Harry Potter and the Next Great Battle by pokecharm
Summary: After fighting the biggest battle of his life, Harry Potter finds himself in new, uncharted territory. Beginning a week after the final battle at Hogwarts, Harry finds himself with many choices before him. He spent the summer trying to sort out his future with Ginny and the Ministry, but now must find a way to balance both. Ginny has left for Hogwarts to complete her final year, with Hermione, and Harry is starting work as a full-fledged Auror. They both must find a way to make their long-distance relationship work. Ginny hopes to find peace at school and Harry hopes to build his life around the expectation that Ginny will be with him forever. Despite all of this, there is more to the work that Harry is doing with the Ministry then he realises. Will Gaunt prove trustworthy in these new endeavours? Will Ginny and Hermione have a horror-free year at Hogwarts?
Categories: Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 52 Completed: No Word count: 165906 Read: 450555 Published: 11/15/07 Updated: 09/13/10

1. Chapter 1 - Back to the Beginning by pokecharm

2. Chapter 2 - Happy Reunions by pokecharm

3. Chapter 3 - A Conduit of Worlds by pokecharm

4. Chapter 4 - The Storm by pokecharm

5. Chapter 5 - Concerning Revelations by pokecharm

6. Chapter 6 - Chivalry Isn't Dead by pokecharm

7. Chapter 7 - Talking Things Out by pokecharm

8. Chapter 8 - Happy Musings by pokecharm

9. Chapter 9 - Strained Silence by pokecharm

10. Chapter 10 - Revelations and Conclusions by pokecharm

11. Chapter 11 - Curiosities Abound by pokecharm

12. Chapter 12 - Suspicions Around Us by pokecharm

13. Chapter 13 -Three’s a Crowd by pokecharm

14. Chapter 14 - Night Time Conversations by pokecharm

15. Chapter 15 - Thoughtful Provocations by pokecharm

16. Chapter 16 - Comings and Goings by pokecharm

17. Chapter 17 - At the Heart of Things by pokecharm

18. Chapter 18 - Birthday Surprises by pokecharm

19. Chapter 19 - The Hits Keep Coming by pokecharm

20. Chapter 20 - The Truth Will Not Set You Free by pokecharm

21. Chapter 21 - Healing Hurts by pokecharm

22. Chapter 22 - Stolen Moments by pokecharm

23. Chapter 23 - Twisted Paths Cross by pokecharm

24. Chapter 24 - Coming to Terms by pokecharm

25. Chapter 25 - A Family Affair by pokecharm

26. Chapter 26 - The Tension Mounts by pokecharm

27. Chapter 27 - Hoping for the Best, Expecting the Worst by pokecharm

28. Chapter 28 - A Fresh Start by pokecharm

29. Chapter 29 - Reconciling Two Halves by pokecharm

30. Chapter 30 - Even the Best Laid Plans by pokecharm

31. Chapter 31 - If Only Things Could Stay Simple by pokecharm

32. Chapter 32 - The Things We Do by pokecharm

33. Chapter 33 - Places to Go by pokecharm

34. Chapter 34 - Riding the Rails by pokecharm

35. Chapter 35 - Shifting Forward by pokecharm

36. Chapter 36 - Coping with Escape by pokecharm

37. Chapter 37 - Class is Back in Session by pokecharm

38. Chapter 38 - Something to Plan For by pokecharm

39. Chapter 39 - Tryouts and Tribulations by pokecharm

40. Chapter 40 - Safety is in the Eyes of the Beholder by pokecharm

41. Chapter 41 - Wishing for Something Calm by pokecharm

42. Chapter 42 - Preparing for the Inevitable by pokecharm

43. Chapter 43 - Suppressing Reality by pokecharm

44. Chapter 44 - The Memorial by pokecharm

45. Chapter 45 - After Effects by pokecharm

46. Chapter 46 - Hoping for an Easy Resolution by pokecharm

47. Chapter 47 - Meet Me Half-Way by pokecharm

48. Chapter 48 - What Shall Be, Shall Be by pokecharm

49. Chapter 49 - Pretending the Truth by pokecharm

50. Chapter 50 - Unexpected Guests by pokecharm

51. Chapter 51 - The Frustration of Truth by pokecharm

52. Chapter 52 -House Arrest by pokecharm

Chapter 1 - Back to the Beginning by pokecharm
The sunlight poured into the square, illuminating the homes along Grimmauld Place. There was a single man walking briskly across the grassy park, paying no mind to his surroundings as a loud crack announced the arrival of the master of number 12 Grimmauld Place. Harry Potter strode across the short distance between the park in front of the homes as number 12 Grimmauld Place appeared before him. He wore dark robes and carried a small rucksack that he shouldered more securely as he entered the home, his unkempt hair falling over his eyes.

‘Welcome Master Harry!’ came a squeaky elf voice as Harry entered the home. A smile spread across his face knowing that his house elf was there to help him take care of things. Grimmauld Place did not seem quite as dark, dank or dire as the last time he had been there. It felt like a lifetime had passed since he had been here plotting the downfall of Voldemort with his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The curtains across Mrs. Black’s portrait were secured; the old house elf perhaps had found a way to keep them shut.

Harry stepped further into the home, closing the door and replied, ‘Hello Kreacher “ how are things here?’

Kreacher bowed again, ‘Master Harry, everything is in order. I have prepared a meal for you after your long journey and I will draw a bath as soon as you are ready.’ The old elf looked around somewhat expectantly and added, ‘Will your friends not be joining us?’ The Black family, whom Kreacher belonged to and had inherited Harry from, was obsessed with wizards and witches being of pure blood.

The old elf stressed the word friends as he knew that Ron’s family were considered blood traitors and Hermione was what the wizarding world refers to as a Mudblood, neither parent being of the magical world.

Harry sighed and shook his head, ‘No, Kreacher, I’ll be staying here for a bit. Alone. I have some business I’d like to take care of and I may need your help with something.’

Kreacher gushed, ’Of course Master Harry. If Kreacher can be of any service you have but to tell me!’

Harry nodded and started walking up the stairs. He stopped and turned, ‘Kreacher, which room shall I use as my own?’

The house elf bustled to the foot of the stairs and said solemnly, ‘Master Harry, I have placed all of your effects from Hogwarts into Master Sirius’ room. I did not think you should stay in a smaller guest room.’

Harry nodded again, ‘Thank you Kreacher.’ He could hear the house elf muttering his thanks about having such a generous master. Harry remembered not too long ago when Kreacher’s behaviour was quite the opposite. It had been less than two years ago when Harry had first arrived at number 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius was still alive then. The pain of that loss haunted him to this day, and would likely haunt him the rest of his life. Almost three years since he’d inherited number 12 Grimmauld Place. Now that Kreacher had taken to him, the place really felt like home. More of a home than Harry had ever known. He would rather have more people here; the place seemed far too quiet and lonely for just himself and Kreacher. But both Ron and Hermione were spending some time with their respective families after everything that had transpired.

The horrors of the last year were still fresh in Harry’s mind. He never believed coming back from the dead could be so liberating, but being free of Lord Voldemort was everything he had hoped for. The only thing lacking now was company.

He would have liked to spend the time with the Weasleys, but he thought it better to allow them to mourn on their own. He missed them nonetheless, and none more than Ginny, the youngest Weasley. Although Ron was his best friend and had been with him through many of his hardest times, he had a growing affection for Ginny that had yet to abate. More than a year ago he would have called himself her boyfriend. But after Dumbledore, the late headmaster of Hogwarts, had passed on and Harry had embarked on his perilous mission, he did not want to risk someone he cared about so deeply. He knew if Lord Voldemort had ever seen into his mind; seen his love for Ginny, she would have been in the greatest of peril.

He had seen her briefly over his last week at Hogwarts. But with all the confusion of families coming together and his not really having a family, yet being something of a celebrity, he had not had a chance to talk to her extensively. He still remembered catching her for a few minutes in the Gryffindor common room. She was sitting quietly by herself, in the corner of the room looking at a picture of herself and her late brother Fred. He had felt uncomfortable speaking to her, knowing it was partially his fault that her brother’s death had occurred, more than anything, the fact that he had caused her such grief.

The common room had been relatively empty. He had walked up to her and sat on the arm of the over-stuffed chair and laid a tentative hand over hers. She had looked up suddenly, as if she hadn’t realised he was there and then smiled. He knew his own smile of comfort was there for her. He had wanted to say something, anything, but words failed him. He only leaned in closer and gave her an awkward hug, which she returned, sitting up slightly to gain the warmth from him.

He wasn’t certain how it had happened; as they embraced he pulled her closer still, his arms tightening around her. As she leaned forward, to balance herself, he managed to pull them both back into the chair, she sitting on his lap with her head on his shoulder, the picture of she and Fred still clutched in her hand. Fred appeared to be waving back at them and winking a bit at Harry. Harry shut his eyes and felt the urge to pull her closer still, but before he could he saw her drop the picture and felt her hands gently framing his face and pulling him into a very soft kiss. It was that comfort that made him forget many of the horrors of the previous months. This was what he had needed, what he could get from no one else “ the love and affection of someone he had decided to give his own heart to.

He ran his hands down her back to rest around her hips as her hands weaved their way through his hair, her thumb softly rubbing his scar as if to erase the pain that it had caused. He felt a rush of emotions burning through him, and her lips were diffusing all the pain and worry, as if there was no-one else but them in the world.

A loud voice called out through the portrait hole, ‘Ginny!! I don’t know the password “ let me in!’ The voice belonged to Ron, Ginny’s older brother.

Harry didn’t want to relinquish his grasp on something so peaceful and perfect, but Ginny pulled away from him, Harry kissing her softly on the cheek and neck pulling her back into his embrace. She smiled and laughed slightly, ‘Harry, we’ll have to let him in…’ But she did not fight to pull herself away again, falling back into his warm embrace; his lips travelling slowly back up her neck to her cheek and lips. She ran her hands down his chest then firmly pushed him back, breaking their kiss again. She looked into his eyes as he stared, rapt at how she had changed after knowing her since he started attending Hogwarts.

She started to say something as they both overheard a conversation going on outside the portrait. ‘Ron “ do you still not know the password? Really.’ The tone of exasperation came from none other than Hermione.

Harry’s recollection of the pleasant memory ended there, as Ron and Ginny left that afternoon and Hermione not long after. Harry had wanted to talk to Ginny, talk to her about what had happened, but he’d never had the chance. He would have to inquire after Kreacher about getting another owl, as he had lost his own, Hedwig.

As he made his way up the flights of stairs to his godfather’s old room Harry realised how much light was pouring into the house and how clean and orderly it was. He was almost afraid to praise Kreacher further; the house elf looked like he was fit to bursting as it was.

Harry opened the door of his godfather’s room and it was much as he had remembered it. The furniture was left in the same places, but new linens had been spread across the bed and the curtains around the windows were pulled back, the windows were open, letting fresh air come in. Sirius had been a Gryffindor also; the room had burgundy and gold around it, much like the Gryffindor common room. He crossed the room to the bed, dropping his rucksack and moving towards the desk. A pile of letters was stacked there, a few garnering immediate attention. He opened a larger envelope and discovered a picture of his godson, Teddy Lupin, giggling up at him and a note from Teddy’s grandmother saying both were well and safe and that he should come visit. He placed the picture on the desk, thinking he needed to ask Kreacher if there were any frames around the house.

There were also a few letters from the Ministry of Magic. One he recognised from the acting Minster of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. He opened that one quickly to read a brief note from the new Minister:


We at the Ministry of Magic would like to thank you for all of your help with the recent goings-on with the late Lord Voldemort. A brief interview at the Ministry of Magic at your earliest convenience would be greatly appreciated.

Yours respectfully,

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Harry re-read the letter wondering why it should be so vague “ he wouldn’t be in any kind of trouble, magically speaking? He would have to send an owl to Mr. Weasley to confirm, but he couldn’t imagine anything that he had done would cause a stir. He had saved the world by destroying Lord Voldemort “ surely no one could be upset about that!

Harry looked around the room, seeing many of the things his godfather had left behind. The picture of his parents and their friends was still on the wall, everyone waving at him. He missed them terribly. He didn’t like not having any family. In a way, this was worse than being with the Durseleys. At least there he had some limited human interaction, however laboured. He wondered what had become of them. They had left quickly the previous year, and for their own protection he didn’t know where they had been relocated.

He headed back downstairs after a few minutes of unpacking. He really did not have a lot of things. Despite having travelled far and wide the last year, he only had what he had taken, perhaps less than that. He had left many things back in his trunk unsure how long he’d want to stay at Grimmauld Place alone.

Descending the stairs he realised he may have to exercise some patience and stay here in London until things had settled down more. There was a fragrant smell emanating from the kitchen. Kreacher had made a rich beef stew and baked fresh bread. He bustled forward as Harry entered, ‘Is everything in order?’

Harry nodded as Kreacher laid a napkin out, ‘Kreacher, are there any letters from Ron or Hermione?’

The old elf shook his head, ‘I have seen no letters from those two friends. But Mr. Weasley sent you an owl that arrived just yesterday.’

Harry thanked Kreacher and began to scan the headlines of the Daily Prophet. The newspaper had taken a complete turn in reporting, no longer being under the thumb of either Lord Voldemort nor his faithful Death Eaters. News about the triumph at Hogwarts was across every page. He saw a picture of himself staring back at him over a column entitled, ‘The Boy Who Lived “ Again!’

The article re-told what he already knew, adding no details he had not known about nor modifying the story for the readers’ benefit. His eyes started to glaze over, he didn’t really want to re-live the moments. He’d been going over them in his mind for days and days. He quickly finished his supper and headed back upstairs to wash up and tend to the stack of letters in his room.

There were many letters that were from what Harry could only describe as ‘fans.’ He was expecting a note from Rita Skeeter any day now and dreaded having to avoid her. He had read her book about Dumbledore and did not want her to have the chance to paint him in such a grainy light. Harry quickly opened the letter from Mr. Weasley up.


We would love to have you come stay with us this summer! I know you have yet to decide on your plans for next year, but a summer without a visit to the Burrow can not be allowed “ you must join us as soon as you have sorted out all your effects!


Arthur Weasley

Harry felt a rush of relief come over him. He had been worried that he would not be welcomed with open arms back to the Burrow. Even though the loss of Fred was not his fault, he still felt responsible for the outcome. All the funerals had taken place, but that did not, in Harry’s mind absolve him of guilt for his part in the losses. He knew he would have to deal with the Ministry before taking a holiday, but what Mr. Weasley had said was true, he had not decided what he wanted to do in the future.

Harry went to bed thinking over how quickly he should report to the Ministry and decided he would not be able to inquire more after Mr. Weasley and should trust that Kingsley would not do him a disservice now. Despite having defeated the Dark Lord, he still had restless nights.
Chapter 2 - Happy Reunions by pokecharm
Harry woke up relatively late the next morning. He had a busy day ahead of him. He decided he would go to the Ministry of Magic that day, now was just as good a time as any to discover if he had managed to get into any more trouble. He realised that although he was of age, he still had a lot to learn before becoming a full-fledged wizard.

Kreacher had a hot breakfast waiting for him. Harry ate quickly and left shortly thereafter, telling Kreacher he’d be home that evening.

He headed out the door and waited for fewer passer-bys to leave before apparating to downtown London. The Ministry of Magic was located near the centre of London. Harry headed for the phone booth around the corner that he and Mr. Weasley had used previously. Once inside, he was lowered into the main building and recognised by every wizard and witch as he stepped out. He had the distinct feeling he should have worn nicer robes.

He headed towards the security desk and was greeted warmly and directed to the Acting Minister’s offices. Ascending an elevator Harry, was happy to see the familiar visage of Kingsley Shackelbolt. He smiled broadly, ‘Welcome Harry “ so wonderful to see you again!’ His voice boomed across the entranceway. Harry shook his hand and was guided into his office where a few Ministry officials were milling around. They greeted him and left shortly thereafter, far too quickly for Harry to remember all their names and faces.

Harry had never been in the previous Minister of Magic’s office and was surprised to see how sparsely furnished it was. The furniture had an antique feel to them, but there were many items doing work on their own; a quill and parchment feverishly writing and a pair of books seemingly consulting a third book. Harry was astounded by all the spells Kingsley was using, and though he wanted to ask, he waited patiently for Kingsley to speak.

Kingsley motioned to the chair across from his desk and Harry sat down. He smiled warmly at Harry, ‘Is there anything I can get you?’

Harry shook his head, speaking quietly, ‘What did you need to see me about?’

He hoped his tone was appropriate, but Kingsley chuckled, ‘You have nothing to be concerned with. I have asked you here to talk to you about your future plans. I know you had wanted to be an Auror, having spoken with Professor McGonagall, but having foregone your last year at Hogwarts, you are not, necessarily, ready to take your NEWT’s. Those are, of course, required. But having seen your actions over the last few months lead to the downfall of the most villainous wizard of all time, I am sure we can make allowances for you, Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley.’

The statement took Harry by surprise. He was so used to Fudge’s and Scrimgeour’s way of running the Ministry “ false kindness and true love for bureaucracy. Harry smiled finally, realising he hadn’t said anything, ‘I have to be honest “ I hadn’t really thought about it. I very much would like to be an Auror, but I’m not sure I want to jump into things immediately.’

Kingsley shook his head, ‘No, no, of course you want to relax a bit “ but perhaps, this fall, instead of reporting to Hogwarts, you can come join us? Just something to think about,’ he added.

Harry nodded. He realised what a blessing this was; not having to worry about the NEWTs and be given a job at the Ministry of Magic. He smiled politely, ‘Is there anything I can do for you, Kingsley?’

Kingsley shook his head, ‘Harry, you have done more for the wizarding world over the last few years than anybody could ask for. You deserve some peace and quiet. But once you’ve gotten tired of that,’ he rose and crossed the room. Harry followed suit and got up, heading for the door. ‘Please come look us up “ the Ministry is a great place to work and we could really use some one like you.’

Kingsley shook his hand vigorously and saw him back to the elevators, keeping the people around at bay. ‘Come and visit me again sometime Harry! And do let me know what you’ve decided.’ He said the last part more quietly as they parted.

Harry was beyond relieved as he emerged from the Ministry of Magic. He was sure he would have heard some reproach for his behaviour, but none was to be found in Kingsley’s manner or voice. He was genuinely happy for Harry and wanted him to join the Ministry of Magic.

After emerging from the Ministry of Magic, Harry found himself walking towards Diagon Alley. He had lost so many things in his travels “ he could use newer robes, an owl, even a broomstick. Though if he weren’t at school he wasn’t sure what he’d need the latter for. But not having a broom seemed like a strange situation. He still couldn’t believe how many things he’d lost over the last year, but he had gained quite a few as well.

His thoughts flowed back to those last few minutes he’d been able to spend with Ginny. He didn’t want to go back to the Burrow empty handed. He had missed her birthday entirely, and not the first time. He wanted to give her something special, something that would help them re-establish the closeness they once had.

He stopped at a storefront; had they ever really been that close? Had he ever actually told her how he felt? His eyes strayed over to a curio shop, flowing across the window display. He’d never noticed the shop before, but something in the window had caught his eye. It was a simple necklace, but the locket that hung from the simple, gold chain was stunning. It resembled a coat of arms, but was much smaller in size, so the exact design could not be discerned from a distance. As Harry admired it, he noticed a companion piece that matched in design, but was clearly a man’s ring. He wondered why a designer would make a matching locket and ring and pushed open the shop door.

The shop was rather busy and Harry’s entrance had gone relatively un-noticed. A witch, who clearly worked at the shop. bustled forward, ‘I see something in my shop window has caught your eye, Mr. Potter.’

He nodded, unfazed by being recognised and pointed to the window, ‘There’s a locket with a matching ring in the window, I was just wondering “ ‘

The shopkeeper broke in before he finished, ‘It is the locket and ring of Boeotia, the name originating from the island that is rumoured to have been visited by the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. It is said that should one half of this pair be gifted from one lover to the other, the two have a bond that can be communicated through. And can only be broken by the one who gave the gift.’ Her tone was airy, but her eyes were focused on him.

Harry looked sceptically at her, ‘It is only a myth, then?’

‘Mr. Potter “ all truth is born from some tales or stories. I do not, so lightly, disregard such stories as mere child’s play,’ she had taken the locket and ring out of the window and placed them on a table where she sat down across a standing Harry.

He continued his gaze, alternating from her back to the locket. ‘Like many magical artifacts, it is often said that these items choose their owners. You stopped for a reason, Mr. Potter.’

Harry looked at her again, not really believing but knowing he felt a strong sensation emanating from the two. He reached his hand out towards the ring and locket and felt a surge of energy. He looked up at her, his eyes wide and confused, and she said, ‘I believe the choice has been made. Shall I wrap them up for you?’

He looked at her dumbfounded, not remembering why he had even entered the shop, but his gaze followed the two items closely as she wrapped them up and handed him the bag. He paid for the items and found himself outside the shop.

Harry made his way through Diagon Alley. Children littered the streets; some bustling in and out of a particular joke shop Harry recognised immediately, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The place still seemed to be quite busy. Harry was surprised to see the place open and quickly stowed his package beneath his robes as he went into the joke shop.

Any and all manner of items of fun and merriment could be found in this joke shop. Fred and George had been able to turn their hobby into a money-making machine. Harry wondered if George were there running the shop but quickly noticed the non-red-headed wizard sitting behind the counter helping youngsters spend their money on any number of items. Harry meandered around the less busy sections of the store, not really certain why he stayed, seeing that none of the Weasleys were there. Harry looked sadly at all of the items around the shop, how many hours had Fred and George spent perfecting their wares? And now poor Fred, thanks in part to Harry, would never again see the fruits of his labour. The queue by the counter was not getting any shorter and as Harry was about to turn and leave he saw a flash of red hair from the back room that appeared and disappeared.

He started, and then walked over, not paying any mind to the attendant behind the counter who hadn’t noticed him either, and pushed his way past the curtain. A very familiar sight met him as he entered; Ginny was tottering on a ladder, reaching for a box or case of some new product. Her red hair was cascading around her shoulders. She was wearing a black sweater and simple skirt, similar to the ones worn at Hogwarts. Her form was perfectly captured by her obvious stretching. She hadn’t noticed Harry enter nor approach. He stood for a few seconds; admiring her appearance, then realising her predicament went forward quickly as she slipped down the last few steps of the ladder, losing her grip on the box and the ladder.

Harry grabbed the ladder and placed his free hand on the small of her back to stop her fall. She jumped a little and turned quickly, startled by his presence, ‘Harry!’

He smiled back at her, ‘Are you all right?’

She shook her head, her hair falling away from her face, laughing, ‘I just lost my balance a little, I’m fine. What are you doing here?’

She sounded breathless as she spoke, distracted by something other than Harry. He looked at her for a second, his hands resting on either side of the ladder, encircling her, his voice low, ‘I just came to Diagon Alley to look around. Its been a while since…well, you know. And I was growing a little tired of Kreacher’s company.’

Ginny smiled up at him but didn’t try to get past him. She looked blankly at him for a few seconds and he stepped back, ‘Do you want me to pull that box down?’

She nodded silently, clearly thinking of something but not saying it. He scaled the ladder quickly and pulled the box down with ease, setting it on a lower shelf and looking at Ginny. Her eyes seemed glazed over and he reached out placing both hands on her shoulders, ‘Ginny, why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be at home?’

Ginny looked away from him, she didn’t answer him, but tried to walk past him, her eyes welling up with tears. He quickly reached out and grabbed her arm, gently pulling her back towards him. He asked, ‘What’s wrong?’

He was fairly certain he knew the answer, his arms wrapped around her but she pushed him away, ‘Harry, I promised George I would keep an eye on things for him so I have to get back to work.’ She wiped her eyes and turned away from him, trying to create some distance between them.

He didn’t let her get far, again reaching out and although she tried to break free from his grasp she couldn’t. Harry wrapped his arms around her and whispered softly, ‘I am so sorry, Ginny.’

She tried to push him away again, but he wouldn’t let her break their embrace. He knew she needed him, as he had needed her many times before. She struggled still and finally stopped, Harry could hear her heavy breathing. Ginny was fighting hard not to cry and it broke Harry’s heart to see her try to be so strong for him.

Ginny finally relented, ‘It isn’t your fault.’ Her voice broken and ragged, Harry could feel the hot tears coming down her face as he turned her face towards his. He leaned down and kissed her softly, wiping the tears off of her face.

She shook her head and pulled away, ‘This isn’t right.’

He didn’t stop her as she pushed him away and reached for the box. He stopped her here, lifting the box and looking at her with great concern. She gestured to the front of the store and he walked forward, stopping to look at her again, but she had already turned away, walking further into the back room.

Harry quickly placed the box behind the counter as the startled attendant asked how he had gotten past him. Harry indicated he was with Ginny and walked into the back room.

Ginny was not too far back and Harry quickly crossed the room, tentatively placing his hands on her shoulders and pulling her towards him. She dragged her feet a little, but as he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder she eased back into his embrace. ‘Tell me what to do and I’ll do it,’ he said.

Ginny shook her head and stood their silently, taking in his warmth. She still said nothing and Harry didn’t dare push. He couldn’t imagine what she was going through and could only think to be there for her in whatever capacity he could. He could feel her breathing become rapid as she tried desperately not to cry. He loosened his grip around her and turned her to face him, her eyes red, she turned away from him, not wanting to look him in the face.

In all her sorrow, he saw only more beauty and pulled her closer, lifting her face to his, ‘You are amazing.’ But she laughed at him a little and turned away, her normally smiling face replaced with a distraught frown.

Harry was beyond confused now. He stepped back as she pulled away again. He finally spoke, breaking the silence, ‘Ginny, don’t do this to me “ please, don’t shut me out. I know we have a lot to talk through, figure out, but I can’t do it without you.’

His pleading voice must have gotten her attention; she turned slowly, but didn’t speak, her hands hanging loosely at her sides. He approached her cautiously and took one of her hands in his, kissing the back of her hand softly and waiting for her to say something.

Ginny stood there quietly, silently crying. Harry lead her by the hand to a stool in the back corner of the room, pulling her onto it as he stood behind her, his hand caressing her back as she rigidly leaned towards his body. He wasn’t used to her crying, she wasn’t that sort of girl, having all brothers, but the shock of the last week would have had some effect.

He tried to pull her closer, but her body remained rigid, her muscles strangely tensed. He began to slowly massage the back of her head, knowing that there was little else he knew to do. Her breathing finally started to slow, no longer gasping for air between sobs, her body relaxing against his.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said quietly, ‘I know I shouldn’t still be so…’ her voice trailing off at the end of the unfinished sentence.

Harry shook his head and pulled her closer, ‘There is nothing for you to be sorry about Ginny “ I am the one that should be sorry. I just didn’t want to intrude on your family time.’

She pushed him away roughly, looking at him, ‘You can’t be serious.’ Her face was tear-streaked, but her eyes had the same ferocity that he knew well. ‘That is your excuse; you don’t think you’re family enough?’

Harry smiled a little, happy to see an emotion other than sorrow, ‘I’m not family Ginny “ even if your parents have treated me like family, even if I expect to be part of the family, I’m still partially responsible for the…deaths that happened.’

Ginny look at him more sternly, ‘You’re really full of it sometimes, you know that?’ She squeezed one of his hands reassuringly, “Expect to be part of the family’ that was very sly of you Harry.’ She kissed him softly and got up from the stool. ‘I didn’t realise that was an intention of yours.’

Her eyes held no secrets here; Harry knew the damage control he’d have to perform would not be small. Sighing he replied, ‘I know that I may not have ever told you how I felt, but I do care deeply for you. I’ve just been a little confused about things, so I thought it would be better to stay away, rather than suffocate you. I really did this because I thought that was what you wanted.’

She didn’t seem to be accepting this either and turned away from him, ‘There is a lot of work that needs to be taken care of Harry, so…?’

She left the sentence unfinished and he looked at her for a second before crossing the short distance between them, grabbing her and pulling her towards him, kissing her passionately. Her hands gently pushed on his chest, but he didn’t relinquish his hold on her, knowing that this was what he needed, what they both needed. He loosened his grip slightly and she ran her hands up his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her forehead against his to create space, both of them inhaling deeply as their kiss broke.

‘That is cheating, Harry,’ her voice broke the silence and her eyes had a playful air to them.

His hands ran up her back and his fingers swam through her hair as he slowly pulled her back towards him, leaning down and kissing her softly on the cheek and neck whispering between kisses, ‘I’m sorry Ginny. Tell me what to do to make it up to you.’

She laughed softly, ‘I don’t know that I can let you off that easily Harry “ I really could get a lot of use out of this.’ She winked at him as she pulled his face towards hers, kissing him deeply.

They slowly broke apart, neither letting go of the other. Harry leaned in, ‘Just holding you, feels, well…perfect.’

She didn’t say anything, but rested her head on his shoulder, shutting her eyes and fully relaxing in his arms. Harry didn’t know how long they stood their, he felt as though he could have been there for a lifetime, but the bustle from the store started to get louder and Ginny slowly pushed herself away from him, clearly reluctant, her hands lingering on his chest before pulling away from him entirely. His hands grasped her shoulders, squeezing them gently before letting her break their contact completely. She slowly walked away from him and stopped before walking into the store, ‘Aren’t you coming?’

He smiled softly and followed her obediently out into the main part of the store and was surprised to see the crowd had thinned, though two familiar faces welcomed him.

‘Hello Harry!’ Hermione’s voice broke through the din and she walked over to him, embracing him. ‘How are you?’

He smiled back at her and stealing a glance at Ginny, ‘I’m fine “ how are you? I thought you’d be with your parents still?’

Hermione sighed and nodded, ‘They’re back “ they were not happy, to say the least, about what I had done to make them safe. But I feel better knowing they weren’t being hunted down while we were off doing what we needed to. Their getting back to normal hasn’t been easy, I think the process could go on for some time. Once the Ministry of Magic found them and I removed the memory charms, things have slowly been coming back to them, unfortunately, they’ve been rather upset with me. So I’m spending a little less time with them and a little more time at the Burrow these days. Though I need to check in on them every so often.’

Ron nodded, ‘Yeah, its been pretty quiet there, too.’

Ron was usually more talkative, but Harry knew there was very little that needed to be said between the three of them. Ron still had the stunned look he’d carried back at Hogwarts, Harry couldn’t imagine what life had been like at the Burrow without Fred.

Almost knowingly, Ron said, ‘Mum has been asking about why you haven’t spent more time with us this summer.’

It wasn’t really a question and Harry stood their for a second, knowing his way out with Ginny would absolutely not work with Ron, ‘I just didn’t think to intrude.’

Hermione shook her head, ‘Harry, that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and over the last year, I’ve heard a lot of poorly thought out ideas from both of you.’

They all laughed, breaking what could have been a very awkward silence. Harry noticed Ginny had crossed the room and was helping some younger customers, ‘I’ll be by soon I think, I just wanted to get back to Grimmauld Place and just rest a little “ it’s been a rather long few months.’

‘Harry, we’re your friends, even if we have seen a lot of one another, you could still have let us know what was going on instead of just disappearing.’ Hermione’s tone wasn’t accusatory, but somewhat worried.

‘I know. I really should have said something “ but everyone was so caught up with their families, I just didn’t see the point hanging around.’ Harry sighed and looked at Hermione, ‘I’m sorry. I just “ it had been too much in such a short time. I wanted to think things through.’

‘I think we all needed that Harry, but some of what happened is probably best not dealt with alone. That is what friendship is all about.’ Ron had nodded approvingly as Hermione spoke and Ginny walked back towards the group.

‘She’s right Harry “ I think we all could have really helped one another. Though I am glad you did finally surface,’ she reached over and squeezed his hand before letting go.

Harry nodded. Three-against-one were odds he wasn’t going to try and fight. ‘Well, since we’re all in London, we can stop at Grimmauld Place for tea, I’m sure Kreacher might have something nice waiting for us.’

‘I’m not sure we should surprise him.’ Hermione said, her belief for house-elf equality showing.

‘Hermione, he is happy to be with me “ I’m not forcing him to be there.’ Harry sighed but didn’t get remotely frustrated. He knew how she felt about it and he had often taken for granted the way house elves were treated. ‘I try to make Kreacher as comfortable as he’ll allow “ I think he’d be thoroughly upset if I let him go!’

Hermione nodded faintly, but still had a somewhat disapproving look on her face. Ron nodded more enthusiastically, recalling Kreacher’s rather fine cooking, ‘That does sound like a nice idea. Plus, I’m curious what you may have done to change the place since last we were there.’

Hermione looked over at Ginny, ‘You’re coming with us, aren’t you?’

If Harry didn’t know better, Hermione seemed worried about Ginny staying behind. Ginny looked uneasy and Harry reached over and wrapping his arm around her shoulders, ‘Of course she is.’ He could feel her body go rigid under his arm but had a feeling she knew he’d apparate both of them should she argue.
Chapter 3 - A Conduit of Worlds by pokecharm
The four friends left the shop and headed out of Diagon Alley Apparating back to Grimmauld Place. Harry walked in front of the group, feeling Ginny lag to the back behind Hermione and Ron, who were walking arm-in-arm, as he approached the home and opened the door.

Kreacher appeared almost instantly, ‘Master Harry, you have brought guests.’ The old elf didn’t seem put off at all, nodding politely at each of them in turn.

‘I asked them to come over for tea Kreacher, is that all right?’ Harry asked.

The house elf nodded enthusiastically, ‘Of course, of course, Master Harry.’ He hurried off towards the kitchen leaving them in the foyer.

Hermione looked around, ‘It doesn’t seem to have changed a whole lot Harry, though it is much, much cleaner than the last time we were here.’

Ron nodded, ‘It was a great headquarters, though “ too bad we couldn’t have used if for longer.’

No one said anything, remembering the gruelling time spent out of doors. Ginny’s eyes were downcast as they had entered and she had not met anyone’s gaze since arriving.

Harry motioned down the hallway, ‘Perhaps we should make ourselves comfortable. I’m not sure how long it’ll take Kreacher to prepare tea.’

Hermione and Ron went forward and entered a room to the left, while Harry reached out and took Ginny’s hand in his own, ‘What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’

Harry regretted the words almost as soon as he said them, Ginny’s face turning stoic. He sighed, ‘That isn’t what I meant, I’m sorry.’ He kissed her softly on the cheek and lead her down the hallway, feeling her hand clasp his more tightly as they walked.

As they entered the room, Hermione and Ron were sitting comfortably in a sofa, Hermione leaning on Ron. Harry smiled looking at them, ‘Its still so weird seeing you two ‘together’ after seeing you two, well, not together, for so long.’

Hermione laughed, ‘You’re one to talk “ chasing after Ginny for the better part of a year!’

Ginny gave Harry a side-long glance, ‘Is that so? I always wondered why you had started acting so strangely.’

Harry smiled at her, ‘Like you didn’t know “ don’t tell me that isn’t the real reason you stopped seeing Dean.’

She smiled slyly back at him, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

He reached over and wrapped her into a warm embrace, kissing her softly, ‘Either way I think I win.’

He pulled her onto a nearby chair, kissing her again. She put her hands on his arms, slowing his displays of affection slightly.

‘Must you do that,’ Ron remarked, looking away from Harry and Ginny.

Hermione laughed, ‘Please Ron, like you don’t show the same level of affection“’

Ron interrupted her before she could finish, ‘In our own privacy “ not in front of other people.’

Ginny looked annoyed, ‘Might I remind you of something Won-won?’ Her tone was unmistakable, Harry and Hermione burst out laughing as Ron went slightly red.

‘That was different, that was a long time ago!’ Ron shot back.

‘Oh right, a whole two years ago. A lot has changed since then has it?’ Ginny retorted. They both looked away from each other and Harry and Hermione exchanged amused glances.

Kreacher Apparated into the room announcing that tea was ready. The group filed out of the room and into the kitchen, the couples pairing off to each side of the table.

The kitchen seemed cleaner than the last time Ron and Hermione had seen it “ the table was set with simple dishes and plates. Tea and pastries were placed around the table. There was a lone vase in the middle of the table with a small set of sunflowers miraculously blooming before their eyes.

As the food was served they began chatting about the recent reconstruction that had started at Hogwarts and the work Professor McGonagall had initiated. The meal wrapped up promptly and much praise was given to Kreacher for an excellent meal, the house elf nodding his thanks as if his head were about to fall off.

They sat silently back in the drawing room, everyone full from their meal, lost in their own thoughts. Harry and Ginny sat in the sofa adjacent to one Ron and Hermione sat on. Ginny was lying across the sofa, leaning against Harry. He carelessly ran his fingers up and down Ginny’s arm as she leaned against him, her eyes shut and his free arm wrapped around her waist.

The silence was broken as Ron got to his feet, ‘I think we’d best be getting home. Mum will be expecting us soon. She worries a lot more these days, even though things are, well, you know, better than they were.’

Hermione had followed suite, looking worriedly at Harry who had not moved, nor relinquished his hold on Ginny. But Ginny had sat up, swinging her feet off of the sofa. In this awkward position Harry was forced to loosen his grip.

Ron looked from his friend to his sister, ‘Will you be heading back to the store to close up?’

Ginny nodded curtly and got to her feet. She glanced at Harry, ‘Ron’s right, I think I’ve been away too long. I should probably head over there and close things up.’

Harry nodded, ‘Well, it was good seeing you all.’

Before the words were even out of his mouth Ginny was the first to protest, ‘Don’t even think about it Harry, you’re coming with one of us. This isn’t a discussion.’

Harry looked helplessly at Ron and Hermione but their faces showed the same resolve as Ginny’s.

He sighed, ‘I just don’t know if that’s a good idea…I mean, you know.’

Ginny didn’t wait for Ron or Hermione to chime in, ’Yeah, we do know, and I think we’re all better off together than apart. So who are you coming with, me or Ron and Hermione?’

Harry didn’t want to argue with Ginny, but he didn’t feel comfortable going to the Burrow this quickly. He thought he might be able to accompany Ginny to the store and come back from there. ‘I don’t want to argue with you Ginny, well, with any of you…I guess we should leave these two love-birds together,’ he smiled as he gestured to Ron and Hermione, both turning various shades of red.

Hermione interjected, ‘Oh, I think you’re labelling the wrong pair here Harry!’

He laughed, knowing he was beat. Ron half-smiled, Harry was worried that there would be nothing but sadness now, but everyone seemed to be coping in their own way, Ron finding strength through Hermione. He realised it was probably selfish of him not to be there for Ginny, but he didn’t honestly know where they stood.

‘Then its settled, Harry and I will meet you back at the Burrow later,’ Ginny said, stepping away from the group.

Hermione hugged Harry quickly, and whispered, once Ginny was out of earshot, ‘Please keep an eye on her.’ Harry looked at her quizzically, but Ron nodded and said, ‘See you later mate “ take care of my sister over there.’

Ginny rolled her eyes, ‘I’ll be fine, Ron.’

But Harry nodded, ‘The best care of her I can.’
Chapter 4 - The Storm by pokecharm
Ron and Hermione departed with a crack and Harry looked over at Ginny, wondering if he’d have the resolve to leave her and come back to Grimmauld Place. Ginny was looking straight at Harry, he felt like she knew what he was thinking and sure enough she completed his thoughts out loud, ‘Don’t even think about it, Harry. We do have a lot to talk about and I hope you don’t think your ‘hiding’ is going to make things better. Go pack something and let’s get moving.’

He started to argue but the look in her eyes was enough to stop him dead in his tracks, ‘I’m not hiding…but alright, I’m going, I’ll be right back.’

Giving her one last glance before leaving, Harry hurried out of the room, running into Kreacher in the hallway. The old elf spoke solemnly, ‘Ah, Master Harry, are you heading out then?’

Harry nodded, ‘Yes Kreacher, Ginny needs me, so I have to go.’

As he said it he realised how good it made him feel to be needed. Kreacher nodded, ‘Mistress Ginerva seems troubled, Master Harry.’

Harry looked at Kreacher quizzically, never realising how astute house elves could be, but Kreacher merely walked on, ‘Should you need anything Master Harry, just call and I will be there.’ And with that he retired into the kitchen.

Harry took the stairs two at a time as he rushed into what was now his room. He grabbed his rucksack from the floor and grabbed what clean clothes he could find. Since he’d never really unpacked, most of the things he needed would be in the bag already. He pulled the package he’d bought out earlier and looked at it. He wasn’t certain if he should give this to Ginny now. There was still so much that needed to be said between them, what would she think of such a display? She hadn’t literally pushed him away, so he was optimistic that things could be mended. He stuffed it into the bottom of his bag hoping he’d find the right time to give it to her.

He grabbed his jacket and pulled it on before hurrying back down the stairs. Ginny was still waiting for him, her expression indiscernible. He smiled at her, reaching his hand out to take hers, ‘You ready?’

She nodded and pulled close to him as he Apparated them both back to Diagon Alley. Harry still wondered if he’d ever get used to the feeling Apparating left with him. He landed soundly enough, Ginny still holding onto him, her arms around his waist and her eyes shut.

He squeezed her arm, ‘We’re here “ and I don’t think my Apparating is that bad that you need to close your eyes.’

She smiled, ‘It wasn’t that bad, I just don’t particularly like the feeling I get when I Side-Along Apparate, makes me feel a little dizzy.’

He nodded, ‘I don’t think I’ll ever quite get used to it.’

She pulled away from him, though he slid his hand down her arm to take her hand as she walked forward towards the Weasleys’ shop. He slowed her rapid pace down by gently tugging on her arm, stopping her abruptly. She looked at him quizzically, but he only replied, ‘We don’t have to rush, we can just, you know, take our time.’

She shook her head in mock exasperation, ‘Harry, I need to get there to close the shop up and make sure the place is safe, then Mum will be expecting us. I’m sure Ron and Hermione will have told her you’re coming.’

Harry sighed a little, ‘As much as I enjoy time with your family,’ he pulled closer to her and whispered softly, ‘I’d much rather be spending the time to get to know you as well as I once did.’ He tried to kiss her but she pulled away, looking at him incredulously.

Her eyes were bright and Harry knew he’d said or done something to upset her again. She looked at him for a second, then turned and walked up the street, not sparing another glance back.

Harry stood for a second dumbfounded. He thought back to what Hermione had said and hurried after her, jogging to catch up. ‘Ginny, ‘he said quietly, ‘Come on, you can’t just walk away like that.’

She turned on him, her eyes blazing, ‘Is that a fact? Would you like to watch me?’

She started to turn and walk again when he grabbed her arm, ‘No, I absolutely don’t want to “ but I would like you to tell me what’s going on.’

She didn’t say anything at first, but pulled her arm out of his grip, ‘Look, we can walk and talk can’t we?’

He nodded, ‘I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend “’

Before he could finish she broke in, ‘You’re not my boyfriend at all Harry. You broke it off, how lucky for you to forget.’

Harry knew they were in it now, he took a deep breath, ‘Ginny, please “ the least you can do is hear me out “ I mean, hearing me out isn’t going to cost you anything.’

She didn’t respond but just walked towards the store, with Harry following close behind.

Harry figured this was his only chance to break in, ‘I’m sorry “ I know I made a mistake, I never meant to hurt you. And if you think for even a second, that I wasn’t thinking about you, or wishing I could be with you while I was gone, you’re wrong. There isn’t anyone I thought more about!’

They had reached the store and she still didn’t turn to look at him. He wasn’t certain what words would get her attention, ‘I kept wishing I could be with you “‘

Ginny whispered, ‘Just stop.’ Her voice broke a little, ‘Harry “ I’m glad you’re here again “ watching you run off and leave me because you thought I’d be more safe “ brilliant.’ Her tone grew increasingly sarcastic, ‘seeing you die, yeah, that was the highlight of my summer.’

Harry didn’t know what to say, but he thought it best to let her rail at him for a bit. She crossed the store and stood behind the counter. Narrowing her eyes, she continued, ‘You always have to play the hero “ so what happens now “ when are you going to run off and try to save some one else? When are you going to run off and lose interest in…’ she seemed to be struggling with something, her voice breaking, ‘Harry “ I care about you, I care about us “ but there can’t be any us if you won’t be around.’

Harry was stunned; he didn’t know how to respond. He wished he could just kiss her and make it better. But he knew that would never work. He still wasn’t sure if she was done fuming, but her eyes no longer had that look of repulsion. He walked over to her, being careful not to do anything that might upset her further. He looked at her for a brief moment, taking her in, before responding quietly, ‘Ginny, look at me.’

She sighed visibly and put her hands on the counter, slowly raising her head. He placed his hands in front of hers, their fingers touching, ‘I’m right here, I’m with you, I’m not going anywhere. And I won’t go anywhere.’ He stumbled for words, ‘That’s what I’m trying to get at. I’m done doing things without you, it was the hardest thing; being away from the one person that has ever been the only real source of joy and happiness in my life.’ His eyes strayed away from her face, focusing on her thin, delicate fingers that he was touching.

Harry slowly looked up, not certain what to expect, but Ginny’s resolve was not to be tested. Her facial expression didn’t change, but her eyes seemed softer, ‘Harry “ answer this “ why didn’t you take my side? Before the final battle, you treated me like I was just some kid!’

Harry reached further across the counter taking her hands and pulling her forward, closer to him, ‘Ginny, I’m sorry, I really am. But I couldn’t bear the thought of you being in harm’s way. I never meant to make you feel childish.’

She didn’t look him in the eye, but curled her fingers around his hands. He took one of her hands and kissed the palm, ‘I am on your side. You know how I feel about you, about us. I just want you to be safe, and if I can do that for you, then I will.’

She still didn’t seem convinced, but she didn’t argue. She slowly pulled her hands away from his, ‘The sooner I get this done the better.’ She gestured to the paperwork then pointed to a stool at the end of the counter, ‘I’m not sure you can really help me, and this discussion isn’t helping me concentrate much.’

He smiled and went over to the stool, pulling it over to where she was behind the counter, her eyebrows raised, ‘That isn’t quite what I meant, Harry.’

‘Well, I can be a non-verbal distraction, right?’ he said while dropping his rucksack on the floor near the counter. He placed his hands on her shoulders and began to massage her back, ‘I think I prefer this sort of distraction, don’t you?’

She didn’t say anything, her eyes closed; she seemed to be enjoying the attention too much to argue. He worked his hands across her back, enjoying the fragrance of her hair and the feeling of her body under his touch. Kneading the muscles in her back and shoulders, he could feel the tension dissipate and her body relax against his. He moved closer still, brushing her hair away from her neck and kissing her softly on the nape of her neck. She clearly shuddered, her hands instinctively reaching for his. ‘Harry!’ was the only clear exclamation she could give before pulling herself away from him, her eyes not showing any anger, but slight irritation. ‘No non-verbal distractions as well, please!’

He knew she wasn’t cross, but sighed and pulled the stool slightly away from her, sitting down somewhat sulkily, ‘You know, we’re not going to have time for this at the Burrow?’

She gave him a side-long look, ‘Harry, even if we have talked this out a bit, that doesn’t make up for a year apart. Things we should probably both know about one another.’

Harry’s mind stopped dead in its tracks, had she found some one else? How stupid of him to think someone as pretty and popular as Ginny to go without any attention for an entire year!

His eyes must have betrayed him because she looked up at him curiously, ‘Spit it out “ what are you thinking?’

He blushed a little, ‘Well, I…I don’t know. It just dawned on me that, may be you weren’t alone all those months.’

His voice had trailed off but she clearly caught every word, ‘Harry James Potter “ sometimes I don’t know what goes on in your head! Why would you say such a thing?’

He looked at her surprised, ‘Oh come on “ look at you “ beautiful and popular “ like you’re going to wait around for me! Bloody hell, I’m not sure I’d wait around for me!’

She laughed and reached out placing a hand on his arm, ‘Harry, half of the magical world would wait for you.’

‘Yeah,’ he said closing his hand over hers, ‘but will you?’

She didn’t look at him, fixing her eyes on a point on the counter. She was clearly thinking and Harry was fairly certain his chances weren’t improving based upon that. She looked at him, her eyes unflinching, ‘What do you think I’ve been doing the last few years?’

Harry blanched for a second and then stammered, ‘Well, I…I mean, a lot has been going on. And not just between us but…’ She had totally thrown him; he wasn’t sure what the right answer was.

She kept her eyes steady, ‘I didn’t realise that was quite so insignificant, I might need a little more than a passing interest from you, Harry.’

‘I don’t just have a ‘passing interest’ in you “ or us for that matter.’ Harry was stung by her words and any smile that he had, faded. He knew his face reflected his feelings, ‘I thought we…well, I guess I was wrong.’

He was afraid to elaborate and her facial expression stoic, ‘I’m sorry Harry “ a lot has happened this past year. You’re here now, and seem interested; I just don’t want to be picking up the pieces of my heart again this time next year.’

Harry couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew his temper might get the better of him, but he wasn’t going to let her toss their relationship away because she didn’t want to risk anything. ‘I only ‘seem’ interested? I didn’t realise I was giving you such mixed signals.’

Ginny sighed, ‘Look Harry, I think we can both agree we care about one another, but I really don’t feel like fighting with you about this right now.’

‘No, I think we should “ if not fight, then discuss why you think I’m a totally unreliable boyfriend!’ Harry was feeling increasingly angry and hurt, his voice growing louder as he spoke.

‘Do you think you’re even capable of discussing anything right now? I don’t fancy getting screamed at.’ She set her hands on her hips, ‘And, Harry, don’t think that’ll convince me of anything either.’

A hole in the pit of his stomach was expanding; his mouth had gone very dry. He shook his head, saying very quietly, ‘I am capable of discussion “ but if you’ve already made up your mind, what’s there left to say?’

‘If that’s how you see it then I guess there isn’t anything to discuss,’ she replied forcefully. She turned away from him, going back to the paperwork.

Harry couldn’t believe her. He grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. ‘Ginny, I am not letting you throw away the most amazing thing in my life because you are afraid “ of what? Of me? Of us? This isn’t too good to be true. And it isn’t always going to be perfect. I bet it won’t be some of the time “ but it is worth fighting for!’

He could see he had gotten her attention, but she still didn’t seem convinced, though she was clearly thinking, ‘Look, I’m not saying that today, right now, we have to get back to where we were. But you have to at least give me the chance to prove that this is something worth having,’ he reached out and squeezed her hand.

She was looking at their joined hands, clearly thinking what to say. She finally looked up, her eyes betraying nothing of what she was thinking. Harry didn’t like this new ability of hiding her feelings from him.

‘And since you’ve waited for me, I am more than willing to wait for you for as long as it takes.’ Harry wasn’t going to let her deny him his right to try to make this work.

She nodded, but didn’t seem to want to say more. ‘Harry, I really need to finish this, then we have to get back home.’

He didn’t want to push, but leaned over kissing her softly on the cheek and sitting down on the stool watching her delicate hands run across the paperwork until she finished some time later, a strange, unfamiliar look on her face. ‘Are you ready?’

He nodded and they headed out the door, Ginny locking up as they left. Harry Apparated them back to the Burrow, the house brightly lit from afar.
Chapter 5 - Concerning Revelations by pokecharm
Ginny didn’t shut her eyes as tightly nor hold onto Harry as firmly as their previous Apparition, but she didn’t stalk away from him when they arrived either. They both walked silently towards the Burrow. Harry was lagging behind Ginny, feeling the guilt of his absence and actions weighing on him.

Ginny stopped and turned around. ‘Harry ” the sooner you get this over with the better.’

She took his hand, pulling him forward and he reluctantly followed her. His mind reeling through what kind of reception he would receive. He couldn’t imagine the entire family being furious with him, but anything was possible.

Ginny’s mood seemed to lighten as they neared the house. Her pace had quickened and Harry had to make a concerted effort to keep up. ‘Ginny ”’ he started to say, but she gave him a reassuring look that forced him forward.

Ginny opened the door to the kitchen and Harry was surprised to see the warm, smiling faces of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley came forward quickly embracing Harry and forcing Harry to let go of Ginny’s hand. ‘Harry Potter ” you have been far too much of a stranger!’

She beamed at him as Mr. Weasley came forward. ‘Harry ” wonderful to see you again. I hope you got my note. We were hoping you’d spend the summer with us, though I hear you’ve been to see Kingsley already.’

Mr. Weasley smiled knowingly as Mrs. Weasley bustled about the kitchen. Harry moved forward. ‘Mrs. Weasley, please don’t go to any trouble, we can look after ourselves!’

Harry didn’t realise it until after he said it, he’d referred to himself and Ginny as ‘we.’ Ginny seemed to notice and gave Harry a half-smile before she hugged her mother and stopped her from moving around the kitchen. ‘Really, Mum, its fine ” Harry and I don’t need you to wait on us. Besides, it looks like you’ve already had dinner.’

Mrs. Weasley nodded. ‘Well, Bill and Fleur had stopped through, and Ron and Hermione were already here. We didn’t know when to expect you.’

Ginny smiled. ‘Its really fine, Mum ” we’re fine.’

Harry smiled and nodded, shouldering his rucksack more closely. He wasn’t certain what to say. He wanted to apologise again for what had happened, but no one seemed to want to acknowledge anything. Harry looked down at his feet, finding it hard to look either of the Weasley parents in the eyes, but forcing himself to do so. He fumbled for a second, ‘I…er, well, I’m really sor ”’

Before he could finish the sentence Mrs. Weasley waved him off. ‘We’ll have none of that, dear ” there is nothing for you to apologise for, save not coming around here sooner.’

Mr. Weasley stepped forward taking his wife’s arm. ‘Harry, it is wonderful to see you. We really are glad you’ve decided to come stay with us, hopefully for as long as you can. Let’s chat tomorrow, if you like, about what Kingsley may have said to you. In the meantime, it’s been a long day ” good night to you both.’

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley walked briskly out of the kitchen, seemingly pleased with Harry’s appearance. Harry was concerned that they had left so quickly and looked over at Ginny, who was now busy putting something together for them to eat.

‘Ginny?’ He said quietly, walking over to where she was and placing a hand on her arm. She stopped abruptly and looked at him. ‘Are they okay?’

He gestured to where her parents had been and before she could answer continued. ‘I mean, they left in an awful hurry.’

He left his thought unspoken, but again Ginny knew what he was alluding to. ‘Harry, you worry too much. You’re the ‘boy-who-saved-the-world.’ Of course my parents are happy to see you.’

She placed a couple of plates on the table but he didn’t drop it. ‘That doesn’t really answer my question ” I just, I feel like this was a bad idea.’

He looked down, knowing the stare he’d be receiving would be hard enough to bear.

‘Harry ” I thought we’d gone over this already.’ She sounded exasperated. Quite frankly, he couldn’t blame her.

‘I just don’t want people to feel weird around me, you know?’ He picked up a couple of forks and spoons, but Ginny came over putting her hands over his.

‘We’re not eating anything that requires a fork or spoon, Harry.’ She had a smile across her lips and continued softly, ‘And if you weren’t ‘hiding,’ then people might not feel put off around you.’

He started to protest but she put her hand up. ‘Didn’t we agree not to argue?’

He smiled mischievously. ‘Is that what we agreed? I honestly can’t remember.’ He leaned in close, trying to steal a kiss from her, but she pulled away.

