MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Never Alone by ckwright51

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I don't own anything in the Harry Potter universe. I would like Andrea (Ravensgryff) to moderate this chapter, please.

Weeks had passed since Harry and Ginny’s experience in the Mind Trap and the destruction of the final Horcrux. Winter was slowly giving way to spring: the snow on the grounds began to melt, and the Forbidden Forest was once again beginning to sprout new life. By mid-April, spring was in full bloom.

The Order was busily attempting to formulate a possible plan of attack now that Voldemort was vulnerable, but so far had had no real success. The fact that Voldemort had again gone silent, and Death Eater attacks had almost completely stopped, did not help matters. Since he was not exposing himself, or his organization, it was that much harder to plan an assault.

During these weeks, Harry had settled back into his normal routine of schoolwork, training, spending as much time with Ginny as possible, and sleep. There was, however, one new addition to his already full schedule: Each week, usually after dinner on Sunday evening, he would trek up to the Astronomy Tower, and enter a small private room. There he would meet with Percy Weasley. They would spend about an hour playing chess and chatting, sometimes about unimportant matters, other times they would discuss the war, the events of the summer, and Percy’s imprisonment by the Death Eaters.

For Harry, these encounters were not about friendship. He had never been as close to Percy as he was to the other members of the family. Harry had never understood Percy very well, and his decision to side with the Ministry, over and against his family, had made any real friendship next to impossible.

Harry was here for information: information about Voldemort, information about the plans of the Death Eaters, and information about Percy himself. Harry needed to know if he could trust Percy at all. Certainly, Percy had provided sound information over the past few months, but he had also betrayed Harry and Ron during the summer. Harry was here to see if Percy was with them in the war or not.

The last Sunday in April, Harry sat in Percy’s small flat. He’d arrived shortly after dinner and Percy had quickly let him in. “Harry, it’s wonderful that you came tonight. I was really hoping that you would come. I’ve remembered something that I heard while I was a prisoner,” Percy announced.

Harry was somewhat taken aback by Percy’s enthusiasm. He had never heard Percy laugh quite like that”although he could not honestly ever remember hearing Percy laugh. The fact that he had learned something new, however, came as no real surprise. Periodically, Percy would remember some tidbit of information”a part of a plan here, a name there. It was usually nothing terribly helpful, but Harry would listen and then diligently relay the information to Moody or McGonagall.

Tonight seemed different though. Percy seemed almost giddy”a very unPercy-like state”so Harry was more than a little intrigued. “Really, Percy? That sounds great,” Harry answered as he walked into the room.

Percy smiled broadly and walked towards the chess set on the table. He arranged the pieces and began talking. “Harry, do you know what a, erm… Horcrux is?” Percy asked. He seemed to be calming down, and settling in for a long conversation.

Harry, on the other hand, had lost all interest in the game and was now wrestling with the idea that Percy knew something about Horcruxes. “What do you know about them, Percy?” Harry questioned, trying to sound noncommittal.

“I know that they house pieces of a soul, that they are very difficult to make, and that the Dark Lord”I mean, You Know Who”has at least one of them,” Percy replied.

Harry wasn’t sure, but he thought he noticed a strained look in Percy’s eyes at the mention of Voldemort. It stands to reason though, considering all he has been through, he thought.

“So, do you want to know what I know?” Percy inquired.

Harry’s mind was racing at this point. At first he was very skeptical, since he believed he had already destroyed all the Horcruxes, but then, Luna’s words from months ago came back to him. “What if he was wrong?” Meaning what if Dumbledore was wrong in assuming there were only six Horcruxes. Harry’s curiosity was now beginning to grow. “Sure, Percy, what do you want to tell me?” He nonchalantly moved a pawn and started the game of chess.

Percy was quiet for a second, looking at the chessboard. He then moved again, but made no effort to speak. Harry was used to this, however, since this was how serious conversations went with Percy. They would talk for a minute and then Percy would be silent for several moves. Then abruptly he would begin talking again. Moody thought it was a side effect of being under the Imperius Curse for so long.

“I’ve seen it before,” he’d growled when Harry told him about it the first time it happened.

Several moves passed before Percy again spoke. “I remember sitting in my room and hearing Professor Snape talking to Wormtail about a Horcrux.” Percy moved his knight, placing Harry’s bishop in jeopardy.

