MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
KalHoNaaHo [Contact]


Bonjour! Que pasa? You have reached Kal’s Author Page. Unfortunately, Kal is busy collecting fly embryos til 7 tonight, so you’ll have to put up with me. Where to start with Kal? Well, as you may have guessed, she’s the unfortunate slave of a Drosophila geneticist and is fondly known as “the little one” of the lab. Her notorious sweet tooth makes her quite energetic, but there are also times when she’s very introvert-ish and would prefer to curl up with a book instead of dancing the night away in a hot and sweaty room.

Kal enjoys…many things. Bollywood films, for one (as should be obvious to anyone familiar with Bollywood). She is also your stereotypical Indian geek who is fascinated by genetics and neuroscience. She adores the Steelers and likes playing piano, running, badminton and bharatanatyam.

General and Dark/Angst are Kal’s favorite categories. She loves the Weasleys (especially Ron), though she has recently taken up writing some of those “darker” characters. Her OTP is R/Hr, and other favorite ships include Rowena/Salazar, Ted/Andromeda, Fred/Angelina, and L/J. Kal’s writing process is rather long. She takes her time with her one-shots, allowing them to fester (lovely word) for a few months before actually writing them. (She’s also a manic reviser and paranoid perfectionist who harbors OCD-like symptoms). Therefore, don’t be surprised by how few fics she has published.

MNFF is most likely Kal’s favorite haunt. She hearts the friends and skills she’s acquired here. She loves being an Alpha member of the Bannermaker’s Association and running the Susan Bones’ Book Club. She has, and always will be, a loyal badger.

(She also enjoys e-mails and questions, so please don’t hesitate to contact).

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I heart Sentinelle to death for making it (won the excerpts challenge, folks)!!

P.S. SilverrKiss - my favorite person of all time and my partner in crime. And, if you're wondering, she is by far immensely superior in writing talent to my measly skills - so go check out The Silver Vial immediately. ;)

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