‘Harry,’ she sounded tired, ‘I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted ” as much as I enjoy your company, I really wouldn’t mind going to bed soon either.’

He must have looked hurt because she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek. ‘Don’t look at me like that, Harry.’

‘I didn’t realise I was giving you any unusual looks.’ He smiled at her and followed her back to the table, sitting across from her.

They ate in silence, Harry watching Ginny as she picked at her sandwich, while he inhaled his. He leaned forward a little, hoping to strike up a little conversation, but she didn’t look at him directly. ‘So, what are your plans for tomorrow?’

She seemed distracted, but replied uninterestedly, ‘Just going back over to Diagon Alley ” those are most of my plans until we get a letter from Hogwarts. I still have another year to complete, though I’d argue my last one was rather incomplete.’

He watched her closely, she didn’t seem pleased about going back to school. ‘Well, I hear the construction is going fairly well, but the school is still a mess.’

She nodded absently. ‘I can’t imagine things being sorted out any more quickly…’

The silence fell upon them again and Harry looked at her sadly. She seemed to lose herself in her thoughts again, despite his presence. He leaned further across the table, taking her hand in his, squeezing each finger in turn. ‘If you don’t mind the company, I would love to go with you tomorrow.’

Her eyes were following his hands across hers, her shoulders becoming less rigid. He let go of her hand and moved around the table, sitting down next to her. ‘I’m not sure I’m enjoying this new, silent phase you’re going through.’ He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, taking her hand back in his and brushing his lips across her cheek. ‘But when you do decide to let me in, I’m right here.’

She didn’t say anything, but leaned closer to him, despite the discomfort the wooden chairs created. They sat there quietly for a while before Ginny slowly pulled herself away from him. ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get me to fall asleep right here, Harry!’

He smiled and helped her clean the still full table. ‘Well, you certainly look like you haven’t been sleeping. Anything I can do to help that, you know I will.’

She smiled but remained quiet, looking towards the door to the hallway. ‘It’s getting late, so we should probably get some rest. I’m sure there’s a bed set up for you in Ron’s room. To be honest, I’m surprised we haven’t seen either him or Hermione tonight.’

She furrowed her brow and Harry smiled at how cute she looked when she was thinking. Watching Harry’s expression, she smiled back. ‘Either way, I think we should both get some rest.’

Harry picked his rucksack up off the floor and waved his wand at the dishes. ‘Scourgify!’ The dishes began cleaning themselves as he and Ginny ascended the stairs, both stopping at the first landing. They avoided each others’ glances for a few seconds, Ginny finally breaking the silence.

She looked up at him. ‘Good night, Harry.’

Harry didn’t want to miss any opportunities, and leaned in pulling her towards him. He kissed her softly, wrapping his arms around her waist. She didn’t push him away, her hands sliding up his arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He used his momentum to press his body against hers, pushing both of them into her closed door with an almost inaudible thud. He ran one of his hands up her back to rest on the back of her head, buffering her head from the surface of the door as he continued kissing her, feeling the touch of her lips on his, the smell of her all around him, her body pressed against his and her delicate fingers running through his hair. He could feel her grip on him slowly loosening and took that as a cue, pulling away from her slowly, his lips lingering on hers for a few seconds.

Letting go, he whispered ‘Sweet dreams,’ before reaching for the doorknob, opening the door. She smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek before going into her room and shutting the door.

Harry waited a few seconds; then grudgingly walked up the stairs to Ron’s room. The lights were dimly lit in the staircase and Harry pushed open the familiar door to what was becoming a more familiar sight, his two best friends wrapped in a rather fierce kiss.

Harry cleared his throat loudly, ‘Hope I’m not interrupting anything.’

Both Ron and Hermione jumped at his entrance, but Ron didn’t let go of Hermione. Slightly scowling at Harry, he said, ‘I think that you are, mate.’

But Hermione must have felt the mood had been broken, she pulled away from Ron slightly. ‘I’m glad you finally got here, Harry ” how is Ginny?’

She and Ron were both sitting comfortably on Ron’s bed, Ron’s hand intertwined with hers, she leaning against his chest. Harry placed his bag on the opposite bed and sat down heavily, looking at his feet. ‘Well, she doesn’t hate me ” that much I’ve figured out. But she’s running really hot and cold. Which I can’t really blame her for, you know?’

Ron sighed and Hermione nodded, saying, ‘Yes, she’s been like that since we’ve left Hogwarts. I don’t think any of us know exactly what she needs, but any mention of your name and she either seems to soften or get really upset. I think you just being around might help her. Even console her a little.’

Ron nodded. ‘Yeah, I thought she was broken up last summer, but seeing you dead, even if you weren’t really dead,‘ he added hurriedly, ‘it was a lot for all of us to deal with. She’s really falling for you.’

Despite Ron’s older brother protectiveness, Harry understood. ‘Well, to be honest, Ron, I’m really crazy about your sister, but I just don’t know what to do.’

Hermione finally pulled herself away from Ron completely, getting up to sit down next to Harry. ‘You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing ” just be there for her. She’ll open up when she’s good and ready.’

She patted his hand reassuringly. ‘It’ll be okay, Harry ” I don’t think you should give up on her.’

Harry shook his head. ‘That had never crossed my mind.’ Then he laughed. ‘Until you just said it ” I hope she doesn’t give up on me!’

He looked distractedly at the floor. ‘I just…’ He couldn’t even put into words how he felt. ‘I just, I feel better when she’s around, even if she isn’t speaking to me, or if she’s angry with me ” just being near her. It’s just...’

He threw his hands up, falling across the bed and heard Hermione laughing. ‘Harry ” you are so in love you can’t see straight!’

He sat up abruptly, realising that she was right, that was what it was. He was really and truly in love with Ginny. He smiled. ‘I think seeing straight is over-rated, anyway.’

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned around, Ginny was standing in the doorway. She had gotten dressed for bed, but had covered her pajamas with a bathrobe in a light shade of green and detailed work around the edges in a light grey. Her eyes smiling and her expression soft, she said quietly, ‘Since you weren’t in my room I was getting worried Ron had kidnapped you.’

She was speaking to Hermione but she was looking directly at Harry. A strange silence fell over the group, Harry wasn’t sure if he should get up, or even assume she’d heard everything he and Hermione had said.

Hermione got up slowly. ‘Ron didn’t quite kidnap me ” but we were waiting for the two of you to get back.’

Harry laughed. ‘So you found something better to do with your time other then waiting up for us, like snogging each others’ brains out?’

Both Harry and Ginny laughed, but Ron looked slightly offended. ‘Hey, mate, I see your hands all over my sister all the time too ” there’s nothing wrong with being affectionate to my own girlfriend in the privacy of my own room.’

Ron sounded indignant, but Hermione just smiled. ‘Oh, Ron.’ She walked over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I think it probably is time to get some sleep.’

Ron smiled mischievously. ‘Well, that’s also something we could do together.’

Harry and Ginny exchanged startled looks while Hermione just shook her head. ‘I think we both know that isn’t going to happen. Good night to you both.’

She stalked out of the room, looking slightly irritated, stopping briefly to place a reassuring hand on Ginny’s shoulder before descending the stairs.

Ron looked thoroughly frustrated, but neither Ginny nor Harry would look at him. He sighed, ‘Bloody hell,’ and leaned back against his bed. ‘Ah well, it’ll make the making up that much better.’

Ginny looked uncertainly at Harry and he felt himself concentrating hard on the fringes of her robe. The colours accentuated her features, her hair pulled back, still looked radiant. He smiled as his eyes slowly ascended her form, red forming in her cheeks as she caught him looking at her intently.

‘Harry ”’ she started, but stopped, clearly lost for words. Harry wasn’t certain how to react, however he was now certain she’d heard everything he’d said, but he didn’t want to take it back either ” he wanted her to know; he almost felt better having said it.

She still seemed confused and he stood up slowly, realising how much he wished this weren’t Ron’s room and that Ron weren’t watching. He gave a sidelong look to Ron before taking Ginny’s hand, leading her out of Ron’s room and shutting the door, giving them a little privacy. He looked at her seriously. ‘You heard everything I said, didn’t you?’

She didn’t say anything, but nodded, smiling shyly, with both a happy and curious look on her face. ‘Harry,’ she started again, ‘I didn’t mean to ” I really was just looking for Hermione.’

He smiled back at her. ‘Its okay ” I actually feel better you knowing ” I think this should convince you I’m not messing around.’

She laughed a little. ‘Well, you do confide things to Hermione and Ron that you don’t to me ” so I figure you didn’t say that for their benefit. And by the look on Ron’s face, he probably would have preferred not to hear it.’

They both laughed and he said more quietly, ‘I meant every word ” whenever I’m around you, when I even think about you, I just, I feel better, you know?’

She nodded, saying breathlessly, ‘Yes, I know exactly what you mean.’

She pulled him towards her, her head resting on his shoulder, shutting her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, and she continued more quietly, ‘I know you want me to say I feel the same way about you, Harry, and I do ” but I just don’t know if I’m ready, emotionally or anything, to get really involved with you. I just…’

She left the sentence unfinished and Harry kissed her softly on the forehead. ‘I told you I’d wait and I will, I just hope you haven’t totally given up on me. I don’t think I could bear having no chance with you.’

Ginny pushed him away a little, looking into his eyes. ‘I’m not asking you to wait forever. I’m not sure when I’ll be ready, but I will be. And I know it is you who I’ve always…’ She was grasping for words, her fingers pulling at the fabric on his shirt, his arms still wrapped around her.

He didn’t say anything, but pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers. Inhaling her scent and feeling the texture of her hair between his fingers.

‘Harry.’ She didn’t push him away and he leaned down, kissing her deeply, stopping her from mounting any sort of argument. With each kiss he felt they were becoming more and more intimate. It was as if their bodies continued to get closer even though it seemed impossible. Every part of her body pressed against his and he felt freed by their closeness. He could feel her react to him, her one hand gripping his shirt more firmly, her other hand bringing his face closer to hers.

He could have stood there all night, exploring her entire body with his lips, but he knew he was probably pushing it a bit as it was and loosened his grip around her. She realised what he was doing and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him, their foreheads touching. She sighed a little. ‘I think I’d really better be getting to bed.’

Harry smiled. ‘It is only getting later, and we have lots of time to…catch up with.’

Ginny pulled away, despite Harry’s hands lingering on her arms, as she turned away from him and headed towards the stairs. He impulsively kissed her again on the cheek and whispered, ‘Good night.’

‘Well aren’t you up awfully late,’ came a deep, sullen voice from the corner of the unlit hallway opposite the staircase. Harry instinctively stood in front of Ginny, remembering his wand in his back pocket.

Emerging from the darkness, dressed all in black, George appeared, his eyes darkened and a smirk across his face as he sneered, ‘You’ve got awfully busy hands as the chosen one, Potter.’

Despite Harry knowing it was George, it sounded like something Draco Malfoy would say to him. He could feel Ginny move forward, but he held his ground, not letting her pass. He hadn’t expected the entire Weasley family to be happy to see him, but he mustered his courage. ‘Hello, George ” ’

George waved him off. ‘Politeness is over-rated, Potter ” I think you should mind your manners while you’re in my house.’

Ginny pushed past Harry to stand between him and George. ‘It isn’t your house, George. It’s Mum and Dad’s house.’ Her tone softened. ‘George, have you been sleeping at all?’

The sneer remained fixed to his face. ‘Ah, don’t worry about me, little sister, I’ll take care of myself and my family.’

He looked pointedly at Harry. ‘With that in mind, you can just imagine how thrilled I am to see you here ” they should call you, ‘The boy who destroys families!’ That seems more appropriate, wouldn’t you say?’

Harry balked at George, taking a step forward. ‘No, I don’t think so ” I didn’t mean for any of that to happen, George, and ”‘

But with a crack George was in front of Harry, his wand pointed just under Harry’s chin, pushing his head backwards. ‘Don’t even think about it, Potter! I don’t want to hear one syllable of ‘I’m sorry’ or any other rubbish cross the lips that have been taking advantage of my sister!’

Harry stood frozen. He could reach his wand from here and he couldn’t quite feel it. He was also afraid should he move, George might do something they both might regret. He held his arms out to his sides, parallel with the floor. ‘Don’t, George ” this isn’t like you.’

George sneered, coming closer to Harry’s face. ‘What do you know what people are like, Potter? Besides their being pawns for your grand adventure! Can’t help being the hero, can you? Let’s see you get out of this one with your trademark luck.’

Ginny had been watching horror-struck. ‘George,’ she cried desperately, ‘please don’t do this ” we know you’re upset, but this isn’t going to solve anything!’

George ignored her, but Harry stole a glance in her direction and saw she was edging closer to them. He was afraid she might try something and tried to wave her off, but she grabbed George’s arm. ‘Don’t do this, George, please!’

George kept his wand pointed at Harry and pushed Ginny away forcefully, knocking her into Ron’s door, slamming it open. Ginny landed on the ground in a crumpled heap, before slowly sitting up, rubbing her head. Ron jumped up out of bed, seeing the commotion and reached Ginny as he saw George and Harry.

Harry’s eyes were full of rage. He clenched his fists and set his jaw, leaning forward menacingly. He couldn’t believe George would attack his own sister. It took all of his self control to realise that should he move further, he would be of no help to anyone, as George’s behaviour was wholly unpredictable.

George followed Harry’s eyes. ‘Can’t have any interference while school is still in session for you.’

Harry’s eyes narrowed. ‘How dare you! If you’re angry with me, fine, but leave everyone else out of it!’

Ron had helped Ginny up slowly and they both seemed rooted to Ron’s door. From what little Harry could see, she seemed okay, though slightly dazed. ‘George,’ Ron said tentatively, ‘come on ” this isn’t right ” you know it ” we know you know it.’

A sudden gasp came from the stairs that startled all of them as Hermione stood at the top of the staircase in her pajamas, and was horrified to see the scene at hand. George’s attention was also averted and before anyone knew what had happened, a clear voice called out, ‘Stupefy!’ and they all saw George fly across the hallway.

George lay motionless on the floor and Harry, Ron and Hermione all turned to see Ginny with a wand raised and a tired look crossing her face. Harry turned immediately to Ginny, pulling her towards him. ‘Merlin’s beard! Are you okay?’

He kissed her on the cheek and started to examine the cut across her head. He swore under his breath. ‘I am so sorry.’

She put her hands comfortably on his chest, sighing. ‘No, Harry, we’re sorry ” we probably should have warned you that George has been a little…off.’

Hermione was glued to the stairs and Ron was looking sadly at George’s unconscious body. All of them knew that a spell cast by Ginny would keep George out of commission for a good while. Harry continued running his hands across Ginny’s arm and side, trying to determine if she was hurt more severely, but he couldn’t find anything more serious than the cut on her forehead, he said quietly, ‘Let me fix that.’

He reached into his back pocket but his wand was gone. He turned around looking at the floor and heard Ginny laughing. ‘Don’t you know your own wand when you see it?’

Harry looked at her confused, and there in her hand was his wand. ‘But how? I…’

She smiled. ‘You’re adorable when you’re confused.’ She took a step closer, holding his wand out to him. ‘I pulled it out of your pocket when George started taunting you and you wouldn’t let me get past you. I don’t carry my wand with me when I’m heading to bed, so I took yours.’

Harry took the wand from her, their fingers brushing against one another’s, as he pointed the wand at her forehead. ‘Episkey.’ And her cut disappeared, leaving just a little blood on her forehead. He wiped it away with his thumb, leaning forward and kissing her forehead to make sure it was okay.

He pulled her closer, into a warm embrace, but she turned away from him slightly, looking at Ron and Hermione. ‘We can’t leave him here and I’m not sure I trust him once he comes out of that.’

Ron stepped over to George and bent down, nudging George. ‘You okay?’ but got no response. ‘Yeah, he’s out. Maybe we should wake Mum or Dad?’

‘No, you won’t, they need their rest!’ came the voice of Percy, who had quietly come upon the situation. ‘I didn’t see everything that happened, but enough. Ginny, you really shouldn’t be using spells on George, even if he was being impossible; Harry, nice to see you.’

Harry didn’t feel like that was a terribly warm welcome, but much better than George’s welcome. Ginny broke away from Harry to face Percy. ‘Oh come on ” you don’t know what he might have done if I hadn’t stopped him!’

Percy raised his hands. ‘I’m not going to argue with you ” I just think there are other ways to deal with him. I know I haven’t been around a lot, but I’m doing better and I’d like to think I’m having some effect on him.’

He gestured to George but Ron broke in. ‘Yeah, if this is the impression he’s getting from you, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!’

Percy grimaced at Ron’s words but didn’t leave. ‘Look I’ll get him back in his room and keep an eye on him. Then we can tell Mum and Dad what happened in the morning. They’ve hardly been sleeping, so if they’re resting, let’s let them.’

No one argued and Percy pointed his wand at George, lifting his unconscious body and taking him back to his room, where he shut the door.

This left Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny to stare at one another for a second, before Hermione broke the silence. ‘Well, this has proven an exciting ‘homecoming’ for you, hasn’t it, Harry?’

He sighed. ‘Yeah, I could do with a few less of these.’ He didn’t complete his thought, but other than the three friends standing before him, no one seemed to be terribly thrilled he was there.

Ginny leaned over to Harry, kissing him on the cheek. ‘I think that is enough excitement for me ” I’m going to bed.’

Harry pulled her into a protective embrace, ensuring one last time that she was okay. She pulled away slowly, smiling up at him before heading down the stairs. Hermione smiled over at Ron and Harry before following Ginny, leaving the two to their thoughts.

Ron gestured towards the room and Harry followed in. He didn’t know what to think. He had never expected George to be homicidal towards him. Though, honestly, he couldn’t blame him. It was his fault that Fred had been killed. He could have given himself up sooner so many lives could have been saved.

Ron looked as though he was going to pass out, but he said quietly, ‘I know this is going to sound crazy, but don’t take it personally, mate. He’s upset with all of us; unfortunately, he’s directing it mostly at you. That famous name of yours is going to get you in trouble yet.’ He smiled and continued, rolling over, ‘And, seeing you happy seems to make him crazy, but makes Ginny happy ” so good luck balancing that!’

Harry smiled and shook his head. Ron was right, being with Ginny made him insanely happy, but George wouldn’t want that. He wasn’t going to stop being with Ginny; he couldn’t. And despite the talks they’d had, he didn’t think she’d accept it either. He pulled the covers back on the bed and decided he’d have to brush up on his charms and place a protective one around Ginny so George couldn’t hurt her again, whether he was there or not. He’d have to ask Hermione how that would work, or take advantage of some products that carried protections like those at George’s store.

Harry drifted off to a restless sleep that involved happy moments with Ginny. But the darkness would come in again and George would be there, cursing Harry into various things, forcing Ginny to not want to be with him.
Chapter 6 - Chivalry Isn't Dead by pokecharm

The sun was hiding behind a series of clouds as Harry was roused by Ron. ‘Harry, mum wants us all up for breakfast together, you’d better get up!’

Harry rolled over and dared a glance out the window and could not see the sun, indicating an unseemly early hour to be getting up, considering it was holiday. He felt the previous day’s events hit him, the highs and lows, and slowly got up. The overcast skies were making for a bleak day, and he wasn’t looking forward to facing the family after last night’s fiasco.

He got ready quickly, dressing in Muggle clothes and heading downstairs after Ron had already gone down. He imagined Ron was getting a head start on his make-up session with Hermione.

As he went down the stairs he saw the door to Ginny’s room slightly ajar and knocked on it softly. Her voice came calling back, ‘come in,’ and he entered quietly, having only been in there once before. She was sitting in front of her desk, a book or journal open, Harry couldn’t see what, and she shut the book quickly. She gave him a restrained smile as he walked forward. He smiled back at her. ‘Good Morning “ did you get any rest last night? How are you feeling?’

She smiled back at him. ‘A little sore,’ she rubbed her shoulder where George had pushed her through Ron’s door. ‘But nothing that won’t heal; I’ve had worse. How are you?’

He sighed. ‘Well, after what happened last night, I was a little afraid to fall too fully asleep, but I did get some rest.’ He wondered at her comment, what was worse she’d encountered? They stood there silently for a few seconds before Harry broke the silence, ‘I hear your mum wants us all up early this morning.’

She nodded absently, walking towards the door. ‘Yeah, lately she likes to see us all together at meals. I think its best to just do it as it makes her happy. Besides, it is reassuring to see everyone. I like the bustle of a full house.’

Harry nodded, following her out and closing her door. ‘Its very consoling “ you know, you want to be alone, but you can’t “ and there’s always some one to, you know, be there for you.’

He tried to sound confidant but she just smiled at him and descended the stairs, Harry following close behind, enjoying the view.

He smiled sheepishly as she turned abruptly, his eyes not initially looking where her eyes were. She laughed a little. ‘Harry, I, well, I don’t know if Percy has said anything, but mum and dad might interrogate you anyway, so just, be prepared, but don’t hide anything for anyone’s sake, okay?’

Harry smiled down at her, leaning in. ‘Sure, right, of course.’ He kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at him, turning towards the kitchen with a mixed look of delight and dread. He reached out, putting his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them gently. ‘I’m not worried, you’re here to protect me, right?’

She laughed at him as she walked into the kitchen, many eyes turning towards them. ‘Sure, I’m your knight in shining armour.’

Harry had to stop himself from saying anything more loudly, but whispered to her while squeezing her hand. ‘I hope I can get some private time with my knight later.’

She blushed a little and they both sat down at the end of the table. There was no sign of George or Percy, but both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were looking intently at Harry. He smiled politely, trying to seem innocuous, but Ron and Hermione both looked incredibly nervous. Mr. Weasley finally spoke, ‘Harry “ I hope you’re alright this morning.’

His look was knowing and Harry couldn’t help but relive the feeling he had the previous night, replying, ‘I’m fine. I’m more worried about Ginny.’

Both parents exchanged glances and Ginny smiled at Harry’s concern. Mrs. Weasley looked at them sternly. ‘George has been…difficult to deal with, but I don’t think any one is in any real harm.’

Ron, Hermione and Harry had startled looks on their faces, while Ginny looked crushed. Harry reached over, placing his hand over hers reassuringly, though she tensed at his touch and through gritted teeth said, ‘No harm was done?’

Mr. Weasley spoke up quickly, ‘Your mother didn’t mean anything dear, just that you’re fine. And I’m sure George didn’t mean to hurt anyone.’

Ron had sat silently long enough and cut Ginny off before she could argue, ‘Dad, you can’t be serious, he was holding Harry at wand-point, ready to kill him! There wasn’t any joking in his eyes “ I saw it myself!’

Mrs. Weasley looked at them disbelievingly. ‘Our George would never do such a thing, and shame on you for insinuating it!’

Ginny threw her hands up as she shot back, ‘We’re not insinuating anything! I don’t know what you’ve heard or who told you what, but he was totally out of control and I can’t believe you’re going to ignore this!’

Mr. Weasley looked calmly at Ginny while Mrs. Weasley was fit to bursting. ‘Dear, we aren’t ignoring his behaviour, but we aren’t going to make it more than it is.’

Ginny leaned back heavily in her chair, a look of utter disgust on her face. Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘I don’t think I have to remind you that this is hardest on George. He just needs some time to get back to some level of normal. As his brother and sister I would think you’d both be anxious to help him!’

Ginny was looking close to tears. Harry tried to reach over to take her hand, but she turned away from him, closing him off from her. Ron gave his parents a sceptical look. ‘Are you saying we aren’t doing what we’re supposed to be doing? That is bloody daft!’

‘Ronald Weasley “ you will not use that language in my house!’ Mrs. Weasley was not hearing any argument and had gone back to her cup of tea. ‘He just needs time, he’ll be fine.’

Ginny turned back abruptly, tears glistening in her eyes. ‘He isn’t getting any better “ can’t you see that!’

Harry and Hermione exchanged nervous looks. Harry didn’t want to argue with Mr. or Mrs. Weasley; they treated him so fairly, but were clearly not being that way with Ron and Ginny now. He was now able to reach over and take one of Ginny’s hands in his, squeezing it and pulling his chair closer to hers. She didn’t look at him, but leaned towards him.

Mr. Weasley shook his head. ‘All of you need to calm down.’ He had been watching Ron and Ginny closely as they argued with their mother. ‘May be they have something to say, Molly. It wouldn’t be the first time they see something we didn’t see.’

‘Arthur, he’s just in a lot of pain “ he needs understanding from his family “ from his brothers and sister and his friends “ if he can’t get that how is he ever going to get back to normal.’ She didn’t look up from her tea and spoke in an even tone which Harry found slightly eerie.

‘I just think that if George is causing more strife for the children that are coping better than he is, then we shouldn’t allow him to bring them down with him.’ Mr. Weasley put his hand up as Mrs. Weasley looked as though she were going to argue. ‘I’m just saying, Ron and Ginny are coping better than George, as we’d expect, but George’s behaviour has been a bit erratic, and he may be taking it out on them.’

Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘Arthur, I will not separate my family.’

Her voice and tone were stern and Harry visibly cringed. Ginny and Ron were staring intently at their parents while both Harry and Hermione watched Ginny and Ron respectively.

Mr. Weasley turned slowly. ‘Molly “ I think you should really be open to an alternative to the approach we’re taking. It may not be working. I don’t want to see any one go away either, but this is becoming an issue. Percy may not have included all the details. We have to take everything into account.’

Ginny’s eye’s narrowed. ‘I knew it “ that prat! Lying to mum and dad, telling them I attacked George!’

Harry tried to restrain her, but she stood up abruptly. ‘I am not a liar! And I don’t attack any one without cause!’

Mr. Weasley sighed. ‘Ginny, no one is calling you a liar, but you hit George with a very strong curse.’

The room was becoming increasingly tense and Harry started to say something when Ron broke in, ‘Even if it was a strong curse, that’s what was needed “ he was totally mad last night! Told Harry some really nasty things before Ginny took care of him. He threw Ginny through my door for Merlin’s sake!’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t appear to be convinced and shot back with a glare that would make any one turn to stone. ‘I have had enough of this “ why can’t you both just be thankful he’s alive!’

Ginny sat down heavily, slumping into the chair. Her eyes were unfocused and Harry reached towards her but she shook her head, in what Harry could only interpret to mean leave her alone.

Mr. Weasley saw the effect and halted all arguments. ‘Molly “ no one is saying they wish George were gone. I think you’re not being fair to Ron and Ginny. I think you and I should talk about this more. I am, unfortunately, running late and I hope we can keep George from hurting or threatening any one for the time being.’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t let it sit for long. ‘He won’t hurt any one. He’s a good boy and a good person and just needs some time to sort things out.’

Mr. Weasley sighed loudly. ‘Molly, please.’

She gave him a side-long look but didn’t say anything. Ron was staring sadly at his breakfast, while Hermione had reached out to him, placing a consoling hand on his shoulder.

Ginny had her eyes shut and was not taking anything in. Despite having not eaten anything, Harry leaned over and whispered, ‘Why don’t we go outside or something? A little fresh air might do us both some good.’

For a second Harry thought she had fallen asleep. Her eyes slowly opened, though she didn’t respond to him. She got up and he followed suit, uncertain of what was happening.

She walked towards the kitchen door that led to the garden as footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs and hallway towards the kitchen. Ginny stopped abruptly and tried to see around Harry. He had stopped entirely and stood in front of her, purposely not letting her get by him. He would not allow a repeat of last night and checked in his pocket for his wand.

Percy and George walked into the kitchen sitting down quietly. Mrs. Weasley smiled at George. ‘How are you feeling this morning, dear? Better?’

He didn’t answer, instead helping himself to some toast.

Percy chimed in, ‘We’re all better after some much needed rest, I’m sure.’

He looked up abruptly, making eye contact with Harry. Ginny was trying to push Harry out of the way, but he wouldn’t let her by.

Everyone in the room seemed to turn their eyes to George. He could clearly tell and looked up slowly. ‘Look, Harry, about last night…’

His voice trailed off and Harry replied, ‘Don’t worry about it mate.’ He took a step forward, being careful not to let Ginny get past him. ‘But I have to say George, if you ever, ever, hurt Ginny like that again, she’ll be the least of your concerns.’

George locked his eyes with Harry’s and said simply, ‘Fair enough.’

Ginny stopped pushing Harry and froze, her hands resting on his back. Mrs. Weasley was boring a hole in him with her eyes, but he didn’t balk. He had to be sure George understood him.

George ignored Harry and resumed eating his toast, as if nothing had happened. Harry could feel Ginny take her hands off of him and turned quickly to see her red hair disappearing out the door. He gave George one last look before hurrying after her into the early morning haze.

Chapter 7 - Talking Things Out by pokecharm

Harry shielded his eyes from the sun, but could just make out Ginny’s silhouette against the sun as she walked quickly towards the garden. Her red hair was glowing in the morning sunlight. Harry wasted no time and ran after her, slowing down as she stopped near the garden swing, slumping down into it, putting her head in her hands.

It broke his heart to watch her so completely consumed. He sat down quietly next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. She turned abruptly towards him, throwing her arms around his neck tightly and breathing rapidly.

He wrapped one arm around her waist and rubbed his other hand up and down her back, trying to get her to relax. Hyperventilating would only make her feel worse and he knew she needed to calm down. He could feel she had finally broken down, tears streaming down her face, soaking into his shirt.

After a few minutes he could feel her nuzzle her face into his neck, her damp skin rubbing against him. He kissed her on the crown of her head, but didn’t say anything. They sat there quietly, Ginny sitting on Harry’s lap, her legs stretched out across the swing.

When she had calmed down, she sat up, letting go of Harry and looking at him. Her expression was a mix of sorrow and disappointment, but neither seemed directed at Harry. She sighed and turned away from him, wiping the tears off of her face and looking across the garden. He reached out and took one of her hands in his and leaned back against the swing, moving it slightly.

She reached her free hand out to steady herself on the swing and gave Harry a half smile. He used his momentum to keep the swing moving at a slow pace and she pulled closer to him. ‘Is this your idea of a distraction?’

Harry laughed. ‘Well, I’m not really sure how else to help, so this seemed like an interesting idea.’

She shook her head. ‘I can see now why you wouldn’t want to come here “ we’re all completely mad!’

He squeezed her hand. ‘Not all of you. And who can blame any of us? I mean, these past few years have been bracing at best.’

She nodded but looked absently across the garden. ‘I don’t know Harry “ I’m not a fan of excuses. Mum is right, Ron and I are coping better than George, and we should have more patience, but I just couldn’t let him hurt you.’

Harry looked at her sadly. ‘Ginny, you don’t have to worry about me “ I don’t know that George would have done anything.’

Ginny shook her head, ‘Harry, you don’t understand.’ She got up abruptly, forcing Harry to stop the swing quickly. ‘He’s been really off.’

She sighed in a frustrated manner. ‘I don’t think I’m explaining this well. He isn’t just upset “ you know, like me or even Ron. He’s furious “ all of the time.’

Harry looked up at her from the swing. ‘Well, can you blame him? I mean, if I had given myself up sooner, just think how many…’

He couldn’t finish the sentence and Ginny stood in front of him, her arms crossed. ‘I don’t want you to even think about saying what I think you’re going to say Harry. I don’t. What happened, happened and we can’t change it nor would I want to.’

She turned away from him. ‘I know how awful that sounds. I mean, to trade one life for how many? I don’t know “ I just don’t want to think about it…’

He stood up slowly. ‘Ginny, I’m sorry; we probably shouldn’t be talking about this.’

She turned towards him. ‘Why? Is there a better time? Will there ever be a better time? We might as well, Harry.’

He didn’t think arguing with her at the moment would get him anywhere, but he knew he wasn’t ready to talk about this. He didn’t have the strength. He cared about Ginny, he wanted her to know, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. The internal struggle would have continued had Ginny not reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Harry’s arm, forcing him to focus quickly.

‘I’m sorry “ I don’t mean to pry Harry…I think there are things we could or should talk about, but I can see you may not be ready and that’s okay, really.’ She sounded genuine and Harry felt very grateful for it.

'I’m sorry Ginny, I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about everything that happened. I’ve barely sorted it out in my own mind to be honest.’ He smiled at her sheepishly. He felt like his words sounded hollow, unfounded, but his experiences against Voldemort and his own death, were not something to idly discuss.

She frowned at him. ‘I shouldn’t have brought it up like that Harry, I’m sorry. That isn’t what I meant. I know we’ll talk about this if and when you want to.’

Harry reached out and pulled her towards him. ‘I promise I’ll open up, I’m just not there yet, you know?’

She welcomed his embrace, hugging him. ‘Sure Harry, everything doesn’t have to be now, we have loads of time, right?’

He laughed a little. ‘I hope so!’

The both laughed as they slowly pulled away from one another, he looked at her seriously. ‘Are you okay to go back inside? We can spend the rest of the day out here, or even some where else if you want.’

He wasn’t certain if his timing was poor, but she looked towards the house, her eyes saddening at the mere mention of going back. ‘I can’t look at him right now. I just can’t.’

Harry looked at her concerned. ‘Ginny, he’s your brother, if he needs time that’s one thing, but what he did to you last night was…’ He felt his temper flaring. ‘It was out of control and brutal!’

She turned towards him with a surprised look. ‘Harry! I’m fine, really!’

He shook his head. ‘He threw you through a door! How can you even pretend like you’re fine!’

She started to argue but he put his hand up. ‘And don’t think I haven’t noticed you wincing all morning every time I touch you “ whatever he did, if he even looks at you funny…’

She smiled softly at him, waiting patiently for him to stop. He gave her a curious look and she said quietly, ‘Harry, really, I mean, honestly, I’m okay. After the last year at Hogwarts, getting thrown through a door is an easy ache to get over.’

He narrowed his eyes and retorted smartly, ‘Strangely that doesn’t make me feel any better about it.’

He could feel his body stiffen, his jaw setting and his fists clenching. Ginny walked over to him and took one of his hands with both of hers, pulling his fingers out of their tightened position. ‘It is really sweet of you to be so protective, but I’m not sure how fair it is for you to want to protect me and then not allow me to do the same for you.’

She had the sweetest smile on her face and Harry leaned down and kissed her, feeling the anger melt away. He pulled her close, being careful not to grip her left arm too tightly. Every time he kissed her it felt amazing, her lips had the most intoxicating flavour. She grabbed his shirt around the collar to pull him lower, deepening their kiss. He slid his hands off of her arms and wrapped them tightly around her waist, lifting her up off the ground and backed his way towards the swing. He could feel her eyes shot open and felt her hands grip him more tightly for balance. He couldn’t help himself and could feel a laugh crossing his lips as she pulled away from him, pouting slightly. ‘Are you laughing at me?’

He smiled and pulled her towards him, reaching up with his lips to catch hers. ‘Never!’

She didn’t argue as he pulled her across the swing, her body lying on top of his, her hair falling around his face and their lips joined for what felt like an eternity.

The exhaustion and lack of sleep for both of them finally took hold as Ginny pulled away from him, resting her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair but couldn’t think of anything to say. Every moment he spent with her made him feel whole.

He didn’t want to break their perfect moment, but this was the second time she’d mentioned her last year at Hogwarts and he was concerned about what horrors she had gone through without him. Or what he may have made worse by his behaviour. He spoke quietly, ‘Ginny, I don’t want to push you, and this is amazing.’

He could feel her shift her position, propping herself up with one arm and pushing off of his chest with the other so she could look him in the eyes. He kept his gaze steady and continued softly, ‘What happened last year?’

Her smile faded slowly. ‘Harry “ it isn’t imp“’

He didn’t let her finish, sitting up abruptly, forcing her to shift her weight further. ‘It is “ its important to me. You’re important to me. And if some one did something to you, I want to know.’

She sighed. ‘It won’t change anything.’ She looked at him sadly, touching his cheek with her hand. ‘Its okay Harry “ I’m tough, I can take a lot, and it was worth it to give the Carrows something to really get upset about.’

Harry didn’t want her to divert his attention. ‘I saw how bad Neville looked when we got to Hogwarts, before the battle “ I can only assume you were…’

He couldn’t bring himself to say it and she pulled herself closer to him. ‘Harry, don’t do this to yourself. Its over. I’m fine, Neville’s fine, even Luna’s fine.’ She laughed. ‘Well, Luna’s as fine as she can be.’

He couldn’t look at her, he knew she would have gotten in trouble because of him, but he couldn’t imagine the worst. She was watching him closely, repeating herself, ‘Please, Harry, its okay.’

He shook his head. ‘I want to know “ I need to know.’

He was pleading with her and he pulled her towards him, saying softly, ‘Please.’

She wrapped her arms around him. ‘I won’t even ask you not to get upset, because something tells me you can’t control that.’

He shook his head slightly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his lap. ‘No, I can’t.’

She started quietly, ‘It was bad, awful. I never really fully understood why those curses were considered unforgivable, but to experience them was worse than anything I’d ever imagined.’

Her eyes seemed to lose focus, as if she were recalling a memory from long ago. ‘The first few times we were caught, me, Neville or Luna, or even Seamus, it wasn’t that bad. Nothing like Umbridge, no scars, but we all saw a lot of Madame Pomfrey.’

She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, but Harry wasn’t going to let her get away without saying something more. She sighed. ‘After the Carrows took over the detentions, then we learned very quickly, should we get caught, well, the price would be slightly more severe.

‘One time Luna and I had been trying to get into the Room of Requirement and we were out a little later than we should have been. We both ran, but they managed to find a way to corner us. I didn’t think anything of their threat of detention, and I was a bit defiant, as I sometimes can be.’

Harry smiled, though she continued more slowly, ‘When we got to detention, I paid for that defiance. Dearly. And so did poor Luna. They had us practice unforgivable curses on each other. Initially, Luna and I were able to do it without doing any harm to each other, but the Carrows knew what we were doing, and they brought in the inquisitorial squad. Even without Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were still as mean and vicious as ever. They knocked Luna out cold fairly quickly, but they knew you and I were friends, if not something more, I was lucky, I guess, a few broken ribs and a lot of bruises. But it only got worse from there.’

Her hands had tightened, clenching the fabric of Harry’s shirt. He wasn’t certain how upset she was getting, but Harry was suddenly feeling no sorrow that Crabbe had been consumed by his own curse. She continued more quietly, ‘I’m not sure how much more detail you need, but that was the year, just repeat every few weeks, if not more frequently. We got into a lot of trouble, the old DA, but we didn’t stop, not until the school was virtually emptied. Then we just didn’t have the numbers. Though based on all of the descriptions I’ve heard, it sounds like Neville did some damage after I never came back from Easter break and poor Luna got kidnapped.’

Harry breathed out a little loudly and Ginny pulled herself away from him a little, to get a better look at him. ‘That’s really it, Harry.’

He didn’t argue with her, but leaned forward, kissing her forehead as gently as he could. ‘If I had known you’d have been terrorised while I was gone…’ He couldn’t have taken her with him, but he wasn’t certain what would have been better, he finished lamely, ‘I’m sorry.’

She shook her head. ‘Don’t be Harry. Every time we did what we did, it was in hopes of helping you do what ultimately needed to be done.’

He sighed. ‘That actually makes me feel worse “ knowing you were basically being punished for being associated with me.’

She pressed her hand firmly on his chest. ‘Harry, you know Snape stopped it when he could, punishing us with ‘detention’ with Hagrid, but even he couldn’t stay under the Carrows’ radar. They knew we’d done wrong and believed that Voldemort would want to see us punished, and punished brutally.’

He nodded. ‘I know, I know he did what he could, but…’ He was afraid to finish.

He looked up at her, her brown eyes reflecting a sense of remorse. She was so strong, stronger than he sometimes realised. She smiled down at him. ‘Don’t worry about it Harry, its over.’

He nodded mutely, then reached up to push a tuft of hair out of her face and behind her ear. He leaned up and kissed her fully on the lips, hoping he was relaying his feelings through that kiss. He could feel her lean down, placing all her weight on him.

He ran his fingers through her hair, gently pulling her face closer to his. They both slowed their kissing, breaking away from each other and breathing deeply. He didn’t want to let her get away and she appeared to feel the same way, brushing her lips across his cheek and whispering in his ear. ‘You’re being delectably sweet “ but something tells me you didn’t touch your breakfast.’

He started to argue, but she kissed him again, her hair tickling his face as she pulled on his lower lip before placing various kisses across his cheek and running her hands down his chest to rest on his stomach, which had been making slightly audible sounds for some time.

She lingered over him before sitting up slightly; though Harry could barely see her, his mind reeling and his senses going into over-drive. She had never kissed him like that before and he hoped this wouldn’t be a rare occurrence. She pulled her weight off of him, sitting up on the bench. He got up quickly and pulled close to her. He leaned in and turned her chin up to him, kissing her again, more deeply. He lost his balance and felt himself falling on top of her, but grabbed the back of the swing with one hand to steady himself while Ginny had wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself.

They both broke away, Ginny laughing at Harry’s enthusiasm. ‘I think we probably should do this in less precarious places.’

He smiled at her as he slowly got up, reaching his hand out to help her up. She looked at him affably and placed her hand in his. He spontaneously yanked her up towards him, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her again. He didn’t recall what it was like not having his arms around her and was loathe to experience it now. The morning was warming up slowly and he guessed that even though he wasn’t feeling cold, she probably was. He slowly pulled his lips away from hers, looking down at her still closed eyes. The sunlight was hitting her perfectly and the smile on her lips was enticing.

Harry felt himself drawn to kiss her again and again, but she opened her eyes and gave him a half smile. ‘Thank you Harry. I do feel better now.’

He hadn’t released her from his embrace but replied shyly, ‘Well, whenever you need cheering up, or support, or anything, I’ll be right here waiting for.’

She leaned up, kissing him softly on the lips. ‘You don’t know how comforting that is to hear.’

Harry was holding her hands firmly in his, wishing to pull her closer, but his stomach betrayed him yet again and Ginny laughed as she poked him. ‘It sounds like some of your basic urges aren’t going to get delayed any further!’

He laughed and followed as she walked towards the back door. He held her hand firmly, intertwining his fingers through hers. He opened the door, looking in first before letting Ginny enter ahead of him. He was surprised to see no one in the kitchen.

In a house as busy as the Burrow, it was unusual to have no one around. Harry wondered how long they had been outside, but Ginny pulled him gently towards the table, where there was still some food waiting for them.

They sat down next to one another, Harry reached across the table pouring water for both of them and handing her a plate. She shook her head slightly but he placed the plate in front of her. ‘You hardly ate anything last night and I know you didn’t eat anything this morning.’

He gave her his best no-nonsense look and she grinned at him. ‘Fine, but I’m really not hungry, Harry.’

He placed a couple of pieces of toast on both their plates then walked to the stove to put the kettle on. She smiled at him. ‘You know Harry, you could try that with magic.’

He smiled. ‘I don’t mind doing things with a little more effort…’

He let his thoughts wander, knowing she’d most likely know what he meant. That morning had been bliss, but looking at her now; her eyes tired, her expression reflecting a mix of frustration and resignation to her fate, he still wasn’t certain they stood on firm ground. She didn’t recoil from him, and when they were together, her eyes were soft and inviting, but as he looked at her now, she had a distant look upon her face.

‘What are you thinking about?’ she said quietly, her eyes concentrating on the toast before her.

He gave the kettle one last look before returning to the table. ‘About us.’

He said it simply enough but she seemed to be surprised he’d said it. She looked away from him. ‘And here I thought things were clearer.’

Harry sighed. ‘Ginny, I’m just worried “ I don’t want to go off track. I just want to be ‘okay’ with you. If not better!’

She turned her head back towards him, smiling. ‘I’m not trying to give you a hard time, Harry. I just need to think about things, as do you.’

He reached out for her hand. ‘When you get that glass-eyed look I get really nervous, like there’s some big bloke waiting around the corner to whisk you away.’

He tried to sound light-hearted, but she only half-smiled. ‘No, Harry, no one is waiting for me.’

Her tone wasn’t accusatory, but Harry could tell she had tried hard not to emphasize the words ‘no one.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘I’m sure there’s at least one person waiting for you.’

She didn’t respond. The kettle began to whistle and Harry hurried over to it, pouring two cups and bringing them over to the table. The warmth from the tea was comforting and he was happy to see Ginny drinking the tea slowly.

They sat quietly for some time, both lost in their own thoughts. Harry had devoured his toast, but was relieved to see Ginny at least eat one piece before going back to staring off into oblivion.

He watched her quietly. She had wiped her hands on a nearby napkin and continued sipping her tea. She hadn’t noticed Harry watching her and began fiddling with her hair, trying to flatten it slightly as they both looked dishevelled after being outside.

She must have felt his gaze on her as she turned towards him smiling, but not saying anything. He leaned in and said quietly. ‘Will we be heading out then? If nothing else, we can always just get out of here for a little while.’

She smiled at him, but he could tell she had already declined his offer. ‘Harry, something tells me I won’t be expected to go to the shop today. And based on that, I also don’t think I should be heading out either. Mum sounded pretty…insistent about that.’

Harry nodded and sighed. ‘Hmm, er, well, how do you want to spend the rest of the day then?’

He must have been looking suggestively because she started to laugh. ‘Harry! Really, we can’t do that all day!’

She gestured towards the door as she placed a hand over his and squeezed it. He smiled at her. ‘Wait, no, that isn’t entirely what I meant! I mean, yeah…’ He could feel the heat rising on his face. ‘Kissing you is…’

She stopped him, putting her fingers over his lips and laughing. ‘Please, Harry, I’m not sure I can handle any more of this explanation!’

He took her fingers and kissed them softly, stopping her laughter instantly. He leaned in closer, kissing her cheek, whispering, ‘You know, sometimes, I’m not that great with words.’

Ginny impatiently took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply, stopping Harry from thinking straight for a few minutes. They both broke apart slowly, Ginny kissing him softly on the cheek. ‘May be you’re right, we could do this all day.’

She was about to lean in and kiss him again, but footsteps announced some one’s arrival into the kitchen and they both pulled away, looking towards the door.

Hermione and Ron entered quietly, Hermione saying, ‘We were wondering what happened to you.’

Ron interjected far too loudly, ‘But it seems like you’ve been ‘busy’ all this time. Thanks for leaving us with that mess.’

Harry noticed Ginny’s hand stiffen and he squeezed it gently, saying, ‘Sorry Ron, we all have our priorities.’

Harry could feel Ginny watching the exchange between Ron and himself closely.

Ron and Hermione still stood in the doorway, Ron leaning forward. ‘Is that a fact? The priority I saw didn’t seem to have a lot of talking involved.’

Ginny’s eyes flashed as she looked Ron in the face. ‘How dare you spy on us!’

Ron replied with the same inflection, ‘I wanted to make sure you were okay “ my mistake, huh?’

Ginny shot back, ‘Very much so. Certainly not your first either.’

Hermione put her hands up trying to break the confrontation that was erupting. ‘Ginny, Ron didn’t mean that we were watching; we’re not voyeurs. We were just worried. And you and Harry both left here and…well, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.’

Ginny didn’t seem convinced, but looked away from Ron. Harry turned to Ron. ‘You know Ron, you’d do yourself a big favour if you just got used to seeing us together. You’re not going to see less of it.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘Look, I’m not saying I’m not okay with you two being together, and its been made clear no one is asking for my approval.’

Ginny laughed and shook her head as Ron continued, ‘Come on! We were having a serious argument and you just up and left!’

Ginny turned back to Ron. ‘Right, we were making loads of progress, too. Mum didn’t want to hear it. Dad seemed to get it a bit. But until they catch George, we’re just stuck.’

Harry leaned over kissing her cheek. ‘We’re not stuck, just tell me where you want to go and we’ll go.’

She smiled at him but shook her head. ‘Harry “ you know I can’t.’

Harry didn’t want to let it go, but knew Ginny wasn’t going to change her mind instantly.

Hermione spoke softly, ‘I don’t think waiting is the answer either. We were lucky last night. Ginny, you were really brilliant.’

Harry nodded his approval, saying quietly, ‘Yeah, my knight in shining armour, right?’

Ginny’s smile faded as she spoke, ‘Hermione is right, we can’t just wait around for him to take another crack at you, Harry. We can’t keep putting you in harm’s way.’

Harry looked at her seriously. ‘No, I’m not leaving you here.’ He added hurriedly, ‘None of you. I know you think he’s acting out because I’m here, but I don’t want to risk my leaving and of being no help. Besides “ wasn’t some one trying to tell me we’re all better off together?’

Ron laughed as Hermione waved her hands. ‘Wait a minute “ you’re not blaming me are you, Harry?’

She was laughing too, as Harry responded, ‘Sorry, I’m staying. That’s it.’

Ginny looked sadly over at Hermione and Ron, but neither of them seemed to have any argument to mount.

Harry smiled broadly. ‘That’s settled then. What’s next?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Harry, are you sure?’

He didn’t hesitate. ‘Absolutely.’

Ron shrugged. ‘I don’t know what’s next. George and Percy are at the shop, they may stay at his flat in London, but mum wants them back here for dinner. More waiting.’

Hermione and Ron both sat down at the table, looking questioningly at one another. Harry looked at all of them in turn. ‘Wait, then what have you been doing when I wasn’t here?’

Ron laughed. ‘You’re looking at it, mate! One of us mooning over you.’ He looked pointedly at Ginny, who rolled her eyes. ‘And the other two just enjoying each others’ company.’

Ron reached over and took Hermione’s hand in his, and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed a little, leaning closer to Ron.

Harry laughed. ‘Wait “ so its okay for you to snog Hermione, but when I snog your sister, then it isn’t okay?’

Ron grinned. ‘I’m so glad you figured that out!’

Harry shook his head. ‘I leave you alone for a bit and you’re all mad! Though that doesn’t make me any less fond of you lot.’

Ginny sighed. ‘If I don’t have to go to the shop then I’m sure mum will be by to give us chores to do.’

Ron grimaced. ‘I’m not sure how much more cleaning I can do!’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘Oh Ron, you were using magic! If you studied more you’d “ ‘

Before she could finish Ron pulled her towards him, kissing her fully on the mouth, stopping any argument she might think to mount. She was pressing firmly on his chest, but he didn’t show any signs of noticing. She finally relinquished her fight, placing her hands on his upper arms and enjoying an intimate moment with her boyfriend.

Harry looked at Ginny curiously and she leaned over to him, whispering, ‘They’ve been like this all the time. Arguing and then snogging “ I think it’s a system they’ve created.’

Harry laughed quietly. ‘Well, as long as they’re making up after the arguing I think they’re good!’

Ginny sighed. ‘At least I don’t have to sit in their presence alone.’

She gave him a reassuring look and he shifted in his chair uncomfortably. Ginny watched him for a second, giving him a questioning look. He stretched his arms up. ‘These chairs aren’t that comfortable.’

Ron and Hermione had finally come up for air, holding onto each other tightly. Ron muttered under his breath, ‘I’m pretty comfortable where I am.’

He leaned in and started to kiss Hermione’s cheek and jawbone as she flushed fully, whispering softly, ‘Ron “‘

But again she could mount no argument as Ron was keeping her mind occupied by keeping her lips occupied. Ron pulled her closer, pulling her off of her chair and onto his lap, letting his hands travel up her back and into her hair.

Ginny looked away pointedly, rolling her eyes and whispering to Harry, ‘May be we should leave them alone?’

Harry nodded and got up, following Ginny out of the kitchen into the sitting room. The Burrow always had a homey feel and this room was the paramount example of this. The sofas and chairs were well worn, but had a welcoming feel to them.

Ginny dropped into a nearby sofa and Harry sat down beside her, stretching his arm across the back of the sofa behind where Ginny was sitting. After watching Ron and Hermione snog like crazy, Harry suddenly had the urge not to kiss Ginny all over.

Ginny was watching him closely and poked him in the side. ‘What are you smiling about?’

Harry laughed. ‘I just realised that if Ron keeps snogging Hermione like that in front of us I’m not sure I’ll be able to feel well enough to snog you!’

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning towards him. She whispered in a coquettish voice, ‘Are you saying watching my brother snog his girlfriend makes me less appealing?’

Harry had to catch himself for a second before laughing. ‘Not by a long shot!’

He leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. ‘I can assure you, you never get less appealing. I just hope I don’t look like that when I’m snogging you!’

They both laughed and Harry could feel Ginny shift her weight, resting her head against his shoulder. Neither of them said anything, Harry felt the weight of his eye-lids and could feel his eyes shutting, despite his desire to stay awake. He set his hand on her hip and inhaled her scent. He thought he would just shut his eyes for a second but felt his head leaning back and the world going very dark but still very warm.

Chapter 8 - Happy Musings by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I'm so sorry these updates are taking so long. I am trying my hardest to push these through. I have 15 chapters up at my livejournal: flannelfiction - if you want to read the full story, please go there. I really appreciate all of the comments and the support for this story - I promise it is going somewhere good - enjoy!

Harry could feel a firm hand shaking him and a soft voice whispering his name. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a comforting sight; Ginny was leaning over him and shaking him gently. He could feel her warm breath on his cheek and he turned his head towards her slowly. ‘Good Morning.’

She smiled and laughed. ‘Harry, its evening and you fell asleep “ a great way to win a girl over Casanova!’

He leaned forward and looked out the window to see the world had gone very dark. He rubbed his eyes and realised he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Ginny smiled and handed them to him. ‘You even fell asleep with your glasses on. I started talking to you and looked up to see you fast asleep. I poked you a few times, but you just held onto me more tightly.’

He shook his head a little to make sure he was awake. ‘Ginny, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise I was so tired.’

She just smiled at him. ‘It’s okay Harry, I mean, we’re all tired. And no one’s really getting a lot of sleep.’

He smiled sheepishly up at her, getting up slowly. ‘I’d better go wash up a bit before trying to snog my way out of trouble.’

She shook her head laughing as he walked away. ‘You’re not in any trouble, Harry! At least not with me...’ She said the last part more quietly and Harry strained to hear her as he rounded the corner and bounded up the stairs.

He threw some cold water on his face, still in utter disbelief that he could fall asleep. He was more surprised that in his sleeping stupor, he had the sense to hold onto Ginny more tightly. He was also surprised that neither Hermione nor Ron were present to see his latest romantic blunder, but the last time he saw them, they wouldn’t have noticed if the entire world were falling apart.

He pulled on a heavier sweater, as evening was wearing on, it might feel cooler than this morning. As he headed down the stairs, he could hear soft, strained voices coming from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s room. He didn’t want to linger, but it sounded like the discussion from this morning had continued on into the evening. He felt badly that he was the cause of so many stresses, but continued past the door, knowing there was little he could do about it.

When he came back to the sitting room he found Ginny sitting on the sofa again, eyeing him cautiously. ‘Sure you’re not going to fall asleep on me again?’

He laughed and leaned in kissing her on the cheek. ‘I’m wide awake now.’

He wrapped his arms around her but she put her hands firmly on his chest. ‘Harry.’ Her voice was strained and she said more quietly, ‘George is going to be back “ may be you should…’

She didn’t complete her sentence, but looked at him worriedly. He sighed and leaned back into the sofa. ‘Unless you’re coming, I’m not going.’

