Hello, I'm moonymaniac and I'm a Harry Potter addict. :) Actually, I'm a Marauder addict. Welcome to my profile.
Wow, was this thing outdated... So, I'm still posting MoB. Yes, I just posted a chapter today, June 5, 2013. I should have waited 3 days and I could have posted on MoB's birthday. Holy moly...8 years on one story. Actually, it is 8 years and 7 months, as I started writing in December the year before I started posting. Anyway, yes, I'm insane.
The site is also making me a little insane, since it gives me so much trouble when trying to post anymore. I tried to post the chapter today, as a whole, something like 9,888 words if I remember, but it wouldn't take it. So I've divided it. Hmmm...I could save the second half for posting on the 8th. But I'll be busy that day, so I better try again tonight. It really is frustrating to get that error message and have it show in the story file but not show up in most recent or update the update date or word count. The word count bothers me the most. I'm a bit proud of that and want credit for them. ;*)
June 7, 2013: Arghhhh!! A fatal MySQL error was encountered. I'm sick of this fatal MySQL error thing!!!! Let me post the rest of the darn chapter!!!!! *sigh* I'll try again later. Sorry, guys.
Alright, now that I have the tears out of my eyes and I can see what I'm typing, I LOVED IT! I LOVE REMUS! I LOVE REYNARD! I LOVE THIS STORY!
He isn't dead! He isn't dead! He isn't dead! I'm reaching out with my mind. Is it working? This is sooo good! You are updating really quickly, Thank Goodness!!! Please continue to do so. This is, without a doubt, my favorite fanfic.
Wow, I can’t believe I never left a closing review on this amazing story. *corrects oversight* In my humble opinion, this is the best fanfiction on the site and not just because Remus is the star and the thought of him in leather makes me dizzy happy. ;) Of course, that certainly helps. However, the writing is beautiful; the plot immensely entertaining and well constructed; the characterization of canon characters is spot on; the original characters are brilliant, fully developed, interesting, and blend into the canon of Harry Potter seamlessly, up to the point of book 6, of course. Still, the way the actual canon turned out, so similar to this story is just amazing. In short, I love this story and recommend it to anyone who will listen. In fact, I really need to make time to reread it. It’s that good. Thank you.
"Four legs. Four legs! Concentrate!" I love the way you make Remus awkward in his transformed state. Those are the details that make your story and writing so interesting. But, I am so frightened for Remus now, because Kane is definitely not awkward. Isn't worrying that JKR is going to kill him enough? I very anxiously await your next chapter.
I believe your Remus is so dead on. You write him as I imagine JKR would and as he is in my mind and I just love him. You are also a great descriptive writer. I can see the story happening. I get a thrill when I check to see if you have updated and find a new chapter.
You are killing me here. I have checked several times each day for an update and finally (though you have been very good about updates)...no relief! AHHHH! Lovely chapter, even so. Even your non canon characters are so fully realized. I care about Rey as much as many canon ones. Please don't break his heart.
I just love this story. I may be inviting scorn but, I love Remus' and Tonks' platonic relationship. Just my opinion but, there is no distraction from the story line. I have no idea what you have planned but, I'm sure it will be well written. You really are a wonderful writer.
Fabulous! I've said it before but, I love your Remus. I also love your Snape and the animosity he feels for Remus is so evident in your writing. Thanks for letting Remus 'bite' back a bit. I believe he has great patience with personal attacks but, I can't stand to think of him as a doormat. As for this chapter, I'm on the edge of my seat. Please hurry!
Fabulous, as usual. I'm glad you continue to find new ideas that start out as a side line but find themselves becoming a chapter of their own; just more great stuff for us to read. I love the way you make my heart break for Remus without letting him become pathetic. That is tricky. Well done.
That was so incredibly touching. I love the struggle within Rey regarding his pact with Remus. I have to admit to a few tears at this chapter. Just lovely, and so very sad.
