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hpreader1 [Contact]

Hi everybody! Check out my favs here!!!

Whos your harry potter man?
You scored as Neville Longbottom!

Aw. Neville is so sweet. He loves herbology. And hes had a really hard life. =[ Youre lucky to be his girl!

Neville Longbottom!


Ron Weasley!


Harry Potter!


Victor Krum!


Cedric Diggory!


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You scored as Squib

You have scored as a Squib! You have no magic in your blood, though your born to two magical parents. You probably are an enormous disappointment to them and those around you, and even though you tried your hardest to learn magic, you never could. You probably regularly grapple with depression. Still, you do your best to contribute to the Wizarding world. Squibs in Harry Potter: Mrs. Figg, Argus Filtch











Harry Potter Sorting Hat
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You scored as Hufflepuff

You are a Hufflepuff! You value hard work and patience, loyalty and friendship, justice and fair play. Your element is earth.









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Reviews by hpreader1

Teddy by dumbledorefluertwins

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's Teddy Lupin's first year at Hogwarts. As an orphan, he has bounced backwards and forwards between his grandmother and his godfather. Follow him on a journey where he discovers the values of friendship, family and love, along with fighting the prejudices against his father, and getting through Defense Against the Dark Arts, with a teacher who just seems to hate him for no reason...

*DH spoilers, obviously*

NOTE: I am sorry, but I have left this site, due to lack of time and personal issues concerning RL and the site. This story is discontinued here, but may well be posted elsewhere in the future.
Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 02/11/08 Title: Chapter 4: The Sorting Ceremony

ahhh! The wonderful sorting hat! Don't know how you wrote the sorting hat song, I probably would have stolen some from the books but yours is completely original. Teddy already sees the prejudice...

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 02/11/08 Title: Chapter 5: Professor Dermot

Ok, loved Herbology, good to see Neville again. Professor Dermot is dead scary (ha-ha- dead). Oh! And love the comment about Peeves!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 02/11/08 Title: Chapter 6: The Injustice of it All

Ouch! It's Snape all over again!!! Poor Lupin. Is Rita Skeeter behind the rumors?

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 02/11/08 Title: Chapter 7: Nothing Like Muggle Fairy Tales

Teddy is so much like Fred and George it's great!!! He also seems to be like Harry when it came to Umbridge only now Teddy is bothering Dermot. What's with Dermot and Allen anyway?! Alfie seems to have an attitude like Ron...

Author's Response: Yeah, Alfie is a little like Ron, although I\'m actually basing him on a boy in my English class called Frankie. ;) \r\n\r\n~Evie

Lost Souls by A Cappella

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Those sent to Azkaban are condemned to a place that is worse than death.
Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 1: Lost Souls

Too true.

Love Keeps Us Together (Sometimes Apart) by DontCallMeNymphadora

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ok, so I really really want to apologize to everyone that has read this and wanted more. I just... I got to a point of writer's block, big time... and I got lazy. I'm really really sorry about that. And, I wish I could add to this, but I just... I don't really have other ideas. I'm terrible at writing chapter work. I can never seem to finish it. So, I know it left off awkwardly, but odds are, it's gonna stay that way, at least for a very long while. I'm very sorry. And, heads up, I completely beyond appreciate everyone that has read and reviewed this. I saw the read count being over 22,000 today, and I was just like WOW. I never ever imagined that would happen!!! Anyways, this is pretty much the end of the story indefinitely, at least for now.
Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/07/08 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Dinner and... Conversation

Ah, Sirius, of course he has to come in here some too. Love this chapter as well!

Author's Response: Yes, just a bit. I'm sure he would've given Remus and Tonks hell if he had lived. I'm so glad that you like it!!!!!!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Confession

So awkward, so annoying, so frustrating. Yes, Sirius would have taken the mickey out of them (so to speak) if he had lived long enough to see them get married. Sirius is one of those people that wouldn't get tired of saying "Tonks and Remus sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

Author's Response: Yes, and he would be awfully annoying. I think Tonks would've slapped him after the second time. :P Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Doxies and Slyness

Ooooh! Yea!!! Remus is finally starting to come to his senses!!! And the whole blue and pink thing, I would so do that. Don't think I'm wierd or anything but that makes me think of cotton candy...

