MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Name: iluvkrum (Signed) · Date: 05/27/07 15:35 · For: Where There's a Will
oh poor remus, he is a guy after all. even though i know you're probably going to have a good excuse for lindi, she is really starting to irritate me.

Author's Response: Oh dear, now I know I'm taking far too long between updates, because I couldn't remember what happened her for you to say poor Remus. I had to go back and read the end of the chapter. Um...yeah, poor Remus. I adore him, but he didn't always make perfect choices and LOLOL; Lindi is only just now starting to irritate you? *dies laughing* I was truly surprised by the reaction everyone had towards Lindi during this and the next chapter. I had been so worried everyone was going to be upset with Remus (or what I'd written him doing) and everyone was angry with Lindi. O.O *dies* I gave up worrying about how people would react after that (not really, but I stopped trying to figure it out, as I clearly was out of touch with reality. LOL) Poor Lindi's only excuse is she's oblivious, but I hope you have forgiven her. ;) Thanks, iluvkrum.

Author's Response: that should be "happened *here* for you to say poor Remus...." *blush*

Name: iluvkrum (Signed) · Date: 05/26/07 23:47 · For: Just a Little Hexing Between Friends
omg i love the end of this chapter. i reminds me of some of my male friends. it was hilarious!

Author's Response: :*) I had a LOT of fun writing that. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you, iluvkrum.

Name: Jeograph (Signed) · Date: 05/26/07 18:50 · For: Prologue: Notes on a Life
Wonderful, what a nice way to begin a Lupin tale. I look forward to getting into your story as I can find time.

The Album entries are very effective for moving us through Remus' back story and I really enjoy the way you are portraying him, as a kind and gentle soul.

I will try to make time to continue reading ASAP.

Author's Response: *grins* You know, I nearly choked when I saw this review. I'm suddenly very conscious of every cliché/stereotypical thing I've used in this story. LOL

I'm glad you are enjoying my portrayal of Remus (I hope you still are, as it has taken forever for me to respond). I do see him as the kindest and gentlest soul, which is why I love him so much. Even when I have him messing up, I hope that still comes through. Thank you, Jeograph. I hope to hear more of your thoughts on my take on the rest of the Marauders *bites nails* LOL.

Name: I_LUV_MOONY (Signed) · Date: 05/25/07 22:32 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Okay, it took me about two weeks to find enough time to read all of that, but it was so worth it. AAAH! You have to update soon or I will probably explode! This story is one of my absolute favorites; you are an awesome writer. This story gets a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10. I promise you, there will be a lot more zeros once it's finsihed. Sorry, you probably think I'm a spastic freak now. I was wondering, though, would you be willing to read my story? It's not quite as intense as yours, but it is Marauder-Era and pretty much centerred around Remus, so I was hoping you might be able to give me some tips. Your story was very addicting. I hated having to stop and do something else. So, anyway, please update very soon.

Author's Response: :) Thank you so much, I_LUV_MOONY. I'm really happy you are enjoying the story. I am also very honored that you would want tips from me on your story. I think you would be disappointed, though, as I'm not very good at that sort of thing. I'm also very embarrassed to admit it, but I don't really read fanfiction these days. Don't get me wrong, I have a list a mile long of stories I plan to read, many by my lovely reviewers and I would love to add yours to that list. However, I have found my time for all this becoming ever more limited, so that I use all of it for writing MoB, which is why it takes so long to update. (I do set aside a few minutes here and there to peruse the forums and respond to my reviews, but I'm starting to feel like I have no time to do even that very often, hence the long time it has taken me to get to your lovely review.) Also, Marauder Era is obviously my favorite period, but I stopped reading it when I started writing this, so as not to get confused about my thoughts on the characters or subconsciously take ideas that aren't my own. :*/ Now, I've pretty much stopped reading anything. I feel awful about it and very selfish, but I do hope you understand and forgive me. I do so appreciate my readers and hope to return the favor someday. But for now, I can only thank you for your lovely review and hope you continue to enjoy the story, and promise to try and update ASAP. Thanks, again. :)

Name: adrienne06052 (Signed) · Date: 05/24/07 13:45 · For: 1st Year: The Adventure Begins
I thought rooms were by year...? Ah, whatever. Cool story. I lurv Remus.