Harry’s expectations were dashed. They must have been talking about the cup, since that was the only Horcrux Snape mentioned in the memory he had left for Harry. Harry remained silent, however, as he moved his bishop out of harm’s way.

Several more moves later, Percy broke his silence again. “They were talking about a Horcrux that Wormtail was supposed to be watching. One that was ‘right under the Blood Traitors’ noses.’” He moved his rook, taking one of Harry’s knights.

Harry moved again, taking the rook and placing Percy in check. It was another four moves each before Percy spoke again. “I was really surprised when I heard where it was.” Percy’s queen moved to place Harry in check.

At this point, Harry was convinced that nothing was going to come from this conversation. He was also losing the chess game, which was nothing unusual. He moved his king out of danger, and merely nodded.

“They said it was at the Burrow.” Again Percy moved his queen, placing Harry in check.

Harry didn’t notice. His mind was stuck on the idea that a Horcrux was hidden at the Burrow. “What was that?” he asked, trying to sound calm.

Percy waited for Harry to move, and then spoke again. “I heard them say that there was a Horcrux at the Burrow. They said that Ravenclaw’s tiara was there. I guess they meant Aunt Muriel’s old tiara, but we always thought it was just a tiara that my great aunt had had made.” Percy moved again, this time his rook placed Harry’s king in peril.

Harry absentmindedly moved his king again. “Do you know where it is? Where your mum would have kept it?”

Percy looked up at Harry, a small smile forming on his face, “I don’t know exactly, but we could go and try to find it. It shouldn’t be too difficult to do.” He moved his queen again. “Checkmate!”

Harry turned his king over and got up to leave. “I don’t know, Percy. Let me think about it.” He moved to the door.

“Okay, Harry, but I don’t know how long they will leave it there, it may be gone already,” Percy announced as Harry exited the room.

Twenty minutes later, Harry was sitting in the Room of Requirement with his five friends, discussing what Percy had told him.

“I don’t believe him,” Ron announced, moodily. “If there were more Horcruxes, Dumbledore would have known about it.”

Hermione slowly shook her head. “How could he have known? We assumed that Voldemort would only make six Horcruxes, in order to have a seven-part soul. I suppose he could have made a lot more since he has killed so many people.”

“But how much dividing can a soul take?” Neville inquired. “Can someone cut their soul in half forever, or will there be a point when nothing is left?”

“My dad mentioned someone…” Luna began but trailed off. She had started to act more herself in the previous weeks, but whenever she thought of or mentioned her father, she was not able to finish her thought.

“I think we are missing the larger question here. Is Percy trustworthy?” Harry quickly chimed in.

“I think he is,” Ginny responded. Ron huffed in disagreement, but she continued, “He told you about the attack on the Prime Minister and the one that would happen at Grimmauld Place. If he was working for the Death Eaters, why tell you about those?”

Ron looked redder than usual. “Ginny, I can’t believe you are so naive. He was trying to gain our trust. He gave us information in order to trick us into believing him now. He wants Harry to go to the Burrow, probably alone, so that the Death Eaters can try and attack him there.” It was clear that Ron had no intention of forgiving his older brother or trusting him in the least.

“But don’t we owe it to Mum and Dad and Percy, to give him the benefit of the doubt?” Ginny pleaded.

“No,” Ron replied. He folded his arms as if to say that should settle the question.

“Ronald, aren’t you being a little harsh?” Luna interjected.

Ron looked exasperated. “Am I the only one who doesn’t trust that foul prat?”

“Well, I don’t trust him, but I don’t see how we can ignore what he’s saying,” Hermione stated, giving Ron a reassuring nod.

Harry continued to think for moment. The room was silent, Ginny and Ron both looking angrily towards each other. Finally, Harry spoke, “I think we should go to the Burrow. If it’s a trap, it may be a chance to confront Voldemort once and for all.”

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Ginny asked, her eyes growing wide at Harry’s words.

“No, but I think I am, and we have to find him before he starts attacking again. The sooner we end this, the better,” Harry responded, placing his hand on Ginny’s shoulder.

Hermione looked nervous as she spoke, “We should tell the Order. They can come and provide backup for us.”