She leaned close to him. ‘Harry, you’re sweet, but I don’t want to see you get hurt!’

He could hear the concern in her voice and it took a lot of self control for him not to Apparate on the spot. He shook his head firmly. ‘I’m sorry Ginny; I can’t leave you in danger. I just can’t; please don’t ask me to.’

She didn’t say anything at first, but sat closer to him, wrapping her arms around him and whispering, ‘If anything happens to you because of him, I’ll never forgive myself.’

Harry smiled down at her. ‘Ginny, I think I can handle George.’

Her eyes strayed away from him to the door. ‘Harry, I don’t think you understand “ he really isn’t himself. I…’

She looked around again and then leaned in, whispering in his ear, ‘I’m convinced he’s been practicing dark magic.’

He looked at her sceptically. ‘He wouldn’t “ he knows better.’

She shook her head. ‘Not right now he doesn’t. Had he hit you with anything last night, I don’t know what might have happened!’

He kissed her softly on the nose and felt her giggle. ‘You worry too much. I’ve been chased by a lot of foul people in the last year. I have faith that George will come to his senses. We’ve always got on together very well. I know you don’t want to hear me agree with your mum, but may be he does just need some time.’

He was afraid she’d holler at him, but she sat back quietly, looking at him directly. He held her gaze, trying to re-assure her that they would be fine. He squeezed her arm and rested his forehead against hers. ‘It’s going to be fine, no matter what.’

He leaned in and kissed her softly as he heard from behind him, ‘So nice of you to wake up!’

Hermione was smiling at the two of them as she sat down in a nearby chair. She turned away, picking up the Daily Prophet as Ginny extricated herself from Harry’s embrace.

He wrapped his arm around her and turned to Hermione. ‘You were able to get away from Ron, then?’

Hermione blushed. ‘I’m a little surprised you’d go this route, Harry.’

He looked at her questioningly as Ginny giggled and patted Harry on the knee. ‘I think you should let her have this round.’

Harry still seemed dumbfounded and Hermione sighed. ‘Harry, you just fell asleep in full view of the entire household with your arms wrapped around your girlfriend. Any kissing I’ve done is really nothing compared to that!’

His eyes bolted open as he turned to Ginny. ‘Did anyone else see us?’

She smiled and ran her hands up his chest. ‘Just Hermione actually. I shouldn’t make you feel so guilty, I fell asleep for a bit as well, it was rather comfortable.’

She said the words slowly and he leaned in kissing her again. ‘It was really, really nice. I haven’t slept that well in a really long time.’

Ginny smiled and kissed him back whispering, ‘Me either.’

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, ‘You’re just lucky it was me and not some one else, Harry.’

Harry raised his eyebrows at her. ‘Oh come on Hermione, I wasn’t doing anything wrong “ we were just sleeping! Don’t make it into something it wasn’t.’

He wondered if he’d sounded too dismissive, but Ginny nodded. ‘I hate to say it Harry, but Hermione is right, especially with George around.’

Harry sighed. ‘He isn’t here now, and even if he were, we’re not going to stop being together because he doesn’t want us to be happy!’

Ginny and Hermione exchanged looks and Harry sighed, loosening his grip on Ginny. ‘I really don’t think we should change something positive in our lives. Anyone who cares about at least one of us should be happy we’re happy.’

Hermione spoke softly, ‘Harry “ that isn’t the point. And I really don’t think you understand the state he’s in. You haven’t been here. He’s gone a bit mad.’

She said the words cautiously and Ginny sighed, leaning against Harry. ‘I keep telling him this but he isn’t listening.’ She tapped the side of Harry’s head playfully. ‘A little too stubborn for your own good.’

He smiled and grabbed her hand, kissing her fingers. ‘I think it’ll pay off for me in the long run.’

She smiled. ‘It seems to be working out for you now.’ She leaned in and kissed him again, resting her head on his shoulder, letting her body relax against his. Harry was feeling beyond comfortable; having her in his arms felt normal and right.

Hermione looked around distractedly. ‘As much as I enjoy seeing you enjoying each others’ company, I think we should have some sort of plan for when George does get back, to avoid the unpleasantness from last night.’

Harry sighed. ‘Oh come on Hermione “ why do we need a plan? Just keep clear of him and we’ll be fine.’

Hermione looked at Harry sharply. ‘No precautions at all?’

He pulled away from Ginny slightly, sitting up on the sofa and looking Hermione straight in the face. ‘Good point “ yes, we should. Any ideas?’

Hermione gave him a playful smirk. ‘What would you do if I weren’t around?’

Harry laughed and leaned back on the sofa. ‘I’ve always said you were the smartest one in our class!’

Ginny pulled closer to Harry again. ‘Too bad we can’t go to the shop and get something there “ George and Fred had clothes and things with protective charms on them. We could have gotten something for you there.’

Harry smiled and squeezed her arm. ‘It wasn’t me I was thinking of getting something for.’

Hermione sighed. ‘Either way we’ll need to cast some protective charms, ones that don’t need to be uttered the moment another spell is coming at you.’

Harry replied, ‘Is there really such a thing that would be effective against any sort of dark magic?’

Hermione looked at him questioningly. ‘Why do you ask?’

Ginny looked nervously to Hermione and said quietly, ‘You know why.’

Hermione looked slightly shocked. ‘Are you sure?’

Ginny looked down. ‘Fairly certain “ aren’t you?’

Hermione replied, her eyes looking sadly at Ginny, ‘I suspected for a while, but didn’t want to say anything. There were signs; and the wand too.’

Ginny looked up. ‘Wait “ what about the wand? His wand?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘That’s the thing, it isn’t his wand he’s using!’

Harry watched the two of them and put his hand up. ‘Are you saying he’s using some one else’s wand?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘He’s using Fred’s wand.’

They all sat there silently, each lost in their own thoughts. Hermione looked blankly out the window, while Ginny shut her eyes and was leaning heavily on Harry. He was holding one of her hands in his, running his fingers carelessly across her palm.

Ron stepped into the room. ‘Merlin’s pants! You lot are hopeless without me around!’

They all snapped out of their reveries and turned to Ron, Hermione laughing. ‘We’ve been waiting for you to come entertain us!’

Ron sat down in a chair next to Hermione’s and put a hand on the arm of her chair. ‘Well, I know you lot can’t expect to have too much fun without me.’

Harry shook his head. ‘You just keep believing that, mate.’

Ron laughed. ‘I will “ makes me happy. Well, adds to it.’

He looked knowingly at Hermione who leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘You do help me with that on occasion.’

Ron gave her a half-smile. ‘Just on occasion?’

He reached out and pulled her towards him, ignoring the furniture that separated them.

Harry interjected, ‘If there’s going to be a repeat of what we saw earlier, I’d like to know so Ginny and I don't have to partake!’

Ginny giggled. ‘Yeah, please let us know. I mean, not that I mind, but I don’t need to see it.’

Ron released his grip on Hermione and turned towards Harry and Ginny. ‘I’ll keep all that under advisement.’

Ginny rolled her eyes as Hermione turned back to the Daily Prophet. ‘It seems like the news hasn’t changed much. It is nice not to see such coloured news all the time.’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, but I don’t think I can read about myself anymore, its getting a tad tiresome.’

Ginny giggled. ‘You’re lucky, at least all the pictures of you are coming out well.’

She playfully tousled his hair as he replied quietly, ‘I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind not getting so much attention.’

Ron laughed. ‘You know, playing up the ‘hero’ role a bit isn’t going to hurt you!’

Harry shook his head. ‘I’ll gladly let you, Hermione or Neville take the credit.’

Ron sighed. ‘Come on “ I mean, I know you don’t go in for all the glitz and glamour, but seeing yourself in the paper isn’t all bad.’

Harry looked at Ron. ‘No, but it gives me more attention than I like, especially the wrong kind of attention. I don’t want any rogue Death Eaters needing any more reason to come after me or any of you!’

Ginny took Harry’s hand and squeezed it. ‘I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but you’re worrying too much. The Ministry has rounded up most of them and I doubt their first act would be to come after you! They’d know better.’

Harry leaned in and brushed his lips across her cheek, eliciting a contented sigh from Ginny as he said quietly, ‘Weren’t you the one telling me I shouldn’t risk it?’

She smiled at him and rested her head next to his on the sofa. ‘That’s one situation I already know is out of control!’

Ron looked questioningly at both of them as Hermione said, ‘You know “ about George…’

She left the sentence unfinished and Ron looked at her sadly. ‘No, Ginny’s right then, that situation is out of control.’

Harry looked away from all of them, feeling slightly nettled. ‘You all are really worrying too much! He was out of control last night.’ He reached a protective arm around Ginny. ‘But I can’t imagine him trying anything like that again.’

Ron said quietly, ‘He will “ especially now that he knows you care about Ginny. In a way, neither of you is safe here.’

Ginny looked up suddenly. ‘Oh Ron, you and Harry are really taking this out of context. The only reason he pushed me is because I was trying to stop him from hurting Harry.’

Harry shook his head and said forcefully, ‘That’s the whole reason he hurt you, because of me.’

Ginny looked at him seriously. ‘Don’t “ don’t do this to yourself, or anyone else here, ok?’

She reached out and turned his face to hers, he could feel the heat and anger rising, but her eyes looked at him softly, he said quietly, ‘I’m not doing anything.’

She laughed. ‘You’re not? Is that why your hands have tightened into fists?’

He looked down and saw she was right, he’d clenched his fists, but released them quickly. ‘Even if you’re all right, you can’t honestly expect me to hide?’

Ginny sighed. ‘No, I know you never would, it wouldn’t be in your character.’

Hermione interjected, ‘We’re back where we were before “ everyone in danger and no solution.’

Ron smiled. ‘Solutions are your department; Harry and I are just the brute force, though now we might be able to take it easy with Ginny around!’

They all laughed as Ginny leaned forward. ‘So you’re expecting me to protect you too, Ron?’

Ron laughed. ‘If you’re already at it, why not?’

A slight bustle could be heard from the kitchen as Mrs. Weasley called out, ‘Supper is almost ready!’

Ron broke in, ‘About time “ I’ve been hungry all afternoon!’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘You could try making something yourself, you know?’

Ron replied, ‘I could, but its easier to just wait for mum to get things organised. She’s much better at it than I am.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Cooking spells aren’t that difficult, getting them right is the hard part.’

Ron didn’t say anything, most likely due to their time out-doors with only Hermione’s cooking. She was a very capable witch, but even she hadn’t mastered cooking. They all got up and headed for the kitchen, Ginny standing in front of Harry, her eyes pleading. ‘Harry, I…’

He didn’t let her finish, leaning down and kissing her softly before saying quietly, ‘Don’t worry.’

She didn’t say anything, but hugged him quickly before heading into the kitchen. Harry only hoped that things would go more smoothly at this meal. He hated being a burdensome guest; especially considering he’d only really distracted the entire household with more worries instead of less. Harry followed Ginny into the kitchen, hoping that if nothing else, the meal would go by with little cause for concern.

Chapter 9 - Strained Silence by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
thank you to those of you that are still reading and commenting - it is much appreciated :)
Much to everyone’s relief, George did not make an appearance during supper, although Mrs. Weasley frequently checked the family clock. It only displayed George and Percy being at work and nothing more. The meal passed in relative silence. Ginny and Ron seemed reluctant to say anything in front of their mother after the morning’s argument, while Hermione and Harry exchanged nervous glances but said very little.

Harry wasn’t used to having such strained meals at the Burrow, but wasn’t overly surprised. The meal ended with a hot cup of tea and the four retired back to the sitting room, all being sufficiently contented from the meal.

The silence that had permeated supper continued into the sitting room. Hermione shifted in her chair, breaking the silence. ‘I guess this means we won’t be having any more company tonight.’

Her words fell flat and Ron reached out, squeezing her hand before slumping further down into his chair.

Ginny and Harry sat opposite them, but were not sitting as closely as they had been earlier. Harry kept thinking about the apprehension he felt coming from Ginny, as if she expected something to happen. He felt like he was on edge, trying to not upset her by being there.

He looked at her sadly, but her eyes were vacant. She must have felt his gaze, because she turned towards him. ‘I’m afraid that doesn’t mean more company won’t be coming at another time.’

Hermione turned slightly, realising that Ginny was acknowledging her statement and continued, ‘That is true “ perhaps we should find something to occupy our time that isn’t in plain sight of the entire house.’

Ron chimed in, ‘I think its still pretty nice out “ the wind has died down and I don’t think we have to worry about rain or anything.’

Ginny got up. ‘Let me go fetch a couple of blankets and then we can head out.’

Hermione got up and said, ‘I’ll help you; we can leave the boys to find something to entertain us with.’

Both girls giggled as they hurried out of the room. Harry got the distinct feeling he should be worried, but his attention was diverted by Ron. He seemed to be focused on a point in the kitchen and Harry followed his gaze to the family clock. Percy’s and George’s settings were now on ‘Home.’

He was glad Ginny had not seen it. He braced himself, trying to listen to any noise that might tell where George had arrived. From the sitting room, Harry could see into the kitchen, but couldn’t quite make out the back door. He caught Ron’s eye, Ron smiled at him and said, ‘Better than waiting, huh?’

Harry nodded mutely and stared at the clock once more. Ron gestured towards the door. ‘Maybe we should wait for them outside?’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, I think we should stay.’

Ron looked apprehensively at the door but nodded. ‘Probably best to have this taken care of head on.’

It wasn’t really a question, but a statement. Harry knew there was no running; he would have to be comfortable with George. Mrs. Weasley came bustling down the stairs, muttering something about getting supper back on, passing Ron and Harry virtually unnoticed.

Ginny and Hermione weren’t far behind, each carrying a blanket. Hermione headed towards the door, though Ron cut her off and opened the door for her. Voices could be heard outside and Harry caught Ginny’s eye for a second before taking her hand in his and following Ron and Hermione outside.

The voices came closer and Harry knew they were from George and Percy. The conversation sounded light-hearted. Harry gripped Ginny’s hand more firmly. She responded, squeezing his hand reassuringly and walking briskly forward, towards the voices.

Percy was taller than George, and his red hair, despite the darkness of the evening, could be seen from afar. George strode forward, Percy following close behind. George called out, ‘Good Evening all “ couldn’t wait for us could you?’

Hermione looked nervous again, but Ron didn’t miss a beat. ‘We wanted to eat dinner today, so we thought waiting wasn’t the answer.’

George laughed loudly; Harry thought too loudly. George slapped Ron on the back. ‘That’s alright little brother, we’ll catch up again another time. Where are you lot off to?’

Harry felt Ginny step forward, and tried to pull her back, closer towards him. She replied sweetly, ‘Just enjoying the weather “ Mum is waiting for you.’

George nodded. ‘I’ll catch you later then “ enjoy!’

With that he waved them off and headed towards the door. Percy gave Harry a distasteful look and hurried after George.

Harry froze, but Ginny pulled him forward, saying quietly, ‘Come on.’

Ron led them to place where there were a few trees and he and Ron spread the blankets out for both couples to sit comfortably on the ground. Harry sat down heavily, leaning against a tree trunk. Ginny sat down next to him, just out of arm’s length, but Harry reached out and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Hermione and Ron had no pretensions, Ron sitting down first and Hermione making herself comfortable in his arms. The group sat quietly for the rest of the evening and were thankful that there were no incidents involving George.

The next few days passed in the same manner, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione spending their time around the Burrow; Mr. Weasley, George and Percy not being home much and Mrs. Weasley keeping everyone occupied when they were around.

No one broached the topic of George, nor the incident involving Ginny getting hurt. Harry knew that she had healed, having taken a few potions to quicken the process, but anytime George was around, Harry could feel Ginny become tense and apprehensive. Ron seemed to fall back into a state of acceptance about George’s behaviour. Harry would have labelled it as complacency, save for knowing his friend so well, and therefore knowing Ron was really just waiting for the next incident to occur.

After another week of staying in the Burrow, Harry felt he wouldn’t mind a change of venue and wanted to broach the subject with Ginny. He had a feeling she wouldn’t be up for it, so he approached Hermione in her hopes of helping him. In one of the rare instances when Mrs. Weasley had Ron and Ginny occupied elsewhere, Harry found himself alone with Hermione. She was scanning the Daily Prophet as Harry spoke up, ‘Er, Hermione, can I ask you something?’

She looked up distractedly. ‘Sure, Harry.’

He replied, ‘We’ve been hanging out here a lot.’

She replied, ‘Yeah, we have.’

Her matter-of-fact tone caught him off guard. ‘Do you think anyone would be interested in going out and doing something?’

She put the paper down and turned to look at him. ‘Harry, I really don’t know if that’s a good idea.’

He looked at her dejectedly. ‘I just feel like we’re not doing anything here. Not that I need to do stuff all the time, but…’

She shook her head. ‘Harry, we’re just being supportive of Ron and Ginny. We shouldn’t be doing anything else!’

He leaned back. ‘I just feel like if we did something different, it would get everyone feeling better, you know?’

She picked the paper back up. ‘Harry, you said you’d stay, you can’t just get bored and leave.’

He shot back, ‘I’m not bored “ I just don’t like that I’m being such a burden.’

She had gone back to reading the paper. ‘Stop thinking like that Harry. Let’s just both focus on who we’re here for.’ She continued then more quietly, ‘Though I should be back home soon “ Mum and Dad sent me a letter, the old-fashioned, Muggle way. They send the letters to Mr. Weasley at the Ministry and he brings them home. I think they expect me to come back soon. I just hope we don’t have another row.’

She looked nervous and Harry didn’t feel like arguing with her nor could he think of anything consoling to say, but leaned back dejectedly against the sofa. They never talked about it again, nor brought it up in front of Ron or Ginny.

After Harry’s third week at the Burrow had elapsed, George’s pleasantness had deteriorated and his back-handed comments could be heard on a daily basis, mostly with his exchanges with Ginny and Harry. Harry had taken it good-naturedly, but was offended on Ginny’s behalf. Ginny gave her mother pointed looks whenever she was around, but George was untouchable in Molly’s eyes.

Mrs. Weasley had found various chores for the group to do. She made a point to not allow them to use magic, as Ginny was still not of age and should not be using magic. It wouldn’t be fair to let the others use magic and not her. Ron had made repeated protests about the chores being done more quickly with magic, but his logic fell on deaf ears.

Hermione had worked hard trying to create a combination spell or charm of protection, but had only determined that it would have to be linked to an object and be strong, magically speaking. During one of their many days of chores in the garden, Hermione situated herself closer to Harry.

She whispered, in hopes of not being heard by Mrs. Weasley, who was at the time instructing Ron how to properly pull the weeds out of the ground, ‘Harry, I think I’ve come up with something that might work.’

He turned towards her quickly, closing the distance between them and situating himself on the ground near her, so as to look like he was busy with a particularly tough weed. He said quietly, ‘I knew you’d come through!’

She continued working. ‘Don’t get too excited, like I said before, we need something really ‘magically’ strong “ finding something like that won’t be easy, or cheap. But with a few combination charms, anything could be used as a protective shield. Though, with dark magic in mind, I don’t know the extent of the protection.’

He looked away from her distractedly. ‘How do we know if something is ‘magically strong?”

She bent down, reaching for a nearby weed. ‘That could prove hard. I mean, sometimes you can feel something is magically strong. Well, like the Time-Turner, I mean, it wasn’t just a necklace, it had a feeling to it. I don’t think I’m explaining this well…’

Harry pulled a weed out and fell over. Ginny was sitting on the other side of the garden and Harry could see her laughing at him before her mother descended on her for not paying more attention to her work. Harry said quietly, ‘I think that makes sense, I mean, we’ve all been around things like that at Hogwarts.’

She seemed to be thinking about it and Harry continued more quietly, ‘What if I said I knew about something like that, what kind of charm would we use? And how difficult would it be?’

Hermione gave Harry a curious side-long glance. ‘I imagine we’d have to do a bit more research. Depending on the object, it could require a different sort of charm on it. What is it you have?’

Harry knew he couldn’t side-step an inquisitive Hermione. ‘I found something, and it just sort of drew me towards it, you know?’

Hermione looked worried. ‘Harry, things like that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Do you have it?’

He nodded. ‘Yeah, in my bag upstairs.’

She didn’t seem appeased. ‘You’ve had it all this time? Has it affected you in any way?’

He shook his head. ‘No, I don’t think so. I mean, it just made me feel warm, sort of.’

She looked at him sceptically. ‘Well, I’m sure we should all have a good look at it before “’

He cut her off, ‘No, I bought it for…’ He looked across the garden and could see Ginny fighting with a particularly difficult gnome.

He was about to get up and help her when Hermione said rather loudly, ‘Oh.’ Then more quietly, ‘In that case I guess I’ll be looking at it.’

He sighed and sat back down, watching Ginny give the gnome a solid kick before returning to her work. ‘Would you? You know I’m not that great with research.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘If you’re going to work for the Ministry, you might want to brush up on those skills.’

They stared at each other for a moment before Hermione looked away. He said quietly, ‘I don’t think I can go back to Hogwarts.’

She replied, ‘I know “ I think that last year taught us a lot. We still have to sit for our NEWT’s or equivalent, though. Kingsley can’t just let us waltz in.’

Harry sighed and went back to weeding. ‘He made it sound like that when I spoke to him. For all three of us.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘I think I’d like to talk to him directly before making that assumption.’ She continued more quietly, ‘I didn’t realise you and Ginny were at the point of buying what I can only imagine is jewellery.’

Harry was certain he was turning red and looked down quickly, trying to appear like he was busy with his shoe. ‘Er…you know…’

He stuttered and stammered for a bit while Hermione roared with laughter. ‘Oh Harry! I hope Ginny knows she has her hands full!’

Harry looked up to see Ginny and Ron looking at both him and Hermione quizzically, but neither coming closer, knowing Mrs. Weasley was most likely watching the whole group. Hermione covered her mouth quickly, but her laughter could be heard from clear across the garden. Ron finally yelled out, ‘Either share it with us or stop laughing so loud!’

This only made Hermione laugh harder, tears spilling down her cheeks. She finally got a hold of herself and grabbed Harry’s arm for support. Her laughing slowed down and she gasped for breath. ‘And you make fun of Ron and I! Harry “ you shouldn’t hold onto something like that and not give it to a girl!’

Harry looked at her confused. ‘Why?’

She replied tartly, ‘Think about it “ if Ron bought me a ring or necklace, but didn’t give it to me, and I found it, what do you think I’d think?’

Harry replied matter-of-factly, ‘That he bought it for you and hadn’t given it to you yet.’

Hermione shook her head, giggling. ‘Harry! No! If you don’t give a girl a gift, she might wonder who you’re saving it for!’

Harry gave her a tired look. ‘You two exhaust me sometimes. How can you even think like that!’

Hermione sighed, getting hold of herself entirely. ‘Just think about it “ don’t ask Ginny, but just think about it. It does make sense.’

He replied, ‘Oh come on, are you saying she’d question my intentions? I know Ginny and I are on firmer ground than that!’

She shook her head. ‘Harry, you’re missing the point entirely! You don’t want to give her any reason to doubt you!’

Harry laughed. ‘Yeah, I’ll keep all my other girlfriends at bay then!’

Hermione replied, ‘Well, you might want to give it to me when we’re not all together. I don’t want Ron to get any crazy ideas either.’

Harry and Hermione spent the rest of their time outside discussing various charms and spells they’d used in the past and trying to figure out which ones might or might not work. Hermione had a wealth of knowledge and Harry was always astounded she could keep so much information in her head, for which he was also very thankful. By the end of the day Hermione had narrowed her search down to a handful of spells and charms and said she could easily work them out.

Ron and Ginny had been pulled away from the garden early which left Harry and Hermione to finish up and then head back inside. After both of them had taken warm baths, Harry brought the ring and locket to Hermione.

Hermione exclaimed, ‘Wow, Harry, you are really serious.’

She had a look of awe on her face and Harry felt pride welling up for himself and his actions towards Ginny. ‘I am “ very serious. And when I saw it at Diagon Alley, I thought it would be perfect.’

They had sat down in the sitting room, listening intently for any sign of Ron or Ginny. Hermione sat on the edge of the sofa with a pair of books open nearby. Harry sat next to her, his eyes shut and leaned back heavily against the sofa. He had forgotten how hard manual labour could be. Hermione busied herself looking at the locket before finally shutting the books and handing the locket and ring back to Harry.

She gave him a very knowing look. ‘And you have no idea what drew you to this locket?’

He opened his eyes quickly and looked at her curiously. ‘No, I just felt drawn to it “ you know, like the sword of Gryffindor. I felt like it belonged to me.’

She smirked. ‘You’re not far off “ it is something of Godric Gryffindor’s, but something you may not expect. It was a family heirloom, and its said that it holds great magical power for people that possess Gryffindor qualities.’

She continued more quietly, ‘And apparently it has quite a few romantic implications surrounding it. I read quickly, but something about there being great love between the bearer and receiver.’

He nodded. ‘Yeah, the witch at the curio shop said something similar to me “ but I didn’t think she was serious.’

She nudged Harry. ‘You should probably go put that away. I’ll try to think of the right charm or spell to enhance the power of the locket, but I think you should be the one to actually empower it, since it is your feelings for Ginny that are really fuelling all of this.’

He nodded absently and headed upstairs quickly as he heard the front door open behind him. He wasn’t ready to let anyone else know about the locket. He took one last look at the coat of arms that now seemed to be more familiar, before stowing both the ring and locket in his bag. He could hear Ron’s voice heading up the stairs and emerged from the room just as Ron had reached the landing below his room.

Ron was speaking quietly to Ginny, ‘I’m not disagreeing with you, but there really isn’t anything we can do about it.’

She sighed loudly. ‘Don’t you get tired of being helpless?’

Ron must have made some sort of gesture because Ginny continued more quickly, ‘You don’t have to always have that defeatist attitude! We could do something to change things, ever thought of that?’

Ron replied, ‘Of course, but if it does more harm then good? Why don’t you just leave it alone. He’ll come around.’

Harry wasn’t certain who ‘he’ could be, but hoped it wasn’t him. Ginny continued more quietly, ‘He has to “ but I can’t…we just need to figure something out.’

He could hear Ron’s footsteps coming up the stairs. ‘Why don’t you just let things happen and stop thinking so much about them?’

Harry suddenly realised his predicament and retreated back to Ron’s room, thinking maybe he could pretend he’d fallen asleep. He didn’t want Ron to think he’d been eavesdropping. He turned the lights off with a flick of his wand and lay face down on his bed. The door opened quickly and Ron called out, ‘Oi! You’re not allowed to sleep if the rest of us have to be awake!’

Harry tried to feign drowsiness and shook his head. ‘I’m tired! Your mum really worked us hard today!’

Ron nodded, grabbing some clean clothes. ‘Yeah, I thought she’d calm down, but with George around less, it seems she wants to get more out of us.’

He gestured towards the bathroom and headed out the door, leaving Harry to think about what he’d heard. Harry got up and headed back down the stairs, giving Hermione a questioning look. She shook her head and went back to scanning the charms books near her. Harry looked over and saw the kitchen well-lit and figured this meant someone was there that shouldn’t hear their conversation. He sat down at the other end of the sofa and waited patiently for Ginny and Ron to come downstairs.

Ginny came down first, smelling positively enchanting. Harry felt himself having a hard time not grabbing her and snogging her senseless. With the kitchen so close he knew he couldn’t do anything that wouldn’t be frowned upon. He also wasn’t hoping to encourage George into anymore cheap shots at Ginny.

She sat down next to him and he leaned over, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and nuzzled her neck with his face. She giggled and leaned over towards him. ‘I’ve missed you, too.’

She took his face in her hands and kissed him softly before letting go. She sat up straight but Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She laughed and turned his head away from her face. He laughed but didn’t say anything.

Ron joined them shortly thereafter and sat down across from Hermione. ‘You two really lucked out! Mum had us running circles almost!’

Ginny laughed. ‘It wasn’t that bad, just busy work, really. I mean, nothing we couldn’t have done more quickly!’

Ron replied, ‘Yeah, but if we did it faster she’d just find something else for us to do!’

Mrs. Weasley called out from the kitchen, ‘Ginny, Hermione! Come set the table for supper!’

Hermione got up quickly, Ron getting up also, giving her a quick hug before watching her go into the kitchen. Ginny had to wrench herself out of Harry’s grasp, but gave him a sweet smile before following Hermione.

Ron and Harry compared stories for the day’s activities, with Ron alluding to hoping they’d have some more time to do less over the next few days. Harry didn’t think that was likely, but he did wonder if they’d ever have any time to themselves.

Ron said in a hushed voice, ‘So, were you able to convince Hermione to come to the Ministry next year?’

Harry looked at him. ‘She sounds firm about going back. I think I’ve had my fill.’

Ron laughed. ‘No, I’m with you! I don’t really want to go back either! But Hermione isn’t sure about Kingsley’s offer. Neither am I, but I’m thinking about helping George out. Percy can’t be around forever, right?’

Ron sounded worried about Percy’s meddling, but Harry just smiled. ‘I just don’t know what more we’d learn sitting in classes? I mean, yeah, we probably will have to take our NEWT’s, but after the last year, I just don’t feel like I’m in the school ‘mode,’ you know?’

Ron nodded. ‘We just have to convince Hermione not to go back “ though honestly, I can’t imagine her not wanting to study!’

Harry laughed. ‘All we have to do is show her the wealth of knowledge at the Ministry that she’ll have access to and she’ll probably jump at the chance to be there!’

Hermione poked her head into the sitting room. ‘Supper’s almost ready; you both better get in here.’

She sounded nervous. Ron and Harry exchanged confused looks, but as they walked in they could see why. George was sitting on the counter with a devilish smirk on his face. He looked pointedly at Harry. ‘Ah, and the guest of honour.’

Ginny walked around the table towards Harry, but Harry nudged Ron between them and said, ‘Hello George.’

Ron blocked Ginny’s progress by pulling a chair out for her to sit in. She gave both Ron and Harry an exasperated look before sitting down heavily watching the exchange nervously.

Mrs. Weasley broke in, ‘Let’s all sit down “ your father should be home soon, and then we can have a proper meal!’

Ron and Harry exchanged places so Harry could sit down next to Ginny and Ron could sit next to Hermione. Hermione moved across the table, forcing Ron to follow her. George sat just opposite Harry and Ginny and never took his eyes off of Harry. Harry didn’t flinch, but looked right back at him, unabashed.

Ginny reached over and put her hand over Harry’s, breaking his concentration. She gave him a nervous, warning look and he smiled, trying to reassure her. The meal was spent in relative silence, Harry didn’t want to say or do anything that might encourage George’s erratic behaviour. He also wanted to spare Ginny needless worrying. That did not work out as planned, as Ginny hardly touched her food until Harry nudged her several times.

Mr. Weasley had arrived as Hermione and Ginny set the table and told them all about the latest happenings at the Ministry of Magic. He also told Ron, Hermione and Harry that Kingsley needed to speak with each of them in turns. George openly scoffed at this, but no one paid any mind to his outburst.

Mrs. Weasley commented that they should all get that done as soon as possible. All of them exchanged restrained, excited looks, but Ginny did not share their enthusiasm. Her mother hadn’t said whether Ginny would be joining them or not. Harry couldn’t imagine her not going with them, but knew if he had to, he’d let Ron and Hermione go without him and he’d take Ginny another day.

Harry and Ron helped clean the table and George feigned to help, but did his best to get in Harry’s way. This forced Harry to resort to using magic to move dishes and plates while steering clear of George. George gave Harry one solid shove before bidding everyone good night and leaving for London.

There was a collective sigh of relief. Neither Ron nor Ginny said anything as Mrs. Weasley gushed over George’s visit. Mr. Weasley was not as docile.

He said quietly, though everyone could hear him, ‘Molly “ you can’t honestly tell me you didn’t see any of that?’

She waved him off. ‘He’s just having a bit of fun, I’m sure no one took offence.’

Ginny muttered under her breath, ‘I know I did.’

Thankfully Mrs. Weasley did not hear her. She continued, ‘Its so nice to see him and he appears to be doing better now that he’s at the shop more.’

Mr. Weasley let out a frustrated sigh. ‘Molly, you agreed we’d talk about this again and here we are again. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you. He’s only fallen back into his dismissive, cruel attitude. The same one he exhibited right after Fred’s death.’

Saying Fred’s name seemed to catch Mrs. Weasley off-guard. ‘He just misses Fred, that’s all.’

Mr. Weasley said, ‘Molly, I think you need to take George on a brief holiday, maybe see someone that can help him deal with what he’s feeling.’

She shook her head but he continued more firmly, ‘I’m quite through discussing this. We are one catastrophe away from putting George in Azkaban!’

Everyone was watching the exchange closely, but at the mention of Azkaban, Ron dropped the utensils he was carrying and the room turned towards him. Mrs. Weasley looked dejected. ‘He does deserve a break from working so hard.’

Mr. Weasley sighed. ‘Good, think of someplace nice to take him and you can both help each other.’ He turned to the others. ‘You four should all come to the Ministry tomorrow or the day after. Get that talk with Kingsley out of the way and then you can know what your plans will be this fall.’

Ginny looked at her father questioningly. ‘I don’t think I need to go, Dad. He’s not going to have anything to tell me!’

Mr. Weasley smiled. ‘No, dear, you need to get out of the house “ all of you do. You’ve been cooped up here too long. Just enjoy yourselves; the chores will be here when you get back.’

Ginny looked nervously at Harry but he just smiled, putting his arm around her shoulders. ‘We deserve a bit of a break, you included.’

Mrs. Weasley seemed pleased with this new arrangement and bustled out of the room to pack, though she didn’t know where she was packing for. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny finished cleaning up the kitchen and sat down at the table after Mr. Weasley left.

Ron smiled. ‘Finally! A break “ something to do besides cleaning up! Really, how can this house need so much work “ I feel like we’ve cleaned it 10 times over!’

Hermione laughed. ‘There was a point where I was convinced your mother was creating messes when we weren’t looking!’

They all laughed and Ginny said quietly, ‘Sounds like all of you have a lot of choices in front of you.’

‘You too “ after the war, everyone isn’t expected to do what is normal,’ Harry replied.

She shook her head. ‘I think I really need another year at Hogwarts. No matter what you lot decide, I think I’ll be back next fall.’ She reached across the table and squeezed Harry’s hand. ‘I don’t expect you to come back to school with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have you there, but I don’t know if you really want to be there.’

Harry sighed, relieved. ‘Thanks. I mean, I never thought you’d tell me I had to go “ but I don’t want to disappoint you either.’

She smiled softly and Ron coughed loudly. ‘I really don’t want to hear this “ I mean really.’

But Hermione just beamed. ‘Aw, Ron, they have been apart for so long “ you should just be happy they’re happy!’

Ron laughed. ‘Hey, I’m happy “ but one wrong step Potter!’ He waved his fist jovially and they all laughed.

Harry smiled. ‘I know, I know “ but I told you, I’m not messing around!’

Ginny laughed, ‘He knows! I don’t know why you’re always giving Harry such a hard time; he’s your best mate!’

Ron laughed. ‘I think I’m your older brother first! And since none of our brothers are here now, its up to me to keep Harry in line!’

Ginny’s patience was clearly wearing thin, she gave Ron a cold stare. ‘If they were here, something tells me you’d still be at it.’

Harry chimed in, hoping to break Ginny’s glare, ‘Its okay “ I mean, it isn’t, but I can take it. Besides, I can always give him a hard time on Hermione’s behalf.’

Hermione blushed. ‘Harry! I don’t think we need that.’

Harry laughed. ‘Its only fair!’

Ginny smiled. ‘That would be interesting to see.’

Ron sighed. ‘Fine, I don’t want any trouble, or interference. But remember, I’m keeping an eye on you!’

Harry laughed and Ginny rolled her eyes. Hermione said, ‘Either way I think we should plan what time we want to leave tomorrow.’

Ron and Harry exchanged amused glances, if not for Hermione, there would never be any well laid plans. And Hermione continued, ‘If we leave here by eight tomorrow morning that should give us more than enough “’

Ron put his hands up stopping her. ‘Woman, are you mad? That early? We’re supposed to be taking it easy “ not driving ourselves harder!’

Hermione looked to Harry for the tie-breaking vote, but he turned to Ginny and smiled. Ginny laughed. ‘Don’t look at me “ I don’t want or need to get involved. Just tell me when I need to be ready.’

Harry laughed. ‘Fine “ but don’t say no one asked you! Look Ron, Hermione has a point. I mean, the sooner we go the sooner we can enjoy ourselves, right?’

Ron grumbled something as Hermione leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Oh come on “ getting up early will be worth it!’

Hermione smiled coquettishly. ‘I wonder what he’ll have to say.’ She pondered for a second then looked at Harry. ‘What did he tell you?’

Harry sighed. ‘He said even though we hadn’t taken our NEWT’s, we could still come and work for the Ministry. I told him I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Peace and quiet have been awfully nice.’

He glanced over at Ginny, who smiled reassuringly and added, ‘It has been nice,’

Harry frowned; Ginny seemed despondent about the whole trip. He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to be left behind again. But in this case it was truly her choice; Fred and George left during their final years as well and were successful. Hermione had started to go on about the best route to the Ministry and then towards Diagon Alley and Harry felt himself tuning her out.
Chapter 10 - Revelations and Conclusions by pokecharm

Hermione woke them all up early the next morning. Mrs. Weasley had packed, but had yet to meet with George about the trip. She had laid out a supple breakfast for the group. Ron was still groggy when Harry jostled him awake. Ginny and Hermione were waiting for both of them when Harry entered the kitchen. Harry gave Ginny a reassuring smile and sat down next to her as Hermione gave him an inquisitive look. ‘Is Ron still not up?’

Harry shook his head. ‘He’s getting up “ slowly but surely.’

Hermione let out a frustrated sigh. Harry tried not to laugh as Ginny poured some pumpkin juice for him. Ginny gave him a radiant smile and said, ‘So, when are we going to ditch these two?’

Harry laughed softly and leaned over kissing Ginny’s cheek. ‘Just say the word and we’ll Apparate someplace nice.’

Hermione gave them a tired look. ‘Oh come on you two, we haven’t even left yet!’

Ron came meandering into the kitchen a little later and Hermione gave him a disapproving look. ‘Ron, you should have been ready already!’

Ron just grunted and stuffed his face with some bacon and eggs and nodded absently.

Harry laughed. ‘You might want to wake up a little before we Floo to the Ministry of Magic, mate! Can’t have you mumbling and ending up somewhere else!’

Ron finished eating while the other three finished their tea. They headed to the grate as Mrs. Weasley gave them advice and told them to have a good time. Hermione went first followed by Ron, then Ginny and finally Harry.

They had all dressed in dark robes and emerged from the chimney in the centre of the main corridor in the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Weasley was near the entrance and waved them through. They all put their wands through the security check and headed towards Mr. Weasley.

He greeted them warmly and led them down the same corridor Harry had been down over a month ago. Ginny walked in front with her father while Ron and Hermione walked behind them, Harry walking in the back trying to keep a low profile. He had dressed in nicer robes on this second trip to the Ministry of Magic, but could still feel dozens and dozens of eyes on him.

Harry would have liked to walk openly with Ginny, as her boyfriend, but he got the distinct feeling she didn’t want the attention that went with that title right now. Ron and Hermione were not being overly ‘together,’ as Harry might consider it, but if they walked any closer, Harry thought they might melt into one another. He tried not to be offended that Ginny preferred to walk with her father over him, but couldn’t blame her for not wanting to be in a constant spotlight. Though, the more he thought about it, the more he realised he would never be able to escape the incessant attention.

He had stopped by the once animated fountain and looked at the combination of magical creatures. He hoped Kingsley would do a better job of bringing the magical world together, but wondered, with so many varying factions, how one local, magical government could bring that much change. He hadn’t realised he had dawdled for so long, as Ron and Hermione had stopped entirely and Ginny had walked back, running her hand up his arm to his shoulder and whispering into his ear, ‘What has got you so distracted?’

He smiled and leaned in. ‘Just thinking.’ He would have kissed her right there, but could feel her reluctance and settled on taking her hand in his and following Mr. Weasley up the corridor and the lift to Kingsley’s office. Ginny didn’t recoil from his touch, but also seemed to keep her gaze down, away from the many on-lookers taking note of this new revelation.

Mr. Weasley didn’t take them to Kingsley’s office, but to a conference room down the hall from it. Quite a few witches and wizards were milling around, trying to catch a glimpse of the trio and Harry could feel Ginny shift uncomfortably beside him. He squeezed her hand reassuringly and pulled her closer to him.

The conference room had a large table in the centre and twelve high back chairs around it. The chairs pulled themselves back from the table as everyone entered and Kingsley came in behind them, greeting each of them in turn and motioned for them to sit down around the table.

A magical teapot floated around the table, pouring cups of tea. A sugar and milk tray followed close behind. Harry wondered how many charms would be required to get this to work in such unison, but didn’t have long to think on it as Kingsley cleared his throat loudly and any one that was not part of the meeting left. Mr. Weasley gave Kingsley a nod and walked out of the room.

Kingsley smiled broadly at all of them. ‘Thank you so much for coming down to talk to me. I know you’ve all been trying to get back to some level of normalcy in your lives, but I want to make sure you all know what opportunities are out there. I’m sorry I didn’t get to speak with any of you sooner.’

He nodded towards Ron and Hermione when he said this and continued, ‘As Harry hopefully mentioned to you, the magical community is greatly in your debt. And although you have foregone your final year at Hogwarts, your actions over the past year have proven, beyond a doubt, that you are resourceful, intelligent people. As you also may know, the NEWT’s are required to work here at the Ministry of Magic.’

They hung on his every word, Ginny leaning further back in her chair, knowing fully that Kingsley was not making any offers to her. As far as Harry could tell, she seemed interested, but not jealous of what was being said.

Kingsley went on, ‘I have offered Harry the opportunity to come to the Ministry this fall instead of reporting to Hogwarts, and I extend that same offer to both Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger. We have a wealth of knowledge here and will make sure you are up to par before sending any of you out in the field.’

Hermione let out an audible gasp, while Harry and Ron smiled at her reaction. Kingsley chuckled at her reaction. ‘Come now, Ms. Granger, you can’t honestly think that I would let resources like the three of you get away so easily!’

She laughed nervously. ‘Well, I mean “ I know I’m flattered of course! I guess I never really expected to receive any special treatment for anything we did, it was just…’

She faltered and looked across the table. Harry chimed in quietly, ‘It was the right thing to do; though I still wonder about the cost.’

Kingsley shook his head. ‘There will always be losses in war. Everyone that participated knew the danger, but it was the right thing to do. The right thing to do for the magical community at large.’

Hermione said quietly, ‘I don’t think any of us could have really guessed the cost. But allowing Voldemort to exist would have been worse.’

She laid a reassuring hand on Ron’s hand and he nodded. ‘I wish there was more we could have done to stop the…’ He stopped and looked at Ginny, who nodded and he continued, ‘I just wish we could have stopped so many people from being hurt.’

Kingsley spoke up, ‘I think all of you should not hold yourselves responsible for what occurred in your quest to rid the world of Voldemort. He had to be destroyed and his followers will be held responsible for their actions.’

Ginny spoke up, ‘You make it sound as if they are still around “ I thought the Ministry had caught them all?’

Kingsley nodded. ‘Rather astute of you, Ms. Weasley. There was another reason I called you all here. I know Arthur and Molly have been keeping you occupied but there has been an ulterior motive to that.’

He continued more slowly, ‘We have reason to believe that there are a handful of Death Eaters that have escaped detection and are running around, at large, plotting.’

Harry chanced a quick glance at Ginny before asking, ‘Plotting what? They can’t bring him back from the dead!’

Kingsley shook his head. ‘No, of course not. Even with the all the dark magic at their fingertips that isn’t possible. But what is possible,’ he slowed down, seeming to choose his words carefully, ‘is exacting revenge on those who destroyed their ‘beloved’ master.’

Hermione exclaimed, ‘They’re after Harry!’

Kingsley shook his head. ‘Actually, we’re not sure who the target is. And that is why I included you, Ms. Weasley. It could be any one of you. Thanks to the Daily Prophet, the details of Harry’s success have been shared, and all of you play a part in some form or another.’

Ron leaned over, having said little up to this point. ‘You mean, after everything we’ve done. All the horrors we’ve faced, there are people that are still being allowed to roam around freely, plotting to kill us!’

Harry, Ginny and Hermione all turned their heads sharply, not expecting such an outburst from Ron, but his eyes were set and he stared openly in disgust at Kingsley.

Kingsley put his hands up. ‘Its not like we’re helping them track you down, that isn’t the case at all. Please understand; we’re doing as much as we can, but the closer you stay to the Ministry, the more protection we can offer.’

Ron didn’t seem convinced. ‘Protection? Why don’t you just hunt the blighters down and be rid of them! Isn’t there somewhere to put them, even though Azkaban isn’t what it used to be?’

Kingsley sighed and leaned back. ‘There is still a lot of work we need to do before things can have any semblance of order.’ He could see Ron’s outburst had shaken everyone’s attention and he continued more quietly, ‘Look, I understand your frustration. I want nothing more than all of you to go on living the quiet lives you deserve after all you’ve done. But I can only do what is within my power. And this is it: come work here at the Ministry and we can teach you how to protect yourselves and the ones you care about.’

Harry looked across the table at Ron. ‘Kingsley, I know we all appreciate the offer. Hermione’s right, I’m beyond flattered, but there are Death Eaters out there, hunting us as we speak? And you’ve only just now decided that it would be a good time to let us know?’

Kingsley wasn’t to be intimidated by any of them. ‘In my position what would you have done? Thanked you for your help and then left you un-guarded? Molly and Arthur are very powerful. The charms around the Burrow have kept you un-noticed by the general public, but you can’t stay there forever.’

Harry shook his head. ‘This is big “ I mean, you’re basically saying that we’re marked. That people are out there right now looking to kill us.’

Kingsley replied, ‘Did you think there would be no repercussions for your actions? I know you’re all smarter than that.’

Ron crossed his arms but didn’t say anything. Hermione put a hand on his arm and turned to Kingsley. ‘I don’t think we came to that conclusion exactly. I mean, yes, of course, not everyone would be thrilled with what we did. But I think we were under the impression that they’d be caught. I really think we’re all going to need some time to figure out what’s best.’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, I mean, I thought I knew, but this puts things in a different perspective.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘I don’t want to rush you, but with Molly leaving for a short while, the protections around the Burrow may not be as strong. I’m sure I don’t need to educate any of you on charms, the strength of such spells is not just in the person who cast them, their physical presence enhances its effectiveness.’

Everyone exchanged worried glances and Kingsley continued, ‘Please, just think about what you want to do and we’ll do what we can to make sure you go with the most safety we can ensure.’

They all nodded but sat mutely at the table. Everyone was lost in his or her own thoughts and hardly noticed when Mr. Weasley came back in the room. Kingsley got up and had a brief conversation with him out of earshot.

Harry leaned across the table towards Ron and Hermione. ‘I guess no good deed goes un-punished, right?’

Hermione looked extra nervous and Ron put a reassuring arm around her shoulders. ‘Don’t worry “ we’re safe.’

She nodded. ‘For now…’

She didn’t need to complete the sentence and Harry turned to Ginny. ‘I think Ron’s right, we’ll be fine. We defeated Voldemort; I think we can handle some of his Death Eaters.’

Hermione looked up. ‘No, Harry, you defeated Voldemort. Some of us just got tortured at the hands of his Death Eaters.’

Her expression was unmistakable and Harry was taken aback. Ginny looked from Hermione to Ron to Harry with a quizzical look on her face. Ron gave Harry a nasty look before turning his attention entirely to Hermione. Harry leaned forward and said quietly, ‘I’m sorry, you know I can be…well, I don’t think I have a solid excuse.’

Hermione turned away from Harry and Ginny and said dismissively, ‘Its fine, Harry.’

Harry sat back dejectedly and whispered to Ginny, ‘Hermione was tortured…’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah, I got that, thanks Harry. Could you vague that up for me?’

Hermione laughed. ‘I can see why you two work so well together.’ She took a deep breath. ‘When we were captured at Malfoy’s Manour, Bellatrix…well, she wanted information. She thought I’d be the easiest one to get it from.’

Ron rubbed Hermione’s back. ‘Little did she know she was going after a really tough witch!’

Hermione gave Ron a restrained smile. ‘Anyway, its not important.’

Harry didn’t say anything but nodded mutely. Ginny was shocked. ‘Merlin’s pants! What were all of you doing out there!’

Ron sighed. ‘You know, saving the world, that sort of thing.’

Ginny giggled and Hermione laughing, said, ‘Yeah, so I guess you’re right Harry “ if we handled all that, what’s one more death threat?’

Harry smiled nervously at her and said, ‘You know Ron and I would never let that happen again. I thought Ron was going to break that door down trying to get to you.’

This redeemed Harry in Ron’s eyes, who smiled reassuringly. Hermione gave Ron a playful punch. ‘You were that worried?’

Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘You had to encourage them, didn’t you?’

Harry laughed and leaned towards her. ‘I can’t have those two upset with me! Besides, it doesn’t hurt us, does it?’

He squeezed her hand and she squeezed his back. His eyes caught Mr. Weasley behind Ginny and turned his attention to him.

Mr. Weasley stepped forward. ‘I don’t think Kingsley intended to frighten any of you, but you can’t wait on this decision too much longer without leaving yourselves open to something dangerous.’

Harry sighed and stood up. ‘I’m sure we’re aware of how dangerous things can be Mr. Weasley, but I don’t think any of us really thought we’d be in mortal danger so quickly!’

Ron laughed. ‘We should have at least gotten a reprieve of a few months!’

Mr. Weasley smiled. ‘After everything all of you have done, I find it hard to believe that you won’t be able to handle yourselves. At the same time, use caution while you’re out today.’

He turned to Harry, looking more serious than usual. ‘Harry, you’re quite recognisable, I hope you will be particularly careful.’

Harry nodded and pulled Ginny’s chair out so she could get up more easily. ‘Mr. Weasley, we’ll be back in the Burrow before dark.’

Mr. Weasley seemed appeased by this. ‘That’s good “ Molly and I feel you’ll all be safest at home. What are your plans then?’

Harry looked to Ginny, who turned to Hermione. Hermione just laughed. ‘So I am expected to plan?’ They all laughed as she continued, ‘I thought we’d just have lunch in London, may be stop through Diagon Alley, then head back to the Burrow.’

Everyone nodded in agreement, all of them still consumed by the startling words Kingsley had shared. Harry wanted to believe that he knew it couldn’t be this easy; though easy is a relative term and after spending a year hunting Voldemort down, he would have liked to believe he’d earned peace and quiet, but that was clearly not meant to be. He felt more sad that those he cared the most about were, once again, being affected negatively because of him.

Mr. Weasley nodded. ‘That’s good “ you all be careful now!’ Ginny walked over and gave her father a quick hug before Mr. Weasley left.

Kingsley stood in the doorway. ‘If you’ll allow me to escort you all out.’ He paused as they all stood. ‘I don’t mean to alarm any of you, but as Arthur said, caution and vigilance is what has kept all of you safe and will continue to. I hope that I will hear some positive responses to my offer from all of you, but if not, I wish you the best.’

Harry shook Kingsley’s hand. ‘Thank you “ for everything. And we will be careful. We’ve had a decent amount of practice!’

Kingsley nodded and opened the door. ‘As I’m sure you’ve heard before, it is better to be in a group, rather than alone, but even that could prove false. Just be aware of your surroundings and you’ll all be fine.’

After the last year, Harry wasn’t surprised to see that everyone seemed to have a glazed over look at this warning, even Ginny, which made Harry wonder about her description of her sixth year at Hogwarts yet again.

Chapter 11 - Curiosities Abound by pokecharm

Kingsley began taking them towards the main entrance, but not before offering to give them a brief tour of the Ministry of Magic. They had been here a few times before; all of them having been there when they stormed the Ministry three years before and less than a year ago Ron, Hermione and Harry had been there trying to steal back a Horcrux from Dolores Umbridge. Kingsley took special note to show them what was, by far, the most massive library any of them had seen.

The walls were lined with shelves and shelves of books. There was one witch present who clearly was the librarian. She nodded politely at Kingsley before going back to organising books and documents into their proper places. As with the rest of the Ministry of Magic, there seemed to be no end to the depths of knowledge that was held within the library walls. Rows of file cabinets flanked the librarian’s desk and there was a form that a nearby wizard was filling out and the information he had requested popped up in front of the file cabinets.

The library was richly decorated. The walls were painted a deep red and the paintings on the wall had gilded, ornate frames. There were busts along each row heading and the inscriptions underneath were of famous wizards. Each of their memorable achievements was detailed underneath their respective busts.

Hermione showed no restraint walking through the rows and rows of books while Kingsley explained the various sections in passing detail. Ron and Harry exchanged amused glances as they watched Hermione drag Ginny to look over different books. Ginny tried to show some interest, but studying was paramount to Hermione alone.

Kingsley motioned to various objects describing the magical significance, but only Hermione was able to take it all in. Every previous Minister of Magic had a painting on display and some took note of Harry. Cornelius Fudge looked directly at him and said quietly, ‘Thank you.’

Harry was taken aback by the comment, but turned to see Hermione gesturing animatedly towards him. He sighed and walked over to her while Kingsley had grabbed Ron’s and Ginny’s attention. Hermione had a book open and said, ‘I think I’ve found something “ I mean, something you wanted.’

She said it with a very knowing, Hermione-ish look. He looked at the book and it had a host of protection charms and how to bind them to various magical objects. Hermione looked at him smugly. ‘I knew I’d be able to find something. I’m so glad Kingsley showed us the library!’

Harry smiled. ‘Yeah, Ron and I figured if he did, this would convince you not to go back to Hogwarts this fall.’

Hermione gave him a strange look. ‘Well, I don’t know, Harry. We never actually finished school, but there is such a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips if I were here.’

She seemed to be thinking about it and Harry looked around for a scrap of parchment or something to write upon, but Hermione pulled one out of her bag along with a quill, and started scribbling the information down. She shook her head. ‘I really don’t know how you and Ron expect to get along without me!’

Harry squeezed her shoulder. ‘I think Ron was planning on keeping you around, but I thought you already knew that.’

She blushed and laughed. ‘That isn’t quite what I meant!’

Kingsley had noticed Harry’s and Hermione’s absence and walked over. ‘You’ve found some interesting texts, Ms. Granger?’

She nodded sweetly and placed the book back. ‘This is truly amazing. I feel like every book I could ever need is here at my beck and call.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘Almost literally. When you begin working here,’ Hermione raised her eyebrows at his insinuation that she would take the job. ‘You will be privy to all kinds of information; the best part being that once you’re here for a bit, you’ll learn how to isolate what you need more quickly.’

Hermione could have stayed there all day, but much to everyone else’s relief, Kingsley motioned them out the door and said, ‘I’d like to show you one other place, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which I think will interest the rest of you more, perhaps.’

