MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Son of the Grim by James Jameson

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It was thundering like mad now. The rain was pounding down in all directions. Sammie coughed and spluttered as she stumbled out of the lake, gasping for air and dragging Lucy’s unconscious body with her. “Aunt Beatrice!” Sammie shouted over the wind and rain. “Aunt - Aunt Beatrice!” Sammie laid Lucy down in the overgrown grass, wincing at the scarlet blood that was dripping from the wound in Lucy’s side and neck from where the mermaids had pierced her. “Aunt Beatrice! Where are you? AUNT BEATRICE!” Panting and heaving, Sammie tried to support her bleeding friend, whose blood has now soaking Sammie’s robes even further. She glanced around, scouring the grounds despairingly. No one came. She screeched in desperation, pulling Lucy off the ground and searching for any sign that her aunt was here. “Aunt Beatrice...?” she whispered hopelessly, crying now. No one came. “Help me...somebody...please,” She began sobbing uncontrollably now. Her tears mingled with rain and blood, seeming as though they poured right through her skin and were drowning her. She felt as though someone was lifting her by the back of her robes. Is this how it feels when you’re lifted to heaven? Am I dying? She didn’t know that, and she didn’t know whose arms were wrapped around her. All she knew was that they had failed, Aunt Beatrice had betrayed them, Verudka was now dead, and Lucy was surely dying.

Slytherins and Gryffindors hate each other. Malfoys and Potters hate each other. But can one fateful trip to Diagon Alley, a potion, and tragedy change all of that for Sammie and Lucy?

Note: All Reviews will get a Response!

Those Beautiful Green Eyes. by Aurenna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry Potter, Seeker extraordinaire for the Chudley Canons is retiring at the age of twenty-seven, looking to go back into the world of fighting Dark Wizards. As he is readying to enter into a new career as an Auror, he meets Ginny Weasley in the Leaky Cauldron. What happens when they get back together… overall fluff, right? Maybe not!

The Avenger by _Ivy_

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A dark fic centered around one boy and how he holds in his hands the fate of an entire crowd, an audience to one of the most terrible, yet amazing, shows even seen by Muggle kind.

The Truest Slytherin by _Ivy_

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A dark poem centered around a Muggleborn girl, an innocent poisoned by the Death Eaters, and her journey to become the truest Slytherin.

Through the Doors by megan_lupin

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Dark Lord is losing his patience; he desperately wants the knowledge of the prophecy's exact location, and Lucius Malfoy can no longer put off searching the legendary Department of Mysteries.

Written for the "Gauntlet Writing Challenge IV" by megan_lupin of Gryffindor.

The Gauntlet by Loralie

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Narcissa has been having nightmares. But is that what they really are?

I am Loralie of Hufflepuff House

The Murder of Emmeline Vance by DailyProphetEditor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: In the famous ‘Spinner’s End’ chapter, Snape makes one remark that I find even harder to explain away than the whole Murder-of-Dumbledore-complex – after all, we all know that he did it on Albus’s orders, right?

But what about Snape’s claim to Bellatrix? (HBP p. 35)

“The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him on the Order. It led, as perhaps you have guessed, to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline Vance (…)”

Could he risk claiming that if it was not true? Is it true, and Snape IS evil after all? Or is Emmeline still alive? Here’s my take on what might have been before ‘Spinner’s End’ takes place...

To Make Pride by Charmed_S

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Rubeus Hagrid was a wizard. A half-giant. And a decent man.

I tried, dad, I tried to make you proud

To Make Pride is a one-shot character exploration of Rubeus Hagrid, taking him through his best and worst memories, to shape the man he is today.

I did, dad. I made you proud

The Best Things Are Left Unwritten by lily_evans34

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Late night conversations leave Lily Evans taking advice from the most unlikely of people.

Total Blackness by tc015

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: An entry for Gauntlet 4 by tc015 of Gryffindor

The biggest desicion of her life, and she regrets it. Now she must delve into herself to find out the solution.

