MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Name: Young Marauder (Signed) · Date: 04/22/07 18:47 · For: Out of His Mind
Fantastically wonderfullly amazingly Brilliant!!ll I've just read all 42 chapters, LOVED THEM!! I either sqeauled at the end of each chapter or screamed or gasped in horror or rolled off my chait in hysterics! PLease update soon!

BTW you write FANTASTIC stories, please read my Bio, you may find a special mention...

Author's Response: Thank you, Young Marauder. I'm so glad you have enjoyed the story. It is very gratifying to know the chapters have had an affect on you, LOL. Just be careful not to hurt yourself! ;) Thanks for the mention on your Bio page. I'm honored. :)

Name: flapjack88 (Signed) · Date: 04/22/07 15:40 · For: Out of His Mind
I don't have time to leave a proper review but just have to quickly write to tell you I practically squealed when I saw there was an update before I left. It's definately one of my favourite chapters.

Also just wanted to say au revoir as i'm leaving in a few hours (not that you should care... but i'm letting you know anyway... hee hee I'm pretty much letting everyone know!) and I shall be back in 3 months to practically explode at the updates! haha!
Keep up the good work hun and be safe and have fun! x

Author's Response: *waves to Kerry* Bon Voyage! Of course I care! Have a fabulous and safe time! :) And I’m so glad you liked the chapter. I said I’d try to get it up for you. :D *pats self on back* *looks around at egregious lack of response to wonderful reviews* *nearly dies of shame* *begs forgiveness* I’ve been ill, and busy in my real life (even though I’ve been sick *pouts*). I’m feeling a bit better now, and have actually done a little writing today, though I have to admit, I’ve been playing on the forums and watching the new OotP trailer over and over. *dies of shame* Now I hope to get busy and respond properly to these reviews, get a little more writing finished, and do some laundry. It’s almost as backed up as my review responses and is starting to smell. So, off to work! ;)

Name: Buckbeak22 (Signed) · Date: 04/21/07 17:54 · For: Out of His Mind
You are going for the full treatment here. It is wonderful! To be honest, I was half expecting an easy solution, although from your past writing I wasn't sure. Wonderful chapter, my favourite so far. Thank you for a lovely afternoon read.

Author's Response: :) Thank you, Buckbeak22. Yes, the full treatment, though I'm sure some would say it is a little too full. LOL An easy solution...*giggles* do you think I'm getting worn out after all this time? LOL I have to admit, the temptation to skip over a few complicated things has crossed my mind, but that wouldn't be fair to my readers, especially the ones like you who have been with me for so very long. Your favourite, so far? That makes the effort so worth it. Thank you, Buckbeak22. :)

Name: kehribar (Signed) · Date: 04/21/07 16:27 · For: Out of His Mind
"So, did the ends justify the means?" This just summarizes all the discussion in this chapter. I wonder what the answer to that would be - I'd say no, because I think intention is more important than the outcome. Well, I guess that would depend on the side from which we look at life: if we place people in the center of life, intentions would be the determinant of our reactions; if what happens is the more important, I think it'd show that events are more important than the people we let in our lives. Aah, the never-ending dilemma of poor Remus! How I feel sorry for him... ;) Moony, I realy envy your devotion to this story - I really wish I were like that, too - two of my three stories have been waiting for their last chapters to be written for the longest time! I can really do with some writing tips :(


Author's Response: Ahh, kehribar, I should know to expect a profound analysis from you. :) Thank you. To think that you would give real thought to the answer to that question makes me feel so very good, because you are thinking about the story and what poor Remus is facing. :) I really hope you won't be disappointed in Remus' decision. Aww...*hugs* I think my devotion is more of an obsession. I'm sorry you are finding the last chapters difficult to finish. I know the few times I've found it very difficult to get a chapter written, I've banned myself from the computer, which distracts me to no end, and literally forced myself to write or I could not get back on until it was completed. Those chapters haven't been that much fun, but fortunately, they've been few and far between. My only tip is to just do it! I know you can. *cheers Ayse on* Thank you for the lovely, very thoughtful review. :)

Name: phoenixsong721 (Signed) · Date: 04/21/07 16:18 · For: Prologue: Notes on a Life
again another great chapter. i thought it was inspirational when remus's father talked about being who you are. still number one on my list. please update soon!

Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much phoenixsong721. I'm so glad to know you are enjoying it. :)

Name: Silver Flying Fire Lizard (Signed) · Date: 04/21/07 16:01 · For: Out of His Mind
First of all...I have to say I'm insanely in love with this story. You are a wonderful writer. I don't read many fanfics other than my closest friends', so you are entitled to have me (lucky you) as one of your avid readers. I think my favorite part about this story has to be the characters. They are amazing and so wonderfully created. And - kudos to you - I'm impressed with how you developed Peter. I've read many a Marauder fanfic where Peter has been shoved to the side or fogotten. Not that I like him or anything...but he is part of the group and they trusted him. Well, I better go and waste time else where. Keep updating...I can't wait to know what happens! Seriously.

