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Gobbles [Contact]

My name is Gobbles. I live in a very unusual villiage in the middle of nowhere.I like the Harry Potter books. The best characters are proffesser Trelawney, Luna Lovegood, and Buckbeak.

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Reviews by Gobbles

Starving by 0oirish_eyeso0

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Hermione has been taken captive and held in a confinement chamber. With nothing to think about, she begins to reflect on what her life has been reduced to.
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: Starving

I am curious about this story. Who is locked up in prison and starving? Is it azkaban, or have they been imprisoned by death eaters?It is a good story, but it's very confusing. Please explain it a bit better.

Split in Two by Saphira

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It has been widely acknowledged that the “talented” Professor of Divination, Sybill Trelawney was unknown to Harry Potter prior to his rather…..eventful Third Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizradry. But she was there, even if Harry never met her. In fact, she was there from the beginning of his hectic school career. Harry Potter’s First Year at Hogwarts surprised all, amazed many and shocked a few. Sybill Trelawney was shocked too, even though she really shouldn’t have been………. Please, please read and review!! I've had nearly eighty reads...surely, please there is a REVIEW coming! PLEASE get into the Christmas Spirit people and REVIEW.....Thanks and Merry Christmas
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: Oneshot

That's really good, I thought I'd never find a story about professor Trelawney! You portrayed her character particularly well,too. It's nice the way she's so nasty about the other teachers.You should definitly write some more stories about her.

Author's Response: Excellent!!! More Reviews!! Thank you so much for taking the time to review, I\'m relly glad that you like Trelawney and I agree about the total lack of stories about her...\'tis a disgrace!! Trelawney does seem like the petty person in the teacher\'s lounge. I\'m glad you thought I portrayed her well!! I actually have already written 3 other 1 shots about Trelawney. This was the best 1 but I may post them as i\'m nearlt finished with my multichapped fic.... Watch this space!! Thanks again =D

"Mum, Dad, It's Me... Harry." by Mudblood428

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry, Ron, and Hermione make a trip to Godric's Hollow to visit the Potters' graves. There, Harry speaks to his parents for the first time, and in so doing, discovers that the dead are never truly lost. (One-shot. Bring your kleenex.)
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: One-Shot

That's a really good story, it's nice to know that Harry's parents are in Heven and watching out for him.


Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: None

Thats good, I never thought voldemort had any friends. I thought he was always bad.

99 Red Balloons by Seaspray

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: ONE SHOT. Luna Lovegood finally realises the answer to a problem that has puzzled her for years. A short songfic about love, loss and letting go. Written for the SQ Songfic challenge.
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: n/a

Luna is one of the best characters, so it's nice to see a story about her.My favourite part of the story is the part that says sometimes balloons burst and sometimes they have to be let go, that sounds like a wise proverb.

Dancing in the Snow by HermioneDancr

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: While the rest of Hogwarts dances at the Yule Ball, Luna finds another place to dance and searches out a friend to share it with. This story was written for Poultrygeist99 for Secret SPEW.
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: Dancing in the Snow (one-shot)

That's good; it would if Myrtle and Luna were friends. But what are tickling smitelbees?

Author's Response: Tickling Smitelbees are magical creatures which I made up. Whether they actually exist in the magical world or are figments of Luna\'s imagination is up to you. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Late Bloomer by Just Tink

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Cassandra Pralent was your typical pureblood- rich, spoiled, and prepared to go to Hogwarts as soon as she turned eleven. But Professor McGonagall delivers horrible news- Cassandra is a Squib. When she is rejected at home and at school, she is forced to accept unlikely friends. And just when Cassandra feels life is getting better, her fate becomes entwined with that of the Trio in a most sinister fashion…
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/26/06 Title: Chapter 5: Old Friends, New Enemies

Wow.I had no idea Cassandra could be so mean.I don't like her any more now,because she was rude to Sarah.I suppose spending weeks being treated like a slave had a very negative impact on her.That's a really interesting chapter though.Will Cassandra ever realise she was mean to Sarah?

Author's Response: Cassandra doesn\'t really think of it as being mean, exactly- though she does acknowledge that she wasn\'t exactly friendly. She\'s a bit bitter at the world at the moment. Thanks for the review, though!

Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 4: Friendly Playmates

Cassandra is very good and kind, and she dosen't deserve to be treated so badly!Filch is being mean and nasty, and Alta Abrams is very rude. Why does every one look down on squibs?That is not nice at all! But Sarah Morgan seems friendly. Will she make friends with Cassandra?

Author's Response: The thing about squibs is that they\'re considered almost a lesser race- but you\'re definetely right, nobody deserves to be treated like that. Especially Cassandra, but Filch too. And really, do you think I could actually tell you if Sarah is going to make friends? That would be no fun at all. Thanks for the review!

Behind Prison Bars by lunar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: No matter what.

These words were repeated over and over again in Mrs Crouch's mind as she lay dying. She believed in her sons innocence, believed that he should be free, so much that she took his place. In her cell, she lets her last thoughts roam to cover the thing most important to her; Barty.
Reviewer: Gobbles Signed
Date: 07/05/06 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

That's good. I like the poem. It's a pity Mr. Crouch's son grew up to be evil. Mrs. Crouch must have loved him very much to die like that. It was really a very curageous thing to do.

Author's Response: Thank you Gobbles. Yes, it was very sad that he grew up to be evil and even sadder that his mother loved him enough to swap places with him and then he tries to get Voldemort back again. Thanks again for your review.