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Reviews by Ruchira_M

Sirius Black by hestiajones

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
An attempt to answer the question "Who is Sirius Black?"

Written for the Iain Sharp Challenge at Poetry Anyone(?).
Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 07/18/12 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow, the mystery that is Sirius. Wonderfully expressed.

'i' before 'e' by Equinox Chick

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Feature
Summary: Ms A Cadwallader wishes to improve herself and apply for a better job. Unfortunately, despite her impeccable qualifications, she is thwarted by a certain Junior Under Secretary for the Minister of Magic, who has let it be known that basic spelling errors can never be over looked.

This story, written in the style of a series of letters, first appeared in The Battle of the Genres over at the SBBC forum.

I am not JK Rowling. She would probably have been more amusing.

This story is for Minna because it was her birthday and she likes this pairing.

Thank you Natalie for liking the drabble and encouraging me to expand.

Winner of the Best Humour QSQ in 2012 - GOBSMACKED!!!
Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 05/26/12 Title: Chapter 1: Letters

This is so adorable and hilarious!

Author's Response: hahahahahah - thank you. It was fun to write. ~Carole~

Author's Response: hahahahahah - thank you. It was fun to write. ~Carole~

Defiance by Gmariam

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Spring, 1979: When both their love and their lives are tested by Dark magic, James Potter and Lily Evans must defy Voldemort for the first of more confrontations to come during the first Wizarding War.
Winner, Quicksilver Quill Award for Best Marauder Era story
Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 05/09/12 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One - James

Wow! What an opening!

Author's Response: It was quite fun to write, so I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~Gina :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 05/09/12 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter Five - James

What? How can you end here? Oh my!!!

Author's Response: It's not done yet, no worries. Thank you for reading, I'll be finishing it soon and hope you enjoy it! ~Gina :)

Shamrock by Equinox Chick

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: In the space of five months, Seamus Finnigan found himself out of one relationship and home, and safely ensconced with the rapacious Romilda Vane.

About to get married and move to Paris, he couldn't be happier.

But his friends have other ideas.

Disclaimer: I most definitely am not JK Rowling.

Another Disclaimer: All the chapter titles are named after films. I didn't star, write or direct any of them. And there's a good few I haven't even seen.

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 05/09/12 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 -The Wedding Planner

Hi, great opening, I don't know how you juggle so many stories together. and I love the shrieking reminder, it reminded me of Hermione's Homework planner.
(btw, my bestfriend is called Anusha. i wonder what she would say to her sharing her name with Dean and Parvati's daughter!:P) I haven't read the other stories you mentioned, so I am properly confused about why Romilda dislikes Dean and what partnership Dean and Seamus had and who Seamus' ex was, but I hope to find out as the story progresses,

Author's Response: Ohhh, I changed the name of the baby at the last minute (the original name had the wrong origin D'OH!) so I'm giggling a little at how I hit on a name you knew well - ha. The reason Romilda dislikes Dean should be clearer in chapter 2 and the identity of Seamus' ex is also revealed. The business they had isn't wildly important to this story, but basically 'The Foolhardy Boys and Parvati, too' was written for a mystery competition, so I had them setting up a detective agency.

Thank you ~Carole~

Seven Simple Years by HalfASlug

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: The story of Ron and Hermione through a series of missing moments. Who said love was simple?
Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 08/02/12 Title: Chapter 4: How the Cookie Krumbles

Ron Ron Ron! You are so bloody thick!!!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :) Tell me about! The boy needs a shake!

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 11/16/12 Title: Chapter 11: Shades of Lavender: Transparent

"He was sure that if anything could charm Hermione it would be a book." -I laughed out loud at this- (yes, the full form, because LOL doesn't quite cover it). Ron, oh Ron.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :) Haha, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who takes the time to write the full form, along with an explanation as to why I've written it out in full form.

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 09/25/12 Title: Chapter 1: Building Blocks, Foundations and a Troll

Well done with describing the 3rd task from viewers' PoV.
And the next chapter rocks. Bless you, Neville- he should cough more often.:P

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :) Haha,yeah, if only Neville had a permanent cold then they might've got together a lot sooner!