They ascended a staircase and arrived at a sign marked ‘Auror Office’ in dark black against a pair of wooden double doors. Kingsley smiled. ‘Normally you would need to be a member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but as you’re with me, we can all enter.’

He knocked on the door once and both doors creaked open. The hallway beyond was dimly lit and there was no sign of life. Ginny leaned closer to Harry as Kingsley ushered them in. Hermione showed little restraint and walked in curiously with Ron following close behind. Harry smiled at Ginny and took her hand as they walked in.

Kingsley led them down the hallway. ‘Many of these offices belonged to various Aurors, but things have been a bit difficult recruiting-wise and we’ve lost quite a few valuable members of our staff. I am hoping to introduce you to one Auror who I know should be in.’

The hallway started to adjust lighting automatically, giving them more light as they proceeded down the hallway. The door they stopped in front of had a plaque to one side. Printed on the plaque in white letters was the name Alphard Gaunt. Kingsley knocked on the door and a muffled voice replied, ‘Come in.’

Harry didn’t know what to expect, but he could tell the others were as apprehensive as he was. The office was much larger than the door indicated it would be. The office had a simple set-up. There was a filing cabinet to one side of the door and a coat rack on the other. A small credenza was near the coat rack and there was a tea kettle whistling softly.

The desk across the door was made of a rich mahogany and the man behind it sat up abruptly. ‘Minister “ you should have told me you were bringing guests!’

Harry couldn’t quite tell if this man was pleased to see him, but he moved around the desk to greet them all. Kingsley shook his hand warmly. ‘May I present to you, Alphard,’ he motioned to the four, ‘Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron and Ginny Weasely.’

They each shook his hand in turn. Harry noticed he had a rather firm but distant handshake. Alphard was a tall man, rather thin, his clothes seemed to be hanging off of him, not unlike Remus Lupin’s used to. He wore heavy brown-coloured robes and his shoes had scuffs on them. Harry noticed his eyes were a rather dark brown, almost so dark he couldn’t discern the colour.

Alphard smiled politely at all of them and turned his attention back to Harry and then, to Harry’s surprise, Ginny. He seemed increasingly put off by the visit, but Kingsley smiled genuinely. ‘I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?’

Alphard shook his head. ‘No, of course not, Minister, just a lot of paperwork to get through. Processing a lot of documentation now that we’ve rounded so many Death Eaters up. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.’ He gave Harry an overly warm smile. ‘The famous Harry Potter.’

Harry smiled awkwardly. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.’

He cut any other pleasantries off and said, ‘I had hoped I would get to meet you, I don’t mean to put you on the spot, but having dealt with a lot of people who don’t quite care for you, how does it feel?’

Harry tried not to balk openly at his candour, but said confidently, ‘Spectacular.’

It was a simple answer and Hermione gave Harry a curious look and said quietly, ‘How long have you been with the Ministry, Mr. Gaunt?’

Alphard had a strange look on his face and then smiled broadly. ‘That was the last thing I expected you to say.’ He continued, ignoring Hermione’s comment, and walked around the office to his desk, shuffling through various pieces of paper.

Hermione looked nervously at Kingsley who just smiled. Alphard emerged from his desk with a tattered news clipping. Harry looked at it sceptically and tried to discern what it said; Alphard handed it to him. ‘I can finally stop holding onto this.’

Harry didn’t reach his hand out, but curiosity had gotten the better of Ginny and she reached out and gave a gasp. ‘Harry! This is you!’

Harry pulled his gaze from Alphard to look at what Ginny was holding. Indeed it was a news article of him, as a child, with the now repetitive headline, ‘The Boy Who Lived!’

Harry sighed. ‘Why are you giving this to me? Why did you even keep it?’

Alphard looked hard at Hermione. ‘I’ve been here since the first war. I was here when the Ministry investigated your parents’ death. I was there “ and this has fuelled me. All my life, like many wizards I suppose, have wanted nothing more than to see Voldemort destroyed, brought to bear the burden he brought upon himself. And here you stand, triumphant again.’

His demeanour had changed dramatically in those short minutes and Ron edged forward. ‘You don’t look nearly old enough to have worked here that long.’

He shook his head. ‘I assure you I am much older than I might appear. I am sure Ms. Granger can give you great instruction on preserving yourself magically.’

Hermione turned, surprised at his comment. ‘I’m sorry, I’d know about what?’

He smiled a wicked half-smile, ‘I’ve been following your exploits for a long time, Harry. You and your closest friends have been of the greatest interest. I never dared intercede, but I always hoped you’ll succeed.’

Harry replied quietly, ‘Did you know my parents?’

He shook his head. ‘Never had the pleasure.’

Kingsley stepped forward. ‘I don’t want to take up any of your time, but I thought it would convince you that there are good people here at the Ministry. There are those here fighting the good fight for a long time. It won’t be the same Ministry it was “ and I hope I can count on all of you in the very near future.’

Alphard was brimming but restrained himself, going back to his subdued mannerisms. ‘Of course, Minister.’

Harry looked curiously at him again and smiled, gesturing towards the door. ‘Thank you for having us.’

The words had come out slowly, and Ron was out the door before any more could be said. Alphard watched them walk down the hallway and said nothing. No one said anything as Kingsley led them down the dark hallway and out the main entrance of the Ministry of Magic. He re-asserted his offer and they all nodded politely, bidding him farewell and thanking him for his courtesy.

Chapter 12 - Suspicions Around Us by pokecharm

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione emerged from the Ministry of Magic and decided they would have lunch at the Leaky Cauldron before enjoying their freedom for one day. Hermione prattled on about the library and Ron smiled genuinely, taking her hand in his and listening with some attentive qualities, while also keeping an eye on his best mate and sister. Ginny had gripped Harry’s hand tightly when they left the Ministry and had not relinquished her hold on him. Harry had noticed people looking in their direction, but Ginny seemed happily impervious to the attention they were both receiving.

When they had finally made their way to the Leaky Cauldron and found a table in the far back corner, Hermione looked seriously at everyone. ‘Well, I guess this answers why your mother has been keeping us occupied all this time.’

Ron nodded. ‘Yeah, and here I thought she was just being eccentric!’

Ginny looked nervously across the table. ‘I don’t think I ever expected to be in more danger now than before!’

Harry leaned over, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. ‘Oh come on, Ginny, you’re one of the most powerful witches I know. I don’t think you have to worry about anything.’ He leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. ‘Besides, I’m always here to protect you.’

She smiled up at him. ‘You can’t always be around, Harry.’ She squeezed his hand and continued, ‘especially if you plan to work in London and I plan to go back to Hogwarts.’

He looked away. ‘I know. I…’

He left the sentence unfinished and Hermione chimed in, ‘I’m sure we can find a way to make sure you’re safe if none of us are around.’

Ginny bristled a little. ‘You lot need to worry about yourselves too. We’re all in the same danger, save Harry, who is,’ she smiled, ‘in more danger than usual.’

Harry replied, ‘Well, it sounded like Kingsley was insinuating that if we worked at the Ministry, we’d be privy to extra protection.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘Harry, that still leaves a lot of room for error “ human error. Just one Imperius curse and you’re in for it!’

Ron laughed. ‘You think the Ministry of Magic hasn’t thought about that already?’

Ginny didn’t laugh. ‘No,’ she shot back, ‘I don’t know what they might have planned for him, but based on previous experiences, I’m not going to take things so lightly when it concerns people I care about.’

Ron looked away and sighed. Hermione stated matter-of-factly, ‘I know their past…track record has not been the best, but with Kingsley in charge, I’m feeling more confident about it.’

Harry put his hands up. ‘Look, I think we all know that our safety is of concern, so we need to think of the best way to make sure we all feel confident about it.’

Ginny and Ron weren’t looking at each other and Harry exchanged a nervous glance with Hermione. She said quietly, ‘Harry and I have been researching this a bit.’

Ginny gave Harry a quizzical look while Ron commented, ‘You two been finding time to yourselves, then?’

The look on Hermione’s face froze both Harry and Ginny, while Ron seemed unaware of his comment’s effect. Hermione punched him hard in the arm. ‘What are you trying to say?’

Ron looked confused and rubbed his arm. ‘Nothing! I mean, I’m just surprised you’d found time to yourselves.’

He tried to make it sound nonchalant, but Hermione wasn’t buying it in the least. She gave him a hard glare and said, ‘I don’t care for what you’re insinuating, Ronald.’

Ginny looked nervously at Harry. Obviously she was not concerned about his faithfulness. Ron sighed apologetically. ‘I didn’t mean anything!’

He tried to lean over and snog his way out of trouble, but Hermione would have none of that. She sat up rigidly and sipped her drink, looking no one in the eye.

Ginny shook her head at Ron and asked, ‘So, what did you two discover?’

Harry looked nervously at Hermione. ‘Well, we know that you can put protective charms on objects, like the one’s at the shop, but those will only hold for a short period of time, and won’t repel everything. But after some research, Hermione found that if you use an item that is already magically strong, then it will enhance the protection of that item.’

The topic of research perked Hermione’s interest and she chimed in, ‘The only thing is we’d need to find magical items that would be strong enough to repel what I can only imagine would be rather strong curses.’

Ron had given up trying to console Hermione and said, ‘Yeah, and I expect that sort of thing won’t be easy to come by either!’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, but I am sure we can figure something out. If nothing else, we can use those coins from the DA to pass messages along about how we’re all doing.’

Hermione nodded. ‘That should be easy enough. I did get some great ideas while we were in the library at the Ministry of Magic “ we just need to test them. How does someone feel about being cursed to test them?’

Ron, in an effort to redeem himself, said quietly, ‘You can curse me “ I’m not afraid.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and giggled into her hand as Harry grinned back at her. Hermione still seemed upset and said, ‘I wouldn’t be so fearless if I were you.’

Hermione looked past him as their food was served and they all stopped talking, having not eaten anything all day since breakfast. As they ate, Harry noticed more and more eyes staring, whispered conversations and pointing in their direction. Harry wasn’t certain if anyone else had noticed, but the rest of them seemed oblivious to the attention they were receiving.

When the plates had been cleared and everyone had had their fill, Harry took a tentative glance towards the door and said, ‘So, think it’s about time to get going?’

Hermione nodded. ‘I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time out here, but I think you might be right.’

She seemed to be implying something, but Harry wasn’t sure what. Ginny spoke up, ‘I guess we have to decide soon “ about everything. I’m not sure how much better I feel about all of this. Is it better to know or not know?’

Harry got up and pulled Ginny’s chair out so she could get out more comfortably. He smiled. ‘As long as you’re going back to Hogwarts, I know I feel better.’

Hermione had gotten up in a hurry and Ron looked sheepishly at Harry, realising he should have shown some level of chivalry as he was already in trouble. Hermione gestured towards the door. The room seemed to quiet down as they got up and Harry wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. He had an unsettling feeling and was sure being outdoors would ease his worry. He took Ginny’s hand in his and led her quickly out of the Leaky Cauldron. Chairs could be heard scrapping across the floor and Harry felt his pace quicken until they were out in the open. He stopped in the still sunlight street, with Ginny breathing quickly beside him and giving him a curious look.

Hermione burst through the door a few seconds later. ‘Was there any reason we were racing towards the door?’

Harry leaned close to her. ‘I just had this feeling, like someone was watching us.’

Ron sauntered out of the Leaky Cauldron. ‘Harry, everyone was watching us, but you looked a bit mental back there.’

Harry gave him an exasperated look before catching sight of a red head bobbing towards them. He hoped it was Percy, but knowing their luck, he knew it would be George.

Ginny followed Harry’s gaze and turned to him. ‘I think you’re worrying too much, Harry.’ He shook his head and she continued, ‘I mean, yes, we should be careful, but not to the point where we’re putting ourselves in more danger.’

‘Well, hello you lot!’ came the voice of George Weasley. He didn’t sound all that pleased to see any of them out of the Burrow.

Harry grimaced, waiting for some strange awkwardness to fall upon them. Ron stepped forward, in front of Hermione and Ginny. He smiled at his older brother. ‘How goes the business today, George?’

George ruffled Ron’s hair. ‘Fantastic! I’m glad ickle Ginny helped out when she could, but I feel better being back here!’

Ginny gave him a dirty look for saying ‘ickle,’ but did not say anything otherwise. Ron continued, ‘That’s brilliant! I mean, things going well is always good, right?’

George nodded, ‘You lot want to come by and check things out?’

Harry had no intentions of going, but knew he had little choice in the matter. Hermione spoke up, ‘Sure, we haven’t been by in a long time; it might be nice to see what new products you’ve developed…that’ll be banned from Hogwarts.’ She said the last part in an undertone and Harry and Ginny caught her comment and laughed.

George led the way down the street, Ron keeping pace with George’s long strides. Hermione, Ginny and Harry stayed a few paces behind, Harry having a firm hold on Ginny’s hand.

Hermione said in a hushed tone, ‘You had better keep your eyes open, Harry.’

He nodded while Ginny looked between the two of them. ‘What are you two talking about?’

Harry exchanged another strained look with Hermione before inclining his head towards George, saying nothing else. Ginny shook her head. ‘Oh you two “ we’re in public. I doubt he’d be foolish enough to try something with so many eyes watching and following us!’

Hermione waved her hand and said, ‘Of all of us, Ginny, I would think you’d be the most wary!’

Harry nodded and chimed in, ‘He hurt you, Ginny.’ She scoffed and shook her head but Harry stopped in the middle of the street saying rather forcefully, ‘Even if you don’t care, I do.’

She leaned up towards him and whispered, ‘You’re sweet, Harry, but he’s still my brother.’

She brushed her lips against his before pulling him forward, Hermione watched, smiling at how quickly Harry fell into step with Ginny.

Hermione whispered, ‘Wow, Harry, she really has you under…control.’

Harry gave her a dirty look but Ginny just laughed. ‘Oh come on Hermione, like Ron “’

But she didn’t dare finish the sentence, Hermione’s expression looking wrathful. She said in an even tone, ‘I don’t want to hear about dear Ronald anytime soon, thank you.’

Harry grimaced and squeezed Ginny’s hand. Ginny sighed. ‘Have it your own way. I still think you two won’t be happy unless you’re at each others’ throats!’

The short walk had finally ceased and they stood in front of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Ron held the door open for them, not daring to look Hermione in the face.

They followed George in, Harry trying to seem innocuous. There were far fewer customers in the store than the last time Harry had been there and the lighting was limited, as if there were darkness pervading from within the store. George walked around the counter and started pulling various boxes out. Harry didn’t pay much attention, pulling Ginny back, away from George and Ron, who was very interested in the new wares George had created.

Percy emerged from the back room, giving Harry and Ginny a strange, restrained look before standing next to George and listening to the explanation of some new item. Hermione looked around the store briefly before standing next to Ginny. Harry was leaning against the wall while Ginny watched Percy with great concentration. She turned abruptly. ‘Harry, Hermione, does something seem out of place here?’

Before they responded she put her hand up. ‘I mean, something more than the usual that we already know.’

Hermione laughed. ‘I figured that’s what you meant! And yes, Percy is acting…strangely.’ She added quickly, ‘Not that I know him well, but from what I’ve seen. Well, but we haven’t seen him in a while, and he never really talks to us.’

Ginny nodded absently. ‘I don’t know, he’s my big brother, he’s never…’

She shook her head and turned to Harry, who said quietly, ‘Well, dealing with George alone can’t be easy. All of us agree, he’s been difficult.’

Ginny nodded and replied quietly, ‘Yeah, but Percy has always treated me a certain way…well, I guess he knows I’m not a kid anymore.’ She looked away exasperated. ‘I don’t know.’

Harry leaned over taking Ginny’s hand in his. ‘If you’re worried, why don’t you talk to him?’

She furrowed her brow and looked at Percy for a few moments before turning back to Harry. ‘You’re probably right.’ She sighed. ‘I just don’t know what to say.’

Harry kissed her softly on the side of the head. ‘I’m sure you’ll think of something.’

Hermione sighed. ‘I was hoping to visit Flourish and Blotts today, do you think we can get out of here and do that quickly?’

Harry looked nervously at Ginny, but she just shrugged. ‘I don’t see why not.’

She let go of Harry’s hand and took a few steps forward calling out, ‘Hey, we’re going to pop into Flourish and Blotts “ we’ll be right back.’

George hardly acknowledged the comment and Ron gave Hermione a nervous look, but she turned away from him and headed towards the door. Ginny smiled at Harry, one of those radiant smiles she had. Harry found himself drawn to her more quickly than usual, reaching his hand out to take hers and follow Hermione out the door. Hermione was waiting for them outside and didn’t say anything, but headed down the street towards the book shop, taking little note of Harry and Ginny.

Harry wondered at the latest row between Hermione and Ron, but having Ginny beside him, with him, made many other things in his world fall away. He didn’t know if they had sorted everything that needed sorting, but things seemed easy between them. Unspoken words bridging what might normally have been a gap.

He couldn’t help but notice the attention they were receiving as they followed Hermione; more so because Ginny seemed to be holding his hand more tightly, and the crowd seemed to be closing in around them. Hermione had stopped in front of them, unaware of the crowd or ignoring it, and waited for them to catch up.

She waved her hand. ‘If you two would walk a bit faster, then we might be able to make more progress!’

Ginny laughed. ‘Hermione, I swear you have all the books in the world already! Do you really need more?’

Hermione gave her a sly smile. ‘You can never have too many books.’

They approached the book shop and Harry noticed Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour had re-opened. He’d frequented it some years ago. He wasn’t inclined to read any more books and turned to Ginny. ‘Why don’t we wait for Hermione out here?’

Hermione had already entered Flourish and Blotts and had taken no notice of Harry nor Ginny following her. Ginny followed Harry’s gaze and said, ‘Well, I’m not really hungry, but something sweet might be nice.’

They walked towards the outdoor seating; Ginny picked a table close to the edge of the seating area so they could see Hermione more easily when she emerged with her many books. Harry smiled and said, ‘What kind of ice cream do you want me to get?’

She smiled and laughed. ‘You’re going to get it then?’

He replied, ‘Of course! This could be construed as our first official ‘date’ since…, so I want to do it right!’

She laughed again. ‘I’m really not that hungry, Harry. I can share with you, if you don’t mind.’

He smiled. ‘Of course I don’t mind!’

He gave her one last look before hurrying inside. He felt the crowd part in front of him and the owner recognised him at once. He smiled and offered Harry ‘the usual,’ which Harry gladly took, thanking him profusely for his generosity.

He came back outside with a rather sizable sundae in his hands and a pair of spoons sticking out of the centre. Ginny looked at him wide-eyed. ‘Merlin’s beard! I didn’t realise you were so hungry!’

Harry laughed. ‘Oh come on, ice cream is good for you.’

Ginny looked at him incredulously. ‘How do you figure?’

Harry fidgeted with his spoon for a second, waiting for her to take the first bite. ‘Well, it certainly tastes good.’

She gave him a half-smile and replied, ‘That was never in question.’ She took a small helping, leaving the spoon in her mouth for a few seconds. ‘It is very good, though.’

Harry pulled his chair closer to hers and said, ‘Always. Ice cream is always good.’ He smiled, watching the crowd pass. ‘Back in my third year, back when everyone was afraid Sirius was after me, I spent a lot of time here. I’m just glad there’s a better view now.’

He gave her a sly look and she blushed to her roots. ‘This is certainly much more pleasant company than where we were,’ said Ginny.

Harry nodded and helped himself to more ice cream, saying quietly. ‘I’m glad to hear you say that. I was getting worried about George and Percy. I’m really surprised to see Percy so friendly with George.’

He left his thought unfinished and she nodded. ‘It is a bit strange. I mean, they have been spending a lot of time together, but never this much before. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Percy is almost following George around.’

Harry said quietly, ‘As if he has no will of his own.’

Ginny almost dropped her spoon. ‘You don’t think…?’

He reached over and squeezed her hand. ‘I don’t know what to think.’

She leaned close to him and shut her eyes tightly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She said breathlessly, ‘Its like something out of my nightmares. Everything has turned upside down.’

Harry rubbed her back gently. ‘It’s going to be ok. You know that, right?’

She didn’t look at him and he leaned in, turning her face to his and kissing her softly. ‘It is going to be ok. You’ll see. This trouble will be just a memory in no time.’

She sighed and plunged her spoon into the ice cream, giving him a sceptical look and whispering, ‘How can you be so bloody optimistic?’

He couldn’t help himself and laughed. ‘Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?’

Her frown disappeared and she laughed. ‘Harry!’

But he stopped her from continuing, dropping his spoon into the dish and kissing her fully on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, almost having him fall off of his chair. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into his lap, to the clear astonishment of the crowd around them.

Harry hadn’t noticed the eyes, but Ginny must have, she turned her head and buried her face into his shoulder laughing softly. ‘Harry, you’ve really become quite…affectionate.’

He smiled into her hair. ‘Can you blame me? I have the most gorgeous witch in my arms and I’m supposed to act properly?’

She pulled away from him, sitting back in her chair, putting her hands on his face. ‘You’re really making me miss you when you haven’t been around.’

He gave her a curious look. ‘But I’m right here.’

She shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said “ ’

He gave her a sad look and said quietly, ‘Don’t.’

Ginny put her hand over his. ‘I just know I’m not going to see you for a while. And I’m already missing you!’

He laughed quietly and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Well, you do have the option to spend more time with me.’

She shook her head. ‘Harry! You know I don’t know enough to start working. I really need to go back. Even though I’m going to miss you terribly, I need to go back. Are you sure you don’t want to come back?’

She smiled innocently and he smiled back at her. ‘It is really, really hard to say ‘no’ to that smile. I just don’t think I can, no matter how much I want to be with you.’

She sighed and turned back to the ice cream. ‘Well, I do believe someone told me recently that ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’.’

He laughed and drew nearer to her. ‘I knew I should never have told you that!’

He dipped his spoon into the dish and smiled at Ginny. ‘You’re not going to have me eat this entire dish, are you?’

He tried to feed Ginny, but she drew away quickly. ‘Harry “ what are you doing?’

He smiled sheepishly. ‘Trying to be romantic…’

She placed her hands on the table and he sat closer to her, slowly placing the spoon into her mouth and watching her take the ice cream off of it. She gave him a wicked smile and took the spoon from him. She shivered slightly. ‘Did you really need to put that much ice cream in it?’

She reached for the napkin but he leaned in and kissed her around the lips, licking the excess ice cream off of her face. He could feel her shift her weight to return the kiss, but he found himself happily amused with her lips and would not let her do so.

She finally grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss, stopping him from teasing her further. Harry didn’t realise how distracting their public displays of affection were until a voice called out sternly, ‘If you must keep doing that, you might as well just find a room.’

Ginny pulled herself away from Harry’s lips, though he continued nuzzling her neck. Ginny exclaimed, ‘Hermione! We didn’t think you’d be done so quickly!’

Hermione shook her head. ‘You two “ I mean really “ have you even been apart that long?’

Harry finally pulled himself away from Ginny and gave Hermione a tired look. ‘I just know I’m not going to see my girl for a while once she goes back to Hogwarts. And I didn’t see her all year “ I need to make up on lost time!’

Hermione laughed. ‘Looks like you’re doing it all in the same hour “ be careful not to go too far.’

She said the words slowly and Harry looked nervously at Ginny. ‘Hermione, we would never…I mean…’

He was getting increasingly anxious as he spoke and Ginny put a consoling hand on Harry’s arm and smiled. ‘Harry and I are not ready for something that serious, Hermione.’

Hermione hefted a large bag onto the table and took a stout book out, pushing it across the table towards Harry. ‘You might find this of particular interest.’

He looked at the cover and knew she was right. The book read ‘Protective Charms and Protective Objects.’ He opened the book and began to scan the table of contents.

Ginny looked questioningly at Hermione. ‘You two act as if you have at least one magical item to put a protective charm on.’

Hermione didn’t say anything and Harry turned to look at Ginny. ‘Well, we’re trying to figure out if anything we have will work.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘So, you do have something?’

Harry put the book down and turned his body completely to face her. ‘Yes, I do. And I want to make sure it’ll work.’

She didn’t look appeased. ‘You keep a stash of magical items, do you?’

He felt slightly nettled and replied, ‘No, I don’t “ but I saw something that I thought would be perfect and I got it.’

Ginny looked taken aback. ‘Perfect?’

She looked at Hermione, but Hermione did not look up, clearly wanting no part of this argument. Ginny turned to Harry. ‘I’m not trying to argue with you, but you seem overly secretive.

Harry smiled softly at her. ‘Ginny, if it works then you’ll be the first to know. Even if it doesn’t work…’ He leaned in close and kissed her softly. ‘Please don’t worry “ the only magical objects I plan on buying are for you.’

She smiled at him and put her hand on his. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, Harry.’

He shook his head. ‘Nothing to apologise for, love.’

Hermione’s eyes shot open but she went back to her book quickly. Ginny looked at him sharply and leaned in whispering, ‘Are we at ‘terms of endearment?”

He shook his head for a second, not realising what he’d said and then nodded. ‘I’d have been doing it sooner, but I didn’t know if you had a preference.’

She gave him a nervous smile. ‘I’ve never had any one call me ‘love’ other than one of my aunts, so this is all new territory for me.’

She kissed him on the cheek, lingering for a second before whispering, ‘But it is music to my ears coming off of those lips.’

And then she was kissing him, like she had kissed him in her room for his birthday the previous year; her one hand pulling his face towards her, the other hand grasping his shirt for balance. He wrapped one arm around her waist and ran his free hand into her luxurious hair.

Hermione cleared her throat loudly after what seemed to Harry like hours wrapped in Ginny’s arms. Ginny laughed into Harry’s neck as he turned to face Hermione. She shook her head and said, ‘Are you two finally through? We promised Mr. Weasley we’d be home before dark.’

Ginny held onto Harry for a bit longer, enjoying being close to him. He kept his grip on her waist and whispered, ‘We’d better enjoy this while we can. But I don’t think Hermione will stand for much more.’

Ginny pulled away from Harry and looked over at Hermione. ‘Sorry about that, Hermione. I’ve been missing my boyfriend a lot lately.’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘Well, if you two have had your fill, we’d best go get Ronald and head back to the Burrow.’

Ginny nudged Harry at Hermione’s tone and they both got up. Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny’s shoulders and took Ginny’s hand in his, intertwining their fingers. Hermione collected her books and lead the way back towards George’s shop.

Harry couldn’t believe the day had started out so strained, but seemed to be ending on an amazing high note. Even though he knew his days with Ginny were now numbered, that didn’t mean they weren’t going to enjoy each others’ company, or be able to spend more time together. And with Hermione’s help, he would be able to give Ginny something to show her how much he cared about her.

As they neared the store, Hermione slowed to a stop and Ginny had to grab Harry to stop him from running into her. It appeared as if some sort of commotion was breaking out and Harry let go of Ginny to investigate.

Ginny grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards them, a worried look crossing her face. Harry stopped and looked at her before standing in front of her and Hermione, watching the situation escalate.

Percy was shouting at Ron, ‘Why do you even come around here! You and Ginny are so busy being happy you don’t see anything at all, do you?

Ginny shifted her weight but Harry squeezed her hand reassuringly. Ron shot back, ‘You’re mental you are! You’ve hardly been around and you’re going to give me lessons on how to be a member of our family! Sod off!’

Ron turned to walk away but Percy, despite being shorter than Ron, grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. Harry, Ginny and Hermione had seen enough and walked forward. Ron didn’t seem at all intimidated and pushed Percy back roughly, throwing him to the ground. ‘Percy, you sodding prat “ nobody cares what you think. Say what you like, but I know I do more good for our family than you ever will!’

Ron walked straight towards Harry, Ginny and Hermione and said curtly, ‘Let’s go.’

Hermione started to say something but Ron shook his head. ‘Not here “ let’s just go home.’

Harry could see Percy getting up quickly and shooting all of them a nasty look before heading back into the store. Ginny stopped for a second and Harry lingered behind her. She shook her head and followed Ron and Hermione. With a crack both Ron and Hermione were gone. Harry reached his arm out to Ginny, smiled consolingly, and Apparated them both back to the Burrow.

Chapter 13 -Three’s a Crowd by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I want to thank everyone that is continuing to read this story - I am pushing chapters through as quickly as I can, but I've got twice as many chapters up at flannelfiction then I can get up here, there is a link in my profile. Thanks to my lovely Beta Ginny Guerra!

Harry and Ginny landed soundly outside of the Burrow. Harry could just make out Ron’s lanky figure in front of them heading into the house, while Hermione appeared to be waiting for them. Hermione gave them a worried look and said quietly, ‘I guess we’ll have to see what that was all about.’

Ginny nodded. ‘I’ve never seen Percy do anything like that. He’s not just acting strangely, he’s not acting like himself at all!’

Harry looked between the two of them. ‘You don’t think George did something to him, do you?’

Ginny shook her head emphatically. ‘No, he would never. Would he?’

She looked from Harry to Hermione, but neither said anything. Hermione shrugged. ‘I think its pretty clear we don’t know any of your brothers that well, Ronald included.’

She said Ron’s name with emphasis and Harry put his hand on her shoulder. ‘You two really worry me.’

Hermione pulled away from him and gave him a sharp look. ‘Harry, please.’

Ginny said quietly, ‘Come on, Hermione “ you and Ron care a lot about each other, don’t pretend you don’t!’

Hermione gave her a disbelieving look. Harry sighed. ‘Why don’t we go inside before Mrs. Weasley comes out here and hollers at us for being late.’

Ginny nodded and put her arm through Hermione’s, leading her back to the house, with Harry following close behind. ‘You know, Hermione, I’m really glad you’ve been spending so much time here this summer. I’m sure I can speak for the whole family, having you and Harry here is making all of us more at ease, despite my insane, dysfunctional brothers.’

Harry stifled a laugh as Hermione grinned and shook her head. ‘Harry, you’d better keep a good hold on this one.’ She jovially shook Ginny’s arm. ‘She seems to often know the right thing to say!’

Harry smiled and snuck closer. ‘I know “ I am doing my level best to keep her interested!’

Ginny laughed. ‘Harry! I am interested, very interested.’

She gave him a sultry smile and Harry couldn’t contain himself; jogging forward and wrapping his arms around Ginny’s waist, pulling her away from Hermione. She shrieked with laughter as Harry kissed her as close to her neck as he could reach. Hermione laughed at the two of them and smiled. ‘You two are really inseparable!’

Ginny wrenched herself around and wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck, kissing him lovingly. Harry felt himself smiling into her lips and pulled her closer, though he could distantly hear Hermione’s laughter. Ginny pulled his face close to hers breaking their kiss and whispered quietly into his ear, ‘I think Hermione might be onto us.’

He laughed and whispered back, ‘Onto us? Is there something for her to figure out?’

She laughed and put her hands on his arms, pushing the two of them apart. Harry gave her a lop-sided smile and she gave him a broad smile before turning her back on him and joining Hermione as she walked towards the front door of the Burrow. Harry sighed and ran to catch up, pulling the bag out of Hermione’s hands and carrying it for her. She smiled at him and said quietly, ‘Very well trained, Ginny. Thank you, Harry.’

Harry blushed a little and Ginny shot him a smile that kept his attention. The front door to the Burrow flew open and Harry almost dropped Hermione’s books as Mrs. Weasley called out to them, ‘There you all are! I was getting worried Ron had left you in London!’

Ginny shook her head as she and Hermione walked forward. She replied sweetly to her mother, ‘No, mum. We were just chatting outside.’

Mrs. Weasley smiled at all of them. ‘Looks like you’ve done quite a bit of shopping, Harry!’

Harry started to argue but Hermione broke in, ‘No, Mrs. Weasley. Harry was being kind enough to carry them for me.’

Mrs. Weasley looked at her inquisitively. ‘And where was Ron during all of this?’

Hermione blanched. Ginny said quietly, ‘He stormed into the house a bit ago, didn’t you see him?’

Mrs. Weasley nodded, giving Hermione a worried look. ‘He did. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t another row.’

Hermione looked nervously at the ground but Ginny continued, ‘Don’t be silly, mum. There was no row between any of us and Ron “ he just wanted to get inside to clean up.’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t seem convinced by this explanation, but replied, ‘Well, I’ll have dinner ready shortly. Hermione, dear, there’s a letter for you from your parents.’

Hermione shot Ginny and Harry a nervous look. Ginny ushered her forward. ‘Go get the letter, Harry and I will wait for you in the sitting room after we put your books in my room.’

Hermione hurried after Mrs. Weasley into the kitchen. Ginny started up the stairs with Harry close behind her. He would have liked to have his arms free, but Hermione must have bought shelves and shelves of books. He wasn’t sure how she had carried them. Ginny opened her door quickly and Harry placed the bag on Hermione’s bed.

Ginny sighed and sat down on her bed. Harry gave her a garish smile and put his hands on either side of her, leaning over her, kissing her hungrily. She giggled into his shoulder as he continued kissing her all over. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him lower as she stretched out across the bed. Harry felt himself letting go of his inhibitions and slowly pulled himself away, lying next to her with his hand comfortably on her hip. She raised her eyebrows at him and he said quietly, ‘I don’t want to rush anything, but you are utterly irresistible!’

She blushed and sat up. ‘You’re quite fetching yourself, dear.’

He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. ‘We’d better head downstairs before I lose my senses and snog you senseless…and a bit more.’

He got up and helped her up. She laughed quietly. ‘I don’t think I’d mind that, but my parents and my brothers might take some offence.’

Harry and Ginny found Hermione in the sitting room engrossed in the letter from her parents. She didn’t appear to hear them come in and Ginny gave Harry a nervous look before sitting down next to Hermione and putting a hand on her shoulder. ‘Are they alright?’

Hermione shook her head and didn’t say anything at first. She clutched the letter tightly and neither Ginny nor Harry dared try to read it while she was in such a state. She breathed out slowly and said, ‘I can’t be sure, but I probably should head back and be with them. I think those memory charms had some lasting effect. I really can’t tell.’

She looked panicked and Ginny wrapped her arm around Hermione, hugging her. ‘If you have to go, you should. I mean, they are your parents “ and if they need you, then you should be with them.’

Hermione gave her a nervous look, her eyes brimming. Harry broke in, sitting on the other side of Hermione. ‘No, Hermione, Ginny is right “ if your parents need you, you have to go. Don’t worry about anything. And if you need one of us to go with you, we’ll do it gladly.’

He rubbed her back gently as she looked down at the letter, wringing it nervously in her hands. Harry looked over at Ginny and she nodded in response, looking towards the stairs. Harry gave Ginny an anxious look and then said quietly, ‘Do you want me to go get Ron?’

Hermione gave him a sharp look. ‘No, don’t bother. Ronald seems occupied otherwise and doesn’t trust me anyway!’

Ginny started to argue, but bit her tongue and said, ‘How soon do you want to leave?’

Hermione looked around and shrugged nervously. ‘I think I should go soon, now, if I can pack quickly enough. I don’t know how long this letter was in transit’

Harry nodded and got up. ‘Do you need us to help you pack?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘No, I…no, I haven’t really got that much to take. I’m going home, after all…I’ll just grab a few things and Apparate home.’

Before Harry or Ginny could say anything, Hermione rushed up the stairs and they both heard Ginny’s bedroom door open. Harry looked over at Ginny and sat down near her, closing the distance between them. He said quietly, ‘Should we still tell Ron? If he knows that we knew and didn’t tell him…’

Ginny shook her head and leaned her head on his shoulder. ‘I don’t know “ you know them as well as I do. I think we should respect Hermione’s wishes. Besides, no one is keeping Ron locked up.’

Harry sighed and reached his arm around Ginny’s shoulders, nuzzling and kissing her neck. ‘I can’t argue with you.’

They sat quietly for a while before Hermione rushed down the stairs with her rucksack pulled close to her shoulder. She gave them an anxious look and handed Harry an envelope. ‘This should do what you need it to.’ She gave him a knowing look and then continued, ‘Ginny, tell Ron…’ She struggled, wringing her hands. ‘I don’t know “ tell him I’ll be back when I can.’

Ginny got up quickly and embraced her friend. ‘Are you sure you want to go alone? Please send us an owl or a Patronus letting us know you’ve arrived safely.’

Harry gave Hermione a quick hug and smiled. ‘I’m sure they’re fine “ don’t worry.’

Hermione gave them one last look and said, ‘I’ll be back when I can, take care of yourselves!’

She headed out the door and with a crack Disapparated on the spot. Ginny and Harry watched for a moment before Harry gently pulled Ginny back into the house and shut the door. Mrs. Weasley came into the room and gave them a questioningly look. Ginny retold her mother what little she could discern from the letter and told her Hermione had left, but would return as soon as she could. Mrs. Weasley looked nervous but Ginny assured her most people wouldn’t even know where Hermione had gone.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘After that long talk with Kingsley and she pays no heed “ and here I thought she was the smart one!’

Harry exchanged a worried look with Ginny. ‘Mrs. Weasley, you don’t think it’s a trap, do you?’

She turned around abruptly. ‘I don’t know, Harry. I think we might just have to wait for her to arrive safely, or not. Give her a few hours and I’m sure we’ll know.’

Ginny looked anxious and Harry knew his face reflected the same concern. How could they have been so imprudent? They should have insisted on going with her or forced Ron to go. Ginny walked over to the stairs and gave Harry a beckoning look. He followed her up the stairs in silence, stopping at Ron’s door. Ginny knocked lightly and the door opened slowly, a dishevelled, but recently-showered Ron gave them an exasperated then confused look. ‘Why are there only two of you? Where’s Hermione?’

Ginny started to say something, but Harry broke in, ‘She left. She got a letter from her parents. She was pretty torn up “’

Ron didn’t let him finish. ‘And you just let her leave? And you didn’t come get me?’

Ginny shot back, ‘No one was forcing you to stay up here! Don’t get cross with us because you were in the middle of yet another row with Hermione!’

Ron narrowed his eyes and retorted, ‘I wasn’t having a row with Hermione. I had a row with our dear bother and wanted to wash that stench off.’

He gave them both a nasty look and continued, ‘She went home? I better go then.’

Ginny looked at Harry and he said quietly, ‘Maybe you should let her have some time with her family. Based on what she said, they may be cross with her and you being there may not make things better. Besides, you don’t know where they are either.’

Ron didn’t appear to be believing it and said, ‘I can send her a Patronus and let her know I’m thinking about her and…’

He left the comment unfinished and Ginny nodded. ‘Sure, Ron. I mean, yeah, of course you can do that.’

Ron gave them another disdainful look before heading out the door and down the stairs. Ginny gave Harry a sad look. ‘I guess we should have told Ron before she left.’

Harry said, ‘No, I don’t think we did anything wrong. She wanted to go as quickly as possible.’

Ginny replied, ‘But at least he could have gone with her, made sure she was safe!’

Harry stifled a laugh. ‘Ginny, this is Hermione we’re talking about. She kept Ron and me undetectable for most of last year. If something isn’t right, she’ll be back here in no time.’

He reached out and took her hand in his, leading her towards the door. She smiled and followed him down the stairs. A bright, blue light was emitting from the kitchen as they approached it and they both walked cautiously forward. A brightly-lit otter was speaking quietly, but clearly to Ron. The Patronus disappeared as they approached and Ron seemed more upset, instead of less. Ginny and Harry exchanged a nervous look before Ginny asked, ‘Is she okay?’

Ron nodded his head. ‘She got there safely, and her parents are there; and giving her a hard time.’ He studied his shoes closely and dug his hands deep into his pockets. ‘She asked me not to come or anything…and she wanted me to tell you two she’s fine.’

Ginny rubbed Ron’s arm. ‘Don’t worry, Ron. She’ll be back. She didn’t tell you where she was?’

He shook his head and didn’t say anything. Mrs. Weasley had been watching the whole scene and shook her head sadly. ‘I knew you all shouldn’t have gone out. Nothing good can come of being away from these protections.’

Ginny gave her mother a tired look. ‘Mum, we can’t stay here, hidden, forever. Besides, you and George are leaving soon anyway. Then what?’

Mrs. Weasley didn’t have an answer and Ron sat down heavily at the kitchen table. Harry and Ginny sat down next to Ron while Mrs. Weasley bustled around the kitchen making dinner.

Mrs. Weasley turned around and asked, ‘How was everything in London? Did you all have a nice time? Did you get to see George or Percy?’

Ron looked in no state to answer and Ginny shrugged in response. ‘We had a nice time. Kingsley told us some…interesting things. We’re all just taking it in. Poor Hermione has more to deal with than she needs.’

Mrs. Weasley nodded. ‘Yes, that poor dear. But you all should be expecting your letters from Hogwarts soon?’

Harry nodded. ‘I wonder who will be named Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team?’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘That’s what you’re worried about? Oh come on, Harry! You already said you weren’t going back! I bet Ron won’t either.’

Ron shook his head, perking up. ‘Me and more school? I was glad to not go back last year!’

Ginny laughed. ‘Well, I’m so glad both of you have your priorities straight!’

The conversation died down and dinner consisted only of Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Harry and Ginny. Ron seemed despondent and headed for bed shortly after dinner was finished, leaving Harry and Ginny to clean up. Harry felt guilty they were out all day and wanted to help out. Ginny didn’t care for the extra work, but didn’t mind having some alone time with Harry.

As they were putting the dishes away, they began talking idly about the days activities. Harry tried to sound nonchalant as he asked, ‘Any idea what that row was between Ron and Percy?’

Ginny turned around abruptly and gave him a worried look. ‘I wish Ron would have said something, but now he’s too consumed with Hermione to even think about it. I’ve never seen Percy stand up, physically, to anyone, let alone Ron!’

Harry nodded. ‘I hate to say it, Ginny. But everyone is acting so strangely. I feel like I know your family pretty well, but Percy fighting Ron “ that’s unreal!’

Ginny nodded, putting the last of the plates back and walking over to the table, straightening the chairs out. ‘I think you can ask him later, if he isn’t already asleep. Even if he tells you, I doubt there’s much he’ll do about it. Ron won’t let this bother him with Hermione gone.’

Harry replied, ‘Maybe that’s where we should start? Talk to him about Hermione and see if we can’t get further along to your brothers?’

Ginny gave Harry a curious look. ‘You seem really interested in this, any particular reason why?’

He was surprised and replied, ‘Because its affecting you! So…’

He gestured helplessly and Ginny smiled. ‘I didn’t mean to question your motives, Harry. It’s just, this is such a disaster. You could just block it out and go forward with your life.’

Harry balked at her. ‘Ginny, I wish you would give me just a little more credit. I’m really trying to be the boyfriend you need.’

Harry had turned away from her and looked down the hallway. He wasn’t enjoying this conversation and didn’t hear Ginny walk up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned up, whispering in his ear, ‘Harry, please don’t be angry with me. I think you’re being a fantastic boyfriend. I just feel like everything about me is one big distraction.’

Harry turned around and locked his eyes with hers. ‘Ginny, please, stop saying that. I’m here for you when you need me, and if you don’t need me…’ He shrugged and continued, ‘Then you don’t.’

He had taken a step back from her and she walked over pushing him roughly. ‘You know what? Fine. Good night.’

She turned her back on him and stormed up the stairs. Harry heard her door slam shut and stood there, stunned for a moment before taking one last look around the kitchen and quietly heading to Ron’s room. He didn’t think it would be wise to confront Ginny now and decided a good night’s rest would do them all a bit of good.

Chapter 14 - Night Time Conversations by pokecharm

Harry had found Ron fast asleep when he got to his room and got ready for bed quietly, not wanting to dwell on the argument he’d just had with Ginny. He smiled to himself, thinking how opposite his relationship with Ginny was as compared to Ron’s relationship with Hermione. He felt like his rows with Ginny were more real, more heart-wrenching and more confusing.

He fell asleep feeling very cold and wishing he had taken the time to talk calmly with her instead of letting her go to sleep angry. Having anyone who he cared about so much going to sleep angry with him was something he shouldn’t have allowed.

Harry woke suddenly in the dark of the night; he was sure it was well past midnight and pulled his glasses on quickly to see Ron’s bed empty. He sat up sharply and grabbed his robe, stuffed his feet into his slippers and headed down the stairs, thinking he’d find Ron in the kitchen. He passed Ginny’s room slowly, wondering if she was awake, but thought it would be better not to bother her. Once he reached the bottom floor and saw no light in the kitchen, he noticed the front door slightly ajar and headed cautiously towards it. He cursed himself for not grabbing his wand but quickly saw a slumped-over Ron on the front porch and ran out.

Ron jumped at seeing Harry. ‘Blimey! Harry, what are you doing up?’

Harry put his hands in the pockets of his robe to keep warm and replied, ‘I was worried. You weren’t in your bed and I thought you’d gone off somewhere or something.’

Ron sighed and shrugged. ‘I really screwed up with her today, didn’t I?’

Harry gave Ron a quizzical look. ‘With Hermione? No, mate, she cares about you. Don’t be stupid, you two are meant for each other.’

Harry felt himself laughing and caught Ron giving him a nasty look. ‘You know, I try to contain myself with you and my sister, the least you could do is take me and Hermione seriously.’

Harry shook his head. ‘That isn’t what I meant.’ He stopped and turned away. ‘Look Ron, I didn’t mean anything by it. You two are my best mates. I just wish you wouldn’t row so much. I feel like you two snog more than you talk.’

Ron replied tartly, ‘Is that a fact? You have it all worked out then?’

Harry shook his head angrily, his voice rising. ‘No, I don’t. I row with your sister too. But I know I care about her. I don’t want you messing around with Hermione. She’s like my sister.’

Ron stood up, facing Harry. ‘Are you saying I don’t care about Hermione?’

Harry shrugged, not wanting to get into an argument. ‘Look, why don’t we just drop it, okay? I don’t know what your feelings are for Hermione. Hell, maybe they are none of my business.’

Ron didn’t seem appeased but stepped back. He gave Harry one more look before turning back around. ‘While you’re out here, maybe you can give me a hand with something.’

Harry nodded, glad for the change in subject. The sky had opened up slight, the moon peaking through the clouds and a slight drizzle had started. Harry stepped closer to the doorway and crossed his arms tightly around himself.

Ron started slowly. ‘I know Hermione isn’t happy with me. You know I didn’t mean anything at lunch. I want to…well, I want to send her a message. But not by owl, that’s so…common…and with our trying to work for the Ministry…’

Harry said quietly, ‘You want to send her a Patronus?’

Ron nodded looking down at the floor. ‘Yeah, mate, you know, tell her I’m here for her, will be there for her whenever she wants me to be.’

Harry smiled. ‘That is one way to get her attention. But do you really think sending her a Patronus isn’t going to get her into more trouble with her parents?’

Ron replied sadly, ‘That’s the same conclusion I came to…but then, should I have replied earlier?’

Harry nodded. ‘Probably.’

Ron sighed disgustedly. ‘I am a horrible boyfriend.’

Harry replied, ‘I’m sure you’re not. She sent you that Patronus earlier for a reason. She could have sent it to me or Ginny, but she didn’t. She sent it to you. She knew you’d be worried about her.’

‘Well, do you think you can give me the gist of adding the talking to my Patronus?’ Ron looked helpless and Harry tried not to smile thinking about Ron’s study habits.

Harry said quietly, ‘Its rather simple. I mean, you know how to create your Patronus, right?’

Ron nodded and Harry continued, ‘You just have to think of the happiest moment that you can think of, then think of what you want to say and who you want to say it to, then produce the Patronus.’

Ron shook his head, laughing. ‘You make it sound so easy! This is beyond anything I’ve tried!’

Harry laughed and said, ‘Here I’ll show you how.’ He reached for his wand and realised he didn’t have it. ‘Well, maybe not.’

‘Could you two please keep it down!’ Both Harry and Ron jumped at the exasperated tone from Ginny. She was wrapped warmly in her bath robe, but the darkened night made the colours deepen, making her more stunning in Harry’s eyes.

Ron looked sheepishly at Ginny. ‘I didn’t realise we were being so loud.’

Ginny stayed close to the door and replied, ‘Well, you were. I’m surprised mum isn’t out here right now. You both are going to catch cold in this rain!’

Harry looked at her apologetically. ‘We’re staying relatively dry.’

He took a step towards her but she crossed her arms and gave him a hard look. He didn’t let her dissuade him and walked over, putting a hand on her arm. She still didn’t smile. He leaned closer to her and whispered, ‘I’m sorry. Forgive me?’

She shook her head and leaned forward, whispering back, ‘Only if you forgive first.’

He kissed her on the cheek. ‘I can’t ever stay angry with you. Just give me a chance to be a better boyfriend?’

She put her hand over his and nodded, smiling. Ron cleared his throat loudly. ‘Could you two stop it? Is that even possible?’

Ginny looked around Harry and smiled. ‘Yes, Ron. So what were you two yelling about?’

Harry shook his head. ‘We weren’t really yelling, Ron just asked me for some help with something.’

Ron stood up. ‘Yeah, I bet even Ginny could do a Patronus charm!’

Ginny gave Harry a questioning look. ‘Of course I can, but so can you.’

Harry put a hand on her shoulder. ‘No, he wants to send Hermione one.’

Ginny nodded. ‘Oh, hmm, that is a bit tougher. I think I have an idea though.’

She pulled her wand out and Harry exclaimed, ‘I thought you said you didn’t go to bed with your wand!’

She laughed. ‘I don’t! I was coming down here to see what was going on!’

She gave Harry a gentle nudge. ‘Now stand back.’ She appeared to be concentrating hard and then called out clearly, ‘Expecto Patronum!’

A white stallion came galloping out of the end of Ginny’s wand and ran forward a half a dozen metres before turning around and saying in Ginny’s voice to Harry, ‘Maybe we should let Ron practice alone and get some rest.’

The stallion disappeared and Ron gave Ginny a sardonic look. ‘Oh, very funny, Ginny. Great, even my little sister is better than I am.’

Harry smiled. ‘You always told me she was very powerful, this just proves it more!’

Ginny smiled and offered her wand to Harry. He shook his head. ‘I think you’re right, let’s let Ron give it a go.’

Ron stood up and shook his hands a few times. He pointed his wand and concentrated before calling out, ‘Expecto Patronum!’

A Jack Russell terrier came flying out of the end of his wand. It ran a few metres before disappearing entirely. Ron sat down heavily on the now-damp porch and sighed. ‘I guess practice in the next few minutes won’t do much good.’

Ginny took a tentative step forward then retreated back to the dryness near the doorway. ‘Ron, you can’t just try once and give up!’

Harry stepped forward, placing a hand on Ron’s shoulder. ‘It does take practice, but like you said, it’ll mean a lot to Hermione.’

Ron didn’t turn around, but stood up again, going through the motions but to the same result. He turned and gave Harry and Ginny a helpless look and Ginny said, ‘Just keep trying, Ron. You have to tap into your happiest memory.’

She turned to Harry and was about to say something when a glowing sea otter came flying forward. It said clearly in Hermione’s voice, ‘Ginny, I hope you’re not asleep. Or that I’m not waking you up. I don’t know how long I’ll be here. Mum and dad are being rather impossible. They’ve almost forbidden me to return to Hogwarts!’

There was a strain in Hermione’s voice through the Patronus. It continued, ‘Anyway, I wish I had taken your and Harry’s advice. It would be nice not to be alone right now. But I know your family has a lot to deal with too. Tell Ron…’

The Patronus faltered and the otter swam around Ginny once before stopping again and continuing, ‘Tell him I miss him. Give my love to your family and thank your mother for me! Take care and take care of Harry!’

The otter disappeared in a wisp and Ginny turned to Harry. ‘Great, now I have to take care of you too?’

He laughed. ‘Don’t lie, you love it!’

He would have kissed her, but could hear Ron stand up. He was looking hard at the place where Hermione’s Patronus had been. ‘I have to go help her.’

Ginny pulled her eyes away from Harry and said, ‘Ron, wait! You can’t just go “ she can’t know that you were here. She sent the Patronus to me!’

Ron smirked. ‘Making you feel special, yeah?’

Harry put his hands up. ‘Ron, don’t even start down that road. You should have replied to Hermione earlier!’

Ginny gave Harry a tired look and said to Ron, ‘Why don’t you keep practicing? I’ll just send Hermione a Patronus, asking her where she is and what I can do to help.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘We don’t want her to worry that we’re all up worrying about her.’

Ron gave Harry and Ginny a troubled look. ‘What would I even do if I were there?’

Ginny shook her head. ‘The same thing she did while she was here. Just be there for her. That’s all you can do.’

Ron nodded absently and turned around, walking out into the yard. Ginny took a step forward but Harry stopped her and shook his head. He called after Ron, ‘Don’t stay out too long “ if you’re sick you’ll be of no use to anyone!’

Ron kept walking forward and Ginny gave Harry a worried look. ‘I don’t think we should have let him walk out there like that.’

Harry sighed. ‘I think he needs some time alone.’ He reached an arm towards her. ‘Maybe some time without watching us snogging each other silly.’

She pushed him away and said, ‘Harry, you’re all wet.’

Harry laughed. ‘Are you saying you don’t want me to touch you if I’m wet?’

Ginny laughed. ‘I just want to stay dry. Aren’t you tired?’

She covered her mouth and yawned. He smiled. ‘I am, but I was having trouble sleeping.’

She gave him a startled look. ‘Oh Harry, are you having nightmares?’

He gave her a surprised look. ‘What? No! I was…I didn’t like going to bed upset…or having you upset with me.’

She smiled softly. ‘Harry, all couples have…issues sometimes.’

He nodded but looked at her intently. ‘No, I know “ but this is you and me. Not some anonymous couple!’

She put her hands up. ‘You’re yelling again.’

He laughed. ‘Can you blame me? When I think about you, about us, I get emotionally drawn in. As I expect you do.’

She nodded and rubbed her eyes. ‘Yes, I do, and I didn’t want to go to bed angry either. I didn’t know what to say.’

Harry shrugged. ‘It isn’t good we’re better when we don’t talk and just snog.’

She replied, ‘My feelings exactly. There should be more substance.’

Harry smiled. ‘I can see you’re exhausted. Why don’t we both just go to bed and “’

Before he could finish a white terrier came bounding between them. It spoke in Ron’s voice, ‘If you two aren’t going to snog why don’t you get going so I can keep practicing!’

Ginny smiled and Harry laughed. ‘I’m glad it didn’t take him all night to get this one down!’

Ginny nodded. ‘I think we should take the dog’s advice.’

Harry nodded in agreement and gestured towards the door. Ginny entered first and as they reached the landing in front of her door Harry whispered quietly, ‘Am I dry enough to give you a kiss goodnight?’

She grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him close, kissing him. He returned the affectionate kiss, but kept the damp cloth away from Ginny as best as he could. They broke apart slowly and she said, ‘You’re just dry enough to kiss.’

He watched her open her door and said quietly, ‘Let’s continue this conversation tomorrow, okay?’

She nodded and shut her door quietly. He headed quietly up the stairs and crawled back into the now cold bed. He felt much more at ease and was able to fall into a deep sleep.

