MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

A Day in the Life by Ginger Hair

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The weekend went surprisingly well for both groups of wizards and witches in training, seeing as half of them were in the wrong time. Mostly they sat around reading books or in other cases went out onto the Quidditch pitch for a go on the broomsticks. Except for Saturday, when they began to make that cure we were talking about before. Other then that, it was quite normal. We’ll start with a look on how Lily and James are doing in the present time.

Monday morning dawned cold and grey, slightly comparable to Draco Malfoy’s eyes. Hermione and Ron were already in the common room waiting for the other two to come down. Ron’s blue eyes were focused on the fireplace, watching the flames dance around it. As for Hermione, her head was buried in a book as always. At that very moment, another student with flaming red hair came ambling down the stairs that led to the girls’ dormitories, Lily of course.

Ron shot half a glance at Hermione as she walked in and quickly averted his eyes from hers. After Lily and James’ little row on Friday night well, let’s just say it ended with a right little argument in the boys’ dorms that resulted in James’ head getting turned into a kumquat. But enough about that. Madam Promfrey cleared it up in a few minutes anyway.

Lily gave her piercing glare before sliding into the best seat in the house, right in front of the fire. She chanced a glance at the other two and her eyes settled on Ron. “What’s the matter Ronniekins, never seen your sister sit down before?”

Ron smirked lightly. “Not there.” He gestured to the chair Lily was seated in. “Ginny’s never been brave enough to sit there.” Hermione watched the conversation progress and rolled her chocolate eyes to the ceiling.

“You two could really be related,” she muttered. “They way you act.”

Ron opened his mouth to retaliate but at that exact moment a boy with messy black hair emerged from his slumber in the boys’ dorms. His eyes scanned the room quickly and noticed the others gathered by the fire. Oddly enough, James’ head still seemed a bit misshapen as he skidded to a halt in front of them. “Ron, Hermione, Evans,” he muttered as he caught eyes with Lily for a brief second before turning away.

“What’s wrong Jamie? Want your head transfigured again?” Lily stood up and gripped her wand tightly as they locked eyes. Electricity seemed to issue from both sets of orbs as Ron stepped between the two.

“Harry, Ginny stop,” he replied annoyed. “You guys never fight.” Lily huffed something under his breath as she pocketed her wand and James backed away rubbing his glasses clean.

“Fine. Anyways, what’s the schedule?” James asked.

“Well,” Hermione said standing up and putting the book down on the table. “You’re coming with us to History of Magic, Charms, and Double Potions and Lily’s going with them.” She pointed to a group of fifth years near the door.

“Okay,” Lily murmured as she stalked off to the fifth years with a sly smirk plastered on her face. It seemed like an odd sort of smirk, like she was planning something.


Sirius sat in the common room with Remus as they waited for Ginny and Harry to make their appearance. After their little fight on Friday night, they had been in their separate dormitories. Ginny slowly emerged from the girls’ dorms and glanced around the room momentarily making sure Harry wasn’t there yet. After the fight, Sirius had to push her out of the boy’s dormitories to get her out of the way, and now she was a bit cross with him and Harry. She sighed as she took the seat in front of the fire. Hey, why not? She thought. It’s not like it’s actually me.

“Lily,” Remus greeted her as he ambled over to her chair and sat on the arm of it. Ginny nodded absentmindedly. Her thoughts were definitely somewhere else at the moment.

“Hey, Evans, are you still mad about Friday night?” Sirius teased as he slid onto the carpet in front of them. Ginny opened her mouth to reply, but at that very moment, Harry came running down the stairs and slid to a stop in front of them. The tips of his jet black bangs seemed to be singed.

Ginny laughed. “I guess you found my little surprise, huh?” Harry glared at her and mouthed what she said repeatedly. He was thoroughly annoyed.

“Yeah, I seemed to notice when that ruddy cat started breathing fire at me.” Sirius had an appalled look on his face, but Remus was laughing right alongside Ginny.

“Serves him right anyway. Nice use of the Fire Charm in Transfiguration, Evans.” Remus murmured. Ginny nodded as she fell off of the chair from laughter.

Sirius rolled his eyes as he patted Harry’s head to make the hair look more normal. “Great Hall, then?” he asked as he nudged Remus to make him stop laughing.

“Nah, try these instead.” Ginny piped up as she took out some yellow cakes. Harry recognized them at once as Fred and George’s Canary Creams and looked at them reluctantly. Ginny groaned as she caught his glance and took a cake out of the pile and unwrapped it. She popped it into her mouth and absolutely nothing happened. “See, they’re fine.” So the three boys each took a cake and began to eat.

Once the cakes were gone, they were about to set off to Transfiguration class, but then something rather odd happened. Sirius burped. Yes he burped, but that’s not all that happened. Instantly, he burst into a huge yellow canary. Ginny looked rather pleased with herself as Remus glanced from the bird to Ginny and back again. Harry was currently rolling around on the floor with laughter. “Oh, come off it. It wasn’t that funny,” Sirius remarked as he tried to grasp his wand with his newly formed wings. After about ten minutes of dropping the wand on the floor repeatedly, Ginny took pity on him and changed him back.

“Come on you three. It’s transfiguration next.” She had a broad grin on her face, and no one knew if it would ever fade away.


The morning had gone all right considering James kept asking whose children the students were in every single class. Ron and Hermione tried to keep him to a dull roar and everybody seemed to think it all had something to do with his previous head injury. So after lunch in the Great Hall with Lily, Ron led the other two to the dungeons for their Double Potions lesson.

The room was just a dully lit and gloomy as ever as Hermione walked over to their normal table in the back of the room. Ron and Hermione took their usual seats with James in between the two of them. They exchanged nervous glances with each other before Snape walked into the room. Yes, the same Greasy haired abnormally large nosed Snape James knew as a child although he was now an adult. James let out a low gasp and started laughing into his robe sleeve uncontrollably.

