MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Werewolf Prank by capella_black

Summary: There are two sides to every story. See the events of the infamous werewolf prank as they unfold through the eyes of both Sirius Black and Severus Snape.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Marauder Era
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 11 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 37532 Viewcount: 30765
Published on: 11/01/06 Updated On: 03/02/07

1. Chapter One: Detention with Pomona by capella_black [ - ] (5565 words)
Several weeks ago, I had the idea to try and tell the story of the infamous "werewolf prank" from Sirius Black's point of view. I invited renowned Snape-ologist zgirnius (from CoS Forums) to join me in telling the same story from Severus's point of view. Together we hashed out a version of events that we hope does justice to both characters and stays true to canon. We plan to have four chapters, each written from both Sirius's POV (by capella_black) and Severus's (by zgirnius).

The Potterverse and the wonderful characters in it are the creations of the talented J. K. Rowling. We are merely borrowing them to have a bit of fun. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it!

Whether or not you do, please let us know what you thought on our feedback thread. Your comments, criticisms, and compliments are all welcome! :D

2. Chapter Two: Rising to the Bait (Severus) by capella_black [ - ] (3873 words)
A/N--Go grab a hot drink and curl up somewhere cozy, because this chapter is Long! In a good way, we hope. :D

Mr. Snape is up first this time. Since the chapters are so large, Mr. Black will follow in a separate post.

3. Chapter Two: Rising to the Bait (Sirius) by capella_black [ - ] (3428 words)
In case you're wondering, in this story Sirius has not yet run away from home to live with the Potters.
4. Chapter Three: The Rescue (Severus) by capella_black [ - ] (2938 words)

5. Chapter Three: The Rescue (Sirius) by capella_black [ - ] (1763 words)
We left Sirius in his room, right after James had run out on him ...

6. Chapter Four: The Aftermath (Sirius) by capella_black [ - ] (1829 words)
Look, we’re updating in a timely fashion! :D

We had originally planned to make Chapter Four the last chapter, but it was getting entirely too long, so we split it in half. The good news is that the next part is nearly done too and will probably be up in a couple days. The even better news is that we were having so much fun with this story we decided to do a bonus chapter.

7. Chapter Four: The Aftermath (Severus) by capella_black [ - ] (1831 words)

8. Chapter Five: The Reckoning (Severus) by capella_black [ - ] (3497 words)

9. Chapter Five: The Reckoning (Sirius) by capella_black [ - ] (3405 words)

10. Chapter Six: The Morning After (Sirius) by capella_black [ - ] (4165 words)
Alright folks, this is it. The final chapter.
11. Chapter Six: The Morning After (Severus) by capella_black [ - ] (5238 words)