Voldy Therapy by PadfootBaby
Summary: A psychiatrist unexpectedly shows up on Voldemort’s doorstep one day and claims to be his therapist. A series of frightening and quite disturbing subjects are soon covered, including sunbathing, treacherous followers, unicorns, names, the hippie era, evil bunny rabbits, and hair. After each session, work becomes increasingly frustrating for Voldemort, until he realizes that the therapy has taken away his love for killing things. He angrily attempts to return to the life he used to have, but torturing Harry Potter and his dorky little friends doesn’t seem quite as fun as it used to...
Culminates in the final... er... battle? between Lord Voldemort and Harry.
Nominated for the 2007 Quicksilver Quills! R&R - and have fun!!!

Categories: Humor Fics Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 4725 Read: 4276 Published: 02/20/07 Updated: 04/30/07

1. An Unwanted Psychiatrist by PadfootBaby

2. A Day in the Life by PadfootBaby

An Unwanted Psychiatrist by PadfootBaby
Author's Notes:
Many thanks to my awesome beta, Winged Artemis, without whom this story would never have become anything more than a few scribbled pages in a notebook. Thank you so much, Hannah!!! :) And now for the disclaimers. I don't own anything you recognize here, including but not limited to Harry Potter and co., Barney, Girl Scouts (or their delicious cookies), Barney, business cards, Styrofoam, Lord Bunnymort (a long-running joke of HP forums), a cell phone, or England. (If I did own England, I would be ordering JK Rowling to make a sequel, not slaving away over fanfiction!) I do, however, own The Weird Brothers ;) and Alanna Black, so... no touchie! They're mine, I tell you, all mine!! Hahahahahaha!!! ...Ahem. Have fun!!!
The Dark Lord Voldemort relaxed in his dripping cave one Tuesday morning, listening to his favorite Weird Brothers CD and eating breakfast ” rancid butter smeared over slices of burnt toast ” when he heard the doorbell ring. Voldemort loved his doorbell. The sound that echoed through the cave was deep and loud, giving him the feel of graveyards and dead things.

“Wormtail!” he shouted over the band’s blasting music. “Answer the door, will you? The standard deal: if it’s a salesman, kill him; if it’s the mail carrier, get the mail and Crucio him because he’s six and a half minutes late; and if it’s a Girl Scout, take a box or two of cookies ” Thin Mints if at all possible ” and close the door without paying her.” As he listened to Wormtail rush to the door, he chuckled to himself. “I’m so deliciously diabolical sometimes I scare myself.”

Voldemort listened intently for a moment. In the hall that led from his cluttered parlor to the front door, he could hear Wormtail muttering to himself. “Girl Scout: Avada Ke ” no! Mail carrier: Thin Mints... No money for the mail carrier...” Voldemort could almost hear him shake his head in confusion. The Dark Lord didn’t know what it was about his commands that were so difficult to understand; he had been doing the same thing for only the past seven months, two weeks, one day, fourteen hours, eighteen minutes, and thirty-nine seconds... make that forty...

The Dark Lord rolled his eyes and cranked up the music as he began flicking through the latest Witch Weekly, for he was on the lookout for a good deal on green toenail polish. Voldemort never told anyone, but he had recently developed a toenail fetish. He didn’t know what on earth could have brought it about... but then again, he had always been rather jealous of Lucius’s ever-colorful feet, which he showed off at every available opportunity.

After a few minutes, Voldemort semiconsciously began to sing along with his favorite song, which had just started. When he didn’t know the lyrics, he improvised, filling in the blanks with “la-la-las” and humming sounds.

“I didn’t la-la-la, why you had to go... Soul was torn in two ” hehe, I got seven, sucker! ” but I just played my rock ‘n’ roll... Hmmmmhmmhmm...” Voldemort sang in his extremely high-pitched voice. He jumped out of his chair, spun in a circle, and furiously played air guitar. He stopped abruptly stopped as he noticed someone standing in the doorway to the room.

A girl, sixteen or seventeen at most, was watching the Dark Lord in amusement. She had long brown hair, and her thick glasses seemed to make her eyes bug out. She wore a clean suit, and under her navy blue cotton-clad arm she held a small clipboard, which made her look very professional in spite of her age.

“Hello,” she said politely.

