MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Nyruserra [Contact]


A big thank you to my reviewers; all reviews are cherished, and petted frequently *huggles*

On a slightly more personal note, here's the less exciting part of the bio.

I write more then one person probably should (I feel very sorry for my beta - *hugs HogwartsDutchess* We all love you very much, Your Grace!)

Currently, I'm writing mainly Harry Potter fiction, and though I also patronize the ST:Enterprise and Labyrinth fandoms, so you may see me putting out more stuff for those if you happen to follow any of them.

I can also tell you that I live in Ontario, Canada, somewhere outside of Toronto (I hate the traffic!) and I have a cat, Nero (named both for the Emperor who played his fiddle as Rome burned, and for the incredibly particular detective created by Rex Stout. As you can imagine, I sort of shot myself in the foot with this one, as he seems to try and live up to his name. Nero is incredibly aristocratic, and has been very successful in his training of his humans to not only put up with his habits, but to actively go out of their way to accommodate his idiosyncrasies. I now have to sleep in a very contorted position, just so that his majesty can share my pillow..., somehow, I get the feeling that cats really do laugh at us most of the time...)

Feel free to stop by my live journal, should you feel inclined. I'm really very horrible at posting regularly, but I'm trying to improve, and I post all my work that can't be hosted here; drabbles, story fragments and adult rated stories. By all means, stop in and browse, but be sure to let me know what you think ;-)

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Stories by Nyruserra [6]
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Reviews by Nyruserra

The Futility of Reason by Vocalion

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A procrastinating Potions master puts his worst foot forward as he makes an unwavering, albeit unconventional attempt to prevent Hermione's marriage. Will forty-eight hours afford Severus Snape sufficient time to convince her that he is a supercilious and unmitigated nuisance? Written in response to the Spring Faire Festival's "I Want to Kiss the Bride" story option.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 08/05/05 Title: Chapter 1: The Futility of Reason

Absolutely priceless! You're very right - the true brillience of this piece lies not in the pairing, but the banter - pure sacastic witt to the last 'drop'. I enjoyed every last insult and complaint, and poor Severus finally got his tea! The inuendo was hysterically funny, too - I may never look at tea the same way again...

Deceptive Appearances by JessicaH

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Historic AU, set a few years before the American civil war

Charles Weasley is a man with many talents and one that could easily find a wife far more beautiful than Miss Granger. Yet she is the one he wants, the only question is – does she want him?

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 04/22/07 Title: Chapter 2: At Second Glance

Hermione Granger wasn’t a woman that was easily impressed. She found most young men pretentious and tedious, just as they found her obnoxious and opinionated — at least after she opened her mouth in more than polite conversation.

I love this. It’s just so much Hermione’s character as we’ve come to know it through the books, but nicely transposed into you’re premise.

…telling her that while opinions were nice, they weren’t a luxury an unmarried woman in her early twenties could afford.

This is just so true for that era. You’ve really captured the attitude perfectly.

They had been disappointed when the oldest one moved south to marry some French woman she couldn’t remember the name of…

Nice! ;-p You’ve done a great job of working everyone in, from Percy’s political ambition to the twins’ very in-character scandals.

The fact that Hermione didn’t want to marry either young man, didn’t stop her parents from feeling highly disgruntled at the turn of events.

Loved this.

“Miss Hermione, you know something like that just would not due.

It should actually be ‘do’ not ‘due’ in this sentence.

I love Sally. She’s a wonderful character, and her efficient and practical stoic-ness is a great foil for Hermione’s somewhat naïve good intentions, and disspite the fact that you have not actually written her accent, I can still hear her voice quite clearly in my head. You’ve written her dialogue so perfectly, the extra prop just isn’t needed.

Only men that didn’t really knew her had ever done that.

This should be ‘know’ instead of ‘knew’.

I absolutely adore this story - you’re portrayal of Charlie here at the end is just tantalizing :-)

Author's Response: Thank you so much - again. Both for correcting my errors and for the review. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/25/07 Title: Chapter 3: Beginnings and Ends

It’s been a little bit since I’ve been able to come back to this story – but it was like curling up with a favourite novel and a steaming mug of coffee – completely relaxing :-)

Just a tiny technical note, to start:

Charlie frowned as he bent down over the paper in front of him, putting the quill in the ink-pot to rest while he read what he had written.

Inkpot shouldn’t be hyphenated.