First of all, let me admit that I’m going to be a fan of almost any story that pairs Tonks with someone other than Remus, as I’m not a fan of that canon ship. ;*) That being said, I honestly enjoyed this beginning. I actually like Tonks character (just not with Remus) and I think you did a nice job with her. I got a real sense of her boredom sitting alone in the Ministry. Just what I would expect from the social, energetic Tonks. And I loved the bit about bumping his head into the wall. :)
Your dialogue between Tonks and Mark was entertaining, fun and flirtatious. I like them already. I like that you didn’t feel the need to put …said, after each line. However, I did find I wasn’t quite sure who spoke the with cinnamon… one. That could be me being dense. I think it was Tonks? Minor, minor nitpick.
I also get the feeling that Abbeline isn’t a fan of Tonks. Could she be planning to make trouble? I think you have a fun beginning here, and see that you haven’t updated in a while. I hope you continue this.
What a wonderful opening chapter. Very well written and so descriptive. It did what a first chapter should do; I'm hooked.
Author's Response: I couldn't ask for a better response. Thank you!
I have been meaning to check out your stories for a while and am kicking myself for taking so long. That was really good. I got to laugh out loud and choke up the very next moment. A mother's love for her children is such a touching thing, especially when they see the child suffer in anyway. You made me feel Molly's anguish and feel so sorry for Percy, which isn't easy to do. On a lighter note, I love how you've written Bill. He is very cool and kinda hot at the same time. I particularly liked the image of him with his sandwich. I could just see and hear it. And his comment about Harry holding grudges was excellent. I usually only read marauder fics but I also love the Weasley family and you portrayed them so well. I 'd love to see you do more Weasley centered fiction preferably with a good bit of Bill. Didn't mean to turn this review into a fic but there were so many things I liked and as a one-shot, this is my only chance. So, well done.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review! I love the Weasleys too, as I come from a very large family myself. I am the oldest too, so I identify with Bill quite a bit, besides finding him quite hot myself. I can't believe that Percy would turn out so very different from all the others. They all had the same upbringing and parents. The only explanation would be his position in the family. I will probably do more Weasley family fictions, but I am struggling to get my "Draco and Parvati" fiction finished first, Parvati being one of my other favorite characters. Thank you very much for your lengthy review, it is very much appreciated.
I have been meaning to check out your stories for a while and am kicking myself for taking so long. That was really good. I got to laugh out loud and choke up the very next moment. A mother's love for her children is such a touching thing, especially when they see the child suffer in anyway. You made me feel Molly's anguish and feel so sorry for Percy, which isn't easy to do. On a lighter note, I love how you've written Bill. He is very cool and kinda hot at the same time. I particularly liked the image of him with his sandwich. I could just see and hear it. And his comment about Harry holding grudges was excellent. I usually only read marauder fics but I also love the Weasley family and you portrayed them so well. I 'd love to see you do more Weasley centered fiction preferably with a good bit of Bill. Didn't mean to turn this review into a fic but there were so many things I liked and as a one-shot, this is my only chance. So, well done.
Author's Response: I know what you mean ...
Author's Response: ...on the other hand, I guess you get more reviews that way! ;)
This is so heartbreaking. You are really putting Lily and James through the wringer. Not to mention us poor readers. Here comes the gushing… This story is brilliant. It has everything: action, intrigue, tear-jerking emotional upheaval, romance (James and Lily are so lovely), suspense, and just enough horror. And Sirius! I’m so happy to see him as he would have been without the horrors of Azkaban. And I’m sorry to stoop to this, but he’s just so hot! [Quote]: Sirius's utilitarian soldier's black robes only hinted at the athletic build they covered.”…."I've seen the posters. The sheriffs aren't amused by all the mocking your portrait does.”…."You really think I've been out picking up women?" Sirius asked. From the look of quiet expectation on Edgar's face, he did. "Well I haven't, yet. ..." [/quote]. Yep, HOT! Thanks for those images. I needed them to offset the sorrow.
