MuggleNet Fan Fiction
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Infinity [Contact]

Well, since I'm the one writing it, it should be autobio. You know, at one point I thought that autobiography had something to do with cars.

Some very random facts about me

Frogs or elephants? Frogs because they're green? So they aren't all green, but if you imagine a frog, don't you imagine a green frog? But if those elephants are dancing, then I prefer them. Or if they're pink. You know, I just thought about something, if you put together a (grey) elephant and a (green) frog, you get Slytherin colours! :)

What makes you happy? A lot of things. Good books, chocolate, friends... and sunshine. I'm one of these people who kind of depends on weather - it's much easier for me to be happy when it's sunny outside.

What are you obsessed with/addicted to? Again, a lot of things. Green tea, for example. Then coffee, especially in the mornings. Chocolate, of course. Fanfiction (you never would have guessed that, would you?). Harry Potter. Terry Pratchett books. Agatha Christie books. Musical "Chess". Currently also with a game called "Dynomite" - it's about smashing dinosaur eggs... then with my Nightwish album "Once". And many, many other things I can't recall right now. :P

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