Harry seemed to mull this over, but it was Ron who spoke first. “I think we should go by ourselves; we can make a search more effectively if we don’t have twenty people running around the house.”

Hermione began to protest but Harry cut her off. “We will tell them and we’ll have an open Floo to them here, in case of trouble. We need to talk to Bill anyway and find out if the Burrow’s wards are still functioning. If not, he will need to reset them so no one can Apparate in and surprise us.”

Ginny shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “What do we tell Percy?”

“Nothing!” Ron stated flatly.

Hermione then spoke up, “What if we told him that we are going on Sunday, then actually went on Saturday. If he isn’t to be trusted, that may throw off the plan, I think.”

“That makes sense,” Harry agreed.

The meeting broke up and they all rose to leave. Harry and Hermione left to talk with McGonagall, to tell her what they wanted to do. Ron and Ginny sulked all the way back to Gryffindor Tower, neither willing to speak to the other. Luna went to Ravenclaw Tower, and Neville headed to the library, where Parvati was waiting for him, for a date. Harry was certain Neville was very late, but he had refused to leave the meeting early, realizing this was more important.

Saturday morning, Harry and the others gathered in the Headmistress’s office. The plan was for them to Floo to the Burrow, search the house, and return. McGonagall and the rest of the Order had refused to allow them to go without some backup present, so it was agreed that Moody, Bill, Fleur and Hagrid would go before. Harry had been dubious of that idea, not willing to endanger more of his friends than he already had, but McGonagall was adamant.

At ten in the morning, they Flooed to the Burrow. The six young people gathered around the living room. Harry looked around and could tell that the house had not been lived in for some time: cobwebs had gathered in the corners and a thick layer of dust could be seen on all the surfaces. They heard a loud thud above them that made them all jump. “Must be the old ghoul in the attic,” Ron surmised.

“So, where do we start?” Neville inquired, clearly nervous.

“When I told Percy that I was going, he said that he thought Wormtail said something about it being on the ground floor,” Harry explained.

“How would Wormtail know anything about it?” Ron questioned.

“I think that he came here to keep an eye on the Horcrux,” Hermione explained. “That’s how he ended up with the family in the first place.”

“Let’s split up. Ron and Hermione take the second and third stories. Ginny and I will search the ground floor, and Neville, you and Luna take the attic and the fourth floor. If you find anything, don’t touch it,” Harry remarked, shooting a glance at Ginny. She smiled slightly in response.

The group split up and searched the house. An hour later, they met up in the living room, by the fireplace. “Nothing!” Ron huffed, disappointment evident on his face. “I was hoping that…” he fell silent in frustration.

Harry, too, was frustrated by the whole affair. “Do we search the grounds?” Just as he finished speaking, his scar felt as if a red-hot dagger had been thrust into it. He fell to his knees, reinforcing his already raised mental walls.

“Harry!” Ginny shouted, and was at his side at once. The rest of the group immediately grabbed their wands and formed a protective circle around their fallen friend.

“He’s here,” Harry croaked. “Open the Floo and get the Order here.” He stood again, his mental shield holding off any further attacks. He felt the combined mental and magical strength of his friends begin to surge through him, and he quickly recovered.

Luna moved to the fireplace while the others went to the front door. They opened it slightly, and noticed that what was once a bright and sunny day had become a thick-rolling foggy day. “Dementors?” Neville asked, a slight shake in his voice.

“I don’t think so,” Harry replied. “All of you transform and try to find a place to hide.”

“HARRY?” came a high-pitched shrill voice from just beyond Mr. Weasley’s shed. “Come out, come out wherever you are.”

“Go; this is it!” Harry barked and his friends all became their Animagus forms. They moved out of the house silently”all except Neville, who stayed in the house watching since he could not blend in as a bear. Harry then stepped out of the house. He walked towards the shed, wand at the ready, reinforcing his mental walls as much as he could. He could tell where all his friends were but he had no idea where the Order members had been hiding; he hoped they were all right.

He was halfway to the shed when Voldemort himself stepped out from behind it. “So nice of you to come, Harry. Did you miss me? I see that pitiful excuse for a wizard, Weasley, actually got it right this time.”

Harry’s eyes went wide as he realized that Percy had indeed betrayed them, but he couldn’t dwell on that; instead, he immediately attacked Voldemort’s mind. As he did so, he heard the front door of the Burrow slam open, announcing the arrival of the Order. He locked eyes with Voldemort and the war of wills between them was on.

