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Harry Potter stories written by fans!
mrsgeorgeweasley [Contact]

My real name is Natalie but everyone calls me Nat-Pat, this is because of my father's evil workmates. The day i was born my dad's best friend put a big sign up in their workshop saying 'Big Dave's got a Nat Pat!' and the name stuck.

Check out Ballindalloch Castle here, http://www.ballindallochcastle.co.uk/ . Enjoy!

This is the Coats Memorial Chruch from chapter 8,


This is actually the church that my University graduation will take place in! Yipee!

And here are the dresses from chapter 9, Mrs Weasley's is Guenevere and the other girls' are Iona.


And here you can find the dress i have in mind for Ellie.


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Reviews by mrsgeorgeweasley

The Severed Souls by Magical Maeve

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Summary : The sequel to Daughter of Light. Maeve has a very bad end to her honeymoon as things come to light about Severus that astound her. Why is her husband so keen to keep Draco Malfoy alive at all costs and can she really get over her loathing of Narcissa Malfoy to work together to save both Severus and Draco from the fate that Voldemort would like to inflict on them? Why is Harry so furtive and will Neville save the day when Maeve’s necklace is returned to her by her father. Oh, and our favourite bad-boy Auror is back!

There has been rather a long break in the writing of the story due to work commitments, but I'm back on the case and hoping to get it finished - if there's anyone left still reading!! :-)
Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/11/05 Title: Chapter 2: An Uncomfortable Alliance.

An incredible chapter, you portrayed Narcissa's vulnerablility very well and the animosity between her and Maeve was chilling. It was nice to see Lugh again, eveytime he shows up we learn something new and interesting and this time he was just the same as always. Harry's reaction to Maeve and the way he talked about Snape was really true to the character, if i were Snape i'd be very worried right now! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Well you'll see how Snape feels about Harry soon! Let's just say he's not top of his list of worries at the moment! LOL. Maeve and Narcissa are giving me a lot of pleasure. I can vent all my bitchy tendencies through them... it's very therapeutic! And I am glad you think Harry was in character... I still find him difficult to write sometimes. Thank you for all your lovely reviews, I love reading them. :-)

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/18/05 Title: Chapter 3: Harry's Pensieve

That was a terrific cliffy! It was a great chapter overall, it was nice to see how you manipulated the events of HBP to fit your story and may i just congratulate you on it because you did a wonderful job. I'm looking forward to the update, this story is just as gripping as your last.

Author's Response: Thanks, Nat! Fitting this story into HBP canon is terrifying! LOL

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/01/05 Title: Chapter 1: The Darkest Night

Where to begin? WOW! let me say it again, WOW! That was just incredible, you've started with a real bang, none of this dily dalying that some people do, nope you just dive head first in to the story. I LOVE IT! The way that you've incorporated HBP is great and that was one hell of a cliffhanger. As always your description was amazing, you detail everything so vividly. Personally i think that on a scale of 1 to 10 this is about a twenty. Sheer brilliance!

Author's Response: Thanks, Nat.Pat! I didn't have much choice but to start with a bang after HBP! I have a half-written interlude that was the plan for summer but HBP changed all of that. It might see the light of day but I have to crack on with this story now that the plot has bitten me! And get used to the cliffhangers! I like them. *evil grin*

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/10/05 Title: Chapter 4: Malfoy Manor

*clap, clap, clap* Good Stuff!

I'm sorry that it took me so long to get around to reading this chapter it's been a busy week and it isn't letting up so i won't be able to read chp 5 just yet either.

Back on topic though, this was a great chapter, it was full of the things that i love most about your writing, scenery and emotion. You articulate both so well that i feel like i'm standing in the scene with the characters. Like Harriet Evans i'm fairly certain i know where you're describing for the hideout place.