His observations of Hermione‘s beauty and the effect of the colour red on her appearance, and his reactions to her skin, etc, are bordering somewhere just south of cliché, but in that guilty-pleasure sort of way, that is forgivably sweet. *is such a romance geek*

I love the image of Charlie, whom you’ve shown us to be strong-willed, decisive and unruffled, as nervous and even a tiny touch insecure over writing his letters for Hermione. The way you leave the exact nature of those letters vague tantalizes your readers — who are fairly sure they know what they pertain to and are waiting eagerly throughout for the slightest hint of confirmation — very effectively :-)

The two had, however, adapted and had soon pretended that such a lively conversation between their daughter and a man they had only really encountered for the first time two days earlier, was completely within socially acceptable standards.

Hermione’s parents are very well done, and the image of them trying to restrain their forceful daughter is priceless. Charlie’s rather fortuitus mention of his library, and the rapidity with which he clung to the unexpected lifeline are nicely incorporated into his character, truly making this ‘take’ on him your own.

With reluctance he had realised that while two weeks was too short a time — it was also too long.

I like this – it just sums up the crux of the moral dilemma he’s struggling with.

Gentlemanly Charlie is just such a wonderful image, isn’t he? *smiles*. I adore the manners and the courtesies of your characters – they really weave a spell over your reader, making the mental adjustments to this bygone era so easy as to be practically effortless in the wake of your vibrant landscapes and detail. And Charlie wanting to kiss her, but knowing just how completely unacceptable that would be is just priceless.

Two slave runs had been made, one per month — more than usual but far too few anyway.

I love how tangible you’ve made his frustration here.

And you leave us with a delightfully tormenting cliffhanger – what ever is the solution he’s come up with?

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/25/07 Title: Chapter 4: Surprises

You must have done a lot of research to write this story, and it really shows in all the beautiful details; the richness of the environments, the nuisances of the dialogue and cultural morays. It truly makes this something wonderful to read.

I have to admit, I got so caught up in this chapter that I was half way through before I realized I had completely forgotten to take any notes for my review! *grins sheepishly* I just cannot tell you enough how much I enjoy this story.

It was also of the same magenta colour as the twins’ frock coats, and looked like it was quite unsuitable for shores around the house.

I believe it was supposed to be ‘chores’ instead of ‘shores’ here.

She stopped when she heard voices from one of the room. She wasn’t exactly sure why she stopped,…

I think you meant to pluralize ‘room’ here.

I adore how you bring in elements from the books, like Kingsley and Angelina, or Madame Maulkins and the maroon colours of the WWW shirts, and blend them into your world. You do it so well, that unless you’re reading carefully, it’s easy to not even realize some of them are there at all.

Fred and Angelina’s relationship is so sad, and yet tender at the same time, and Hermione’s subsequent turmoil over their overheard conversation was extremely well written.

Behind her she could hear the surprised voice of the man she’d just met. “Did she just call me Mr Jordan?”

“Apparently our brother knows what he’s doing,” one of the twins’ voices replied…

I just loved this passage this whole scene, but especially this last passage *grins* The implications that Charlie’s entire family knows of his designs on Miss Hermione, and is actually sizing her up whilst she is relatively unawares is fun, and sweet. :-)

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I know this response is late, but your lenghty, detailed reviews really make me happy to read. Thank you so much for taking such time to write them both.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 03/25/07 Title: Chapter 1: First Impressions

This is probably one of my favourite rare-pairs, and I wish we could see more of it as well written as this is.
The style used for the opening is very well done, and has a nice effect on the narrative. You instantly give us a clear reading of Charlie’s character without a lot of back-story and exposition, allowing yourself the freedom to get right into plot.
You’ve captured the historical setting quite nicely, blending the characters we know so well into a setting so removed from their normal milieu as to seem almost incompatible on the surface. The effect on narrative is immediate – without the familiar and comfortable plot device offered by magic, your characterizations must stand on there own, with much less tolerance for error, as they alone must carry the cannon of JKR’s works to your reader, and you’ve done a marvelous job of transporting them.
Ginny’s mischievousness and Charlie’s almost arrogant charisma are well executed and act nicely to foil Hermione’s stubborn rebelliousness, and gloss over the small liberties you’ve taken in transforming this era into your own vision, and I’m going to have a hard time denying myself the next chapter tonight, late as it is :-)

Author's Response: Thank you. I never know really what to say to such fantastic reviews without it sounding like too little. I guess my thank you will have to suffice as I am truly grateful that you would take the time to write this. I\'m very glad you enjoy my story.

