MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Name: Ave (Signed) · Date: 07/28/07 13:51 · For: Act Two

Name: Ave (Signed) · Date: 07/28/07 13:46 · For: Act One
hahahha, great, loved it.

Name: eva_writes (Signed) · Date: 07/25/07 8:21 · For: Act Three
okay....... odd. BUT HILARIOUS!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!

Name: eva_writes (Signed) · Date: 07/25/07 8:08 · For: Act One
poor Harry and Ron

Name: Disappearance_26 (Signed) · Date: 07/25/07 2:14 · For: Act Two
[Dumbledore’s Beard shoots off his chin and starts dancing to ‘Eye of the Tiger’.] OMGodric! I'm possitively going to die from a massive head trauma and rib-cage damage due to the huge fit of giggles I just had! You're like, wow! The best! *bows some more* I-I this is the best Mary-Sue fic I've ever read! (I never read them, 'cause the humor in them is kinda cliche sometimes) so, yeah, that's really saying something! Great job! :D

Author's Response: Wow, thanks :D *heh* I'm not that good...

Name: Disappearance_26 (Signed) · Date: 07/25/07 2:04 · For: Act One
OMG! This is hilarious! I love it! Straight-forward humour along with beautifully handled sarcasm! Gosh I love it! *huggles you* you're a master-mind *bows*

Name: potterscouse (Signed) · Date: 07/24/07 13:13 · For: Act Three
this is the best mary sue ever. ur so funny and i just love these little phrases by random characters aka sirius
pls hurry yup and write more

Name: potterscouse (Signed) · Date: 07/24/07 12:29 · For: Act Two
excellent this is the funniest fic ive eva read so far ive only been here a wek lol oh well

Name: potterscouse (Signed) · Date: 07/24/07 12:24 · For: Act One
very funny ithought this was gonna be bad but ur a gr8 comedy writer cant wait to read the rest also the play style looks offputting for 5 secs but the narrator just adds to the comedy excellent lol

Name: blue eyed dragon (Signed) · Date: 07/24/07 5:56 · For: Act Three
*Giggles girlishly* Teehee, that made my day! Especially after some Harry Potter unhappiness of late. Mary Sues are very funny when used correctly, and turning it into a script was genius. It's true that a lot of girls add themselves to stories and make Harry fall in love with them. In fact, my story is kind of doing that, except my chick's supposed to be hated. Thanks for the smiles!

Name: spider_702 (Signed) · Date: 07/23/07 18:19 · For: Act Two
laughs hysterically...

i love this!
however, i am a noob of most endearing proportions..what exactly is a mary sue?

Author's Response: A mary sue is a 'perfect' character that appears in a lot of bad fanfiction. She's often an author writing him/herself into the story and as a result, all the characters love her, she solves long running conflicts with ease and she has 'extra special powers'. Check out the Mary Sue article on wikipedia if you're still unsure :)

Name: Mnemone Radford (Signed) · Date: 07/23/07 12:10 · For: Act Three
Oh.Em.Gee. This is brilliant, I hope you know. Oh Merlin....*wipes tears of mirth streaming down cheeks* Five stars, perfect 10.00, two thumbs up, dingdingding! It's funny, you're the only author I've read so far who has actually managed to pull this sort of thing off. I have to say, this is Ballad-worthy. What's a Ballad, and how is my fic "ballad-worthy", you ask? Ahh, tis a very long story, but rest assured that it is the greatest honor I can give you. Loved it!

Author's Response: Wow, thanks! :D

Name: Mnemone Radford (Signed) · Date: 07/23/07 12:09 · For: Act Three
Oh.Em.Gee. This is brilliant, I hope you know. Oh Merlin....*wipes tears of mirth streaming down cheeks* Five stars, perfect 10.00, two thumbs up, dingdingding! It's funny, you're the only author I've read so far who has actually managed to pull this sort of thing off. I have to say, this is Ballad-worthy. What's a Ballad, and how is my fic "ballad-worthy", you ask? Ahh, tis a very long story, but rest assured that it is the greatest honor I can give you. Loved it!

Name: tickled_pink (Signed) · Date: 07/20/07 22:05 · For: Act Three
Ha ha, this is brilliant! I love the narrator - its such a good idea!

PLEASE don't keep us waiting too long for the next act!

Tickled Pink

Name: Pigwidgeon92 (Signed) · Date: 05/15/07 18:15 · For: Act Two
haha this is too much fun! I loved the shippers : Darn it! haha update soon ;)

~ Pig

Name: LTPerson (Signed) · Date: 03/27/07 12:31 · For: Act Two
Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times hurray!!! Chapter 2 has arrived and it is as amazing as number one! -would give you a fish, but Fisherman Joe ((related to Farmer Joe)) stole it. Gives you a post-it note thingy-

Let's see...parts that I love...ah, yes! I love the joke about Yu Yu Hakasho ((Sp?))! I used to watch the show, and, yeah, I got the joke. Yay for LTP.

You are so extremely talented and funny in your writing, and it flows magnificently. Keep up the good work!

Name: Euphrates (Signed) · Date: 12/20/06 18:52 · For: Act Two
I love this! I like the part where Harry "saves" the Sue, and looks around. Ran asks him why he did that (I think it was Ron) and Harry says "I - I don't know..."

And I love the part when hermione is figuring out what to do with the Sue, and she says.....WE CAN GO TO THE LIBRARY!!

ha ha ha ha.....

(Sorry for this meaningless praise (not that praise is meaningless - mine just was) I had to just say it).


Name: cammi (Signed) · Date: 12/18/06 1:39 · For: Act Two
haha this is bloody fantastic! I haven't laughed this hard in ages. Good work.

Name: Celestial Melody (Signed) · Date: 12/17/06 19:09 · For: Act Two
Ha! Now that IS hilarious. I'm not a comedy person, but, dear, that's absolutely wonderful. Very, very nice work. It's definitely going on my favorites, which, I'm sure, is something you hear all the time. *rolls eyes*

I think, perhpas, my favorite part of the story so far is ... Well, Hermione's suggestion, "We can go to the Libarary!" Seriously, do authors think there is nothing more to Hermione than brains and books? (Not that that's a BAD thing, of course.) =)

Another point I liked that you mentioned (ack! Badly worded intro. *giggles*) is that 'Infinity' *shudder* thinks Harry is Gorgeous, with a capital 'G'. It amazes me that skinny, scrawny, ______ I can't think of another 's' word at the moment, morphs into this gorgeous, desirable fellow in Mary-Sue stories. Very clever way to bring that out.

All in all, I truly enjoyed this. You have a gift; it would be a funny play. I would watch it. ... Oh! And I don't like comedy and I loved this. Marvelous job, dear. =)


Name: kumydabookworm (Signed) · Date: 12/14/06 18:58 · For: Act Two
Wow. I've read so many other Mary Sue fics, Anna, but I've never laughed quite so hard in any of them.

I really feel that your inclusion of other extraneous characters i.e the SHIPPERS or ALL or RON and HERMIONE helped the humor to become unique and genuinely funny.

I also really loved the format - it reads like a script. Finally, the title was what pulled me in. It's EXACTLY what I think when I read most Humor HP fics.

Not this one, luckily. So here I say: "Yay! Another MarySue fic (that's well written)!"

Great work, love! :)


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