Who's That Girl? by Equinox Chick
Summary: As Head Girl, Lily Evans is used to the odd things that happen at Hogwarts. Very little fazes her – especially when it comes to the Head Boy and his gang. But when she discovers there’s a new girl at Hogwarts, who has entranced all her friends, she’s determined, along with James, to find out the identity of the mystery witch.

After all, since when has Hogwarts accepted American Exchange Students?

And just why has Peter stopped eating sausages?

Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling and if I was I wouldn’t admit it and put my name to this piece of silliness.

This is Equinox Chick of Hufflepuff writing for the 2011 Mysterious May Challenge in the Great Hall, Prompt # 1.

I also dedicate this to all those of you who love a good MWPP cliche.

Thanks Nat-a-tat (hestiajones) for the beta job especially in the last chapter.
Categories: Mystery Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 8632 Read: 8375 Published: 05/20/11 Updated: 05/31/11

1. Chapter 1 Fit Birds by Equinox Chick

2. Chapter 2 - Saved by the Dame by Equinox Chick

3. Chapter 3 - Puella Revelio by Equinox Chick

Chapter 1 Fit Birds by Equinox Chick
“It was here somewhere,” Lily Evans muttered, in an exasperated tone. She was searching through her school bag, pulling all her things out and throwing them onto the floor of the common room.

“What’s that?” asked Mary, looking up from the Defence essay to which she was making last minutes corrections.

“My blue folder. I need to find the notes from the last prefects’ meeting to show to Professor McGon “ UGHH!” She pulled a face as she looked at her hand, now covered with something gooey. “Merlin, I’d forgotten about that bag of treacle toffee. Must have melted in this weather.”

“You’re very forgetful all of a sudden,” Sirius remarked casually as he grinned at Mary. “Not getting distracted by the Head Boy, are you?”

Lily turned around and resisting the urge to poke out her tongue settled for giving Sirius one of her ‘looks’. (She’d practised them since her third year, imitating Petunia). “I haven’t seen Potter since Herbology,” she replied scornfully.

“Hey, Evans, you dropped this in ... uh ... the library,” called James as he walked through the door. He was carrying something in his hand “ her journal.

“Not since Herbology, eh, Evans?” Sirius cooed, adding to Mary, “Blushing is not a good look for your mate, is it?”

Giggling, Mary agreed, “Why don’t you just admit that something is going on with you two?”

“Because it’s NOT!” shouted both James and Lily simultaneously.

“We have just decided that as we have to work together, it’s best for the school if we don’t argue,” Lily explained coldly. Taking the book from James and determinedly not looking him in the eye, she began to pack her things away.

James bent down and picked up a magazine that she’d tossed on the floor. He was about to hand it to her, but catching her sly wink, he thought better of it, instead stuffing the magazine under his robes. He cleared his throat. “Anything interesting in the paper, Padfoot?”

Sirius yawned. “Not really. Someone won a load of Galleons betting on the Arrows’ game. The Goblins aren’t happy and want an investigation, but then they’re never happy.” He chucked The Prophet on the table. “Wish I could win some money,” he grumbled. “I hate being skint.”

“What happened to the inheritance from your Uncle Alphard?” Mary asked, her eyebrows raised in amazement. “He left you masses!”

Sirius scowled and looked across at James. “Well, after I bought the motorbike, James’ mum and dad thought I was being irresponsible, so they sort of stopped me spending anymore.”

“Am I hearing right?” Lily said and started laughing. “Since when has anyone been able to stop you doing what you want?”

James started grinning and, vaulting over the back of the sofa, landed alongside Sirius. “My Ma and Pa are very good at playing the guilt card. They persuaded Padfoot to open a bank account.”

Mary and Lily collapsed with mirth. “Sirius Black, responsible. Oh sweet Merlin, pinch me, I must be dreaming!” Mary exclaimed.

“You won’t be laughing when I have my own pad,” Sirius declared airily. “My house-warming party will be legendary.” He smirked. “So watch out, ‘cause I might not invite you if you keep taking the piss.”

“Oh, Sirius,” Lily sighed. “Face it, you need girls at your party and as Mary and I are the only witches you haven’t tried to pull ...”

“It’s quite insulting, actually,” Mary said idly, not sounding in the slightest bit offended. “I’m starting to think there must be something wrong with me.”

“Mary, my sweet,” Sirius said as he stood up and stretched. “The only thing wrong with you is that I’d get hexed to pieces by one of my mates if I went anywhere near you.”

“Not to mention her sister,” Lily put in. “Have you made up with Martha yet?”

“Nope,” Sirius replied. “She knows where I am. Meanwhile I shall console myself with the new girl.”

Lily frowned. “What new girl?”

“Uh, American, I think,” Sirius said and started to smile. “Bloody gorgeous. I bumped into her coming out of Professor Fawcett’s classroom. She said she was an exchange student.”

“Since when has Professor Dumbledore -” began Lily, but then shook her head. With the prospect of war looming, she knew the Headmaster was keen to extend the hand of friendship to other countries and especially other schools. “What’s her name?”

“Jill,” Sirius replied dreamily, “Jill Munroe. Beautiful big blue eyes “ or maybe they were green? Wonderful long blonde hair that sort of flicks back, and wow, what a pair of ... lips.”

“Professor Fawcett’s got an American wife,” Lily said, ignoring Sirius’ insinuation and mime that obviously referred to the new girl’s chest. “Perhaps it’s his daughter.”

Sirius snorted. “Not looking like that. Fawcett’s an ugly bugger. Anyway, I’m off. See you at lunch.”

“Where are you going?” Mary asked, pulling on his arm. “Martha will be back soon. Perhaps you could ...”