The Hogwarts Gauntlet Maze - Aberforth Style! by Lurid

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A mysterious letter arrives at the Hogs Head in the wee early hours of the morning. Enter – Aberforth Dumbledore, Goat Master extraordinaire! Showing determination, courage, and aided by his faithful goat Chuck, Aberforth attempts the Hogwarts Gauntlet Maze in a twisting, turning, tumbling and churning adventure.

By Lurid of Ravenclaw House.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 04/22/07 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Can I tell you - This was absolutely hilarious *grins* I was looking through your stories, wondering which one I should review and this one just jumped out at me; after all, how often does one see a story about Aberforth? Not only have you made something extremely amusing, but you’ve managed to work in some lovely imagery that just adds depth over and above what one normally finds in a humour story.

The fake dawn could be seen as a mere glow between grime lines on the stain glass windows.

I absolutely loved this – so very evocative and ominous. Actually, I adore this whole paragraph, but felt it was gratuitous quoting ;-p

His hands supported his elderly frame on the scrubbed wooden tables, and shook in the candle light of the stubs that were near to extinguished.

This is lovely imagery.

He picked up his spork with a shaking hand, and almost had the scrambled eggs to his mouth when suddenly, a tawny owl flew full pelt into the window.

*snorts* And you wriggled in a spork! Extra points for you.

You’ve really brought Aberforth to life, and I think he is now one of my favourite characters. You’ve given such amusing madness, and even given him nuances and facets, which frankly, is quite an accomplishment with a character who is not only minor, has never even actually appeared in the cannon narrative!

Aberforth suspiciously stabbed a sausage, sniffed it, and then held it out to his goat to smell.

“Alright, you think Chuck?”


You’re use of the required elements was clever and nicely worked in. It felt very natural and avoided sounded the slightest bit contrived, which can be very hard to do when you’re working with prompts.

He’d never set hide nor hair near the Greenhouses in all his time at Hogwarts. He had the odd tendency to break out in bouts of Pox every time the words ‘plant’ or ‘Herbology’ were mentioned.

I’m fairly sure Pox is not supposed to be capitalized here, any more then you would capitalize ‘cold’ or ‘flu’. I could be wrong, though.

Privet and Yew trees lined the periphery of the garden area forming a strong solid hedge.

You should have a comma after ‘strong’.

The grass around the small brick path was of varying shapes and hues, and the odd Geranium and Daisy could be seen as well.

I’m nitpicking now, I know, but ‘geranium’ and ‘daisy’ shouldn’t be capitalized here.

You’re descriptions are so vivid, I can see the maze perfectly. You’ve really gone out of you way to work in texture, utilizing all the senses from touch to scent, and it adds to the experience beautifully.

Squinting his eyes, he turned the book upside down, and chuckled to himself as he realised that the intricately inscribed designs were in fact, words.

I love the sly humour you’ve used :-)

Aberforth found himself suddenly riddled with a sad, morose feeling. It was very rarely he had an in-depth conversation with anyone. He was quite sure that Chuck understood him at times, but there was the speech barrier. As clever, witty, and talented as Aberforth was, he couldn’t speak goat.

Awww! I like how you’ve worked this in. See? Your Aberforth has facets.

“There’ll be next year. S’long as no twittering birdies do interfere with my eggs, you hear?”

*laughs* An absolutely perfect way to end it. Brava!

Author's Response: I know I already PM\'d you, but coming back, this is a review you really want to read on a day that\'s been a bit low, and it\'ll brighten you up. You\'ve made me remember what it was to be a newbie, writing this for fun and it really, really made me happy you chose to review this :)

Life of the Legend: A Year Six Story by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry is growing up and into his own. With new friends and old by his side, he battles against the dark forces, and embarks on a mission to know the power the Dark Lord knows not. Meet new characters and creatures and wander down new twists in this alternative version of Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 01/25/07 Title: Chapter 2: Good News

You've really got Harry's emotional state from OotP down perfectly here- well done! Vernon Dursley's appearence was great - just like in the books, so over the top we love to read him just to hate him :-) I could really see him on the other side of the door, cursing at Harry.

What She Was by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Post WWIII, Charlie returns home for Christmas, and finds at least one person who has changed. Hermione/Charlie
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 02/21/07 Title: Chapter 1: What She Was

You have a true gift for descriptions, you really do. The small details you include add so much depth to the narrative that it’s easy to picture the scene as you’ve envisioned it.

Now, however, there only lingered a distinct smell that managed to creep its way even through the delicious scent of his mother’s roast. It was an intoxicating, insidious scent. It was the smell of remaining torment. The stain of malicious intent.

