MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


How He Knew by A House Elf

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily makes a slip-of-the-tongue that causes James to wonder.

Forever Yours by harry_potter_star

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay

For all of you who wanted an update, I have a proposition. You may or may not like it, but it's all I can offer.
Check review challenge for the last chapter. details there!

James and Lily Potter were possibly the most famous parents in wizarding history. We know alot about their adult life, but what do we really know about their childhood? Even Harry never knew about the Drama, jealousy, danger, friendships, happiness, sadness, resentment,confusion and love that his parents went through as children. Here, their lives, from when the two of them were eleven to when they were brutally murdered at only 21, is recorded. Lily and James Potter were unsung heros. This is their story.

A Bronx Tale - Autobiography by cmwinters

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This chapter introduces my Muggle OFC and gives her backstory.

Something Like A Broken Heart by Tara Ranae

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: In a world silently falling apart at the seams, two young adults must find their way. Lily Evans loses James Potter and then magically finds him again, only to lose not just him but her very life. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is slowly taking control, and it is at the height of his power that these two are thrown out into the world to fend for themselves. As the wizarding world goes mad with terror and fear, they manage to find each other as well as the love they thought lost. One can only watch as they become unwittingly but fatally intertwined in the story of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's downfall. Follow the story of Lily and James' first encounter with him.

The Beech Tree by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Near the lake is a beech tree. This beech tree is where two couples declare their love for one another. It holds memories of love lost, found and forgotten. Under this beech tree is where four people spend two sunkissed days, nearly twenty years apart.

This is a Lily/James & Harry/Ginny story.

Dear Reader by Madame Marauder

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Deanna Davis is a Field Researcher, working freelance for the Department of Mysteries. Although this is her dream job, the Ministry plans to get rid of it. Deanna creates a fictitous confidant or confidante to tell this story to and to ease her decision-making process. These are her letters to that person.

But Deanna knows that a fictional friend is nothing compared to the real thing. How long will it take before she stops confiding in her "friend" and starts to accept reality?

Written for the Hospital Wing Challenge by Madame Marauder of Gryffindor House.

I Dreamed a Dream by grangergurl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Merope's life with Tom. The first one-shot songfic in my Les Mis Series.

Letters From a First Year by Gmariam

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a series of letters which Emma Wood, a first year student at Hogwarts, writes to her Grandfather over the course of the year. Follow Emma as she receives her Hogwarts letter, buys her first wand, is Sorted into her House, and meets Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived.

This story was written for the June/July Monthly Challenge One: Autobiography by GMariam of Ravenclaw.

Moongate Beckons When The Canvas Sleeps by gossipweaver

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story

When illusions overlap with reality, when fairy tales become too real... Unfortunately for Oliver, not all fairy tales have a happy ending...

What can be more cruel… purposely arranging two people from two different worlds, to cross paths, meet, fall in love, only to part ways…

Gryffindor's Thoughts by Lionclaw

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A teenage girl has just survived a battle with the Dark Forces. Now, for comfort, she turns to her old diary, desperate to answer the question, "Can we remember the good times without remembering the bad?"

I'm TheLoyalOne on the Forums and a proud Hufflepuff writing for challenge 1.

Understanding Halle by Lurid

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Story So Far…

Young Wendy Weasley is working for Lord Voldemort and after failing to kidnap her sister Millie, Wendy has entered the Gryffindor common room, and has set it alight. The damage done was so extensive that the common room had to be closed for repairs, and the other houses – Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw – are currently hosting those resorted into different houses.

This One-Shot follows Halle Weasley’s thoughts as she sits in a bed high up in Ravenclaw common room. Halle goes through a stage of reminiscing, and determines exactly what impacted upon her life as a child to make the fierce, loyal and proud Gryffindor she is today.

An entrant to the July/July Challenge - Autobiography.

Wonderful Emotion by LeanneP

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "Potter? Lily’s mind screamed. Why in Merlin’s name was he here? This was supposed to be a Head meeting! She turned to Dumbledore who motioned for both students to take a seat.

“Well,” Dumbledore started, “I see you are both thoroughly confused – chocolate frog? No?” His eyes twinkled as he put the chocolate back upon his desk. “Since our previous Head Boy was unable to accept his position-“

“What?” James interrupted, looking very confused. “Remus never said — Oh sorry Professor,” he said, for Dumbledore had raised an eyebrow to halt James.

“As I was saying,” a smiling Dumbledore continued “I am now in a situation that requires me to pick a new Head Boy. So, I have decided that you, James, would be the best choice.”


Please leave a review!

Memorial by TrueLies

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a very short, one-shot story about a man who visits Sirius' memorial stone on a cool, October night. Once there, he thinks back and reflects upon the events of the past year and a half since Sirius' death.

It Runs in the Family by ronnyc718

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Years ago, Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. Since then, everything has seemed to go his way, until one day he receives a letter from someone in his past, someone he never thought he would hear from again… What could this person possibly want?

One shot - no current plans to continue!!

However, my sister has taken this one-shot and turned it into a full story. Her first chapter is up at http://fanfiction.mugglenet.com/viewstory.php?sid=64993.

Mystery Unleashed by Periwinkle

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Teagan is pursuing her dream career as a journalist and is offered the perfect opportunity to not only explore a top-secret place, but submit her first ever public article. She is invited to explore the Department of Mysteries, a huge floor which has lain hidden for many years. Teagan is given a tour of the area and walking through its secret halls, she finally has the chance to prove herself and deliver a winning article at the same time.

Entered for the Hospital Wing Challenge by Periwinkle of Hufflepuff House.

Bittersweet Victory by hearyoume

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
The final battle has ended, and Hermione wonders if it is possible to be victorious when one has suffered so much already. Yet even amongst the tragedy and the heartbreak, she and Harry take comfort in the fact that they at least have each other.
I wonder if he will ever be the same again... I doubt it. Silently, I reach out and touch his hand, which is still wrapped tightly around his wand. I want to remind him that he isn’t a murderer – he is a hero. From now on, the entire Wizarding World will forever know him as their savior. And so will I.
(One-shot, narrated by Hermione. It could be H/Hr... or maybe not. I'll let you decide.)

We are Who we Choose to Be by LadyAlesha

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Minerva is going through a rough time. First she lost her mother, then she lost her friends. Will she risk losing her father as well in order to live the life she wants to live?

A Golden Ribbon by Periwinkle

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It's eight days until Hermione leaves Hogwarts and she is faced with a difficult situation to make that has nothing to do with her graduation. Seeking the Astronomy Tower for its isolated comfort, she finds none of it when he chooses to pay her a visit.

Will she let him go, or will she stay?

Revelation I:I by Ada Kensington

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: While on the hunt for the Ravenclaw Horcrux, in a secluded glade in the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter has a chat with Death.

The Keeper of The Hall by Gmariam

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Meet Aldred, the Keeper of the Hall of Prophecy. As he is puzzling out a cryptic prophecy regarding the downfall of Lord Voldemort, an old friend comes to visit, hoping to better understand the mysteries of the enigmatic message Fate has left them. A year and a half later, it would appear that the prophecy has been fulfilled. But Aldred’s visitor returns with grim news, and they discuss the twists of fate that swirl around a young boy named Harry Potter, now destined to vanquish the Dark Lord in an uncertain future.

This is a one-shot story written for the Harry’s Hospital Wing Project by Gmariam of Ravenclaw.