“Nope,” Sirius replied. “I said I’d meet Remus and Peter in the library. You coming, Prongs?”

“Uh...” James had started reading The Prophet. Engrossed in the article, he shook his head. “Nah, you go. I’ll see you later.”

As Lily watched Sirius leave, she frowned. Mary had picked up her homework again, and James was still reading the newspaper, but she wanted to talk.

“Have either of you met this new girl? Jill Whatsit?” she asked.

James shook his head, but Mary nodded. “She was in my Muggle Studies class. She’s pretty amazing, actually, and told us all about Muggles in America.”

“So where’s she staying?”

“In with us, of course,” Mary said as if that explained everything. “Lily, we talked about this last week.”

“Did we?”

Mary stood up and smirked. “I think I’ll join the boys in the library. Sirius is right about you. You’re definitely distracted by something ... or someone,” she said, giving James a knowing glance.

Lily scowled at her but said nothing. She looked at her hand; it still felt sticky from the toffee. “Perhaps they’re right,” she said to James. “I am becoming forgetful.”

“Am I too distracting?” James replied.

“Definitely,” she whispered.

“Same time tonight?” he mumbled.

“Mmm, should be okay, but ...” She stopped speaking as Martha entered the common room, and shifted away from James. “Not the usual place. Check the magazine, page seventeen, okay?”


James always liked Lily’s magazines. For a start, she got her mum to send them to her so they were Muggle magazines. Then there were always the quizzes. Under the cover of the desk, whilst Professor Fawcett was droning on and on about the advantage of non-verbal spells, which James had mastered in his fifth year, he started reading the ‘Which Charlie’s Angel Are You?’ quiz. He had no idea what a Charlie’s Angel was, but it turned out he was Kelly Garret; beautiful, reckless and a crack shot. Then he started reading a letter on the problem page about a girl who wasn’t sure if she should go steady with her boyfriend. He frowned slightly, wondering if Lily had written it.

He understood her reservations. After so many years of leading separate, but parallel lives, that only touched when she was shouting at him, Lily wanted to take things slowly and without the ‘help’ of their friends. For his part, he knew Sirius would be unbearable as soon as he found out, but then his mate was unbearable anyway, so James didn’t see what would change.

“POTTER!” roared Professor Fawcett, the wart above his lip quivering. “I should not have to tell you every single time to pay attention!”

“Uh ... sorry, sir.” James tried to stuff the magazine into his bag, but the professor was too quick for him and snatched it out of his grasp.

“Mindless rubbish!” the professor yelled. “Filling your brain with stupid Muggle nonsense.”

“Yes, sir, sorry sir,” James babbled. “Uh, could I have it back? I promise I’ll put it away.”

“NO!” Fawcett was scowling at the magazine as he leafed through the pages.

Briefly, James saw Lily’s handwriting on page seventeen and caught the word ‘Slughorn’. He sat back, not needing to argue anymore and grinned at his friends as the professor walked off.

“Why were you reading a girls’ magazine?” Peter whispered.

“Fit birds,” James replied. “Why else?”

Remus raised one eyebrow, not commenting, but James saw him nudge the other two and heard the three of them stifling snorts.

Bloody hell, Lily, he thought. Can’t we just get this over with?

To escape the witterings of Sirius, who was still, along with Remus and Peter, going on about the new girl, James decided to skip down to Slughorn’s storeroom early. He’d met Lily there once before and was surprised she’d suggested there again because it wasn’t the most conducive of places to meet for a snog. The Charms classroom was much better; Slug’s storeroom smelt funny and was far too close to the Slytherin common room for comfort.

Entering the dungeons, he gripped his wand tight, and kicked himself for not bringing the Cloak, but Lily had no idea of its existence and he didn’t want to waste time with explanations tonight.

He heard a noise and ducked into an alcove just in time to see Avery and Regulus on patrol.

“Have you seen the way she walks?” he heard Avery say. “She sort of glides.”

“You’re lucky she’s in your year,” Regulus complained. “And now she’s staying with those Gryffindor girls, I doubt any of us will get a look in.”

“I’ll give her something to look at,” Avery replied, sniggering. “Once she cops an eyeful of me, she is not going to want to leave me alone.”

“What are you going to do “ drug her?”

“Oi! I don’t need Amortentia to pull “”

“You haven’t been out with anyone for months!”

“I’m choosy.”

James stifled a snort. He was grinning to himself and quite forgetting that these were two of his enemies talking. Regulus sounded uncannily like Sirius at times. Then he heard their footsteps falter.

“That’s not a bad idea, though,” Avery said. “At least it would stop your bloody brother “ or Potter - getting their paws on her.”

Shit, if they come back this way, then they’ll see me. James held his breath and strained his ears as he tried to hear Avery’s deliberations.

“Slughorn will know,” Regulus replied. “He was moaning about ingredients going missing today. Asked me if I knew anything about it.” He paused, and peeping out, James saw Regulus smirk. “I didn’t tell him we’d nicked that Euphoria Potion. He still thinks we were happy after that Quidditch win.”

To his relief, James heard Avery mutter in agreement and then the two Slytherins walked back to their common room. As it was a Friday night, he was fairly sure they’d slack off and not patrol again. Now all he had to do was edge across to the storeroom and wait for Lily.

There was a special trick to opening the storeroom door; Lily had showed him the last time they were there. Being one of the professor’s favourite pupils, Lily had been entrusted with helping him prepare ingredients, so she knew about the trick fourth bolt that needed easing off slowly otherwise it started squawking. Opening the first three bolts, James crouched on the ground and, with both hands, carefully slid the bolt out of its groove.