Perhaps it was all in his head, though.

This is so effective – it really puts the reader into Charlie’s head without a lot of supposition, and I love your description of the dragons – so un-romanticized, yet very realistic. I mean, they really are just great big lizards, aren’t they? *grin*

I love the way you’ve brought them together. Their union is just so melancholy, yet achingly sweet. This is sort of the aftermath I always imagined after the World Wars; people desperately seeking comfort in a world that seemed broken. The growing promise of love is lovely – and makes Charlie very appealing. *grin*

This is really, truly wonderful, and really shows how much you’ve grown as a writer since writing Six Year.

Hide and Seek by Starmaiden

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A few years after HBP, Remus and Tonks are married -- and expecting their first child. Remus is still working with the werewolves, but this proves even more dangerous than he thinks when a new leader is appointed, one much deadlier than Fenrir Greyback ever was.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/22/07 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I am a horrible, horrible person. I am so sorry to be so late with your reviews, especially as I have come to really look forward to the ones I receive from you ;-) But I come bearing extra gummy worms, and chocolate chip cookies, and begging forgiveness.

Remus is one of my favorite characters, but I have to admit, I don’t normally read anything that has him with Tonks, me being the cannon-phobic nut that I am. *grins*

The way you concealed the speaker’s identity at first was quite effective – it came as a complete surprise to find that Blaise Zabini was ordering the werewolf pack, giving rise immediately to all sorts of speculations by your readers.

The concept of using the Fidelus Charm to hide a pregnancy is an interesting interpretation of the charm’s capabilities. While I’m not sure it would work quite that way, it’s a neat spin on the usual ideas, and I enjoyed it. I would like to know how the pack managed to find out which women it was who was pregnant, if, as Blaise states, they only know it is a member of the Order. I mean, they obviously must have some idea as to who it is, if they’ve sent Remus almost directly to the house? Just curious as to how they were able to get any information at all. You’ve created an intriguing mystery here, and I have the feeling it was lucky for Greyback that he was taken down by Aurors, instead of Voldemort, after he had the audacity to attack a pureblooded family, who was, one might presume, at least nominally affiliated with Voldemort’s cause.

You’ve really done a good job capturing Remus – his can be a very difficult voice to capture, but I really enjoy reading your Remus very much. Blaise also has a very distinctive personality here that I find appealing. He’s cool and efficient, but not a monster, despite his condition; yet still thoroughly evil - in an obsessed sort of way.

Remus’s thoughts on his friendship with Sirius, James and Peter and how they protected him from becoming someone like Blaise, or even Greyback, are telling and perfectly timed within the narrative. This really gives us a glimpse into a battered, and uncertain soul just struggling to do things right, in the face of so much moral ambiguity. The ending only served to reinforce this, and was a very satisfying way to end.

I really enjoyed this piece :-)

Author's Response: Squeee! Gummy worms and cookies AND a review! :-) It\'s okay that it\'s late -- RL is like that. I had to hide Tonks, but not too well, so I poked a nice hole in the Fidelus Charm and I will leave the rest up to the readers :) Aw, you hit on the all the parts I\'m most proud of! I love hearing that I\'ve done well. Ennalee asked for real characters, so I dug around until I found some good motivation for Blaise, but still managed to make him properly bad. As for Greyback, he has always been unstable, so it was pretty easy to shove him over the edge to make room for Blaise. And Remus -- no werewolf wants to be one, originally. The Marauders were what kept Remus from total despair, back in his school days; Blaise doesn\'t have that kind of support. I\'m so glad you thought my Remus was well-done; characterisation isn\'t my strong point. Thank you so very much for your well-thought out review! It means a lot coming from someone whose writing I very much enjoy :D

Through the Eyes of the Werewolf by Lupinpatronus

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: While sleeping after a long day's work for the Order, Remus Lupin's dreams take him back to his sixth year as he remembers his good friends, the creation of the mysterious Marauder's Map, and his growing crush on Lily Evans. It's one interesting adventure after another, so climb aboard the Hogwarts Express and view the magical world through the eyes of the werewolf.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 01/21/07 Title: Chapter 2: Old Friends Onboard

This is a very interesting character piece, pulling together lots of hints we've had into Remus's character and giving them life. I look forward to seeing how you develop him further.

I loved the opening paragraph of chapter one, and thought it was superbly effective; the style went a long way towards conveying the mood to your audience very quickly, and with a certain amount of menace, despite it’s short length. Great job!

