MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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That undiscovered country by Morwen

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Sirius falls through the veil and meets Trivia, the Roman goddess of travelers in a place he never expected.

Submitted by Morwen of Ravenclaw House for the Myth and Magic Challenge of the New Year Challenge.

The Green Dragon by PadfootBaby

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Draco Malfoy wanders the countryside after he is whisked away from Hogwarts on that fateful night atop the Astronomy Tower. Lost and alone, he stumbles upon the mysterious Green Dragon Inn. During his stay there, he discovers a strength he never knew he had, and learns the destiny that lay in wait for him the whole time...

Written by PadfootBaby of Hufflepuff House, for the "At the Sign of the Green Dragon" prompt of the New Year Challenge! The warning is only for a brief mention of suicide; nothing graphic. Enjoy!

The Longing Heart by Cwiddy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Nymphadora Tonks has a problem. She has fallen in love with Remus Lupin, who seems to have similar feelings towards her, but rejects that love because of his curse of being a werewolf. She struggles with these feelings and falls into despair. In her darkest hour Tonks runs down the road to escape her feelings, but instead finds a most mysterious inn called the "Green Dragon". There she finds hope and help from the most peculiar inn keeper she has ever met.

This is written by Cwiddy from Hufflepuff house for the Green Dragon Winter Challenge. Chapter 2 is when Tonks finds her way to the Green Dragon Inn.

The Next Great Adventure by Gmariam

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: As a trio of students races against time to protect the Philosopher’s Stone from Lord Voldemort, Nicholas Flamel has a startling dream which reveals a bleak future should they fail. Faced with a grim decision, Nicholas returns to Hogwarts to speak with his old friend, Albus Dumbledore, and determine the fate of the Wizarding world.

Written for the New Year’s Challenge, Prompt Two – Dreams, by Gmariam of Ravenclaw.

The Portrait by the_evenstar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Mark, a young Hogwarts student, meets a mermaid in the Hogwarts lake. Overcome by his fascination, he paints a portrait of her. However, it soon becomes evident that his portrait is more than just a painting...

Written by the*evenstar of Ravenclaw for Seminar 2: Hogwarts Portraits.

The Wedding Ring by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily and James Potter were always happy and in love. In a way, they never had to try to make it work. But, going through a rough time, their relationship is pushed to its limits.

Written for the February One-Shot Challenge by Kask of Slytherin.

Winner of the February One-Shot Challenge.
Winner of the 2007 Quicksilver Quill Award for Best Canon Romance.
Thank you everyone :)

True Love Never Dies by roXtar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: One - shot songfic set to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. Summer after HBP. About why love can't be ignored. This is my first fic so please review!

The Book by Sarakime

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It was just an other full day spent in the library for Hermione. That is, untill she comes across a mysterious old book that could change her fate forever.

Hermione always knew that by reading books, you can venture to new places and meet exciting new people. But the term has an entirely new meaning as she leafs through the entrancing pages of the book, Roman Mythology.

Written by Sarakime of Slytherin for the Myths and Magic prompt of the New Year Challenge.

To Love Life Again by lucilla_pauie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: There's magic in dates.

Harry and Ginny and the Weasleys believe this.

This is why they send their poor Hermione to her granny’s cottage in Ireland on February twenty-ninth, Leap Year, hoping she could also leap back to life and perhaps to love once more, five years after losing Ron in the war.

Hermione doesn't know it, but her parents and the Weasleys plus Harry are not content seeing her slaving away with paperwork and living by routine with a dead look in her eyes.

In Ireland, amidst the hills and the romantic whispering of the mountain breeze and the sea, in the handsome seaside village of Ardmore, someone is waiting for her.

…someone waiting for something to complete his own return to life.

Someone named Andrei MacElroy...or so he claims.

This had been entered into the New Year Challenge At the Sign of the Green Dragon and won 2nd Place (insert very undignified *squee* here).

Rave reviews. Not your usual Dramione fic. The sequel is up. ~Then Somebody Bends~

The Green Dragon by MrsRuebeusHagridDursley

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It's been two years since Harry broke up with Ginny at Professor Dumbledore's funeral. And she's still upset. Can the only place that can help her be a mysterious inn called The Green Dragon?

Rating for the darkness of the fic. (Especially Chapter 2.)

I am MrsRuebeusHagridDursley, a proud Hufflepuff.

The Voice Calls by Ron x Hermione

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Salazar Slytherin and the rest of the founders are in a dilemma, and a fight. Salazar only wants pure-bloods in the school, but Godric, Rowena, and Helga won’t stand for it.

Salazar heads to his own dormitory, furious, and finally falls asleep against the chatter ringing in his head.

A Voice wakes him.

I am Ron x Hermione of Hufflepuff, and this was originally written for the New Year’s Challenge, prompt, Dreams.

Trust me, with love there is hope by crazy_purple_hp_freak

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The war is difficult for everyone. One couple hope to make it through unscathed as they struggle to reconcile and trust one another. Through the grey and tiring hours, they come to realise one thing (the thing that may one day save their lives): with love, there can be hope

Written by crazy_purple_hp_freak of Slytherin for the February one-shot challenge.

Dedicated to Cheshlin.

Twist of Fate by Fragile_Heartz

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It was only a game.

Sometimes the most seemingly insignificant action makes all the difference.
But in this case, the stakes were higher then most: Lord Voldemort.

A little game with ghastly consequenes...

The Birth of Bravery by crazy_purple_hp_freak

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Two brothers closely bound in blood,

They walked two different paths,

Two choices made (opposing goals) –

One bloody aftermath.

Of blood ties and bravery, and of breaking free.

Written by crazy_purple_hp_freak of Slytherin house, for the Ballad Challenge.

The Extra Mile by Hansolohpfrk

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A sweet, short Lily/James poem.

Time After Time by Moonysgirl79

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The night of the Easter dance, Remus and Hayley have a lot of things to sort out. Will he ever let her into his heart, and his secret? Can she ever forgive him for lying to her? Rated for very mild language.

True Love Waits by Narwen3

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: When Harry graduates, he asks Ginny a question. Getting an unexpected answer, he's left to face real life alone. Finally, he must grow up, without Ginny at his side. Sequel to "To See You Through The Dark."

The Night Before (Life Goes On) by Ron x Hermione

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ron and Hermione are together, madly in love... they're even expecting marriage soon.

But Ron has dreams. Dreams of becoming an Auror, and he will have to leave for six months to train for it. He is not allowed any contact with his family, and this includes Hermione.

After a heartfelt night under the stars, Ron takes leave on becoming his dream.

Hermione tries to get through a horrid six months without him. There is many tears, and can Hermione make it that long?

But what will happen when a tragedy strikes the family? How will Hermione cope, and can she live through this? Can true love really prevail through it all?

The Beginning by LuthAn

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: We don't know anything about Harry's ancestors, but this poem paints one picture of what could have happened. Journey back to one fateful night on a cold moor in Scotland, not too far from Hogwarts...

This ballad was written for the January Ballad Challenge and received first place!

The Final Moments by Cwiddy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Dumbledore sits and mourns for those lost and contemplates his own death