MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
hpforlife [Contact]

Important things to know about me:

female, soon to be 16 and in 10th grade, United States, New Jersey, completely obsessed with Harry Potter, in love with James Potter and Sirius Black.


So…I’m very opinionated about fanfiction. It’s this problem I have, really, to be so stubborn and judgmental. That’s why I never leave bad reviews, because I’m scared I’ll say something terrible and have the author take it the wrong way.

I usually only read and write James/Lily and other marauder era stories, because I’m extremely picky about sticking to canon. And since we know so little about what happened back in the time of the Marauders, it’s easier to build off of what JKR gave us and still make it sound good.

I’ve read a sickening amount of J/L stories, and have come to the following conclusions:

-I cannot stand the ‘James has completely changed for me and now I love him’ story. First of all, it’s incredibly cliché. I like some clichés, but not this one. James would not have completely changed for Lily and become this complete gentleman all the time. His arrogance is part of what makes him so attractive. And I believe (though I certainly may be wrong) that Lily secretly had a crush on James ever since first year, so I don’t think that she ever truly hated him, no matter what she says or thinks.

-I hate anything that puts Lily and Sirius together. It’s so, so, so, so wrong. Sirius would never in all his life do that to James. And Lily likes James, so she can’t like his best mate!

-I don’t like the idea of Remus liking Lily. It’s logical, but if it were true, that would mean Remus would have had his heart broken and I hate to think that. I don’t really think he would like somebody with a temper like Lily’s anyway. She’s much too fiery.

-I hate it when Lily becomes completely helpless around James. Being nervous because she likes him is okay, but having her scared to death of Voldemort while James cradles her in his arms is sickening. Slughorn said she was brave, so even though it’s normal to be frightened, I don’t think she would fall apart at the mention of Voldemort.

-I (most of the time) don’t like the use of the death of Lily or James’ parents as a way to get them closer. That did not happen. But there are a few stories that I think are brilliant despite the killing off of the parents.

-I don’t like it when Lily is made out to be a strict stickler for rules. Slughorn said she was funny, and she couldn’t have been if she didn’t believe in ever bending the rules. She just didn’t like the fact that James was a bully, not that he necessarily broke rules. I think she herself would have broken a few rules. Most people are under the assumption that she was obsessed with rules, but in reality, I doubt she was. If James liked her so much, then there is no way that she could have been.

-I’m not a huge fan of the “Lily and her best friends end up with all of the Marauders” stories. (My old story was one of these—which is one of the reasons why I deleted it).

-I strongly believe that Sirius was a womanizer. Let’s face it—he was gorgeous. He was never married (yes, I know, Azkaban contributed to that). Girls liked him and he brushed it off (read OotP if you don’t know what I’m talking about). JKR said he was “sexy”. It all adds up—he was what many people think he was—a ladies’ man.

-James is a bit of a jerk. Yes, I know, he’s also a good man and his head deflates by 7th year, but he also has that hint of arrogance that never quite leaves him, I think. It’s not a bad thing—it’s humorous and incredibly attractive.

-Peter wasn’t always bad. Period. I don’t like it when people make him out to be a COMPLETE mess up, because if he was really as annoying as in some stories, the Marauders would not have been such great friends with him. I do, however, believe that he was always a little bit on the outside of them.

-Remus enjoys the Marauders’ pranks just as much as the rest of them do.

-Lily does not play Quidditch. But she does enjoy it. Sirius probably wasn’t on the team, either.

-James and Lily do not have a rocky relationship—it’s supposed to be fun, lively, and humorous. They obviously get into fights, but not of the really terrible variety.

-I imagine all of the Marauders to be alcoholics to a certain degree. They were the Fred and George of their time—fun, lively, and rule-breaking. Alcohol just fits into the picture.

Please don’t be offended if I just bashed your story. I myself am no great writer, so my opinion barely means anything.

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Reviews by hpforlife


Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/07/05 Title: None

I like the writing, and the interesting thing with Lily's dream. Update please!

