus as he picked up a bottle of untouched whiskey.

“A little Dutch courage once in while hurts no one, Severus. Bring me one also.” Albus said as he continued to stroke his long beard. Both wizards sipped on their glasses as the settled back into their chairs.

There was still two vials on the table. Severus picked one up, poured it into the Pensieve and once again stirred it with his wand.

A slightly older Severus stood in the streets of Hogsmeade. He had stopped in front of Hog's Head Inn. It was time to make his mark and ask Albus Dumbledore to make him professor in the now empty position of Defense Against The Dark Arts.

He entered the inn and climbed the stairs to the room Albus was having interviews in for the vacant teaching positions.

He raised his hand to rap on the door when he heard a voice inside. He hesitated, listening, and lowered his hand. When he had heard enough, Severus disapparated to the secret place where Voldemort was.

Could this information finally get the Dark Lord to accept him into the fold?

“I knew you were there, Severus. I also knew who you turned to.” Albus eyes looked sadly at the Death Eater before him.

“Voldemort,” he said, watching as Snape grabbed his arm and cried in pain. “Used you.”

“I know that now, Albus.” Severus grimaced, clutching his left arm in pain at the mention of Dark Lord's name.

Albus looked at his empty glass, and mumbled a spell to refill both his and Severus's. Taking another sip, he watched as Severus drained his glass before picking up the last vial.

Stirring the memory until it became clear to see, Severus turned his back to it and bowed his head.

With a small pop Severus landed with Malfoy as his escort before the Dark Lord's lair. If all went well, he would finally be accepted in to Voldemort's circle.

Malfoy handed him a hooded robe. “Put this on.” he commanded, as he put his own on. “This mask also.”

Dressed in this uniform, both wizards entered the room. It was gloomy and dark, lite by a few candles on the walls. Inside the room Voldemort stood surrounded on each side by his followers.

“Welcome, Snape. Are you ready to begin?” Voldemort asked.

Not knowing what was to happen he nodded, “Yes, Master.”

“Fantastic.” He turned to look at his followers. “A new brother will be joining us tonight to take his place with us.” Voldemort turned back to Severus and pointed his wand.

“Crucio!” Severus fell to the ground as the spell hit him, barely able to hold back his cries of pain. It seemed to go on for hours, but in reality only a few agonizing minutes. He gasped for air as it ended.

Slowly he stood up, still in pain from the Unforgivable curse.

Testing him again, Voldemort pointed to Lucius, nodding his permission.

“Crucio!” said Malfoy as he pointed his wand at Severus. Lucius put all his hatred over Severus touching Narcissa behind the strength of that spell and secretly laughed at Severus for believing Cissy had betrayed him.

Finally, Voldemort motioned for Lucius to end the spell. With great reluctance, Lucius lowered his wand. Severus again stood to his feet before the Dark Lord. His pride refusing to allow his pain to show.

“Kneel down before me.” He commanded. He watched as the still pained Severus got down to his knees before him. “Extend your left arm out to me.” He motioned again to Lucius.

Lucius grabbed Severus's arm and pulled up the black sleeve of his robe, his nails biting painfully into his flesh. Now bare, his arm showed pale in the candlelight.

Placing his wand upon Severus's forearm Voldemort muttered an incantation that would burn the Dark Mark upon Severus’ arm forever. Falling to the floor, he blacked out from the pain the mark caused.

Albus looked at his now empty glass. He watched as Severus retrieved the memory and tucked it back into his mind.

“Albus,” Severus pulled a tattered book from his pocket. Inscribed on the cover was the name Eileen Prince. “This is my mother's diary from her last year in Hogwarts. I found it a week ago hidden in a box in the attic.” the Potions master flipped it open and exposed a picture inside it. “You know this wizard?”

Albus took the picture and stared at the face sneering up at him. “It is Thomas Riddle.” Severus nodded in confirmation. This was a younger version of the Dark Lord in his Pensieve memory.

“This wizard came to my house as a child, and murdered my mother. And I did not know why until I saw this picture and read her diary. I had only a name. These together reveal that.....”he stopped before saying either name, as if the Dark Lord himself could be called to listen. Severus could still remember his mother's words as she lay dying from a curse. Beware Tom Riddle...

“Thomas Riddle is Lord Voldemort.” Albus finished for him.

“He murdered her because she was one of the few who knew he was a Halfblood,” with both hands Severus took the sneering picture and tore it two.