Harry slammed away at Voldemort’s mental defenses, attempting to pour good memories and thoughts into his mind. Voldemort countered with images of death and destruction. An odd pair, they battled in the middle of the Weasleys’ front yard as a battle between a dozen members of the Order and more than fifty Death Eaters erupted all around them.

Harry was only vaguely aware of the spells that were hurtling back and forth on all sides. He could tell that none of his friends had been injured, but knew nothing of the others. However, he also realized that he could not allow anything to distract him from this final confrontation.

Images of Sirius falling through the veil filled his mind, and he felt his heart sink. He countered with the memory of Sirius suggesting Harry live with him, and the feelings that brought him. His strength returned somewhat and Voldemort seemed to waiver.

Harry’s mother lying dead on the floor.

Lily sacrificing herself for him out of love.

Dumbledore falling from the Astronomy Tower.

The pride that lighted Dumbledore’s face when Harry emerged from the lake with both Ron and Gabrielle.

On and on it went for what felt like hours. In truth it was only minutes. Image after image bombarded Harry’s mind, and with each new attack, an image of a happy memory would counter the blow.

A scream from Harry’s left caused him to let his guard down for a brief instant and Voldemort attempted to take advantage. He sent an image of Ginny lying dead in the chamber at Harry. Harry almost succumbed to the sorrow of that image, but it was a mistake on Voldemort’s part. He had used that image before, and Harry had countered it. Harry recovered and fired back with the image of Ginny telling him he was worth it, and all the joy that this thought brought.

Voldemort staggered backwards as if he had been hit in the chest. Harry pressed his advantage, sending images of Ron and Hermione after they had gotten engaged; the look on Ron’s face when he found out that Hermione’s Patronus had changed to match his; the feeling of pride that welled up in him when Ron refused an offer to try out for the English Quidditch team, choosing to help him instead.

Blow after blow came from Harry, striking at Voldemort’s mind. Harry could sense him weakening. Finally, as he remembered Ginny’s face the first time they kissed, he felt something snapping in Voldemort’s mind.

“ARRRGGHHHH!” Voldemort screamed and collapsed in the yard.

Harry nearly fell as well, feeling the weight of the energy he had just expended. He did not allow himself to collapse. He began to quickly scan the area for Death Eaters who would attack. He noticed something that he did not expect at all. Many of the Death Eaters had stopped fighting. Some, upon Voldemort’s collapse, simply threw down their wands. Others walked disoriented, staggering around, not knowing what to do.

Harry watched as four Death Eaters seemed unaffected by Voldemort’s fall. Three started to race away from the battle. They had their backs to Harry, so he couldn’t see their faces, but the long blond hair of Lucius Malfoy was unmistakable. The fourth Death Eater ran behind them. He fired a Stunner at the group of three, but missed, having been hit in the back by a Cutting Curse from an Order member several yards behind. The last Death Eater fell to the ground in pain, with a shout. His black hood and mask lost their place, exposing a mass of greasy black hair.

Lucius Malfoy quickly turned and looked at the fallen form of Severus Snape lying in the grass. He raised his wand and fired a stream of green light. Without checking to see if his spell had hit the target, he spun and ran to the point where the other two Death Eaters had already Disapparated, and he was gone.

Harry reacted instantly. “ACCIO SNAPE!” he shouted. Snape’s body immediately rose and flew toward Harry, as the curse struck the ground less than a second after he moved. Harry realized his problem instantly: He now had an adult hurtling at him from several metres away.

Snape collided with Harry and they both tumbled head over heels into the grass. Harry rose first, trying to catch his breath while Snape continued to lay there. Finally, Harry’s head cleared and he looked down at the former Potions master, who was beginning to stir.

Snape looked up and saw Harry standing over him. A great sneer of displeasure crossed his face. “I suppose you are waiting for my gratitude,” he growled as he hauled himself to a standing position.

Harry stood, defiantly smiling back at him. “No, Professor, I am not expecting a thank you. I just did what my Father would have done.”

Snape seemed to be repulsed by Harry’s words, and for a split second Harry thought he might lash out, but instead, he continued to sneer menacingly. “So, the Aurors believe me to be a murderer. You obviously got the memory I left so conveniently for you, and thus know that I am not.”

