MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


Journeying with Albus by joanna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Accompany Cassandra West on the journey of her life. See how an uneventful ship voyage turns into danger, love and magic.

Written for the May Monthly Challenge One: Pilgrimage where this fic was runner-up in its category!

Slightly AU.

They Call Me Professor by the_evenstar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: So, Percy’s been sending a lot of mail the summer before his sixth year… Who’s he been writing to, and what does Hermes think about all of this?

My entry for the One-Shot Challenge – Owls.

The Little Owl Who Believed by Bryant

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A little owl who never stops believing that he will one day be the greatest post-owl that ever lived, is dissipointed when he finds out that he is going to be shipped to Romania. However, something happens that he never expected, and he finds himself leaving the place he lived in for so long to have a new life.

Written by Bryant of Ravenclaw for the One-Shot Owl Challenge.

Yes, No, Sure, Whatever by violagirl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Alright everyone, the end is here! *dramatic gasp* I really hope you all enjoy it, and don't forget to look out for my new story, Prologue: The Beginning. Thanks!

What's happening: It's their seventh year. James is desperate to get Lily, and, at the Hogwarts Express, promises to never ask her out again, and offers that the two become friends. When Lily accepts, James's spirits soar, but since she doesn't like him that way, and he can't ask her out, how will he ever have her for his own?

A special thanks to my sister Kitty and my best friend Emilea for listening to my ideas and reading the story in its entirety! Couldn't have done it without them!

And thanks to my new beta, Emily/LaneTechFreshie! You've been great!

Happy reading! :)

Everything About You by JC_Cainstone

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Lily Evans has just about everything to deal with. James Potter, NEWTS revision, James Potter, annoying friends, James Potter, song writing for the "Cheer Up" Christmas Ball and James Potter are just a few of them.
It was only natural that she should put off the song-writing until the very last minute.
Sitting by the fire of the Gryffindor common room, she searches desperately for inspiration. Her eyes land on James Potter. She begins to write...

Finding Courage by Gonz

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Percy Weasley receives an invitation to participate in The Gauntlet, a competition that promises a custom built prize and glory to the winner. Percy goes with hope of earning the respect he feels he deserves. Inside the maze he faces a mysterious guide, riddles, magical creatures, and his own past. Can Percy find the courage to overcome all obstacles?

Bound by lily_evans34

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hedwig reflects upon her life, and her relatioship with Harry. Written for the One Shot Owls challenge by lily_evans34 of Ravenclaw.

Shining Reflections by Cherry and Phoenix Feather

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "He sat on a flat rock, gazing at the reflection of the moon in the lake. He supposed it was typical of him, to look at the shine of the image instead of the real thing."

A younger brother reflects on separation and betrayal.

One Step Closer by Vader

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: What has kept Harry Potter on his feet through all he has faced? Here is a short free verse poem with a thought on that.

Stone by coppercurls

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A poem by Severus Snape for Narcissa, of life and learning and love. Set at Spinner's End.

After the funeral by bluebottle

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This is when Sirius meets his family alive for the last time. He warns his brother and confronts his mother.

Just Like That by tot_desidero

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Harry Potter has defeated the Dark Lord once and for all. He is expected to be celebrating with the rest of the wizarding world and he would be. If only he hadn't fallen for the one person he could never be with.

Now Dance! by TOMROHT

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione convinces Harry and Ron to go with her to the auditions for Professor Lockhart's new Drama Club. This is Harry's first foray into show biz, and he's not at all impressed.

Not Really Saying Goodbye by Gmariam

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry Potter is staying at the Burrow for Bill and Fleur’s wedding. The night before he leaves on his journey to vanquish Voldemort, he goes out to the garden to think. Soon Ginny joins him, and he finally tells her about Prophecy. Ron and Hermione come out for a brief shared moment. Harry and Ginny come to a sad but resolute understanding before returning to the house hand in hand.

This is a one-shot scene from Book Seven. It is very fluffy and possibly a bit sniffly! It is also the second part of The Seventh Summer, a set of three stories taking place in the summer after Harry's sixth year.

Seeking Glory by megan_lupin

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “Outside the doors, at ten tonight, with skills yours, your glory will shine bright.”

Upon receiving a strange invitation, Lucius Malfoy experiences one of the weirdest nights he’s ever had. He strives to reach glory in the end, but on the way he must deal with plants, teachers, riddles, and other obstacles that might not be so pleasant.

Written for the "Gauntlet Challenge I" by megan_lupin of Gryffindor.

Light In The Distance by Cherry and Phoenix Feather

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It wasn't how things were supposed to be. He wasn't supposed to be alone.

By following the light in the distance, maybe he can make things all right again. Maybe he can bring him back.

Gauntlet Challenge submission by cherryandphoenixfeather of Hufflepuff house. First place.

Padma Patil and the Mysterious Maze by joanna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Padma receives a letter at breakfast. She is convinced that the invitation to compete against her fellow students in a maze is a trap, but when she sees that Parvati and Lavender leave the castle she decides to participate too. Little does she know what dangers await her once she enters the labyrinth.

Written for the Gauntlet/Writing Maze Challenge. I'm joanna from Ravenclaw.

Changing Masks by delta

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: My eyes do not speak of my namesake like they should. For fifteen generations, black eyes had become one of the many trademarks of my powerful family. Black, they said, was pure and undiluted, just like their blood, and, as such, those opaque eyes became a point of pride in my family. But I had grey eyes. And those grey stormy eyes of mine marked me as different from the day I was born. They were a watered-down black, just like I was.

A Hare-y Little Problem by spunkymuzicnote

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry has an opportunity to view a Pensieve memory of his parents—When Lily overhears James commenting on Remus’s “furry little problem” the Marauders must do some fast talking to get themselves out of a sticky situation.

The Dragon by Crazy Rat

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: What it takes to kill the beast.