Author's Response: Hi, adrienne06052. I think I'm going to go in and put an A/N on this chapter. Unfortunately, modifying chapters is a headache as the site programming adds extra line breaks whenever an author edits their story. Still, I guess I should post this. When I started writing this story, JKR had given an interview in which she stated that there were around a thousand students at Hogwarts. Now, by my math, that would indicate that there are more than five of each sex in each class and each house. If there are always 5 male and 5 female students entering each house, that makes only 280 students in the whole school at a time. That just seems small to me for the entire Great Britain area. I think the wizarding community is small, but that is really small and just doesn’t fit my image. (I grew up in a really small town and there were 233 kids in my senior class alone.) I just figure that JKR didn’t want to come up with a thousand characters and so she only focuses on the ones that Harry takes note of at specific times that fit her plot. (That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it! LOL) It also made sense to me that 5 each, in every class and house seemed too convenient and unlikely. Surely there would be years when not as many kids enrolled, and some years when there were more kids. I think they do room by year, but I liked the idea that there would be more than one room of 1st year boys, and I wanted the Marauders alone, etc....*shrugs* That's how I wrote it, anyway. Still, I'm glad it doesn't seem to bother you too much (if you still think it's cool.) ;) Thank you. And I love Remus too! LOVE him! Thanks for reviewing.

Name: Buckbeak22 (Signed) · Date: 05/20/07 10:31 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
I am so glad you updated at last. This is one of my favourite chapters so far. I like Lindi's sense of letter writing. And I can't wait for the race between her and James.

Author's Response: *blush* Did you happen to notice that I slipped it through in under one month. *dies* I stayed up way to late, because I couldn't stand the thought of not updating in under a month. Last chapter was updated 17 April, this one 16 May. *fondly recalls the days when she posted about a chapter a week* *sigh* Anyway, I'm really glad you like this one. The race comes up in the next chapter, if I don't get too long winded. LOL Thank you, Buckbeak22.

Do you realize we are coming up on 2 years together? Wow! 07/10/05 you left me the first review (of many) and it is, to this day, one of my all time favorite reviews. Thank you so much for all your support (and patience). :)

Name: Gin_Drinka (Signed) · Date: 05/19/07 19:43 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Hi again!
I hope you're alright! You said in the review response that you were having health troubles. Sorry. I just left the hospital a whlie ago, where I have been the whole weekend, as my sister had an operation. But she's getting better now...anyway, getting to the point.
I totally agree with you that his lycanthropy is a HUGE deal. You're characterisation of him is perfect, I mean it. You do him better than JK does. Lol, hehe. Stupid Fenrir, always messing things up. And his mother is always there to embarass him a little...of course Sirius and James beat her at that. They are SO funny! I can't wait to see some J/Lness, as that is my favourite ship. And Sirius is beyond perfect! I'm just worried about the prank...I think it'll have sometihng to do with Lindi, am I right....no don't tell me, I want to be surprised. As if you would tell me anyway, lol.
Great job, as usual!

Author's Response: Thank you for your concern, Gin_Drinka. I'm making it. LOL Your wonderful reviews have helped keep me motivated, even if I have been slow. I hope your sister is fully recovered. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my characterization. LOLOL better than JK...you do flatter me, but I appreciate the exageration. :-D You don't want to know if you are correct about the prank? You're right...not about the prank, but about me telling you...as if! *snicker* ;) But that part is coming up in the near future, so hopefully you won't have to wait too terribly long to find out. Thank you, Gin_Drinka.

Author's Response: That would be exaggeration... :*)

Name: nothgierc (Signed) · Date: 05/18/07 16:06 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
good transition
i really liked the bit about remus's gifts from his family and friends
cant wait for them to get back to hogwarts though

Author's Response: Thank you, nothgierc. I know what you mean about wanting them back at Hogwarts. Hopefully they will be, soon, (as in, I'll have the chapter ready soon, because that is when they go back. ;) ) No promises though. lol

Name: Oblivious (Signed) · Date: 05/18/07 14:47 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Great chapter! I think you really show Remus' worry about his problem really well. Because of the way you write it, it's completely understandable for me. :)

And the Christmas presents. XD If I was drinking something when I read 'Erosian’s Erotic Emporium' I would have snorted it all over the computer screen. I then went into a uncontrolable fit of giggles. I can just see James and Sirius sneeking into a shop like that, teehee.

Can't wait for the update.. xx Oblivious

Author's Response: Thank you, Oblivious. LOL, I'm glad you weren't drinking anything. I'd hate to think MoB was responsible for shorting out someones computer. ;) Thanks for reviewing.