Snape’s head whipped around to face him. “Mr. Potter is there something wrong?”

“Just the fact that you are a teacher makes me kind of lightheaded, Snivellus.” James replied slyly. Hermione buried her head in her hands and Ron started staring blankly at the blackboard. Harry would never insult Snape the way his father just had and everybody knew it. All eyes were on James and he could feel them boring into his face as he stared determinedly at Snape.

“Ten points from Gryffindor,” Snape said simply. Groaning could be heard throughout the room from the annoyed Gryffindors, but you could also hear the satisfied hissing of the Slytherins, especially one Draco Malfoy. Then Snape walked over to James and put his face so close to James’ that their noses were almost touching. “I told you never to mention that Potter.”

James managed to control himself for the rest of the class and contented himself with muttering everything Snape said under his breath three seconds after he said it, much to the enjoyment of his fellow Gryffindors. However, at the end of class, a blond haired grey eyed boy stood in his path so that he couldn’t reach the door.

“Move,” James said coldly.

“No, Potter. You know better then to insult our House Head and get away with it,” Draco sneered as Crabbe and Goyle joined him at the door.

Ron grasped James’ shoulders so he wouldn’t go crazy and throw a punch like he was most likely to do. Hermione sighed as she walked right up to Draco and muttered “The Amazing bouncing ferret.” At that moment they’d all forgotten about being magic and having wands. They resorted to muggle fighting.

He’d had it Draco’s hands balled into fists and he plowed his fist at Hermione’s bushy brown head. Ron immediately let go of James so he could block Malfoy’s hit and James plowed his own fist into Draco’s head, which started to bleed profusely.

As Snape walked onto the scene, Draco was being held back by Ron who was locked in a headlock by Goyle. Crabbe had Hermione by the arms and she was screaming her head off. James was just about to slam Malfoy in the nose when Snape yelled. “Silence! Fifty points from Gryffindor and you three receive detention.” He pointed at Ron, Hermione and James. Then he walked out.

“You deserve it.” Malfoy panted as Ron let go of him. In turn Goyle let go of Ron.

“It was worth it.” James replied as he straightened his glasses that were now hanging by one ear.

Crabbe let go of Hermione who whipped out her wand, but thought better and pocketed it again. The two groups just stared at each other momentarily before James walked through the chain of Slytherins with Ron and Hermione at his heels.


As Harry, Ginny, Remus, and the normal human version of Sirius walked into the Transfiguration classroom, Harry almost fell over in shock. He knew that Dumbledore would still be the headmaster but he had completely forgotten about McGonagall being the Transfiguration professor. She looked almost the same, but her now naturally brown hair was worn down, and her eyes seemed to have a slight mischievious glint in them.

Ginny had to hold Harry steady, which was quite a challenge, since he weighed more then she did. Sirius barked-er- laughed and helped her get him back on his feet. Ginny and Harry took seats in the table behind Sirius and Remus. The other two turned around and craned their necks to talk to the others. They must have been early, for they were the only ones in the room at the time. I spoke to soon. At that very moment a group of Slytherin seventh years piled into the room, including one greasy haired abnormally large nosed teenager named Severus Snape.

“Snivellus.” Harry murmured. Then Snape walked through the classroom to a seat in the very front of the room. Sirius and Remus exchanged excited glances while Ginny stared curiously at the teenage Snape and Back at Harry.

“Is that Snape?” she asked in awe.

“No, that Snivellus,” Sirius corrected her with a nod. “Yeah it’s Snape.” There seemed to be an odd crackling of electricity coming from the three boys’ eyes at the moment because Ginny snapped her fingers in front of each set of brown eyes and none of them blinked at all. She rolled her emerald eyes to the ceiling as the class began.

“Today we will start learning how to Transfigure humans…” This is the part of Mcgonagall’s lecture that Harry drifted off at. He kept glancing anxiously back at Snape then at Sirius and Remus. He finally had the chance to give Snape what he deserved.

At the end of class McGonagall dismissed them all, but Remus, Sirius, and Harry stood in front of the door just daring Snape to provoke them. Ginny sighed as she joined them near the door. After all, this could be interesting.
As Snape neared the door, Harry took his chance. “Hey, Snivellus.”

“Move.” Snape replied simply as he put his book in his back and pulled out his wand.

“Temper, Snivlly.” Sirius teased as Remus summoned Snape’s wand out of his hands. Snape’s hands balled into fists as he spoke.

“Potter, move.”

“No.” Harry replied simply. Now Snape didn’t have many friends, but being a Slytherin, the other Slytherins wouldn’t let one of their own get kicked around by a bunch of Gryffindors. So a group of three burly Slytherins with very Malfoy-like features joined Snape. Harry couldn’t help it. His hands balled into fists and WHAM. He plowed his fist into Snape’s face. His already crooked nose started bleeding again. Remus and Sirius held his arms back as Harry prepared to hit him again. But at that exact moment, McGonagall walked in and saw the scene progress. “Potter, Black, Lupin, Evans, detention.” She murmured in the same stern voice Harry had heard so many times before.

At that Remus and Sirius dropped Snape back onto the cold stone floor. Ginny stood there with her mouth hanging slightly open. She hadn’t even done anything! The two groups of students stared at each other with electricity in their eyes before Ginny threw up her hands and walked out. Remus, Sirius, and Harry followed at her heels.

“I didn’t even do anything,” Ginny whined once they were safely in the hallway.

“You should’ve had some fun. It was worth it and anyway, you still got detention.” Harry laughed as Ginny started chasing him down the empty corridor with Remus and Sirius at their heels.