MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
muggle4ever [Contact]

hey i love riteing so chek out my stories when i get sum excepted. :S
okay random facts about moi
I sing in the shower
browny blonde hair
brown eyes
fave color purple
im 13 and in grade 8
love artstuff.
greatly dislike my math and science teacher and my humanities teacher. and my lifeskills one
have over extencive knowlege of harry potter ( i was telling my friend off the other day. she didnt think that draco had a owl. and he does.)
i have a tendency to scare my friends with my crazyness
i know alot of ppl.
i can name every teacher ive had sence kindergarten
love the show lost!!!!
love er
my fave movies are hp1 hp2 hp3 and a walk to remember.
love the show friends
own every harry potter c d rom. i beat the basilisk!! with 24 out of 30 health replenishing potions... and the third one wont work because we dont have a advanced enough videographic or something rather..... but i do own it.
have been on crutches on my birthday and christmas .
have had 3 surgurys between the ages of 10 and 12. (one was a week before my 13 b-day)
i have very impressive scars on my hip and nee.
i get mad when ppl play with other ppls crutches. it drives me mad!! i hated it when ppl did it 2 me all three times....:S
my best friend is named camille we have been friends sence i was in grade 4 she was in grade 3 (split classroom and shes a year younger)
okay i know im rambleing and i should shut up. so thats a bit about me! read my story!! RON AND HERMIONE SHIPPER AND HARRY GINNY FOREVER!!!!!!!!

Which Harry Potter Boy Are You Made For?
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Stories by muggle4ever [1]
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Reviews by muggle4ever

You're Me?! by Ron Weasley

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After a supposed potion mix-up, Ron and Hermione go through some life changing experiences. Will Ron be able to control his fascination with Hermione's body? Will Hermione be able to...you know...go? You'll have to read to find out.
Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 02/05/05 Title: Chapter 6: Finding Out

It rox!!!!!!!!

That Unknown Power by korepersephone

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry's world was dark and bleak until Ginny came into his life. He thinks about the past, Ginny's sacrifice, and her part in the winning of the war. One-shot, slight fluff.
Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/18/05 Title: Chapter 1: Ginny's Sacrifice

does she live!!!!???

Author's Response: I am happy to say that she does!


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/23/05 Title: None

i nearly died laughing. i love it it rulz!!!!!! update!!!!

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/23/05 Title: None

it was sooo cute!! i loved it!!!

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/29/05 Title: None

um why does it say that this story is compleated!!!??? u cant stop!!! i love it to much

Author's Response: Sorry I meant to hit that one of my other stories was completed, but I hit that one by mistake. Sorry my bad. It is far from over.


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/24/05 Title: None

evil cliffies

Author's Response: muahahahaha

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/31/05 Title: None

it was sooo good!!!

Author's Response: Wow, thanks! (I'm trying to reply to everyone =O It sounds so weird to just say thanks, but I really mean it!)


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 03/03/05 Title: None

uh i dont think that in real life a mother would de clothe her teen age son like that. like hes 16 he dosnt really want his mother seeing him with out atleast undergarments on...

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 02/11/05 Title: None

LOL it was really funny!! harry is such a playa.... please continue it!!


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/26/05 Title: None

are u pourposely trying to make me cry!!!??

Author's Response: Sorry, but the things i have to do...u know

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/31/05 Title: None

I am so glad im whearing water proof mascara.. that was sooo sad! who did henry belong to?

Author's Response: like who are his parents? if thats what you mean then he is Bill's. and about the mascara, im glad too.

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 03/06/05 Title: None

okay tears in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 01/29/05 Title: None

IT is sooo goood!!!!! i love the ones where harry makes me mad!!!

Author's Response: Love the enthusiasm. The more exclamation marks the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spirits in the Future by JessicaH

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Voldemort attacks the Potters, James and Lily try to protect their beloved baby boy. Then suddenly they're in a house they do not know. Harry isn't with them and they don't know what happened. Where are they? And who are the redhead children running down the stairs? Why have they been sent? The story is placed in the future, years after Voldemort's death, but danger is still lurking. Features Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione.

Joint winner in the genfic category of the Multifaceted Fanfiction Awards
Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 06/20/05 Title: Chapter 19: Birthday Party

perfect. as usual. i absolutely love ur story so please update

Author's Response: Thanks and I will.

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 03/03/05 Title: Chapter 9: Double Potions

LOL that was halarious. my mom read those parts over my shoulder and she laughed to. how old are these kids n e way?

Author's Response: I'm guessing your asking about Christopher and Kevin, their eight. I'm glad you liked it, and I can promise I will show more of them in the future.

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 05/19/05 Title: Chapter 1: Our Grandchildren?

are u going to launch those chapters here? cos i have some bad experience with fanfiction.net so could u please post them here?

Author's Response: I am trying to, but it really depends on Mugglenet at the moment. If you don't like FF.net you can also find the story at a comminity called the snitch - I'm sorry I don't have an address but just google for it and you'll find it.

A New Generation Begins by The_Heir_of Gryffindor

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: For seven years, Hary and Voldemort had been battling an unbetable battle. Seven long, dark years. On Halloween one night, there's a knocking on the door of a London town house. And, before anyone can relieze it, the news has spread. Voldemort was dead. Killed by none other than Harry Potter himself. But, that wasn't the worst of the news. Harry, too, was dead. Neither can live while the other survives... Ginny Potter, on the same night, had gone into labor. Besides the fact of learning her husband is dead, on the night of their child's birth, she also has two other worries. She had twins. Heart broken with dispair, Ginny flees, leaving her children in the hands of Ron and Herminone.

A New Generation begins with the start of a new Potter generation and new evil to battle and ends with a secret that should've stayed a secret. It'll keep you hooked and guessing the whole way through.

I'm sooo sorry it's taken me so long to come back! I got sucked in by the Roleplaying addicition and couldn't get out!

Chapter 4 is up!!!

Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 02/05/05 Title: Chapter 1: Meet Tara and Ian

its really goood!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really like it!!!!


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 03/01/05 Title: None

I had fun imajineing harry (daniel radcliffe) with muscles... sixpack.... NE way that was the mind of my 13 yearold boy obsesed female brain working in the first coment. im not complaining. okay i think jkrowling said once that harry wouldnt become animagius... GREAT STORY PLEASE UPDATE IM GIVEING IT 10/10!!!!

Author's Response: haha why do you think i made him that way? other then much love for ginny! hehe, lol ahh so beautiful i love dan. wow. so pretty. okay i'm done now.


Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 02/08/05 Title: None

heheheh LOL

Ancient Magic by kjpzak

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Harry and Ginny are destined to have a love that endures. He Who Must Not be Named certainly thinks so. Could their love be the key to fulfilling one of his greatest wishes?
Reviewer: muggle4ever Signed
Date: 02/22/05 Title: Chapter 5: Ch 4 - Hope, Love and Late Night Misunderstandings

are u emplying that ron and hermione have well.... um.... done stuff that shouldnt be done untill after your married? other wise good story

Author's Response: Not at all. Are you referring to Harry and the talk in the dorm? I had no one in mind and was simply trying to make the point that Harry kept his personal life personal. And I assumed any talk that went on in the dorm was rather inflated anyway. Sorry for any confusion!

Author's Response: Me again - as I was proofing the next chapter, I realized where you got this idea from! I put a note at the end of the next chapter indicating that it was a PG story only! Thanks for letting me know that I might be leading folks astray!