Chapter 15 - Thoughtful Provocations by pokecharm

Harry felt surprisingly refreshed when he woke up the next morning. The sun was pouring through Ron’s windows. Harry could hear Ron’s snoring nearby and realised they hadn’t been woken up for breakfast. He washed up before heading downstairs to see what was going on. He knocked lightly on Ginny’s door but got no answer. This made him feel worried and he hurried down the stairs, passing the sitting room without looking in. He reached an empty kitchen and stopped short. No one was around. Harry noticed the tea kettle was still warm, whistling softly. He grabbed a cup and filled it before turning around to see Ginny watching him, smiling, from the sitting room.

He walked over and said, ‘Good Morning. Where is everyone?’

Ginny shrugged. ‘Morning “ I’m not sure. When I got up, mum was heading out and dad wasn’t here at all. She didn’t say much, just that she was going out.’

Harry nodded absently and sat down next to her. ‘Fancy that talk now, then?’

She smiled. ‘Are you feeling up to it?’

He replied, ‘I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.’ He reached an arm across the sofa towards her, but she pulled away. He sighed loudly and waited for her to say something.

They sat quietly for a bit, before Harry finally broke the silence. ‘Oh come on “ we have to be able to say something. And not to point fingers,’ he spoke tentatively. ‘You’re the one who wanted to talk. Not that I don’t! But I don’t know what to bring up!’

She shook her head. ‘Harry! I know I’m not the only one in this relationship that should be talking about something.’

He gave her a tired look and said, ‘To be honest, sometimes I feel like you know me better than I know you…’ He scratched his head and leaned forward. ‘I don’t know how to convince you I’m here because I really care about you. And I feel like you don’t think I care about you at all.’

Ginny threw her hands up and retorted, ‘Harry! When have I ever said I didn’t think you cared about me?’

She gave him an angry stare and he looked away pointedly. ‘You don’t say anything, you just turn away or say nothing and then I don’t know what to think.’

Ginny gave him a sly look. ‘Someone recently told me that if you don’t know what someone else is thinking, you should ask.’

Harry put his hands up. ‘I don’t want to fight with you. But I don’t want to make you angry by asking questions I should, supposedly, know the answers to.’

Ginny replied, ‘Harry, if we don’t argue, then what do we learn about each other? That we’d rather avoid conflict than talk things out?’

Harry shook his head. ‘No. You know I care about you, don’t you?’

She didn’t look up but replied blandly, ‘Of course. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.’

Harry leaned close to her. ‘You know, that didn’t sound convincing at all.’

He was sitting very close to her now. He could feel her shift her weight, her hair passing a finger’s width away from him. Her scent was all around him and yet she didn’t say anything. He leaned further over and pushed her hair away from her face, kissing her softly on the cheek. He whispered quietly, ‘What are you thinking?’

She turned to face him and said quietly, ‘I don’t know what to think. A year ago, you were going to your death. And now…you’re here, in the flesh and blood, and I feel like you’re still not here.’ She took one of his hands in both of hers and said, ‘Harry, please don’t be cross with me, we both have so much emotional baggage right now…’

He laughed softly. ‘Then doesn’t that mean we’re even?’

She shook her head, her hair falling around her face. ‘I don’t think that’s how it works.’

Harry leaned over further, wrapping his arm around her. ‘How does it work then?’

She laughed and replied, ‘If I knew, do you think we’d need to have this conversation!’

She leaned into his embrace and continued, ‘Some days I just wonder why you’d choose to be with someone like me when you’re the hero of the magical world!’

Harry sighed. ‘So, we finally get to it.’

She pulled away and gave him a sad look. ‘Oh come on, Harry! Can you blame me?’

He crossed his arms and replied tartly, ‘Yes, yes I can. How can you think for a second that I’m some sort of two-timing guy? I’m not stringing you along and I don’t have eyes for anyone else.’

He felt thoroughly nettled, but didn’t say anything. Ginny continued, ‘Harry, you’ve been a celebrity to me my whole life. When we were dating, back in my fifth year, it was amazing. I…I never knew you like that before. You still seem like the same wonderful guy, but you’re so much darker.’

He turned to her. ‘Ginny, I am the same guy. I know we aren’t going to be the same two people we were back then, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to have something new and special with you now.’

Ginny nodded absently and said, ‘I do want that, Harry. But there are so many…’

She looked at him sadly and he replied, ‘And there always will be. I think we’re fine. We don’t make up after rows like Ron and Hermione, but I think we’re fine. We just need to spend more time together.’

She laughed softly. ‘We don’t have much more time for that, do we? My Hogwarts letter should be coming soon.’

He nodded. ‘I wonder if McGonagall will send one to me…’

Ginny replied, ‘Why would she? She can’t think you’re going to come back? What for?’

He took her hand in his and said, ‘Well, I’d go back for you, if you wanted me to.’

She shook her head and said emphatically, ‘Oh no, Harry, I’m not going to ask you to go back when I know you don’t want to! You’d hate me for forcing you.’

He laughed. ‘I don’t think I could ever hate you.’

Ginny shook her head and got up slowly. ‘Harry, when you say things like that, you make me feel guilty.’

He watched her get up, but didn’t move. ‘Guilty? Why should you feel guilty?’

She shrugged. ‘I don’t know “ like I’m imposing my will on you or something.’

He replied slowly. ‘But you’re not. You even know what I want instead. If anyone should feel guilty, it’s me! I don’t know what it is you want, but you seem to know me pretty well.’

She headed towards the kitchen saying, ‘But, Harry, I’ve taken a larger interest in you than you’ve ever had in me.’

He got up quickly and followed her into the kitchen where Ginny was pulling a few pieces of breakfast together. He said quietly, ‘This is when I think you’re justified in thinking I’m not a very good boyfriend.’

She smiled softly. ‘Harry “ you never had any reason to know “’

He didn’t let her finish, cutting her off, ‘If I’m your boyfriend, if I care about you, then I should take an interest. And you should be able to tell.’

He had a very stern look on his face and she replied, ‘Harry, this is why we need to talk more and…well, talk more.’

She blushed slightly and he said, ‘We do…but now I feel bad about…well, about what I’ve put you through.’

She put a couple plates on the table and said, ‘Harry, you’ve been busy.’

Harry walked over and stood next to her, leaning against the counter. ‘That doesn’t sound like a valid excuse to me: too busy for my own girlfriend.’

She patted him on the arm and said, ‘Harry, don’t beat yourself up about it. We’ve talked things out and…’ She smiled sadly, ‘And don’t we feel better?’

He laughed sourly. ‘Loads better.’

He watched Ginny quietly and finally said, ‘You’re not making me breakfast are you? I should be making you breakfast!!’

She turned and laughed. ‘What do you know about the kitchen?’

Harry replied quietly, ‘Well, I know how to get around a Muggle kitchen.’

Ginny gave him a questioning look, then understanding, as she realised what he was alluding to. She said quietly, ‘Oh, of course.’

He shook his head. ‘It’s really nothing “ I mean, we all have to do things to be…domesticated, right?’

She nodded. ‘Well, being the only girl,’ she laughed, ‘Actually, all my brothers always took good care of me.’

Harry moved around the kitchen deftly, but realised there weren’t nearly as many appliances as in a normal, Muggle kitchen. Ginny smiled and asked, ‘Having trouble finding something?’

He laughed. ‘Well, I’m used to having, you know…appliances and such!’

He tapped his wand absently on the counter and then said, ‘Well, I can’t toast the bread “ but I can make you cereal!’

He pulled a couple of bowls out and could hear Ginny giggling behind him. ‘Wow, Harry, you really showed me!’

He turned and smiled. ‘See, I can take care of you.’

She tilted her head and said, ‘I never doubted that.’

He placed both bowls on the table and pulled the cereal box out of the pantry and placed it with the milk onto the table. He motioned to the table and said, ‘That makes me feel better.’

They sat down next to each other. Harry said quietly, ‘We’re still discussing, aren’t we?’

She nodded absently. ‘I think so “ I’m not sure how we’re doing, to be honest.’

He laughed. ‘I’ll be the optimist, we’re doing great!’ He sighed, and said more quietly, ‘At least I know what I need to do. Though I’m hoping you’ll help me.’

She nodded. ‘Sure, Harry, of course, however I’m not sure how to help you.’

He placed his hand on the back of her chair and leaned closer to her. ‘Ginny, the only way I can know more about you is if you open up and tell me things’

She gave him a sceptical, side-long look. ‘I don’t know. Don’t we both have enough to be concerned with?’

Harry dropped his spoon into his cereal and stood up all in one smooth motion. ‘Ginny “ this is exactly what I’m talking about! There will always be an insane number of things worrying us, but aren’t we important enough to each other to stop other things from getting in the way?’

Her eyes bulged slightly as his voice raised, but she replied calmly, ‘Harry, that isn’t what I’m saying. You are, we are “ but there are so many things going on right now. I just want a few staples in my life…’

Harry bent down next to her chair. ‘Why don’t you let me be that staple in your life? That’s what we’ve been talking about, isn’t it?’

His face was close to hers, and she turned her face to his, leaning forward and kissing him softly. He could feel her hands creeping up his arms to his neck and face and he caught her hands and pulled himself away from her. He said breathlessly, ‘You didn’t answer either of my questions.’

She turned away from him and said, ‘I want to, Harry “ but I’m afraid of forcing you to do “’

He stood up and took a few steps away from her standing near the counter. ‘Are we going to keep going in circles? I trust you, why can’t you trust me?’

She put her hands in her lap and gave him a helpless look. He shut his eyes knowing he couldn’t trust himself to say anything when she looked at him like that. She cleared her throat and said quietly, ‘I’m sorry, Harry. I do trust you. But I really wish you’d let ‘us’ develop more slowly. Maybe it isn’t you at all “ maybe its me. I’m not sure I’m ready.’

Harry turned towards her sadly and said softly, ‘You’ll always be my girl.’

She nodded and smiled weakly. ‘Always.’

He stood there quietly. He felt light-headed and could feel his eyes losing focus. She was there, in the distance. He wondered, was she rejecting him? Did he push her too hard? He turned away. He knew he couldn’t trust his emotions. He was suddenly feeling sick and was thankful for the loud tread of Ron coming into the kitchen. Ron walked in sullenly and sat down heavily at the table. He didn’t seem to notice the tension in the kitchen and said, ‘Where is everyone?’

Harry could hear Ginny, as if from a distance, reply, ‘Dad’s at work and mum went out, she didn’t say where.’

Ron nodded. ‘So, this was the best breakfast you two could come up with?’

Harry sighed and turned around, nodding. ‘It was my idea.’

Ron gave him a questioning look and said, ‘Well, hand me a bowl, mate.’

Harry nodded mutely. He walked over to the table, being careful to neither look at Ginny fully nor get too close to her, and handed Ron the bowl. Ron gave him another strange look and said, ‘Spoon?’

Harry rolled his eyes and Ginny spoke up, ‘Why don’t you get off your lazy arse and stop asking Harry to be your maid-in-waiting!’

Ron shot her an irritated look. ‘Fine. What’s the matter with you two?’

Harry sat back down, pulling his chair away from Ginny’s and said, ‘Nothing.’

Ron laughed. ‘You two should work on that “ not even remotely convincing.’

Ginny turned and said harshly, ‘Don’t you have enough to worry about?’

Ron gave her a hard look. ‘Mind your business, Ginny.’

She shot back, ‘Love to!’ She got up quickly and headed out of the kitchen. Harry sat still for a second before bounding down the hall after her. He caught her as she made it up a couple of the stairs and grabbed her arm, saying pleadingly, ‘Ginny, wait.’

Her face was calm and she raised her eyebrows. She took a step down, still a full head higher than Harry on the floor, and said, ‘Are you okay?’

He shook his head and said quietly, ‘Not even close, you?’

She reached for his hands and pulled him towards her. He dragged his feet and couldn’t bring himself to look at her. She said quietly, ‘Harry, look at me.’

He shook his head and turned away. She had been watching him closely and must have sensed his frustration. She continued more quietly, ‘I don’t understand how you can live with so much finality.’

She let go of his hands and put her hands on his face. He tried to pull away but she tightened her grip on him. ‘Harry, nothing I said meant I didn’t want to be with you. Nothing.’

He started to say something but felt the ability of speech escape him. He looked up into her deep, brown eyes and felt himself breaking down and looked away again. She sighed softly and leaned forward, kissing him softly, gently. He felt his heartbreak easing and let himself lean forward before slowly leaning his forehead against hers. He said quietly, ‘I guess I need a staple just as much as you do.’

She nodded, laughing and pulled him closer. ‘It’s endearing to be needed, Harry.’

He gave her a doubtful look and she smiled, grazing her lips across his cheek before saying quietly, ‘I do need you, Harry. I just don’t know that I’m ready to…’

He nodded and put his fingers to her lips. ‘I know, I know…I’m being melodramatic.’

She laughed softly. ‘You’re allowed to be, I promise. You’ve been through a lot.’

He nodded sadly. ‘You don’t know the half of it. I just…’ He leaned forward and kissed her. ‘I never expected you to wait for me. I knew we couldn’t pick up where we left…I don’t know why I keep thinking that.’

She replied, ‘Well, I’m sure we’d both be happier if we could go back in time and live then, but life happens.’

He nodded sadly. ‘I’m okay “ really. We both need to think things through.’

She said quickly, ‘Harry…’ She stumbled for a second, then continued, ‘Nothing.’

She smiled absently at him and he gave her a curious look. ‘What?’

She nervously played with her hair and said, ‘You know, this may sound crazy, but I feel better about ‘us’ than I have in a long time.’

He laughed and shook his head. ‘Brilliant “ I pick the most mental witch I can to give my heart to!’

Harry snapped his eyes shut the second the words were out of his mouth and could feel Ginny’s eyes on him acutely. She said quietly, ‘I know, Harry. I’ll do you justice, when we’re both ready.’

He opened his eyes slowly and noted Ginny was smiling sweetly at him. He replied, ‘I know you will. And I want to be that guy, the guy you come home to. The guy you make your life with. The guy…’

His eyes flowed down her features, Ginny’s robe slightly open around her ankles. He felt the heat rising on his face and turned away slightly. Ginny took a step down the stairs and pulled him close to her. ‘Harry, please stop thinking about this so much. Let’s be happy with ourselves before we get into something we may not be ready for.’

Harry nodded sadly at her and she squeezed his arms playfully. ‘You really are far too serious. I want to see a smile cross those lips every once in a while.’

She pulled away from him and headed up the stairs slowly. Harry watched her for a second before calling up the stairs, ‘I do smile…’ She turned and smiled back, then headed out of view as he continued more quietly, ‘when I’m with you.’

Chapter 16 - Comings and Goings by pokecharm
Harry walked slowly back into the kitchen. He could feel Ron’s gaze on him and said curtly, ‘Don’t. I don’t want to talk about it.’

Ron nodded. ‘We’re a sad lot, aren’t we?’

Harry nodded. ‘Very. I never thought I’d be chasing your sister like…’ he left the sentence unfinished and sighed. ‘So, did you send Hermione a Patronus?’

Ron shook his head. ‘No, I thought better of it. You and Ginny were right. That might make things worse before they make things better.’

Harry gave him a sceptical look. ‘I am done trying to figure out what women want or need from us. I’ll just wait to be told. Anticipation is no bloody good.’

Ron laughed. ‘Isn’t that the truth! I tell you, one wrong word and its like war!’

Harry sighed. ‘So, besides chasing girls, what are we supposed to do today?’

Ron replied, ‘Well, we need to reply to Kingsley. And I think we should probably send Professor McGonagall a note about not returning.’

Harry nodded mutely. ‘I’ve only heard scant news about the reconstruction, is the school ready?’

Ron looked thoughtful and replied, ‘Sounded to me, last time dad mentioned it, that school would start on time, though construction would be on-going until graduation.’

Ron got up from the table and placed his bowl in the sink. ‘I really can’t imagine the school still in ruins, but I also heard there will be a memorial in the first half of the year. Something for everyone who passed while…’

Harry looked up. Ron had never really talked about the battle and he was concerned about his reaction. ‘That’s the least they would do, I’d imagine. And are we expected to appear?’

Ron gave him a restrained look. ‘I think so…yeah, I’m not looking forward to it either.’

Harry sighed. ‘I hope there won’t be too much fanfare…’

Ron laughed. ‘Harry, you’re the bloody hero! You better expect to be the centre of attention while you’re there!’

Harry gave him a sharp look. ‘I won’t be the only one.’

Ron laughed louder. ‘You can’t be serious? Harry, you killed Voldemort “ no one wants to see your weird side-kicks! Bloody hell, even Neville will be more renowned than me or Hermione!’

Harry shook his head. ‘I think we should send an owl to Neville. Ask him what he’s doing.’

Ron gave him a side-long look. ‘You want to throw your lot in with Neville?’

Harry looked up. ‘What do you mean by that?’

Ron shook his head. ‘Stop, you’re doing what Hermione was doing. I’m not meaning anything, just that you’re the chosen one, the hero “ you should be leading, not following.’

Ginny said quietly, ‘Ron’s right, Harry.’

Harry turned around quickly to see Ginny dressed in Muggle clothes. Her hair was falling loosely around her shoulders and she was wearing Muggle jeans and a dark blue jumper. The jumper was covering a white button-down shirt and she had a purse at her side.

Ron filled the silence quickly. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’

Ginny replied quietly, ‘I’m going to head out for a bit. Luna lives just across the way. Thought I’d check and see how she’s doing. You two going to be okay by yourselves?’

Ron nodded. ‘Of course “ we can take care of ourselves!’

Harry stared openly at Ginny with a dumbfounded expression on his face. She held his gaze for a second before smiling shyly at him. ‘Harry?’

She stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly. ‘You in there?’

He nodded mutely and said, ‘Have a nice time. Tell Luna I said hello.’

She pulled away from him and headed towards the door. ‘Alright then, I’ll see you both later.’

Ron shot Harry a warning look. Harry sighed and got up. He followed Ginny outside. The morning was rather chilly and Harry wrapped his robe around himself more tightly as he jogged after Ginny.

She heard his footsteps and turned around with a questioning look on her face. He half-smiled and said, ‘You sure you’re going to be okay going there by yourself?’

She smiled back. ‘Harry, she lives right over there.’ She pointed across the Weasleys’ property. ‘I’m going to be fine.’

He replied, ‘No, I know that. Just, you know, after everything Kingsley said…are you sure you don’t want company?’

She smiled warmly at him. ‘I was sure after this morning’s conversation you had enough on your mind.’

He studied her shoes closely as she spoke, not wanting to look her in the eyes. He could feel her take a step closer and he took a sharp breathe. He met her gaze slowly and said, ‘I do, but I still want to make sure…you know?’

She tilted her head. ‘Harry, you said you trusted me.’

He nodded and she continued, ‘I think we both could use some time away from one another.’

He shook his head. ‘We’ll have loads of that soon enough.’

She sighed and replied, ‘I know, Harry. I know and I’m sorry.’

He placed his hands on her shoulders and whispered hoarsely, ‘Don’t be sorry.’ He wanted to say something clever, something consoling, something that would make her, make both of them feel better, but he stood there looking at her sadly with his mouth shut.

She put her hands over his and squeezed them. ‘Harry…’ She tried to catch his gaze, bending her head to see his eyes. ‘Harry, look at me, please.’

He slowly brought his gaze back to hers and she smiled. ‘We can continue now or later, I’ll leave that up to you. What else is there for us to say?’

He looked dejectedly at her and replied, ‘Nothing…I can’t think of one bloody thing.’

She laughed nervously. ‘That isn’t a bad thing, Harry.’

He pulled away from her and she grabbed his arm quickly, turning him back towards her. He gave her a tired look and she said, ‘Harry, if you really want to come with me, you can. I’ll wait.’

He didn’t expect her to say that and gave her a confused look. She smiled. ‘Didn’t see that coming, did you?’

He answered truthfully, ‘No, not in the least.’

He tore his gaze away from her and said quietly, ‘Maybe you’re right…’

She continued smiling and said, ‘Music to my ears’

They both laughed as she continued, ‘You do know, I’m expecting to hear that more in the future.’

He nodded and smiled. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll have that down in no time.’

He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. ‘I’m only a Patronus away…if you need anything, or anything happens…’

She nodded and hugged him quickly. ‘Thanks, Harry. I’ll see you in a bit. If mum’s looking for me, tell her where I’ve gone.’

He nodded and watched her walk away. She was barely a dozen metres away and he was already missing having her near him. He sighed and turned around, heading back into the Burrow.

Ron gave him a lop-sided smile and laughed. ‘Mate, she has you wrapped around her little finger!’

Harry shook his head and replied, ‘Shut it, Ron. I care about your sister, a lot.’

Ron laughed some more. ‘Yeah, I know “ its rather fun to watch. Even more so considering how you two started off back in our second year!’

Harry gave him a sceptical look. ‘Yeah, but she has always been a part of our lives at Hogwarts from our second year onwards, sort of.’

Ron chortled. ‘I remember that funny Valentine that stalked you in second year!’

Harry scowled. ‘Shut up, Ron! That was sweet!’

Ron laughed. ‘That wasn’t how you felt about it then!’

Harry gave Ron a disdainful look. ‘Yeah, but things have changed…just drop it!’

Ron laughed quietly to himself and said, ‘Fine, fine “ you don’t need to be so touchy!’

Harry shook his head. ‘Where were we before Ginny came in?’

Ron sighed. ‘You were saying you wanted to know what Neville was going to do this fall.’

Harry nodded. ‘Or maybe we should go visit him?’

Ron sighed. ‘I don’t know. I don’t know where he lives, do you?’

Harry replied, ‘How about this: you work on your Patronus to Hermione and I’ll write Neville and see how he’s doing?’

Ron nodded. ‘Agreed “ we can stay out of trouble with that simple of a task, right?’

Harry laughed. ‘I hope so!’

Harry brought a quill, ink and parchment to the kitchen, leaving Ron to concentrate in his room. Harry wrote a quick note and used Errol, the Weasleys’ owl, to send the note to Neville. Harry didn’t put much detail in the note, just asked about Neville’s summer and if he wanted to come visit.

Ron came down sullenly and said quietly, ‘Well, that could have gone better.’

Harry looked up. ‘Come on “ you were doing well last night!’

Ron shook his head. ‘I just hope she gets it and not someone else.’

Harry stifled a laugh. ‘I’m sure she got it.’

Ron asked, ‘So, you sent a letter to Neville?’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, just a quick note “ we haven’t spoken to him all summer. That probably isn’t a good thing.’

Ron sighed. ‘We’ve all been busy. And I saw that article of him in the Prophet, he seems to be enjoying the positive attention!’

Harry said, ‘Well, he did kill Nagini, the last Horcrux. If not for him, I never would have been able to defeat Voldemort.’

Ron nodded and said wryly, ‘Yeah that he did.’

Harry looked up. ‘You’re not jealous of Neville, are you?’

Ron shrugged. ‘You could have told anyone to do that, but you told Neville!’

Harry gave Ron a disgusted look. ‘So sorry Ron, I was walking to my death, the first person I saw that I trusted seemed right to ask.’

Ron muttered, ‘No, need to get up in arms, I’m just saying.’

Harry shook his head. ‘Yeah, you’re always saying.’

Ron said, ‘Look, I didn’t mean anything about it. Not totally; though we have all wondered at that choice.’

Harry replied sharply, ‘Thanks. Well, it all worked out, didn’t it?’

Ron nodded. ‘It did.’

Harry sat silently, feeling thoroughly nettled by Ron’s accusations. He wondered who ‘we’ was in the group; if that included both Hermione and Ginny. He knew he probably should have said more to Ginny. He didn’t have any idea as to how best to broach the subject. He noticed Ron staring at him and said, ‘What?’

Ron laughed. ‘You’re smiling “ why are you smiling like that?’

Harry shook his head. ‘I was thinking of your…never you mind.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘Merlin’s shorts, Harry! This is really sad “ the hero of the world and you got all glassy-eyed thinking of my baby sister!’

Harry replied, ‘You know what? I think I will harass you on Hermione’s behalf from now on.’

Ron replied, ‘Harry! That is really above and beyond. Hermione and I don’t need that. Bloody hell, I can barely keep her interested, I don’t need you distracting her.’

Ron looked sadly at the kitchen table and any sourness Harry felt was tempered by their friendship and his sympathy for his friend. He said quietly, ‘I don’t know if you want my advice, I’m not really that great with the ladies either. What little I do know, I’ll happily pass along.’

Ron shook his head. ‘No offence, Harry, but I think I’ll pass. Hopefully Hermione will tell me where she is and I can smooth things over then.’

Harry looked at him sceptically. ‘You have a plan for that smoothing over?’

Ron replied, ‘No, I like to fly by the seat of my pants when I can. Hermione doesn’t seem to mind.’

Harry bit his tongue and looked away. Ron didn’t say anything and the flames from the chimney erupted as Mrs. Weasley walked out. She placed a bag on the counter and began brushing the soot off of her cloak. She looked at both of them and shook her head. ‘You two haven’t even bothered to get dressed!’

Ron and Harry jumped up and hurried out of the room, but not before Mrs. Weasley called out to them, ‘Boys! Get back in here!’

The both skulked back in cautiously. She gave them a once over. ‘Where is Ginny?’

Harry spoke up, ‘She went to see Luna.’

Mrs. Weasley gave him a curious look. ‘Luna Lovegood? Why?’

Harry shrugged. ‘She didn’t say.’

Mrs. Weasley gave Harry a very hard look. ‘Anything happened that I should know about?’

Harry tried to keep a steady gaze, but couldn’t hold it, seeing that same shade of brown in Mrs. Weasley’s eyes as Ginny’s. He said quietly, ‘She just needed some time to herself.’

Mrs. Weasley looked at Ron. ‘Why don’t you wash up, Ron? Harry, can I have a word with you?’

Harry felt blind panic rising up and gave Ron a desperate look. Ron shrugged and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Harry alone with Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley gestured to the table and Harry nervously sat down. ‘Is everything alright, Mrs. Weasley?

She brought a cup of tea to the table and sat down. ‘Harry, I know I speak for Arthur when I say that we have always been as proud of you as we are of our own children.’

Harry braced himself, unsure of what she would say next. She continued, ‘And we love having you here. I know things have been difficult for you. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.’

He tried to smile but felt his emotions rising inside him and looked closely at the table. She reached a hand out across the table, tapping his arm. ‘Harry, what I’m trying to get at is that we consider you part of the family. If you need someone to confide in, you have any one of us here for you.’

He smiled, wondering if there was something further she would say. He said lamely, ‘Thank you Mrs. Weasley. I really appreciate your and Mr. Weasley’s generosity.’

She waved her hand. ‘Harry, I also wanted to talk to you about you and Ginny.’

Harry felt the panic rise within him again and felt a sense of nausea. He did not want to have a serious discussion about a relationship he himself didn’t understand with Mrs. Weasley.

She smiled in a kindly manner at him. ‘You and Ginny have been rather…inseparable lately. And while I know neither of you would do anything you shouldn’t…’

Harry felt his face flushing and he tried to say something, but Mrs. Weasley wouldn’t let him get a word in edge-wise. ‘Harry, what I’m trying to get at is Ginny is very special to us. And I know you two are very fond of one another, but you’ve hardly spent any time together.’

Harry mustered the courage and replied, ‘Mrs. Weasley, I really, really care about Ginny. I would never do anything to jeopardise what I have with her!’

She shook her head. ‘That isn’t what I meant, Harry. We know you are not the type of boy that would do something that would be inappropriate, but at the same time, you don’t have anyone to talk to about this sort of thing either. What I am trying to get at, dear, is that if you have questions, even though she is our only daughter, we are still here for you.’

Harry looked nervously at Mrs. Weasley and said, ‘Thanks…I…’

She laughed. ‘Knowing Ginny, she’s keeping you on your toes already.’

Harry laughed nervously. ‘Well, yes, she is…but I think we’re okay, sort of.’

Mrs. Weasley smiled. ‘You’ve both have had very difficult times. I think what makes relationships successful is being able to confide anything into the person you love. I think that’s when you know.’

She patted him in a motherly manner. ‘Now go wash up, dear.’

He nodded and got up, stopping at the door. ‘Mrs. Weasley, thanks. I think I needed that.’

She smiled knowingly. ‘You are very welcome, dear.’

He walked up the stairs slowly, catching Ron in his room. Ron laughed. ‘Mum cornered you then?’

Harry nodded. ‘It wasn’t bad. It was actually nice, getting parental advice.’

Ron nodded sadly. ‘You can borrow my parents whenever you like, mate!’

Harry laughed and headed into the shower. Mrs. Weasley had made him feel slightly better. But his earlier conversation with Ginny had put a damper on any positive feelings he could have. He still felt rejected by her, but then he wasn’t sure what to think. She’d told him repeatedly she needed time and space. Had he ignored her? Was he putting too much pressure on her?

After a quick shower he headed back to Ron’s room and found Ron sitting on his bed reading a letter. Harry gave him a questioning look and Ron replied, ‘Hermione got my Patronus…in the middle of breakfast. Her mother didn’t care for a talking dog made of light.’

Harry was surprised, but if it were possible, Ron looked even more dejected than before. He said, ‘Ron, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.’

Ron shook his head. ‘Yeah, that’s why she replied with a letter. A really detached letter saying she was fine and not to worry, that’s it.’

Harry craned his neck to see the short letter Ron threw on his bed. ‘Ron, she’s under a lot of stress. Why don’t you just reply by owl now and tell her you want to come see her.’

Ron shook his head emphatically. ‘No, she doesn’t need to tell me twice!’

Harry shook his head. ‘Ron, really. I know you don’t want to hear it, but listen, the one thing I do know, being pursued is never a bad thing.’

Ron gave him a sceptical look. ‘This coming from the hero who can’t even get a commitment out of my sister!’

Harry shot back, ‘Hey! Look, I’m sorry Hermione is giving you a hard time, but don’t even think about comparing me and Ginny to you and Hermione!’

Harry walked out in a huff and headed to the kitchen. He was feeling increasingly out of place at the Burrow and wondered if he shouldn’t head back to Grimmauld Place. He could write his letter to Kingsley there and perhaps start his training. He could hear Mrs. Weasley speaking forcefully from the stairs, but she stopped short, hearing his footsteps on the stairs. He walked cautiously into the kitchen to see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley having a heated discussion with Ginny.

She looked flustered and they all looked up at his entrance. He stood mutely for a second before saying quietly, ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt…I’ll just…’

He started to head out of the kitchen when Mrs. Weasley called out, ‘Harry, you got a letter from Neville!’

Harry walked over and picked up the letter and turned it over. He looked nervously around the room again and then headed out to the garden with the letter.

Mrs. Weasley called after him, ‘Lunch will be ready soon!’

Harry nodded and headed out, opening the letter.


It is so wonderful to hear from you! Gran and I are having a wonderfully relaxed summer. I hope you’re having a good summer. I got a letter from the Ministry of Magic, did you? I hope we can meet up some time. If you don’t have plans, let me know when you’d like to get together? Gran would love to see you! Take care and give my hallos to Ron, Hermione and Ginny!



Harry re-read the letter. Perhaps Neville had gotten the same offer as he, Ron and Hermione. Having Neville with him and Ron at the Ministry would be a nice change of pace. Neville had been a great friend and deserved an easy go of things for a bit.

Harry wondered at the argument he had walked in on and resolved that he would head out of the Burrow soon. He wasn’t being of any use to anyone at the rate he was going.

He heard the back door open and was surprised to see Ginny emerge. She walked over to him and smiled. ‘How was your day?’

He tried to smile, but noticed the strain in her voice and eyes. ‘Uneventful. Just sent a letter to Neville…had a chat with your mum.’

She nodded. ‘I heard. You know, Harry, when I told you not to hide anything, that meant anything. If you wanted to say something more, you could have.’

He shook his head. ‘I didn’t have anything to say.’

She laughed and gave him a disbelieving look. ‘Harry, some of what mum said is probably right. We’re both…’

She looked at him with a confused expression and he nodded. ‘She was right…when you care about someone, you should be able to confide anything to them. I haven’t done that, Ginny, and I’m sorry.’

She put a hand on his arm. ‘Harry, we’ve both been hiding things. Hiding our pain, and that’s not going to get us anywhere.’

He said, ‘I know…I’m sorry, Ginny.’

Ginny put her hands up. ‘Stop apologising, Harry. I’m sorry too. I feel like I’ve only been telling you half of what’s been going on.’

He took a step closer. ‘Ginny, maybe you were right; maybe its time to just think about things, about us.’

Ginny sighed sadly, taking his hand in hers. ‘Harry, I want to tell you more. And I want you to know you can tell me more, too.’

Harry reached out for her, wrapping his arms around her. ‘I want to tell you…everything…but I feel like we’re not there.’

She shook her head. ‘No, I know, Harry. I know we’re not.’

She rested her hands on his chest and leaned up, kissing him softly. ‘That doesn’t mean we can’t work on things for now.’

He let himself enjoy their closeness, but felt the hole in the pit of his stomach expanding and pulled away. He rested his forehead against hers and said quietly, ‘I’d better go.’

She reached out grabbing his arms and pulling him back towards her. ‘Harry, you can’t just leave! Both you and Hermione leaving so soon isn’t safe. Isn’t this exactly what Kingsley warned us against?’

Harry couldn’t bring himself to look at her and said quietly, ‘How much more of me can your family take?’

She laughed softly and pulled him into her arms. ‘Loads more. My parents love you more than they love their own children!’

Harry shook his head but leaned down, awkwardly resting his head on her shoulder. She smelled absolutely heavenly. He broke the silence. ‘How’s Luna doing?’

Ginny rubbed his back consolingly. ‘She’s fine. She asked about you. I told her you were doing okay. I told her she should come by and visit for a bit.’

Harry couldn’t help himself and chuckled softly. ‘Is she the same Luna?’

Ginny ran one of her hands through his hair. ‘The one and only Luna.’

He felt the overwhelming sensation of sickness dissipating and returned her embrace, kissing her softly. ‘That’s good to hear. I hope you had a nice time.’

She nodded, leaning into him. ‘It was nice to get a little break. But it is nice to come back to what I’ve started to consider normal.’

He smiled. ‘Normal? What’s so normal you’re coming back to?’

She smiled shyly. ‘Having you here.’

He said, ‘Ginny, you’re making me crazy!’

He laughed and she shook her head. ‘Is it a good crazy?’

He nodded. ‘I don’t know any other crazy to associate with you!’

She took his hand in hers. ‘Come on, we better head inside. Mum is going to wonder what I’ve done with you.’

Harry let her lead him back to the house and noted Mr. Weasley had left while they were outside. He gave Ginny a questioning look and she just replied, ‘He had to get back to work.’

Mrs. Weasley nodded. ‘There was some news from Hogwarts. Kingsley is trying to help Professor McGonagall get the school in some sort of order for the term to start on time.’

Harry looked up. ‘How has the construction been going? I haven’t heard much.’

Mrs. Weasley bustled around the kitchen. ‘Well, dear, there’s a lot of work that needs doing, but I think they will manage. The classes may be a little less structured, but things should progress as needed. Ginny, you’re going back aren’t you?’

Ginny and Harry stood to one side of the kitchen and she nodded at her mother. ‘Of course. I want to get at least one good year in before leaving Hogwarts.’

Mrs. Weasley gave Harry the same questioning look and he shook his head. ‘No, Mrs. Weasley, I don’t think I’ll be returning. Kingsley’s offer is one I have to think more about.’

She nodded. ‘I think that is an excellent opportunity for you. Don’t hesitate. They need people like you there. You’d be such an amazing asset.’

Harry blushed. ‘Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.’

He could see Ginny giggling in her hand at Harry’s reaction as Ron sauntered into the kitchen. ‘Lunch ready?’

Mrs. Weasley frowned at Ron. ‘Have you heard from Hermione?’

He nodded. ‘She’s at home. I think she’s okay. I’m not sure.’

Ginny looked at Ron sadly. ‘Did she say where she was?’

Ron replied curtly, ‘No. She didn’t take her parents back to their old home. They didn’t want to go back there.’

Ginny looked over at Harry who looked back at her with the same level of concern. ‘It’ll be okay, Ron.’

Ron looked up sharply and replied tartly, ‘You know what, I’m really tired of hearing that!’

Ginny started to say something but Harry shook his head, warning her not to get involved. She sighed and said nothing. They both stood quietly until Mrs. Weasley said, ‘Who wants to set the table for lunch?’

Ginny said, ‘I’ll do it, Mum. I’ve hardly done anything all day.’

She walked away from Harry and asked, ‘How many people are we expecting?’

Mrs. Weasley gestured around the kitchen indicating the group that was present and Ginny grabbed the requisite plates and utensils for the meal. Harry started to offer to help but Ginny shook her head, smiling.

Harry watched her set the table and said, ‘So the school has been put back together?’

Mrs. Weasley nodded. ‘According to Arthur, the construction has moved forward quickly. The big issue they’ve been having is getting all the protections back up. They can’t have anyone happening upon the school, especially Muggles. They would go mad if they saw even one class.’

Harry said, ‘Well, that’s good news. I hope Professor McGonagall can get everything safe there before the students go back.’

Mrs. Weasley replied, ‘Yes, the school has to be safe before they open classes again.’

Ginny sat down at the table and said quietly, ‘Wow, I can’t believe they’re really opening school up on time. I was sure I’d get an extended summer holiday!’

Harry laughed and Ron rolled his eyes. Ron said, ‘Its not like you studied much last year anyway!’

Ginny laughed and retorted, ‘That doesn’t mean I don’t want another break!’

Harry whispered quietly to her, ‘Then why don’t you just forgo the whole thing and not go at all?’

Ginny laughed and shook her head. ‘Nice try, Potter.’

Harry smiled jovially at her as Mrs. Weasley went on about Hogwarts. ‘Well, the core of the teaching staff is still around. Hagrid has been working hard to get the castle in a liveable state. He’s identified lots of areas where they can move things until everything is completed. The Board of Governors has been rather united in having the school up-and-ready this summer. They’ve appointed Professor McGonagall as the Headmistress, and thank Merlin for that!’

Ginny asked, ‘Have you heard who’ll be filling the open spots on the faculty?’

Mrs. Weasley shook her head. ‘Even if I knew, I’m absolutely certain I shouldn’t be sharing that with you!’

Ginny gave her mother a look of mock pain before turning back to Harry and Ron at the table. ‘I guess this means my letter should be coming soon.’ She smiled at Harry. ‘And that means someone’s birthday is coming up, any thoughts about what you’d like?’

Harry looked up at her, surprised. ‘I don’t think much about my birthdays, you know. Keeping with the ‘nice and quiet’ theme sounds good to me.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘Harry! You have a birthday with a girlfriend, finally! You’re not going to work that into something more interesting?’

Harry looked shocked at Ron’s insinuation and Ginny rolled her eyes and laughed at Harry’s reaction. She said, ‘You know, Harry, Ron has a point…sort of.’

Harry relaxed a little, noting Mrs. Weasley paying little attention to them. ‘I don’t know; what does your family normally do at birthdays?’

Ginny shrugged and looked at Ron. ‘I guess, just dinner and such. I mean, we do exchange gifts, so if there’s something you’d like…’

She smiled innocently and he scratched his head absently. ‘You know, I think I’m good.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘You are so hopeless, you know that? Your birthday! I mean, bloody hell!’

‘Ron! Language!’ Mrs. Weasley yelled from the stove.

Ron sighed and leaned back in his chair. ‘Harry, do me a favour, think of something, something good.’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, Ron, I’ll start thinking right now.’

Mrs. Weasley started to set lunch on the table. Harry and Ginny waited for Mrs. Weasley to sit down, while Ron wasted no time and started helping himself. They continued talking about Hogwarts and the reconstruction while eating lunch. Mrs. Weasley kept pretty tight about any details regarding the faculty, but it sounded like the grounds had, for the most part, been restored and the housing would be ready for the students.
Chapter 17 - At the Heart of Things by pokecharm

After lunch Harry decided he might try to continue that conversation with Ginny, but she said she was feeling tired and would take a quick kip before dinner. Harry thought it better than to waste the time and referred back to the note of instruction Hermione had left him. He didn’t need Ron nosing in and went out to the garden, where he would be able to hear anyone sneak up on him, and took the locket and ring with him.

Harry was rather thankful for Hermione, she had set everything out for him in excruciating detail and it was relatively easy for him to follow. A series of incantations would activate the power dwelling within the locket and ring, but he would now have to either wear or carry the ring with him at all times. He knew he couldn’t wear the ring, but he could keep it with him someplace. He looked around himself quickly, hoping no one was spying on him and drew a deep breath before starting the incantations Hermione had outlined.

After about a half hour he could see the locket glow before going back to its regular state. He had put the ring on and it burned red hot for a brief moment before returning to room temperature. He felt an over-whelming warmth, as if he had put on a soft, flannel blanket, but the warmth was coming from inside him. He sat for a few moments, in awe of the power that was surging through him, but he knew he shouldn’t linger outside for too long. He put both the ring and locket into his pocket for safety.

He started to get up and sat back down, realising he knew exactly what he’d like to do for his birthday. He headed back inside, finding the kitchen empty save for Ginny, looking half-awake and making a cup of tea. Despite being slightly dishevelled, she still looked gorgeous to Harry.

He cleared his throat and she turned abruptly. ‘Oh Harry! I didn’t hear you come in!’

He nodded and smiled. ‘I noticed. Got some rest?’

She nodded and motioned to the tea. He nodded and she pulled another cup out for him. ‘I did. You and Ron better keep your arguing down to a minimum tonight, I’d like to get a full night’s sleep!’

He nodded and stood next to her near the stove. ‘I’ll let Ron know. I’m sure we’ll keep it down to a dull roar.’

Ginny smiled. ‘Any more thought about your birthday?’

He replied, ‘Now that you mention it, yes. But can it be a surprise?’

She shook her head. ‘If anyone should be surprised on your birthday, it should be you!’

He sighed. ‘No surprises for you?’

She smiled. ‘On my birthday you can surprise me all you like, but on your birthday I should know what I’m doing for you.’

Harry shook his head. ‘But I don’t want you to do anything!’

Ginny put her hands up as the tea kettle began to whistle. She poured the two cups and continued, ‘Harry, the whole point of your birthday is for your friends to do something for you. Not for you to plan something for your girlfriend.’

He smiled at the title and said, ‘So I can’t blind-side you with my idea?’

She shook her head and walked past him towards the table. ‘Sorry, no such luck, Harry.’

He sighed and sat down next to her. He started nervously, ‘Just tell me if you think this isn’t a good idea.’ She waited patiently and he continued, ‘What if we just go out and have a nice, quiet evening. A date, if you will, just the two of us.’

She looked thoughtfully at him and said, ‘That does sound nice. Think we can ditch the rest of the group?’

He put his cup down and said, ‘Well, maybe if we do a lunch date, then we can do dinner with the rest of the family.’

She laughed softly. ‘You know, if Hermione isn’t here, something tells me Ron isn’t going to enjoy this plan.’

He smiled. ‘So, you’re okay with this idea?’

She smiled back at him. ‘I think it’s a wonderful idea! I mean, it’ll give us some time to ourselves and that is something we could both do with a lot more of.’

He reached his hand out to hers and said, ‘That’s the only gift I want.’

She squeezed his hand. ‘Is this what I’m supposed to expect in the future?’

He shrugged. ‘I have no idea. I just want to take this one day at a time.’

She nodded and sipped her tea, saying, ‘I wonder if mum knows something more about Hogwarts she wasn’t telling us.’

Harry said, ‘I’m almost certain of it, aren’t you?’

She replied, ‘I got that impression, too. I am glad to hear Professor McGonagall is in charge. I can’t imagine the Board wanting to change the leadership at a time like this. And, Harry, I hope, despite what you said earlier, you’ll attend that service. It’ll mean a lot to me to have you there.’

He squeezed her hand. ‘Then I’ll be there.’

Harry said quietly, ‘So, shall I invite Neville over and you invite Luna over? It’ll be a mini-reunion!’

She laughed. ‘Maybe we should invite them for your birthday, its right around the corner.’

He gave her a sceptical look. ‘I don’t want to have a party, really. Though I guess a few friends over would be a nice change of pace for me. Are you sure your parents wouldn’t be put off by something like that. I mean…’ He looked at her anxiously. ‘I just feel like we should be a little more sombre.’

Ginny didn’t react openly and Harry thought he’d said something wrong, but she finally broke the silence. ‘Mum and dad are still hiding it I think. I mean, with George being the way he’s been, we can’t really mourn for Fred. I don’t think George would allow it.’

Harry was afraid to broach the topic but said quietly, ‘But don’t you need to mourn? I mean, after I lost Sirius, I just needed some time to remember and then accept what happened.’

She gave him a weak smile and said, ‘You had what I hate to describe as a luxury of not having to deal with a whole family. I mean, I don’t even know how to deal with it. It’s hard to believe, but…’ She faltered looking away from him. ‘He’s gone, and he’s never coming back. And he was part of a set, one of two…every time I look at George, I think of Fred, and I’m sure all my brothers see that too.’

She continued more slowly, ‘It’s hard. It’s so hard, Harry.’

She had turned to look at him, her eyes shimmering before him. He reached an arm around her shoulders and said quietly, ‘Its okay to be upset, love. He was your brother, and he’s gone.’

He smiled at her. ‘I know people deal with death in different ways, but I know for my sake, even though Sirius is gone, being in Grimmauld Place, it reminds me of him, and all the times we did have together, good and bad. I know it might sound lame, but just remembering him makes him live on.’

He gave her a sheepish smile and she replied, ‘Don’t be silly, Harry, that makes perfect sense. It is wonderful to have that emotional closure. I just don’t want to forget him.’

She looked sadly at her tea and Harry said quietly, ‘You will never forget him, Ginny. None of us will. He had such a positive outlook on life and was a good person. He’ll be remembered by his friends and family and I’d like to think Fred would appreciate that.’

She wiped her hands across her face and said, ‘I know you’re right…I feel like I’ve been ignoring all this for so long.’

She turned away from him but he pulled her closer and said, ‘Don’t blame yourself, Ginny. Life happens, right?’

She nodded and said, ‘I’m almost certain this is something I shouldn’t talk about too much, I don’t want you to think I’m one of those girls who cry at the drop of a hat!’

She got up and put her cup in the sink. He watched her and said, ‘Ginny, I don’t think that of you. I’d think the opposite! I mean, if you didn’t show any feeling about what happened, that might be a little strange.’

She looked out the window over the sink and he got up, bringing his cup and placed it in the sink. He rested his hands on either side of her. He leaned close, but avoided kissing her. He whispered quietly, ‘I would love to comfort you if you did want to…you know, cry or anything.’

She turned around with a mischievous look in her eyes. ‘Oh really? How surprising, Harry!’

She ran her hands up his arms and wrapped them around his neck. Harry could distantly feel the locket and ring growing warm but ignored them as she leaned up and kissed him softly. She said quietly, ‘Its amazing, all of a sudden I’m feeling more cheerful.’

He laughed softly and kissed her on the cheek and down her neck. He stopped at the collar of her shirt and pulled his hands away from the sink to rest on her waist. She took his chin in her hand and kissed him again, softly, almost searchingly. They broke apart slowly and Harry felt his lips tingling as she drew away from him, her hand trailing across his arm. He followed her closely as she headed back towards the sitting room. Harry hadn’t realised it, but Ron had been sitting there, sleeping, since he’d come back inside.

Ginny shook her head and looked at Ron. Harry said quietly, ‘Should we wake him up? Or do something amusing?’

She laughed. ‘No, it wouldn’t be worth it.’

She sat down on the sofa and Harry sat down next to her. He took one of her hands in his and said, ‘We may not get another chance at this.’

Ginny shook her head and Ron said clearly, ‘You still don’t have a chance, I’m not asleep. I was, but you two were talking too loud for me.’

Harry laughed. ‘Since when has sound ever been an issue for you?’

Ron cracked an eye open and said sullenly, ‘I was hoping one of you might be talking to Hermione.’

Harry leaned closer to Ginny and said, ‘Sorry, mate, no such luck. Maybe we should tell her we’re planning on meeting with Neville and Luna in a few days?’

Ron shook his head. ‘Don’t want to make her jealous.’

Ron jumped up suddenly and headed for the stairs. Harry shot Ginny a questioning look. She said quietly, ‘You know, with Ron, an idea hits him, and literally, there he goes.’

They sat there for barely a minute before Ron came bounding down the stairs with a quill and parchment. ‘You two gave me an interesting idea.’

Harry sighed and smiled as Ginny said, ‘Oh, this I have to hear.’

Ron smirked. ‘Give me a little credit, I think I’ll send her another owl. I mean, I’d like to think she’s missing us, but if I can entice her with a party, that might get her here for some much deserved fun and maybe more...’

Harry gave Ron an inquisitive look. ‘How is this different than any other idea we’ve had?’

Ron shook his head. ‘Come on, Harry, you know Hermione. This’ll peak her interest.’

Harry shook his head. ‘I think the important thing is you believe this’ll work. I think you know her better than we do.’

Ron wrote feverishly and Ginny broke in, ‘You know, Ron, she has to be able to read the letter too. Just a thought.’

He gave Ginny a dismissive wave and continued writing. She nudged Harry absently, ‘You know, maybe we should both get those letters out of the way.’

He asked, ‘Should we check with your mum first about having people over?’

Ron interjected, ‘Not a bad idea, Harry. Though you’re making us look bad being so thoughtful.’

Harry laughed and said, ‘Sorry, Ron. I’m not doing it on purpose. Just don’t want to give your mum a fright!’

Ginny patted Harry on the arm and said, ‘We’ll ask her during dinner, then we can both send our letters and see when everyone can come by.’

Ron finished writing the letter and grabbed Errol from the kitchen to send the letter off. Ginny looked over at Harry and said quietly, ‘Feeling better?’

He nodded and leaned over to kiss her softly. ‘Much better. I think you were right about the time and the thinking.’

Harry felt the heat of the locket in his pocket again and wondered if he shouldn’t give Ginny the locket when they were on their date. Ron came back into the room and sat down quietly.

During dinner, Mr. Weasley updated Ron, Harry and Ginny on the reconstruction at Hogwarts. He assured Ginny that she’d be getting her letter at its normal time and told Harry and Ron that if they wanted to go back, they’d need to let Professor McGonagall know. Harry and Ron both exchanged amused glances. Mr. Weasley went on to say that some of the faculty positions would be filled by interesting and exciting teachers. Ginny tried to probe her father for more information, but he just laughed and said he couldn’t say.

They asked Mrs. Weasley about a visit from Neville and Luna and she said it sounded like a wonderful idea. She made a point to note a certain special date that was coming up and looked at Harry.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley kept chatting in the kitchen after dinner was over and Harry and Ginny both wrote their letters to Neville and Luna respectively. Ron had received a response from Hermione, she’d indicated she’d be back for Harry’s birthday and would let him accompany her back, to meet her parents. Harry and Ginny tried to stifle their laughter as Ron started feeling both nervousness and nausea. Harry noted that they’d met her parents before, but Ron muttered something and headed quickly out of the sitting room.

Harry looked over at Ginny and said, ‘It looks like poor Ron isn’t getting quite what he’d expected!’

Ginny nodded. ‘I’m just surprised that my dad would tease us with the new faculty and no more information.’

Harry replied, ‘Well, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you knew!’

She poked him. ‘I’m not huge on surprises!’

He wrapped his arm around her and said, ‘I know. I’m getting that.’

He sighed and watcher her yawn. ‘How can you be tired?’

She laughed. ‘I haven’t been sleeping that well.’

He gave her a worried look. ‘You keep saying that…’ He rubbed her back gently. ‘Anything I can do to help?’

She leaned back, closer to him. ‘Nothing that would be construed as appropriate between the two of us.’

He laughed. ‘Well, your parents have gone to bed, and Ron probably won’t come back down here…’

He started massaging her back and could feel her body relax. She tried to pull away from him but he wrapped his arms around her waist. ‘Why don’t you let me help you?’

She sighed and turned to look at him out of the corner of her eye. ‘Harry, I’d like nothing more. But if either of my parents sees you…seducing me in their sitting room, they probably won’t take kindly to it!’

He gave her a feigned hurt look and replied, ‘Me? Seduce you? I think this could be a two-way street.’

He kissed her softly and she turned her body around to kiss him back. He smiled down at her and said, ‘We should probably go to bed then.’

She smiled up at him. ‘Yes, that’s probably a good idea.’

He got up slowly, stretching and took Ginny’s hand in his, helping her up. She covered her mouth to yawn again. They both walked hand-in-hand to the landing in front of Ginny’s room. She smiled at him and leaned up, kissing him fully for a few moments before leaning back down. He kept his hands on her waist leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. He gave her a sly smile. ‘You sure you don’t want me to help you get some rest?’

She shook her head, laughing. ‘There’ll be a day when I’ll gladly take you up on that offer, but tonight is not that night! Good night, Harry.’

She had a sweet smile on her face and Harry relinquished any hopes of having a few stolen moments with Ginny. He quietly trekked up the stairs to Ron’s room, to find Ron wide awake.

He gave him a side-long look. ‘What are you doing up?’

Ron sighed. ‘Hermione’s definitely going back this fall, no ifs about it. I had hoped that trip to the Ministry would convince her to stay…’

He left the sentence unfinished and Harry raised his eyebrows. ‘You mean, stay with you?’

Ron shrugged. ‘Oh come on, she might meet some great bloke back at school. Some one studious and good looking…’

Harry laughed. ‘Ron, you need to stop it. She’s always liked you. Why do you think she was so torn up our sixth year when you dated Lavender? She’s chosen you; don’t give her reasons to reconsider!’

Ron sighed. ‘Did you know? That we’d…you know, be together?’

Harry sighed and sat down on the bed heavily. ‘I wasn’t really sure until the Yule Ball. The way you acted…it was coloured with jealousy. And even I have to admit, she looked amazing!’

Ron smiled wistfully. ‘I still kick myself for not asking her myself. And Krum…had rather busy hands.’

Harry put his hands up. ‘I don’t need to hear more, Ron! Just make her happy and she’ll keep you happy. That’s the least I can figure out right now.’

They both sunk into silence as Harry got ready for bed. Ron kept the light on as Harry fell fast asleep.

Chapter 18 - Birthday Surprises by pokecharm

The days leading up to Harry’s birthday were rather uneventful. Harry and Ron both sent notes to Kingsley, thanking him and graciously accepting his offer. Ron had sent Hermione another note, telling her that he would not be going to Hogwarts and received a prompt, unsurprised reply from Hermione. Harry spent a good amount of his time trying to think of the right way to give Ginny the locket. He sent Hermione a letter, unbeknownst to either Ron or Ginny. She didn’t have much advice to give, telling him to speak from his heart and to be honest, but not over-bearing.

Neville and Luna had both sent letters back, saying they’d be happy to come see Harry on his birthday for a small get together. Harry had insisted that it shouldn’t be a ‘birthday party,’ as such, but Mrs. Weasley was thrilled about it and wouldn’t hear of any down-playing the event.

Ginny had repeatedly asked Harry where he wanted to go, but he had kept mum, visiting Kreacher briefly for advice about places he’d recommend. The house elf was beyond proud to be consulted and gave Harry a variety of choices. Harry didn’t realise there were so many places to eat in Diagon Alley. After some thought, he asked Kreacher to help him prepare a picnic of sorts; he thought that would be more of a surprise that Ginny would enjoy.

