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SiriusWillRetrn [Contact]


Hello. My name is Kayla, and I figured I would write a little about me.

Name: Kayla (a.k.a. SiriusWillRetrn)

Age: 14 or 15 (maybe less, maybe more. You'll never know.)

Favorite Movie: It is a tie between Phantom of the Opera and all three of the Lord of the Rings movies.

Favorite Book: Once again, a tie between the Lord of the Rings(the trilogy, and the Hobbit, and all the other books that were written about Middle Earth) and the Harry Potter books(kinda a "dur" question)

Favorite Music: Anything except rap. I cannot STAND rap. It makes no sense!! WAKE UP, PEOPLE! RAP IS NOT MUSIC! ITS AN AUCTION WITH A BEAT BEHIND IT! What makes it even worse is when rappers thank god when they get an award. "Yes, I'd like to thank gawd for my number one hit single. S'called 'Kill All The Babies'. Peace out, yall." *glares*

Favorite HP Character: Sirius Black. Check out my penname, people. And I have thought this since BEFORE the fifth book. Stop telling me off because "I am not a true fan". Check out my ff.net name, SirusBlackRules. Its been like that for three years. And yes, I did cry when I found out he died.

Some of my favorite quotes:

"This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"-Sirius Black

"Reading between the lines, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate,"-Sirius (the timing was very funny)

"You're a prefect? Oh Ronnie! That's everyone in the family!" [Molly Weasley]
"What are Fred and I? Next door neighbours?"

Also, I must say that I am in love with theater. I see as many plays as I can, given my tight budget, and I have to say that so far The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite, followed by the Lion King in a close second. The Phantom is just a wonderful story, so even if it was just the book I would still love it. Every girl wants a Phantom...

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