Harry’s smile broke and he glared at Snape. “Lots of bloody good that did. We had already found that Horcrux.” He turned to go and noticed a roll of parchment lying on the ground. He immediately recognized the handwriting on the seal to be Professor Dumbledore’s. He reached down and took it just as the Aurors began to arrive.

“What’s this, Snape!” Harry snapped as he turned back to the former professor.

Snape’s face remained unchanged, although Harry noticed him flush just a little. “That is a note, written by Albus Dumbledore, declaring my innocence in his murder. It explains that we had always planned the little show you witnessed on the Astronomy Tower, so that I could solidify my place at the Dark Lord’s side.”

Harry was dumbstruck by this news, and he made to open the letter.

“If you open that, Potter, it will no longer be any good to me. You see, if the seal is broken, then the Aurors will naturally assume I forged the letter using another correspondence that Dumbledore sent me.”

Harry stopped. “Tell me everything, and quickly,” he growled.

“Professor Dumbledore was dying from an injury he had sustained in collecting a certain ring. I was able to brew a potion that, for a time, delayed his death. The only side effect was the death of his right arm, which is why it was black and shriveled all last year. We both knew it was only a temporary solution, so we devised our little show, to make the Dark Lord think I was completely on his side.

The Aurors were now approaching, as were members of the Order, and Harry continued to finger the roll of parchment. He didn’t want to believe it was true. He wanted to hate Snape for killing Dumbledore, but in his heart he knew that everything Snape was telling him was true. He let out a long sigh as three Aurors grabbed Snape around the shoulders.

“It seems, Potter, that my life is in your hands.” Snape spoke with little emotion and simply glared at Harry.

Harry looked around him and then slowly handed the parchment to the Auror who was covering Snape with his wand. “Read this, it proves Snape is innocent.” He then turned away and began to walk slowly toward the others.

More Aurors arrived at the scene and began rounding up men and women in black hoods. No one gave any resistance. It seemed to Harry that with their connection to Voldemort severed, they had lost the will to fight; Abe’s words about the connection of fear that Voldemort had over his followers finally made sense. Harry understood that those who followed him”his friends and the Order”would have continued to fight, even if he had fallen, because of their love for him. Not so with the Death Eaters. They had given up.

There was no joy to fill Harry’s heart and mind as he walked over to where Voldemort lay. The snakelike eyes were closed, and his chest rose and fell, so Harry knew that he was not dead. He also knew that Tom was defeated, but something in the back of his mind would not let him enjoy it.

Members of the Order and Ministry Aurors began to gather around Harry, and jubilation broke out throughout the yard.

Ministry medical teams arrived at the scene and began to see to the wounded. Harry glanced around, looking for his friends and other Order members. He saw Neville sitting by a tree, a long gash on his right arm, gushing blood. Luna sat beside him, holding a piece of torn fabric against his bloodied arm. She had a black eye that was already swollen to almost closed.

Ginny raced up to Harry and engulfed him in a huge hug. “You did it!” she shouted, and then kissed him fiercely.

“We did it,” Harry responded, trying to match her enthusiasm, and failing. He looked around and noticed for the first time a frantic Ron running from the side of the house.

“HARRY!!” Ron shouted. “Come quick!”

Harry panicked as he ran to meet up with his friend. He realized that he had not seen Hermione. No, not now, not after all this!

They arrived at the side of the house, and Harry’s heart sank to below his knees. He saw Hermione, her arm twisted awkwardly at the elbow, leaning against the large unmoving form of Hagrid.

Within half an hour, the injured had been taken, either to St Mungo’s or back to Hogwarts for treatment. Hagrid was taken to Hogwarts for preparations for his burial, and the dead Death Eaters were removed as well. Harry didn’t know, nor did he care, where they were taken.

Arriving back at the school just after lunch, Harry, followed by Ron, Charlie, the twins and Ginny, marched up to Percy’s room. Harry, along with the others, was seething. He knew that Percy had sold them out to Voldemort, just has Wormtail had years ago.

Anger and hurt radiated from the Weasleys as they followed Harry down the halls. He had never felt such strong anger from Ron, not even towards Draco Malfoy. Ginny’s feelings, too, were filled with anger, but it was tempered somewhat by an overwhelming sense of hurt, that her older brother could do what he clearly had done.