The morning of his birthday, Harry found himself feeling unusually cheerful. He was now eighteen. One year past coming of age; his seventeenth year was thankfully over. He’d be starting his work as an Auror soon, one of the youngest ever. He woke up early, earlier than he had anticipated and dressed quietly. He headed down the stairs and was surprised to see Mrs. Weasley awake in the kitchen, but not doing anything. She was concentrating hard on something and Harry didn’t want to disturb her, but she heard him coming and looked up.

She wiped her face with her hand and said, ‘Good Morning Harry! Happy Birthday, dear! How does it feel to be one year older?’

He smiled and replied, ‘No different than last year, really. Is everything alright, Mrs. Weasley? I really didn’t want you to go to any trouble on my account!’

She shook her head. ‘Don’t be silly, dear. It is my pleasure to do this for you!’

He gave her a sceptical look and said, ‘I’m going to head out, get ready for my…date with Ginny. I’ll be back in a couple hours.’

She nodded and smiled. ‘Alright, Harry. Everything will be ready for this evening.’

He nodded and stepped outside and pulled his jacket close to him. It was still very early and the sun had yet to make an appearance. He Apparated to Grimmauld Place once he was out in the garden and helped Kreacher put the last touches on the lunch. By the time all the preparations were completed, it was nearly noon. Harry quickly changed into a nicer set of clothes: black pants, dress shoes and a light blue button-down shirt. Harry gave himself one final look in the mirror before Apparating back to the Burrow.

Harry was surprised to find Ginny sitting outside on the swing in the garden. She was wearing a brown skirt and a light green blouse. She had her hair pulled back, but a few wisps of it fell loose around her face. She looked up and smiled at him as he approached. ‘Happy Eighteenth, Harry.’

He smiled back at her and jogged towards her. She got up quickly and he wrapped his arms around her kissing her with every ounce of energy he had. He could feel the laughter crossing her lips and said, ‘Are you ready?’

She nodded. ‘I think so. Do I need anything?’

He shook his head. ‘Just your gorgeous self.’

She gave him a sweet smile and said, ‘Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you?’

He shook his head again. ‘Not in the least! Should we check in with your mum before heading out?’

She replied, ‘No, she knew I was waiting for you out here. And it is awfully nice out. Are you finally going to tell me where we’re going?’

He said quietly, ‘Shut your eyes and we’ll Apparate someplace nice.’

She smiled in response and shut her eyes. He shut his eyes as well, Apparating them to a small park outside of London. Harry landed soundly and Ginny opened her eyes slowly. Harry had set the picnic up a few metres away from where they’d landed. He’d made a point to Apparate where no Muggles would see them.

Ginny took a few steps forward. ‘Did you set this up?’

He smiled at her. ‘Of course. I thought about going someplace nice, but I thought it might be safer to do something quiet.’

She looked up at him. ‘This was the last thing I expected.’

He waited anxiously and she continued, ‘Harry, this is perfect.’

He sighed. ‘I was getting worried you’d think I was being boring or something.’

She shook her head. ‘Harry, no. This is really sweet. Nice and quiet, and no interruptions.’

He gestured towards the blanket and she sat down opposite him. He opened the basket and started pulling the sandwiches and crisps out. Ginny laughed. ‘Tell me honestly, Harry. Who helped you with this?’

He tried to feign being hurt and said, ‘I may have received some help.’

They ate quietly for a bit, enjoying the mildly warm weather. Harry continued to move closer to Ginny at every chance he got until they were sitting next to each other. He leaned close to her and whispered, ‘This has been really nice.’

She nodded and turned towards him. ‘It has been, but its nearly time for your ‘party’ soon.’

He smiled at her. ‘You think anyone will notice if we’re late?’

He leaned over and brushed his lips across her cheek. She replied, ‘The guest of honour not showing? Yes, Harry, I think they may notice.’

She laughed and started to get up. He grabbed her arm and gently pulled her back. ‘Oh come on, Ginny, I think we can be a little late.’

She gave him a questioning look and he continued more slowly, ‘I didn’t pack any dessert; I knew your mum would be filling us full of sweets once we got home.’

She nodded and watched him as he said, ‘I wanted to do something special for my birthday. Getting some time alone with you has really made it special…Thanks.’

He leaned over and kissed her softly before reaching back towards the basket. She put her hand on his arm and said, ‘I thought you said there was nothing in there?’

He sighed anxiously and said, ‘No, I said there were no sweets in there…but I did…’ He gave her a nervous glance before handing her a small wrapped package.

She gave him a shocked look and said, ‘Harry! You didn’t get me a gift on your birthday, did you? Especially when you didn’t tell me what you wanted!’

He smiled and watched her closely as she shifted the box from one hand to the other. He said, ‘Aren’t you going to open it?’

She blushed and said, ‘Harry, I never expected…’ She struggled for a few moments before leaning close to him and kissing him softly. ‘This was really sweet of you. All this for me on your birthday!’

He smiled and said, ‘Making you smile makes me feel good, so it seemed like the right thing to do for my birthday.’

She smiled broadly at him and said quietly, ‘This was the last thing I expected for your birthday. Harry, this is just…you’ve overwhelmed me!’

He leaned close and whispered, ‘And you still haven’t opened the box.’

She looked at him closely and then dropped her gaze back to the box. ‘Harry, you really shouldn’t have. Thank you.’

He gave her a questioning look as she slowly unwrapped the box to find a jewellery box within. Harry watched her anxiously as she opened the box. Her eyes shot up to his with a look of adoration and she said quietly, ‘Harry, this is amazing.’

She pulled the locket out of the box and the ring Harry kept in his pocket began to heat up as she touched the locket. She looked closely at the coat of arms and said, ‘What does this mean?’

She was touching the coat of arms and Harry smiled. ‘It’s from the house of Godric Gryffindor. I got it in Diagon Alley months ago. It was…perfect.'

She nodded, understanding washing over her features. ‘This is what you and Hermione were talking about. You’ve placed a spell or charm on this?’

He nodded. ‘I did. Thanks to Hermione, you should, at least be safe.’

She turned the locket over in her hand and said, ‘Harry, this is really too much…I mean, I know we’re getting there, but this…this is serious jewellery.’

He kept smiling and replied, ‘I know, love, but I want you to have it. You’ll be safer with it on and I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe.’

He said more quickly, ‘It isn’t an engagement gift or anything, Ginny. I just…it struck me as perfect for you.’

She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. ‘Harry…I don’t know what to do with you.’

He chuckled into her hair and said, ‘I can think of a few things.’

She laughed and playfully slapped him. ‘I can’t say ‘no’ to you…help me put it on?’

He took the locket from her and unclasped it. He brushed her hair away from her neck, resisting the urge to kiss her and put the locket around her neck, clasping it again. She turned to him and they both saw the locket glow for a moment before going back to its normal colouring. He leaned forward and said, ‘How does that feel?’

She looked at him thoughtfully, ‘It doesn’t feel as heavy as I thought it would…and its warm, really warm, but not hot. Its making me feel warm.’

He smiled. ‘There’s lot of lore about this locket. It came with a companion ring, which I have.’

He couldn’t stop smiling and she asked, ‘Why aren’t you wearing the ring?’

He pulled the ring out of his pocket and laid it on his palm. ‘It looks like some sort of costume jewellery, doesn’t it?’

She shook her head. ‘No, it doesn’t. It is a bit big, but I imagine there’s some reason they are pieces that go together.’

He put the ring on his right hand and jumped at the surge he felt run through his body as he did so. He looked up and knew Ginny had felt it too. Her eyes were wide as she whispered, ‘Harry, what was that?’

She grabbed at the chain but could find no clasp. He reached over and indeed saw no clasp. He gave her a confused look and she said nervously, ‘You gave me a haunted locket?’

He smiled reassuringly. ‘No, I would never do something that foolish. Hermione told me that if we wore them together, that there would be a bond between us.’

She poked him playfully and said, ‘You said this wasn’t an engagement-sort of thing!’

He laughed nervously. ‘I don’t think anything bad has happened. I mean, yeah, that was a bit jarring, but we’re both okay, right?’

She nodded and fingered the chain again. ‘So, I can’t take this off?’

He gave her a remorseful look and said, ‘Um, I’m not sure…’ He reached an arm around her and said apologetically, ‘I didn’t mean for this to be permanent…’

She shook her head and said, ‘Its okay, Harry. I think I can handle a necklace that warms me up.’

He shifted his weight nervously. ‘Here, let me look at it.’

He reached behind her, trying to smile, but wondering what new embarrassment he’d have to endure and put Ginny through. His fingers ran around the chain and he balked as the clasp materialised in front of him. He smiled slightly as Ginny said, ‘How did you do that?’

Harry laughed. ‘From what I recall, the legend of these two items has to do with the person giving and the person receiving. And the…’ He looked up at her nervously and continued, ‘The love that the two bear for one another.’

She smiled at him and said quietly, ‘So it comes off, if you want it to?’

He said hurriedly, ‘Not because I care for you less.’

She sighed calmly and took his hand away from the clasp. ‘Don’t. It feels nice. And this is the first thing you’ve ever really given me.’

He breathed a sigh of relief and kissed her softly on the back of the head. ‘Don’t feel any obligation if…’

He couldn’t finish as she turned giving him a mischievous smile. ‘Harry, don’t ruin our perfect afternoon.’

He smiled and said, ‘That is the last thing from my mind right now!’

She took his face in her hands and kissed him longingly. They pulled away slowly and she whispered, ‘Now we really are going to be late.’

He wrapped his arm around her waist and replied, ‘I know you’re right, but I just want to sit in the sun for a little while longer.’

She gave him a sceptical look. ‘Why don’t I believe you?’

He gave her his most genuine smile and replied, ‘I can’t imagine why. Do I give you the impression that I don’t plan on going to my own…party?’

She laughed loudly and shook her head. ‘Alright, Harry. Let’s get moving.’

She bent forward and started putting the pieces of their lunch away and Harry grabbed her arms and pulled her back. ‘What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you clean up for me?’

She leaned back comfortably in his arms and replied, ‘A normal one.’

She turned and gave him a sweet smile and he looked around them before waving his wand and having all the plates stack themselves back into the basket. He slowly loosened his grip around her and she pulled herself out of his lap. Harry had noticed the warmth from the ring increasing the more he and Ginny gave in to their desires.

She smiled back at him and slowly got to her feet. He picked the basket up and started folding the blanket. She smiled at him and pulled the blanket out of his hands, folding it for him. He smiled and said, ‘So, this is it? The end of our very first date?’

She smiled back at him. ‘I think it went very well, don’t you?’

He sighed and nodded. ‘Brilliantly.’

He reached an arm out to her and pulled her close. ‘I guess we’d better head back then.’

She nodded and rested her head on his chest. He looked around them to make sure no one was watching and Apparated them both back to the garden outside of the Burrow.

End Notes:
I'm trying my best to update...but things are out of my control. Thanks for those that are still reading and interested.
Chapter 19 - The Hits Keep Coming by pokecharm

Harry was surprised to see Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna outside waiting for them. Much like Bill’s and Fleur’s wedding, Mrs. Weasley had put together an outdoor pavilion of sorts. Mr. Weasley waved jovially at Harry and Ginny and beckoned them over to the grill. Harry sighed, wishing he had asked for a whole day with Ginny, but was thankful he’d gotten the time he had. She pulled away from him and Harry noticed a broad smile creeping across Hermione’s face.

Harry walked towards Mr. Weasley, who shook his hand enthusiastically. ‘Happy Birthday, Harry! Hope you and Ginny had a nice time!’

Harry nodded, putting the basket down and said, ‘Yes, it was fantastic. A perfect start to my birthday.’

Mrs. Weasley came bustling out of the kitchen with a full dish and exclaimed, ‘There you two are! We’ve been waiting for you!’

Harry looked down apologetically. ‘Sorry about that, Mrs. Weasley. We must have lost track of time.’

Ginny nodded next to Harry and said, ‘But we’re here now and everything looks wonderful!’

Mrs. Weasley nodded and walked past them towards Mr. Weasley while Ginny gave Harry a nudge and said, ‘I’m going to go inside and freshen up.’

He sadly watched her walk away and turned to see the smiling faces of his friends. Harry walked over to Hermione and embraced her. ‘Hermione, how are you? We’ve been missing you. All of us.’

Harry looked pointedly at Ron, whose perpetual scowl had disappeared now that Hermione was back. Hermione smiled at him. ‘So I’ve heard. Things are…okay. Better than they were. How was your date?’

He leaned close to her. ‘Amazing. I wish I could have gotten some more time with her, but it’s my birthday, or so everyone keeps telling me.’

Hermione smiled and whispered so no one could hear, ‘I’ve noticed you finally mustered the courage, how did she handle it?’

Harry’s smile broadened and he replied, ‘Fantastically. Thanks, Hermione. I couldn’t have done it without you.’

Hermione laughed as Ron clapped a hand on Harry’s shoulder. ‘Happy Eighteenth, Harry!’

Harry smiled up at Ron and replied, ‘Thanks!’

He moved around his two best friends and shook hands with Neville. ‘Its been too long, how are you?’

Neville replied, ‘Happy Birthday, Harry! I’ve been well. Did you reply to Kingsley? I can’t quite believe it myself!’

Harry nodded. ‘I did, actually, just last week. I start my training in a couple weeks. You’ll be joining Ron and me, right?’

Neville nodded. ‘My grandmother wouldn’t hear of me declining Kingsley’s offer.’

Harry nodded and saw Luna standing a few paces back. She walked forward and embraced him. ‘How are you, Harry? Happy Birthday.’

Harry smiled, thinking to himself, Ginny was right; this is the exact same Luna. He replied, ‘Brilliant. How are you? How’s your summer?’

Luna replied airily, ‘The summer has been too short. Dad’s been rather busy with The Quibbler. He’s made some startling discoveries about Nargles.’

Harry nodded politely. ‘You don’t say? I didn’t realise there was anything new to learn about Nargles.’

Luna laughed. ‘Of course, Harry! Loads to learn about them!’

Harry tried to stay interested, but thankfully Mrs. Weasley announced that dinner was ready and he didn’t have to feign any further interest. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Luna; it was just that she could be really out there and he was dying to spend more time with Ginny. He also had to find out from Hermione how she and her family were doing.

Everyone sat around the table outside and enjoyed a supple meal that Mrs. Weasley had worked on most of the afternoon. Harry couldn’t say enough about how amazing the food was, but he had a hard time concentrating. Ginny was sitting next to him and he was mesmerised by her. She had also taken a shower or something because she had the most intoxicating scent around her.

Harry didn’t realise how much he’d missed the constant chatter provided by having a full house. Hermione had broken the news to the group that she was going back to Hogwarts for her final year. Ron had not let her out of his sight since Harry and Ginny had returned. Harry was getting the impression that any tension his two friends had been feeling was long gone. Neville retold his story about his interview with The Daily Prophet and Luna had countless entertaining stories about various magical creatures her father was hunting.

Mrs. Weasley brought the cake out and there were a series of rousing renditions of ‘Happy Birthday’ and ‘For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow,’ before Harry was able to blow out the candles. More gifts were brought out, much to Harry’s chagrin. He felt over-whelmed by everyone’s generosity and kept repeating ‘thank you.’

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and no one showed any signs of getting bored. Unfortunately, Luna had an early morning with her father and promised to see everyone at the train station prior to her, Ginny and Hermione going back to Hogwarts. Neville had promised his grandmother he’d be home before ten and it was nearing that time when he bade the group farewell and thanked Mrs. Weasley profusely for having him.

This left Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny to enjoy the rest of the evening with each other. Both Ginny and Harry bombarded Hermione with questions. She answered them as best she could, but Harry had a feeling she was hiding something.

Harry asked, ‘So, you got there, and your parents laid into you right away?’

Hermione sighed. ‘Not exactly, Harry. I mean, they were so worried, that I thought they didn’t want me to be around. They basically said they wanted me to spend some time with them, and explain what it is we were doing all of last year.’ She looked over at Ron and continued, ‘That was a difficult conversation. Explaining Voldemort was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to explain.’

Ginny watched her and said quietly, ‘But are they going to let you go back to Hogwarts this fall?’

She nodded. ‘Yes, they realise I can’t be a Muggle. Especially now that I know what is out there for me in the magical world.’

Ron chimed in, ‘And now they want to meet your boyfriend.’

He had a proud smile on his face and Harry had to exert a great deal of effort not to laugh in his face. Ginny caught the expression crossing his face and placed a hand on Harry’s knee, shaking her head at him. She said, ‘That’s great! So, who are you taking, Hermione?’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘Ha, ha, very funny, Ginny. She’s taking me.’

Hermione nodded. ‘I hope you and Harry can keep yourselves out of trouble while Ron and I take a short trip up north.’

She didn’t say more about where they were going, and Harry didn’t feel up to prying. He said, ‘When are you planning on leaving?’

Hermione gave him a strained look and said, ‘Tomorrow; if Ron can be ready by then.’

Harry was shocked. He knew Ginny reflected the same surprise he did. Ginny said quietly, ‘Are you sure everything’s okay? That’s an awfully quick visit.’

Hermione looked sadly at them. ‘They want me home…but I couldn’t miss your birthday, Harry.’

Harry smiled. ‘I’m glad you could come, but if you want to talk about…I mean…’ He fumbled for a second and laughed uncomfortably. ‘I don’t know much about parents, but if you want to talk about this, we’re here for you.’

Ginny nodded. ‘Of course, Hermione. Ron’s not the only one that’s here for you.’

Hermione smiled. ‘Thanks, both of you. I think I’m okay. I mean, I’m dealing with this as best I can. Its just a bit confusing. I feel like either way they’ll be upset with me.’

Ron rubbed her back consolingly and said, ‘I know a lot about parents being upset with you. Grin and bear it, I say. They’re your parents. They love you no matter what.’

She shook her head and looked down. ‘I know you’re right, but it’s hard. They seem…afraid of me. As if I’m going to do something to hurt them. But I’d never…I mean, I did it all to protect them!’

Harry nodded. ‘We know. I thought it was a good idea. Memory charms can be tricky things. You’re the most able witch to be casting one that I know of.’

She smiled. ‘Maybe, but it was still dangerous to do. The lasting effect has been tough to deal with, for them and me.’

She sighed. ‘Anyway, I don’t want to bring everyone down on Harry’s birthday!’

Harry laughed. ‘Hermione, we haven’t seen you in weeks, we want to know how you’re doing!’

Hermione replied, ‘Thanks, Harry. I hope you don’t mind if I head to bed. I know we’re supposed to be celebrating, but I could use some rest.’

Ron got up and added, ‘Yeah, I’m going to head to bed too.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and got up, hugging Hermione. ‘I’m really glad you’re back, even if it is for a short time. Your bed is still set up in my room. Good night.’

Harry hugged Hermione also and laughed, saying, ‘What she said. Don’t leave tomorrow without saying goodbye.’

She laughed. ‘I promise I won’t leave without seeing both of you. Good night.’

Harry and Ginny sat quietly watching Ron and Hermione retire and Harry said quietly, ‘I didn’t realise how hard Ron had fallen for Hermione until now.’

Ginny laughed. ‘I know…it’s like he doesn’t want her out of his sight.’

Harry smiled. ‘You could argue people are saying the same thing about us.’

He leaned in to kiss her but she jumped up. ‘Harry! I have your gift upstairs!’

Harry replied, getting up quickly. ‘But I didn’t ask you to get me anything!’

She ran inside the house and Harry followed her into the kitchen. He couldn’t believe how wonderful and non-life threatening his birthday had been this year. He breathed a sigh of relief and listened as Ginny came back down the stairs with a small package in her hands. She started quickly, ‘I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I couldn’t imagine not giving you something.’ She laughed. ‘And I didn’t want to give you the same thing I gave you last year!’

He smiled and took a step towards her. ‘Trust me; I would love to have that gift again. I’ll never forget it.’

She blushed. ‘Then it was the gift that kept giving.’

He nodded as she handed him the package. ‘It’s nothing too exciting I’m afraid…’ She touched the locket around her neck. ‘Not even close compared to the gift you gave me.’

He smiled. ‘I’m hoping that’s a gift that keeps giving as well.’

She smiled at him and said, ‘Happy Eighteenth, Harry.’

He unwrapped the package and gave her a curious look. Enclosed in the package was a book, it looked like a journal. ‘Thanks, Ginny.’

She laughed and said, ‘Wait, Harry. It isn’t just a book. I thought, well, with our being apart this year.’ She smiled nervously. ‘Anyway, we can both write in our journals and the messages are sent as if we were sitting together.’ She pulled her journal out and placed his on the counter. She wrote something quickly and Harry was amazed to see the words appear in his journal, ‘Hope you’re having a great birthday, Harry. I had a fantastic time at lunch today.’

Harry touched the pages as the words appeared and said, ‘This is amazing. How did you find these?’

She smiled. ‘It took a bit of searching. I know it isn’t flashy or anything.’

He shook his head and put an arm around her, pulling her near him. ‘It’s perfect, and really thoughtful. Thank you.’

He kissed her softly and she leaned up to kiss him more comfortably. A loud eruption of fire could be heard behind them and Harry pulled away from Ginny reluctantly as, much to Harry’s dismay, George appeared out of the flames. He smiled a wicked smile and said, ‘I hope I didn’t miss the festivities.’

He sneered at them and Harry felt a foreboding feeling crush him. He couldn’t tell if it was coming from Ginny, through the ring, or the look on George’s face. Ginny took a step closer to Harry and replied coolly, ‘I’m afraid so, George, but I think there’s still some food around here, if you’re hungry.’

George took a step forward and said, ‘No, there’s only one thing I want.’

In one swift motion Harry lost complete track of everything in the kitchen. George pulled his wand out and without saying a word, shot a jet of purple at Harry. A split-second after that Harry heard Ginny yell, ‘Protego!’ and he tried to push her out of the way.

He felt the spell slam into his chest, knocking the wind out of him and he felt his body slam into the floor, his head hitting the ground hard. He felt a strong pair of hands grab his shoulders and wrap tightly around them as he lost consciousness shortly thereafter.

Chapter 20 - The Truth Will Not Set You Free by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
my apologies for the slow delays, I am doing the best that I can. I have quite a few chapters written and I'd like nothing more than to share them. In this chapter, as you may guess from the break of the last one, we get to see things from a different perspective. Hope you're enjoying the story!

The scene that unfolded in the kitchen was chaotic and Ginny was quick to react, after throwing a protection shield in front of Harry and watching him still go limp and hit the ground. She screamed, ‘Expelliarmus!’

George’s wand flew out of his hand and skittered across the floor. As it flew she screamed, ‘Incarcerous!’ Ropes flew out of the end of her wand, tying George up. She levelled a glare at George and said steadily, ‘Stupefy!’

George fell to the ground, hard. Ginny shook her head and quickly knelt down next to Harry. He didn’t move, but she could feel him breathing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head into her lap and tried desperately to keep from crying.

Mrs. Weasley stood frozen in the doorway as footsteps could be heard bounding down the stairs. Hermione and Ron came through the doorway in a rush and saw the scene at hand. Ginny locked eyes with Hermione and said, ‘We were too late…I never thought…’ As if remembering something from a previous conversation, she shouted to Hermione, ‘The wand!’

Hermione pulled her wand out. ‘Accio Fred’s wand!’

The wand flew into Hermione’s hand and she swayed after holding it for a few seconds. Ron grabbed her shoulders and Ginny uttered, ‘Break it!’

Ron looked questioningly at Ginny and grabbed the wand, throwing it to the ground and stepping on it, breaking it in half.

Mrs. Weasley came out of her stupor and said to Ron, ‘Help Ginny get him out of here. Lie him down on the sofa and I’ll throw something together to wake him up.’

Hermione shook her head, clearing it, as Ron knelt forward and grabbed Harry under the arms, dragging him towards the coach. Hermione took Ginny’s arm and wrapped her other arm around Ginny. She said quietly, ‘Why don’t we cast an Rennervate charm on Harry and see if that doesn’t revive him.’

Ginny nodded mutely and said, ‘The spell George hit him with was a purple flame, that isn’t an Unforgivable Curse, is it?’

Ron eased Harry onto the couch. Hermione shook her head and pointed her wand at Harry, saying, ‘Rennervate!’

Harry didn’t move and the spell had, apparently, no effect. Ginny sat down in front of the couch and took Harry’s hand in hers. She felt the heat from the locket coursing through her and she noticed the ring on his finger was warm to the touch.

Hermione put a consoling hand on Ginny’s shoulder and asked quietly, ‘What happened?’

Ginny rubbed her eyes and went through the confusing scenario again. Hermione sat quietly, listening attentively and waiting for Ginny to finish. She ended with the three spells she cast at George and sighed, worry creasing her features.

Hermione said, ‘It sounds like you did everything you could. I wonder why Harry froze like that. Its not like he’s never been under attack before.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘He wasn’t even looking at George. He was trying to push me out of the way, as if he knew the kind of curse George was throwing.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘He should know I can take care of myself.’

Hermione said quietly, ‘After last time, can you blame him? He didn’t move fast enough and George got you pretty good.’

Mr. Weasley came into the sitting room and asked, ‘How is he?’

Ginny gave her father a worried look. ‘Not good.’

Mrs. Weasley came bustling into the room and put a bowl of a warm, scented liquid next to Ginny with a washcloth. ‘Keep his brow damp with this, he should wake up quickly. Though I’m not sure how he’s going to feel.’

Ginny soaked the washcloth into the bowl and placed the cloth on Harry’s forehead. The scent was over-whelming and Ginny felt herself feeling light-headed.

Hermione started to shake her head. ‘What is in that bowl?’

Ginny shook her head and started to say something when Harry stirred, his eyes blinking as if everything were out of focus. Ginny put her hands on Harry’s chest, breathing a sigh of relief. ‘Harry, are you alright?’

He started to say something, but no sound came out of his mouth. Mr. Weasley was watching anxiously from the doorway and pointed his wand at Harry, releasing the charm constricting Harry’s voice. He coughed loudly, and Hermione ran into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Harry tried to sit up, but Ginny pushed him back. ‘Just relax.’ She repeated nervously, ‘Are you okay?’

He nodded and asked hoarsely, ‘Are you?’

She nodded, wiping the tears away from the corners of her eyes. ‘I’m fine, Harry. I’m more worried about you.’

Hermione handed Harry the glass of water and he tipped it back slowly. Coughing again, Harry asked, ‘I thought you two were going to sleep?’

Ron laughed. ‘We were, but Ginny was screaming so loud, she could have woken the dead!’

Ginny shot Ron a glare and said, ‘Sorry, Ron, I know you need your beauty sleep.’

Harry tried to laugh but coughed again. Ginny took the glass from his hand, placing it on the floor in front of the couch. Mr. Weasley looked worriedly from the doorway and said quietly, ‘Perhaps we should take Harry to St. Mungo’s.’

Harry sat up slowly. ‘No, Mr. Weasley, I’m fine.’ He tried to sit up further, but he grimaced and doubled over, a blinding pain washing over him. He couldn’t see anything, but could feel Ginny’s hands grab him and help him lie back down. He felt the damp washcloth on his forehead again and the cloud dissipated around him. As his sight came back into focus, he could see Ginny’s worried face looking back at him, and could remotely hear a conversation going on behind him.

Mr. Weasley said in a hushed tone. ‘We’d better get Kingsley out here.’

Mrs. Weasley sounded panicked. ‘No, that isn’t necessary!’

Mr. Weasley didn’t sound like he was willing to hear any argument. ‘I’m going to send him a Patronus. If nothing else, he can get Harry through the hospital much faster.’

He continued more sullenly, ‘I knew this would happen. Where’s Percy? We need to find out what the bloody hell happened to his watching George!’

Harry shook head and coughed, ‘I’m fine, really!’

Ginny put her hand on Harry’s forehead and whispered, ‘Please, Harry, just lie still.’

He reached for her hand blindly and she took his, squeezing it. He repeated, ‘I’m fine, really.’

She shook her head and replied, her voice shaking, ‘Of course you are, Harry.’

He knew something was wrong when she didn’t say anything further and he whispered, ‘What happened?’

No one said anything and Harry tried to move his head around, but felt a sharp pain in his neck. Ginny rested her hands on his shoulders and said, ‘Harry, it doesn’t matter. Just, lie down and we’ll get you something to make you feel better.’

He started to argue but felt exhaustion taking over and his eyes fell shut. Ginny sighed in relief and looked to Ron and Hermione. Unbeknownst to Harry, his face was turning various shades of red and his head was burning with a fever. The conversations continued despite Harry not hearing nor understanding them.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were in the kitchen trying to jostle George awake. They cast various charms on him, but knew that Ginny had knocked him out cold. Ron had destroyed the wand, so there was no way to track what spell or combination of spells was used. Mr. Weasley hurried back into the sitting room and said, ‘I’ve alerted Kingsley about what’s happened. He should be along shortly. Get some of Harry’s things, I have a feeling he’ll be at St. Mungo’s for a bit.’

He shot everyone a reassuring smile, but Ginny looked as if she were about to burst into tears and Hermione had tears already spilling down her cheeks. Ron gave Hermione a squeeze on the shoulder before saying, ‘I’ll go throw something in a bag.’ He said more quietly, ‘He’ll be fine. This is Harry we’re talking about. Besides, Ginny, you got that protection charm up before George’s spell hit him.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘How can you be sure?

Ron replied grimly, ‘He’d be dead otherwise, I expect.’

Ginny shot him a panicked look, but nodded. She knew he was right. George was looking to torment and kill Harry all this time. She shook her head, she couldn’t believe it. Not her brother, not her big, funny brother George. She looked up sadly at Hermione. Hermione had sunk into a nearby chair and said shakily, ‘Ron’s right, Ginny. You saved him with that spell or if not the spell, the protections around the locket and ring. I see Harry’s wearing it now.’

Ginny nodded, the tears finally coming, and replied, ‘He gave it to me before the end of our date. That feels like years ago. He was so sweet.’

She ran her hand down his cheek and he stirred before settling back down. She couldn’t believe he had yet another birthday of pain and horror. His eyes fluttered for a second, but Ginny heard a commotion from the kitchen and tore her eyes away from Harry. She could hear the familiar voice of Kingsley asking her parents exactly what had happened. They did their best to give him an idea, but told him to ask her, Ginny, for a better re-telling.

Kingsley slowly walked into the sitting room to see Hermione and Ginny looking completely shaken. He sat down and looked at Harry for a moment before thoroughly questioning Ginny on everything that had transpired. Once he’d established that the curse was linked to the wand he had a troubled look and went back to the spell.

Ginny repeated, ‘He didn’t say anything! He just pointed his wand and a purple flame came out, knocking straight into Harry!’

Kingsley kept his voice calm. ‘He uttered no spell? And a purple flame?’

He shot Hermione a questioning look and said, ‘Any thoughts?’

She looked startled, but the idea of applying her vast amount of knowledge to something perked her interest. She wiped her face with her hand and replied, ‘It sounds like some derivation of dark magic. Not an Unforgivable Curse, but something on that level. It vaguely reminds me of what I got hit with back in when we stormed the Ministry.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘Harry will be fine. Really, Ginny, take a deep breath. He’ll be fine. He’ll just need to get used to the taste of various potions in the morning, noon and night.’

He smiled broadly and Ginny found herself smiling in return. She rested a hand on Harry’s chest, feeling him take shallow breaths. Ron came into the room quietly, nodding politely at Kingsley before turning his attention back to Hermione. She gave him a weak nod and Ron asked, ‘Are we going to take him to the hospital, or what?’

Kingsley replied slowly, ‘No, we don’t have to. Why don’t we leave him here and I’ll have a healer come by immediately. We need to keep this quiet.’

Ginny looked up inquisitively. ‘What? Why?’

Kingsley put his hands up. ‘Ginny, it’s late. Let us get Harry the help he needs and let us continue this discussion tomorrow. However, George will have to be dealt with now. I’ve called Gaunt in. He’ll be collecting your brother and checking him into the psychiatric ward of St. Mungo’s for observation.’

Ron balked, but then nodded. Mrs. Weasley, overhearing the comment turned white. Mr. Weasley stood behind her and nodded. ‘Of course, Kingsley, we need to do what’s best for everyone. I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, no use crying over a spilled potion.’

He said the words slowly, but the tension was palpable. Kingsley gave both Weasley parents a remorseful look and said quietly, ‘You know George has targeted Harry since the battle. This isn’t really his fault.’

Ginny, Ron and Hermione all looked up sharply at this and Ginny spat out, ‘You knew? You knew and you never told us!’

She jumped up and faced her parents, her eyes blazing. ‘I can’t believe this! You knew he would go after Harry, try to kill him, and the best you did was give us some general warning about being careful! Especially when you knew where the danger was coming from!’

Hermione put a consoling hand on Ginny’s shoulder, but she shrugged her off and took another step forward. ‘I can’t believe this!’

Mr. Weasley looked sadly at Ginny. ‘We never wanted this to happen. We had Percy with him at all times. He was supposed to find a way to…defuse George.’

Kingsley said, ‘It looks as though George was the one doing the defusing.’

Mr. Weasley looked up uncertainly. ‘That brings up an interesting question: where’s Percy? Ron, do you think you can Apparate to George’s flat and the store and see if you can find Percy and make sure he’s okay?’

Ron looked nervously over at Hermione and Ginny, but nodded at his father. After that, Ron gave Hermione a quick hug and looked sadly at Ginny, but she was paying no attention to him, her glare focused on her parents. Ron headed outside and a distant crack could be heard as he left.

Mr. Weasley and Kingsley turned to look at Ginny and Kingsley replied slowly, ‘There was never any intention to let anything happen. I know you’re upset, Ms. Weasley, but Harry will be fine. You’ve given us more than enough information, the healers will be here shortly and Harry will be up-and-about in a day or so.’

Ginny narrowed her eyes. ‘That doesn’t answer why you left us believing we were safe. Here. At home.’

Mrs. Weasley said quietly, ‘Ginny, please. Your father and I love Harry. We never, in a million years, dreamed that George would succumb to this.’

‘Succumb to what?’ Hermione asked quietly.

The three adults exchanged nervous looks before Kingsley said, ‘What I warned all of you against was, perhaps, a little vague. Since the end of the battle, we’ve been able to track various magic usages. George’s usage was strange, stranger than usual. We compared it to what we had on record and noticed that he was not, in fact, using his own wand. This lead to a great deal of speculation about what had happened. Initially we thought it was a simple Imperius curse, but that wasn’t the case either.’

Kingsley sat down heavily and continued, ‘We thought, based on what Percy had been telling us, that George showed no signs of being under a direct Imperius curse, but an indirect one.’

He continued with a serious tone, ‘I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of this, but in the magical world, you can indirectly curse or hex someone by placing a curse on an object, and as the object is more frequently used, the power of the indirect curse becomes overwhelming. We believe that George had, in his mourning for Fred, continuously used Fred’s wand. The wand was, most likely, during the break in the battle, grabbed by a Death Eater, and cursed.’

Mr. Weasley sighed and said, ‘We knew he had Fred’s wand, we weren’t positive we could get it away from him without doing more harm. Thanks to all of you, we won’t have to worry about it causing any more problems. However, we will have to take extra care of George from now on. Being cursed for this long,’ he put a hand on his wife’s shoulder and continued, ‘can have a lasting effect.’

Ginny gave her parents a questioning look. ‘Does this mean you think George used Fred’s wand to put an Imperius curse on Percy?’

Mr. Weasley nodded. ‘That makes the most sense. Initially, Percy was giving us thorough reports, but then, a month or so ago, it just stopped. And all he had to say was George was fine and busy with the store.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘That’s when we knew something more serious was most likely afoot. But to confront George would have served no purpose.’

Ginny turned to check on Harry and could see him returning to his normal colour, though still breathing in a shallow manner. She sat down in front of him and asked quietly, ‘Now what?’

Kingsley smiled. ‘Take a deep breath and let’s have all of this behind us. We’ll make sure that your brother gets the care he needs. The healers will be here shortly to give Harry the potions and ointments he’ll need to get better. Then you and Ms. Granger will get ready for your term this fall. And the rest will be history.’

He smiled broadly and Ginny smiled weakly back at him, saying quietly, ‘Just like that…’

He nodded and repeated, ‘Just like that.’

Mr. Weasley stood up and Kingsley and Mrs. Weasley followed him into the kitchen to check on George. This left Ginny and Hermione to stare blankly at Harry’s inert body.

Ginny felt herself shaking all over and Hermione got up and sat down next to her, wrapping her arm around Ginny’s shoulders. She tried to smile and said wryly, ‘You know Harry, never a dull moment.’

Ginny couldn’t help herself and laughed. ‘I know. He does love to make things more interesting.’

Hermione sighed and squeezed her shoulder. ‘Don’t worry, Ginny. I know this is hard to hear right now, but trust me, he’ll always come back for you.’

Ginny felt herself flushing and replied, ‘Scares me a bit, to be honest.’

Hermione shifted to face Ginny and gave her an inquisitive look. ‘What do you mean?’

Ginny shook her head. ‘Nothing…’

Hermione gave her a sceptical look and Ginny sighed and continued, ‘Fine. Harry’s right, there’s no stopping you when you want to know something!’

Hermione smiled smugly and waited for Ginny to continue. Ginny took a deep breath. ‘I know we’ve talked about our feelings for our respective boyfriends. Harry and I have been really close lately, but sometimes I just don’t know what to think about ‘us.’ I want to be sure, and I feel like he’s just coming to me because…’ She stopped and looked helplessly at Hermione. ‘I just feel like he’s with me because he needs someone now. But in a few weeks, once he gets on as an Auror, he’ll forget about me.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Ginny, how many times are we going to have this conversation? Harry loves you. You can’t deny it! Every time he looks in your direction, every time he talks about you, he just lights up. You’re mad thinking otherwise.’

Ginny wiped her eyes and replied quietly, ‘I know, I know…and this…’ She touched the locket at her neck and continued, ‘This is serious!’

Hermione nodded and smiled. ‘He was really labouring over how to give that to you and if you’d understand his feelings behind it.’

Ginny rested her hand on Harry’s chest and said quietly, ‘I know what they are, I’m just not sure I understand them fully.’

Hermione shrugged. ‘Don’t over-think it, I find that works best for Ron and I.’

Ginny couldn’t help herself and laughed. ‘If you and Ron are the standard I need to get off this ride!’

They both broke from the tension and found themselves laughing jovially. They stopped abruptly when they heard a loud crash outside. Hermione jumped up and headed out the door. Ginny gave Harry once last look before following her. As she made it to the door Hermione yelled, ‘Get your parents! Now!’

Ginny didn’t question the command and called to her parents. Mr. Weasley and Kingsley came running from the kitchen and rushed out the door to see Ron dragging Percy towards the house. Kingsley shook his head and stepped out with Mr. Weasley to help Ron bring Percy into the house. Percy was somewhat coherent and started mumbling something about George.

They finally managed to get him to sit in a chair. He sat back heavily and said, ‘Mum, Dad, I don’t know what happened…I’m so sorry.’

Mrs. Weasley rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him. ‘Percy, dear, don’t worry about that now, its over.’

Mr. Weasley stepped forward and asked, ‘Percy, are you alright? You gave us a fright out there!’

Percy nodded and replied, ‘Dad, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little light-headed. George used an Imperius curse on me for the last month…I couldn’t shake it…I’m so sorry.’

Percy raised his eyes slowly to Ginny’s and he said emphatically, ‘Ginny, I’m so sorry. It was like I was in a fog, I never meant…’

She shook her head. ‘Percy, don’t worry, really.’ She moved around her mother and embraced Percy awkwardly, whispering, ‘I’m just glad to have my big brother back.’

He returned the embrace and said, ‘I never left, I was just a little trapped.’

Kingsley headed back into the kitchen, beckoning Mr. Weasley to follow him. Mrs. Weasley began fussing after Percy, and he tried to smile and enjoy the attention.

Hermione looked worriedly at Ron, who’d said nothing up to this point. He sighed and wrapped her in warm embrace. Ginny turned to see Harry sitting up slightly and she walked over, sitting down in front of the sofa. She smiled reassuringly at him and asked, ‘How are you feeling?’

He smiled back at her and said, ‘Brilliant. This has been a bracing birthday.’

She smiled and brushed his hair away from his face and leaning in, kissed him softly on the cheek. ‘It’s almost over, love. Someone’s going to stop by to give you some…medicine to get you back to normal.’

He looked dejectedly at her and replied, ‘Do I have to?’

She laughed softly and said, ‘If you know what’s good for you, you won’t argue with me.’

He smiled and lied back down, shutting his eyes and saying, ‘Yes, dear.’

The commotion in the kitchen continued to escalate, but Ginny paid no attention. She heard Hermione and Ron leave and she curled up in a chair near Harry, falling asleep as the healers arrived. She didn’t leave his side all night.

Chapter 21 - Healing Hurts by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
Thank you to all of you that continue reading and commenting! A big thank you to me Beta Ginny for sticking with me through all these crazy chapters!

I have to warn you loyal readers, I was, for a lack of a better term, lambasted for the next seven or so chapters at SIYE. And be advised that you should take into account all the things that have happened to cause the characters to react as they do. I wrote it to make logical sense to me, but others disagreed. To each their own. Thanks!

Harry had a fitful night of sleep. He didn’t remember all the events that had occurred the previous night, but did recall Ginny throwing a protection shield in front of him before he got slammed to the floor. He ached all over, as if he had been hit by the Knightbus. He looked across the room and could just make out Ginny’s figure curled up on a chair across from him. He sighed. She shouldn’t have slept so uncomfortably on his behalf. He tried to get up, but felt the exertion over-whelming him and sat back quickly.

She seemed to stir a bit, and he watched quietly with his eyes half-open until she got up and looked into the kitchen. He blinked a couple times before looking up at her.

She said quietly, ‘I didn’t mean to wake you.’

He smiled weakly at her. ‘I was awake. I was just watching you sleep. You had the most serene look on your face.’

She smiled and tried to push her hair away from her face. ‘Harry, I must be giving you a fright by how I look this morning!’

He shook his head slightly and said, ‘No, you look even more amazing than you did last night.’

She laughed. ‘’Harry, all this lying isn’t good for your soul.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘Really? From what I can tell, my soul is doing just fine. My back on the other hand…’ He leaned forward slowly, wincing. ‘That could use some extra attention.’

She bent down next to him and placed a pillow behind him so he could sit up. ‘Is it time for some potions or something?’

She realised she hadn’t stayed awake for when the healers had come and had no idea about what Harry needed. She gave him a helpless look and he pointed to a table next to the couch. ‘The instructions are there…and I don’t think so. The healers said something about the aches and pains going away over time. They’re more worried about…something else.’

She looked at him worriedly. ‘Did they say what? And you were awake?’

He shook his head. ‘I may have looked asleep, but I could hear everything last night.’

He reached out and took her hand in his, kissing it. ‘Everything.’

She gave him a nervous look and said, ‘I do have a tendency to tell Hermione things…maybe I should be telling you.’

He nodded and leaned back heavily. ‘I wish that you would. You don’t have to understand how I feel…I mean, that would be nice, but if you at least accept it at face-value, that’d be a big step.’

She smiled and looked down. ‘Why don’t I see what’s around to eat?’

He gripped her hand more tightly. ‘Why don’t you sit here with me so I can enjoy the view for a little bit longer?’

She blushed deeply. ‘Harry, neither of us have eaten and I think you’d do well to get some energy.’

She leaned forward kissing him softly on the cheek. ‘Besides, I’m not nearly in the state I’d like to be for you to see me!’

He shook his head but didn’t say anything. She got up slowly and headed out of the room, bringing a hot cup of tea a few minutes later, but looking no less dishevelled. He took the tea gladly and asked, ‘What happened? You seem alright, physically, but what about everyone else? I thought I heard Percy’s voice last night?’

She nodded. ‘He was here. Ron had to go fetch him…’

He gave her an inquisitive look. ‘Fetch him? Wait, what aren’t you telling me? I thought I heard Kingsley too.’

She looked around nervously, and slowly went over the previous nights events. Harry couldn’t believe his ears. How was it possible that something like that could have happened? George had been using a cursed wand, and had cursed Percy with it? He sat up slowly and asked, ‘So what does this mean?’

She looked away from him and said almost inaudibly, ‘I don’t know.’ She looked up and did her best to smile at him, saying, ‘You need to worry about getting better. Everything else will fall into place.’

He didn’t believe her. Not for one second. He frowned and said, ‘Ginny, your family is my family. If there’s something I can do, tell me.’

She shook her head. ‘Merlin, Harry, I wish there were…they…’ She stumbled and then continued, ‘They took George to the psychiatric ward of St. Mungo’s…’

She wiped her face and got up quickly. ‘I’m so sorry this happened on your birthday.’

He tried to reach up, but winced in pain and said, ‘Ginny, wait! Don’t be sorry. We had a fantastic time yesterday; I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.’

She smiled, but he could see she was fighting with something. She took a step towards the stairs and said, ‘Harry, are you going to be okay by yourself for a bit? I think I’ll go shower and make myself look a bit presentable for you. I’ll try to send Ron or Hermione down if either is awake.’

He reached his hand out to her and she took it, squeezing it. He smiled and said, ‘You look fantastic to me, love, but go ahead, I’m fine. Really.’

She gave him a weak smile before heading out of sight. Not ten minutes had passed and he could hear someone coming down the stairs. Harry was shocked to see it was Ron, and not Hermione.

He laughed. ‘Expecting my better half, were you?’

Harry laughed back at him. ‘No offence, mate, but yeah! What are you doing up so early?’

Ron sighed and sat down across from Harry. ‘Ah, come on, Harry. Mayhem in this house and you think I could sleep through it?’

He sat up on the edge of the chair he was sitting on and said quietly, ‘Mum and dad are really torn up about what happened…I’m not sure how they’re dealing with it…They went with Kingsley late last night to take George…’

Harry watched his friend closely and said, ‘Ron, I’m really sorry. I didn’t think he was really capable of this either.’

Ron nodded. ‘You shouldn’t apologise, Harry. You didn’t ask for this. I’m more worried about Percy right now. He blames himself for all of this. Explains why he tried to fight me when we were by the shop.’

Harry nodded. ‘Actually, it explains a lot.’

Ron sighed. ‘Well, after Ginny fell asleep down here, Kingsley went on to tell us something more interesting…well, or depressing. Not sure how to take it to be quite honest, according to Gaunt, George and others who lost people in the battle were targeted. Death Eaters knew they could do even more damage by taking people who were already wracked with guilt and use them to their advantage. George had no chance. He was crushed when it had happened. At least now...’ Ron looked away from Harry and then continued more quickly, ‘At least now George can get some closure.’

Harry gave Ron a worried look. ‘Something tells me that George might still want me dead.’

Ron tried to laugh but mustered a loud exhale. ‘I’m ‘fraid so, Harry. Merlin! I think Ginny’s right sometimes, how do you stand spending so much time with us!’

Harry laughed. ‘That wasn’t quite how I’d phrased it, but Ron, I love your family. Even if George wants my head mounted on the wall!’

Ron sat back heavily and said quickly, ‘Hermione sent a letter to her parents. She’s going to try to stay a little later to make sure you’re better. We talked about it.’

Harry sat up slowly and said, ‘Ron, no. I don’t want you and Hermione worrying after me. I don’t expect Ginny to, either!’

‘You don’t expect Ginny to what?’ Ginny had walked into the room and gave Harry an inquisitive look.

He looked at her consolingly. ‘Ron’s just making me feel like a patient, but I’m fine! I don’t need looking after!’

Ginny looked hurt and Harry continued, ‘It isn’t that I don’t want the help, but I will not be a bother. Not anymore.’

Ginny narrowed her eyes. ‘What do you mean ‘not anymore?”

He sighed and leaned back. ‘I just think I could bother Kreacher for a bit instead.’

Ginny looked at him defiantly and said, ‘Well, if you’re so anxious to go, go.’

Ron covered his mouth and turned his head to stifle his laughter as Harry laboured to swing his legs off the couch. Ginny’s frown turned into a smile as she said laughingly, ‘Alright, alright, you showed me! Sort of…’ She stood next to the couch and grabbed his legs, putting them back on the couch. ‘You’re not going anywhere until these potions are done.’

Harry tried to respond but leaned back heavily and nodded mutely. Ginny looked at him nervously and put a hand on his forehead, muttering, ‘Always have to be the hero, don’t you?’

He tried to laugh, but licked his lips and she took a nearby glass of water and sat him up slightly to sip it. He coughed and she shook her head. She whispered so Ron couldn’t hear, ‘What are you going to do without me, Potter?’

She had an alluring smile on her face and Harry replied just as quietly, ‘I don’t want to think about it.’

Hermione called from the stairs, ‘Harry, are you up?’

She stepped closer as Ginny pulled away, sitting just in front of the couch. Harry had barely noticed, but Ginny had showered and had an intoxicating scent all around her. She was wearing Muggle jeans and a Hogwarts sweatshirt. It seemed much larger than her and Harry realised it was his. He smiled and looked up at Hermione. She smiled back at him and said, ‘You gave us all quite a scare last night, but it looks like you’re doing much better.’

He replied, ‘I’m still a little sore, but I think I’m fine.’

Hermione sat down next to Ron. Ron wrapped his arm around Hermione and kissed her on the cheek. Harry was surprised to see Hermione not flush at this and smiled. Ginny was watching him and smiled before saying, ‘Why don’t we all eat something? Ron, you’ve been up for hours, did mum leave anything about for us?’

Ron replied without tearing his gaze from Hermione, ‘Yeah, a whole breakfast spread is in there.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, ‘Harry, let me see what I can bring in here for you.’

He shook his head. ‘Just help me up; I’m sure I can make it into the kitchen.’

She gave him a sceptical look. ‘Harry, I don’t think this is a good idea.’

He smiled at her. ‘Trust me, I’m fine. I don’t think lying down is going to make me feel better anyway.’

She looked worriedly over at Ron and Hermione, but neither could be torn from the other. She sighed and helped Harry swing his feet off of the couch. He sat up slowly, and shakily reached an arm out towards Ginny. She grabbed him under the arm and tried to help him up. Harry’s legs couldn’t support him at all and in his loss of balance, he pulled Ginny down onto the couch with him. They landed on top of each other and Harry could feel Ginny laughing into his chest.

He joined her in laughing, it felt good and he felt himself relax. ‘I guess you were right, love…’

She smiled down at him and said, ‘That’s often the case, dear.’

He sighed and allowed her to help him into a sitting up position. She pushed a tuft of her hair away from her face and said, ‘So, can I go to the kitchen without having to worry about you?’

He smiled up at her and replied, ‘Yes, dear.’

Hermione had looked up at the commotion and Harry could see her laughing at them. Ron got up slowly and helped Hermione up.

Harry watched sadly as all three of his friends went into the kitchen, leaving him alone to think about what had happened on his birthday. He felt immensely guilty that all he could think about was the warmth that hadn’t ceased emanating from the ring. He knew that must mean that, at the very least, Ginny was thinking about him. He couldn’t imagine what Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were going through.

Ginny walked back into the room with a plate and sat down next to Harry. ‘I probably should have gotten a tray.’

He shook his head and smiled. ‘This is perfect. Thanks, love.’

He leaned over and kissed her softly. She said quietly, ‘You feeling well enough to eat?’

He nodded but suddenly felt sick. She commented softly, ‘Harry, you’re looking positively green, but you have to eat something. Just try to eat a bit of toast and I’ll give you one of your potions.’

He nodded mutely at her, never realising that food could be so unappetising. She smiled and brushed his hair away from his face before getting up. ‘Let me get you some tea.’

He looked up and said, ‘I feel bad you’re…waiting on me.’

She smiled and said, ‘Just know I expect this if I get sick.’

He laughed and nodded, focusing on the toast once again. He ate the toast slowly, one bite at a time. She returned shortly and placed the tea next to the table where his potions were. She shook her head disapprovingly. ‘Harry, you’ve hardly eaten half of your toast! You have to do better than that!’

He gave her a sad look and she said more emphatically, ‘Don’t even try it, Harry. You need to eat something!’

He nodded sadly and said, ‘I know…but food, for once, doesn’t seem quite as appealing.’

She put her hand on his forehead and said, ‘Feels like your fever is coming back.’

He smiled as she touched him; her hand was both soft and warm. She laughed and pulled away. ‘Harry, eat your toast, then you’re going to get some more rest.’

He looked at her helplessly and said, ‘Can’t I at least get up?’

She stood up and looked around. ‘Where are you going to go? You can hardly stand up!’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘You could use your magic to get me up.’

She shook her head. ‘Harry, eat your toast.’

He smiled up at her and slowly finished the single piece of toast and looked forlornly at the other piece. She came back in the room with Ron and Hermione in tow. They sat down around him and Hermione looked nervously at him.

He looked at them with a questioning look and Hermione started, ‘Harry, about last night…’

Harry put his hands up slowly. ‘What are you on about? There’s nothing to talk about!’

Ginny had sat down next to him and put a hand on his arm. ‘Harry, what we’re trying to get at is: we’re really worried about you. Last night you…you let George curse you!’

He looked up at her and retorted, ‘What are you talking about?’

She sighed and looked up at him, giving him a steady gaze. ‘Harry, you pushed me out of the way and left yourself open for being killed.’

He balked. ‘What should I have done? Let him hurt you…again!’

Hermione and Ron were watching the exchange quietly as Ginny railed into Harry, ‘I can take care of myself! And you knew “ you knew he was after you! He wasn’t going to hurt me when he was after you the whole time!’

His eyes were wide as she hollered at him and he said quietly, ‘What should I have done? Pretended like he didn’t hurt you before, right in front of me?’

She put an arm around his shoulders and said quietly, ‘I don’t know that I’ve ever been more terrified in my entire life than when you hit the ground like that…’ She sighed and looked away, ‘No, I can remember another time…and I don’t want to have to live through that ever again, Harry James Potter!’

He gave her his best sad eyes and she laughed and turned away from him. He looked imploringly at her. ‘I’m sorry…’ He looked over at Ron and Hermione. ‘I didn’t mean to…freeze up…I just, I knew what I wanted to do and I did it.’

Ginny turned around with a concerned look. ‘Harry, if you plan on working for the Ministry, I’m sure they’d like you to stay in one piece over protecting someone that can protect themselves.’

He looked down sullenly. ‘It isn’t that I didn’t think you could protect yourself, but you couldn’t have honestly expected me to just stand there!’

Ginny responded with exasperation, ‘Harry, you could have taken George out before he had done anything, but instead, you didn’t react.’

Harry wrung his hands nervously and could feel all their eyes on him. ‘I guess I sort of…panicked…’

Hermione chimed in, ‘And then froze…its so unlike you, Harry!’

Ginny sighed and leaned back against the couch. ‘This makes me thankful I wasn’t out there fighting with you lot. I can’t imagine you freezing up with all of the things that were going on.’

