My name is Geoff, and I'm too old-fashioned to have a Facebook page, so what you see here is what you get.
I came late enough to Harry Potter that I never had to wait for the next book to come out. Still, Harry isn't Bertie Wooster: he has but one real story to tell, and the day came when it had been told in full. It turns out, though, that hijacking the characters and settings, trying to recapture the elusive feel that made the originals so successful, is a lot more challenging and fun than I expected it to be.
I'm a complete amateur at this: my real job doesn't involve literature, publishing, or popular entertainment of any kind.
If you make it to the end of any of my stories, please consider leaving a review.
Poor kid!
Author's Response: Yeah... What can I say? I am a cruel and heartless author. I'm even meaner in the next chapter. For what it's worth, I'm actually pretty nice to real people, just not fictional characters... or their pets.
Thanks for the review,
Hermione heart-lost and out of ideas: an unusual aspect for her, but still completely in character. Very nicely done.
I especially like the way the "brilliant idea" comes from George. The obvious thing (at least to me) would be to have Hermione blurt out this so-logical suggestion, but I think I like your way better.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Harry Potter had seen death - a lot of death. Friends had passed in his lifetime, more so than any one person should ever experience, but how much is too much, even for the Chosen One?
Ron Weasley is dead, leaving behind his wife and his best mate. How can these two cope with their Trio being cut down to two? And when danger lurks in the shadows, can they find the strength to fight for one another?
So, I'm browsing some Harry/Hermione stories, thinking they might help with the happy, fluffy, one-shot I'm working on, when I come across *this*. Not quite what I had in mind (but my own fault for not making you a favourite author before now).
Still, a great piece of fiction so far. You have another reader who will be sticking with this one to the end.
I love how you can tell a story by leaving things out. In this chapter Hermione really ought to have begged Ginny not to give up on Harry - but she doesn't. Perhaps that hints at something she's not even aware of herself yet.
Author's Response:
Well, hello there!
I really wanted to write that elusive non-canon ship...the one that feels like it could've actually happened. There is a lot to be said about what one cannot see but can infer. They're like subliminal clues that lead the reader along to where the author wants to go, and when the Big Moment happens (whatever it might be), it is accepted but still surprising because the reader isn't always sure how they got there. :D
Anyway, thank you for hanging on to the story. There is one last installment to go, but it will have to wait until the archives stop being broken and begin to accept submissions again. If you're looking for drool-worthy Harry/Hermione work, please check out the opaleye. She is so fabulous, and she also believes in realistic Harmony.
Don't witches do home births? I'd been assuming they generally did, for some reason. Maybe because of the slightly old-fashioned feel the wizarding world often seems to have? Or perhaps it's just down to Molly I-can-wrangle-seven-kids-without-breaking-a-sweat,-what-could-one-possibly-do-to-me? Weasley.
Author's Response:
I suppose some of them do, but it doesn't seem like it would be best for this situation. First off, they are in hiding with aliases, so it makes sense that they divulge their place of residence to as few people as possible, plus Harry would be the s***tiest midwife on the planet, hehe.
Anyway, glad you're reading, and enjoy the rest of the fic!
Well done with the Sorting Hat's song - you actually had me checking that JKR didn't write that.
Go Dudley - he's racing downhill, still on his feet - though not for much longer, I fear. Looking forward to reading through the wreckage next time. Still a great story.
A Dementor-centric story: first-person or third? To get the full effect, you may have to go for first. Also, how long can you keep it up for? The novelty might wear off after a few thousand words. But go for it anyway - there's bound to be a way to make it work.
Who knew Dudley had it in him to be such an engaging character? This is lovely fresh writing. There are a few glitches (Godric's Hollow isn't near London), but it seems ungrateful to mention them, really.
Do you have any non-fanfiction work you can post a link to? Or a title for that might-be-published novel?
Author's Response: Gosh I feel really silly now, I definitely knew that about Godric's Hollow and didn't bother to get someone to beta me. Thanks for the review, and I will try to practice more constant vigilance! I'm glad you're enjoying the story, I didn't think many other readers would be interested in Dudley but it turns out he's quite fun...
I don't post any of my original work online, but hopefully someday if I'm lucky you may see some of it on a library bookshelf. My novel in the works is titled The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter. I do have an agent and an editor but we haven't found a publisher yet so we're working on that currently. Thanks for the support, it is very much appreciated! Cheers :)
This is looking very promising so far. I've thought for a while that a story trying to give Tom Riddle a girlfriend would be hard to pull off, and perhaps not worth the candle -- but that a character who could play Hermione to Tom's Harry, so to speak, could be another matter. It looks like Lydia is going to be both at once.
Author's Response: The original for this (More Than A Game) was a one-shot without the romantic component. I think the only way that Tom ever could have even had a friend would be if it were started under unusual circumstances and the potential friend had some unusual qualities. I was thinking almost the Irene Adler to Sherlock Holmes (though, that wasn't of a romantic nature either). I guess the goal was to create a character who had enough qulaities that Tom admires without the same thirst for power so as not to be viewed as competition. Hopefully, I've pulled it off, and if not, it was still interesting to write.
Thanks for reviewing,
Nice Ravenclawish chapter here. Is this intended as a pleasant interlude before the Darker material to come, I wonder?