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 11/03/12 Title: Chapter 10: Shades of Lavender: Through the Mist

This was a great great chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 10/11/12 Title: Chapter 7: The Truth, Brains and Other Things that Hit Ron

Ah good morning, Ron.
And prefect meetings- i swear!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 11/20/12 Title: Chapter 12: Twelve Practically Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Hermione

This is one of your best chapters till date- brilliant. I was sobbing through the first part and the scene between Fred and George would have got me sobbing again if that "Asymmetrical Wonder" line didn't turn up.

Author's Response: Thank you! Ear humour from the twins does tend to cure tears :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 01/01/13 Title: Chapter 15: Road to Redemption

Hermione squirmed. Did Luna ever actually listen to herself?

That's our question, isn't it? Great chapter- from angst to tenderness...wonderful.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! A question I doubt we will ever get an answer to. I'm glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 10/24/12 Title: Chapter 9: Shades of Lavender: Opaque

"Honestly," she continued. "He didn't know why you asked him out and he hatched a plan to find out. Of course, he's a boy so it didn't go quite to plan. In fact, he's not just a boy, it's Ron and from all I've heard, it was always doomed to fail spectacularly," ... Why haven't we seen more of Mrs.Granger? She rocks! And I love how Crookshanks bolted from the room. Also, "infernal ball of feathers"... :D

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm really glad you like her - Mrs Granger will be back in a couple of chapters. Crookshanks and Pig are so underrated. I'd stick them in every chapter if I could. Thanks for reviewing again :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 01/18/13 Title: Chapter 18: Nineteen Minutes Later

beautiful end and I like how the epilogue is not from either Ron or Hermione's pov but from Harry's.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! It seemed fair to give Harry the last say- plus this was Ron and Hermione had an equal number of POVs. Can't be showing favourites. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the fic and thank you for all the reviews :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 01/05/13 Title: Chapter 16: The Final Battle -- Part One

"Excuse me? Seconds in command?" called Fred from the back of the room.
"Well, now that our only hope just walked out, we sort of expected you two to take charge," shrugged Fred.

I loved this part. Also, how the tables turn! Loved Ron's chess-face thinking.

The part with Snape was brilliant.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! I couldn't resist having one last Fred and George moment before - well... that. This was Ron's big moment so I'm glad you think I did it justice. Haha, Snape just makes everything better, doesn't he? Anyway, glad you enjoyed this chapter :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 10/16/12 Title: Chapter 8: Shades of Lavender: Translucent

McGonagall being amused was the best part.

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing :) I like to think most of the faculty were rooting for these two in the end.

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 11/27/12 Title: Chapter 13: Road to Ruin

For being two such bright, feisty young girls, I always though Ginny and Hermione were rather silly in thier reaction to Fleur. Although, that makes them more real and endearing as characters. You got Ron really well in this chapter, and Fleur was wonderful- it's great how she knew the nickname- but I've always wanted to read Bill's reaction. Do you think you'll do that next chapter? Or if you want to jump events you could include Bill's reaction in flashback mode? Pretty please?

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :) Yeah, but she was beautiful and the boys they liked had both noticed. Some kind of primal instinct kicks in in that situation. I was worried about Fleur so I'm glad you think I did her justice. Bill does show up in a couple of chapters time, but his reaction to this isn't shown. It is something I'd like to write as a separate story eventually though.

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 06/11/12 Title: Chapter 1: Building Blocks, Foundations and a Troll

This is so cute. Loving it, please update.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing :) I'm glad you like it so far! Next update shouldn't be a million miles away :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 01/09/13 Title: Chapter 17: The Final Battle -- Part Two

Brilliant, every part of it brilliant. I always wanted to know what was happening in the Great Hall while Harry was in the forest, plus the confession part was so good and in-character, done in a way that it could only be Ron and Hermione and not just any love story with any two people. The disappointing bit is the seven years are over now. :(

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! So did I and how Ginny ended up outside so I ended up writing it. And thank you! I really wanted it to be very them. Not quite! There is one more chapter that's sort of an epilogue :)

Reviewer: Ruchira_M Signed
Date: 12/24/12 Title: Chapter 14: Broken

Cute update.Merry Christmas.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! Merry Christmas to you too :)