Living With What's Done by Hermione_Rocks
Summary: Ever since HBP and the famous interview with Jo conducted by Emerson and Melissa, there have been thousands of ideas and fics about Severus Snape and Lily Evans having some sort of romance. But Lily wasn't the only female in Snape's life...nor is the only type of love the romantic kind.

This is the story of someone else who has a connection with Severus, and how they have been, and still are, affected by him: Selena Snape, his sister.

"But I did...and I'm living with it. Because that's what we with what we've done, live with our mistakes, the life we've made for ourselves."
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes Word count: 34079 Read: 37229 Published: 06/17/06 Updated: 01/16/07
What to Believe by Hermione_Rocks

"Oh my gosh," Selena breathed, staring at Apollo in disbelief. "He wrote back?"

Apollo cocked his head and studied her with wide yellow eyes. Fingers trembling, Selena reached out and took the parchment, unrolling it slowly.

I am the same person I always was. Who else would I be?

Selena blinked down at the paper several times. Then she called her brother a very crude name aloud, crumpling the paper in her fist. She looked at Apollo, who looked back with mild interest. She glanced back down at the letter, laid it on the kitchen table, and smoothed it out, re-reading it over and over. Then she said the rude name again, and stood up in a huff.

"Fine. I don’t care," she announced to no one. "I don’t give a damn about this bloody ‘contest’ – I lose! I forfeit! This is pointless, you jack – " She stopped. Who am I talking to? she wondered. Why has Severus driven me to this madness?

"Ohhh!" she groaned, slapping the letter flat on the table with her palm. "My brother is the limit!"

And on that unpleasant note, Selena Apparated to work.


"Julie, your husband is here to see you," Selena said, poking her head inside Julie’s ward and ushering her spouse inside. Selena then continued down the halls into the staff room to take her break.

It had been two years since she had seen Severus. The pain had gradually faded away, but the scar was still etched into her heart. But she ignored it. She tried to convince herself over and over that she could have a life without him. But it was difficult to have this life, knowing how much Severus had failed in his. How much she had failed in his.

While she had been having that silent battle, she had also been waging another war: the fact that she had not turned Severus in last time she’d had a run-in deeply disturbed her. You’re weak, she had thought repeatedly ever since. Weak…weak…weak.... So perturbed by this, she had vowed to herself that if any situation ever arose where she could have another chance at capturing, sentencing, or killing a Death Eater – any Death Eater – she would do it. But she tried to put both the issues behind her as best she could, and went on with her life. She was doing pretty nicely, too. Selena was doing very well in her job considering she had only started less than two years ago, had managed not to hear from her parents since she had moved out, and still had one of the greatest friends anyone could ask for. Yes, life for nineteen year old Selena Eileen Snape could not get much better.

Too bad scars were permanent. Then things would be close to perfection.

Melissa was sitting on one of the squishy armchairs in the staff room, sipping a butterbeer, along with several other staff members. "Hey Selena."

"Hi," said Selena, sitting down across from her.

"How’re you doing?"

"Isn’t that what I should be asking you?" Selena asked, glancing down at her friend’s large stomach.

Melissa grinned. "I’m fine. Really." Her smile faded. "I’m really worried about Paul Ryson though, his bites are getting worse, I don’t know what’s going wrong – "

A burst of fire in mid-air, right between Melissa and Selena, cut her off. Everyone in the room let out loud gasps. The fire slowly vanished and in it’s place, drifting towards the floor, was a scrap of parchment and a single red-golden feather.

"A phoenix feather," said Selena quietly, as she and her fellow co-workers stared at the two objects. "But what…?" She lifted her eyes to meet Melissa’s, then the ones surrounding her. "Does anyone here own a phoenix?"

She was not surprised by the many shaking heads; phoenixes were not a common bird. Selena uncertainly reached out and took the feather and parchment, when no one else moved to grab them.

"‘Selena Snape," she read aloud, twirling the feather absently in her other hand. "Please come to see me as soon as you get this note. I have urgent business I need to discuss with you, and there is someone with me who I think you would like to see. Yours sincerely, Albus Dumbledore.’ Dumbledore?" Selena said incredulously, looking around at all her co-workers, who had now formed in a small circle around her. "What’s Dumbledore want with me?"

She received a variety of shrugs and clueless looks from her colleagues.

"Well, I better get going, I suppose," said Selena, standing up. "He wants me there as soon as possible. Tell Horps I had to leave urgently, if he asks; he can dock my pay if he wants," she added with a eye roll.