Harry looked at her imploringly. ‘Ginny, I know you can protect yourself…I don’t know why I didn’t just…I don’t know…’

Ron finally spoke up, ‘Harry, we’re not upset with you…well, maybe a little. But you can’t let yourself get over-concerned about protecting someone else and then get hurt yourself!’

Harry furrowed his brow but couldn’t get upset. He knew they were right. He nodded. ‘I know…I do…I just…come on, Ron! If it were Hermione, what would you have done!’

Ron laughed and said, ‘And you think Hermione can’t take care of herself in that sort of situation? Or that they’d prefer to curse me instead of her? Harry, that’s mad! Besides, I know Hermione wouldn’t hesitate.’

Hermione smiled and said, ‘Harry, I know we were all a little on edge about George before, but…well, in the future, I hope this won’t be an issue for you.’

Ginny rubbed Harry’s back consolingly. ‘Harry, we’re not upset with you. I’m really flattered you stood up for me, but I’m disappointed you didn’t protect yourself.’

He nodded mutely and leaned back slightly. Ginny continued, ‘I think we’ve given Harry enough of a hard time.’ And turning to Harry, she said, ‘And you look like you’re exhausted.’

Harry nodded weakly and said, ‘I am, but I feel like I should take a shower or something. And possibly change clothes…’

Hermione pulled her wand out. ‘We can get you to the bathroom, but I think you’re on your own once you get there.’

They all burst out into laughter and Harry felt himself smiling too. Ginny patted him gently. ‘I’ll draw you a bath and you can take it from there.’

He nodded and she got up and headed upstairs. Ron looked over at Harry and said, ‘Another exciting birthday?’

Harry nodded weakly, leaning back against the couch. ‘I swear, next year, we’re not celebrating at all!’

Hermione nudged Ron. ‘Why don’t you get some clean clothes for Harry and put them in the bathroom so he won’t be walking around…’

She started laughing and Ron got up quickly heading out of the room. ‘I don’t want to even think about who might enjoy that!’

Hermione got up and sat down next to Harry. ‘How are you feeling?’

He sighed and replied, ‘Not that great.’

She looked past him to the table. ‘I think you can take one of those potions, but I think you should do that after your bath.’ She sat for a moment before continuing, ‘Harry, how does the ring feel?’

He gave her a curious look and replied, ‘Fine, warm. Why?’

Hermione looked nervous and said, ‘Well, I was just wondering if you’d felt anything while you were out of it.’

Harry looked up thoughtfully and replied, ‘Now that you mention it, I felt warm, but it was a different sort of warm. When I was on the floor, in the kitchen, I could feel something…not heat, but something, coursing through me. I don’t know how to describe it better.’

Hermione looked at him imploringly. ‘Try harder.’

He turned abruptly and asked, ‘What? What’s wrong?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Nothing. Just keep talking.’

He didn’t believe her but continued, ‘It was like I could feel something else. Like, this might sound crazy, like something was trying to get me to wake up, but I couldn’t. I was just lost in a haze.’

Hermione nodded and said, ‘I think I should have spent more time looking at those things…I don’t think Ginny was adversely affected, but I’ll have to ask her too.’

Ginny had just come down the stairs and said, ‘Ask me what?’

Hermione looked worriedly from Harry to Ginny and asked, ‘Is Ron still upstairs?’

Ginny nodded. ‘Yeah, want me to get him?’

Hermione shook her head and replied hurriedly, ‘No. I think…I think you two should be really careful about the locket and ring.’ Ginny gave her a confused look and Hermione said, ‘Ginny, what did you feel, last night? From the locket, I mean.’

Ginny looked at Harry thoughtfully and replied, ‘Cold, like I had been outside in the winter too long.’

Hermione said quietly, ‘I think there’s more power to those items than we may have realised. I think you both need to work to not let them channel things through you.’

Ginny gave her a questioning look. ‘What are you talking about?’

Hermione got up and said quietly, ‘I just think…based on what you’re saying, that you were feeling each other, through the locket and ring.’ She looked at Harry and said, ‘You were feeling warm because Ginny was thinking of you and trying to get you to wake up. Much like what you described.’

She looked at Ginny. ‘And since Harry wasn’t conscious, you were feeling a sort of void…I think you can control it, but you’re going to have to work at it, like anything else.’

Ginny smiled and laughed. ‘Harry, sometimes I don’t know what to think about you.’

Harry laughed softly and said, ‘I feel like I’m going to be apologising to you for the rest of my life!’

Ginny walked into the sitting room and said, ‘Don’t even think about it. Hermione’s right. Like anything else, this’ll just require some practice.’

Hermione smiled reassuringly at them and said, ‘You ready for your bath?’

Harry nodded and got up slowly. He was surprised to see he could balance, though Ginny rushed forward, wrapping an arm around him. ‘See, I’m glad you ate that toast!’

He smiled weakly at her, but felt light-headed. He wasn’t sure he could make it up all those steps, but he hated being so helpless. He moved his feet slowly. Hermione said, ‘Harry, didn’t we just get done talking about you being a hero?’

Harry turned slightly, putting a hand on the banister. ‘As I recall, you were telling me to take care of myself. Isn’t that what I’m doing?’

Ginny nudged him gently as she helped him up the stairs. ‘No, I think you’re endangering yourself yet again…’

He stopped at the first landing and said, ‘No, see, I’m fine.’

He was breathing rapidly and knew Ginny didn’t believe it for a second. She didn’t argue, but pulled more of his weight onto her, labouring their movement up the stairs. ‘Do you have to be so stubborn,’ she said under her breath.

When they had finally made it to the bathroom, they were both winded. ‘If my mother finds out about, this we’re all going to be in a lot of trouble!’

He nodded mutely, trying his best to stand on his own, but with no luck. He put a hand out to the bathroom sink to steady himself and said breathlessly, ‘See, that was easy.’

She sighed and shook her head, keeping an arm around him. ‘Harry, this is really too much.’ She took a few deep breathes before continuing, ‘I know you want to be strong and all, but you can’t fool me! I almost carried you up those stairs!’

He gave her a wry smile and said, ‘Just think, when you get sick, I’ll carry you.’

She smiled and rolled her eyes. ‘Brilliant, thanks so much.’

He took a tentative step towards the bathtub, stopping to sit heavily on the edge. She gave him a sad look and asked, ‘Do you even have the energy to get undressed?’

He nodded and replied, ‘Just give me a few minutes.’

Ron came upon them and said, ‘Blimey, Harry! Did you just walk up all those stairs!’

Harry shook his head and gestured towards Ginny. Ron balked and said, ‘She helped you! Without magic! I wish I had seen this!’

Ginny looked at Ron’s empty hands and said, ‘Weren’t you supposed to get something for Harry to wear?’

Ron nodded and asked, ‘What do you want to wear, mate?’

Ginny slapped Ron on the arm. ‘Does he look like he cares? Merlin’s belt, Ron! Are you really this thick? Just get whatever he sleeps in!’

Ron looked shocked and gave Harry a questioning look. Harry nodded and said, ‘Thanks, Ron.’

Ginny shook her head as Ron bounded back up the stairs to his room and she watched Harry closely. She took a step forward, putting her hand on his shoulder. ‘Harry, I don’t think you should have pushed yourself.’ She moved her hand to his forehead and sighed. ‘Your fever seems to be coming back in full force. I think after this we need to get you back in bed.’

He nodded but didn’t say anything. He was feeling very weak, and could mount no argument with her. She must have sensed something. She bent down and kissed him softly on the forehead. ‘You need to take it easier, Harry. You’re going to be wasting some of our last time together.’

She gave him a jovial smile and he returned the smile. He noticed he wasn’t wearing his shoes anymore and he was still wearing socks. He reached up slowly and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Ginny sighed and bent down, unbuttoning his shirt. She said quietly, ‘If you need help, Harry, you should feel free to ask.’

He nodded and said, ‘Ginny, can you help me?’

She laughed and kissed him softly. ‘You’re adorable when you’re helpless.’

He raised his eyebrows slowly and replied, ‘Aren’t I always?’

She pulled the shirt off, leaving a t-shirt underneath. She stopped and said, ‘Well, yes, you are…but…’

She seemed perplexed by this and he said quietly, ‘Are you worried I’m going to ask you take all my clothes off?’

She laughed and blushed. ‘I’m not sure I can handle that right now…but I have to say...’ She raised her eyebrows mischievously at him. ‘I can’t say I’m not enjoying the view.’

He smiled and tried vainly to pull the t-shirt off. Ginny stopped him, resting her hands on his sides, and said quickly, ‘I hate to say this, but why don’t you have Ron help you with this.’

He leaned forward, nudging her shoulder with his head and whispered, ‘Oh come on, Ginny.’

She caught his eyes and sighed, pulling his glasses gently off of his face and placing them on the nearby counter. She gently pulled the t-shirt up, revealing a fairly defined upper-body underneath. She caught her breath and Harry tried hard not to laugh at her reaction. He mumbled quietly while she pulled the t-shirt over his head. ‘I’m glad you’re enjoying the view.’

She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder as he swayed forward. ‘I am…very much…I’m also hoping and praying that no one sees us. I can’t imagine what mum might think…’

She inhaled sharply and Harry absently felt around the counter for his glasses. She handed them to him and said quietly, ‘I think I know what we’re supposed to do with that ointment now.’

He took a deep breath and felt a large bruise across his chest. Ginny bent down in front of him. ‘Harry, this looks awful. Does it hurt?’

He nodded slightly as she wrapped a towel around his shoulders, to keep him warm. ‘A little, not a lot…not like last night.’

Ron cleared his throat loudly. ‘I don’t even want to know, but Potter, hurt or not, don’t do anything I’ll have to hurt you for later!’

Ron didn’t have a kidding look in his eyes, and Ginny looked down quickly, turning bright red. She shot Harry a consoling smile and hurried out of the bathroom past Ron. Ron stepped in slowly, placing the clothes in Harry’s lap. He stepped closer to Harry. ‘In the future, if you need help, dressing or undressing, let me know. Not that I want to see more of you than I need to, ‘he cracked a smile at this. ‘But I don’t want to see Ginny and you shirt-less again, we clear?’

Harry nodded weakly. ‘Crystal clear.’

Ron sighed and leaned against the wall. ‘How much more help will you be needing?’

Harry looked hard at the floor and replied, ‘I think I’ll be okay…’

Ron shook his head and said, ‘Just be careful getting out of the tub. I’ll come check on you in about twenty minutes, okay?’

Harry nodded and watched as Ron shut the door quietly. Harry sighed and leaned back. He ached all over. He wished he had asked Ron for help, but the look on his friend’s face made him feel like he shouldn’t ask. He slowly got the rest of his clothes off, having the hardest time reaching his feet. He lowered himself into the warm water and felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

In what felt like only a few minutes later, Harry heard a distant knocking on the door and the muffled sound of Ron telling him to get up and asking if he needed help. He sighed and sat there for a few seconds and Ron opened the door. ‘Harry, are you alright?’

Harry answered feebly, ‘Yeah, I’m alright. I’ll be fine.’

Ron asked quietly, ‘Sure you don’t need some help?’

Harry leaned forward and nodded. ‘I’m fine. Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll be out.’

Ron said hurriedly, ‘It’s not that we need to use the toilet, but I want to make sure you’re okay. When you get out, let me know, I’ll try to get you up to my room.’

Harry felt much more relaxed than last night, and slowly got out of the tub, being careful not to slip. He got ready for bed as best he could after getting fully dressed. He opened the door slowly and was surprised to see both Ron and Hermione waiting for him.

Hermione smiled. ‘You look very refreshed. How are you feeling?’

Harry nodded. ‘Better. Where’s Ginny?’

Ron gave him a hard look. ‘She’s downstairs, in the kitchen.’

Harry gave Hermione a quizzical look and Ron cleared his throat loudly. ‘She’s helping mum with dinner. Mum and dad want to make sure you’re okay and they’d…we’d rather you stay downstairs; easier for you to get around.’

Harry nodded and stepped towards the stairs. ‘I’m feeling more mobile already.’

He walked slowly to the stairs and Hermione said quickly, ‘Harry, wait…’ He stopped and turned as she continued, ‘I know this sounds a bit sudden, but Ron and I are…we’re going to head out after dinner. Are you going to be alright without us?’

She gave him a worried look and he nodded. ‘Don’t be foolish, I’ll be fine. As long as Ginny’s staying…’

Ron took a step closer. ‘She’ll be here…but don’t make me repeat myself, Harry, about before.’

He glowered at his friend and Harry turned away. ‘Ron, I got it…I didn’t…I didn’t mean anything.’ He took a step forward. ‘I would never jeopardise my relationship with Ginny.’ He could see that this wasn’t convincing Ron in the least. He sighed. ‘It won’t happen again, I promise.’

Ron didn’t change his expression, but Hermione stood between them and said, ‘Its okay, Harry. Just…well, anyway, we’re going to pack and get going, right Ron?’

She gave him a nudge and he gave Harry one last look before heading up the stairs. Hermione smiled at him. ‘You know how protective Ron can be…I know you’re not feeling good, but really, Harry! That was…’

She shook her head and he laughed. ‘I know…I couldn’t help it…It felt…’

Hermione put her hands up. ‘If you say right I’m going to push you down these stairs!’

They both laughed as Harry took another step towards the stairs. Hermione stepped forward grabbing his arm. ‘Harry, wait, are you sure you’re okay?’

He nodded weakly at her. ‘Yeah, though I might need some help getting down these stairs safely.’

She smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist as he gripped the banister tightly. She said quietly, ‘Harry, you know Ron’s just worried about Ginny. You know he couldn’t pick a better boyfriend for her.’ She started to blush and continued, ‘But Harry, having her undress you…even Ron and I would never…’

He blushed too and replied, ‘I think this is turning more sordid with each re-telling. She was helping me get my shirt off, that’s it.’

They had made it to the bottom of the stairs and Hermione helped him to the couch. Harry could dimly hear Percy and Ginny talking in the kitchen. He sat down heavily and took a few deep breathes before saying, ‘Thanks, Hermione.’

She smiled and stepped away. He said quickly, ‘For everything. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you next year.’

She smiled broadly. ‘I am sure you’ll be fine, Harry. Just, be more careful.’

He nodded and leaned his head back against the couch as she walked into the kitchen. He shut his eyes for a moment and heard Ginny calling his name. ‘Harry, you’re not falling asleep are you? You haven’t taken any of your potions.’

Percy stood in the doorway with downcast eyes and said, ‘Harry, I’m really sorry…’

Harry smiled. ‘Percy, it isn’t your fault.’

Percy gave him a disbelieving look and said, ‘And next time, though I hope there isn’t another time, but if there is, worry about yourself. Ginny can take care of all of us together if needed.’

Harry nodded and reached out towards Ginny. She grasped his hand firmly and sat down next to him. Percy sighed and said, ‘I’m going to help mum with lunch. Try to act…appropriately.’

He gave them a knowing look and headed back into the kitchen. Ginny smiled at him, putting a hand on his forehead. ‘You’re looking much better.

He smiled. ‘I feel a lot better. That was really soothing.’

He squeezed her hand and said nervously, ‘Ginny, about earlier…’

She smiled and said, ‘Harry, you need to learn to ignore Ron sometimes. We didn’t do anything wrong.’

Harry gave her a sceptical look. He whispered, ‘I had you undressing me, what part of that wasn’t wrong?’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘You were still wearing your pants last time I checked.’

He laughed and nodded. ‘There really is no arguing with you, is there?’

She shook her head and leaned close to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing him softly. ‘You’re going to be okay.’

She said it as if it were an affirmation for herself, and not him, and he smiled, placing a hand on her arm. ‘Of course. I would never…give up on you.’

He moved closer to her and felt a dull ache in his back. He sat up straighter and she rubbed his back. ‘I think it’s time for that potion.’

He shook his head, but Mrs. Weasley came in. ‘Hello, Harry.’ Her voice was strained and Harry looked down as she spoke to him. ‘You should have taken your potions earlier, but now is just a good a time as any.’

She picked up a bottle and said, ‘This is the one you need to take now, dear. Ginny, get him some water and then, Harry, you’d best lay down.’

Harry nodded and Ginny got up, following her mother into the kitchen. Harry sighed and winced as he reached for the bottle. Ginny came back into the room with a glass of water and placed it next to the potion. ‘Harry, it might be time to put that ointment on, you’re looking like something’s bothering you.’

He nodded and said quietly, ‘I don’t think anyone’s going to like it if I ask you to help me.’

She sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘Well, if you can’t do it then who’s going to? And who’s better suited?’

She gave him a brilliant smile and he shook his head. ‘Ginny, Ron will kill me…literally!’

She smiled and started unbuttoning his shirt. ‘Please, Hermione, I’m sure, is keeping him otherwise occupied.’

He was feeling exceedingly tired and she handed him the potion and then the glass of water as he swallowed the potion. He made a disgusted face as he took the water from her. ‘That was horrible.’

She replied, laughing, ‘Don’t be such a baby!’

She opened the ointment and Harry felt his eyes getting heavy. She said quickly, ‘I hope you’re awake enough to enjoy this.’

He tried to laugh but he just mumbled something incoherent. She gently pushed him back across the couch and loosened his shirt. He could feel her warm hands spreading the ointment evenly across his chest, but his head lolled back against the couch. He could distantly hear Ginny saying something to him as he shut his eyes and felt himself falling fast asleep.

Chapter 22 - Stolen Moments by pokecharm

Harry woke up to the smell of dinner in the kitchen. He shook his head and sat up. He wasn’t feeling any aches at the time, and swung his feet of off the couch. He looked over to a chair near him and saw Ginny sitting up, with her eyes shut. He sighed. She’d fallen asleep keeping an eye on him, again. He felt bad about it, but it made him feel warm inside that she was there for him. He took a sip of water before placing the glass back on the table.

He got up slowly, feeling his head swim for a moment before the room returned to its normal state. He took a few tentative steps towards Ginny, sitting on the edge of the chair she was sitting in. She must have felt the movement. She looked up abruptly, and Harry put a hand on her shoulder. ‘Please tell me you’re going to sleep in a proper bed tonight.’

She shook her head and brushed her hair away from her face. ‘I’m fine. I’m not tired at all.’

He raised his eyebrows and laughed. ‘Don’t lie to me. You’re exhausted!’

She shook her head and said, ‘How are you?’

He smiled. ‘I’m fine; I have the best nurse snogging can buy.’

She laughed loudly and stood up, stretching and revealing a very flat stomach. She pulled her shirt down abruptly and slapped Harry playfully on the arm. ‘Don’t be sneaking peaks, Harry Potter!’

He smiled and replied, ‘Oh please, like you weren’t enjoying seducing me earlier!’

She gave him a shocked look and said, ‘Oh yes, one of my dreams is to rub ointment on my well built boyfriend’s chest while he’s out cold!’

They both laughed and Harry sunk into the chair Ginny had been sitting in. The energy surge he had felt was almost entirely spent and he felt his eye lids growing heavy again. Ginny took a step forward and whispered, ‘I guess I spoke too soon.’

He leaned back and shook his head. ‘No, I’m fine.’

She shook her head and grabbed the glass of water. ‘You keep saying that. And the more you say it the less I believe you. You missed lunch also. You’re probably hungry.’

He shook his head. ‘Food still doesn’t sound appealing to me.’

‘Unfortunately, that isn’t part of the equation, love,’ she continued more slowly as he finished the water. She stepped close to him, taking the glass and said, ‘Why don’t I give you something to eat? We should be eating dinner in a bit, but you need some energy.’

He shook his head and asked, ‘Where are Ron and Hermione?’

Ginny smiled weakly. ‘Ron went to the store. They’re going to stop at St. Mungo’s on the way home.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘When are you going to go?’

She gave him a nervous smile. ‘I don’t want to leave you alone, but I did want to go.’

Harry tried to smile and said, ‘Did you want me to go with you?’

The last thing Harry wanted to do was seeing George, but he could see how much it was affecting their family and knew he’d be fine once he was feeling better. She smiled at him and sat down on the couch he’d just been sleeping on. ‘I really would. Though, if you don’t want to go, and I can certainly understand your not wanting to go, then I can go with mum or dad.’

Harry nodded and smiled, letting the exhaustion take him for a few moments. Ginny walked over, shaking Harry. ‘If you’re feeling tired, why don’t you lie down?’

He shook his head and sat up. ‘Maybe I should get dressed or something?’

She laughed. ‘We’re not having a repeat of what happened earlier! Besides, you don’t have to worry, no one’s going to care if you’re dressed or not!’

He looked down realising he was just wearing his pyjamas and looked around for his robe. She sighed and shook her head. ‘I managed to get this off of you after you fell asleep.’

She handed him the robe and he got up, pulling his arms through the sleeves slowly. She gave him a sad look and said, ‘Harry, let me get you something to eat. It’ll make you feel better.’

He called out to her as she headed for the kitchen. ‘Do I really look that bad?’

She turned and smiled. ‘You look a tad pale.’

She was gone for a few minutes and Harry had a hard time staying awake in those few minutes. She walked back into the sitting room with a bowl of mixed fruit and said, ‘This should give you more energy than the toast did this morning.’

He looked at the bowl with a forlorn expression. She sighed and said, ‘Come on, Harry, it’s not gruel, it’s just fruit.’

He sighed and she said quickly, ‘It isn’t going to bite, and I’m not leaving until you finish at least half of the bowl!’

He gave her a confused look and said, ‘How is that supposed to encourage me to eat this?’

She laughed and said, ‘Fine! Then I’m not coming back until you finish half of it!’

He smiled wryly and said, ‘But how will you know if you’re not here?’

She shook her head. ‘You’re impossible! If our positions are ever switched, I hope to Merlin I’m not as difficult as you are.’

He gave her a hurt smile and replied, ‘I’m eating, I’m eating!’ She sighed and he continued, ‘But I do enjoy the company.’

She sat down again, across from him and looked at him sternly. ‘I’m not messing about, Harry, you need to eat.’

He shrugged. ‘Isn’t dinner soon? Couldn’t I eat then?’

She narrowed her eyes. ‘Harry, who are you trying to fool?’

He sighed and ate a piece of fruit. ‘Apparently not you.’

She crossed her arms in mock exasperation. ‘No, indeed. I think I’ve figured out all of your tricks.’

He smiled back at her. ‘Now I just have to figure out yours.’

She replied, ‘Well, with Ron and Hermione leaving, we’ll have loads of time.’

Harry looked at her inquisitively. ‘Wait, who’s going to watch the shop?’

Ginny smiled. ‘Percy will be. He’s fine. He just needed some rest.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘He didn’t sound fine last night.’

Ginny looked away. ‘Well, Ron had to get him…George had done a number on him. But he’s fine. Much better than George.’

Harry nodded. ‘How’s George?’

Harry tried to sound sincere and Ginny let it pass. ‘He’s okay…well, I don’t know…mum and dad have been pretty tight about it.’

She looked worried and Harry smiled weakly at her. ‘Ginny, I’m sure he’ll be fine.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I hope so, Harry.’

He sighed and continued eating as Ginny watched the kitchen absently. He knew she was most likely watching the family clock. He wasn’t certain, but when she mentioned George’s name, he felt more anger than remorse. He was fairly certain Ginny wouldn’t care for that, and knew he’d have to put his feelings for George aside for her as best he could. She turned to see him staring at her intently and got up quickly. ‘I think I hear Ron and Hermione.’

Sure enough, not a minute later, the pair came into the sitting room. Ron looked exceedingly sombre and Hermione smiled weakly at Harry. ‘I didn’t think you’d be up when we got back.’

Ron and Hermione sat down across from Harry. She continued, ‘How are you feeling?’

He nodded and mumbled through the fruit, ‘I’m okay, how was everything?’

Ron locked eyes with Ginny and the latter took a sharp breath. Hermione looked questioningly from Ron to Ginny and Ron nodded. She said quietly, ‘Well, the shop was fine “’

Harry rolled his eyes and broke in, ‘Hermione, what’s going on?’

Ron and Ginny looked downcast and Hermione looked helplessly between the two of them. Harry tried to sit forward, and leaned back heavily. Ginny turned to him and said, ‘I think things are as we’d expect them to be.’

Harry furrowed his brow and said, ‘What are you worried about? I’m not going to tell anyone!’

Ron spoke up finally, ‘That isn’t the point, Harry! This is…its horrible…our brother is totally mental. That’s it.’

Harry looked sharply at Hermione and she nodded weakly. ‘That’s the gist of it, yes.’

Harry looked down. He knew Ron blamed him and he felt that Ginny wasn’t far from that. Ginny looked over at him and smiled. Hermione got up slowly. ‘I think we’ll be having dinner soon. I’m going to freshen up quickly.’

She headed out of the room and left Ron with Harry and Ginny. Ron got up slowly and Ginny shot him an imploring look. He sighed and said, ‘I didn’t mean to snap at you, Harry. I just…its been a long day.’

Harry nodded mutely but didn’t say anything. Ron walked into the kitchen without saying more and Harry said quietly, feeling very wide awake, ‘I’m really sorry about all this.’

Ginny didn’t look at him, but ran her hand across her eyes. Harry got up slowly, teetering for a second before falling heavily onto the couch she was sitting in. He nearly dropped the bowl he was holding and Ginny jumped as he sat down. ‘Harry! What are you doing?’

Ginny pulled the bowl out of his grasp and placed it on the floor as he struggled to sit up. She grabbed his shoulders and helped him up. He leaned heavily on her as she helped him and he said breathlessly, ‘I’m trying to comfort you.’

She laughed softly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her softly. She took his face in her hands and said, ‘Thanks, Harry. Please don’t apologise, we should be apologising to you!’

He shook his head, leaning against the back of the couch. ‘I don’t know, Ginny. I feel like…it was my fault.’

She gave him an incredulous look. ‘Let me get this straight, you think, it’s your fault, you were attacked by our grief-stricken brother?’

He smiled. ‘When you put it like that, you make me sound a bit mental.’

She replied, ‘Just a bit? Maybe I should say it again.’

He laughed and ran his hand across her back. ‘I wouldn’t mind hearing it again, but I won’t lie, I’m feeling a little out of it.

She nodded and got up. ‘I think you need to lie down again. And you have not finished your fruit.

He smiled and let her help him across the couch. ‘I never promised anything, I just said I’d try.’

She sighed and put a hand to his forehead. ‘I’ll get you up for dinner, then more potions.’

Harry felt his head resting against the pillow and a blanket being pulled across his body. Ginny bent down and kissed him softly before leaving the room.

In what felt like only an hour, Harry opened his eyes slowly. The room was out of focus and darkened. He sat up slowly and reached towards the table and found his glasses. He pulled them on and noticed he was alone in the sitting room. He felt relieved and got up slowly, stretching and then heading into the kitchen. Mr. Weasley was sitting at the kitchen table and looked up, surprised to see Harry up.

He smiled broadly. ‘You’re looking better, how are you?’

Harry smiled weakly. ‘I’m okay, how is everything?’

Mr. Weasley sighed. ‘Well, I won’t lie to you, Harry; George is still a bit…off kilter. But Percy is, thankfully, fine now.’

Harry sat down across from him, pulling his robe tightly around himself. ‘Mr. Weasley, I’m really sorry, about everything.’

Mr. Weasley smiled. ‘Harry, listen, son. You needn’t think of this as anyone’s fault. Least of all your own.’ He leaned forward, putting the parchment down he was looking over. ‘Harry, I think Ginny is right, you’re far too serious.’

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn’t think Ginny would be talking about him with her parents, he wondered to what extent the rest of that conversation had been shared. ‘Mr. Weasley, I think I could have saved everyone a lot of grief if I had just…acted more quickly.’

Mr. Weasley laughed softly. ‘Harry, my boy, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. You did what you thought was best. If anything, we should be apologising to you about all of this.’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, Mr. Weasley, really, you’ve been the family I’ve never had and this isn’t your fault either. No one could have known what would have happened.’

Mr. Weasley smiled. ‘Harry, that is a really mature way of looking at this. I’m proud of you.’

Harry felt himself flush and said, ‘Thanks, Mr. Weasley.’

They looked at each other for a few moments before Mr Weasley said, ‘I think everyone will be in and out of the house over the next couple of weeks. I think Molly is going to be spending a good deal of time at St. Mungo’s.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘And Ron and Hermione are leaving today, too.’

Mr. Weasley nodded. ‘So I’ve heard. I’m glad Ron’s going with Hermione, though I feel that Molly and I should be meeting her parents again…’

He seemed to be searching to say something and Harry nodded. He felt a slight rumbling in his stomach and realised he was finally hungry. Mr Weasley continued, ‘Perhaps after things have settled…’

He smiled at Harry and laughed. ‘I’m sure you’re not interested in this sort of thing, so I’ll stop talking about nothing.’

Harry smiled and shook his head. ‘Don’t be…’ He stopped, fumbling for the right words. ‘I think meeting Hermione’s parents again sounds like a nice idea. Maybe over the holidays?’

Mr. Weasley nodded. ‘Perhaps…’

Harry was thankful that awkward conversation was over and shut his eyes. He could distantly hear a discussion and felt a pair of hands grip his shoulders gently. ‘If you’re tired, don’t sleep in the kitchen!’

He turned slightly, but knew it was Ginny; her scent arrived well before she did. She kissed him softly on the cheek and sat down next to him. She gave him a worried smile and he smiled back. ‘You keep looking at me like that…’

She laughed softly. ‘I’m sorry, you’re just worrying me…’

She rested her hand on his shoulder and said, ‘I think we missed one of your potions today, too.’

He sighed. ‘I’m sure I can take them all at one time.’

She shook her head. ‘You can’t mix some of them.’

He rolled his eyes. ‘Does it even matter? I mean, they’ll all end up in the same place!’

She slapped him playfully. ‘How long do you want to be asleep?’

He relented and said, ‘Yes, dear.’

Mrs. Weasley came through the grate and tried her best to smile. She seemed to give Mr. Weasley some sort of sign, as he got up promptly and headed out of the room with her. Ginny started to get up, but sat down, keeping an eye on Harry. Harry gave her a disgruntled look and said, ‘If you want to go see what they’re talking about, go, I’m fine.’

She shook her head and replied, ‘I think I need to keep a better eye on you. You were sleeping, sitting up, just now. I don’t think mum or dad are going to approve of that.’

He retorted dryly, ‘You’re not my nurse. Besides, your father was sitting right here. If he wanted me to move, he could have just told me to.’

Ginny gave him a sharp look and said quietly, ‘Stop acting like you’re being a bother, Harry. He didn’t say anything because he doesn’t want to bother you.’

Harry tried to cross his arms, but felt the task too tiring and let his hands rest on the table. ‘I don’t care for where this is going…’

She looked at him slyly. ‘Where is that exactly?’

He didn’t say anything, and she squeezed his shoulder before taking a few steps towards the door. Her father saw her and waved his wand at the door. Harry saw a bright flash and knew he’d thrown a muffling charm on the door. Ginny turned around with an exasperated look. He tried not to look too amused, but to no avail. She sat down heavily next to him and whispered, ‘Thanks. That was very encouraging of you.’

He smiled and said, ‘Sorry, I can’t help it. If you had gone there when I first said you should, you’d be hearing them now.’

She gave him a half smile, but Harry knew she was worried. They had to be talking about George. By the look on Ginny’s face, Harry knew the conversation was getting increasingly heated. He turned away from her, looking at the floor while trying to stay sitting upright.

Mrs. Weasley came back into the room and said, ‘Who’s hungry for dinner, then?’

Harry didn’t look up, and Ginny nudged him, but said nothing. Harry turned to her, but was fearful to hold Mrs. Weasley’s gaze. She didn’t seem to mind that neither of them had replied, and bustled around the kitchen quickly before heading out of the room.

Harry had kept his gaze away from Ginny and she poked him softly. ‘What? Have you become afraid to look at any of us now?’

He shook his head and slowly turned to her. ‘No, I just…I feel bad. And I don’t want you to tell me I shouldn’t!’

She started to argue, but leaned back in her chair. ‘If you want to level yourself with guilt, fine, but don’t expect me or anyone else in this house to help you.’

He looked away from her and he knew she was not looking at him either. They sat there quietly for some time before both Ron and Hermione came into the kitchen, sitting across from them. Ginny looked over at the stove and got up; stirring something once she got there.

No one said anything. Harry had never thought things could get any tenser at the Burrow, but amazingly they had in one short day. Conversations were kept quiet, and there was no longer any laughter to be found. Even if George was not himself, he still had a jovial air to him, and that was gone from the house for the time being.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came into the kitchen a quarter of an hour later, both looking tired. Mr. Weasley looked around the room and said, ‘Your mother and I will be taking turns keeping an eye on George. Percy will be helping when he can. Ron, I know you’re heading off with Hermione, and that’s fine, but please be cognisant of the help we could use here. Ginny, we believe you’ll be best suited tending Harry until he can get back on his feet.’

Harry started to argue, but Mr. Weasley shook his head. ‘I don’t want any arguments about this. Just do as we ask, please.’

Harry snapped his mouth shut and continued looking at the kitchen table. Mrs. Weasley said nothing and headed to the stove, finishing the last preparations on the dinner. She served the dinner quietly. She set a bowl of soup in front of Harry and said, ‘This should get you up and about, dear.’

He nodded weakly and noticed the most appetising aroma emanating from the soup. He couldn’t believe it, but he felt like the soup was the best thing he’d ever smelled. Ginny shot him strange looks throughout dinner. Everyone slowly stopped eating, yet Harry still felt famished. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley bid everyone good night while Ron, Hermione and Ginny continued to look worriedly at Harry. He finally stopped, putting his spoon down. ‘What? Why are you all looking at me like that?’

Ginny tried to suppress her smile and said, ‘Harry, you inhaled that soup like it was running away from you!’

Ron and Hermione both laughed and Hermione said, ‘I have to give your mother credit, I don’t think Harry expected that, did you?’

Harry looked at her with a confused expression. ‘What are you talking about?’

Ron laughed and said, ‘Harry, I think that fever is finally frying your brain if even I can figure these things out! Mum put something in the soup to get you to eat more of it. It’s just a little something to get your energy up. But I don’t think any of us expected you’d take to it quite this well.’

Harry gave them a perturbed expression and said sullenly, ‘It was good soup.’

Ginny patted him on the arm. ‘Well, if you’ve had your fill, we need to get you some potions to get you back to full strength.’

Harry looked at the soup quietly and Hermione said quietly, ‘Despite Harry’s new affinity for soup, Ron and I are going to head out. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?’

Harry started to say something and realised Hermione was addressing Ginny. She looked back at Hermione and patted Harry on the arm. ‘We’ll be fine. You two go have a good time.’

She smiled sweetly at both of them and Ron gave her a disbelieving look. She said more emphatically, ‘I mean it, Ron. Don’t worry. I promise; this will all be here when you get back.’

Hermione started to argue, but Ron shook his head. ‘We already planned this, let’s go. Besides, your parents are expecting us. Both of us.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘We’ll be fine. Give your parents our love, unless that’ll get you into more trouble.’

They all laughed and Ron smiled, getting up and pulling Hermione’s chair out for her. ‘We’ll head out soon. I’ll check in with mum and dad. Harry, if you’re passed out when we leave…’

He gave Harry another hard look and Ginny broke in, ‘Ron, stop it.’

Ron stood up to his full height and retorted, ‘I’m your older brother before I’m Harry’s best friend.’ He pointed accusingly at both of them. ‘I don’t want to hear about anything like that again. Am I being clear?’

Ginny glowered at Ron. ‘You’re not the boss of me.’

Ron took a step towards the table but Hermione grabbed his arm to slow his progress. He didn’t move further but said forcefully, ‘That may be the case, but since mum and dad are otherwise distracted, you should know to act appropriately.’

Ginny started to argue but Harry put his hand up. ‘Ron, it was nothing. But like I said before, it won’t happen again, so just…’

Ron gave them one last look before Hermione pushed him out towards the stairs. She stopped for a second, giving them both an apologetic look. ‘I hate to agree with Ron about something like that but “’

Ginny interrupted her, ‘Not you too!’

Hermione smiled. ‘Ginny, you know I…I think you and Harry are fantastic together, but Harry…I’m afraid that even if you’re sick, you should know better.’ She sighed and continued, ‘I don’t want to leave lecturing either of you, just…get better. We’ll be back soon. Ron will be at least.’ She gave Harry a consoling smile and said, ‘Harry, try to get better and don’t give Ginny too much of a hard time.’

Harry nodded and watched as she left the room, leaving him alone with Ginny. She looked over at him and said, ‘Looks like we’re going to have to keep our hands off of each other.’

Harry sighed, stood up slowly and headed for sitting room. Ginny followed him and watched as he sat down heavily on the couch he’d been sleeping on. He felt much more awake than he had since the previous night and was looking warily at the potions on the table. He didn’t want to go into another potion-induced stupor, but knew neither Ginny nor Mrs. Weasley would allow him not to take them.

Ginny followed him into the sitting room with a glass of water and he visibly cringed. She laughed. ‘I’m not throwing this on you and the potions aren’t that bad.’

Harry gave her a serious look. ‘You’re not the one taking them.’

She nodded and placed the cup down on the table, sitting down next to him. ‘Harry, if you don’t take them, there could be some…lasting effects. Please.’

She gave him the sweetest smile and he had a hard time resisting. ‘Can’t I at least wait until Ron and Hermione leave?’

Ginny gave him a tired look. ‘They may take a while. I’m not sure how good of an idea that is.’

He leaned over, running his fingers up her arm. ‘I’m sure you can keep me awake until then.’

She watched him quietly enjoying the attention, then, as if startled, slapped his hand away. ‘Harry! Stop that. You need to get some rest and take these potions. Don’t turn me into the bad guy here.’

He gave her his saddest eyes, but could feel the tiredness creeping up on him. ‘I guess this is what its like when kids are begging their parents to stay up late…’

She patted him gently on the back. ‘It is.’ She sighed and relented, ‘Twenty minutes, then no more arguing.’

He nodded and said, ‘Thanks. See, that wasn’t so hard.’

She took one of his hands in hers and said, ‘So, how is it I’m supposed to keep you awake?’

Harry gave her a sly smile and squeezed her hand. ‘Well, the most popular thing I can think about…’ He leaned over and kissed her softly. ‘Involves me snogging you…’

He continued kissing her, but felt his weight falling across the couch. She grabbed his shoulders gently and pushed him back, propping him up. She pulled away and laughed. ‘Wow, this is going wonderfully. You want to snog me silly and you can’t even sit up straight.’

He tried to argue but she turned to face him and said, ‘Maybe you should just lie back for a bit.’

He sighed and said, ‘I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing.’

She shook her head. ‘I don’t understand how someone who’s so frequently in the hospital wing of Hogwarts can be so impatient.’

He smiled. ‘Oh come on, you love me for my impatience.’

She turned her head laughing. ‘Of all of your endearing traits, that is one of my least favourites.’

He trailed his hand down her back as she leaned forward. He wrapped his arm around her waist, trying to pull her closer. He didn’t have the strength. She looked at him dolefully and said, ‘Harry, you’re really exhausted. Why are you insisting on staying awake? Ron and Hermione aren’t going to fault you for getting some much needed rest.’

He nodded and leaned closer to her. ‘I know, but I won’t see them for a while…’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘And I’m what, chopped liver over here?’

She laughed softly; wrapping her arms around his shoulder ‘Just lie down. But don’t think I won’t wake you to take these potions.’

He sighed and shook his head. ‘I’m only a little tired. I thought you said I had twenty minutes.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘So now I’m supposed to keep you awake for that time?’

He nodded and smiled at her. She sighed. ‘Fine…’

She grabbed his shoulders from behind and turned him away from her. She ran her hands across his back, then let him relax against her. He struggled for a second but she pulled him back. ‘How about you relax a little?’

He turned slightly and replied, ‘I’m always relaxed when I’m with you.’

She laughed softly; he could almost feel her laughter. ‘Harry, you’re rather tense from what I can tell.’

She had the softest hands. He was very aware of how thin his shirt was and how her fingers were working magic on his back. He felt his eyes shutting and whispered, ‘You’ve tricked me again, haven’t you?’

She kissed him softly on the nape of his neck. ‘Now, why would I trick you, Harry?’

He felt his head lolling forward and fought to pull away from what was by far the most amazing massage he’d ever had, considering he had never gotten one. She wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered, ‘Where do you think you’re going?’

He put his hands over hers and replied, ‘I think I get why your parents are afraid to leave us alone…’

He slowly turned, facing her and kissed her gently. ‘I don’t think I can fight you anymore…it’s been twenty minutes, hasn’t it?’

She nodded and smiled. ‘You’ve got three different potions to take. Two you can take together, the other one, tomorrow morning.’

He sighed and nodded. ‘You are quite the…seductress…’

She laughed. ‘Just so we’re clear, I’m getting my way, again.’

He leaned over, kissing her on the cheek. ‘I don’t know, I got something I didn’t expect…I…’ He fumbled for a moment, ‘I don’t think anyone’s ever even offered to give me a massage before.’

She smiled sweetly at him. ‘Play your cards right, and this won’t be a rare occurrence.’

She started to get up and he reached for her vainly. She gave him a curious look. ‘No fussing, Harry, just drink these and lie down.’

He looked at her sadly. ‘No more massages?’

She laughed. ‘I’ll have to check and see if you need more ointment, but I’m not sure.’

He raised his eyebrows mischievously. ‘Just don’t undress me while there are others around.’

She laughed and handed him the first potion. He gave her a forlorn look and she shook her head warningly. He drank it quickly and tried hard not to gag. The taste was atrocious. She handed him the water, which he drank slowly. She opened the other potion and Harry looked at her warily. She sighed. ‘Harry, you promised.’

He coughed. ‘Are you sure I can’t just take it later?’

She handed him the bottle and took the glass from him. He gave her one last pleading look, but she gave him a hard stare. Much to Harry’s surprise, this second potion was sweet tasting. He took the water back from her, finishing the glass and said, ‘Why can’t they all taste good?’

She smiled. ‘It’s supposed to make you feel better, not taste good.’

He was surprised that he wasn’t feeling tired and looked up at her. She gave him a curious look and grabbed the potion list. She stood there for another moment and said, ‘You’re not feeling tired?’

He shook his head. ‘Not really, no?’

As he said it he could feel the potions hitting him and struggled to stay awake. She smiled and sat down in front of the couch, gently pushing him down across it. He searched for the blanket he’d been using and started to drape it across his body. He started to say something but stopped. She put her hand on his chest and asked, ‘Does this hurt?’

He winced a little, but didn’t say anything and she sighed. ‘I guess it is time to apply some more ointment.’

Harry opened his eyes wide at this and she gave him a questioning look. ‘Was it really that bad the first time?’

He shook his head. ‘Merlin, no! It was amazing, I want to enjoy it this time.’

He winked at her and she rolled her eyes. She unbuttoned his shirt and slowly rubbed the ointment across his chest. She leaned close to him and kissed him softly. ‘I have to say, Harry, I didn’t realise you’d found so much time to stay so fit.’

He laughed softly. ‘You know, I did have a lot going on, had to be in good shape.’

She nodded. ‘Very good shape.’

She smirked at him and buttoned his shirt back up. He took her hand in his, kissing it. ‘Thanks…Ginny?’

She bent down next to him, smiling. ‘Yes?’

He looked up at her and said, ‘Promise me you’ll sleep in your bed tonight?’

She gave him a worried look and he squeezed her hand again. ‘Harry…who’s going to look after you?’

He shook his head. ‘I’m moving a little slow, but I’m fine, I don’t need twenty-four hour watch. You always look gorgeous to me…but you also look really, really tired.’

She nodded and ran her hand across her face. ‘I am, Harry, but I don’t want to leave you alone…’

He nodded and continued holding onto her hand. ‘If I need anything, I’ll send you a Patronus…please.’

She smiled and knelt down. ‘Close your eyes, love.’

He nodded and let his body fall fast asleep.

End Notes:
thank you for everyone who's still reading!
Chapter 23 - Twisted Paths Cross by pokecharm

Harry woke to a brightly lit sitting room. The sunshine was pouring in through the windows and Harry was happy to see Ginny was not sleeping in any of the various chairs around the room. He felt surprisingly refreshed and reached across the table to pull his glasses and put them on. Ginny must have taken them off after he’d fallen asleep.

He sat up and looked around the room. There were no signs of life and he got up slowly, stretching and realising he didn’t feel any aches and pains. He was surprised he’d healed so quickly and headed up the stairs. He had a feeling he wouldn’t need help bathing again, although he couldn’t argue that he had enjoyed the attention.

He made it easily up to Ron’s room. The room was clean, a rather unusual event, and Harry found his bag and pulled some clean clothes out. He quickly showered and changed into proper clothes, heading back downstairs. Ginny’s door was closed and Harry didn’t think it would be prudent to wake her up. He’d been exhausting her for the last day and knew she needed her rest.

The kitchen was empty and Harry poked around, finding a few things to eat. He picked up the latest copy of the Daily Prophet and flipped through it as he drank a cup of tea. He noticed a pair of letters sitting near the window sill and got up. Both were addressed to him. He read them quickly. One was from Kingsley, informing him that he should report to the Ministry in one week; Harry noticed the date was before Ginny’s birthday. He didn’t want to miss it, but knew he had to report to work. The second letter was from Neville, confirming that he’d be joining the Ministry the same day Harry would be. Harry assumed this meant Ron had also gotten the same letter and start date.

He looked up as Ginny trudged into the kitchen, yawning loudly, then covering her mouth quickly. ‘Harry! You’re up early.’

He nodded and smiled. ‘Not really, I think it’s half-past nine now. Did you get any rest?’

She nodded and then smiled sheepishly. ‘I did. I’m glad I listened to you, I needed a good night’s rest.’

Harry laughed. ‘Is it my turn to say you should listen to me?’

She shook her head and smiled. ‘No, I’m the only one who can say that.’

He smiled and watched her sit down next to him. He asked, ‘Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘You’re going to make me tea?’

He nodded. ‘Sure, I think I can handle it.’

She placed her hand over his. ‘How are you feeling? The colour has really returned to your face.’

He grabbed a couple of her fingers awkwardly and replied, ‘I feel good. Those two potions knocked me out, but I feel really refreshed.’

She smiled. ‘One more and then rest is all you need.’

He pulled away from her reluctantly, and walked over to the stove, putting the kettle back on. He noticed she hadn’t gotten dressed and had her robe pulled tightly around her body. She had pulled her hair back away from her face, but still had an air of exhaustion about her.

He grinned at her and said, ‘Are we just going to hang about here today?’

She nodded, stretching again. ‘I think we shouldn’t stray too far, in case you need to rest.’

He gave her a sceptical look. ‘I feel fine. If you want to head out for a bit…’

The kettle started to whistle and Harry turned his attention away from Ginny. He poured a cup for her and turned to see her looking away from him. He placed the cup in front of her and she turned slowly, a faint smile on her face.

She sipped the tea and said, ‘I don’t think, given everything that’s happened, that going out is a good idea for you.’

Harry shook his head. ‘I don’t want you going out alone, so if you want to go out, let’s go.’

He smiled at her encouragingly and she cringed. ‘Harry, I don’t want you to feel obligated…do you think you can stay here…’

She looked at him questioningly and he said urgently. ‘We’re going out, then?’

She started to argue and gave him a small smile. ‘Give me a half hour and I’ll be ready. How much time do you need?’

He looked down at his clothes and said, ‘Do I need to change?’

She laughed. ‘You look fine to me!’

She got up slowly, kissing him on the cheek. Harry watched her head out of the room and took her empty tea cup to the sink. The last thing he wanted to do was see George right now. Every fibre in his body was screaming against this. He knew he had to go. He couldn’t let her go there alone. He didn’t know if he could bear the look Mrs. Weasley would give him. He couldn’t blame her if she was upset with him.

He should never have stayed here this long. As he sat waiting for Ginny, he knew what he had to do. Once he was well enough, perhaps in the next day or so. He would go back to Grimmauld Place. He had caused the Weasley family more grief in one summer than he’d caused them the entire time they’d known him. Starting with Fred’s death, there was little Harry could think of that had been positive. The only positive thing for him was his time with Ginny. That was something he’d not trade for the world.

After three-quarters of an hour, Ginny came down the stairs. She was dressed in dark colours and smiled at him. ‘I think it would be best if we Flooed there, don’t you think?’

Harry nodded. ‘I don’t think I’m up for Apparating right now.’

She nodded at him and replied, ‘Are you ready?’

He nodded and watched as she headed to the grate and threw a handful of Floo powder into the grate. She said clearly, ‘St Mungo's.’

She disappeared in a burst of green flame and Harry followed her, saying the same thing and arriving in the foyer of the hospital. Ginny was standing only a few metres away and Harry felt anxious as Mrs. Weasley was there talking urgently with Ginny. She looked up, startled, to see Harry walking towards them.

Ginny said something emphatically back to her mother. Then Mrs. Weasley gave her the worst glare Harry had ever seen. He stopped for a moment and then mustered his courage. ‘Hello Mrs. Weasley. I hope its alright that Ginny and I have come.’

He didn’t finish his thought, but she shot him a warm smile and said. ‘I just wish Ginny had told me you were even planning on coming.’

Ginny didn’t look at Harry, but focused on her mother. ‘Mum, I told you last night I wanted to come see George.’

Despite Harry’s presence, Mrs. Weasley turned her back to him, cutting him out of the conversation. ‘Ginevra Molly Weasley “ we did discuss this last night and I thought I made myself very clear.’

Harry could still hear her clearly and took a step back. He was feeling very anxious and almost hoped that Ginny would relent and let them both go back to the Burrow. But he knew the chances of that happening were very small, as Ginny accepted defeat from very few people.

Mrs. Weasley was pushing Ginny back through the foyer and Harry didn’t know if he should help her or stay out of it. The decision was made quickly for him as Ginny pushed past her mother and said to Harry evenly, ‘Let’s go.’

He looked at Mrs. Weasley for a moment, but could feel Ginny’s gaze on him. He looked away from Mrs. Weasley and followed Ginny to the nearest lift to the psychiatric ward of the hospital. He could feel a host of butterflies flying through his stomach, but also noticed the blank, distant stare on Ginny’s face.

She was trying to hold it together, but her eyes were glittering. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the side of the head. She welcomed his warmth and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him.

The lift stopped and they walked out slowly, hand-in-hand. Harry felt like his shoes were filled with lead. Each step he took, it was harder and harder to lift his feet. He finally stopped in the middle of the corridor and felt Ginny turn abruptly with a questioning look on her face. He couldn’t look at her and said quietly, in almost a whisper, ‘I can’t…I’m sorry…’

He knew she was hurt. He wasn’t being there for her in any sense of the word. She had taken care of him, helped him get better and he just stood there; unable to move, unable to speak, just standing there.

She released his hand and turned away from him. She walked down the hallway and didn’t turn to give him another look. Harry found a chair to sink into and sat down heavily, running his hand through his hair. He could feel the tears slipping down his face and he wiped them away angrily. He was emotionally spent and sat there, unmoving for three quarters of an hour before he heard soft footfalls coming down the corridor.

He couldn’t help himself and looked up slowly. Ginny’s face was blotchy and red; tears were streaming down her face. He got up quickly and repeated, ‘I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.’

She didn’t say anything, but wrapped her arms around him tightly, crying into his chest. He rubbed her back soothingly, whispering what he knew were worthless apologies. She caught her breath after a bit and pulled away from him, wiping her face with her hand. She frowned at him and whispered, ‘He’s not doing well at all…’

Harry tried to pull her back into his arms, but she kept her elbows locked and he said, ‘Its only been a couple of days.’

She shook her head. ‘He’s confused, about everything…he…he asked me where Fred was…I…I didn’t know what to tell him.’

Harry looked at her worried. ‘What did you say?’

She shook her head, the tears threatening again. ‘I said I didn’t know…’ She pulled away from him, though he held onto her wrist. ‘I lied to him…I couldn’t…I couldn’t tell him…not like this…’

Harry squeezed her wrist gently and said quietly, ‘I think you did the right thing.’

He knew that no matter what, he had to support her, whether he truly believed that what she’d done was right or wrong. She shook her head disbelievingly. ‘I don’t think so…but I couldn’t bear telling him that Fred is…dead.’

‘I hope you haven’t been more foolish than usual.’ Mrs. Weasley was coming down the hallway with Mr. Weasley in tow, both looking disapproving.

Harry cringed, seeing them storm at Ginny. Mr. Weasley grabbed his wife’s arm, slowing her down, and walked past her. ‘Ginny, I think you’ve acted imprudently today. You and Harry should both go home, now.’

He didn’t look like he was up for any sort of discussion and Harry nodded. Ginny shook her head. ‘I didn’t say or do anything. Harry didn’t even come to George’s room!’

Both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley’s faces were washed over with relief. Harry gave them a sharp look, quickly realising what the argument between Ginny and Mrs. Weasley had been about earlier. He looked away from all of them, realising he was, once again, the cause of more grief in their lives. The lives of people he cared about more than any other family he’d ever known. He turned away from Ginny and looked at the floor. He could distantly hear the argument continue, but was feeling sick to his stomach.

Mr. Weasley regrouped quickly and said, ‘That being the case, I still think you and Harry should go home and stay there. Is that clear?’

Ginny nodded and said, ‘You can’t keep me from seeing my own brother “ he can’t be happy not knowing! And you didn’t tell him what happened?’

Mrs. Weasley stepped forward. ‘It doesn’t matter what we tell him, he doesn’t seem to keep things in his head.’

Ginny said disbelievingly, ‘You can’t be serious?’

Mr. Weasley narrowed his eyes and Ginny started breathing shakily. ‘Why didn’t you tell us?’

Mr. Weasley clenched his jaw. ‘We told Ron and Percy.’

She shot back, ‘And you didn’t see fit to tell me! I’m not so fragile I’m going to break.’

She was seething with anger, but Harry was barely discerning her. Something was happening. He was not just anxious anymore, he was feeling sick. He could see the chair he’d sat in earlier and sat down in it heavily, though no one noticed.

Mrs. Weasley said sternly, ‘Do not take that tone with either of us, young lady. You have your hands full as it is “’

She stopped short, seeing Harry slumped in the nearby chair. She hurried over, putting a hand on his forehead and giving Ginny an angry look. ‘If you want to be irresponsible, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t be doing this to poor Harry.’

Harry shook his head, saying thickly, ‘I’m fine, Mrs. Weasley.’

She bent down taking his head in her hands. ‘Did you eat anything?’

He nodded. ‘Of course…I just wanted to sit down that’s all.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, Harry.’

He looked up at her. ‘Don’t be…’

Mr. Weasley looked disapprovingly at the two of them and grabbed Ginny’s arm firmly. ‘You are going to go home. You’re going to take Harry home. And you’re both going to stay there.’ He said more softly, ‘We’ll take care of George. You have far too many worries for a girl your age.’

Mrs. Weasley stepped away from Harry, hugging Ginny tightly. She whispered, ‘Just go home, dear. Everything will be okay. George will be fine, in a bit.’

Ginny was crying again and stepped over to Harry, reaching a hand out to him. He looked at her sadly. He took a deep breath, getting up of his own volition. He looked at the two Weasley parents and said feebly, ‘I’m so sorry, for everything.’