Name: KitKat517 (Signed) · Date: 05/18/07 14:07 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty

I've just finished reading this story, and it is wonderful! I love your portrayal of Remus and Lindi is one of the best OC's I've seen in a while. I agree with you about Remus's lycanthropy being an enormous secret. It doesn't seem like telling someone about it would be a decision made lightly and it seems fitting that he would spend a whole chapter trying to figure it out. Lycanthropy is a complicated problem. I loved that adventure into the Forbidden Forest back in chapter twenty . . . two was it? I believe that was the chapter it began in. Anyway, Woodyashaga is a very entertaining game and a very creative way of having the marauders discovering Lindi’s opinions on werewolves.

I also like the way you’ve shown Remus’s relationships with his mum and dad. I think they’ve handled Remus’s “furry little problem” remarkably well and like that it has brought them closer as a family rather than pulled them a part. You have also done a marvelous job of showing how Remus’s lycanthropy affects pretty much everything he does. The poor guy doesn’t deserve to have every little decision made so much more . . . well, not important, but . . . well, yes important . . . um . . . I think influential might be the word I’m looking for? I don’t know. Anyway, the point is, well, I’ve completely forgotten the point. Sigh.

My friend (who has also read the story, but doesn’t have an account on MNFF) has asked me to add that she thinks the whole thing is very spiffy. Believe you me, coming from her, that’s quite a compliment. She usually reserves the word “spiffy” for salsa (something she loves dearly and eats way to much of). And I have had a pillow thrown at me for that last comment.

Before this review gets any longer, I’ll end it with this: I absolutely love this story and I am looking forward to reading the what happens next. Please try not to keep me in suspense for too long!


Author's Response: Aw, thank you KitKat! I'm really happy to hear you are enjoying the story. And I'm pretty sure woodyashaga was in 22. LOL I'd have to go back to check, myself. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed that and thank you for the wonderful compliment on Lindi, and Remus' relationship with his mum and dad. *waves at KitKat's friend* Spiffy! LOL I love it and am very flattered to have the story in the same company with salsa! I love the stuff too. I wish there was some way to make the chips less fattening since the salsa is actually pretty good for you. Unfortunately, I just can't eat it with a spoon. It needs chips! Anyway, I'm really glad you and your friend are enjoying the story. Thank you for the wonderful review. :)

Name: froggie (Signed) · Date: 05/18/07 9:36 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
nice chapter! im glad with remus' decision, at least he won't act TOO rash. it was so sad when it was confirmed that their family moved away because of the lycanthropy. stupid aunt lucinda. i loved the gift from the marauders, i hope we get to see more of the stuff, lol. maybe remus will decide to use it one day.
i also loved seeing tonks. it's so wierd tbhat the first time remus sees her he is a teenager and she is a toddler basically. she seemed so cute in the picture.
anyway great chapter, i can't wait for the next one. and i have the sketches on my computer, that i will send. yayyy.

Author's Response: Thank you, froggie, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and approve of Remus' decision. He certainly didn't make it lightly, LOL> Oooo, I can't wait to see the sketches. I'm glad you found them. :)

Name: skippy agogo (Signed) · Date: 05/18/07 0:14 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Very well done. Find myself wishing the story would never end.... Unfortunately that cannot be...

Author's Response: :) Thank you, skippy agogo. I'm really happy to know you are enjoying the story. Never end...LOLOL You must be new to MoB or you might actually believe there is a chance that it never will. ;*) I think the few who have stuck with me for the almost 2 years *gasp* I've been posting this "little tale" probably think it never will end. But it will! Hopefully it won't take as long as it has taken JKR to finally get to HP and the DH, but there will be an end. LOL *is determined* So, I better get to writing ch 44. Thank you again. :)

Name: skippy agogo (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 23:27 · For: Blossoming
Yay, finally I review a good story. Really like it, one minor point tho...
A pint of mead? Holy biscuit! Do you know how smashed you'd get if you drank a pint of mead? Mead is honey wine, very sweet and really potent.

Author's Response: :) Thank you, skippy agogo. I'm not sure if that means you never review or that you haven't come across many that you found to your liking, but I take it as a great compliment, either way. ;) Uh-oh, have I messed up my Britishisms? I'm not a drinker of beer and I thought mead was similar to it and ale. *blush* Now, I love a nice wine. *tries to imagine a pint of wine rather than standard wine glass* *blushes again*. No wonder Lindi started giggling! LOL Does it help that they only got one each for the entire evening? *dies* Thanks for the information. I'll see about that, and thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. :)

Name: riddiculusvampire (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 21:33 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Im speechless for once. i guess all I can really say is.....wow.