I'd like to let you in on a little secret. Just recently a friend of mine asked if i had any recomendations for fanfics, almost instantly i suggested yours. When she asked me why, i gave her a bit of a shock when i pronounced 'I know this is going to sound very dramatic but, i think she's better than JKR!' There were gasps of shock all round but i stand by that statement, you are a spectacular writer, and every chapter that i read makes me realize more and more just how lucky i am to have your input in my story. This is a beautiful fic and i love every word! 10

Author's Response: *Blushes* *Wishes she really were better than Jo...because then she'd have her bank balance* :-)

Thanks for your continued support...it's great to have your input into my story via your reviews. :-)

Summer Dreams by Accio_Chocolate

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry and his friends are back at the Burrow for the summer. There are several unexpected guests there as well. Add Harry’s inheritance, new friendships, and budding love, and it all adds up to Summer Dreams. Will be PG-13 in later chapters. Written pre-HBP Chapter 8 is up! Thanks to all my loyal readers and reviewers!
Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 10/08/05 Title: Chapter 6: Diagon Alley

*reads Amanda's review below* HAHAHA! I want Dumbledore juggling flaming batons as well! This was a great chapter, you know how much i love those twins!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Since I have two votes for flaming batons, I will try to work it into my story. Maybe the twins will have something to do with it! I can do a whole dance routine! *lightbulb* I have been inspired! Off to write some more!

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/19/05 Title: Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams

Excellent start! I really like it and i'm going to go right ahead and read the rest of the chapters.

Author's Response: yay it's mrs gw! glad you could stop by, and that you like the story

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/19/05 Title: Chapter 2: Take my advice

Very good, Petunia explained herself very well, and Fred and George's new trick is great. Well done!

Author's Response: *wakes up* did someone just leave me a review? Fred and George are very creative. I think I will go dance with them. ;)

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/19/05 Title: Chapter 3: Marauders for Breakfast

Terribly good, old chap! *wink* Keep up the excellent work!

Author's Response: Thanks! The birthday present will be in chapter five, I know Ginny will be very excited, because she loves to do you know what, and can't wait to do it with Harry. *winks* and for the three or so people who know the birthday presents besides me, I still have a surprise in store!

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/08/05 Title: Chapter 5: Happy Birthday Harry!

Loved it! That was fantastic! I haven't laughed so much in a good while. You worked wonders with Fred and George's present. Well done! I personally thought that Ginny's present was sweet, Remus's too. Does the ring have any magical properties? Who were Fred and George taking 'personal' pictures of? Great work! I can't wait to read the next chapter!

Author's Response: Couldn't have done Fred and George's present without inspiration from their personal choreographer! I can see you doing the cauldron right now too! The ring will be back in later chapters, lets just say that for now. Fred and George were taking pictures of . . . Well they had red hair. More antics to come in the next chapter!

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/27/05 Title: Chapter 4: Garden Party

That was brilliant! You captured all the characters well and Harry and Ron didn't seem all that out of character. Your work with Fred and George was magnificent, very, very funny. I had me cackling in a funny deep, sniffy sort of way (i have a cold just now) and i had tears in my eyes. Good work, i can't wait to see the presents chapter! *10*

Author's Response: I had to rework Harry and Ron for this chapter twice for the mods, but I'm glad they finally accepted it. Fred and George are going to "kick up their heels" in the next chapter ;)

Harry Potter and the Fight for Ginny by Sorn

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Will Ginny's love be the salvation or death of Harry?

To my fans I would like to say that I am back to writing, and I have now updated many of the chapters! Some changes are just grammer edits, but there are many adds and changes to chapters. Some based on your reviews or small things I felt needed to be added. Please take a look at the changes and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the changes and up comeing chapters.

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/17/05 Title: Chapter 7: Ginny's Birthday

I love Fred and George! I love Mrs. Weasley! I love Ginny! In this chapter you give my favourite characters some terrific moments and that is why i love it so much! You're doing such stellar work and i love this story more with each chapter that i read. Keep it up!

Author's Response: I would never have guessed you like George! *grin* There were some great moments in this chapter. I am so very happy you like it

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 10/07/05 Title: Chapter 8: The Unexpected

The bit between Arnold and Cosmo really cracked me up, it was chair wobbling stuff! I quite liked the idea of killing of Neville's gran, i think it brings them closer in yet another way.

Author's Response: I could not have said it better.

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/11/05 Title: Chapter 6: 12:06 August 11, Ginny’s Door

This is one of my favourite chapters, Ron rocks! I love his reaction, it's brilliant and so typically Ron. Ginny was excellent too, her treatment of Harry was pretty much spot on. I'm dying to see the next chapter! Go Sorn! Go Sorn! Go Sorn!

Author's Response: It is one of my favorite chapters also. Ron is very easy going so much of the time but when he steps up he goes over the top. I hope to have chapter 10 in your e-mail reall soon.

