MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor [Contact]

I am a recent member of the Harry Potter fandom, but I have always had a passion for the written word, and I hope to fulfill it here. I live in a relatively boring corner of Idaho, and I like Kokanee and a good book!

So, I suppose you're wondering what's up with my username. Even if you're not, this is how that happened. No, I was not aspiring to be a Gryffindor. I can't think of any house to which I would belong less than Gryffindor, in fact. It was a moment of clarity that I got while I was battling with myself about whether I should want to be Sorted into Gryffindor to be like Harry or to be Sorted elsewhere and follow my own path. I thought it to be much like the contemplative scene in Hamlet when he weighed taking his own life. I'm not trying to be melodramatic. That's simply is what popped into my head when I was trying to sign up to leave a review. :D

Any questions or comments about my work? Please shoot me an email at: tobeornottobeagryffindor@mugglenet.com — I'd love to hear from you!

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Stories by ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor [108]
Reviews by ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor [324]
Favorite Stories [92]
ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor's Favorites [114]
Favorite Authors
1. Acacia Carter
2. ahattab33
3. armagod679
4. clabbert2101
5. CoolCatElly
Ah, my beta for life. :D
6. coolh5000
7. Equinox Chick
8. Gmariam
How have I not favorited you yet?
9. hestiajones
Hestia is the bestia!
10. h_vic
Heart times three.
11. Inverarity
Official AQ fangirl!
12. jenny b
Heart :D
13. Karaley Dargen
14. lucca4
One of these days, you'll be better than all of us.
15. minnabird
16. Nitwit Blubber Oddment Tweak x
17. Sainyn Swiftfoot
18. Sapphire at Dawn
19. the opaleye
How have I not done this yet? Of course, you're a favourite. Heart!
20. WeasleyMom