Author's Response: Yay! My first review! Thanks bunches, and I'll try to get some more chappies in for ya! Let me know what you think. <3

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/07/05 Title: None

I like the writing, and the interesting thing with Lily's dream. Update please!

Last Chance by PheonixAnimagus

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: As Lily and James head into their final year at Hogwarts, some of Lily's feelings for James change. And will Voldemort, becoming ever stronger, change the fates of Lily and her friends? He will kill whoever gets in his way in his rise to power, and Lily and James could be their only hope for stopping him. Alternates POV of Lily/James. Has been edited a lot recently from its original posting.
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/15/05 Title: Chapter 2: Lily's Dicovery

Loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next one! I'm really excited to see how Lily acts towards James now that she knows what happened to his dad. 10/10--please update soon! (My story's called "Ending Up Together" if you want to read it [and hopefully review]! It's different from yours...but I hope you enjoy it)

Author's Response: I will definitly read your story and review, since yr so good about it! Gtg to bed now coz it's 11:30 and I'm sooo tired. I was just reading like 30 chapters of I'll Hate You Forever (I think). Good story. anyway, thanks for reviewing! And we will both have to see how Lily reacts, when I write chapter 3, hopefully by this time next week! I'm bad at planning ahead. :) anyway, I'll r/r and update soon.

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/20/05 Title: Chapter 3: Confrontation

Good job, that was cute! Please update soon!

Author's Response: thanks. i don't think it was as good as the other two, but it's just that chapter- don't worry! I had a brilliant idea for the plot yesterday, so the story now has a very real and defined ending! **cheers loudly** four will be up soon, I'm hoping to finish it today, 10/21. ta ta!

Author's Response: chapter 4 is in queue!

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/13/05 Title: Chapter 1: Back To Hogwarts Again

I really enjoyed this story! I'm adding this on my favorites, just so you know, and please update SOON! 10/10

Author's Response: Thank you soooooo much! Next chapter is going to be called Malfoy's retreat (I think). You're the first person to review! For my first ever fanfic! Thank you!

Author's Response: sorry, Lily's POV got so long that I couldn't even insert Malfoy, let alone have him retreat! :)) I should be able to update today- I hope!

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/28/05 Title: Chapter 5: Not Falling

AHHHHHH!!! I love your story!! 10/10 please update soon!

Author's Response: thank you soo much! THANKS FOR BEING SUCH A LOYAL R AND R- ER! you were my first ever reviewer, i think! anyway, i should be able to update soon. I anticipate this story to be ABOUT 40 chapters long. give or take.

Dear Lily by chloish

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs -- These names are known by every person in Hogwarts. These names, and an envelope with a scarlet wax seal bearing the letters: MWPP.

The teachers dread it, the students revel in it...but who are these 'Marauders,' as they are called? That's just it. Nobody knows. Most every prank Hogwarts sees is at the hands of these mysterious Marauders, and the perpetrators always walk free. They could never be caught. You can’t catch phantoms.

Lily Evans is just as curious as the next student as to who these Marauders are, but her curiosity is transformed into a hungry need, when she receives a letter herself from a certain Mr. Prongs. [This story is slightly AU, but more on that in the author's note at the end.]

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 11/08/05 Title: Chapter 1: Mr. Prongs, indeed.

You are such a BRILLIANT writer! I LOVE this story as well as your other one! Please update SOON! 10/10 of course.