Harry reached the door; it was locked. He pounded the door. “LET US IN, PERCY; YOUR LITTLE SCHEME DIDN’T WORK!”

There was still no answer. After several more attempts to elicit some response from Percy, Charlie had had enough. He pushed the others aside and, with all his might, kicked the door.

Harry couldn’t believe his eyes; Charlie literally kicked the heavy wooden door off its hinges, and it clattered to the floor, sliding several metres before coming to rest in the middle of the room.

They found Percy staring out the window, seemingly oblivious to their presence. Charlie, Fred and George charged in and Harry was quite sure they intended to beat a confession out of him. Harry, however, had no desire to see this. “STOP!” he shouted.

He had said it with such authority and command that all three Weasleys stopped in their tracks. They looked at Harry, bewilderment clear in their eyes. “We need to hear his side of this,” Harry said in a softer tone. He didn’t really understand why he was being so levelheaded about all this. He was ready to pound Percy too, but something inside him said that Dumbledore would want to hear from Percy, and so he wanted to hear why Percy did what he did.

The others stepped back and Harry approached Percy, who still had not responded to their appearance. “Percy,” Harry said in a clear voice that was neither hostile nor forgiving. “Why did you betray us?”

Percy finally turned, a small smile on his face. He looked deathly pale and it seemed all the life had been removed from his eyes. “Do you really need to ask me that, Harry? You of all people should be the last to have to ask that.” Percy stood and faced Harry for the first time.

Harry was confused by his response, but did not reply. He continued to stare, wand in hand, ready for anything.

“Well, perhaps you aren’t as brilliant as everyone seems to think you are. Let me explain,” continued Percy with an odd expression on his face. “All my life I have been searching for a way out of this life”this life of misery in a family with no money, no power, and a father who had no intention of changing that. He wanted to play with Muggle things and foster better respect for Muggles in our world while his family wallowed in the filth of poverty and disrespect.

“I began to see it even at Hogwarts, although I didn’t understand it at the time. I became a Prefect and finally earned some respect. Then I was Head Boy and my path was clear. I would pull my family out of the pitiful hole they had so nobly dug for themselves. I would be the Weasley who made something of himself.

“But as soon as I started at the Ministry, it was clear that no one in the family cared for what I was trying to do for them. They only wanted to continue on, living in squalor. All my attempts to raise the family out of the muck, to try and make us less of a laughingstock, were met with derision. Jokes from Fred and George, disrespect from Ron and Ginny…”

At this point, Percy began to pace the room and seemed to grow more agitated. “I guess it was at the World Cup that I first realized what was holding me back. Why I couldn’t get my family to see how much I was doing for them. That night, when I was doing my level best to present a positive image to the Ministry, so the name Weasley would no longer be laughed at, who got the Minister’s undivided attention? None other than Harry Potter”a boy who, just like my family, had no ambition; who had earned no respect; who had done nothing for his celebrity.

“All I wanted to do was to help my family, but when it came to a choice between me or you, Harry, you were the one they chose.”

Ron stepped up and started pointing his finger at Percy. “It was about you choosing to side with those liars at the Ministry over your family, not about us choosing Harry!”

Percy nodded towards Ron, but never took his eyes off of Harry. “You see, Harry. Even now when I have made it so clear, Ron still doesn’t understand. I realized, after I wrote Ron, trying to look out for his best interest, that my family was no longer mine, but yours; so yes, I sided with the Ministry.”

Ron growled in disgust. Ginny seemed on the edge of tears; Charlie and the twins looked ready to curse Percy through the window. Harry remained trying to hold a placid expression; his head was pounding, but he was determined to hear Percy out. He had seen Dumbledore do things like this and he wanted desperately to remain calm. He was hoping there may be a way to make Percy understand he was wrong.

Percy continued, “Then, when we got a new Minister, and a new idea about fighting the war and trying to get you on our side of things, I thought it was a brilliant plan. So I invited Minister Scrimgeour to Christmas dinner and he was able to talk to you. Of course, you had no time to help the Ministry.