"Sure," said Melissa.

Selena Apparated into Hogsmeade, where she then entered Hogwarts grounds. She went through the enormous doors apprehensively. It was strange being back at Hogwarts. She hadn’t been there in two years.

She nervously walked through the halls towards Dumbledore’s office, trying to remember the way there. Having not been much of a trouble maker, she had never actually been to Dumbledore’s office herself, but she had thought perhaps she would remember something of the location. No such luck. She was getting completely lost, and as she turned the corner she bumped into someone, dropping all her papers that she’d been holding. She had brought her paperwork from St. Mungo’s in the hopes that the meeting with Dumbledore would be short and she could then go right back to work. Of course, now she could see this was a very stupid idea, as now she would have to pick everything up if she kept not looking where she was going.

"Sorry!" said Selena quickly, not bothering to look at who she’d ran into. She stooped down and began picking up her things. "Um, you wouldn’t be able to tell me where Dumbledore’s office is, would you?"

"Down this hall, when you reach the stone gargoyle say ‘Acid Pop’," the person said, sounding amused. The voice was strangely familiar. But it couldn’t –

"Okay, thanks," said Selena. She picked up the last sheet of paper and stood, about to thank the man properly. Instead, she dropped her papers again and hastily pulled out her wand.

"It’s alright," said the man lazily. "Everyone knows I’m here, so don’t go making a fool of yourself."

"What are you doing here?" Selena demanded. "How’d you get in?"

"I came to apply for a job," said the man calmly. "And I was successful, too. Would you mind lowering your wand? It’s rather unnerving to think I’m going to be attacked any minute."

"You’d deserve it," Selena snarled. "And don’t lie, they wouldn’t hire you for a job. Anyway, you already have one."

"People can have two jobs," the man said, his eyes glittering. "You’d better go along if you’re here to see the Headmaster, Selena. You don’t want to keep him waiting."

"I think I have a pretty good excuse to keep him waiting, don’t you?" said Selena. "Capturing a Death Eater seems like a fair reason for being late."

"I told you, it’s no secret that I’m here."

Just then, Minerva McGonagall turned the corner, stopping at the sight before her.

"What’s going on here?" she asked, her eyes diving back and forth between Selena, who still had her wand threateningly in front of her, and the man standing there, looking like he was enjoying some private joke.

"I’ve just found this person wandering the halls," said Selena angrily. "Perhaps we should inform Azkaban they’ll be expecting another prisoner?"

"What are you talking about?" said McGonagall, looking from one young person to the other. Then something changed in her face. "Oh – have you seen Albus yet, Selena?"

"I was on my way," said Selena, eyeing the man contemptuously.

"Well, you’ll be pleased to know that everything’s been sorted out," said McGonagall calmly.

"Sorted…out?" Selena repeated stupidly.

"Yes, Severus has just been hired for the Potions position."

She’s lost it, Selena thought. She looked at Severus, but his face had that maddening blank look about it. She then looked back at McGonagall, who gave her a small smile.

"I’m afraid I don’t understand," said Selena, nearly laughing with the absurdity of the situation. Had she been very young she would have pinched herself to see if she was dreaming. "You’ve – hired him?"

"Why don’t you just go see Albus, Selena," said McGonagall kindly. "He can tell you everything. Severus, did you find your classroom?"


"I’ll take you to your sleeping quarters then," said McGonagall. The two turned and walked on, Selena gaping after them. After a moment she went on to Dumbledore’s office.

"Hello, Selena!" a voice boomed at her. It was Slughorn, walking down the hall with his trunk mid-air in front of him.

"Sir!" Selena gasped. "You’re not – leaving, are you?"

"As a matter of fact I am," said Slughorn, coming closer to stop and chat. "I announced I was retiring a while back, but we couldn’t seem to find someone until today. Of course, you’ll be knowing who that person is."

"Severus," Selena said numbly.

"He’ll make a fine Potions teacher," said Slughorn gallantly. "Always was one of the best in his year. I always knew he’d make something of himself."

They’ve all lost it, Selena thought. She gave Slughorn a very stiff smile. He didn’t seem to notice, though.

"Well, take care, Selena!" he said loudly, and made his way onward. Frowning, Selena reached the stone gargoyle and said "Acid Pop", as she had been instructed. The gargoyles leapt aside, to her mild surprise (she had thought perhaps Severus would want to play some sort of joke on her), and she went up the staircase, knocking as she reached the door.

