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Reviews by nevilleherosnape

The Resilient by Misdemeanor1331

Rated: Professors • Past Featured Story
Summary: Sequel to "An Aversion to Change."

It's Voldemort's world now: a world of corruption, betrayal, greed, and violence. A world of evil thoughts and evil deeds, where no one can be trusted, especially those closest to you.

But through it all, there must be strength. There must exist those who will stand up to totalitarian rule, who will say no when others submit, who must survive despite their condition. There must exist the resilient.

Eventual Draco/Hermione with plenty of plot. Very dark, so read at your own risk!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 01/04/11 Title: Chapter 21: Revelation

I'm going to have go back and read this chapter again!! I love it!

Author's Response: :D Thanks!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 04/29/10 Title: Chapter 8: Resilience

I'm lost.....they are for voldemort? or secretly against him? ???

Author's Response: They are for. :)

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 12/31/10 Title: Chapter 20: Making Contact

Very intense!!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/20/10 Title: Chapter 14: The Training Begins

Will she be able to use wandless magic? I can't wait to see where you are taking her! I felt like I was right there on the cliff with her, amazing bit of writing there!! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: That is the question, isn't it? ;) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 11/18/10 Title: Chapter 18: Orientation

Awesome! Love that she finally got to beat the hell out of someone!! Can't wait for her to experience more magic!!!

Author's Response: Yes, that part was very satisfying to write. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/31/11 Title: Chapter 24: Rite and Right

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

Author's Response: Thank you!!!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 11/30/10 Title: Chapter 19: Discovery

Wow. Just wow!! Don't worry about updating quickly!! Good story telling can't be rushed!!

Author's Response: Thank you!!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 07/25/10 Title: Chapter 11: The Dragon's Keep

wha........? please up date quickly!! you've got me completely hooked now! good job!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 05/18/11 Title: Chapter 27: Epilogue: The Forest

This has been hands down one of my favorite stories!! Well crafted, deep, twisted! Here we are at the end and I still want more! Standing ovation for you friend!! Story well done and told!!

Author's Response: Thank you!! :D :D

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 10/17/10 Title: Chapter 16: What Can Happen With Two

Ooh! Wow! You left a lot unsaid there!! Can't wait to find out where this going! I really liked the two of them at the beach and then later under the stars there is so much depth to their characters that it is incredible!! Great job!!

Author's Response: Thank you!! I'm glad their depth is coming across alright. :)

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/12/11 Title: Chapter 23: The Human Condition

And the plot thickens again! Love this story!!!

Author's Response: :) Thank you!

Potterwatch by LuNaLoVeGoOdLoVer

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: We find out what goes through Harry, Ron and Hermione's minds as they listen to a Potterwatch, but what goes through the minds of other listeners, the casters, and what news do they bring?
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/21/11 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

That's awesome!!

An Aversion to Change - Alternate Ending by Misdemeanor1331

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: For those of you who won't be reading the sequel, or for those of you who are but don't like it, or maybe even for those reading the sequel and enjoying it, but interested to see what else I came up with.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 01/07/11 Title: Chapter 1: An Aversion to Change - Alternate Ending

Awwww, in love this ending too! Bravo!

Author's Response: Thank you!

The Vindication Of James Potter by ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story

"James Sirius Potter, it is the judgment of the Wizengamot that you have been found guilty. You knowingly, in possession of sound mind and body, used the Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse in the intentional torture and murder of one Gregory Goyle the Third."

James Potter was going to Azkaban for the rest of his natural life, and his whole family was in shambles. His wife and child have fled the country, his sister was missing, and his parents were a wreck. However, James knew that he had larger problems: his guilt was coming more and more in question.

Though he knew that James was withholding information about the circumstances of the murder of which he had been found guilty, Harry had secrets of his own; however, even he could not handle this torrent of trouble alone. Can Harry trust his darkest confidences to anyone? Even family? 

How will the Potter clan stop the downward spiral into pain and disaster, and can they recover what they've lost?


This fic was nominated for a 2010 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Next-Generation Story.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 01/13/10 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 22

Just excellent!

Author's Response:

At times, I wish I could articulate myself in so few words. :D

So glad you enjoyed my story, and I hope you stay tuned.


Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/06/10 Title: Chapter 32: Chapter 31

no no no and yes I guess. I just don't know. Does Harry intend to tell Ginny all the "secrets" he's been keeping from her? Katie feels no remorse that she was the cause of one of the major problems between Ginny and Harry? What? ! Marriage is about trust. Harry didn't put his trust in Ginny, so in turn she didn't trust in him and the second he knew she thought he was cheating, he should have told her what was going on. For goodness sake!! Harry's tired of all the drama? He is the cause of the drama! How can he say they can't work it out when as of yet, they haven't sat down and discussed things, everything? Yeah I know, apparently I'm a Harry/Ginny fan at heart, I'm just having a hard time biting that after that many years together "Adios!" No need to talk, Ginny you were horrid b/c I gave you every reason to be horrid. Yes Ginny should have trusted him, but everyone has there breaking point, apparently it was Katie. Who I feel no pity for. Her love affair with Draco, whom she knew couldn't be with her, created a child who would grow up fatherless, wrecked her marriage to Oliver and in turn started a wrecking ball on Harry and Ginny's marriage. By all rights Ginny has every right to be as mad as Oliver, especially since apparently neither Harry nor Katie saw fit to clue her in on what was really going on. Katie was Harry's friend, Ginny was his wife and should have always been his top most priority!

Even with all of that I still love this story, I've been looking everyday for the next chapter to post!!!

Author's Response:

Yeah, I know what you mean about Ginny being angry, and rightfully so, at Harry, but truthfully, in my mind, at least, Harry knew that keeping this secret could cost him his marriage, but at that point, after the problems they had before (but that's a different story for a different day), he might not have cared as much as he wanted to. In my little universe, Harry and Ginny have been having problems from Day 1, because the war changed both of them, and probably not for the better. That being said, they ended up together because neither of them considered being with anyone else. True, they loved one another, but in Realityland, love isn't always enough for a successful marriage.

With all of that, I still hope that you can follow my line of thinking. While it's true that I was rather mercenary with Ginny, I was also pretty liberal with torturing Harry in this, as well. Almost everything in this story is his fault, he knows it's his fault, and it eats at him like termites in the soul.

Thanks for reading, and the next chapter should be out in a few days.


P.S.-If you want an email alert for when a new chapter is posted, just add this story to your favorites, and it'll do it automatically. It's what I do with all the stories I love to read. :D

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 05/05/10 Title: Chapter 34: Epilogue

W.O.W. That was good! I'm not sure what I thought you were going to do, but this is terrific! That is to say my stomach turned over when I saw the update in my inbox! I know I complained several chapters or so ago about Harry and Ginny, but the way you wrote them in the end was so obvious a way to bring them to an end, which was to not end them exactly just put them back at friendship level. To read Harry's part here is just beyond words, it was a great way to have him go out. Oliver's part was good too! Mature. I like it way much! If it were ever possible for this to get into a printed book and sold I would so have a copy on my bookshelf! You do great work!! I love it when I get sucked into a story and I feel like I am write there in the room with the characters! Your story does that! I enjoyed laughing, crying, being angry with them! Again thanks for writing a great story!

I must ask though, for all intents and purposes will the ring be destroyed with the house? or will it lay in wait in the rubble?

Author's Response:

The ring, at least to me, contains enough old magic to keep it from being destroyed - well, at least the stone. The ring part, the metal, will probably melt down, but the enchantments in the actual Resurrection stone will, in my universe, keep it from being destroyed. Whether Harry's alcohol addled brain will make him think to go back for it, that remains to be seen, but for the moment, I'm inclined to let it be forgotten in time for another day and another character. I might even write about it...or at least write a drabble. :)

I really wanted to sew up enough loose ends to conclude the present  story, but I also wanted to leave myself room to continue the story in future installments. Lily's incarceration is on my list of future works, as is the continuation of Albus and Anne, who have quickly become just as precious to me as Harry/Ginny are to so many others.

Speaking of Harry and Ginny, it would be absolutely mercenary and OOC for me to make them hate one another, but it would have been equally awful to Ginny's character to make her blindly accept Harry's ill behavior. There was no reason why, after they'd both had time to cool off, that they couldn't at least exist in harmony. They did live together, after all, even though the bad times, for nearly four decades, so they can get past most things. They do and always will love one another, but as you probably already know, sometimes, taht just isn't enough. I won't be getting them back together, I can say that much, but where they both go from there will be fascinating (once I figure it out, lol).

The end was the part that I'd worried about. I was concerned that no one would buy death by strawberries, but Katie would know that Harry wouldn't have any idea that she was allergic. Sending Mira to one of Harry's family members' houses to do it would be so simple, and I knew that it was the right way to do it in this. She finally finished what she started years before, because she just couldn't bring herself to live anymore. Is she a coward, maybe, but she had been miserable for so long, trying to put on her brave face, she just had nothing left.

