MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/12/14 17:24 · For: Interlude: Bad Moon on the Rise
I noticed you use a lot of "statistics talk" to describe how they make predictions. It sounds like they're running regression equations. The whole werewolf situation is very complicated right now. I almost feel bad for Harry with all the stress he's under.

Author's Response: I do use a lot of “statistics talk”, well spotted. A couple of years ago I co-wrote a story (Unspeakable) with C_A_Campbell. Michael’s “RANDOM system” took form in that story. I work in engineering, so most of my statistical maths is long-forgotten, but it seemed like a good idea to use a magical regression analysis.
I’d really like to rewrite “Unspeakable” but 50% of it belongs to C_A_Campbell, and my last attempt to contact her failed. Perhaps I’ll try again.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/12/14 16:37 · For: Waxing Gibbous
Mary is such a bitch. I will bet that Amanda was extremely excited to receive a bottle of champagne. An Auror's work is never done is it?

Author's Response: An Auror’s work is never done, but Ginny tries to make sure Harry takes time off.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/12/14 15:56 · For: First Quarter
That was certainly rude of Mary--commenting on the guests and saying she had a horrible time. She's lucky she was invited to begin with. Oh no, what did Ginny let out at the end!

Author's Response: Mary is certainly being very ungrateful, and bigoted. She certainly won’t be getting another invitation. As for Ginny…

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/12/14 12:29 · For: Fireworks
Aside from the trifle incident, the party seemed to go smoothly. Mark and Jacqui might be too smart for their own good. Pretty soon they'll run out of ideas to explain strange things that are happening around the Potters.

Author's Response: A mere trifle! People rationalise all the time, who knows how long it will be before Mike & Jacqui run out of explanations.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/11/14 23:42 · For: Nosh and Natter
I loved George's story about how he lost his ear. It entertained everyone. So far he party seems to be going well. Some people almost said something though. If it were my party I'd be very nervous about the possibility someone may say something very confusing to the Muggles.

Author's Response: Small children often ask very awkward questions, and Henry is no exception. I’m sure George has a lot of stories. The “magical” guests are, in the main, well-practiced around Muggles (at least in my universe they are). Dennis, Dean and Hermione are Muggleborn, others (Andromeda) are married to Muggleborns (Andromeda, Ron) or Muggles (Dennis and Seamus).

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/11/14 18:22 · For: Arrivals
I loved that you introduced each couple that walked in and their children. I felt like I was catching up with old friends. We have still to meet the Muggle couples and children from school. Once again I felt like I was at the party, smiling and greeting everyone.

Author's Response: Having been to some fairly big post-swimming competition parties, I know that it’s possible. Ron was right when he suggested that it’s not a werewolf. He’s often right.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/11/14 13:21 · For: Interlude: Three Families
I'm with Ron. I would never have gone swimming or anywhere else if I had a big party planned. It does help to be magical though. I would be all pins and needles getting ready for the party. Interesting that they've decided it's not a werewolf attacking people.

Author's Response: Having been to some fairly big post-swimming competition parties, I know that it’s possible. Ron was right when he suggested that it’s not a werewolf. He’s often right.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/09/14 18:30 · For: A Breakdown, a Bike and a Barmy Blonde Again
This chapter was hysterical! I laughed out loud. You just have to love Luna. I loved it when she asked Mary if Mary would like her to take her clothes off. Also when she batted the air around Mary's head and commented that she seemed confused:d Great chapter.

Author's Response: Luna is always good for injecting some humour into the situation. It always takes me a while to get into the Luna mindset. She has a logic all of her own, and until I embrace it, I can't write her. I think that the secret is: she believes that she's rational.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/09/14 16:36 · For: Baking Buns and a Barmy Blonde
I just realized what a wonderful job you do of writing the children's voices. It sounds very natural. Having Luna around Muggles is just like having children around. I'm so glad that Jacqui finally got an invitation.

Author's Response: Thank you. Having kids helps me to write them. As for Luna, I think she’s the only person who doesn’t need to change her behaviour in front of Muggles. It really doesn’t matter what she says, because she’s Luna.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/09/14 13:33 · For: A Confusion of Weasleys
Something strange is going to happen soon to Jacqui if she keeps going to the Potters unannounced. I have to admire Ginny's character. She's nice but also firm. When she has a point to make to someone she's very clear about what that point is.