“The longer I thought about it, the more I realized that the Ministry was mistaken to even invite you to its side. Then Dumbledore died, and instead of rallying around the Ministry, you still refused. ‘Dumbledore’s man through and through,’ I think Minister Scrimgeour said. I had advised him against that second encounter. I realized that you were far too arrogant to join forces with the Ministry.

“But I also realized that the Ministry was desperate to have you,” Percy sneered on the last word, “on board, and I finally understood. Not only had you taken away my family, but now the Ministry as well. There was only one place to turn. One place that I could find true respect and power, with no Harry Potter there to muck it all up.

“So I attempted to make contact with the Dark Lord. He accepted me, after a time. He sent me here, to gain your trust. After a time, I was to send you to the Burrow. Of course I had no means of contacting him so he placed watchmen there to inform him of your arrival. I assume that since you are still alive, that the Dark Lord is no more.” Percy stopped pacing and was again staring out the window. His speech was over.

Ginny gasped and even Ron blanched. Harry was stunned. He had believed, or hoped, that Percy was manipulated into all this. He couldn’t believe Percy would voluntarily do this, but he had.

Charlie was the first to speak. “Percy, you just confessed to being a supporter of You Know Who. They’ll put in you Azkaban for this.”

Percy let out a small strangled laugh, “Oh, I don’t think so. The Dark Lord didn’t trust me at first, so when he allowed me to join him, and we developed this plan, he placed a curse on me. If he was defeated, or if I betrayed him, then I would die. Obviously, the former has occurred or you would not be here, Harry. I imagine death will come soon. Now if you don’t mind, I will wait for my death. You may go.”

Harry turned to go and was met with the sight of Arthur Weasley standing in the doorway. Tears streamed down his face; it was clear he had heard the entire confession from Percy. Standing behind him were two men Harry didn’t recognize.

Mr. Weasley looked stricken as he whispered, “Okay.” The two men marched into the room and took Percy into custody. He would be sent to the Ministry of Magic and held with the rest of the Death Eaters pending his trial.

An hour later, Harry was sitting in the Hospital Wing, numb with grief over the loss of his oldest friend, and with a massive headache that no potion seemed to be able to cure.

Most of the injured had been taken to St Mungo’s for treatment, but Hermione, Luna, Harry and Neville were allowed to return to Hogwarts to be treated. Madam Pomfrey entered the wing, and walked over to Hermione’s bed. “Miss Granger, you had a dislocated shoulder and a compound fracture of your left arm. The damage was not so severe that I could not take care of it, but you will probably be sore for the next couple of days.”

“Thank you, Madam Pomfrey,” Hermione whispered. Harry could tell she was barely holding back her tears. She was leaning against Ron, who looked pale and exhausted.

“It is my pleasure, Miss Granger, now try and get some rest,” she replied sympathetically. She then scuttled off to Neville’s bed. “Mr. Longbottom, that was a deep gash you had. In fact, if Miss Lovegood hadn’t acted so quickly healing it, I’m afraid you could have ended up in much worse shape. As it is, you will have a nasty scar, but the damage has been repaired.”

Harry could hear soft sobs coming from Hermione’s bed as she and Ron held each other. Several minutes later, Remus came limping in.

“Remus, how’s Tonks?” Harry asked quietly. He noticed Ron and Hermione look up at the question.

“She is going to be all right. She got hit with a pretty powerful Bludgeoning Curse. The Healers didn’t know how long it would take her to regain consciousness, but she has already. She will be in the Hospital a few more days, but then she should be as good as new.

“Ginny asked me to tell you that she will be back as soon as she’s found out if Fleur will be all right,” Remus continued.

“What happened to her?” Ron questioned.

“You didn’t know?” Remus seemed surprised but went on, “Fenrir attacked her. Bill was able to pull him off, and eventually killed him, but he mauled her pretty good. The Healers weren’t sure if they could save her arm. When I left, however, they told me that it was not as bad as they had originally thought, and since she is part Veela, she’s a lot tougher then she looks.” Remus smiled at this last statement. “Other than you lot, Hagrid, everyone else came through the battle with only minor cuts and bruises. I was shocked when Severus started fighting on our side, but he did. He got five Death Eaters from behind just as we started fighting. He was a big help. He’s being held separately from the Death Eaters but it looks like the Ministry will release him.”