I decided, since I was going to kill off Katie, that Oliver and Draco would both have to play a part in it. They were the men (Harry, too) who cared about her and loved her, and they were the ones that would need to let her go peacefully and not die slowly and miserably while everyone who cared about her watched helplessly. 

I'm glad you liked the story, and I do plan other pieces to accompany it, including what Draco said to Katie while she had the ring. It's my own little universe now, and I can't wait to build on it more.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to see you again soon in future reviews!


Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/17/10 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 32

Love it. Not waiting patiently for the epilogue, but seeing as how I now choice but to wait, I'll get the laundry done! I really like where you took this and that you are letting Harry and Ginny work out things to an extint. No they could never be the couple they were but maybe the couple they should have been. Being married to my highschool sweetheart for nearly 11 years and three kids will probably always leave me in the Harry/Ginny corner! As for the rest, just fab!! I can't seem to get updates on any of my favorites, so I've been dedicated to logging in and looking for udates every week since I found your story! This one should be on a best selling list with Amazon! You've done a great job with it!! :)

Author's Response:

I'm not completely mercenary, so I couldn't leave Harry and Ginny on bad terms. From what I know of Harry (I've written him a lot since I started doing fan fiction), he just isn't suited to marriage because of his ridiculous heroic tendencies. Heroes just don't make good husbands, and Harry is not the exception. Harry/Katie was, and still is, a really difficult decision that I'll have to make for the epilogue and any further stories that will stem from this one. They won't get married or anything, because that would just be plain ridiculous, but sometimes, a person just needs someone in their life that truly understands them, and that person might not be who you expect.

Eleven years, huh? That's insane to me, considering all the people I know that have been married that long are either old enough to be my grandparents or they're about to strangle one another. I guess that has given me a sort of irreverence for marriage, but I'm sure that, had Draco/Katie been married, they would have been ridiculously happy with one another. As for me, I think I'm just the blissfully unattached sort and probably always will be. :)

Now, I'm not sure about a best-seller, considering this fic only has a little over 5000 reads, but it is a marvelous compliment nonetheless. This was the very first thing I ever started, and it gives me no small measure of personal pride and accomplishment to see it through to the end. There was no way that the story in my head would ever be done the disservice of never seeing the page, because it really has been that important to me. When you have dreams about something nearly every night, it just shows how much it means, and I almost can't believe that it's nearly over. While I shall miss it, there will be other stories that outline other events in this little universe of mine, because I'm not sure I'll ever be able to let it go.

Thank you so much for reading from beginning to end. While I'm not entirely happy with the first seven chapters or so, I'm really happy with how everything else went down. It bummed me to kill Draco, but someone that truly deserved better had to die to teach Harry a hard lesson, and I couldn't find it in myself to kill one of Harry's children. I do promise that the epilogue will be written, not forgotten - just not right away. Sorry about that. :-(

Take care, and I hope to see you around in other MNFF stories!


If you're looking for decent Harry/Ginny that is regularly updated, try Harry Potter and the World Reborn by andelyn kinsey. She updates pretty regularly, the story is good, and since it is her first fic, as well, she could use the support. Hope that helps. :D

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/17/10 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 32

Well, I'm only 30, so not that old. My grandparents are about to celebrate their 65th. It wouldn't be a marriage if there wasn't ups and downs, fights, battles, wars, laughs, and those people out there that tell you they never fight with each other are full of crap!

Whatever gave you the idea that this wasn't a good Harry/Ginny Story? If, IF, they had been real people, their marriage totally would have turned out like that given everything that happened in the story. Marriages don't survive secrets, so you are totally vindicated in ending them!! I say it again, GOOD STORY!!

I am reading Harry Potter and the world reborn, and I like it too!

Author's Response:

Haha, I sooo wasn't trying to call you old. That possibly came out wrong, lol.

In terms of Harry/Ginny, from all the reading of the books, Jo's comments, and as well as what I know about the characters, I really don't believe that they were going to last. I'm happy for them because they managed to stick it out for 35 years, and with the current marriage disasters that our society has, that's borderline miraculous. I'm glad you don't disagree with the fact that I ended things, since I really couldn't see any way around it. It's hard, torturing characters I inherently like, but that was just the sort of story I set out to write.