Notorious Temptations by Tashskies

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: With magic finding its way into the Muggle community more and more each day, along with the mounting number of deaths in both worlds, Lily Evans knows without a doubt that foul influences are spreading and darker times are nearing. Little does she know, however, that there is yet another force at work--one that she would personally view as being able to cause equally ghastly effects. What is this great and ever evil force? James Potter has matured into the most incredible sight Lily Evans has ever beheld. This is, obviously, a terrible thing for she already had the tendency to think that maybe she had misjudged Potter--and that maybe she was indeed interested in him. Never yet, however, had she found herself incapable of resisting Potter‘s charms. This alteration might, unfortunately, have the most undesired result of leaving Lily fuddled enough to succumb to Potter’s charm. With the prospects of having to spend an increased amount of time with him (due to the fact that they were both made the Head Students of the year), she could already foresee how difficult this task of refusal would be to continue. This minor development, or colossal one (if you think along the lines of Lily Evans), could possibly cause her to rethink her loathing of the boy, and even possibly (*gasp!*) persuade her to try to get to know him better?! Not that Lily Evans was vain by any means, only that this might cause her to ponder James a little more, and possibly come to the conclusion that she was wrong. And this, above all else, was the worst possible result--admitting that for once she wasn’t right.
Feedback would be lovely--read and review please!! It's my first fic and I'd much appreciate your views on it...
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/20/05 Title: Chapter 1: Humdrums and Developments

Oh my, I'm the first to review! I was scrolling down, looking for my story to see if I had any more reviews, and I came across your name. And I thought, well, I have to read this story, this author is a devout reader of my story! So I click on the title, expecting an amazing story, and I most definitely got what I expected. I think I will be so daring as to say that this story BLEW ME AWAY! I LOVED IT! You're such a wonderful writer, and I love Lily's thought process. Sirius and James are funny, as they should be, and everything else is just perfect! Continue with this story, PLEASE! Update ASAP! 10/10--wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Author's Response: Ahhh *sigh* I'm so happy!! You have officially made my day--at this moment, you are my absolutely favourite person in the entire world!!! Hehehe, simply splendid and all such what-not!!! I must say, reviews have to be at the top of my list for best things in this world--lovely!!!! Thank you for reviewing, and I am most certainly eager to submit another chapter quite soon after such a spiffing review--woot woot!!

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 10/28/05 Title: Chapter 2: Trouble, Trouble, and More Trouble

Wondeful, wonderful, wonderful. I love your writing (what's not to love?) and the interaction between James and Lily in particular (though that's not really very particular, I know). 10/10--simply superb.

Author's Response: Thank you ever so much!!!! I must say, I do love to have a review from an author on my fav's list--merci baucoup!!! Hehehe, and to turn the tables, for your review I shall give you a ten out of ten (ahhh, *sigh* if only we could rate reviews! lol, I would most certainly give you a 100%!! They are ever so lovely!!). I must say that I feel, at this precise moment, "simply superb"!! Many thanks again!

A Fairy Tale by Fairy-Light by Mudblood428

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: There's no better Christmas gift than a first kiss. A special Ron/Hermione Christmas one-shot to keep you warm - no misteltoe required. Special Christmas Update 12/25/05: "Ron's Secret" - a special illustration by yours truly!
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 08/19/06 Title: Chapter 1: One-Shot

That was really cute! And you are a really great artist! I really love the picture of Harry and Ginny after the match! Excellent job.


Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 12/14/05 Title: None

You are such an excellent writer! I love everything about your story (it makes me embarrassed of my own). Please update soon! 10/10

If I Ask You To by Aoide

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After a traumatic event in her life, Lily Evans has thrown away the key to the door to her past and all those who were part of it, including James Potter. Trying to forget everything, Lily has also forgotten who she is. She won't let anyone help her, especially James Potter. Could she find herself again? And if so, would she like what she sees?
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 02/12/06 Title: Chapter 2: Parts III & IV

That was excellent, I must say. You really do capture Lily's emotions so well. And you created such an intense scene with Lily and James, it was so much fun to read. Please update soon! 10/10 of course.

Author's Response: Thanks very much. I'm touched! I absolutely love writing from Lily's POV. As for James...I admit I have a soft spot for him since a lot of people think (INCORRECTLY, hehe) that's he's an arrogant jerk. But he's not! I'm glad I'm making this fun - it'd be boring if it sucked, LOL.