With a creak, the door swung open, propelling James forward onto the floor. The room was dark, but somewhere he could see the faint Lumos light of a wand. “Lily?” he murmured hopefully as he looked around him and came face to face with ... “Oh, no, you’re not ...AGHH!”

James reeled as a hex struck him full in the face. Just before he crashed to the floor, he reached out and grabbed his attacker. He felt something break in his hands before he landed unconscious in a heap by the workbench.
End Notes:
Yes, it's silly, but sometimes I need to unleash the full force of my clicheness.
Chapter 2 - Saved by the Dame by Equinox Chick
Author's Notes:
Phyllida Lacey and Sonia Slattery are OC's from my main Marauder story 'The Lions of Gryffindor' I can't not have them in my stories now because they're both rather pushy girls. However, this is in no way 'caron' compliant with Lions.

“Miss Evans, what are you doing down here?”

Lily started guiltily, and then plastered a smile on her face. “Sorry, Professor Slughorn. I was ... um ... looking for you, actually. I needed to ask you something about ... uh ... flaxweed.” She smiled at him. “It’s for my essay, Professor, I had an idea about the effects of the flaxweed root in Pepper-Up Potion.”

“To counteract the nose-steaming, I suppose,” Slughorn murmured. He smiled back at Lily and placed his hand on her shoulder. “That is an excellent suggestion, but I think you’ll find it would result in hives in a particularly virulent shade of blue. However ...” He paused. “Miss Evans, would you care for a goblet of mead? We could discuss this further.”

“Uh ... now?” Lily glanced around the corridor, wondering where James was and hoping he was either late or already at their rendezvous spot.

“Do you have anywhere else you should be?”

“No, no, not at all,” she replied faintly. At least if she were in Slughorn’s study, then James would be able to escape unseen.

She followed him down the dark, winding corridor, lit only by lamplight, and past the storeroom. Professor Slughorn stopped outside the door, examining the locks. “Just one more, I think,” he murmured mostly to himself, and then, remembering Lily was there, continued, “I believe you have been informed by the Headmaster about the theft of a potion from my cupboard. Euphoria may seem harmless, but in the wrong hands, it can be dangerous. Fortunately, I will be able to tell who the villains are by any untoward behaviour and excessive nose-tweaking.” He waved his wand in a small circle casting another Locking Charm on the door. “It won’t do any harm to cast another deterrent, though, eh, Miss Evans?”

“None at all,” she replied, and smiled sweetly at him. She looked back once as they were walking and that was just before she entered the professor’s study. James was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is this new girl, then?” Lily demanded when she got back to the dorm. She was feeling grumpy. Slughorn had not stopped talking and she hadn’t seen James anywhere. She knew he wanted their relationship to be more open, but having spent the best part of two years telling her friends that he was a dick, the thought of admitting that they were right and Potter was actually a great guy (and a fantastic kisser) made her cringe. There was also a small part of her that thought as soon as their relationship became public knowledge, James would dump her “ probably in front of everyone “ because she’d never been exactly private about her feelings for him.

She didn’t want him to dump her. It scared her how much she dreaded that happening; it had never occurred to her that she’d actually like being with him so much.

“She’s changed her mind,” Mary replied, sounding grouchy. “Decided she wanted to be with the Ravenclaws instead. Ugh! Margot Loveday is going to be unbearably smug having her staying with them. It’s just not fair!”

Lily stared at Mary, whose petulant expression was shared by Phyllida and Sonia. Surprised, because Sonia was not someone who liked sharing the limelight with similarly beautiful girls, Lily approached the three of them. “Why are you so bothered? It would have been awkward having to share. There’s barely enough room for us four, especially not with all the clothes Phyllida’s got, and your Quidditch gear.”

“It was your mess that put her off, I bet!” Mary snapped. “She came in, was about to unpack and then spotted all your things on the bed. Honestly, Lily, you could have tidied up. You knew she was staying with us, and we’ve been asking you for days!”

“What mess?” Lily asked and looked at her bed. “Look, it’s just a few magazines and my make-up bag. And it’s MY bed. What’s her problem?”

“You’re just jealous!” Phyllida said scornfully. “And stop complaining. You never wanted her here in the first place.”

“Uh,” Lily shook her head. This was just getting silly. “What are you going on about? I’ve never even met this Jill person, and you’re talking as if I’m her deadly enemy, or something.”

“Sirius is devastated,” Sonia chipped in.

“When have you ever been concerned about Sirius Black?” Lily said and started to laugh. This had to be a joke. But when the three girls turned huffily away from her, Lily lost patience. She was not going to sit here whilst they ignored her. And she wasn’t going to let James sulk, either.

“Potter!” she yelled as banged on the door of his dormitory. “Let me in!”

“He’s not here!” she heard Peter yell back.

“Can I wait for him?” she asked. Then she groaned. She sounded so desperate, Sirius would be sure to rag her mercilessly. “Uhm, no, it’s okay. I’ll catch up with him ... later.”

The door opened and Sirius stood there. “He’s not here,” he said coldly. “We have no idea where he is. You probably got rid of him, too.”

“What?” Lily groaned. “Oh, good Godric, you’re not talking about that stupid exchange student as well, are you? I’ve never even met her!”

“You just couldn’t be welcoming, could you?” Sirius replied, and then, turning his back on her, he slammed the door in her face.

“If you’re in there, Potter!” Lily screamed. “Then just so you know, it’s DEFINITELY over! GOT THAT?”

She was expecting a reaction from someone “ anyone “ but nothing happened. The door to James’ dormitory remained resolutely closed.


It was after breakfast the next morning when things really kicked off. Lily’s friends had seemed in better moods when they woke up, and so she’d enjoyed breakfast with them. They were joined by Remus and Peter, who’d got up early. Sirius, they said, was still snoring when they’d left.