Through the Looking Glass by stareyed_in_LA

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Cho Chang is now working for the Ministry of Magic. Her job at the Misuse of Magic office is uninteresting, until one day, a group of friends dares her to venture into the depths of the Department of Mysteries.

Quote from Chapter 3:
As Cho descended to the depths of the room, the stones started to shimmer, as if it was submerged in an underwater chamber. When she reached level ground the voice seemed to be stronger. It was a male voice, and it sounded so familiar to Cho’s ears. She almost broke down in tears when she realized who it belonged to.

This is my submission for the Gaunlet round #4. Stareyed_in_LA for Gryffindor.

The Mysterious R. A. B. by EWells2188

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: A dark, hooded figure glides across the floor of the cave. He dips his gloved hand into a basin of glowing poison. Harry looks on from a distance, perlexed as to who this mysterious wizard could be. Then, Harry is abrubtly awoken by the sound of a grandfather clock reverberating throughout the Dursley's home. Could it be...R. A. B.?

The Secret Weapon by Cwiddy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This was written for the Fourth Gauntlet on the Mugglenet Fan Fiction Beta Boards by Cwiddy from Hufflepuff house.

Remus Lupin has gone to the Department of Mysteries to find a secret weapon that Harry has been told is there for Remus to find. As he searches many rooms for the weapon he starts to despair, but sometimes the journey is more important then what we find in the end.

To Make A Broken Heart by wendelin the wierd

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Who said that some hearts can't be broken? The hardest hearts to break are the ones which have already died inside.

The Battle for the Prophecy at the Department of Mysteries by cmwinters

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Severus Snape is sent on a challenge by the Dark Lord to retrieve a prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. What follows is a series of challenges.

Written for the Gauntlet Round 4 and submitted by CMWinters of Slytherin House

Many thanks to my guide, FanficWriterNikki, and my substitute guide while Nikki was on vacation, _Crazy_Purple_HP_Freak_. and MithrilQuill for conducting it.

The Escapades of Lily Evans by HarrynHermione_06

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: I am harrynhermione_06 of Ravenclaw House.

What happens when Lily takes an unwanted detour of the Department of Mysteries?

These Green Eyes of Ours by Starry Wands

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The green-eyed monster in Petunia has finally emerged, all ready to lash out at her oh-so-perfect sister. A one-shot account of the untold grief and misery torturing a very misunderstood person - Petunia Evans.

Thin Lines by Ron x Hermione

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: “If you defy it, though, I will be gone by tonight.”

There is a thin line between teacher and student. In Severus Snape’s case, this line is extremely thin.

He has been watching a certain young girl take the body of a woman for many years, yet he has never professed his true feelings before now. But when he finally comes out with the truth, the girl defies him. He is not able to take this, and has told her he will have to depart Hogwarts forever, ultimately switching to the Dark Side, or worse.

But does this girl- woman- have feelings for him? And if she does, will she be able to stop him from leaving in time?

The Triangle Ritual by martinius

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: AU Year Six: During summer following their fifth year, Harry, Ron, and Hermione have to deal with the after-effects of their encounter at the Department of Mysteries. Harry mourns Sirius' death and tries to bear the burden of the prophecy; Hermione has to face her parents; Ron has to cope with lasting effects from the attack of a brain. Inspired by Ron and to help Harry on his way Hermione initiates a process which forces the trio to become closer than ever. Eventually the prophecy presses down on all three. The story doesn’t follow HBP but incorporates some of its ideas. Pairing: HPHGRW

The Choice by Sarakime

Rated: 1st-2nd Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: When Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrive at Spinners End shortly after 6th Year looking for Horcruxes, Hermione makes a most shocking discovery: Draco Malfoy, dying into the shadows of the abandoned house, alone and helpless. She is faced with a difficult choice - should she leave him to die, or actually help him?

Written for the final for From Fluff to Fanfiction OWL Level class. I am Sarakime of Slytherin.