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 02/06/06 Title: Chapter 1: Parts I & II

Oh, wow. That was excellent. It was perfection. You're such an excellent writer! Lily's thoughts...I'm not sure I can explain what I think about them. I guess they seem so real, and it really does take a great writer to capture something like that with such skill. I think this is one of the best fanfics I've ever read (though a bit sad). This is most definitely going on my favorites list. Keep up the amazing work! I can't wait for an update. 10/10

Author's Response: Perfection? *shocked* I've never written anything perfect. But I thank you for the compliment just the same. I'm very flattered with each word you wrote. You actually made me blush! This story is the only story out of the dozen or so I've written and completed that I can say I wouldn't change. Not that it's perfect (lol) but I'm pleased with the way it turns out. It's more than just a love story, as you'll see. I know it's sad at first, but I promise there's a reason for the sadness. Once the next chapter is approved, you'll find out!

Magic by BerthaJorkins

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ever since fifth year, he's watched her, admired her from afar. Now, in his seventh year, when everything between them has changed, what will he do when he's given the oppurtunity to show that he cares? One-shot. My first fanfic on Mugglenet. Please read! Over 400 reads!
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 02/28/06 Title: Chapter 1: Stars

That was really adorable! I like how they were friends first, because it made the fact that James had just come down to sit with her by the lake not so awkward. And I love the whole wish thing--it was very cute. And I like how you went back to when James first fell in love with her (or at least when he first became obsessed with her). Great job, keep writing! 10/10

Author's Response: Wow. Thank you very much for your review! I'm really very glad you liked it, I've been trying to "perfect" it for a while now. I'm very flattered that you took the time to read and review. Thanks again.

Truths Unwritten by Astrid Skywalker

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: From the writer of Clair De Lune... Follow James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, and Peter through their seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Sinister schemes and crazed fiascoes ensue, and of course, who can resist a little romance? Rated 3rd-5th years for language.
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 04/17/06 Title: Chapter 2: To Be, Or Not To Be . . . A Hypocrite?

That was excellent! I'm adding this to my favorites and quite looking forward to future chapters. This was very well written, and so much better than most fics on this site (and much better than my own). Great job, and keep it up!

Letters by Sarah Kavanagh

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Lily thought she was in for a boring summer... but James Potter had other ideas. Love Letters, with a rather bizarre twist.
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 07/31/06 Title: Chapter 1: Knitting needles, a fun accessory

I wanted to review after I finished reading all the chapters, but I just couldn't wait. I love this story so far, and I'm sure I will in future.

Excellent, excellent job. You are a very talented (and humorous) writer.

Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 07/31/06 Title: Chapter 3: Firbeglass, a fun torture device

THAT WAS THE MOST INGENIOUS PLOT TWIST EVER! You are pure genius, I tell you. This story is incredibly funny. It's amazing how you manage to characterize these people even though we only ever see what they write on paper. Amazing. This story is most definitely going on my favorites. Please, update as soon as humanly possible, because I'm dying here.

The Beech Tree by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Near the lake is a beech tree. This beech tree is where two couples declare their love for one another. It holds memories of love lost, found and forgotten. Under this beech tree is where four people spend two sunkissed days, nearly twenty years apart.

This is a Lily/James & Harry/Ginny story.
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 07/28/06 Title: Chapter 1: The Beech Tree

Really great--I loved it. But I think you made a typo though--at the end it should be G.W loveS H.P., not love. Or perhaps I'm wrong.

You're a talented writer. I hope to see more stories from you.

Author's Response: Nah, you\'re right. Darn. Thanks for pointing it out. I\'m happy you loved it. :) It\'s my first story (here).

A Minute Without You by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's the summer before Lily Evans' seventh year, and she can't stop thinking about a certain boy.

This is a songfic to the song 'A Minute Without You' by Hanson
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 09/17/06 Title: Chapter 1: A Minute Without You

That was excellent! Great job, very well written. This is most certainly going on my favorite's.

Author's Response: :D Thank you!

Snapshots of Distraction by TwinSuns

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Brief glimpses into James' heart as he experiences three of the most crucial moments of his life. One-shot/drabble
Reviewer: hpforlife Signed
Date: 11/08/06 Title: Chapter 1: Snapshots of Distraction

Very, very good. I loved it. However, I wish it was a little longer! The ending was also very sweet.

Great job!