Wine-dark eyes cloud a sunless face,
And summer is shunned as evening settles soft.
The blunder of traffic from crossed roads
Is numbed by the night fall and thins to a whisper.
Within the heart a shadow has fallen,
Creating a curtain to cover what lies beneath.
In pale fingers twists an image of youth
And beauty that burns with a resonance bravely bold.
Candlelight rushes to dispel the gloom
only to be engulfed by diligent sorrow.
All is changed by an act of personal violence,
Something still valued culled before its time.
This death has come, but not on its own terms,
And from this failure is born a faithful fealty.
The dying thoughts of a beloved take flight,
And with broken wing find a perfect home.
The masterpiece is finished and offers the glory of protection,
But the wine-dark eyes see only loss, and weep.
January 29th