MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Turning Point by Dracosgirl1992

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Chapter Notes: This chapter does have a reference to alcohol near the end...other than that, this chater is clean :L

#Chapter Two

‘...and may I remind the adventurous amongst you that the Forbidden Forest is still out of bounds,’ Dumbledore’s piercing blue eyes strayed to where Sirius and James were making their empty plates float with their wands, ‘and anyone found in there will be punished and no exceptions.

‘Now, enjoy your meal young ones!’ He sat down in his chair, the floating candles illuminating his long, white hair.

Over at the Gryffindor table, Sirius and Peter were having a tug-of-war over a particular chicken drumstick.

‘For god’s sake, Sirius, you already have ten on your plate!’ cried Peter, his floppy blonde hair covering his eyes.

‘Well, I’m a growing boy, Wormtail, I need my food!’

James whipped out his wand and cast a shield charm in between the quarrelling pair. The drumstick dropped onto Peter’s plate.

‘Will you pair quit it!’ he said sharply.

‘James, lower your wand,’ said Remus calmly, his hand outstretched towards James’ arm.

James looked down at his wand; his eyes widened. He put a stop to the spell and busied himself with putting his wand away. Two of his friends just sat there, staring. Sirius’ hand was still out stretched towards Peter. Peter’s mouth was slightly open. Remus however, dropped his outstretched arm and started handing out bread rolls.

‘Pass me the butter, Peter,’ he asked politely. Peter jumped and handed Remus the butter dish. Remus buttered his bread roll and then he sighed.

‘Sirius please shut your mouth. At the moment, you’re doing a very good impression of a gold fish.’

Sirius snapped his mouth shut, but continued staring at James, who was now staring at the enchanted ceiling.

‘But he - ’


‘But, Moony, he just - ’

‘Yes, Sirius, I know what he did. I have two very good eyes. I saw for myself.’

James finally looked at his friends. He lifted a hand and began messing with his hair as he spoke, ‘Sorry guys. I just think about the little arguments we have and how they seem stupid compared to the families who have lost loved ones,’ he smiled sheepishly, ‘It just gets to me...I feel the need to do something to help, you know, but what I don’t know...’ he trailed off.

‘It’s okay, Prongs,’ said Peter quietly, his watery blue eyes fixed on his friends face. ‘I get what you mean. People around where I live are going through it, and it’s horrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.’

James smiled weakly. He moved his eyes to look at Sirius, who was still staring at him (at least his mouth is shut, thought James). ‘Sirius...?’

Sirius shook his head before looking at James again. ‘It’s okay, James. I understand.’

‘Are you sure...’

Sirius held up his hand. ‘Just forget about it.’

The two boys just grinned stupidly at each other. Remus shook his head and muttered something that sounded like ‘Idiots...’

Further down the Gryffindor table, Lily was sitting with Alice Prewett and Marlene McKinnon.

Marlene looked at Lilly and said, ‘Is something wrong, Lily?’

Lily jumped slightly and stared at her friends as if she had only just realised that they were there. She lay down her knife and fork and said, stuttering slightly, ‘N-no, I’m fine. Why do you ask?’

‘Well – ‘started Alice, as she poured a glass of pumpkin juice.

‘– you’ve hardly touched your food, for one thing – ‘continued Marlene, a smile creeping across her pale face.

‘- and that must mean there is something on your mind! Because you, Lily Evans, never leave your food if you can help it!’ said Alice simply, ignoring Lily’s shocked face at the slight on her appetite. She was a growing girl after all.

Lily stuck her tongue out at the two girls and said, ‘There isn’t anything wrong. As per usual, your imaginations have run away with you.’

Marlene and Alice just smiled widely at Lily. This continued throughout dinner, with Lily finally snapping and throwing her napkin at Marlene. Marlene dodged it, but in the process knocked Alice as she was eating, ending with Alice face first in her chocolate gateau. As Alice was about to push Marlene’s face into the ice cream bowl, Professor Dumbledore rose from his chair, and, as if by the flick of a switch, everyone in the Great Hall fell silent.