The other three Marauders are very nicely done. Sirius is a bit of a trouble maker and James has that slightly arrogant charm that we've come to expect of him, but what I really enjoyed was your treatment of Peter. He was very much the third wheel; eager to try and fit in with the other boys. You even show us a hint of the sweetness McGonagall spoke of in PoA. This is a character that is very easy to write as one dimensional evil, but you’ve made him human. The humor you’ve written in with these boys is well handled, and again, I liked Peter’s part in the bandages gag. The Marauder’s Map in its early stages is a fun addition, and one I’m sure all your readers will enjoy.

Severus Snape was absolutely perfect – it was so wonderfully easy to hear his sarcasm dripping from every syllable – thank you!

The only possible point I can offer is plot. The link between the werewolf Remus and his dreams of his sixth year self is very vague. You may have plans for this, and have done it this way on purpose because of later chapter developments, but I just wanted to point out that as your reader, at this point I'm not really sure what the struggle is in this story, other then Remus's desire to show well as a Prefect this year. Developing this connection in the upcoming chapters, as I’m sure you plan to, will only give your story extra ‘punch’.

You’ve done a great job here - the individual parts are really well written, with nice flow and good dialogue. I'll definitely continue to follow this story.

Purgatory by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: One-shot. Directed by a prompt given to me by SPEW'S Deputy General, Jenna (Power).

Kingsley Shacklebolt finds himself on a vague mission to both protect the Muggle Prime Minister, and to glean as much information from the privileged setting as is possible. When the Prime Minister agrees to travel to France to learn about a Muggle massacre, the unexpected happens.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 02/22/07 Title: Chapter 1: Purgatory

This is just like the opening of a good spy thriller. I almost expect Jason Bourne to walk in at any moment *giggles*

Your eyes have the look of a frozen monster, Shackles. The devil himself would want for them, if you would only willingly give yourself to him.

This line just gives me chills every time I read it!

Your descriptions of his reactions to Gertrude Giovanni were excellent! Kingsley is a man who has very little of himself left – a spy who is more involved in the game then with the rest of humanity, but with the dichotomy of being tormented by guilt and invisible blood, in a way very reminiscent of Lady Macbeth. He’s hollow inside, alone except for his guilt, and your descriptions of his reactions and interaction to Gertrude Giovanni were really a fabulous way of underlining his own awareness of this, especially at the very end.

The italicized thoughts were well handled, always intriguing without subsuming the whole piece with them.

The less they knew about the other reality that controlled their lives, the better.

Loved this - so ominous and understatedly cynical.

Kingsley could feel it as they drove through the protective barrier the Muggle Relations office had erected around the site of the massacre. Looking at his companions, they could feel it too, but likely had no idea what had just happened. Often, it seemed to strike Muggles as a turn of the air or a sudden chill.

I love the detail here - and who hasn’t’ felt that inexplicable chill? *lol*

A short nod was all that came in answer before Kingsley left the room, let out all the air in his lungs, and hated himself for every step he took away from that room, knowing he assigned a woman to her death without knowing her circumstances. Such power over a person’s life felt grotesque. Grandmum would have been ashamed of him.

This is a fabulous ending and I love the way you’ve tied it into his earlier musings, and brought the chapter full circle.

I know I’ve said it before, but you have a wonderful eye for detail and this story really showcases your ability to convey characters and make them real for your readers. The final scene on top of the hill just left you wanting more; the sign of a great story *grin*

A Dying Flame by bluerosemarcella

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Post HBP. Spoilers. Oneshot. Draco remains in captivity as the war surges forth. He explores his thoughts and contemplates how he became so lost, much like his father. He faces a choice, but his dying soul has become apathetic.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 02/21/07 Title: Chapter 1: A Dying Flame

Some of the sentence structure is a little awkward in places, mainly in the first paragraph, but most of it is forgivable stylistically for the wonderfully dark and emotive mood you’ve set. I’m not sure if you corrected it, if it would be as effective. There are infrequent punctuation errors and a couple of awkward phrases, but overall, this is very well done.

Those of the Wizarding World were well aware of Voldemort’s rapid rise to power once more and had begun to fear the worst, for the enlisted help of the man who once posed the biggest threat (excluding, of course, the luck of Harry Potter) to Voldemort had now gone.

I wanted to point out this one sentence – it’s very long, and tends to lose the reader part way through. You may consider splitting it up, something like: ‘Those of the Wizarding World were well aware of Voldemort’s rapid rise to power once more, and had begun to fear for the worst. The man who had posed the biggest threat to his regime, next to the luck of Harry Potter, was now gone.’