"Come in!" Dumbledore called pleasantly. Selena opened it. Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, surveying her between his half-moon spectacles, a smile on his face. She sat down opposite him.

"How are you doing, Selena?" he asked.

She stared at him for a moment, wondering how someone whom was thought to be so wise could ask such a stupid question. "Oh, I’m fine," said Selena, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "My brother’s here, your staff’s aware and even seem to be happy, sorry, ecstatic about it, and now you’re probably going to tell me some bull that Severus fed you to get back in on our side." She smiled bitterly. "Yes, I doing quite well, thanks."

Dumbledore just gazed at her silently, a bemused twinkle in his eyes. Realizing how rude she’d been, Selena flushed and bowed her head.

"I’m sorry," she mumbled. "But so far things here haven’t gone so well."

"It’s quite alright, no need to apologize," said Dumbledore easily. "I did not expect things to run smoothly upon your arrival. So, you’ve already seen Severus?"

"Yes," said Selena, looking back at him quickly. "And I don’t know what he’s told you, but he’s a Death Eater, you can just look at his arm, and letting him into this school is a very bad idea because obviously – "

Dumbledore held up a hand; Selena bit her tongue to stop herself from going on.

"Severus did not deny being in service to Voldemort," said Dumbledore; Selena winced at the name. "In fact, he stated that he was without any prompt from me whatsoever. He deeply regrets the choices he made when he was younger, and came to me to ask me for a chance to redeem himself."

"Redeem himself?" Selena cried. "He – "

Dumbledore’s hand went up again, and Selena quieted.

"He has agreed to take on the extremely dangerous role of spy," Dumbledore went on. "He will pretend to spy on me for Voldemort, while actually merely hiding under a incognito.

"You are probably wondering why I have called you here," Dumbledore went on in a slightly louder voice, as Selena had been on the verge of interrupting again. "You are one of the few, if not the only person who cares for Severus at this point in time."

"I do not care – " Selena started.

"It is not something to be ashamed of, Selena," said Dumbledore quietly. "Love is something that cannot easily be forgotten. The two of you have shared most of your young lives together, and are – "

"I don’t care about him!" Selena shouted. "I don’t give a damn about how he’s doing or where he is or what he’s up to, I just want him out of my life!"

"Selena," said Dumbledore gently. "I can see that, like your brother, you have mastered the skill of Occlumency. But sometimes, I don’t need to probe one’s mind to figure out the truth."

Selena cringed inwardly at these words, but held her tongue. Dumbledore was obviously not going to listen to her. Fine, she thought sullenly, glowering at him. He’s just a foolish old man anyway.

"Now," said Dumbledore in a pleasant voice, as though he were not being glared at vehemently by his former pupil. "That brings us back to why you’re here. Now, more than ever, Severus needs the support of those who care for him, and I’m fairly certain that has not been the case for the past few years. I called for you today because I think that both of you need to accept the other into each other’s lives again."

The idea of ‘holding her tongue’ left her head; this was just too much. "Why do you trust him?" Selena demanded. "Just like that? Severus has one conversation with you and you think he’s perfectly alright. Is it that easy to gain trust?"

"What Severus has told me today is between us," said Dumbledore calmly. "If he wishes to share the details with you, he may do so. But because he trusts me – " he looked at her pointedly " – I will not share more information than needed. Severus Snape is indeed now on our side."

This was ridiculous. Did he really expect her to just suddenly trust her brother again, just like that? It was, of course, what she would have loved to believe…but it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be.

"Severus is very skilled at Occlumency, like you have stated," said Selena. "He’s been practicing it since we were at Hogwarts. How can you tell if he’s lying to you?"

"What happened this afternoon between Severus and I is going to remain confidential unless he says otherwise," Dumbledore said mildly. "But do consider: if I trust him, there must be good reason. The rest of the staff seems to think so, at least."

"Well, he’s got one of you fooled," Selena pointed out promptly. "If You-Know-Who still thinks he’s on his side, and you think he’s on our side, he’s lying to one of you. How can you tell who’s the one being tricked?"

"I trust Severus," Dumbledore proclaimed firmly. "And if I do, then that should be enough for everyone."

Selena gazed at Dumbledore, completely perplexed. She wanted to believe Severus had changed, she really did…but she didn’t want to get her hopes up and then have them come crashing down again.

"You…really trust him," said Selena, fidgeting with the hem of her robe.

"Yes," said Dumbledore, without a bit of hesitation in his voice, and then he repeated, "I trust Severus." He paused, and looked her straight in the eye. "Now the question is, can you?"

This story archived at