Author's Response: I am very flattered and honored that you would chose to read my story when you don't read many. Thank you very much. I'm thrilled to know you like the characters, as this is definitely a character driven story. Ah...Peter...thank you, I do try, though it isn't always easy not to have a big rock fall on him. LOL I'm glad you are reading the story. Thanks for reviewing. :)

Name: BrokenandLost (Signed) · Date: 04/20/07 16:59 · For: Out of His Mind
Wow. I just started to read this story a while ago and I'm surprised that it isn't in the top ten (or at least I didn't see it there) I can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Thank you, BrokenandLost. I'm assuming you mean in the top ten favorite stories. Nope, I'd wager it has a long way to go to make that list if the number of reviews is an indication. Those stories have 1000+. O.O But it is in the top ten Longest! *cool* LOLOL I think it's 6th. I have written the 6th longest story in the entire MNFF archive. *dies* I really need to learn to be more concise! LOL Thank you, BrokenandLost. I'm flattered that you would think it would be there. :)

Name: Young Marauder (Signed) · Date: 04/20/07 16:02 · For: Prologue: Notes on a Life
Was Brilliant! Im Going To Read All The Chapters Then I Shall Review =]

Author's Response: :) Thank you, Young Marauder. I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)

Name: Lioness06 (Signed) · Date: 04/20/07 8:36 · For: Out of His Mind
All this advice...what is Remus going to do? Good chapter. I liked all the dialogue in it.

Author's Response: Thank you, Lioness06. Well, you probably already know what he will do, since it has taken me forever to respond. I hope you approve of his decision. ;) And I'm glad you liked the dialogue, especially since that was all there was. *dies* *promises to work on descriptive and narrative writing* :)

Name: Evik (Signed) · Date: 04/20/07 6:39 · For: Out of His Mind
OMG, that was really good. I felt sorry for Remus to have to deal with such a dilemma. I have to admit that what Sirius and James told him makes a perfect sense. I hope Remus will follow their and his father's advice. I don't want him to break up with Lindi. :(

Oh, and as I forgot to review the previous chapter, I just want to add that I'm soo looking forward to the broomstick flying contest between Lindi and James. I hope Lindi will win. *evil grin*

Author's Response: :) Thank you, Evik. Since I've been so negligent in answering my reviews, :*( you now know what happens with his dilemma. Not that I would have told you anything before the next chapter had posted. LOL You forgot? O.O LOLOL I'll let it go, this time. ;) I'm glad you are looking forward to their little contest. Registers another vote for Lindi. ;) Thanks, Evik.

Name: HJPCATI (Signed) · Date: 04/19/07 19:04 · For: Out of His Mind
I have no idea why I was ever stupid enough not to read this. You are the best writer on Mugglenet. Closely followed by Melindaleo and MagEd, but you win. This is about the highest praise I can give you. Please update soon!

Author's Response: And I get to read this amazing review all over again. :)

Name: HJPCATI (Signed) · Date: 04/19/07 19:04 · For: Out of His Mind
I have no idea why I was ever stupid enough not to read this. You are the best writer on Mugglenet. Closely followed by Melindaleo and MagEd, but you win. This is about the highest praise I can give you. Please update soon!

Author's Response: O.O When I first read this, it was before I'd had my coffee and my eyes were still rather foggy. I thought you had said you had no idea why you were ever stupid enough TO read it. LOL Then, gah! Thank you so much. I can't think of any higher praise I could receive. I could/should argue with you since I can think of several besides the two authors you have noted (though I have not read them) who I know to be better, but I'll take this enormous compliment and run with it. Thank you, HJPCATI. You made my day. Actually, this makes my day all over again. I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I do enjoy coming back and reading it all over again. :)

Name: babekitty_92 (Signed) · Date: 04/19/07 7:17 · For: Out of His Mind
Awesome, as always!! Well done, 10/10, keep updating!

Author's Response: Thanks, babekitty_92. I'm glad you liked it. I will certainly try. :)

Name: Indhira (Signed) · Date: 04/18/07 22:33 · For: Out of His Mind
Oh dear God. I have never read a story with that much depth. Usually it's just ''Should I tell her or not'' ''Will she still lik me or not'' and period. Not a tiny bit more insight in how truly horrible this problem is for Remus...But this, this is just...genius. A think, that while it may not be the fluffy and sweet kinda of chapter I love, this is the best you've written yet. Seriously, write for a living.

Can't wait for the next update! Though your story is definetly worth waiting for (Have I say that already? Well it doesn't matter, it really is)

Author's Response: *hugs Indhira* Wow, thank you for this fantastic review. I hardly know what to say. *makes copy of review for a rainy day* :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

Name: Oblivious (Signed) · Date: 04/18/07 13:16 · For: Out of His Mind
Good chapter! I feel so sorry for Remus, it must be so hard for him. =( *hugsremus*

But I liked the chapter, even though it was only talking, the dialogue was good. You can handle dialogue very well, I didn't think it was boring. Even so, I hope we get some action next chapter. ;)

And the story about Muriel and her husband was incredibly sweet and a nice comparison to Remus. =)

Author's Response: Thank you, Oblivious. I'm glad you liked it. Not boring is good! LOL Yes it was definitely my most dialogue heavy chapter yet, and for me, that's saying something. *obviously loves writing dialogue* I think I might have liked writing screen plays. LOL I'm glad you enjoyed the story of Muriel. Thank you, Oblivious. :)

Name: rndmprsnlily (Signed) · Date: 04/18/07 8:45 · For: Out of His Mind
*sniffle* I dunno if you use fanfiction.net but there's a really great story on there called "Pretty Little Secrets" there's a line in that story that really fits..."Poor Remus always ended up with the short straw"

Author's Response: Awww...*hands tissue* I have not read that story, but will make a note to check it out one day. It does seem that way for our poor Remus, doesn't it. *is cautiously hopeful that he finds the long straw in DH* Thanks for the info, rndmprsnlily.