Author's Response: Lot's of strange things could happen to Jacqui. It wasn't completely unannounced. James was expecting Henry. :-D As for Ginny, I'm glad you like her, not everyone does. I've tried to model her on what little we see of her in canon. -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/09/14 12:30 · For: Conversations and Invitations
I'm not sure what Moldue is. Is it Muggle? :D It's not a French word I'm familiar with. Poor Annie. I can't believe she could hold that much blackberry juice. Whatever was Mike thinking? I hope the Potters really show off to Mary. I think she'd still complain and make snide remarks about them.

Author's Response: Hi.
Moldue is Muggle. It's the word used in the French translation.
As for Annie, it may seem unbelievable, but that incident is based on one I personally experienced. You'll soon find out what Mary thinks of the Potter's new home.

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 17:36 · For: Interlude: Thirty
I'm surprised that Harry can even relax at all considering all the stress he must be under. That's always been a problem for me. If I'm busy I can't turn things off and relax.

Author's Response: I think that Harry has always (to some extent) been able to relax despite the pressures. He seemed to manage in HBP. -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 16:40 · For: Work and Play
I think James is going to end up spilling all of the family secrets. Again, it's good he can't talk clearly or pronounce the words correctly. It sounds like they had a wonderful time at their barbeque.

Author's Response: James is a liability, but he’s not yet five. -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 14:00 · For: Wet Afternoon
Your writing is so wonderful. I'm really enjoying this story. I can see and feel what's going on. I had a flash of warmth thinking of the two families at the pool in the sunshine.

Author's Response: Thank you. When I started this story (a long time ago) I assumed that a story centred around a Muggle family wouldn’t be popular. I was very wrong. -N-

Name: desertsol98 (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 12:58 · For: Hunter's Moon Waxing
This update made my day. I am just waiting to Jackie to figure out the Potter's "secret." I feel like she may not figure out the truth of it, but she may get pretty close.

I can't wait to find out who the killer is!

Author's Response: Thanks.
Will Jacqui ever figure out what's really going on? You'll have to wait and see. More soon(ish)

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 4:16 · For: School Gates
Some of the things the Potters have to tell people are almost funny. Fortunately James doesn't speak too clearly yet. I loved the description of Rose. She sounds like Hermione but with red hair.

Author's Response: James is almost five. The concept of keeping secrets for his parents is a little beyond him. As for Rose, I tend to think of her as a mix of Ron and Hermione. That makes her tall, gangling, long-nosed, and with bushy ginger hair (poor kid). -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 4:01 · For: Tea and Biscuits
I can't wait to see what Ginny says to Mary. It was silly for Jacqui to wonder if Molly could handle five children. But we know Molly and Mary doesn't. I'm glad they got the bank issue settled. I wonder how long it's going to take before the Potters have to tell Jacqui that they're magical.

Author's Response: You didn't have long to wait to find out. Jacqui has a lot to learn about her new neighbours, it's a good thing she learns quickly. What can the Potters do about the International Statute of secrecy? -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/08/14 3:29 · For: Sunny Afternoon
I guess if you go to visit unannounced strange things happen. Jaqui is lucky they didn't pull wands on her. Everyone was lucky.

Author's Response: This won't be the last time that Jacqui visits the Potters unannounced, but it could have been dangerous. -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/07/14 17:23 · For: Misty Morning
I had to smile at the "hippy squatter" reference. There are people in my family who ride motorcycles and go to the Sturgis Rally every year. They also have respectable "day jobs" but they take off time to be bikers at least once a year and ride their bikes to work when they can. It saves on gas.

Author's Response: Mary (as you'll discover) is rather prejudiced. I sold my bike when the kids arrived, it's an impractical form of transport when you have a family. -N-

Name: Fynnsmom (Signed) · Date: 12/07/14 16:37 · For: The Pick Up
I take it Harry has Sirius' old motorbike. He sure did make a dramatic entrance. I think I liked that part the best. I really should be working but I'm involved in this story.

Author's Response: Yes, Harry has Sirius' old motorbike. I wanted him to make an entrance, and the bike did it. -N-

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