This fact was some consolation for Harry, but at the moment, not very much. He had yet another funeral, yet another loss to suffer. He wondered if it was all worth it. His thoughts then turned back to Ginny as he felt her reentering the school. The warmth of her mind comforted him, and his head began to stop hurting so much. He knew that there was still a great deal of mourning to do”the school would have to be told about Hagrid.

Remus got up to leave when Harry thought of a question he needed to ask. “Remus, what have they done with Voldemort?”

“Oh, he’s been taken to a secured wing of the Ministry of Magic. If he ever regains consciousness, he will be tried and probably sent through the veil,” Remus answered. “I’ll see you lot later.”

By that evening, everyone had been told about Percy and Hagrid. The Weasleys suffered greatly over the arrest of Percy; even the twins seemed out of sorts over it. The school was notified at dinner about Hagrid’s death. Harry had never heard the Great Hall so silent. This was the third time that a death was announced to the student body. Harry thought they might be getting used to it, but still a shocked silence rained that evening.

After dinner Hermione and Ron were walking in front of Harry and Ginny, when Hermione suddenly stopped and turned to Harry. “Harry, we have to tell Grawp!”

“Hermione, you need to rest, it can wait till morning, can’t it?” Ron said.

Hermione shook her head sadly. “No, Ron, if it were us, we would want to know as soon as possible. He deserves to know what happened.”

Harry could tell by Hermione’s look that she was not backing down. “All right, Hermione, let’s go.” Hermione hugged Ron and Harry kissed Ginny. Then they both left for the Forbidden Forest to see a small giant who lived there.

It took them the better part of an hour to find their way through the forest. Harry thought that the woods, normally teaming with life, seemed far too silent”almost as if the forest knew the great Hogwarts gamekeeper was gone. Finally, they found Grawp at the edge of the clearing he had created by uprooting trees. Cautiously they approached the giant, who was amusing himself by batting a large rock into the air with the trunk of a young, freshly uprooted pine. Although he now lived in the cave the Sirius had used as a hideout, whenever Hagrid left the school grounds, Grawp would stay in the clearing that used to be his home. Hagrid had always said it was so Grawp could see him as soon as he returned. Grawp turned at their approach.

“Hermy!” he shouted excitedly. “Hermy not come to see Grawp in long time. Hermy is good?”

Hermione instinctively stepped back but tried not to seem frightened as the twenty-foot-tall giant looked at her.

“Hermy seems sad,” Grawp announced. “What’s matter, Hermy?”

Hermione was unable to speak, as the emotions of the day again began to overwhelm her. Harry quickly stepped in. “Hi, Grawp, do you remember me? I am a friend of Hagrid’s.”

Grawp’s face contorted as if he was trying to think. After a few seconds, he spoke again, “Hagger not come to see Grawp today. Hermy, where Hagger?”

Hermione broke down at this point and Harry again spoke, “Hagrid is erm, gone, Grawp.” Tears now filled Harry’s eyes as well, although he refused to shed them.

“When he be back?”

“He won’t be, he’s”dead, Grawp. He died today.” A small tear trickled down Harry’s right cheek.

It took a minute for Grawp to figure out what Harry was saying. When he did he let out a yell that could be heard throughout the forest. Harry and Hermione both felt awful for Grawp. For their own safety, they moved back into the forest while Grawp mourned the loss of his Hagger.

An hour later, the sun was quickly beginning to set. Grawp finally expended all his energy and collapsed on the ground. Harry was certain the giant was sobbing. He and Hermione cautiously approached. “Grawp?” Hermione said.

Grawp looked up, tear streaks the width of car tires showing on his cheeks. “Hermy, what is Grawp going to do?”

“I don’t know, Grawp, but we’ll think of something,” Hermione responded.

As twilight turned to dusk, Grawp lay on his stomach, small sobs escaping from his massive body. Hermione on one side, and Harry on the other, each placed a comforting hand on his shoulders. We’ll think of something, Harry thought. We’ll take care of you.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this marathon chapter. Many thanks to my prebetas Kerry bear and Cableguysmom. A major thank you goes to Ginny Guerra and JenC for hacking their way through this and making look and sound good. Thanks ladies I couldn’t do this with out you!

Up next, we see the aftermath of this confrontation with Voldemort, and a long term relationship finally falls apart.