MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!


Professor Snape's Address by Sigune

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: As Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini enter their sixth year at Hogwarts, Professor Snape delivers a strange little speech to the Slytherins. What is he playing at? And what are the students to make of it?

Wand Stories by SeaIsleWitch

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: For over two millennia, Wizarding Britain has chosen the Ollivander family to guide them in the selection of their most essential magical tool. Ölvir Ollivander, XVIII, Grand Wand Master, senses the innermost needs of his patrons and matches them with the corresponding wand, which he never forgets. Mr Ollivander tailors his approach to the individual, while dispensing information and giving advice; and finally answering the age old question: “Why did that wand choose me?”

Written for the Spring Faire Festival, Wand Stories was recognized as an Honorable Mention by the Wizengamot at Sycophant Hex.

Written just before HP&HPB was released. I will not be updating the minor canon changes.

POA :: Not Until the End -- Always by LydiaNightingale

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Hogwarts Express has just been visited by the Dementors. Waiting for Harry to wake up, Professor Lupin reflects on a promise to James and Lily....

Apples by mnemosyne23

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ron feels like he's drowning in Real Life, but a conversation with a strange old woman gives him hope for the future, before conjuring more questions about the present.

A Glimpse at the Life of Dolores Jane Umbridge by d3pr3ss3dNhappy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Dolores Jane Umbridge. Nasty Professor Umbridge. Angered students, was attacked by centaurs. This brief one-shot offers an insight into her life and her last days at Hogwarts via her point of view.

Fifteen Minutes by HermioneDancr

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: People live and people die. Those who remain remember those who have gone before. Hermione has never told anyone at school about the summer before her third year, but she has not forgotten. One July afternoon during the summer after her fifth year, Hermione finds herself overcome by memories of the loss she never spoke about. Once again she relives the fifteen minutes she couldn't escape. One-shot.

One Winter's Day by alimison

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A small girl goes on a walk in the country one quiet day in the winter, and comes across something she didn't expect to find.

The Prefect's Portrait by Arsinoe de Blassenville

Summary: Hermione's quest for a quiet place to read leads to the discovery of a remarkable portrait. The girl in the picture meant so much to so many. She is remembered as a devoted wife and loving mother, but what was she like at sixteen? And how will her reappearance affect the wizarding world?

The Clipped Wings of Love by Magical Maeve

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A little study of what Snape's parents' marriage might have been like.

Reclaiming Percy by Buckbeak22

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Molly Weasley talks about why Percy is the way he is, and Bill decides to mend the rift.

The Last Chapter by Hallie Black

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: I guess I should write AU… Anyway, this is how I would like the last chapter of Book Seven to be… What do you say?

A Grandmother's Tale by Magical Maeve

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: A little character exploration. How did Neville's Gran take the news of her son's torture and what does she really think of her grandson?

To Dance With My Father...Again by CassandraTrelawney

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: *One-Shot* Lily Potter is in her last year of Hogwarts. She has 5 brothers and sisters. Her mum Ginny, and her father...the ever famous, Harry Potter. But what happens when all she wants is one more dance?

Luna's Life by Kestrel

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Luna Lovegood's father tells the story of Luna after her mother's death. One-shot.

Breaking Down Walls by witchwannaB

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: When she was little, Marla believed in magic. But as she grew older, it seemed less and less likely. By age sixteen she was barely clinging to hope. But everything changed one night that summer. The boy in the coffee shop seemed perfectly normal. But when the two began to talk, everything started to fall into place. Perhaps magic truely is for real...

Last Impressions by bluecow219

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "It's sad that when you're dead, everything makes sense." A look into the people in Fred Weasley's life, and how bittersweet it is to know who really cared.

Hold On by missmj

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry is mourning Sirius’s death. His friends try to cheer him up thought they learn it is harder than it appears. This is with the song “Hold On” by Good Charlotte. Please R & R!!!

Toujours Pur by SnorkackCatcher

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Mrs Black watches the Quidditch from her private box and reflects on her disappointing sons, the importance of Black family values, and a certain Chaser for the Kenmare Kestrels ... [Written for the FictionAlley OTP challenge, set about five years after the end of the first war.]

Stopping Time by ReeraTheRed

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Outtake from The Wounded - Lupin, worried about Snape's behavior, tries to give him one good day.

Secret Scenes in the Hospital Wing by HermoneRULEZ

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a missing moment fic about Ron and Hermione's time together in the Hospital Wing in OotP. It's Hermione's PoV. Hermione and Ron theorize and romanticize (just a smidge). Chapter 2 has been Submitted! The story ends there! Reviews would be much appreciated.