Voldemort snapped his jaw shut quickly, as he woke from his shocked stupor and lunged to turn off the stereo. The girl watched all this with a look of vague amusement ” or was it tolerance? ” in her magnified eyes.

The amusement made Voldemort angry, and, scowling at her, he stuffed another piece of toast into his mouth whole instead of acting on his first impulse to curse the girl straight to the fiery pits of Hades. He didn't feel in the mood to kill any women today, no matter how well dressed. A salesman would have done nicely, though...

Wormtail suddenly appeared next to the girl and hurried toward his furious master. “I’m so sorry, my lord,” he stammered in an undertone, “she insisted on coming in, I tried to stop her, but ””

“What’s she selling? I told you to kill her!” Voldemort hissed wrathfully.

Wormtail wrung his hands nervously. “I wasn’t sure what to do with her... She ” she’s not a saleswoman, my lord... and she isn’t a Girl Scout.”

“I can see that, you idiot,” Voldemort said sarcastically. “Well, then? What does she want?”

“She ” she claims to be your psycrets... Cypress... Nightdress...” Wormtail tried, stumbling over the word. He looked up at his master anxiously.

Psychiatrist,” the girl explained firmly, saving Wormtail the trouble. “I’m his psychiatrist.”

“PSYCHIATRIST?” Voldemort roared. He pulled out his wand and blasted a few good, anger-venting holes in the ceiling. “I don’t need a bloody THERAPIST!”

The girl looked on impassively. She eventually lifted her right hand and held it out to Voldemort, like a peace offering. Her long fingers were curled around a steaming Styrofoam coffee cup. "Latte?" she offered. “It’s French vanilla.”

Pocketing his wand, Voldemort snatched the cup and sniffed it, all the while peering suspiciously at the girl.

She stuck out her now-empty hand and smiled innocently. “Hello, Lord Voldemort. My name is Alanna Black; I believe you called for a therapist?”

Voldemort didn’t shake her hand, instead glowering venomously at her. “I’ve never heard of any ‘Alanna Black,’” he spat rudely. “Do you mean Andromeda Black? Who, I might add, has been dead for several years after marrying that Muggle ””

“I never said Andromeda Black!” the girl said. She almost seemed to laugh at his ignorant ramble, and he bristled defensively as she continued, “No, I’m not Andromeda Black. I’m Alanna, Sirius Black’s daughter. I’m not surprised you’ve never heard about me... After his death, I got into psychiatry, mostly for the ‘bad guys,’ if you'll excuse me, and I’ve yet to work with Bellatrix, but I plan to move on to her soon... Anyway, here I am!”

Voldemort glared at Wormtail and muttered, “I hate therapists! Did you call her over here? How am I supposed to work with this girl here? She'll be analyzing my every move!”

“No, my lord, I didn’t call her,” Wormtail mumbled, casting a nervous look over at Alanna, who was now examining a pile of blackened crusts of bread with a critical eye. “But perhaps it would be best if you listened to her ” I'm not saying that you need a therapist!” he added hastily. “Just to show her that you don’t want her, and then maybe she’ll go a ””

“Um... What is this?” the young therapist said suddenly, holding up a long necklace of garlic and horseradish that Voldemort had hidden under his overstuffed couch. The girl’s nose wrinkled. “It looks almost like a ””

“My Lord Bunnymort ward!” Voldemort yelled before he could stop himself. He lunged at the girl and grabbed the necklace from her, carefully placing it back under his bed after making sure it was unharmed. He glared at Alanna.

“Hmm,” was all she said. One eyebrow lifted in a humorous expression that made Voldemort seethe. “I think I’ve come to just the right place, Lord Voldemort. I suppose it would be best if I came to see you once a week.” She clicked open her briefcase and pulled out a small planner. At the same time, she slid a pen out of her pocket and poised it above the planner thoughtfully. “How does... every Thursday at five o’clock sound?”

“No, wait!” Voldemort shouted, trying to come up with a good excuse to make this girl leave. “That's during my ” my ” my violin lessons!” It sounded pathetic even in his own head. Violin lessons? Wormtail looked confused, as if he were struggling to remember his master having ever said anything about taking music lessons.

Alanna Black, unfortunately, was not moved by his excuses. “That’s the only time I’m available; the rest of my schedule is full. I’m afraid your” ” she smirked to herself ” “violin lessons will have to wait. You need me, whether you think so or not. Five o’clock?”

