Harry Potter and the Next Great Battle by pokecharm
Summary: After fighting the biggest battle of his life, Harry Potter finds himself in new, uncharted territory. Beginning a week after the final battle at Hogwarts, Harry finds himself with many choices before him. He spent the summer trying to sort out his future with Ginny and the Ministry, but now must find a way to balance both. Ginny has left for Hogwarts to complete her final year, with Hermione, and Harry is starting work as a full-fledged Auror. They both must find a way to make their long-distance relationship work. Ginny hopes to find peace at school and Harry hopes to build his life around the expectation that Ginny will be with him forever. Despite all of this, there is more to the work that Harry is doing with the Ministry then he realises. Will Gaunt prove trustworthy in these new endeavours? Will Ginny and Hermione have a horror-free year at Hogwarts?
Categories: Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 52 Completed: No Word count: 165906 Read: 450571 Published: 11/15/07 Updated: 09/13/10
Chapter 6 - Chivalry Isn't Dead by pokecharm

The sun was hiding behind a series of clouds as Harry was roused by Ron. ‘Harry, mum wants us all up for breakfast together, you’d better get up!’

Harry rolled over and dared a glance out the window and could not see the sun, indicating an unseemly early hour to be getting up, considering it was holiday. He felt the previous day’s events hit him, the highs and lows, and slowly got up. The overcast skies were making for a bleak day, and he wasn’t looking forward to facing the family after last night’s fiasco.

He got ready quickly, dressing in Muggle clothes and heading downstairs after Ron had already gone down. He imagined Ron was getting a head start on his make-up session with Hermione.

As he went down the stairs he saw the door to Ginny’s room slightly ajar and knocked on it softly. Her voice came calling back, ‘come in,’ and he entered quietly, having only been in there once before. She was sitting in front of her desk, a book or journal open, Harry couldn’t see what, and she shut the book quickly. She gave him a restrained smile as he walked forward. He smiled back at her. ‘Good Morning – did you get any rest last night? How are you feeling?’

She smiled back at him. ‘A little sore,’ she rubbed her shoulder where George had pushed her through Ron’s door. ‘But nothing that won’t heal; I’ve had worse. How are you?’

He sighed. ‘Well, after what happened last night, I was a little afraid to fall too fully asleep, but I did get some rest.’ He wondered at her comment, what was worse she’d encountered? They stood there silently for a few seconds before Harry broke the silence, ‘I hear your mum wants us all up early this morning.’

She nodded absently, walking towards the door. ‘Yeah, lately she likes to see us all together at meals. I think its best to just do it as it makes her happy. Besides, it is reassuring to see everyone. I like the bustle of a full house.’

Harry nodded, following her out and closing her door. ‘Its very consoling – you know, you want to be alone, but you can’t – and there’s always some one to, you know, be there for you.’

He tried to sound confidant but she just smiled at him and descended the stairs, Harry following close behind, enjoying the view.

He smiled sheepishly as she turned abruptly, his eyes not initially looking where her eyes were. She laughed a little. ‘Harry, I, well, I don’t know if Percy has said anything, but mum and dad might interrogate you anyway, so just, be prepared, but don’t hide anything for anyone’s sake, okay?’

Harry smiled down at her, leaning in. ‘Sure, right, of course.’ He kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at him, turning towards the kitchen with a mixed look of delight and dread. He reached out, putting his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them gently. ‘I’m not worried, you’re here to protect me, right?’

She laughed at him as she walked into the kitchen, many eyes turning towards them. ‘Sure, I’m your knight in shining armour.’

Harry had to stop himself from saying anything more loudly, but whispered to her while squeezing her hand. ‘I hope I can get some private time with my knight later.’

She blushed a little and they both sat down at the end of the table. There was no sign of George or Percy, but both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were looking intently at Harry. He smiled politely, trying to seem innocuous, but Ron and Hermione both looked incredibly nervous. Mr. Weasley finally spoke, ‘Harry – I hope you’re alright this morning.’

His look was knowing and Harry couldn’t help but relive the feeling he had the previous night, replying, ‘I’m fine. I’m more worried about Ginny.’

Both parents exchanged glances and Ginny smiled at Harry’s concern. Mrs. Weasley looked at them sternly. ‘George has been…difficult to deal with, but I don’t think any one is in any real harm.’

Ron, Hermione and Harry had startled looks on their faces, while Ginny looked crushed. Harry reached over, placing his hand over hers reassuringly, though she tensed at his touch and through gritted teeth said, ‘No harm was done?’

Mr. Weasley spoke up quickly, ‘Your mother didn’t mean anything dear, just that you’re fine. And I’m sure George didn’t mean to hurt anyone.’

Ron had sat silently long enough and cut Ginny off before she could argue, ‘Dad, you can’t be serious, he was holding Harry at wand-point, ready to kill him! There wasn’t any joking in his eyes – I saw it myself!’

Mrs. Weasley looked at them disbelievingly. ‘Our George would never do such a thing, and shame on you for insinuating it!’

Ginny threw her hands up as she shot back, ‘We’re not insinuating anything! I don’t know what you’ve heard or who told you what, but he was totally out of control and I can’t believe you’re going to ignore this!’

Mr. Weasley looked calmly at Ginny while Mrs. Weasley was fit to bursting. ‘Dear, we aren’t ignoring his behaviour, but we aren’t going to make it more than it is.’

Ginny leaned back heavily in her chair, a look of utter disgust on her face. Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘I don’t think I have to remind you that this is hardest on George. He just needs some time to get back to some level of normal. As his brother and sister I would think you’d both be anxious to help him!’

