MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Night Terrors by Karaley Dargen

Summary: In their seventh year at Hogwarts, every student has only one thing on their mind: NEWTs. And Quidditch. And bickering friends. And people who are mysteriously locked away in the hospital wing... Or maybe Nymphadora Tonks and Charlie Weasley are just having a particularly unusual term.

Anything that you recognise, including names, spells, potions, and Quidditch moves, belongs to either JKR or the copyright holders of various HP games and other media.

A million thanks must be sent to Carole/Equinox Chick, whithout whom I'm not sure I'd have a story. She's a fabulous beta and one of the best people that I have ever known.

Also lots of thanks to Natalie/hestiajones for reading the first chapters and especially for making me see that they needed work!

Aaaand many many thanks and hugs to Hannah/coolh5000 for being a really fantastic friend and always encouraging me.

Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Mystery
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity, Pottermore Spoilers, Violence
Serie: None
Chapters: 12 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 33786 Viewcount: 32393
Published on: 10/16/12 Updated On: 12/19/12

1. Slightly Drowsy by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2659 words)

2. So Stressed Out by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2640 words)

3. Under Pressure by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2978 words)

4. Completely Exhausted by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2252 words)

5. Off Your Game by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2414 words)

6. A Moment of Calm by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2425 words)

7. Give It Your All by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (3706 words)

8. Sickbeds by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2619 words)

9. One Last Drink by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (3558 words)

10. Sweet Dreams by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2649 words)

11. In the Still of the Night by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (2432 words)

12. Rise and Shine by Karaley Dargen [ - ] (3454 words)
I just posted two chapters at once, so if this looks confusing to you, you have probably skipped one!