Author's Response: Whoops! It doesn't usually take me three years to respond to reviews. Sorry! hmmm... you liked Sirius eh? Well, I know you well enough at this point that you should be happier than a pig in slop when you get to the chapters with Remus in them. *grin*
Thanks for taking to time to leave the lovely, well thought out review. :)
I started reading your fic when MNFF was view only and I was unable to post a review, so now I want to remedy that. I’m so impressed with your writing. This story is so unique and well crafted it hardly seems like a fanfic. While I have enjoyed many fanfics, I have rarely been as struck by the writing as I have with yours. The dialogue between Emperor Turpin and Spero hooked me. “How to thwart fate as the old hag seems to have turned on me.” “. . . I don’t even know why she burdens me with her whisperings.” I love that! I think your descriptive writing is wonderful, too; just enough detail to make the setting clear in my mind and to set a mood without getting too flowery. I also think you show the anguish of war very well. The description of Lily’s reaction, “A terrible keen like a dying animal…” was so powerful it provoked strong feelings for me. I could imagine her agony. I just can’t say enough about how well done this is. Oh, and it seems that Peter Pettigrew is a rat in any universe. Oh, well, I guess you wanted to keep him in character. So, great job on a fabulous story.
Author's Response: Hey Moony!
Are you trying to make my head swell? Well you're succeeding, lol. Thanks for the many kind well thought out comments. This review completely made my day.
Remus a mercenary…I didn’t think he could get more intriguing! Aw…the slop is so good and squishy! *squeals gleefully* Not my most eloquent review! Remus does that to me!! I am in awe of your ability to write so many different arcs at one time. I can’t wait to get back to Remus’ (as you can imagine) but they are all so interesting. Bravo.
Author's Response: :)
Remus a mercenary…I didn’t think he could get more intriguing! Aw…the slop is so good and squishy! *squeals gleefully* Not my most eloquent review! Remus does that to me!! I am in awe of your ability to write so many different arcs at one time. I can’t wait to get back to Remus’ (as you can imagine) but they are all so interesting. Bravo.
Author's Response: My take on Remus is a shallow unexplored travesty compared to your sensitive portrayal of the young Marauder, but my only excuse is that he's peripheral to the story. I'm afraid that the many arcs are starting to confuse some *cringe* Hopefully I'll be able to salvage the fic.
Beautiful chapter. The addition of the characters, Derek and Sheila was so wonderful. Derek’s plans for flirtation make the outcome of this chapter so much more touching. Such a wonderful little detail thrown in that makes a big impact. War really is Hell! And you present that very well. (Too well, as I had to wipe my eyes to keep reading…the image of Sheila rocking…that was so heartbreaking! I’m going to choke on the lump in my throat!) I really love your characterization of Sirius, the use of the Dog Pack, how this story can be really terribly sad but keeps me reading. I usually try to avoid sad at all costs in my choice of entertainment. That alone shows me how good this story is. P.S. Sorry about that double post on chapter 4…I hate it when that happens. *blush*
Author's Response: I loved Derek, and I honestly hadn't planned to kill him. It just happened, and it was sad but appropriate. You can't have war without casualities, right? The Dog Pack slip in and out of the forefront, but they are quite an important lot of Rebels. They're my official foil to the Reapers, the group that I like to throw into conflict with the big-baddies most often.
Worry not about double posting. I happens to the best of us.
I loved this chapter and not just because I get a glimpse of Remus. Of course, that never hurts. ;) Your description is so vivid I can see the scenes unfolding. The way Lily is at work on her charms…such fantastic detail. The description of the cursed corpses is terrific. It, like so much of your imagery makes me want to take out my sketch pad and illustrate your fic. I just wish I was good enough to do it justice. I love the way you skip between scenes. Somehow that adds to the eerie mood of the chapter. It is really very creepy and I mean that in the most flattering way. I find myself tempted to peek at the screen through my fingers. I love the glimpses into the nature of the reapers with the conversation between the two at the end. And finally, I love James and Lily’s relationship, the way he tries to protect her and she knows it, so lovely. Wonderful!
Author's Response: Yes, the macabre chapter is very image intensive, and it's very flattering that you want to try to sketch them :D Thanks for the review, dear.