“What about James?” Lily asked casually. “Is he still asleep?”

Peter shrugged. “No idea. Probably gone flying.”

She was dying to ask what time James had got in last night. After leaving their dorm, Lily had hung around in the common room for over an hour and then taken herself off to the library wondering if he was there. But there’d been no one except Professor Fawcett, who’d glared at her when she’d entered the Restricted Section, so she’d backed out and taken the long way back to Gryffindor Tower. Surely James must have realised she’d run into someone. It wasn’t the first time one of them had been delayed. Unless ...

“Where’s the new girl?” she asked Mary.

Peering over Remus’ head, Mary scrutinised the Ravenclaw table. “Can’t see her, but it’s still quite early. If we hang around, then we’re sure to catch her. I’ll introduce you properly.”

Lily looked at Mary curiously. Her eyes seemed almost piggy when she talked about Jill, almost as if she was a three-year-old awestruck over an ice cream.

“Has James met her?” she asked Remus, with forced idleness.

“Don’t think so,” Remus replied. “He was telling us to shut up yesterday. Thought we were talking about her too much.” He pulled a face at Peter. “What does he know?”

Again, the same look of awe, but Lily was at least cheered by the fact that according to them, James was unaffected. Staring at Remus and Peter, she wondered if she were imagining the slavering expressions on their faces as they ate their breakfast. Another odd thing, Peter was well known for having sausages every day, yet this morning he’d refused them “ even shuddering at the thought. A glimmer of a memory floated in her head; it was fantastical, but maybe ... Lily shook herself. If she was right, then she needed to get to the library to confirm the suspicion. However, as she walked across the Great Hall and towards the door, she heard shouting coming from outside.

“I KNEW IT WAS YOU, POTTER!” Professor Slughorn was yelling.

“No, no, sir, please.” A very red-faced James was yelping as Professor Slughorn pulled him along by his ear through the Entrance Hall.

“Professor Slughorn,” called the Headmaster. He walked past Lily, making a small gesture with his hand, which she took to mean she could follow. “Professor, do you mind telling me what Mr Potter is being accused of?”

Horace Slughorn straightened himself up to his full height and let go of James. “I went to my storeroom, and found this young miscreant lying on the floor. There was a bottle of mead open. He started babbling some nonsense about being hexed and locked in. Initially, I was inclined to believe him, his face is rather blistered as you can see, but then I checked my stock and discovered --” His voice broke, a choked sob stopping him from continuing.

“Um, Professor, I’m sure James will replace the mead,” Lily murmured as she stared at James. He looked awful. Puffy eyes and a bright red face, it was as if he’d had a jellyfish wrapped around his head.

Professor Slughorn softened his voice but still spoke with determination. “It is not the mead, Miss Evans. Potter has stolen my last remaining stock of Felix Felicis!”

“That is indeed a grave matter,” Professor Dumbledore intoned. “Mr Potter, do you have anything to say?”

“Sir, it wasn’t me, honestly. I was ... uh ... bundled in the storeroom and hit with a Stinging Jinx,” James pleaded, his voice strained and thick as he struggled to speak.

“And what were you doing down there, Potter?” demanded Slughorn.

“I’m Head Boy. I was on patrol.”

“In the dungeons?” Slughorn spluttered. “That is the job of my Slytherins, surely?”

“Horace, we should investigate the storeroom,” said Professor Dumbledore. “If the Felix Felicis really is missing, then this could be serious. Mr Potter, you will need to accompany us. Miss Evans, I request your attendance also.”

Lily nodded briskly and followed the three of them down towards the dungeons. As if frozen to the spot, the students milled around them, staring open mouthed at the scene.


James had been out cold since his assailant had hexed him. He’d only been roused when Professor Slughorn had shaken him whilst roaring in his ear, apoplectic with rage. He’d tried to explain that he’d been locked in, but by then the professor had discovered his missing Felix Felicis.

He thought about dropping back to walk with Lily, but then thought better of it. If Lily had bothered to turn up last night, then he could have been out of there before the morning. Feeling groggy and with his face still flaming, he refused to catch her eye instead staring stonily ahead as they followed the two professors.

“You locked the storeroom again after you discovered Mr Potter, I trust?” Professor Dumbledore asked as they approached the door.

“Naturally!” Professor Slughorn retorted. “I wasn’t about to invite any others of Potter’s ilk to run amok.”

“Sir, did you search James?” Lily asked. “If he took your potion, then he’d still have it on him.”

“Yes, I did,” Slughorn replied witheringly. “Really, Miss Evans, I do not accuse anyone lightly.”

“Then ... um ... did you find it?”

Slughorn didn’t answer immediately, instead turning his attention to the door.

“Professor Slughorn,” said Professor Dumbledore quietly, “Miss Evans asked you a question.”

“Not the Potion,” Slughorn admitted. He stopped speaking, and then with a final wave of his wand, opened the door. “However, I did find this!”

He gestured towards the room, now lit by torchlight. Peering over Slughorn’s shoulder, James took in the scene.

When he’d woken up, James hadn’t looked at his surroundings. Despite the Professor telling them that he’d been ‘inclined to believe Potter’, he’d in fact done no such thing. Slughorn’s immediate response had not been to inquire if James was all right, but to bellow at him. Then he’d hauled James out of the room and proceeded to frisk him in front of the curious and smirking Slytherins who loved seeing James in trouble.

“Um, Professor, what are you showing us, exactly?” Lily asked in a soft voice.

