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Stories by Wenlock

Even the Most Unlikely by Wenlock

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: We fear most that which we don’t understand. Dorcas Meadowes is a journalist, devoted to telling the truth about You-Know-Who.

We fear least that which we have defeated. Alastor Moody is an Auror, fighting to end the war.

Their hearts are full - full of courage and steely resolve to win the war, with no room, they think, for anything else.
But they don’t know that even the most unlikely people can find love.

Warning: You might recall that Dorcas Meadowes was in the original Order of the Phoenix, and that Voldemort killed her personally. If you’re looking for an overwhelmingly happy love story, I’m sorry to say that you won’t find it here.

Lily and Alice by Wenlock

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Alice defied the odds when she became the first woman Auror in the 20th century.

Lily was up against even worse when she, a Muggle-born, became a rising star in potions, the most tradition-centric field of magic.

They each sacrificed to prove themselves.
They sacrificed even more for their sons.

This is the bittersweet tale of a war that brought two remarkable women together and made them the best of friends, before it ripped their families apart.