MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


Muggling Along by ProfPosky

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Mad-Eye Moody has lived his life alone, but when spotted in the park with his Muggle neighbor, Elizabeth Stewart, he realizes that his life must change to protect hers. Come with them as they face the collision of their personal worlds and learn to love. With a tense confrontation in the Ministry, Moody's angst, a gorgeous wedding dress, and the Weasley brothers catering dessert, this story has something for everyone.

Submitted as an entry inthe August Challenge, category one, by ProfPosky of Gryffindor.

Something Fairly Simple by Savannahblue126

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione reflects on the past and the first time that she learns what love is about without help from a book.

Teach Me How To Live by Niamara

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Hermione is jealous that everyone around her can have fun, while she's built up an image of a bookworm. Can Ron help her break out of her shell? Ron-Hermione oneshot.

Till Morn’s First Light by Magdalene Rose

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A short and sweet little Tonks/Remus romance... written BEFORE I found out that JK Rowling had already put something of the sort into HBP.

The Laws of Attraction by Dragon Rider

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: James is mad over Lily Evans. He can’t get her out of his thoughts, out of his heart. He tried to win her over many times and every single time he was turned down. Still, he continues to pursue her with a half-crazed obsession. Lily swore never to have anything to do with James Potter and his conceited ways. The laws of attraction are confusing and dangerous though and without her consent she begins to fall for him over the last two years of school.

Fifth Chapter, Padfoot or Evans? is being written. I'd like a few more reviews before I submit it, but it isn't a requirement, of course. Just a wish by me. As for those who have already reviewed - thank you so much! I'm glad to have you all! *hugs* Never fear, for chapter five is drawing near!

Whatsername by Ginny Weasley 12

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ron runs into an old girlfriend in Diagon Alley. What will he remember about her?

I Remember a Time by Vikki

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ginny reflects.

Limericks for the Feeble-Hearted by Nienna Telrunya

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: One limerick for each of eight Death Eaters! Includes such favorites such as Pettigrew, Malfoy, and Snape.

Mourning by sweetdevil

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A story of death and loss in Harry's world.

Prongs Rides Again by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Everything is over. But there is one thing that Harry needs to do. He needs to do one thing with Ron and Hermione, in the memory of Sirius, Dumbledore and his father. This is just one part in the much bigger picture -- the success and connection with people who aren't really ever gone.

Emerald in the Fire by rita_skeeter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Doubt thou the stars are fire,
doubt the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt thy love. Hamlet, Shakespeare.

Lily Evans and Severus Snape lived in two different worlds; they had two separate lives. How is it then that they managed to find love in the dark?

Hard to Find, Difficult to Leave, Impossible to Forget by Chris_04

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” -G. Randolf. Lily Evans and her best friend, Joanna Brooks start their 7th year at Hogwarts. It looks like this year won't be different from any other, with Lily and James bickering constantly, and Lily as popular as always. Lily is head girl (not surprising anyone), and James is just as arrogant as usual. When Lily learns that he's head boy, she is very annoyed. The only difference in their lives is the recent attacks by some "Lord Voldemort". Before they have time to even figure out who that is, there is another attack. How will they manage another day like this? So, here's my 80,000th draft of "Hard to Find, Difficult to Leave, Impossible to Forget" (or at least it seems that way:) Hope you enjoy it!!!

A Last Goodbye by crumple_horned_snorkack

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: As Sirius walks amidst the rubble of Lily and James’s house that fateful night, he reflects on their relationship over the years. Sirius’s POV.

A Malfoy's Problem by megan_lupin

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Dragons, vampires, hospitals, and riddles all combine together to give Lucius Malfoy a trying experience as he seeks out the answer to a plaguing problem: How to get his magic back.

A Gauntlet Challenge II submission by megan_lupin of Gryffindor.

An Evil Lord by crazy_purple_hp_freak

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Set after the events on Half-Blood Prince, the wand-maker Ollivander reflects on his life and trials in the servitude of the Dark Lord. What parts has he played in the making of the Horcruxes? And which side will triumph in the final battle?

Maybe that’s why I like you so much by kalae_zoe

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: What if the break-up between Harry and Ginny was her idea, but Harry just happened to beat her to it? Although her reasoning behind the break-up isn’t the same as Harry’s it’s just as noble a reason. One shot after the break-up from Ginny's POV.

View from Heaven by metalchild

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: When someone you love dies, does he go to Heaven?

Like A Diamond In The Sky by whatapotter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: So hungry. There is a cavern inside of me, desolate, empty, and yearning to be filled. Oh, what it must be like, to be complete - to be whole again.

A one-shot delving into the curious psyche of a dementor. This is the scene from Prisoner of Azkaban where Harry and Sirius are being attacked by the oncoming dementors - except this fic is written in the POV of one of those dementors.

I've tried hard to make this particularly strange bunny work, and I hope the result is a success.

Sirius's Azkaban by Islander

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A sonnet--sometimes things turn out differently from what we expect. Another poem from the creator of "Woes of a Midget Owl" and "Buckbeak's Ferret Dinner".

Where Light and Shadow Meet by Ennalee

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: All his life, Percy has built and gathered, painted and carved, and now everything is falling down around him.

Standing in the shambles of the Ministry, Percy questions the life he has built for himself.