‘As I’m sure you are all eager to rest, I will dismiss you now. Be sure to be up bright and early for the start of your lessons in the morning!’ He raised his hands in farewell before sitting back down and engaging in conversation with Professor Slughorn, whose face was getting redder and redder with each goblet.

‘First years follow me please!’ cried Lily, waving her hands at a group of scared looking boys and girls. The group shuffled towards Lily and Remus, sticking very close together. Remus smiled. He could remember six years ago when he had been in their position. It was the day he finally felt wanted and accepted, the day he met James, Sirius and Peter.

Remus and Lily led the first-years up the grand staircase and to Gryffindor Tower. As they walked, Remus began to feel the aches and pains that normally lead to the full moon. He stretched his arms out and heard a crack. As he strained his ears, he now realised the rest of his joints were creaking too. He groaned.

‘Something wrong, Remus?’ asked Lily, a slight smile playing across her lips.

Remus shrugged. ‘Just normal aches and pains you know...’

Lily nodded. ‘But you seem to have them all the time, so I don’t think they’re normal.’


‘I know. I’m sorry. I just wish you’d confide in me Remus,’ she said sadly. ‘I wouldn’t laugh at you for showing your feelings like Potter would...’

Remus held his hand up. ‘He’s not really like that, Lily.’

‘Venomous Tentactula and I’ll take your word for it, Remus’ she answered, standing back so she could let the first-years through the portrait hole.

James was lying on his bed, staring up at the canopy when Remus slowly shouldered his way into the room. James lifted his head and waved in welcome.

‘Alright, Moony?’

Remus grunted and shuffled towards his bed. He quickly changed and then flopped down on the mattress. James frowned.

‘How were the first years?’

Remus said quietly, ‘Fine,’ he twiddled his thumbs before adding, ‘Lily spoke about you.’

James sat up so fast his head began to spin. He sat still while his head stopped spinning. He turned excitedly to look at Remus. ‘Oh yeah? What did she say?’

Remus smiled at the hopeful look that was on James’ face. Every year he came to Hogwarts, ever hopeful that Lily would succumb to his ‘charms’ as James called it. ‘It was nothing bad, so I’d say that was a good thing, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up just yet.’

‘Why?’ said James happily, his eyes out of focus.

‘You need to show her you’re not a big-headed prat... ’

‘Who said I was anyway?’ demanded James.

‘...and that you actually have human feelings,’ finished Remus, having ignored James’ interruption. He sat up and looked around the room. ‘Where are Wormtail and Padfoot?’

James grinned mischievously. ‘They decided to have a little night time wandering down to the kitchens.’

Remus smiled. ‘Gone for the usual then?’

‘I should think so. Padfoot said something about trying to steal some Firewhiskey.’

‘Oh, that should be fun in the morning then,’ said Remus sarcastically, ‘going into Transfiguration with a hangover.’

James laughed at Remus’ tone. ‘Come on, Moony! It’s our first night back, we need to celebrate being back at this place!’ He looked around at the deep, red bed curtains that framed each of the four-poster beds. ‘It’s great to be back!’

‘I agree, James, but…’

Remus was interrupted by the dormitory door bursting open. James and Remus stopped talking and both stared at the open door. After a few seconds, Sirius’ head appeared, grinning madly. Next, Peter appeared, his arms full of bottles.

‘Let’s get to it, lads!’ cried Sirius, pulling James’ invisibility cloak from around him and Peter with a flourish. He relieved Peter of two bottles of Firewhiskey and settled down on his bed. He threw James a bottle, while Peter joined Remus on his bed, handing Remus a bottle too.

Sirius had already opened his bottle and took a swig. He sucked air in through his teeth as the liquid burned his throat. He raised his bottle and said, ‘Here’s to another year of pulling pranks, getting Snivellus annoyed, getting the ladies –‘ he looked at James and snorted, ‘- and just generally, having fun with great friends!’

The other three agreed heartily, and raised their bottles.