“The goblets, Miss Evans, on the table. There are two of them, my dear. I may not have found my vial of Felix on Potter, but it is clear he was not alone! Plus half a bottle of my mead has been drunk. I rather think Potter and one of his friends “ probably Black “ broke in here, helped themselves to my mead and then had a quarrel. Black ran off with my Felix Felicis, leaving Potter to take all the blame.”

“No!”shouted James. “Look, will someone please listen to my side of the story?”

“There are signs of a disturbance,” murmured Professor Dumbledore, ignoring James as he stepped into the room. “And I can see a couple of blue beads on the floor. Almost as if Mr Potter’s accomplice were female ...”

James watched Lily flush as Dumbledore peered over his spectacles at her. “Are they yours, by any chance, Miss Evans?”

“I did see Miss Evans down here last night,” Professor Slughorn said in disbelief. “She said she needed to see me about a plant ingredient. But ...” He faltered, deep in thought as if he were trying to remember the sequence of events. “It did all sound a bit fishy to me. However, I invited her into my study for a glass of mead. On the way, I double-locked the storeroom door. Miss Evans could not have entered the room.”

“Unless she had just left,” Professor Dumbledore suggested mildly. “Perhaps -”

“No!” James exclaimed. “Lily wasn’t there. Look, I haven’t exactly told you all the truth.”

“Indeed, Mr Potter, and what is your version of the truth?” The Headmaster sounded interrogatory now. Signalling for Lily and James to join him in the storeroom, he closed the door behind them all and then bade them to sit down.

James swallowed. Casting a quick glance at Lily, he turned his attention to the Headmaster and ignored the puffing Slughorn. “I wasn’t hauled in here. I unlocked the door and disturbed someone. At first, I thought it was ... er ... actually, I didn’t have a clue who it was, but then the person hexed me in the face. I dropped my wand and couldn’t fight back.” He looked around the room, his eyes searching the floor. “It’s not here. Whoever hexed me must have taken my wand.”

“Did you recognise the intruder?”

James furrowed his brow, trying to recall the events, but it was all a blur. There’d been something odd about the stranger, yet also very familiar. “The thing is, sir,” he began, knowing this was going to sound strange. “I can’t even remember if it was a boy or a girl. It’s all so fuzzy ... ” He looked at the two beads that Professor Dumbledore had placed next to the goblets. “I remember those beads, though. Before I was knocked out, I stretched out my hand and grabbed them. They must have broken.” Turning his face towards Professor Slughorn, he continued, “Lily doesn’t like blue, and,” he smirked, “Sirius hasn’t got a necklace like that, sir.”

“And why were you in my storeroom, Potter?” demanded Professor Slughorn haughtily. “Why did you try to unlock the door?”

“Uh-” Shit, I really haven’t thought this through. “I ... um ...”

“I thought you told me you’d heard a noise,” Lily put in quickly. “Just before we got here, James was explaining things.” She gave him a very withering look and then turned to Professor Dumbledore. “We were supposed to be having a meeting to discuss rotas, but he didn’t turn up. I was furious at the time, but I suppose I can forgive now.”

Lily Evans, I love you, he thought, thanking Merlin for her quick-thinking.

Professor Dumbledore unlocked the storeroom and gestured for the pair of them to leave. “You are not entirely in the clear, Mr Potter, but it does appear that you were the victim here. I would ask that if you have any more thoughts about the perpetrator, Mr Potter, then you come to see me, and not tackle this yourself. The theft of Felix Felicis is not to be taken lightly.”

“I know,” James muttered. Then he looked directly at Professor Slughorn. “Sir, I didn’t take your potion, and I didn’t drink your mead, either. I can’t stand it.”
End Notes:
Chapter 3 - Puella Revelio by Equinox Chick
Author's Notes:
** Puella is Latin for girl.

“Why didn’t you come and find me?” James murmured to Lily as they stepped out of the dungeon and into the Entrance Hall. “You could have let me out.”

“How was I supposed to know you were in the storeroom?” she hissed.

“Because you told me to meet you there,” he answered. Then, pulling her behind one of the suits of armour, he took her hand and kissed her on the cheek. “Look, I do understand that you don’t want this ... uh ... whatever it is between us ... to be common knowledge, but if you’re trying to dump me before someone finds out, then I wish you’d just told me rather than stand me up.”

“I didn’t,” she whispered and cupped his reddened face in her hands. “I told you to meet me in the room next to Slughorn’s study. You weren’t there, so I assumed you’d stood me up.” She chewed the side of her mouth. “And ... um ... about that secrecy thing. I sort of let the cat out of the bag last night.”

“How?” James said, grinning at her worried face.

“I went up to your room and got angry because I thought you were hiding from me. So I ... um ... shouted that we were finished.”

“Really?” James started laughing. “Wow, what did they all say?”

Lily frowned. “That’s the odd thing. None of them said a thing.”

“What, not even Sirius?”

“Especially not Sirius. He was too annoyed that the new girl had decided to stay with the Ravenclaws.”

James shook his head. Something was jabbing at him, trying to prick his memory into action. “I still haven’t seen this Jill girl, have you?”

“No, and don’t you think it’s odd? I mean, you’d think that as we’re Head Boy and Girl that Professor Dumbledore would have asked us to take her under our wing. Mary knew, and she said we were talking about it last week, but I really don’t think I was there. I may be distracted by you, Potter, but my brain hasn’t turned entirely to Flobberworm mush.”

He held her close, his hands slipping around her waist as he tilted his head down for another “ more long-lasting “ kiss. Lily responded, sliding her hands up, her fingers entangling in his hair.

“Jill, Jill, hold on!” Sirius’ voice as he raced across the Entrance Hall sprung them apart. “Jill, please, just listen to me.”

“Hands off, Black!” Avery shouted from the entrance to the dungeons. “She’s MINE!”