“Now ” now wait just a minute!” Voldemort said loudly, panicking, realizing that she seemed quite serious. “I don’t need a therapist, I’m not a head case or anything ””

“Thursdays at five it is,” Alanna Black concluded, completely ignoring Voldemort’s protests. She wrote something down in her planner, and then put it back inside the briefcase, which she shut with a snap. “Take my card. I’ll be seeing you, my Lord Fruitcake. Have a nice day!”

Lord Fruitcake? Voldemort shuddered at the nickname. “I hope you don’t,” he spat in reply.

Alanna only smiled pleasantly at him and held out a card. Voldemort took it, feeling rather bewildered by this sudden turn of events, and watched as the teenage girl picked up her briefcase and walked out the door. Wormtail hurried after her, looking almost as confused as Voldemort felt.

The door slammed shut. Voldemort was left alone, standing in the middle of the room, holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a business card in the other. He took a cautious sip of the French vanilla latte and, to his surprise, found it tasted very good. The strong flavor suddenly reminded him of something, though, and he collapsed into his suede armchair. “Mr. Tibbins!” he cried, remembering his old rabbit whom he had killed with an overdose of caffeine. His sobs became more hysterical as Wormtail shuffled into the room.

Taking care not to show his face, Wormtail slipped back out of the room to give Voldemort some privacy, shaking his head. His master had always had a soft spot for that poor rabbit. Now, he was always careful not to feed Nagini, his snake, anything that contained caffeine. This had been quite a blow to Nagini, who rather enjoyed drinking Coca-Cola.

In the parlor, Voldemort’s sobs subsided, and he looked into his cup in concern. He didn’t want to get his latte all salty. After a few more cautious sips, he muttered to himself, “Therapist...?” He turned over the card and looked at it, feeling dazed.

It read, in a flowing script that made him want to vomit:

Villain Therapy
Specializing in Dark Lords and Evil Geniuses
Alanna Black, Psychiatrist

(The number found on this card is the first stage of your therapy.)

Below the words was a phone number. Voldemort quickly found his portable Muggle phone. He had given himself one for Christmas because, even though cell phones were a Muggle creation, they were just so handy! He had even managed to find a black one with a green skull etched on the back.

After admiring the skull for the ninetieth time, he shook his head and dialed the number, never taking his eyes off the card. The phone rang once... twice... three times... Voldemort waited impatiently...

The next second he flung the phone away in outrage and disgust. Instead of an answering machine, he heard the Barney theme song begin to play. Even from all the way across the room, he could hear the demonic strains of “I love you, you love me, we’re best friends as friends should be, with a ””

With a cry of fury, Voldemort snatched up the phone and punched the power button. “What kind of a sick person would be somebody through that!” he burst. He threw the business card into the rubbish bin and turned “The Best of the Weird Brothers: Evil Never Looked So Good” back on. For the rest of the day he refused to think about that Thursday at five o’clock, when Alanna Black would come and begin his weekly torture.

“Well, she’s not about to get her way as easily as she might think,” Voldemort said to himself a few hours later. “If she thinks she can get me onto her stupid psychiatrist’s couch, let alone confess anything, she’s got another think coming... I’m going to make her visits so miserable, she’ll regret ever having rung my doorbell... with or without the French vanilla latte...”

He soon fell asleep, not giving another thought to the business card that lay in the bin in the corner, the card that shivered ominously, the card whose words could still be read among the rubbish surrounding it...

...Villain Therapy...

A/N: It was unanimously agreed upon by the members of Cosforums that Voldemort's favorite flavor of coffee is French vanilla. So if you have anything against France or vanilla beans, then... I have no idea where I'm going with this.
Anyway, if you like this story so far and have any ideas about a topic that should be covered in a session of Villain Therapy, then please give me a review and tell me all about it! If it's good, I may use it (and credit you, of course...)! Chapter 2 will be coming soon!
A Day in the Life by PadfootBaby
Author's Notes:
Thanks sooo very much to my great and awesomely cool beta, Schmerg_the_Impaler! Her help was much appreciated, and her funny comments made me smile! :D Thanks, Schmergo!!
Disclaimer time: I don't own Dementors. Or anything from the Harry Potter Universe. Or even Simon Cowell, rubber duckies, tagliatelle noodles, or Evil-I computers. I do, however, own Dark Lord's Dark Chocolate Cookies, and they are very delicious. *crumbs fall over keyboard* Enjoy the show!
Voldemort woke bright and early the next day, at about three o’clock in the morning, having temporarily forgotten about Alanna Black’s visit the night before. He quickly went through his morning routine:

He took a shower without using any soap. He did, however, use lots and lots of shampoo, making sure his scalp was carefully and thoroughly cleaned, in case of any stray hairs that he hoped might be growing there. He was quite jealous of Lucius’s silky blond tresses, which the man was constantly flipping back or brushing or doing something just as disgustingly pretty with. Voldemort had the feeling that Lucius knew exactly how this made him feel, so every morning he would inspect his bald head hopefully, praying that some lone hair would have sprung up in the night.

Next, Voldemort put on a new pair of robes, the ones with the blood-red cuffs. He would have been the first to say that he was not a vain man, but a person had to look his best to inspire followers. Especially when that person happened to be completely bald.

He called for Wormtail, who lived in the closet, to get him his three cups of coffee. He normally had bitter black coffee, but on this particular day, he found the taste revolting. Not even Mr. Tibbins would like that rubbish! He made a mental note to get a better flavor of coffee soon ” French vanilla, perhaps.

Voldemort quickly scanned through the Morning Prophet, occasionally blasting a hole through the paper wherever he read the words “Harry Potter,” “happy,” “bunnies,” “Department of Mysteries,” or “hair.”

Finally, just before setting off out the door, he shouted into Wormtail’s ear, “You had better not be late this time, Wormtail; I’m holding a conference at two and there will be hell to pay if you’re even one second late!”

Wormtail cringed visibly, rubbing his ears, and earned himself a Cruciatus Curse from his master.

Voldemort was not a morning person.

He left Wormtail whimpering on the floor and impatiently hurried out of the cave.

Well, it wasn’t really a cave, technically. Voldemort had chosen the darkest alley in London, found the darkest and gloomiest house there, and set up his lair inside the house. Since there was no real cave in the vicinity, he’d decided to redecorate to make the house’s interior look like the slimiest, most cavelike cave that had ever existed. Of course, the electric lights did detract somewhat from the overall effect, but it was either that or sunlight, and Voldemort hated sunlight just as much as a bat.

So the lair was a bit isolated from his followers, true, but he had Wormtail to wait on him hand and foot. It was such a pleasure having a sniveling coward like him always around to bully. Voldemort didn’t know what he’d do without him.

Voldemort walked through the alley and reached another connecting alley that was slightly disjointed from the main street. There he reached his transportation to work: a forbidding black carriage pulled by two hooded Dementors. It had been quite a hassle negotiating with the creatures, but in the end they’d agreed to serve as his personal horses. He did pay them very handsomely, after all; one soul a day was a feast compared to what they’d gotten in Azkaban. It was an enormous task for Voldemort, though. It was getting harder and harder to find disloyal Death Eaters among his staff to sacrifice to the carriage-pullers, and lately he’d had to resort to making a list of the less loyal ones and randomly choosing one every day. But the cost was worth it. Voldemort refused to go to work in anything less than style.

Too bad Lucius isn’t on the list, that bloody mass of hair gel, Voldemort thought sourly, staring out the tinted glass windows of the carriage.

They reached the Ministry of Magic within ten minutes. Voldemort stopped the Dementors on a dark street, just a little ways away from the dilapidated telephone booth that served as the Ministry entrance, and stepped out of the carriage. He glanced about shiftily as he used his wand to lift a large block of stone out of the pavement, revealing a deep, dark tunnel leading straight down. Voldemort quickly climbed in and began to climb down the wet, slippery rungs of the ladder that was built into the side of the tunnel.

He reached the bottom easily. He stopped there, in a small, round chamber, to catch his breath for a moment. As he leaned against the wall, he happened to notice a small, yellow rubber duck sitting in a pool of slimy water. Stupid Snape... How many times have I told him not to leave his bath toys down here once he’s finished? He bad-temperedly kicked the duck into a corner, where it gave off a loud squeak, then fell silent. Voldemort scowled at it.