*Please update soon! Cant wait!*

Author's Response: Did that stupid prank gift have the same affect on you as it did on poor Remus? *giggle* He was at a loss for words, too. LOL Thank you, riddiculusvampire. I will try not to make you wait too terribly long, emphasis on TRY! :*)

Name: I Am Peeves (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 19:18 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Erosian’s Erotic Emporium. Brilliant! lmao
Update soon!

Author's Response: :*) Glad you got a kick out of that. Thanks, I Am Peeves.

Name: mds_987 (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 14:35 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Great chapter, as always :-).

Author's Response: Thanks, mds_987. I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. :)

Name: muggler180 (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 14:12 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
that was really good exspecially how you put Greyback into it. Can't wait for the next chap.ter

Author's Response: Thank you, muggler180. Having plotted this story out Pre-HBP, I didn't know about Greyback, obviously, when I did my plotting. But Greyback is probably the one thing I learned about in HBP that I really wanted to incorporate into the story after reading about him. He is an intriguing character to say the least. I'm glad you enjoyed the inclusion of him. Thanks for reviewing. :)

Name: Cheshlin (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 13:55 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Wow, Lindi met Greyback. Very interesting. It will also be interesting to see what Malfoy had to apologize for. I can totally understand Remus' choice not to tell her the truth at this time. It is a big thing, and the fewer people who know, the better. It is VERY big deal, and I don't think Remus could have done otherwise at this time. :) Cyns

Author's Response: Thank you, Cyns. I've been nervous about how my/Remus' decision would go over with readers, since I think there is a natural inclination to want to see him tell and find out how she reacts. My wonderful readers probably fear that I'll drag it out the way I dragged out the first kiss. LOL I can guarantee it will not be 37 more chapters before he does. *blush* I'm very relieved to hear you agree with the decision for now. Thank you for that. What has Malfoy been up to other than being a slimy evil creep? I can guarantee that Remus will be sure to ask her next chapter. Wow, I'm offering all sorts of guarantees. I better shut up before I guarantee more than I can produce. Thank you for reviewing. I appreciate it. :)

Name: Marauder9744 (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 8:57 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
Great job, moonymaniac! I really really like it! The Be-Ready-For-Romance Kit was hilarious :) But I am starting to get the feeling that when Remus finally does tell Lindi, she is going to be more upset that he didn't tell her sooner than about him actually being a werewolf. And I'm also going out on a limb *wink wink* that however she finds out, it probably won't go over too well. All in all another amazing chapter! Oh, and by the way, I think I too will have to go after Greyback if he hurts Lindi ;)

Author's Response: Thanks, Marauder9744! Glad to know you got a kick out of that gift. I worry about things like that (for fear I'm being ridiculous) so it is always so nice to hear that it works for someone. :) <.< *Silently watches Marauder out on the limb and wonders how long he'll be out there before he finally finds out it the limb is sturdy* I'll try not to keep you hanging out there too terribly long. ;) LOL Aww...you'd do that for Lindi? That's so cool! :) Thank you. :)

Name: Evik (Signed) · Date: 05/17/07 7:19 · For: Decisions, Gag Gifts and Worries Aplenty
First to review this time? Cool! :D It was a great chapter again, very amusing. I love the gift the Marauders gave Remus. Lol. Brilliant idea. Btw, is Nundu canon? It sounded pretty fascinating. :) Oooh, I hope Lindi will be okay after meeting Greyback. Who do I have a feeling that Remus will have to tell her about his condition prety soon, after all? :D I hope she won't abandon him. :( Oh, and I love the piece about Tonks. *grins* I can't wait to read more. :)

xxx Evik

Author's Response: Thank you, Evik. You are early this time. :) I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. *giggles at silly, naughty Marauders* The Nundu is canon, so I can't take credit for it. It is from the Fantastic Beasts book, which I love. Tonks...that was the first time I've written her. (I sort of wrote her *roll eyes*) I wish it would always be so easy. LOL She scares me. Fortunately, I have a looong way to go before I need to worry about her again, since she's about 4 years old. ;) Thanks again, Evik. :)

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