“What the?” James asked, shocked. He’d seen Sirius chase a girl. Heck, he’d seen him ridiculously soppy with Martha, but had never heard him sound so desperate. And Avery? He was positively squealing, and he never chased girls. What was wrong with them all? He peered around the suit of armour, anxious to see what was so special about this girl, but Lily pulled him back.

“Don’t!” she whispered. “James, trust me, just don’t look at her. I’ve just remembered something.”


Lily’s hands pulled his face towards her and away from Sirius, who was now remonstrating with the mysterious girl. Out of the corner of his eye, James caught a quick flash of blonde hair, before Lily started kissing him again. “Don’t look at her!” she said again. “If you do ... I’ll ... I’ll ... I’ll never kiss you again, okay, Potter?”

He gulped, and nodded, then closed his eyes. “How are we going to know she’s gone?” he asked.

“Um... I hadn’t thought of that,” Lily replied. “I suppose when it goes quiet, then we’ll know that she and her fan club have disappeared.”

Entwined together for what seemed like hours but was in reality only ten minutes, James was quite reluctant to let Lily go when she pulled away. No matter what this mysterious girl looked like, he was quite sure he wouldn’t fall under the same spell as Sirius and the others had.

“The coast is clear,” she muttered. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“The library. I want to show you something.”

“Can’t you just tell me?”

“Um, well,” said Lily, tugging on his hand. “I’m not sure about this, but I think she has some sort of Charm around her. It’s called a Circean Charm, after the Greek enchantress.”

James knew he was looking at her blankly. Top of the class at most things, he never bothered to actually research anything, relying on his skill and reflexes most of the time.

“Circe,” Lily explained as they climbed the stairs, “was a Greek Goddess who trapped Odysseus and his men on her island. She turned his men into pigs and made them forget about going home. She wanted to keep Odysseus with her, you see.”

“Er ... what’s this got to do with Jill whatsit? Are you saying she’s Circe?”

“No, silly, but I think she’s using a Circean Charm. You Charm an object, wear it, and then anyone that looks at you is temporarily under your will. It’s a bit like the Imperius curse, except not nearly as powerful. It probably helps that she’s beautiful.”

“How do you know she’s beautiful?”

“Sirius’ description, Remus’ tongue hanging out, and even Mary thinking about her in a mushy way. It all points to some sort of Charm.”

“Or Potion? Maybe it’s an overdose of Amortentia in the soup?”

“Then we’d have been affected. James, of our friends, we’re the only two that haven’t seen her. She takes Muggle Studies, which neither of us do, and you haven’t been hanging around with Sirius much recently, so you missed that appearance as well. Plus, haven’t you noticed how pig-like your friends have become? Circe turned Odysseus’ men into a herd of swine. Peter refused to eat sausages this morning.”

James frowned. It all sounded very complicated. He was sure his theory was better and, except for the modified memories, it certainly explained why Sirius, Remus and Peter were so love struck. “Uhm, Lily, not that I think you’re talking rubbish, or anything, but can you prove any of this?”

“Library,” she muttered. “It’s Saturday, so no one will be there. We can search in the Restricted Section.”

James sighed but acquiesced. He was quickly learning that having a girlfriend like Lily Evans meant that he had to go along with her way of doing things, especially if he wanted a quiet life.

“What are we looking for?” he asked when they slipped into the library.

“Um, it’s a big red book called ‘Most Ancient Charms and their Practical Use for the Modern Witch.’”

“Not wizard?” James quirked an eyebrow and grinned at her. “That’s sexist.”

Lily snorted. “It was written by Lucinda Amour. You remember the one who declared she’d found the secret of eternal love ...”

“That turned out to be Mermish Gin,” James laughed, then stuffed his fist in his mouth so they didn’t disturb Madam Pince.

“What are you pair doing here on a fine day like this?” growled a voice behind them. It was their Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, blocking the aisle with a wand in one hand and a rolled up newspaper in the other.

“Ah, Professor Fawcett. How lovely to see you,” said Lily. “James and I are very far behind in our homework, so thought we should spend the day catching up. Your Defence against the Dark Arts essay won’t write itself.”

“You handed that in yesterday, Miss Evans.”

“Um, yes, well, I don’t really think I did myself justice, sir, and James said he’d go over some sections with me, just in case you ask me to redo the whole thing,” Lily replied blithely.

“So why are you in the Charms section?” Professor Fawcett demanded.

“Our mistake, sir,” James piped up. “And ... er ... I think we’ll be going now. Let’s go, Lily.”

“I thought you wanted proof “”

“I said, come on,” he replied in a louder voice, tugging her away.

But Lily persisted. “Thing is, sir, we’re looking for another book as well. It’s a big red-”

“NO!” James interrupted. “We’re not looking for anything. In fact we’re getting out right “ NOW!”

As he pulled Lily behind him, Professor Fawcett sent a swift hex her way. It missed them both by a hair’s breadth. Realising that Lily was unsighted and still not sure what was going on, James grabbed her wand and shouted, “Expelliarmus!

The wand in Professor Fawcett’s hand shot straight through the air; James caught it with his left hand, his unerring Quidditch reflexes serving him well. Then with both wands pointed at the professor, and not taking his eyes off him, James spoke softly to Lily, “Back away, carefully.”

“James, he’s a teacher ...,” she whimpered.

“He’s just fired a bloody hex at you, Lily, using my sodding wand!”

“Your wand?” she gasped. “But how did he ...? Are you saying that he’s the one who attacked you?”

“Come on, Potter, don’t be stupid,” murmured Professor Fawcett. “This could get you into a lot of trouble. Lower both wands, and we’ll say no more about it.”