Name: gramz16 (Signed) · Date: 04/17/07 23:45 · For: Out of His Mind
it really good - this is one of my favorite stoies!
wouldn't snape already know about remus's secret b/c in the books snape knew in fifth year when sirius tricked him into following remus to the shrieking shack...

Author's Response: Yikes, I'm getting behind responding to my reviews. Of course, that doesn't mean people should stop reviewing to let me catch up or anything. *wink wink* But I do need to respond here, because of the obvious confusion with my timeline and the Snape incident. I have put in a detailed explanation for my reasoning in an author's note on the chapter and I'll copy it here as well.

A/N2: I have searched my books and the Lexicon for more detailed information on the time when Sirius tricked Snape into following Moony into the Shrieking Shack. I can find nothing in the books. Remus never mentions the actual time frame when he’s telling the story at the Shack in PoA. The Lexicon lists it as sometime in 6th year, exact date unknown, on their Bio page for Remus. They do list it as September of the Marauders’ 6th year in their detailed Time Line. I feel pretty confident that they only mean to imply that it occurred sometime in 6th year, as it was unlikely the Marauders would have tormented Snape so publicly that afternoon of their O.W.L.s if he had already known. O.W.L.s occurred at the end of 5th year. I have always believed that it occurred sometime between the O.W.L. incident and James becoming head boy in 7th year, which leaves anytime during 6th year. For some reason, I have always thought of it as having been in the spring of that year, and so, that is when it will occur in MoB. So, it is coming up. Well, that is my reasoning, anyway. If anyone knows more specifically when it happened, please let me know where I can find the information. Thank you, and now let’s see what is on Sirius’ mind. ;)

I'm sorry if that has caused some confusion and thanks for bringing it up so I could clarify it. That goes for you too, FenrirG! I will respond more properly to my earlier reviews when I'm not so rushed, but for now, thank you all!

And thank you again, gramz16. I'm really glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for letting me know. :)

Name: Cheshlin (Signed) · Date: 04/17/07 23:14 · For: Out of His Mind
Ah, I really hope that Remus makes a good decision! This would be one of the hardest decisions to make, but he truly does deserve to be happy! I await the next chapter! Cyns

Author's Response: Thank you, Cyns. Yes, it is a very important decision for him and he definitely deserves to be happy! *Loves Remus*

Name: FenrirG (Signed) · Date: 04/17/07 21:15 · For: Out of His Mind
Oh, moony!

I knew that this chapter would be amazing, but you've really, truly outdone yourself this time! *sighs*

Remus' father is so kind and so very wise; he's such a sweetheart, just like Remus. I'm still in awe of his wise and wonderful words. (Ooh, alliteration! *rolleyes*) I think you've developed his character beautifully, and it's so touching to see their close-knit and lovely relationship. *squees* They're both just so amazing!

Now... I do believe that Remus made a good choice not to tell her, though I dearly wish that he would. But his father is completely right on all counts, and he should let her mature a little bit before telling her.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. =) The little Sirius vs. Remus confrontation in the beginning was a very nice touch. So many fics portray the Mauraders’ relationship as perfect, but we all know that even the tightest friendships can be rocky at times. You portrayed Sirius very well; stubborn and headstrong, but bringing up excellent points as well. And James was hilarious!

One little observation, though. Remus is in his 6th year, I believe, but doesn’t the werewolf prank occur in fifth year? (Correcty if I’m wrong--my memory is known to be faulty at times!) If so, then Snape would already know about Remus’ Lycanthropy. If not... Forget I said anything! =P

Well... Like I said, this chapter was just as (if not more) amazing as the rest of your story. Great job, and I can’t wait for more!

*hugs* Fenn

Author's Response: Thank you , Fenn. :) I'm so pleased that you like Remus' dad. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing him so I'm glad to know you like the way I've portayed him. I'm also glad you like the dynamic with Sirius and Remus. I think they are such different personalities that there would be some conflict from time to time and it is important to their story given that Sirius actually suspects Remus eventually. Okay, I could talk about that stuff forever, but should try to get some writing done so I'll shut up. The thing with the prank I discussed in the A/N. Thanks for pointing out that confusion so I could address it. Thank you for another wonderful review. :)

Name: emmie4is (Signed) · Date: 04/17/07 20:39 · For: Out of His Mind
Poor Remus is sure confused.! Update soon. :D

Author's Response: Yes, he is. :( *hugs Remus* Thank you, emmie4is. :)

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