Ginny was looking close to tears. Harry tried to reach over to take her hand, but she turned away from him, closing him off from her. Ron gave his parents a sceptical look. ‘Are you saying we aren’t doing what we’re supposed to be doing? That is bloody daft!’

‘Ronald Weasley – you will not use that language in my house!’ Mrs. Weasley was not hearing any argument and had gone back to her cup of tea. ‘He just needs time, he’ll be fine.’

Ginny turned back abruptly, tears glistening in her eyes. ‘He isn’t getting any better – can’t you see that!’

Harry and Hermione exchanged nervous looks. Harry didn’t want to argue with Mr. or Mrs. Weasley; they treated him so fairly, but were clearly not being that way with Ron and Ginny now. He was now able to reach over and take one of Ginny’s hands in his, squeezing it and pulling his chair closer to hers. She didn’t look at him, but leaned towards him.

Mr. Weasley shook his head. ‘All of you need to calm down.’ He had been watching Ron and Ginny closely as they argued with their mother. ‘May be they have something to say, Molly. It wouldn’t be the first time they see something we didn’t see.’

‘Arthur, he’s just in a lot of pain – he needs understanding from his family – from his brothers and sister and his friends – if he can’t get that how is he ever going to get back to normal.’ She didn’t look up from her tea and spoke in an even tone which Harry found slightly eerie.

‘I just think that if George is causing more strife for the children that are coping better than he is, then we shouldn’t allow him to bring them down with him.’ Mr. Weasley put his hand up as Mrs. Weasley looked as though she were going to argue. ‘I’m just saying, Ron and Ginny are coping better than George, as we’d expect, but George’s behaviour has been a bit erratic, and he may be taking it out on them.’

Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘Arthur, I will not separate my family.’

Her voice and tone were stern and Harry visibly cringed. Ginny and Ron were staring intently at their parents while both Harry and Hermione watched Ginny and Ron respectively.

Mr. Weasley turned slowly. ‘Molly – I think you should really be open to an alternative to the approach we’re taking. It may not be working. I don’t want to see any one go away either, but this is becoming an issue. Percy may not have included all the details. We have to take everything into account.’

Ginny’s eye’s narrowed. ‘I knew it – that prat! Lying to mum and dad, telling them I attacked George!’

Harry tried to restrain her, but she stood up abruptly. ‘I am not a liar! And I don’t attack any one without cause!’

Mr. Weasley sighed. ‘Ginny, no one is calling you a liar, but you hit George with a very strong curse.’

The room was becoming increasingly tense and Harry started to say something when Ron broke in, ‘Even if it was a strong curse, that’s what was needed – he was totally mad last night! Told Harry some really nasty things before Ginny took care of him. He threw Ginny through my door for Merlin’s sake!’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t appear to be convinced and shot back with a glare that would make any one turn to stone. ‘I have had enough of this – why can’t you both just be thankful he’s alive!’

Ginny sat down heavily, slumping into the chair. Her eyes were unfocused and Harry reached towards her but she shook her head, in what Harry could only interpret to mean leave her alone.

Mr. Weasley saw the effect and halted all arguments. ‘Molly – no one is saying they wish George were gone. I think you’re not being fair to Ron and Ginny. I think you and I should talk about this more. I am, unfortunately, running late and I hope we can keep George from hurting or threatening any one for the time being.’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t let it sit for long. ‘He won’t hurt any one. He’s a good boy and a good person and just needs some time to sort things out.’

Mr. Weasley sighed loudly. ‘Molly, please.’

She gave him a side-long look but didn’t say anything. Ron was staring sadly at his breakfast, while Hermione had reached out to him, placing a consoling hand on his shoulder.

Ginny had her eyes shut and was not taking anything in. Despite having not eaten anything, Harry leaned over and whispered, ‘Why don’t we go outside or something? A little fresh air might do us both some good.’

For a second Harry thought she had fallen asleep. Her eyes slowly opened, though she didn’t respond to him. She got up and he followed suit, uncertain of what was happening.

She walked towards the kitchen door that led to the garden as footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs and hallway towards the kitchen. Ginny stopped abruptly and tried to see around Harry. He had stopped entirely and stood in front of her, purposely not letting her get by him. He would not allow a repeat of last night and checked in his pocket for his wand.

Percy and George walked into the kitchen sitting down quietly. Mrs. Weasley smiled at George. ‘How are you feeling this morning, dear? Better?’

He didn’t answer, instead helping himself to some toast.

Percy chimed in, ‘We’re all better after some much needed rest, I’m sure.’

He looked up abruptly, making eye contact with Harry. Ginny was trying to push Harry out of the way, but he wouldn’t let her by.

Everyone in the room seemed to turn their eyes to George. He could clearly tell and looked up slowly. ‘Look, Harry, about last night…’

His voice trailed off and Harry replied, ‘Don’t worry about it mate.’ He took a step forward, being careful not to let Ginny get past him. ‘But I have to say George, if you ever, ever, hurt Ginny like that again, she’ll be the least of your concerns.’

George locked his eyes with Harry’s and said simply, ‘Fair enough.’

Ginny stopped pushing Harry and froze, her hands resting on his back. Mrs. Weasley was boring a hole in him with her eyes, but he didn’t balk. He had to be sure George understood him.

George ignored Harry and resumed eating his toast, as if nothing had happened. Harry could feel Ginny take her hands off of him and turned quickly to see her red hair disappearing out the door. He gave George one last look before hurrying after her into the early morning haze.

This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=75003