I’m really not a fan of the ‘Draco is really a nice bloke under it all’ stories that are so prevalent when reading character pieces of our favourite ferret.

Thank you for not making it one of those! Draco’s regret is genuine and hard won. It is not the product of being beaten by his father, or brainwashed by his mother or anything else that would increase our sympathy for him, and make his life choices more likable to our eyes, as is sometimes used and usually leaves this complex character cheapened.

Yet you write him with sympathy. He is the same spoilt and arrogant boy that tormented Harry during Hogwarts, but he’s endured. He’s become someone pitiable, thought that would be an anathema to him.

There was at least an inch of water pooling into a lake at his feet, sometimes sent into splashing ripples by the occasional rat traipsing past his toes. His shoes were soaked, his socks clinging wetly to his toes. And how his feet itched…he knew they had swollen from pruning, his open pores causing bloating. If he could drown through his feet, he surely would have by now.

This is just so gruesomely macabre, and you use it wonderfully to really draw us into Draco’s plight. You’ve written this image so well, your reader can’t help but imagine it, and feel the dampness and the discomfort with delightful chills. *grin*

He was not ready to die.

So simple, yet so evocative – this really summed up the moment and perfectly portrayed the reduction of Draco’s thought process as he realized the multitude of consequences for his failure. He would never go back to Hogwarts, and even if he did he would be a pariah, his father’s disappointment and dismissal, and his own likely torture and punishment.

The torch had burned out.

An absolutely brilliantly poignant ending.

Lovely piece – and a wonderful look at the possible consequences of Draco’s actions during HBP.

His Reflection Lost by wendelin the wierd

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: At a time, when the world is an uncertain thing, one man realises who he truly is.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 04/22/07 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I have to start out by saying that I love the Oscar Wilde quote, and it emphasizes what you’ve done with this story perfectly.

The world just seems like an endless sea of a dull grey, and every slanted ray of light shimmers once, twice, and then never, or is it forever?

This is simply gorgeous; deep and lovely and very evocative.

Behave, or there will be no supper for you.

This is an incredible line; emotive and speaks to the dark place in everyone’s mind.

…but it is veiled by some false facade,

I hate to pick, but isn’t false façade a little contradictory? Or are you attempting to use a double negative for effect?

So he teeters for a moment and then turns back. But the world is turning with him,

This story is just full of so much fantastic imagery, but this one, I think, is my favourite like of the whole fabulous piece.

This is just so emotive and dark, and I love how much you really have to think, and its just so easy to fall into the stream of consciousness you’ve created.

We have no choice in who we are, he thinks. Its destiny. It’s no longer a matter of our decisions, or whether we even make the right ones. It’s just how we face up to the choices we haven’t made.

This is just a brilliant way to close. And that last line? Guh. Just, guh.

Author's Response: Guh right back at you! *Hugs Janis to a point beyond infinity*

Snow White Love by FlightofthePhoenix

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Elizabeth has lost a lot of love in the world, could James Lee Jordan and a little winter time help bring her back and give her a little hope for the future?
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 03/25/07 Title: Chapter 1: Falling Snowflakes

This story may have benefited by some careful beta work. Your somewhat frequent re-use of the same words in close proximity to one another, and other small errors really distract from an otherwise cute story idea.
She pulled her multi-coloured scarf around her neck and laughed happily as she tripped over a root poking its way out of the snow, and landed in the snow.
Example: you've used snow twice in this sentence.
I wanted to make you aware, the bit with her freezing was rather cliché and felt more like lazy storytelling. It is a cute reference, both to your title and the fairy story it's alluding to, but unless Jamie had cast a hex on her, her lips wouldn't freeze like that excepting if she were suffering from extreme exposure, which is serious and can lead to amputations; not at all a romantic outcome.
The back story given for Eliza really serves no purpose except to underline her suffering, and really doesn't contribute to the narrative except to make her a bit of a boarder-line Mary Sue. Character death is a lot like chlorine in tap water – something to be added cautiously, and only for very specific purpose, otherwise your reader's reaction becomes watered down to the point they just don't care. Her sister's death at the hand of a metal patient, and her mother's eventual derangement and death by crushing when she brings the drawing room down on herself really aren't needed to justify accepting a kiss from a boy, as Hermione seems to suggest at the end. This level of suffering just wasn’t needed to forward such a light, fluffy piece, and really served more to break the mood you had worked so hard to create for your reader.
The characters of Elizabeth Weasley and Jamie Jordan are cute, and the swing set scene is nicely done. You have a lot of potential in your writing, with good technical skills and nice descriptive talent. I hope to see you writing again soon, and hopefully you will be able to incorporate some of these suggestions into your next story to the betterment of an already promising talent.