“No, sir, I’m going to stay here whilst Lily fetches Professor Dumbledore.” He nudged Lily with his elbow. “Go on, I’ve got him covered.”

“No,” she whispered. “James, I can’t leave you with him.”

“What do you suggest, then? I’m not walking him through the school at wand point, he’ll escape.”

Reaching across him, Lily took back her wand. With surprising speed, she soon had Professor Fawcett tied up with a slew of cords to his hands and feet. “Search him,” she said. “He might still have the Felix Felicis on him.”

James nodded and bending down, began to rifle through Fawcett’s robe pockets. “Ooh, what’s this?” he asked, pulling a small flask out. He unstopped it and took a sniff. “No, it’s not Felix, it’s uh ...” He could feel his mind start to wander, the heady scent of the Potion infiltrating his senses. “Lil ...wha...Oh Merlin, this is ...”

“That’s it, Potter,” the Professor was muttering. “Take another sniff. Think about that girl. Now release me, and ...”

“NO!” Lily cried, and quick as a cat, she’d grabbed the flask from him. James was swaying in front of her, holding his wand far less firmly that before. She pulled him away from the Professor, and quickly cast a Shield Charm between him and James. “It’s the Potion, James,” she urged him when he looked at her woozily. “Come on, you must fight this. She’s not real. It’s an illusion. The Circean Charm, remember. He must have created a liquid version.”

“She’s real,” James whispered, “but I can’t see her.”

She slapped him “ hard “ across the face. James staggered backwards, but still it wasn’t enough to bring him to his senses and all the while, the professor was murmuring sweet nothings across to him, tempting him with words of love and desire. James grasped his wand firmly and faced Lily.

“No, James,” she whimpered. “Please, don’t do this.”

He lifted his wand, pointing it straight at her, and in desperation, she launched herself at him. “I won’t let you fall for it, James.” She kissed him hard on the mouth putting in everything she had, everything she felt for him, and just praying it was enough, hoping that she could be his Penelope to his Odysseus. She could hear Professor Fawcett laughing, and for a long few seconds, when James stiffened in her arms, she knew she’d lost.

James pushed her away, then brandishing his wand, he cast a hex straight at the laughing professor. “Silencio! You old bastard.” Sinking to the floor in exhaustion, he asked, “What was in that flask?”

“I’m not sure,” Lily replied. “But I’m wondering if it was some new variant of Polyjuice Potion, with the Circean Charm added.”

“You mean this ugly git is who Padfoot and everyone else in this school has been lusting after?” James grinned, his still sore face brightened by the thought of his friends’ discomfort. “Merlin, I hope Sirius and Avery snogged her.”


“A Circean Charm, how intriguing.” Professor Dumbledore had been standing by his bookcase, flicking through a book when they brought Professor Fawcett to him. He gestured for them all to take a chair. “How did you draw that conclusion, Miss Evans?”

Lily sat down; she smiled at the Headmaster and started to tell him all about the mystery girl.

“Ah, the inestimable Miss Munroe, I suppose,” the Headmaster put in. He smiled benignly. “I have heard good things about her.”

“You know her, sir?” Lily faltered. If Jill was real then her whole theory was just a theory; she and James would be in serious trouble.

“I have ‘heard’ about her,” Professor Dumbledore qualified. “I have not met this paragon. Although my estimable colleagues assure me Miss Munroe is a wonderful girl, whenever I attempt to find her, she disappears. It is most odd. ” He studied Professor Fawcett, who was not bound anymore, but still silenced. Withdrawing his wand, Professor Dumbledore lifted the enchantment. “You have listened to Miss Evans, Fidelus, do you have anything to say.”

“Preposterous,” he growled. “Potter hexed me, as Madam Pince says, because I caught him handing her the missing Felix Felicis.” He leant across the desk. “Headmaster, I implore you. I don’t blame Miss Evans. She’s been deluded by this wastrel, but she has in her possession Horace’s potion.”

“Indeed, that is most serious,” Professor Dumbledore’s voice was grave and Lily could see no sign of a twinkle in his blue eyes. “Miss Evans, I require you to hand over the potion.”

“B-but, sir. It’s not the Felix Felicis. Please it has turned half my year into complete mush heads. They see this ‘girl’ and it’s as if they’ve lost all reason.”

“Sir,” James put in. “I didn’t even see the girl but inhaling the contents was enough for me to lose sense. It was only thanks to Lily kiss ... er ... distracting me that I managed to recover.”

“And you believe I could be fooled also?” Professor Dumbledore sounded dubious.

Obviously sensing a weakness, Professor Fawcett spoke again, “Albus, you can’t take their word for it. Obviously, this is some sort of scam run by Potter and Black. It’s tragic that Miss Evans has been caught up in this, but her punishment need not be severe. She could still take her NEWTs,” offered Professor Fawcett, now leaning back in his chair.

“I do need to examine this Potion,” the Headmaster insisted.

Reluctantly Lily handed it over. “Sir, please. I’m not lying. It’s very dangerous.”

Professor Dumbledore took the small silver flask from her. With his thumb, he flicked at the top, but then thought better of it. “Alas, I have a fearful cold at the moment and find it hard to smell anything. Tea first, I think. I own a delightful Rutaceae which I have been drinking all week. It is refreshing and certainly helps cleanse the palate.”

With a wave of his wand, Professor Dumbledore set his kettle boiling and summoned a pink china teapot with an assortment of cups from the nearby table. Offering biscuits, he sat back in his chair and waited for the kettle to whistle before making the drink.

“Mm, a most efficacious brew,” he murmured in undertone to Lily and James. “I suggest you drink every drop.”

