MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: Mild Profanity


Floccinaucinihilipilification by WhiteRoses

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James is stuck to Lily. Litterally.

Pouvez-Vous Garder Un Secret? by bling_baby

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Lucile Ronalds is still traumatised by the Second War, now living in a country with a language she doesn't even understand. Now all she's trying to do is move on, but her lack of English means that the only job she could get was as a secretary in the Ministry under the watchful eye of Harry Potter, who isn't even sure why she's there.

However, as she begins to learn the language and starts climbing the career ladder, she begins to become closer with the head Auror, along with another temp, Connor Lately. Which of the two will she choose, or will she try and be with someone who actually isn't in a relationship? On top of that, will she ever discover what actually happened to her family back in France and recover from her lost friend? Read on to find out.

Fallen Lord by TheBlackSister

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: An old defeated man awaits his end. It comes with consequences.

Children of the Rebellion by laurskii

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Ten years ago, a prophecy that had dictated the future of all the world was fulfilled. in a final duel, a chance distraction by a small child led to the downfall of the head of the Rebellion. Harry James Potter was killed, along with any hope of destroying the Dark Lord. All who supported him were killed in the most deadly massacre the Wizarding World has ever known, and life in Britain has never been the same.

Ten years after his father's death, Harry Potter's son is leading a new rebellion. Which side will you choose?

Make Me Better by guiding ray of sunlight

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Rose Ivory and Alex Moss are best friends. They are always together. Well, almost always.

But things are about to change for Rose. Her entire world is turned up-side-down, and all she can do is wait to see what falls...

The story takes place in the years between the fall (or not quite fall) of Voldemort and Harry's first year.

Rating is for future chapters (The far future)....

Love at First Strike by Equinox Chick

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: When Cupid and his trainee, Godfrey, arrive at Hogwarts, their plan is to bring some love into Angelina Johnson’s life. Cupid knows exactly who she should be with. Unfortunately, when Godfrey panics the second arrow ends up in a totally different place.

This is Equinox Chick of Hufflepuff and this is my entry in the Cupid Gone Crazy challenge.

I am not JK Rowling; I doubt you're surprised by that.

Porcelain Doll by MorganRay

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: She was their plaything for so long. Now that she’s free again, Cho tries to find pleasure in love, but innocence left her long ago with loneliness as her only lover.

A Field of Flowers by flirtytype214

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The rage of war looms over Hogwarts castle, and defeat is certain. Dumbledore, knowing this inevitability, calls upon his back up plan, sending the trio, Snape, and Draco back in time to the most critical year of Tom Riddle's life. Stuck in the past, the group has to make choices and sacrifices for the sake of the future; but, will their choices lead to the least likely path of all?

A Hermione Granger/ Tom Riddle story.

Muggle Island by Trivia Camlee

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

How many people does it take to cause a ruckus? Four: The three Dursleys, and a Ministry of Magic official. The Dursleys have no boat to get off the island in the first book, so a Magic official arrives to help them. Let the chaos, begin.

Note: language warning just to be safe- there are no real swears in here

The Absurd Fanfic Revolution by Tim the Enchanter

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
HEY! Hey you! Psssstttt! You have to help us!

It’s Tim the Enchanter, our fanfiction writer – HE’S GONE MAD! We’re just trying to live normal lives at Hogwarts, but CRAZY things keep happening to us because he’s bored!

Please! Read our story and hear our plight! We need to bludgeon some sanity into our author – Oh no! HE’S AT HIS COMPUTER NOW!

NO! NOOO-aaahhhh! Must resist! Resist… Gibber narg turnip turnip wibble antidisestablishmentarianism blubber gibber wop wop bbluubbaaarrrggghhh!

Nominated for QSQ 2009, Best Humour.

Pandora's Box by BertieBotsBeans741

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
How do you move on when there's nowhere to go? For months, Sheelin's mind has been shrouded in despair, where even the brightest rays of lights cannot find their way in.

Her footsteps and thoughts provided a monotonous pattern of unanswered questions and revolting responses.

Why me?

The Nature Of Courage by Vindictus Viridian

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: In Rowling's books, we see most Sortings yield five boys to each House, and yet there were only four Marauders. What happened to the other one?

This story was submitted for the "You Sorted WHERE?" One-Shot challenge.

Superiority and Sarcasm by R_Ravenclaw

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The last thing Draco expects to find when he escapes his parents’ party is another deserter. He also doesn’t expect her to be quite so sarcastic, arrogant, or — well — so much like him.


The Midnight Watch by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

It started with a Christmas visit and his father's question. "If you patrol during the day, who takes the night watch?" Charlie's search for an answer leads to his discovery of a nocturnal keeper named Nadia...and a thirteenth use for dragons' blood.

You dance divinely, Mr Weasley by Equinox Chick

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It has been two and a half years since Fred died and George Weasley still feels the pain of loss. So when Ginny and Hermione turn up at the shop to ask him to fill in for a sick Ron at the Quidditch Winter Ball his initial response is a definite no! But Hermione’s plight, for some reason, moves him and he reluctantly agrees to partner his soon to be sister-in-law to the ball. With new robes and some dazzling dance steps, he little realises that this could be the night his life changes for the better.

Following His Father's Footsteps by bling_baby

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James Potter, son of the famous Harry Potter, starts his fifth year at Hogwarts with great enthusiasm as he expects that this will be his best year yet. He is unaware however of the sinister things that lies in store for him and his friends.
But first not only does he need to find out who he's fighting but who he's protecting...

He was breathing deeply, his chest heaving in an out with such intensity that he could almost cry due to the lack of oxygen. If his pulse hadn't slowed down, the blood no longer rushing to his head, he would not have noticed that someone else was there with him.

Her eyes were dark, but ghostly at the same time and her skin was as pale as he ever remembered. Her gaunt face revealled one of some anguish, her soul clearly still tortured.
"Hello, Caprilla."

Let No One Put Asunder by DeeDeeVee

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

With the war over, Harry is looking forward to sharing a life of peace & happiness with Ginny. But once again he finds himself pitted against someone out to destroy him; someone on a deadly quest for revenge but whose identity is a mystery.

Second Chances by Rain Dog

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Seven years after the war and five years after the ugly end of Ron and Harry's relationship, the Weasleys are called home to deal with a strange rash of attacks against the Order. Harry hopes to use the chance to get Ron back, but no one expects exactly what happens when this family reunites.

The Murder of Scorpius Malfoy by Cirelondiel

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

When Rose Weasley finds her best friend dead, she risks her job and forms an unlikely alliance to track down the murderer...

An entry to the Gauntlet Round 7 by Cirelondiel of Hufflepuff.

An Soilsiu by India Inverse

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Featuring Malfoy at his nastiest, a Ravenclaw who might not be entirely human, general rudeness, pranks and unladylike hand gestures, many heated discussions, snarking and snarling, a detention or two, Peeves the Poltergiest making some uncomfortable observations, and numerous plans that keep going completely awry. Cliques make no apologies and gleefully run rampant, and Draco learns that he might not be able to change who he is, but maybe he can learn to make his own choices for once.