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/28/05 Title: Chapter 3: The Orders New Head

I've been staring at this little review box now for ten minutes trying to think of something new to say about this chapter, but it's hard when i've already told you that i love it. The idea with Harry being head of the Order is great, as are the constant internal battles he's having with himself to try and not think about Ginny. You're doing such great work and i love reading your story. I can't wait to see where you go next! Hugs, NatPat.

Author's Response: I understand about not knowing what to say. I know I will have that problem for quite some time. Of all the people who like my story you mean the most to me. Thanks for being my cheerleader! Hugs, Ken

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/11/05 Title: Chapter 1: Ginny's Fight

I get to be numero uno, YAY! I can't believe that you dedicated this to me *tear* that's so sweet! I love this story, you've got a great grasp of tension and everybody is very much in character. I'm going to give you 10 because i love you. Natpat

Author's Response: It makes me very happy that your my first review! The dedication went to the person who help me get the story started. Thank you for the kind words, I know you understand how much they mean! I also like the facts that you gave me a 10 and that you love me. I love you too, you're a great friend. Big hug!

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 08/21/05 Title: Chapter 2: The Truth be Told

That was a good one! I love the story and where you're taking it, your descriptions are wonderful and you've captured the characters so well. I can't wait to see more of your story go up, everyone's going to love it!

Author's Response: Your right that was a good one, I just wish it was a great as yours. Thank for the very kind words. I myself am looking forward to seeing the reactions from everyone.

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/02/05 Title: Chapter 4: Plans

I'm back! I think the thing that i love the most about this chapter is the insistance that they start calling Voldemort by his real name. That's really going to get Moudly Shorts' back up! A very good idea. It's all terribly good and i can't wait to see the next chapter go up!

Author's Response: She's back and she rocks! I thought it was time to turn the propaganda campain aginst Moudlhy Shorts. Fear of his name only gives him power over thoes who fear him. That kinda power can only be taken but removing the Fear. I hope the next chapter will be up soon also.

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/08/05 Title: Chapter 5: New Times & New School

Brilliant, you know i loved, i couldn't do anything else. All i want to say is hurry up with chapter 10! Hold on i have no right to do that otherwise you're going to start badgering me for another chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter, it's one of my personal faves! You're doing such a great job! Hugs, NatPat

Author's Response: Thank you again, as for chapter 10 i have very little homework this weekend so the out look is good. I am hoping to get 11 done too. I know its one of you faves as your mum makes an apperance. Big hugs!


Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 11/17/05 Title: None

That was a great chapter, I loved the way that you covered everyone's points of view. You also captured people's emotions very well. Good Work!

Author's Response: Thanks! this is my first ever review!!! yay. You liked it? I was having so much trouble with the formatting. I had all the dialouge in bold, so you could tell, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work when I submitted my story. Thanks so much for your review!!!

Clair De Lune by Astrid Skywalker

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

It was full moon when the Dark Lord sealed a part of his soul within a magical amulet, and then broke it in half. One half was left to the faithful werewolves to guard. The other half was tossed into the impenetrable depths of time where no one but him could get it. When the first half has been found, the Order of the Phoenix selects Hermione Granger to go back into the past to search for the missing piece. What is waiting for her is a brutal task that will test her beyond her limits, and an undying love that extends beyond the boundaries of time.


No werewolves were harmed in the making of this story.

Winner of 2007 Quicksilver Quills Awards - Best Non-Canon Romance

Update (9 May): Chapter 17, Burning, is up! Enjoy!

Reviewer: mrsgeorgeweasley Signed
Date: 09/11/06 Title: Chapter 1: The Amulet

Okay, so now that you've discovered I'm reading the story, I thought it might be nice if I dropped you a review, my love.

This was an excellent start. You set the scene beautifull. I particularly liked the angry clouds and the streak of lightening, they create a very tense atmosphere.

I think you captured Hermione very well, her worry was more than evident, but it wasn't overstated or whiney, as sometimes portrayed (not by you, I might add). I think that all her questioning and her strong embrace of Harry really showed the more maternal side of Hermione that we don't see all that often.

I liked the fact that Moody drunk vodka, as you know, it's the poison of my choice, and it was nice to see his shot glass turning into a portkey. I wish mine did that.

When it came to the tunnel, you once again described things wonderfully. You managed to capture Harry's fear, but also the adrenaline rush that came from it.

Your end note was brilliant, that was quite the cliffhanger, a terrific high note to end with.

Love you,