I'm still a couple chapters behind on HPatWR, but I've been pretty much a faithful follower. I think the last part I read was right after Harry's conversation with Arthur. I've just been so busy writing that I haven't been keeping up on my reading at all. I don't think I have any other good suggestions for regularly updated Harry/Ginny, mostly because I tend to lean toward all things Malfoy, lol. (now those, I have many suggestions). There is a particularly poignant one-shot with H/G, called Beauty from Pain (just do a title search, and it should come up). It's slightly AU, but it's really powerful and emotionally charged. I think you'll like it. All the other Harry/GInny I've read aren't updated any more (boooooo).

Well, until we meet again (which we probably will, because apparently, we read the same stuff, lol), take care.


Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/02/10 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 30

Just tickled pink that there was another chapter today. Will Harry ever stop to think about that maybe if he had just been honest with Ginny instead of keeping all these secrets that maybe their marriage would have survived? He's all for placing blame on her for not being understanding, but what did she have to understand? She was never a weak oblivious woman, and being a Weasly meant she would be prone to horrible imaginations of what he might be doing regardless of how stupid it was to have thoughts like that to begin with. It appears that he married her, but never was able to put his trust in her. There has to be one point where he realizes that "Oh shit. I'm to blame too." He was always off trying to be everything to everyone else, trying to save everyone else, without so much of a backwards glance in her direction. There isn't a woman alive who wouldn't have kicked him out of the house for the deal with Katie. What was she supposed to think? From what I get she wasn't always a drunk, just from had happened at James trial. he went to save everyone, but never tried to save her. It was like he just took it for granted that she was always going to be there, but she wasn't allowed to be there for him when he couldn't even confide in her. He expected an awful lot of faith from her for him, when he had no faith in her to begin with.

Author's Response:

Ah, you're one of the very first people to leave me a review that actually kind of GETS what I was going for. Harry didn't tell Ginny because he was keeping Katie's secret. In that act, he nearly ruined his marriage because Ginny thought he was cheating on her. In a sense, though, he was. On the flip side, though, she refused to have faith in him when it really counted, and after all those years of it, he'd decided that enough was enough. I tried to make it to where there was enough blame to go around, but in truth, much of what happens in this story is Harry's fault. The true interest that I try to build is how the characters all deal with this fault, especially when it cost Draco his life.

However, I do hold that Harry knows how much blame falls on his shoulders, because there are times in the story where it all just hits him, and it just seems to crush him under the weight (at least that's what I was going for, but I'm only a medium talent author, so I digress, lol). Harry is not weak, nor would I ever want him to be, but I crafted these moments to make him realize that he needs to start trusting his friends and family; they do only want what's best for him, even if he's being too much of a prat to see that. The way I have it mapped out in my mind, though, Harry and Ginny were doomed almost from the start; he is too willing to keep secrets for what he assumes is her own good, and she's too angry about it to see that he's not trying to hurt her by doing this. IMO, they were never really a great match from the begin with, mostly due to the fact that Harry's true nature really doesn't dispose him to being what most would consider a good husband. He works too much, he keeps secrets, and he doesn't share his true feelings with enough people. Does that make him an idiot - maybe. Does that stick a fork in just about ever relationship he's ever had, maybe minus Hermione - definitely.

I hope this dive into my mind about Harry has been instructional as to my reasoning behind how I wrote the story like I did. I'm not trying to make him miserable, but he sure is trying to do it to himself. As always, thanks for reading, and feel free to leave reviews, ask me questions, or whatever. I enjoy hearing from you. Take care!


Shine a Light by Sapphire at Dawn

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Clariss Flint has always thought herself a normal teenage girl who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, during her sixth year at Hogwarts she begins to experience flashbacks to the past, where she experiances the life of Miss Ara Grey, a girl who attended Hogwarts in the seventeenth century. Clariss uncovers Ara's dangerous affair with the handsome Potions Master of the time, and as she becomes more and more involved with discovering what happened to the lovers, she notices that their lives are incredibly similar. Clariss begins to find love of her own at Hogwarts, and an ultimatum leads her to discover just how much the dead can influence the living.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/19/10 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Nice! The Professor Black?! Soon to be headmaster!? Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: Ah, I forgot about him! You mean Phineas Nigellus? No, it's not him. This fic is set in the 1670s, well the historical part anyway, so it's about two hundred years before Phineas Nigellus's time. This guy is a different Black. Thanks so much for reading, though, and reviewing!