He quickly left the chamber and entered the Ministry building by means of a series of hidden passageways twisting through the walls, finally exiting one tunnel ” covered by a life-size portrait of the first Obliviator, Mnemone Radford ” in front of a small supply closet.

It had been a stroke of genius on his part, placing Death Eater headquarters in the very core of the Ministry. Nobody would have suspected that behind the closet door lay a network of cubicles and office rooms, at least not by looking at the outside. So far they hadn’t been discovered, although there had been that one incident with the janitor...

Voldemort entered the “closet” and was immediately met by Bellatrix Lestrange, whom he had made his secretary. “Good morning, my lord!” she said brightly. “I have your schedule all made up. It had a little accident, but now it’s alright... I put it on your desk...”

“Ah. Thank you, Bella,” Voldemort said, allowing himself a moment of apprehension of what exactly the “little accident” was. Bellatrix tended to be too accident-prone for her own good, like that whole thing with the Order of the Phoenix two years ago. If it weren’t for the fact that she baked the best Dark Lord’s Dark Chocolate Cookies this side of the tunnel, she would have been fed to the Dementors long ago. “Remind everyone that I have a conference at two o’clock, just after lunch,” he continued. “Let them know that any stragglers will be the next to give my Dementors their paychecks.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Voldemort smirked to himself and, walking through several deserted corridors, reached his office. The nameplate on the door read simply “Dark Lord HQ.” He had decorated the interior very lavishly, however, covering both the ceiling and walls with a glossy black paint that was so shiny he could see his reflection in it. He didn’t polish it himself, of course; he had Wormtail do that, six times a week. It made Voldemort giggle when he watched Wormtail polish it. He was not built for such work, and was always falling off the ladder, or dropping the polish, or stubbing his toes on various objects that seemed to appear out of nowhere. This made Voldemort giggle even more, even as he pointed his wand from under the table.

The office’s desk was black. The chairs were made of a luxurious black leather, and the snake basket on the floor was dyed black. Nagini was absent at the moment, but Voldemort was sure she was off eating some mouse, or a smelly sock, or an Animagus rat or something. She was very handy for exterminating vermin.

A few posters were stretched across the walls. The two largest were of The Weird Brothers and Simon Cowell, Voldemort’s hero. Most of the Dark Lord’s favorite insults ” like “That was terrible” and “I think you're possibly the worst singer in the world,” which often confused his minions ” had been gleaned from the Pop Idol judge, whom he’d first seen the time he’d used his Time-Turner to see what the twenty-first century was like. But the other posters... the other posters were all of Harry Potter. Harry Potter fighting, Harry Potter playing Quidditch, Harry Potter posing... and each and every one of them sported a markered mustache and beard.

The wall behind the desk, however, was completely covered by a huge portrait of Lord Voldemort himself. His big scarlet eyes were positioned perfectly so as to glare at anyone who came in the door. The portrait was Voldemort’s pride and joy ” he’d been so happy with it that he’d refrained from killing the painter, and even paid him for it.

Voldemort went around his desk and sat down in his black leather armchair. He flicked on his polished Evil-I Wizarding computer (which he had gotten at thirty percent off from a computer salesman). Looking down at the desktop, he quickly noticed a severely burned piece of parchment that was ripped in two places. Someone had even tried to tape it back together, but the damage was painfully obvious.

“I’m surrounded by idiots,” Voldemort muttered. What a wonderful line! he thought excitedly, straightening up. It sounds like it should be in a film! Just the right line for an evil villain to say about his pathetic henchmen! I’d better write that down so I don’t forget it...

After writing down the fantastically great quote, Voldemort turned back to the slightly smoking parchment. After looking it over a few times, he realized that this was all that remained of his schedule for the day. “‘A little accident’?” he said sourly, wrinkling the flat piece of skin he called his nose. “A little accident is someone dipping an edge of it in coffee or running over it with a muddy bulldozer... But this! What did she do, feed it to a dragon?”

He picked it up with four fingers and squinted at it, trying to make out the singed words. After a few minutes of turning it this way and that, he could finally read through Bella’s “little accident.”

Wednesday Schedule
Come up with at least one new method of torturing Potter
Pep talk to Death Eaters at eight
Choose wizard home for next week’s raid
Conference meeting in the Green Room at two
Walk Nagini
Inspirational reading of ‘Magick Moste Evile’
Assorted torturing, killing, terrorizing, etc.

