moonymaniac [
Hello, I'm moonymaniac and I'm a Harry Potter addict. :) Actually, I'm a Marauder addict. Welcome to my profile.
Wow, was this thing outdated... So, I'm still posting MoB. Yes, I just posted a chapter today, June 5, 2013. I should have waited 3 days and I could have posted on MoB's birthday. Holy moly...8 years on one story. Actually, it is 8 years and 7 months, as I started writing in December the year before I started posting. Anyway, yes, I'm insane.
The site is also making me a little insane, since it gives me so much trouble when trying to post anymore. I tried to post the chapter today, as a whole, something like 9,888 words if I remember, but it wouldn't take it. So I've divided it. Hmmm...I could save the second half for posting on the 8th. But I'll be busy that day, so I better try again tonight. It really is frustrating to get that error message and have it show in the story file but not show up in most recent or update the update date or word count. The word count bothers me the most. I'm a bit proud of that and want credit for them. ;*)
June 7, 2013: Arghhhh!! A fatal MySQL error was encountered. I'm sick of this fatal MySQL error thing!!!! Let me post the rest of the darn chapter!!!!! *sigh* I'll try again later. Sorry, guys.
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Remus Lupin is a man with a tragic past, filled with pain, suffering and sorrow. But it is also a past filled with great adventure, true friendship and…love? Even though the odds were against him, Remus found happiness at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He had the Marauders, he was a prefect and his transformations were less horrible, thanks to his Animagi friends. What more could a teenage werewolf want? And how long could his happiness last? Remus and the Marauders prove that in the saddest of lives and darkest of times, there can still be moments of bliss.
Remus centric but with a lot of the other Marauders. This story is a romance, but has almost as much general Marauder era background and side story as romance.
Pre-HBP and DH, so some things from DH will be disregarded, as the warning indicates, but some Spoilers will be incorporated.
Categories: Marauder Era
Characters: None
Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded,
Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 75 |
Completed: No |
Words: 450609 |
Hits: 90626 |
Published: 06/08/05 |
Updated: 06/08/16
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily Potter’s love and sacrifice for her son is legend. But there was another member of the Potter family. James Potter was more than an arrogant toerag who finally grew up, more than a Marauder, more than a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He was a father.
How on earth would a man like James Potter handle that responsibility, at the tender age of twenty, especially at a time when his world was crumbling all around him?
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3377 |
Hits: 2563 |
Published: 05/04/08 |
Updated: 05/04/08
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Marauders are in their second year and it is a beautiful day. Of course James would want to play some Quidditch. But is Remus the athletic type?
This is just a little piece I wrote for Quidditch Tryouts on the MNFF Forums last fall. I see it as a companion piece to my larger fic, Moments of Bliss, a sort of missing scene, if you will.
Categories: Marauder Era
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2323 |
Hits: 2718 |
Published: 04/22/06 |
Updated: 04/25/06
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