MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

They Shook His Hand with a Clenched Fist by FullofLife

Summary: The thing about humans is – they will always, always be human. When a certain young man does the unthinkable and changes sides in the midst of terror and war, his new “friends” and “comrades” just cannot trust him completely. In the end, that lack of trust turns an already horrible part of war, into a tragedy.

Draco Malfoy One-Shot

Nominated in the 2007 QSQ's for Best Dark/Angsty Fic
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 1912 Viewcount: 1514
Published on: 07/16/07 Updated On: 07/19/07

1. They Shook His Hand with a Clenched Fist by FullofLife [ - ] (1912 words)
A great big thank you to Snapes_secret (aka Snape's Talon), who beta-ed this story wonderfully. :)