Voldemort had made up his own schedules, so, naturally, they included his favorite things to do. Villainous overlords often had a lot of time on their pale, spider-like hands.

He blew on the smoking parchment, and it immediately crumbled into ash. Then, with an exasperated sigh at Bella’s incompetence, he set to work on the first item of his incinerated schedule.

By eight o’clock, he had invented a completely new sort of torture: whipping Potter with a giant tagliatelle noodle. After making a diagram and several charts of his brilliant idea, Voldemort gathered all his Death Eaters for their weekly pep talk. He told them how stupid they were, how a snail could work ten times faster than they could, and how they would never learn to kill someone properly. He soon demonstrated by killing a front-row Death Eater unlucky enough to be caught dozing during his rant.

When the “pep talk” was over, Voldemort decided to skip the next order of business and instead go fiddle around with his computer, which he hadn’t quite gotten the hang of yet. He ended up playing Tetris until lunch, which turned out to be one of Bella’s large Dark Lord cookies, baked in the shape of Harry Potter’s head. He enjoyed demolishing it.

At last it was two o’clock. Voldemort went to the green conference room and sat waiting for the elite of his Death Eaters to arrive. After three minutes and twenty-nine seconds he grew bored. Where are they? They’d better hurry up, or I’m going to have to dole out some Crucios... he thought irritably.

At last they entered the large room, and true to form they all came in a big clump of black robes and silver masks, assuring that there would be no stragglers. The Death Eaters, of whom there were about a dozen, silently assembled around the long table. The only ones missing were Bellatrix, who was out killing a Muggle who had spoken to her on the street, and Wormtail. A moment later, just when Voldemort was considering feeding Wormtail’s favorite teddy bear to Nagini when he got home, the man himself dashed into the room in a flurry of papers.

Voldemort watched impassively as the short man raced to his master and knelt at his feet. “I am so sorry, my lord, I had a bit of trouble with the hairdryer and lost track of the time...”

Voldemort stared down his absent nose at Wormtail, who fell silent. “You’re very late,” the Dark Lord said coldly. He stood suddenly and towered above the sniveling henchman. The other Death Eaters watched apprehensively.

“A hairdryer,” said Voldemort quietly, “is no good reason to miss work, Wormtail.” At least you get to use a hairdryer... “I have no choice... but to punish you...”

Wormtail cowered at his feet, waiting for the Unforgivable Curse that was sure to come. And he wasn’t disappointed. Voldemort sent a quick Cruciatus at him, then coolly sat down as if nothing were wrong. All the other Death Eaters watched expressionlessly as Wormtail shivered on the floor ” at least, all except Lucius Malfoy, who was filing his fingernails in a slightly bored manner. Voldemort scowled at him, thinking, I REALLY hate that guy. He’s only doing that because he knows he’s too important for me to feed to the Dementors! I oughta ”

Voldemort silently steamed in his tall armchair at the head of the table. The watching Death Eaters seemed to grow more and more nervous, until one of them finally, tentatively, raised one hand.

“What?” Voldemort snapped.

“I ” I need to go to the men’s room,” the man mumbled.

Voldemort thought derisively that it was lucky the Death Eater were able to go to the men’s room, as he’d had a few last week accidentally stammer that they had to go to the ladies’ room, and he dismissed the man with a careless wave of his hand. But then, as the henchman nearly ran out the door, at least half a dozen more hands went up, and without waiting to be excused most of the assembled Death Eaters rushed out the door.

Within seconds, the only ones left in the room were Voldemort, Wormtail, and Lucius. The blond man shook back his long hair and asked lethargically, “So, I suppose the conference is over, my lord?”

Voldemort snorted and, standing, quickly left the green room.

His mood was officially spoiled for the rest of the day; so, after taking Nagini out on her walk, he decided to skip the rest of his burnt schedule and go home. As he headed out the door, he thought of something else, and told the somewhat bloodied Bella that he would be spending the next day at home.

“Alright, my Dark Lord,” she said cheerfully, wiping her hands off on her robes. “I’m sure we’ll all miss you!”

Voldemort very much doubted this, and darkly wondered whether Wormtail would even come back to the “cave” that night.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=64232