Lily nearly spat out her first sip. The tea was bitter. Pale green in colour, she could see the dark dregs at the bottom of the cup, and wanted to refuse the rest, but remembering the Headmaster’s warning, she battled on, trying not to retch. She could see James next to her struggling with his, but he took a huge gulp.

“Revolting,” he whispered, “but if you swallow it quickly, you’ll get it over with.”

As the Headmaster cleared away the teapot, the flask, containing the potion, rolled across the table. Before James could react, Professor Fawcett stretched out his hand and grabbed it. With a triumphant cheer, he flipped off the lid, and emptied the potion into his mouth.

James closed his eyes, hoping that would protect him from the Charm, but he knew it was hopeless. If Jill Munroe were to appear in that room...

He frowned. Jill Munroe, where had he heard that name?

“Charlie’s Angels!” he declared, and in his excitement, he opened his eyes, just in time to see Professor Fawcett’s ugly face soften into one far more beautiful. The grizzled hair swung past her shoulders, no longer grey, but shining blonde falling in waves. Unable to look away, James gazed into her eyes. Sirius had said they were blue, or maybe green, but he hadn’t said anything about the shape or size or the fact that as they stared back at him, he felt his insides squirm.

Jill Munroe was undoubtedly beautiful. He could see that very clearly ... but that was it. It was like looking at an elaborately decorated trunk, appreciating the vessel, but then realising that, without its contents, it held no value to him. He turned away, staring at Lily who was looking at him with a worried expression in her eyes.

“Peganum harmala of the order Rutaceae. A most useful herb as well as being a most ancient one, don’t you agree, Fidelus?” Professor Dumbledore mused. He waved his wand almost lazily, binding the Professor with silken ropes. “Miss Evans, I believe you know the legend of Circe and Odysseus.”

Lily nodded. “She kept him and his men imprisoned on her island. Many of them lost their memories and went insane.”

“And what kept Odysseus sane?”

“Hermes gave him a herb, which he said would keep him safe from Circe’s charms.”

“Moly, otherwise known as Syrian rue, or Peganum harmala,” replied Professor Dumbledore. “As I said, it really does cleanse the palate and is the only known antidote to Circean Charms. You were quite accurate in your assessment, Miss Evans. ” He smiled at Lily then turned his attention to James. “Pray, Mr Potter, what do you mean by Charlie’s Angels?”

James gave Lily a sideways glance. She was smiling at him, and giggling slightly. “Uhm, I saw it in a Muggle magazine. It’s a television show about three beautiful girls who wear high heels and shoot people.” He stopped and then pointed at Professor Fawcett. “He’s Jill Munroe. I mean she is. That’s her from your magazine, Lily, isn’t it?”

Lily opened her eyes wide. “Of course. That explains why she didn’t want to move into my dorm. She obviously saw all the other magazines on my desk. Charlie’s Angels is this really popular programme, sir. Even my sister likes it, although she pretends she doesn’t.”

“And when Fawcett confiscated that magazine, he ... er ... she must have known I’d recognise her. That explains why she hexed me in the storeroom rather than charm me,” James said.

“Why, though?” Lily asked. She stared across at the girl in wonder. She really did have the most gorgeous hair and figure. And that smile, dazzling white teeth set in perfect pink lips. Hastily, Lily looked away.

“Have some more tea, Miss Evans,” Professor Dumbledore advised, pouring all of them another serving. “As for why. I rather think the theft of the Felix Felicis is for the nefarious purpose of gambling.”

“The Quidditch matches?” James asked. “But you can’t dope the players. They’re all tested beforehand.”

“There is nothing to stop a gambler taking the potion before he places a bet, though, Mr Potter, “ explained Professor Dumbledore. “Of course, it isn’t foolproof, but it obviously worked well enough the last time for the professor to risk it again. And if you take it for a few days before the game, there’s no telling the information you might pick up.”

“But why go to the bother of creating Jill Munroe?”

“Professor Slughorn tells me that he has shown a few pupils how to unlock the storeroom. In the normal run of things, they are the pupils he has taught for years “ ones that he trusts implicitly “ such as yourself,” He peered down his nose at Lily, who flushed a pretty shade of pink, “and Miss Loveday of Ravenclaw. I understand Miss Munroe is currently sharing their dormitory.” He paused and smiled at the pair of them. “Besides, I think the professor rather liked his new persona. Having even the famed Sirius Black lose their head over you must be very flattering.”


Later that day, when Professor Fawcett had been escorted off the premises and Professor Dumbledore was heard to say that it was certainly the earliest they had lost a Defence teacher, James and Lily took a long leisurely walk hand-in-hand around the school.

They didn’t care who saw them. After the events of the past two days, Lily had decided that now was the time to make it official.

“Don’t know if you’ve noticed,” James murmured as they approached the Gryffindor common room, “but no one is paying us any attention. It’s as if they already know.”

“We haven’t braved our friends yet,” she replied, pausing as they waited in front of the portrait door. The Fat Lady wasn’t there, but as neither were in a hurry, James pulled Lily behind the tapestry for a quick kiss.

“Oi!” they heard Sirius say. “You get your own alcove. This one’s taken.”

James smirked. Sirius had his arms full with a very familiar looking blonde. “Martha, how lovely to see you. Now perhaps he’ll stop moping over American Exchange students.”

The looks on both Sirius’ and Martha’s faces were identical mirrors of confusion.

“Prongs,” said Sirius, pushing him away, “what are you going on about? Exchange students at Hogwarts. That’s just bloody ridiculous.”
End Notes:
Ah, such a silly story. Hope you had as much fun as me. I loved Charlie's Angels, but I'm not sure many of you would have got the references. The late Farrah Fawcett-Majors played Jill Munroe and she was very beautiful.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=88959