I'm only just an Englishman; from North of "the Wall," but South of "the border." The bit that most of England doesn't know is theirs. And it appears that I'm fifty miles south of living in a country capable of making a sensible decision. Who knew that Little England contained so many Vernon Dursleys? :(
I've been a fan for years, ever since I read book one, which is also when I suspected that Harry and Ginny would, eventually, be a couple. This was confirmed to me in the opening Chapters of CoS. I cannot read Dramione, Drinny, slash or, for that matter, any major non-canon pairing. If JKR says that's what happens, that's good enough for me. Why bother re-imagining?
I like action, rather than fluff, though I seem to write a lot of fluff.
I appear to be writing several stories. In fact, I’m only writing one. In chronological order (of events, not writing) my stories are:
Bloodstone: 6th Century (COMPLETE)
Killers: 1940's (In progress)
Germ Free Adolescents: November 1978 (COMPLETE)
Nott: Father and Son: 1990-2000 (COMPLETE)
Molly and Her Daughter: 1992-1999 (in progress)
Chaser: 1 September 1995 (COMPLETE)
Hogsmeade: October 1995 (COMPLETE)
The Hufflepuff: late 1996 (COMPLETE)
Vituperation: July/August 1997 (COMPLETE)
Summer of '97: August 1997 (COMPLETE)
Locket: Winter 1997 (COMPLETE)
Fred and George's Busy Day: August 1997-May 1998 (COMPLETE)
The Pencil Portrait Problem (a Theodore Nott mystery): September-October 1997 (COMPLETE)
Tales of the Battle: May 1998 (COMPLETE)
Grave Days: May-September 1998 (COMPLETE)
The Badly Fitting Coat: June 1998 (COMPLETE)
Vault: June 1998 (COMPLETE)
Aurors and Schoolgirls: September 1998-June 1999 (Progressing)
What Luna Sees: December 1998 (COMPLETE)
Spontaneity: Sunday 28 March 1999 (COMPLETE)
The Mind of Arthur Weasley: Monday 29 March 1999 (COMPLETE)
Anticipation: July 1999 (Complete)
Mistletoe Kisses: 31 December 1999 with flashbacks to 1995 (COMPLETE)
The Girl From DRaCoMC: September 1999 (COMPLETE)
Players Rites: September 1999 (COMPLETE)
Hunters and Prey: February-March 2000 (in progress)
Little Victory: May 2000-July 2021 (COMPLETE)
Disharmony: June 2000 (COMPLETE)
Zoinks! (A Halloween Tale): 31 October 2000 (COMPLETE)
Knavery: March 2001 (COMPLETE)
April Fool: April 2001 (COMPLETE)
Friends and Foes: April-June 2001 (notes and jottings)
Angelina: May 2001 (COMPLETE)
Swimsuit Quidditch: August 2001 (COMPLETE)
The Question: February 2002 (COMPLETE)
The Question (Again): February 2002 (COMPLETE)
MIT: Muggle Liaison Team?: July 2002 (in progress)
The Professor and his Landlady: July 2002 (COMPLETE)
The Secret Diary of Hermione Granger: July 2002 (COMPLETE)
After Breakfast: 7 September 2002 (COMPLETE)
MIT: Secret Keeper: September-November 2002 (COMPLETE)
MIT: Haunted House: Dead: November 2002 (COMPLETE)
Epithalamium: Spring 2003 (In Progress)
MIT: Hampstead Heath Corpse: August 2003 (COMPLETE)
It takes Two: February 2004 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #1
E.C.C.E.N.T.R.I.C. April 2004 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #2
Unspeakable: 2004 (COMPLETE) (co-written with C A Campbell)
First Sight: October 2004 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #3
Bare: October 2004 (COMPLETE)
Exsanguination: A vampire story: September-November 2004 (notes and jottings)
Conceptions: February/March 2005 (COMPLETE)
Conversations: March 2005 (COMPLETE)
Concerns: April 2005 (COMPLETE)
Moon: March 2005 (COMPLETE) Lavender/Mark #1
Brown: April 2005 (in progress) Lavender/Mark #2
Sleepless Night: December 2006 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #4
Yggdrasil: June 2007 (COMPLETE)
Beard Hunters: December 2007 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #5
New Year's Eve: December 2007 (coming soon) Potter Family #5a
Dennis: February 2008 (COMPLETE)
Troth: March 2008 (COMPLETE)Lavender/Mark #3
Ginny’s Rival: March 2008 (COMPLETE) Potter Family #6
Life Goes On: June 2009 (COMPLETE)
Strangers at Drakeshaugh: September/October 2009 (in progress)
Sports Day: June 2010 (in progress)
The Drakeshaugh Dragon: August 2010 (COMPLETE)
Moons: July 2010 (in progress) Lavender/Mark #4
Xmas Daze: December 2010
Owl Post: July 2016 (COMPLETE)
Zygosis: July 2026 (COMPLETE)
James and Me: September 2027 (in progress)
Centuries: 2080-2081 (COMPLETE)
After returning from Australia with the Grangers, Ron realises the moment to make some important confessions to Hermione has come.
Inspired by the Ludo song, "Streetlights." A part of the "Moments" series.