Author's Response: Thanks!!!! And, it's okay... weird ish good!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6: A Morning Mishap

Another yea!!! That whole cockroach thing is really disgusting though...

Author's Response: Thanks so much! The cockroach thing just came to me on a whim... I was typing and then I was like, that will work.

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A Bitter Taste of War

Noooo!!! Tonks!!! Well, we know she'll be ok but it's still sad. Poor Remus, your one true love is hurt and there is nothing you can do.

Author's Response: Did it come off as sad? Thanks again!!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Realisation Hits the Hospital Wing

Madam Pomfrey has her hands full! Lots of sleeping potion too. That would be a relief after all the trouble they've been through. Remus could probably use some as well.

Author's Response: Wow! I'm so glad you reviewed everything! I don't think Remus would've been able to sleep. He would've been worrying about Tonks way too much.

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Desperation and Suspicion

At least Tonks is ok. Remus must have lots of thoughts buzzing around his head. A chaotic night and lots of worries makes for some frustration.

Author's Response: And frusteration is sooooo annoying! Plus, he is a werewolf, so that is insane enough for poor him already.

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Potential Heartbreak

Don't you hate when that happens?! Someone really and truly cares for you but they try to protect you? It shows how much they care but it also cuts you like a knife. Why can't they just realize that sometimes society's thoughts don't matter, or that you don't care what your friends may think because of how you feel about them?! Argh!!!! Love can definitely drive you insane.

Author's Response: Yes. Absolutely positively so annoyingly insane. And, for a guy/girl. *sigh* Thanks so much for every single review! You are awesome!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 10/23/08 Title: Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Fighting Ice With Ice

Oy. Talk about frustrating. You'd think that they'd both admit that they like each other by now. I guess that's what you get when you put two very stubborn people together... ; )

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes very frusterating. And, I'm amazed this one got in the first time!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/17/08 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11: A Veela Encounter

Ooooh! Bill went out with Tonks? Hmmm... I gues that does sorta make sense. They would get along. Anyway, another awesome chapter!!!

Author's Response: Well, in my opinion, Bill went out with Tonks... and, thanks again!!!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/07/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Confession

Awwwww! That would be so hard!!! Knowing you love someone and then having to tell them you didn't- sorry, couldn't- love them. Life is hard enough without that on your mind!

Author's Response: Yes, very hard. And, poor Remus already feeling as bad as he does... Thanks so much for your review!!!

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/07/08 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A Distraction

Gotta love Fred and George. I never get tired of them. I can't believe JK Rowling killed Fred!!! It just makes all these type of moments in the books seem less...happy...somehow.

Author's Response: Thanks again for this review! I love Fred! He was awesome. I don't understand why she killed off half of the people she did. It did nothing to the plot...

Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/07/08 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Feelings Develop [More]

I know that feeling. It's always really awkward to be around someone you like!!!

Author's Response: It is always awkward, at least when you don't know what to say. It is so annoying!!!

Hot Roast Chestnuts by dumbledorefluertwins

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It is a snowy Christmas Eve. An old man sits by the fireplace and eats roast chestnuts, not knowing that a woman, whom he has not seen for years, will make one last appearance.

A simple tale of Christmas, by Apollo13 of Slytherin House, for the Winter Tales contest.
Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 08/04/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

That's so amazing!!! You always see Harry as someone who's strong and full of life. It's different to have him old and weak.

Author's Response: Well, I don't think he's weak. He's old yes, but still strong in his own way. He hates the fact that he now must rely on other people, and tries to do things himself, so I think that makes him strong. Thanks for your review!

Despair by voldiegirl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry is traumatized after the death of his friend and godfather, Sirius Black. A poem about his emotions right after Sirius falls through the veil.
Reviewer: hpreader1 Signed
Date: 09/08/08 Title: Chapter 1: Despair

The people we love never really leave us, they're always waiting at the end of the tunnel.

Author's Response: How true...