I think Burke wasn't the only one trying to cheat Tom on his commission - surely it should have been 4 Galleons, 14 Sickles, 5 Knuts? (And Tom didn't even notice - authors can be so cruel sometimes :)
Author's Response: Partially. There are a few elements in this chapter that will reappear in later chapters. Also, I think I may have dragged out the early stages of the relationship between Tom and Lydia to justify him having feelings for her wihtout him seeming wildly out of character.
As for cheating Tom... that really wasn't my intent, but you are entirely correct that it should be 4 Galleons, 14 Sickles, and 5 Knuts. What's worse is that I can't even figure out how I ended up at the sum that made it into the chapter. Kudos for noticing and I will properly reimburse Tom at my ealiest convenience. Clearly, the Dark Lord is now indebted to you. ;)
I'm really enjoying the landscape descriptions - the high country, the forest. A good story needs good scenery, and this one has plenty of it.
Author's Response:
Thank you.
Most of these places are real (Shivering Stone certainly is, though so far as I’m aware there’s no magical gateway to a werewolf village in that part of the Cheviots). The glen and woods are in Scotland (Scotland isn’t far away) and the bastle isn’t far away, either.
Ginny the Quidditch hooligan!
Some good ideas are, shall we say, less obvious than others.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review.
This seemed obvious to me, though all is not as it seems.
The first scene is great. I think it's clear enough from canon that Hermione is capable of something like this, but to see it from her own viewpoint is kind of odd. In a good way.
What a horrible girl! A very believable Bellatrix, and smoothly written, too. I don't know why there aren't more people reading this story, unless it's just that its main character is too obnoxious to stand.
Author's Response: Hahaha. Thank you! I think?
Oliver is a character with promise - you're doing a great job with him so far.
Also, I have to ask: Frog Choir?
Author's Response: I don't believe that it's mentioned in the books, but I have found them in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and Harry Potter wiki. They are featured in the third movie as well. Thanks for reviewing! :)
I do like this. Nasty characters are harder to write than they look; this story gets the reader to identify with Draco without making him admirable in any way.
There is one major slip-up: Draco refers to speaking to Dumbledore during the Battle. Dumbledore was, of course, dead by then.
Author's Response: Draco was talking to Dumbledore's portrait in the Headmaster's office, much like Harry did at the end of the Battle.
Thank you very much for your review!
She was the first to accept me for who I was, Muggle father and all. The teachers didn’t count. Dumbledore accepted me out of duty; Slughorn accepted me for his own personal gain. She accepted me out of love.
Would you have been any different if you had had your world ripped apart and your heart shattered until there was nothing left to love with?
This is a story about a boy and a decision that he regretted. A decision he had made a few times before. Tom Riddle made the decision to say so many times those words that would eventually be his downfall.
Hmm ... Tom Riddle, in love, in first-person. Not one to shrink from challenges, are you? But your final scene really makes the whole idea work - it clinches the story, gives Tom a bit of a human side, and (crucially) leaves Tom's overall character looking like it should. A very well-conceived story.
Author's Response: No, I'm definitely not one to shrink from challenges! I'm really glad that this worked, as I found it quite hard to write and was I so worried that it was going to be rejected like my other story was first time. I find it easier to write in first person for some reason, but balancing Tom's character was difficult. It was very helpful to read how others, yourself included, had portrayed him as there is little in the books of his teenage years.
Thanks for the review!
Nice story. People who don't give up easily always seem to make good characters.
Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, I think both were pretty persistent in the end. ~Carole~
Moody is one of my favourite HP characters. This story gets inside his head nicely.
Author's Response: Thanks so much - that was what I was trying to do, just get inside his head and tell a story, so I am glad you think I did that well. Moody is one of my favourite characters too. Thanks for the review, really appreciate it :)
This is great stuff. But I'm curious as to why the Horcrux only shows Hermione images of Harry and Ron talking about her - she doesn't hear the actual words they're saying. Is that because, for her, the narrative voice in a book is more convincing? Or maybe, her own imagination is more powerful and hurtful than any possible reality? Or does the Horcrux just feel unable to show too much detail without the falsity of the scene becoming apparent?
Author's Response: Hmmm. I think the Horcrux in this case (Voldemort, for all practical purposes) wants to lie to her by twisting that which really did happen. It shows her pictures of things that are easy to believe were real occurances, and yet, by not letting her hear the dialogue, he can control what she takes from the viewing. So even though Ron and Harry were mad at her about the incident with the broomstick, for example, I don't think hearing those words now would really make her feel that insecure. SHe knew they were mad, and she's said stuff over hte years too. But Voldemort tells her lies along with the images to plant (and play off of) different insecurities inside her... that the boys don't really want her as much as they NEED her. If she had only seen the real scenes, it wouldn't have been a lie. And Voldemort lies. Again, I based much of this off what we saw with Ron, and how he tried to wreck him and immobilize him so he couldn't destroy it. And I went from there. Good question. :)
I'm not J.K. Rowling. I suppose more than a few of you know that.
Edit: Thank you guys so much!! Over 1000 reads on my first story... whoever has read this is amazing.Keep going, I'm enjoying this. Let's see how young Hermione turns out. Nice touch making her Dad a secret chocoholic. Criticism (well, you asked for some): you are using American school terminology instead of British ("fifth grade", "recess", "public elementary school", etc.) And in the same vein, "soccer" should probably be "football".
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing!! Yeah, I thought that part with her father was funny, I just added it for a laugh. Okay, so I'm not British......I guess it's kind of obvious, I'll try and change those as soon as I can. This is my first story that's actually gotten onto MNFF, so you're my first reviewer!! Thanks!!