Author's Response: Thank ou very much Nyruserra for you review. With the whole lips freezing incident, I never really thought of it the way you put it, lol. Thanks for all the advice like Character Death, and i\'ll be sure you work on those things. Thanks for the review, Nicole :)

Braving the Storm by Gryffinpuff

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: A storm. That's what their love had been…

Helga had known from the start that their relationship was doomed to fail, her obstinance and Salazar's pride too much for even love to overcome. But had it really been love? As time passed she became less confident on the matter. She could only speak for her own heart... and she knew it would never find peace until she faced him one last time. She had to brave one last storm. Rating and warning for brief, rather vague mention of past relations.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 03/23/07 Title: Chapter 1: Braving the Storm

Take a deep breath. Got it? Good. Now give yourself a nice big pat on the back. Oh, that squishing feeling? That’s me hugging you.

This is incredible. A truly well written, well executed piece, dripping with poignancy and regret in every paragraph. You often see Rowena paired with Salazar, but rarely Helga, and I like this pairing much better. You’ve pulled it off with grace and eloquence that is entirely due to skill and craft.

You really gave them all a great deal of character without a lot of description. You made Rowena real, and even Godric had presence, despite his only periphery appearance. I loved the depth of character that you gave Salazar. The opening scene between Helga and himself is probably my favourite part of this fabulously written story.

"I do not understand why you spurn her advances," Helga chuckled, turning to face him once more. "I know many wizards that would be overjoyed to have her at their side, fair and wise as she is."

"Do not be so modest, Helga," he replied quietly, his brow arched in an almost alarming manner. "Nary a lad would deny your hand should you be so bold as to offer it."

"All evidence to the contrary, I assure you," she giggled, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.

I think you have a wonderful feeling for dialogue, and though there is not much of it in this story, it shows through brilliantly none the less.

"Did you care for me at all?" she finally demanded on a whisper, angry tears forming in her eyes, unable to believe her audacity in asking such a question. She gasped and flinched when Salazar suddenly rose from his seat, crossing the distance between them in two fast strides, clutching her wrists in his hands.

"You doubt it?" he spoke, his tone gentle but demanding. Helga dropped her gaze to the floor under his startling glare, unable to answer as she sought to control her emotions.

Gahh. Beautiful.

Author's Response: *squees uncontrollably*
Oh wow thank you, I very rarely get reviews with more than, \"this was awesome!!!!!!!!\" so that meant alot to me! Yes, I think I agree with you about liking Helga/Salazar more than Rowena/Salazar. The differences in their character makes the pairing more enticing to me somehow.
Also, thank you for the comment on my dialogue! Most of my stories tend to focus more on action than speaking, so it\'s always nice to hear if I\'m doing the verbal interractions justice. Guh... just... guh. *squishes back* Thank you =)

In His Own Right by Starmaiden

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Neville has always lived under the shadow of his father. Now, nearly of age, he must begin to learn to fend for himself, to make his own decisions. This is Neville's time.
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/24/07 Title: Chapter 2: It's Time

Some young wizards dream of becoming the first-ever Dragon Tamer. Many hope to be famous Quidditch stars. Now and then, one will desire to be Minister of Magic.

And some wish to win renown for fertilizers, honking daffodils, and plants that try to eat their gardeners. Neville Longbottom was one of these.

Shall I mention again how much I love your characterization of Neville? I shall sign-up on the first available application sheet as your very own fangirl, I swear. *grins*

She had not forced Neville to follow in his father’s footsteps because it was the only successful way she knew; it had been her way of coping, of remembering. It had been a hope that if Neville kept trying, something of the son she had raised might reappear.

This is just perfect – I love how you’ve show her to be still grieving for her only child under her very tough exterior. I don’t think many of us often think about how difficult it must be for Augusta.

They were so different, he and his Gran. Come to that, she wasn’t much like his father either. By all accounts, his father had had an easy laugh, a quick sense of humour, and a love of life, none of which his father’s mother seemed to possess.

I’m only mentioning this because it really struck me as I was reading it – I think, perhaps a semi colon would work better in place of the comma between ‘life’ and ‘none’, because the last bit is more of a separate clause – I’m positive it’s still correct as it is, though, it just might be clearer with the semicolon.

I love the way you express their thoughts, deep revelations and understandings all mixed up with the more mundane thoughts of every day – clean socks and how time passes. It’s very real, and touching and gaugh. I just adore the whole ending. The new equilibrium he and his Gran achieve is wonderfully understated and full of comfortable melancholy; the familiar ache of time passing and faint regrets gentled by the acceptance of how well they turned out, almost right under your nose.

Author's Response: My day has just had a very dramatic upturn! Thank you so much! I love how you can say in words why something works, when I only know it does *insert eyeroll smiley here* And thanks for the note on the semicolon -- I\'ll probably go back and change that.

Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/22/07 Title: Chapter 1: To Be A Man

Neville is just such a wonderful character, isn’t he? I love how you captured him so perfectly just the first two sentences. Already you’re reader knows that you have a perfect grasp of just who this character is, and how he thinks. Nice :-)

Neville had never wanted to do anything quite so badly in his life (unless it was to sink through the floor in some of Professor Snape’s lessons)

Loved this bit *sniggers* and yet, it’s just so very Neville - and how very interesting and sad that he would clash with his domineering Grandmother over his one real achievement. You did such a marvelous job showing us his Gran - from just the few hints given to us in the books we know her to be a very formidable lady, and the scene in St. Mungo’s has clearly been captured fully in your portrayal of her.

Neville wondered if his eagerness to pursue Herbology was pride in knowing that he was someone besides his father, or if it was desperation to get away from his legacy. Maybe both.

I loved this - it’s just so telling, and yet sort of poignant at the same time. From the only scene in the books between Neville and his parents, we are sort of left with the feeling that he feels very much trapped in the shadow of what happened to them, and I love how you capture that, and his own struggle with those feelings, like he’s not being a dutiful son by even thinking them here.

Author's Response: Eeeee! A really good review! *jumps happily* Leaping aside, thank you for your reassuring comments. Working with Neville\'s been interesting; I figure out a structure and then rewrite it about ten times, by which time I\'m not sure if I\'m too close to know if it\'s good or not. So thank you!

Sinking Fast by Hanabi

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Padma did not particularly want to go to the Yule Ball with Ron. She had always pictured herself going with...someone else. But is that someone really who Padma wants?

Padma/Seamus with a touch of Ron/Hermione
Reviewer: Nyruserra Signed
Date: 06/25/07 Title: Chapter 1: NA

I love how you’re showing us Padma’s feelings during the events of GoF. She’s often overlooked, and her somewhat bitter assessment of the situation, especially as compared to her own twin, Parvarti is refreshing.

This is an unusual pairing. I have to admit, I clicked on this story rather randomly, based solely upon the fact that Seamus is one of my favourite, oft-ignored characters, and the pairing intrigued me. I like how you’ve handed the relationship between the two twins – we of course see more of Parvarti, as readers, as she is actually in Gryffindor, and therefore interacts with Harry more frequently; but you’ve taken it a step further, using this as a basis for Padma’s somewhat over-shadowed personality.

The build-up is a tad weak, though I was glad with how you addressed the obvious problem inherent in the fact that they are in completely different houses who share very few common classes.

“No, I’m Padma, Parvati’s sister.”

I find it interesting, how she would feel the need to point out that she is Parvarti’s sister; as if there were many completely unrelated people wandering around who just happened to look identical to the two of them. Perhaps she just babbles under pressure. *sniggers*

When I looked back at my eggs, I realized that they had been arranged like his face.

*sniggers* Okay, I have to wonder now, how one can arrange scrambled eggs into such a Picasso-esq portrait *grins*

You do a good job of arousing your readers’ sympathy – Padma is a very real character, and you’ve portrayed her sympathetically, and without the rather overdone and heavy-handed drama that can bear down a cute little story like this, like an albatross around the neck.

You’re grammar and spelling are quite good, with no real errors jumping out to distract from your writing (which is well done, as I tend to catch a lot of them *lol*)

All in all. a very cute read, and one I’m glad to have found.

Author's Response: First off, thank you so much for this really long review! Reviews that simply say, \"I liked it a lot,\" are nice to get, but they don\'t really say what the reader liked and disliked. I just wanted to make a comment about the eggs thing. I thought since Padma has quite a little crush on your hands, she can\'t escape him. It only looked like Seamus to her because he is what was floating around in her head. Does that make any sense? Sorry for that long explanation. I\'m glad you thought I portrayed Padma well. I wasn\'t sure if I was overdoing everything.