Mrs. Weasley just shook her head, but didn’t say anything. Mr. Weasley nodded at him and Ginny pulled him forward with her, leaving her parents to walk back to George’s hospital room.

His head was swimming and he tried hard to stay upright as they walked down the corridor. Ginny had wrapped an arm around his waist and said, ‘Just a little bit further.’

He nodded mutely. They approached the grate and she took his face in her hands. ‘Speak clearly, I don’t think I’ll be able to find you if you get lost.’

He nodded again and shook his head to clear it. He grabbed a handful of Floo powder and walked into the grate, saying, ‘The Burrow.’

He felt sicker than ever as he landed and fell heavily on the kitchen floor in the Burrow. He was surprised to hear some one speak his name in a startled manner and lifted him under the arms out of the kitchen. He could distantly hear Ginny’s voice mixed with some one else’s. He felt someone helping him to the couch and passed out.

Chapter 24 - Coming to Terms by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
This is the chapter that has met with some of the most controversy, for a lack of a better term. I hope you can continue to accept the story, somewhat, as I see it, but I am open to constructive comments, note the word constructive ;) Thanks for continuing to read!

After that bracing visit to the hospital, Harry had spent the next few days resting and sleeping, thanks to a very powerful potion Mrs. Weasley had given him. He was, apparently, suffering from a side-effect of taking so many potions in such a short period of time, and the healers believed sleeping it off would be the best option.

Harry was surprised to find Bill and Fleur at the Burrow when they had come back from the hospital. Bill had carried him to the sitting room when he hit the floor so unceremoniously.

Harry had very little time alone with Ginny once Bill and Fleur had arrived. He wanted to broach the topic of her birthday, but Ginny was rushing around getting ready for school and hadn’t the time to spend more than a passing moment with him.

On one of the rare days where Bill and Fleur were out and Ginny’s parents were both otherwise occupied, Harry found himself, happily, alone with Ginny. She had been tending him as best as she could, but he still felt very guilty for bothering her. She had gotten her letter from Hogwarts and had been named captain of the Quidditch team.

She had sat down across from him and they had gone over various strategies about how best to approach the Gryffindor Quidditch team and their ability to win the House cup. Harry knew how competitive Ginny was, and smiled at how she was feverishly writing notes and taking his ideas to heart.

He had been feeling very weak and had tried a few times to broach the subject of the hospital, but Ginny had said next to nothing. He had tried to apologise, but she had dismissed it, saying she understood.

On that afternoon, Harry had reached a hand out to Ginny, beckoning her to sit next to him and she did so reluctantly. He wrapped an arm weakly around her shoulders and said, ‘Ginny, your birthday is coming up and you’re leaving for school soon…’

She nodded and looked up at him. ‘Yeah, I am a little nervous…’

He smiled. ‘About Quidditch, yeah, I got that.’

She shrugged, caressing his arm playfully. ‘It’s a lot of responsibility! And I want to win “ like you did when you were captain.’

He nodded. ‘It is an amazing feeling, but there better not be any blokes kissing you after you win other than me.’

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Are you planning on being there?’

He nodded. ‘If I can get back onto school grounds, I will.’

She sighed. ‘Harry, you’re working for the Ministry and you’re the biggest Hogwarts’s hero, I think McGonagall will certainly let you back on campus.’

He nodded, enjoying the warmth he felt for being so close to her. She nudged him gently and said, ‘Harry, if you’re going to fall asleep, then what do you need me for?’

He smiled and kissed her gently. ‘I do need you…all the time.’

He kissed her on the cheek and neck before wrapping both his arms tightly around her and pulling her across the couch with him. He could feel her lie next to him, shifting nervously for a moment before he leaned his head forward, falling asleep with his head resting against her shoulder.

He woke up with a start as he could hear a commotion breaking out and Ginny pulled away from him abruptly. His glasses were off-kilter, but he could see Mrs. Weasley railing at Ginny and Ginny was fuming and rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes.

Harry sat up quickly, feeling the room shift and said, ‘Mrs. Weasley, we were just asleep…’

She walked into the sitting room glaring at both of them and said sternly, ‘Ginevra Molly Weasley and Harry James Potter: if I ever find you two in a compromising position like that again I will forbid you to see one another, am I making myself clear?’

Harry was mortified and Ginny stood there dumbly for a moment. They exchanged nervous glances and Ginny said quietly, ‘We weren’t doing anything, mum, just sleeping.’

She shook her head and wagged a finger at them both. ‘I’m not an idiot. I hope you two enjoyed your time alone because this is the absolute end of it until you are off to school.’

She would hear no argument and Harry knew he had finally reached the point of out-staying his welcome. He tried his best to get rest and avoid any more conflict, but he knew that Ginny was feeling the same discomfort he did and he quietly packed his thing a few days later and, unbeknownst to anyone else, went back to Grimmauld Place. He didn’t anticipate anyone noticing his disappearance and found Kreacher was very enthusiastic to have him back home.

Harry had received a few packages from the Ministry about his new job and had opened them finding various forms of identification and charms he’d have to apply to his person to gain entry into the Ministry.

After having a quiet lunch, he got a very loud Patronus from Ginny that said some things that even Kreacher found alarming. Not ten minutes later she came bursting through the grate in the kitchen and railed into him. ‘What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing disappearing like that?’

He put his hands up defencelessly and said, ‘I thought it was time to go…I have to be ready for work next week.’

She glared at him hard and said through gritted teeth. ‘Harry James Potter “ I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m telling you now, if this is what you have planned for our future, you’ve got another thing coming.’

He was shocked she’d use such a tone with him and said apologetically, ‘I think your mum really scared the…well, you know, out of me…’

She shook her head and smiled at him softly. ‘Harry, we didn’t do anything wrong…that time…she was upset, with both of us…’

He replied sharply, ‘No, Ginny, if we’re going to be serious, we…I can’t be taking advantage of you like that.’

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. ‘Harry, I’m getting tired of this defeatist attitude of yours.’ She touched the locket and said, ‘I thought we were going to be honest about this…to each other.’

He watched her quietly and sighed. ‘Aren’t we? I’m scared of your mum!’

She laughed. ‘Not good enough, Potter.’

She sat down across from him at the table and looked at the various packages. ‘You’re going to be really busy next week; sure you’ll have time for us before I go?’

He nodded. ‘I’ll get us a Time Turner if I have to; I’m not going to miss your birthday for anything.’

She smiled at him and said quietly, ‘Why didn’t you just leave me a note?’

He couldn’t meet her gaze and said, ‘I didn’t know what to say. I tried a few times and just gave up. I thought you would be glad for a break in nursing me back to health.’

She sighed and furrowed her brow. ‘Harry, did I ever make you feel like you were a burden?’

He studied the table and replied quietly, ‘Not in so many words, no.’

He could feel her glare and didn’t look up. ‘Harry…’ She said his name softly and reached her hands across the table to his. ‘Why are you doing this to yourself? To me?’

He looked up with forlorn eyes and said, ‘This is my fault…everything…with George…your whole family…I made this mess. I don’t deserve your…’

He couldn’t finish the sentence and Ginny squeezed his hands. ‘Harry, no one blames you for this except you. If you want to keep blaming yourself, that’s fine. But there won’t be any place in your life for anyone or anything else but that blame. Are you ready for that?’

She was begging him, he could hear it in her voice, and yet he couldn’t feel anything but grief. The last few days of the battle with Voldemort were starting to catch up with him. He put his head in his hands and could feel the hot tears streaming down his cheeks. She crossed the room quickly and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and cradled his head in her arms. She was whispering something soothing, but Harry hardly heard anything. He wrapped his arms around her and let himself cry. Cry for Fred, cry for Tonks, cry for Lupin…for every life lost.

He composed himself after some time and could see Ginny looking at him imploringly. She wiped his face with her hands and smiled at him. He leaned up and kissed her. She ran her hands down his neck and whispered, ‘Say something, Harry.’

He choked out a few words, ‘I’m sorry…’

She hit him on the arm and replied, ‘Something else!’

He tried to laugh and said, ‘I was just…it’s…it’s been a long summer.’

She rubbed his back soothingly. ‘It’s okay, Harry; it’s over.’

He shook his head. ‘It’s never over…isn’t that what all this meant. If you’re with me…you’re always going to be in danger, your whole family! It’ll always be my fault.’

She leaned forward and ran her thumb down his cheek. ‘Harry, this is life…isn’t it?’

He was feeling overwhelmed and turned away from her. ‘I feel bad you came all the way out here.’

She rested her hands on his knees and squeezed them. ‘Harry, love, talk to me.’

He looked up at her; he hadn’t expected her to call him ‘love’ again. It caught him off guard. He started slowly, ‘I…don’t know what to say…I just feel so…lost.’

She smiled at him and said, ‘I’ll always find you.’

She was so reassuring. He could see her love for him in her eyes and it calmed him. He said shakily, ‘I still see those final moments…right before he killed me. I can still hear the laughter of the Death Eaters. I know it’s over. I mean, I know it is. He can’t come back. They won’t come back to power. But being out there, being in the thick of it, pretending to be dead…’

He shook his head feebly and she rubbed his arm consolingly. He wanted to tell her more, but he was nervous, if he said too much, what would she think? She smiled at him, urging him on and he said, ‘I just…I want to forget and remember, you know?’

She nodded. ‘Yes…it was the most awful thing, I hope, we ever have to live through. I want to…to remember for the people we lost…but I don’t ever, ever want to live through anything like that again.’

He took her hand in his and kissed her palm. ‘I don’t mean to depress you with me, but after what happened, it’s been on my mind again.’

She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. ‘Are you going to come home?’

He shook his head. ‘I am home.’

She gave him a tired look but didn’t push. He said quickly, ‘Why don’t you stay here?’

She laughed. ‘Yes, Harry, that’s so much better than our falling asleep together.’

He laughed softly. ‘Well, at least stay and have tea with me?’

She smiled and nodded. ‘That does sound nice.’

He didn’t want to talk about the battle again, not with her, not now. Kreacher Apparated back into the room and started preparing tea for them. He gushed about her visit, telling her how happy he was to see her and asked why he hadn’t seen more of her.

Harry tried to refrain from grinning, watching a house elf contend with someone with as fiery a personality as Ginny. She didn’t seem put off at all and nodded and agreed as frequently as she could. He headed out of the room shortly after serving the tea, and Harry smiled at her as she sipped her tea nervously.

He laughed. ‘He’ll leave us alone, stop worrying.’

She shook her head, her hair falling around her face. ‘I’m not worried, but he’s…not a force to be reckoned with.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘I think we both know about that.’

She laughed and replied, ‘Are you insinuating something, Harry?’

He smiled at her but said nothing. She smiled back at him. ‘Fine, I’ll give you that one, Harry.’

He grinned at her and said quietly, ‘Are you sure you don’t want to stay?’

She looked back at him. ‘I have to admit, I would love to…but I think you are mad if you think I will actually take you up on this offer.’

He said quietly, ‘I can hope, right?’

She leaned next to him, squeezing his arm. ‘I hope you never lose that.’

He didn’t want her to leave but could feel her gaze drifting back towards the grate and stood up slowly. ‘Are you going to be okay?’

She nodded and got up. ‘I just want to make sure you’re okay.’

He shook his head. ‘Stop worrying about me. You got me back to good health. Won’t you let me take care of you?’

She smiled innocently. ‘I don’t need taking care of right now.’ She said quickly, ‘I wasn’t the one who got slammed with a serious curse.’

He stretched and replied, ‘Love, you really don’t have to worry about me. I’m all better.’

She gave him a sceptical look. ‘Harry, don’t put on a front for me. You’re still tired.’

He nodded. ‘That’ll go with time I’m sure.’

She stepped towards the grate and he said quickly, ‘Why don’t you come by and have lunch with me tomorrow?’

She sighed and looked as though she were going to decline, but nodded. ‘Yeah, sure…and let me know if you need anything, tonight.’

He smiled at her. ‘I will.’

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. After a few moments he still hadn’t let go and he could feel Ginny laughing at him. She patted his back and said, ‘Harry, you can come with me. Mum doesn’t know you’re not at home.’

He shook his head and took her face in his hands, kissing her deeply. He could feel the surprise on her face, but didn’t stop kissing her. He needed to feel close to her and he didn’t want her to go.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nudged him with her forehead. She pulled away for a brief moment, saying breathlessly, ‘Harry,’ before he pressed his lips firmly against hers. She didn’t let him consume her and pushed her hands firmly against his chest.

‘Harry!’ She took a step away from him and was breathing quickly. ‘What has gotten into you?’

He didn’t respond but took a step back. She shook her head, exasperated and said, ‘Just stop this…foolishness and come home, now.’

He said quietly, ‘I can’t. I…I need to do this.’

She reached out and hugged him quickly. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

He nodded and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away with a mischievous smile. He said quietly, ‘Good night.’

She threw Floo powder into the grate and disappeared in a burst of green flame. He sighed and sat down for a moment before going back to the mounds of paperwork he needed to finish before reporting to work at the Ministry.

Chapter 25 - A Family Affair by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
Thanks to those of you that keep reading and commenting! I can't really gauge how this story is doing if people don't comment. A little tid-bit on this chapter, I actually added this chapter after my wonderful Beta, Ginny Guerra (now I don't know your name on Mugglenet...), commented that there was a little something missing. Hope you enjoy this additional chapter!

Ginny arrived back home feeling thoroughly exhausted. She’d never seen Harry this emotionally unbalanced since her fifth year after Dumbledore was killed. She stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, trying to compose herself. She wiped the tears from her face and turned to see Bill looking at her thoughtfully from the hallway.

‘You okay?’ he asked quietly.

She nodded and tried to smile. ‘Yeah, fine. You? Have you been to see George?’

He nodded. ‘Fleur and I just got back, she’s sleeping upstairs. We were both feeling a bit exhausted.’

She looked at him blankly and then said quietly, ‘How was he?’

He shook his head. ‘Ginny, where’s Harry?’

She furrowed her brow and said, ‘I asked first.’

He laughed. ‘I’m older, so I win.’

She gave him an irritated look and said, ‘He went back to Grimmauld Place.’

Bill eyed her cautiously and said, ‘He just left?’

‘Yes,’ she replied and nodded. ‘He…he said he didn’t want to be a…burden anymore.’

Bill shook his head and laughed. ‘I don’t know what he’s thinking. Harry’s not a burden, though I do agree with mum that you both shouldn’t have been…‘sleeping’ together.’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘We were asleep, Bill. We weren’t ‘doing’ anything!’

She gave him an angry glare and he narrowed his eyes. ‘Hey, I never did that kind of thing when I was your age!’

Ginny continued to glare at him and shot back, ‘You never had a girlfriend at my age either.’

He crossed his arms and replied, ‘Yeah, but even when I got engaged I wouldn’t dare do something like that. Both you and Ron have no control.’

Ginny gave him a defiant look. ‘Excuse me? ‘Ron and I have no control’! How dare you! It isn’t like you were dating while your girlfriend was in mortal peril!’

Bill put his hands up and said, ‘That isn’t any excuse and you bloody well know it.’

He shook his head and said, ‘Ginny, I don’t want to tell you how to live your life. But if you and Harry care about each other, then I think he’s right to not be here.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I think that is the last thing he needs. He’s upset about everything…’ She looked down, remembering his breakdown and continued softly, ‘If anything, he needs us, all of us, to be there for him.’

Bill sat down at the table and beckoned her to do the same. ‘Ginny, I can’t imagine what Harry’s going through, but it may have escaped your notice, our family isn’t in the best shape either. We can’t be of much use to Harry if our own family is in disarray.’

She gave him a confused and disbelieving look. ‘What? Are you saying we should just leave him be and tell him to find help somewhere else?’

Bill shook his head. ‘Ginny, no, I would never say that. But you can’t be in the best shape either. I know you’re upset about everything, and I think you’re fooling yourself if you think you can hide that from me or anyone else in this house.’

She turned away from him and shut her eyes. ‘Bill, I’m fine.’

He reached a hand across the table and gripped her arm gently. ‘Ginny, I’m your big brother. I’ve known your temperament since you cast your very first Bat-Bogey Hex and I can still remember the look on mum’s face when she had to fix both Fred and George.’

Ginny tried to smile, but felt her head pounding. She said quietly, ‘I don’t want to reminisce, Bill…’

He leaned closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She felt the exhaustion double as he did this and she tried to pull away. He said quietly, ‘Ginny, you need to get some rest. I feel like you’re taking the brunt of this, and you shouldn’t be.’

She sighed and wiped her eyes. ‘I’m fine, Bill.’

He sighed and said, ‘Come on, Ginny, just do me this favour. Go get some rest and don’t worry about George or Harry. They’ll be okay.’

She rubbed her temples; she felt so tired. Tired of arguing with everyone about their feelings and telling her what her feelings should be. She didn’t look at him. She started to get up when the flames from the grate burst to life and her mother came out. She dusted the soot off of her cloak and looked worse for the wear. She set her bag down on the counter and pulled her cloak off. She didn’t meet either Bill’s or Ginny’s inquisitive gaze. Bill stood up, breaking his contact from Ginny and asked, ‘Mum, how is everything?’

She looked up, startled, as if she hadn’t realised they were there and replied, ‘Fine, thank you for coming, Bill.’

She sounded strangely detached and Bill gave her a strange look. ‘Mum, are you okay?’

She nodded. ‘I should probably get supper ready.’

Bill crossed the room and stood next to his mother. ‘Mum?’

She didn’t look at him and Ginny watched, horrified, as her mother began to cry, openly and loudly. Bill had wrapped his mother in a tight embrace and said quietly, ‘He’s going to be fine, mum.’

Ginny found the tears spilling down her face. Watching her mother cry was more painful than anything she’d had to witness for some time. The raw emotion that her mother was exhibiting was a good representation of what the entire Weasley family was feeling. The despair that George had completely succumbed to the Dark Magic; the frustration that they all had the power to do something about it, but hadn’t and the sadness that they could all finally mourn the loss of Fred.

After a few minutes, her mother seemed to gain control of her emotions. She wiped her eyes and took Bill’s face in her hands, her fingers rubbing his scars. ‘He’ll be fine. But he is going to need our help.’

Bill nodded. ‘Fleur and I will stay as long as you need us to.’

She nodded slowly. ‘Do you think you can sit with him? We need…we need to tell him about Fred.’

Ginny sat up. ‘You still haven’t told him?’

Molly turned abruptly at Ginny’s outburst. ‘Ginny, I didn’t know you were here. Where’s Harry? He’s usually attached to your hip.’

She said the last part with some restraint and Ginny felt her teeth clench at the insinuation. ‘He’s at Grimmauld Place.’

Molly turned abruptly. ‘What is he doing there?’

Ginny laughed bitterly. ‘I don’t know, mum, could it be because you ran him out of our house?’

Molly glared at her and said, ‘Do not take that tone of voice with me, Ginevra. If your ‘boyfriend’ is so fearful of me, then perhaps he should have the courage to come talk to me about it or explain himself fully about what he was doing with my only daughter.’

Ginny retorted, ‘We weren’t doing anything! It was nothing, we were asleep!’

Molly shook her head and replied, ‘Ginny, do you know why we’re so concerned?’

‘We?’ she asked. ‘Who’s we?’

Her mother shook her head. ‘Your family. First of all, we have more than enough to worry about without having to be concerned that our only daughter doesn’t see the danger in being too familiar with a boyfriend she’s had for only a few months.’

‘We’ve been dating for longer than that!’ she retorted, her angry boiling over. ‘And what about Ron? You’re acting like he’s above fault! He’s with Hermione now!’

Molly shook her head and Bill stepped forward quietly. ‘Ginny, no one is saying Ron is free of fault. But he’s with Hermione, and I think we can all agree that Hermione isn’t the type to let anything get out of control; including Ron.’

Ginny looked defiantly at her older brother. ‘Are you implying that neither Harry nor I know where to draw the line?’

Molly looked up, a tired expression crossing her face. ‘That is exactly what we are concerned about.’

Ginny started to storm out of the room but Molly called after her, ‘Don’t you storm out of this room, Ginevra Molly Weasley. I am not saying that you and Harry aren’t sweet together, but in my day, I would never be so bold as to fall asleep with your father in your grandparents’ house.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and didn’t say anything. She had a feeling a tiresome flashback was coming and she didn’t want to hear it. Molly continued, ‘Come back in here, Ginny, we’re going to talk about this, I think you need it.’

‘I need it? Thank you for telling me what I need,’ she said the last part under her breath. Thankfully her mother didn’t hear it. Or if she did, she didn’t let on.

Molly gestured to the table and Ginny sat down heavily, not at all wanting any part of this. She wished she had taken Bill’s advice earlier and had gone to her room. Molly set a cup of tea in front of her and sat next to her daughter. Ginny shifted uncomfortably, she was feeling a little more anger towards Harry for leaving her to be hollered at while he sat at home.

Molly took a sip of tea and said, ‘Ginny, when was the last time you slept?’

Ginny sighed. ‘Oh come on, mum, none of us have slept in days.’

‘You were able to rest while Harry was here, weren’t you?’ she asked.

Ginny gave her mother a tired look and said quietly, ‘Yes.’

‘Ginny,’ her mother started slowly. ‘I am really happy that you and Harry are together now. But you’ve been apart for more than a year, or thereabouts,’ she added quickly. ‘I think you and Harry still have a lot to figure out about what happened in that year. What happened to you while he wasn’t there, what happened to Harry when he was on the run. I want you to be happy, like your father and I are, but if you rush now, don’t you wonder what you might miss?’

Ginny gave her mother a confused look. ‘What do you mean miss?’

‘You’re going to be apart during your final year at Hogwarts, aren’t you?’ she asked. ‘You don’t need to rush to get somewhere in your relationship, you have all the time in the world. All the time in the world to remember why you care about each other.’

Ginny furrowed her brow. She didn’t want to be thinking about any of this. She had enough on her mind. Molly put her hand on her daughter’s arm. ‘Ginny. Your father and I love you, we love Harry, we want nothing more than for you both to share the same happiness we’ve both been blessed with, but you need to take it slowly. Doing something you can’t take back might ruin what you could have in the future.’

Bill was standing behind them and said, ‘She’s right, Ginny. You and Harry are complimentary to one another. You balance each other out, but you’re not even seventeen. He’s only just turned eighteen. You’re both more…serious than…maybe you should be.’

He looked at her nervously and she felt the weight of their words fall heavily. Her family thought she was going to shag Harry Potter. She sighed. This was insane. She took a deep breath and said, ‘Bill, mum, Harry and I are…we care about each other, but we’d never…we’d never do anything to jeopardise that.’

Her mother shook her head. ‘Ginny, your father and I trust you, we trust Harry, but when you two are together, I don’t think either of you know where ‘too far’ is.’

Ginny was feeling her anger mounting again and said hotly, ‘We do and we wouldn’t do…that.’

Molly looked her daughter in the eye and said, ‘Doing ‘that’ is something that people who love each other do and those people are married. If you even think about doing ‘that’ before you’re married, you had best not come back to this house, is that clear?’

Ginny looked at her mother sharply and looked her right in the eye. She said in a very small voice, ‘I would never…’

She couldn’t complete the thought and her mother continued on. ‘I don’t want to have ‘that’ talk with you either, Ginny, but it seems like you’re pushing me to it.’

She took a deep breath as if to start the conversation and Ginny got up suddenly. ‘Mum, I really…I get it…’

Bill had been edging towards the door, not wanting to hear the mother-daughter-talk and Ginny gave him a distasteful look for deserting her. Molly put her hand up and pointed at the chair. ‘Sit back, down.’

Ginny shut her eyes and pursed her lips together. ‘Mum…’

‘Don’t ‘mum’ me, young lady,’ she stated. ‘We, clearly, need to have this conversation. You don’t seem convinced of my argument.’

Ginny looked helplessly to where she had last seen Bill, but he was already gone. She clenched her jaw and sat quietly as her mother went into excruciating detail about how inappropriate it would be for anyone her age to even think about having relations with a boy who had yet to even become a man. Ginny had kept her mouth shut, hoping it would be over soon. She never wanted to have this sort of thing laid out, but there was nothing she could do. She distantly felt an annoying warmth growing from somewhere within her.

After the longest hour of her life, her mother finally stopped talking. Molly looked utterly exhausted and her eyes had continued to stray to the clock on the wall. It indicated that George was still at St. Mungo’s and that her father was on his way home.

Molly looked at her daughter and said, ‘Ginny, I didn’t tell you all of this to punish you, but you need to understand the seriousness of your actions, they have repercussions.’

She continued more slowly, ‘Men can be very simple in a lot of ways. They often take things at face-value, and I have no doubt Harry is the same way. If you’re willing to fall asleep with him, what else might he think you’ll do?’

Ginny looked at her mother, seething, and said, ‘Harry would never ‘take advantage’ of me, mum, and I would never let him either. We’re not at that point, at all. He hasn’t even said he…’

She didn’t complete her thought and Molly gave her daughter a no-nonsense look. ‘Ginny, I want you to really listen. You are too young to do anything this serious. And you are both full of so much emotion, I worry that you won’t realise what’s happening until it’s too late.’

Ginny shook her head. She just wanted this conversation to be over. She was exhausted. She was tired of defending herself, defending her relationship with Harry, and his absence now was grating on her last nerve. ‘Mum, I am not ready to do…’ She couldn’t even bring herself to say it. Not in front of her mother, it was too serious. She took a deep breath and started again, ‘Mum, Harry and I are not ready for that. Honestly, you and dad have nothing to worry about.’

Molly didn’t look like she believed her daughter but sighed. ‘All I can do is arm you with the knowledge you need to make an educated decision. I wish Arthur had time to speak with Harry about this.’

Ginny looked mortified. ‘I don’t think that’s necessary.’

Molly shook her head. ‘I really need to get supper ready; go freshen up and help me set the table.’

Ginny sighed. She got up slowly and headed up to her room. She wanted nothing more than to get some rest, but that didn’t seem likely. She heard a knock on her door and said, ‘Come in.’

Bill pushed her door open slowly. ‘Ginny, you okay?’

She nodded, pulling her hair back. He continued slowly. ‘Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll go help mum.’

She raised her eyebrows at him and he nodded. ‘You look totally knackered.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Thanks, Bill.’

He sighed and said, ‘I wonder if Harry knows what he’s getting into.’

Ginny turned sharply, her mind on her hour-long conversation with her mother and said quickly, ‘Nothing!’

Bill laughed. ‘That isn’t what I meant.’ He shut his eyes tightly and said, ‘I just mean you need to lighten up.’

She gave him an angry look and said, ‘I don’t think that’s allowed in this house.’

Bill shook his head. ‘Ginny, don’t be stupid, mum isn’t trying to be difficult, she’s just worried about you. We all are. You…you’re acting like it’s your fault Harry got hurt, and it isn’t. It isn’t your fault and it isn’t your job to make sure he’s okay.’

She ran her hand across her face and said, ‘I need to help mum with dinner.’

She tried to walk past him but he blocked her, putting his hands on her shoulders. ‘Ginny, get some rest. Stop…stop thinking and worrying about things, it’ll be okay.’

‘How can you say that?’ she eked out. ‘Did you see the look on mum’s face when she came through the grate? She was devastated. George doesn’t seem to be getting any better!’

He put his hands up. ‘Stop thinking about it. This isn’t something you need to worry about alone. We’re going to take care of things. You have to worry about school, okay? Mum and Dad are just really worried about George right now, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about all of us equally.’

She didn’t respond. She looked past him blankly and he reached over, hugging her awkwardly. ‘Take it easy. We can go visit George tomorrow, you can come with me.’

He left her alone in her room and Ginny lay down across her bed, exhausted. She didn’t want to have to worry about all these things. Her brother had gone mad, her parents didn’t trust her and her boyfriend was not around to console her. She buried her face in her pillow and hoped she could push all of this out of her mind for a little while longer.

Chapter 26 - The Tension Mounts by pokecharm

Harry had kept busy despite the lack of company. He had filled out all the forms Kingsley had sent him and would drop by to chat with Gaunt about his training on his first day. Harry still had a strange feeling about Gaunt, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. The name had a familiar ring to it, but after everything Harry had gone through, he was having trouble placing it.

Kreacher had, with much trepidation, allowed Harry to help prepare lunch and clean up the kitchen so it looked more hospitable. He had dressed casually, Muggle jeans and a Gryffindor t-shirt. Harry hadn’t given Ginny any sort of time to arrive, so he was surprised to see her arrive before noon. She was wearing Muggle jeans and a thin stripped jumper. She smiled at him and he embraced her warmly, but felt her stiffen as he touched her.

‘How is everything at home?’ He asked quietly, pulling more pieces of the lunch together. Kreacher had already set the table with a simple set of dishes and Harry had ushered Kreacher out of the kitchen once Ginny had arrived.

She stood watching him and replied, ‘Well, it was an interesting conversation with mum and dad about where you were and why you weren’t home.’

He turned and saw she was glaring at him. He grimaced and said, ‘I’m sorry about that…but I…well, you know.’

She nodded absently and continued, ‘And they let me visit George again. I actually went with Bill.’

She smiled at this. ‘I didn’t realise how much I missed having my older brothers around. Percy and Bill have been really…doting on me.’ She continued more slowly, ‘Bill was a great comfort when we went to see George.’

Harry nodded encouragingly. ‘Was there any change in how he’s doing?

Ginny didn’t meet his gaze at this, but looked at the floor for a few minutes. The silence was palpable and she said quietly, ‘No, none…he’s just…he’s like an empty shell.’

‘I’m so sorry to hear that, Ginny,’ he said to her genuinely. He could tell his words had little effect.

She gave him another hard look and said tersely, ‘Thanks. I’m sure he’ll be fine. The healers are optimistic that he’ll come out of this sooner rather than later.’ She looked forlornly at the lunch and said quietly, ‘He has to.’

Harry set the food on the table quietly and asked, ‘Have you heard from Ron or Hermione?’

She shook her head, surprised by the change in topic. ‘Nothing. I know mum got an owl from Ron saying they’d arrived there safely and was really nervous about spending time with Hermione’s parents. But I think, honestly, that this is good for both of them.’

‘Yeah, I mean, they won’t get to see each other most of the fall.’ He continued, ‘Especially considering you and Hermione will be off to school soon.’

She nodded and smiled. ‘I hate to say this, but I’m really looking forward to going back.’

He raised his eyebrows and she continued, ‘I mean, yeah, a lot of sad memories there, but it’ll be normal.’

‘I expect that it will,’ he replied. He gestured to the table and they sat down.

She ate quietly for a few minutes before saying, ‘So, honestly, did Kreacher do all of this?’

He laughed. ‘No! He helped me, but I did all the cooking myself.’

They continued eating in silence until Harry broke the silence, ‘Ginny, you have avoided talking about this with me for a while, what do you want to do for your birthday?’

She sighed. ‘Harry, that is the last thing in my mind right now.’

He tried not to look hurt, but was feeling that sickening sense of rejection coming back and ate slowly, not wishing to irritate her further. She had been through a lot and he knew he needed to be more cognisant of it. He looked at his plate thoughtfully but said nothing.

She must have sensed something and said, ‘It isn’t that I don’t want to do anything with you, but this has all been a bit bracing.’

He nodded. ‘I know, but it’s still important to celebrate. I kinda remember someone used the same argument on me a couple weeks ago.’

He grinned at her and she shook her head smiling. ‘It isn’t fair if you remember the things I say.’

He reached his hand out to hers and squeezed it. ‘I want to prove I’m paying attention.’

She smiled at him. ‘You don’t have to prove anything to me, Harry; I know you‘re paying attention.’

He didn’t want her to leave without making plans and said, ‘I’ll be starting work soon, so I really want to set some time aside for your birthday. How about a date? A real one this time.’

She sighed in a frustrated manner and replied, ‘You’re not going to let me off the hook, are you?’

He shook his head. ‘No, not a chance. Have your parents planned anything yet? We can plan around that.’

She shook her head with an air of sadness. ‘They haven’t mentioned it.’

‘Your birthday falls during the work week…’ He continued tentatively, ‘Do you think we can meet for a dinner date?’

She nodded absently. ‘Sure…but really, Harry, we’re both going to be so busy at that time. I don’t want this to conflict with your work. You want to make a good impression.’ She laughed. ‘Who am I kidding? They’re dying to have you there. I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly!’

He shot her a restrained smile. ‘Only about half of that sounded even remotely complimentary.’

She grinned back at him. ‘Don’t be silly, Harry. I meant it in a positive way.’

They spent the rest of lunch mostly in silence and Harry could feel the tension growing between them. He wanted to say something to ease the worry, but knew Ginny was overloaded with things on her mind as it was. He wanted to talk more about her birthday, but had a feeling that that wasn’t a topic he should broach again any time soon.

She sat up politely once she had finished eating and studied the table closely. He disrupted her concentration by getting up and bringing the dessert to the table; a Muggle sweet Kreacher had recommended. She looked at it warily and glanced at the clock.

‘Harry, I should really get going,’ she said quietly.

He set a plate in front of her, not taking a no for an answer and said, ‘I don’t think it’s that late. You’ve barely been here an hour!’

She didn’t smile. ‘I know, Harry. And I do want to spend time with you, more time with you,’ she corrected, ‘but there are so many things I feel like I need to do.’

He nodded and sat down next to her, placing a hand on her arm. ‘I can only imagine. Is there anything I can help you with? I can pick up your school stuff if you like?’

She shook her head, though Harry felt like she was on the verge of accepting, and said, ‘I couldn’t ask you to do that, Harry.’

He smiled and squeezed her arm again. ‘I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to do it.’

She took a deep breath, keeping her eyes downcast and said, ‘Mum did mention setting time aside to get that, so it shouldn’t be an issue.’

Harry leaned closer to her and said, ‘Yeah, but I don’t mind and this’ll be one less thing you have to do or even worry about.’

She narrowed her eyes and replied, ‘I’ll think about it.’

He knew that was the best he could get from her and said, ‘I’ll send you an owl closer to your birthday and we can set aside a time.’

She nodded and stood up slowly. ‘This was really lovely, Harry. Thank you.’

He smiled at her and stood up as well. ‘Are you sure you have to go?’

He gave her a pleading look but she stepped towards the grate. ‘I think I should get going. I told Percy I’d be by the store.’

‘If you need company or help at all, I’ll be happy to…’ He looked at her forlornly. He could see her eyes were vacant and yet pre-occupied.

‘I’ll be fine, thanks just the same, Harry.’ She reached an arm out to him and he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, kissing her on the cheek.

She didn’t kiss him back, and pulled away from him slowly. She threw Floo powder into the grate and disappeared in a burst of green flame. Kreacher meandered into the kitchen shortly after Ginny left and commented, ‘Mistress Ginevra seems troubled once again.’

Harry nodded, feeling utterly spent. ‘I know…how have you made out on her birthday gift?’

Kreacher smiled broadly. ‘I have asked the questions you needed answered, Master Harry, and have comprised this list for you.’

He set a piece of parchment on the table and bowed low. Harry smiled. ‘Thanks much, Kreacher. Even though she seemed pretty out of it today, I think she’ll really enjoy this.’

Harry yawned and stretched and Kreacher gave him a disapproving look. ‘Master Harry, you are still weak, you must rest.’

Harry nodded mutely and headed up the few flights of stairs with the list Kreacher had prepared. He wasn’t certain if he’d wake before dinner and changed into his bed clothes. Before falling off, he wrote a quick letter to Ron and gave it to Kreacher to send off. He wanted to make sure his friend would be there for training when he’d be there.

Harry sighed, wishing Ginny had stayed, but knew she wouldn’t disobey her parents, especially after how they’d been found not a day earlier. He gave the list Kreacher had provided him the once over, then marked it in a few places and knew he’d need to return it to Kreacher soon to make certain everything was ready.

As he felt himself falling fast asleep, he also realised he’d left his ointment at the Burrow. Though, on thinking about it, he realised, the only person he’d want applying it was also there.

Harry woke up early the next morning, realising quickly he had indeed not gotten up for dinner. Kreacher was waiting for him in the kitchen as he trundled into the room and had quickly prepared some tea and breakfast. Harry was happy to see a response from Ron with the same start date he had.

Kreacher advised Harry that if he was feeling better, he should get some new robes for his new position. He could not, according to Kreacher, be seen in the robes he wore for school.

Harry laughed, thinking that since the last time he had been at school he had grown a lot, both physically and emotionally, and would not fit in those robes anyway. He had been feeling better and knew a short trip to Diagon Alley would make him feel a tad useful.

He Apparated to Diagon Alley and headed towards Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. He knew she’d have something for him. As he walked towards the shop he could feel eyes following his every move. He walked into the shop and was greeted quickly by Madam Malkin herself. She bustled around the counter and ushered Harry into the back room.

She had two assistants measure Harry and questioned him thoroughly about what he’d be wearing the robes for.

‘Work mostly; I don’t know what’s expected there really…’ he told her.

She nodded absently. ‘You’ll have to wear proper robes for that, not the ones you wore at school.’

He nodded and she continued, ‘Mr. Potter, I will have the robes ready in two-days’ time. We can send an owl to you letting you know that they are ready. Will that be convenient for you?’

‘Yes, thank you.’ He smiled at her and paid for his robes. He knew Kreacher would come straight here and collect his robes and he wouldn’t have to worry about them.

Once outside he couldn’t help but feel drawn to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. He knew there was a fleeting chance Ginny would be there and that was enough to force him to go. When he arrived he was surprised to see Percy standing behind the counter with a stack of papers in front of him. The darkness Harry had felt the last time he was there was gone and the store seemed bright once again.

He walked quietly to the front of the store and Percy looked up, hearing the footsteps. ‘Harry! What are you doing here?’

Harry waved in response. ‘I was in the area, I thought I’d stop through and see if…’

He trailed off and Percy smirked. ‘She isn’t here,’ Percy chuckled. ‘You two are really hopeless, you know that?’

Harry could feel himself turning red and replied, ‘I know…I just…’

Harry didn’t feel comfortable opening up to Percy and Percy didn’t seem overly interested. Percy put his quill down and said, ‘You know…I know we don’t know each other all that well, but you really shouldn’t have run off like that. Don’t blame yourself, Harry.’

Harry looked at Percy with a shocked expression. He started quietly, ‘No, we don’t, but we probably should get to know each other better.’

Percy crossed his arms and replied with a smile, ‘I’m not sure I can grasp what you’re implying.’

Harry returned the smile and said, ‘I was hoping it wouldn’t be too difficult to grasp.’

Percy chuckled. ‘When the time is right, for both you and Ginny, I’m sure I’ll be fine with it.’

Harry started to walk around the store as Percy cleared his throat. ‘Harry, I’m serious. Mum and dad didn’t want you to run off…though…what you and Ginny were doing is not what I’d call…appropriate for your age. For her age,’ he clarified.

Harry rolled his eyes and turned back to Percy. ‘We weren’t doing anything. We both were physically and emotionally spent. What’s wrong with falling asleep in the arms of someone you love?’

Percy crossed his arms again and gave Harry a hard look. ‘I can think of quite a few reasons that it isn’t appropriate, and if you don’t see it, then perhaps you staying in your own home would be best.’

Harry glared right back at Percy and said, ‘Well, then I guess we’re all where we need to be.’

They continued glaring at each other for some time and the door to the shop opened slowly. Harry tore his gaze from Percy, hoping it was Ginny, but was surprised to see Ron sauntering into the store. He greeted Harry warmly. ‘Harry! What are you doing here? Ginny told me you’d gone back to Grimmauld Place. How come?’

Harry smiled at his friend. ‘I just felt like I’d out-stayed my welcome. How’s Hermione doing?’

Ron grinned at the question and said, ‘Brilliantly. I mean, her parents are a bit rough on her, but they seemed to warm up to me.’ He stuffed his hands in his pockets and continued, ‘They didn’t entirely believe what we told them about last year, but the memory charms she used have gone completely, as far as I can tell.’

Harry shook his head at Ron’s exuberance and asked, ‘So she’s okay? Is she going to be around before she leaves?’

Ron shook his head sadly. ‘No. Her parents want her at home. So I…I mean…we are going to have to communicate via Patronus or owl.’

Harry nodded. ‘Do you mind if I send her an owl?’

Ron looked surprised at this and said, ‘You don’t need my approval to send my girlfriend, your best friend, notes.’ He laughed. ‘Unless you’re sending some sort of love notes “ then that’s out.’

Harry laughed. ‘No, you know who I’d like to send love notes to.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘She’s not coming, if that’s who you’re waiting for.’

Harry sighed. ‘Is she okay? We had lunch yesterday and she seemed…upset with me…to say the least.’

Percy had been listening intently and Ron, noticing this, pulled Harry closer to the door and said, ‘Look, mate, I know this has been a bracing week for you, I know, and it has been for all of us. I don’t know how she’s doing, to be honest. I mean, George is in a pretty bad shape…and…well, she told me about that visit where you got sick…’

Harry ran his hands through his hair. ‘I just…I couldn’t do it…and it seemed like your parents were thankful for it.’

Ron replied, ‘Yeah, but…well, I don’t know…I think she’s pretty upset about the whole thing. All I know is she doesn’t want to talk about it.’

Harry furrowed his brow in response. ‘That can’t be good. I mean, bottling things up isn’t good.’

Ron shrugged. ‘I know, but this is Ginny. She’ll talk when she wants to. And we both know she’s not the type of person to be afraid to voice her thoughts.’

Harry laughed. ‘She is definitely not that type of person.’

Percy cleared his throat again. ‘If you care about her so much, then maybe you should help her open up.’

Percy was still glaring at Harry and Ron looked between the two of them curiously before saying, ‘What are you on about?’

Percy tore his glare from Harry and said, ‘So, mum and dad didn’t tell you about Harry’s and Ginny’s latest escapade?’

Harry started to argue but could see Percy had caught Ron’s attention. Ron put his hand up at Harry and turned to Percy. ‘What happened?’

‘Just a day ago, your best mate over there, was sleeping, with our only sister, in the middle of the sitting room,’ Percy said smugly.

‘What?’ Ron’s eyes bulged and he turned on Harry quickly. ‘Didn’t I talk to you about this?’

Harry put his hands up. ‘No, wait, he is taking this completely out of context! We were fully dressed and were just asleep, that’s it! Nothing else happened.’

Harry spoke earnestly but could see Ron was sceptical. ‘Nothing happened?’

Harry nodded. ‘Honestly. I took to heart what you told me and I don’t want to hurt Ginny for anything.’

Ron nodded, accepting this, but Percy said forcefully, ‘What did you need to take to heart?’

Harry knew he was trapped now and looked beseechingly at Ron. Ron took a step away from Harry and replied, ‘I took care of it.’

Percy glared at his younger brother. ‘Obviously you didn’t if he’s still acting in a way that is not appropriate to our sister.’

‘Percy,’ Ron started slowly. ‘This is Harry, we’ve known him for years, and I don’t think he and Ginny are in danger of doing anything that would be inappropriate. I really think this is getting out of hand. I mean, mum and dad don’t say much to me or Hermione.’

Percy glared at Ron and repeated, ‘What did he need to take to heart?’

Ron looked flustered for a moment, his loyalty to his brother and that to his best mate in clear conflict. He turned to Harry with an apologetic look, despite Harry’s pleading look in response, and stepped towards the counter. He very quietly retold Harry’s earlier indiscretion and Harry knew it took all of Percy’s self control not to hex him right there.

Percy glared at Harry and said, ‘I think I’m more thankful now than ever that you’re not staying at the Burrow.’ He looked at Ron and asked, ‘Do mum and dad know about that?’

Ron shook his head. ‘I didn’t think it was a good time to tell them.’

Percy continued glaring at Harry and said, ‘Perhaps this should be brought up as well. Harry, I really expected more from you.’

Harry crossed his arms and glared right back. ‘Believe what you like, but I care about your sister and I don’t think I did anything to compromise her.’

Ron put his hands up as if to stem the heated argument and said, ‘Harry, we all know how much you care about Ginny, but everyone’s on edge right now...Mum and dad are actually upset that you just left, but they don’t have a lot of spare time for any of us, you included…besides, we know you mean well, but this is our only sister. She’s always fancied you, so it’s hard to watch when neither of you seem to know where to draw the line.’

Harry replied hotly, ‘We’re not children, Ron! I know where to draw the line and I think you are all being over-protective.’

Percy nearly hollered back, ‘Over-protective! Harry Potter, my parents may not be here, but I’m feeling like you’re less and less welcome at our home. How dare you judge our intentions?’

Harry clenched his jaw and started to reply when Ron said, ‘I think we all need to take a deep breath. Everyone here cares about Ginny.’

He gave Harry a warning look and Harry turned away, heading for the door. ‘I don’t have to listen to this rubbish.’

Percy bounded around the counter past Ron and yelled, ‘Rubbish “ you’d know a lot about that, wouldn’t you?’

Harry turned, eyes blazing. ‘What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?’

The customers around them were watching the heated debate. Harry took a step closer to Percy and said through gritted teeth, ‘Your brother tried to kill me and your parents practically threw me out of your house and you’re telling me I know something about rubbish?’

Percy’s expression changed for a moment, the guilt of George’s actions on him. ‘No one ever meant for you to get hurt. We thought what we were doing was for the best…’

Harry was seething and retorted, ‘Do I look like I need to have things done for my best interest?’

Percy glared right back at Harry and replied evenly, ‘With that temper, I’d say yes.’

Ron stood between them quickly, pushing Percy back. ‘I think both of you need to calm down. This isn’t helping anything. Or anyone.’

Harry started to reply when the door to the shop opened and they all saw Ginny enter quietly. She looked upset but her eyes widened as she saw them standing around in a clearly combative manner.

‘What’s going on in here?’ she asked softly.

Harry felt his anger melt slightly and he replied, ‘Nothing…I was in the area and thought I’d see if you were around.’ He looked at her imploringly and asked, ‘How are you?’

She shrugged absently. ‘Fine.’ She looked at Percy, seeing the look on his face and said, ‘You alright, Percy?’

Percy pulled away from Ron’s grasp gruffly and replied, ‘I’m fine.’ His expression softened and he said quietly, ‘You shouldn’t be here. I think you should go home and get some rest.’

She tilted her head and rubbed her neck. ‘I can’t sit around there. I felt like going out.’

Harry followed her with his eyes closely, but Ron was standing in his line of sight and shook his head emphatically. Harry sighed and continued listening. Percy reached an arm out to Ginny and continued, ‘I know, but…you look like you could use some rest and once you get back to school you won’t have it. I know how you get with revisions. Your NEWTs are this year and you’re captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.’

She nodded, paying no attention to Harry and replied, ‘I know, but I just can’t concentrate on resting. I feel restless.’

He led her behind the counter, sitting her in a nearby stool and said, ‘What do you want to do? I’m sure Ron can take over and I can take you someplace.’

Ron stepped forward, leaving Harry on the edge of the store. ‘Yeah, Ginny, you and Percy can go find something to get your mind off of things.’

She shook her head. ‘I feel like you’re all treating me like I’m going to break…I’m in the same boat all of you are in…’

Percy smiled at her and rubbed her back. ‘You’re our little sister; we can’t help but want to take care of you.’

Ginny shrugged at this, but Harry could see she had shut her eyes very tightly, trying to quell the tears. He felt like he was intruding on an intimate family moment and didn’t know if he should be witnessing it. He took a tentative step forward.

Percy continued to rub her back and said, ‘Just think about it. We can get your stuff for school easily enough. You need to clear your mind off all these worries before you start school. I think that would be best.’

She didn’t say anything and Ron turned slightly, looking at Harry, but not conveying anything. They stood there quietly for some time before customers started creating more of a commotion. Harry had never felt more useless and while all the distractions were occurring, he quietly stepped out of the shop and stood outside for a few moments before leaving to go back to Grimmauld Place.

End Notes:
Thank you so much for your continued reading and commenting!
Chapter 27 - Hoping for the Best, Expecting the Worst by pokecharm
The next few days passed quietly and Harry was finally able to feel healthy again. He hadn’t heard from Ron or Ginny in those days and he suspected it had something to do with their last encounter. He knew Percy had probably said something to Ginny about him and he didn’t look forward to any more conversations or confrontations with Percy. He really cared about Ginny and didn’t know how best to convey that.

He hadn’t expected Ron to defend his actions, but he hadn’t expected Ron to tell Percy what had happened either. Harry grew up with no brothers and sisters and his concept of family was shrouded by his merciless aunt, uncle and a cousin who could do no wrong.

Harry kept to himself for those days, glad for the respite from the disdain he was feeling from the Weasley family. He wasn’t certain if it was in his head or real, but he didn’t feel comfortable spending too much more time with them.

His new robes came and were slightly different than the ones he wore at school. Since he would be working at the Ministry, he wanted to look his best. He had gone Muggle clothes shopping on one of his free days and had acquired some new suits as well.

He’d written a hasty letter to Hermione and had still not received a response. He was surprised when she came out of his grate a few days later. She greeted him sweetly, ‘Harry! You look like you’re doing better.’

She hugged him in a friendly manner and he returned the hug. ‘I think I’m all better. Just needed some rest and a tad less stress.’

She nodded. ‘So I’ve heard.’

Harry gave her a curious look and she said, ‘I came to get my school things, even though we still have some time. And I thought, if you don’t have anything to do, maybe we could catch up?’

He looked at her curiously and asked, ‘Did Ron send you?’

She laughed. ‘No, but he told me what happened at the shop. I used my own mind to come visit you.’

He smiled at her. ‘I could use a pleasant distraction. And since my so-called-girlfriend doesn’t seem up to it…’

She shook her head. ‘Harry…I know Ginny and I have not spent as much time together as you, Ron and I have, but I think you’re not being entirely fair. You did just up and leave.’

He nodded. ‘I know, I know, but what was I supposed to do?’

She crossed her arms and replied, ‘Perhaps you could have started at acting appropriately. I mean, Harry, I know sleeping and helping you change are both innocuous by themselves, but considering all the stress the Weasley family is feeling, you could have slowed your…amorous efforts a bit. ’

He didn’t reply and she put her hands up. ‘Harry, come on, let’s just head out. This might help clear your head.’

He didn’t look to be moving and she walked over, nudging him. ‘For goodness sake, Harry! Snap out of it!’

He nodded and grabbed his jacket. ‘I don’t think I need anything else, do I?’

‘You’re not buying school supplies, are you?’ she asked.

He smiled. ‘Let’s go then.’

They Apparated separately to Diagon Alley and Hermione headed towards Flourish & Blotts. Harry sighed and tried to keep up. ‘Hermione!’ he called after her. ‘I really think you have all the books in the world!’

She laughed and slowed down. ‘Oh, come on, Harry. This is textbook shopping now “ totally different than what I was getting over the summer.’

Harry laughed. ‘Does that make it more or less exciting for you?’

She was brimming and replied, ‘I am honestly not sure, Harry.’

He couldn’t help but smile at the excitement Hermione had for book shopping. She always had such an affinity for knowledge. He wondered if Ron knew the competition he had in store for him. Hermione managed to collect all of her textbooks and took a few home, having the rest delivered to the school.

‘Hermione, Ginny told me she was named Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, what did your letter tell you?’ Harry asked.

She grinned broadly. ‘You won’t believe it, Harry “ I was named Head Girl! Can you believe it?’

Harry smiled back at her. ‘Hermione, that’s brilliant! Congratulations! I can’t imagine Professor McGonagall choosing a better person for the position.’

He didn’t think she could be happier, but she continued smiling. ‘It’s amazing, isn’t it? I am so excited to go back to Hogwarts! I never expected to be treated differently for my part in Voldemort’s fall, but that was in the letter. Thank you for that, Harry.’

He shook his head. ‘This success is yours and yours alone. You deserve this. And what’s even better, you won’t have to carry Ron and me through another year. You can focus on your own academics.’

She looked down nervously as they walked down the street. ‘To be honest, Harry, and please don’t tell Ron I said this, I’m a bit nervous about going to school without you two.’ She slowed down, stopping in the middle of the street. ‘I know Ginny will be there, but I don’t…’ She struggled for a moment and said, ‘I don’t have many friends save for you and Ron…’

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and said, ‘Hermione, don’t be absurd “ you will be the talk of the school. You’re Head Girl and you’re a hero. You are going to be just fine.’

She smiled weakly at him. ‘I hope you’re right, Harry.’

They walked quietly for some time before Hermione said, ‘Harry…there was a reason I came to see you and I don’t think I’ve done anything to make you feel better.’

He gave her a surprised look. ‘Was that what we were supposed to be doing?’

She laughed. ‘Well, I should be helping you, instead of you helping me.’

He smiled. ‘I think your going back to school is more exciting than me starting at the Ministry.’

‘Aren’t you excited about that?’ She asked.

‘Sort of…I got my new robes earlier this week. I’m just not that excited knowing that…’ He stammered for a moment before continuing, ‘I really feel like I let the Weasley family down…after my birthday…’

He shook his head, unable to continue and Hermione patted him on the back gently. ‘Harry, nothing that happened is your fault…’ She smirked at him and continued, ‘Though, you and Ginny got a little “’

Harry didn’t let her finish. ‘Hermione “ don’t tell me you listened to that rubbish from Ron and Percy!’

She put her hands up quickly. ‘Harry, you know I care about you and I value your friendship over most things, but when it comes to Ginny, you don’t seem to be able to think or act in a way that seems like your normal self!’ She sighed and spoke more slowly, ‘If I didn’t know better, you’re acting like Ginny did when she first met you.’

Harry balked for a second but could come up with no response. He sighed and started walking forward, not knowing in what direction they were going. Hermione walked quickly to catch up with them and said tentatively, ‘Harry?’

He turned slowly and nodded slightly. ‘You’re right…I may not be acting like I normally would…she just…’ He blushed and said, ‘When I’m around her, I really can’t keep my hands off of her.’

She smiled at him. ‘Harry, I am really, really happy to see you so happy.’

‘Am I?’ he retorted. ‘I can’t even get her to talk to me right now.’

‘Harry…I…’ She looked around nervously and pulled close to him. ‘I think that trip to the hospital didn’t get you any further in her good graces.’

He cringed. ‘I know…I just…I felt sick to my stomach.’ He continued more slowly, ‘I couldn’t move. The thought of coming face-to-face with George after what happened…I couldn’t do it.’

She patted him on the arm and said, ‘Harry…I can’t say that I know how you feel. It can’t be easy facing the person who tried to kill you, especially considering he’s a good friend, practically family. But he didn’t…’ She flushed for a moment. ‘He didn’t know what he was doing. I know that doesn’t make it alright, but he didn’t, and that has to mean something.’

He nodded and took a step forward before stopping. ‘What should I do?’

She sighed and shrugged. ‘You two only have a little bit of time before you’ll be separated for a long time…I don’t know about you…but I’m trying to spend as much time with Ron no matter how crazy he makes me.’

He smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you’re getting to find some time with Ron…your parents were okay with him?’

She nodded and blushed. ‘They thought he was a bit odd, but both my parents agreed that he acted very…’ She blushed further and said quietly, ‘Very devoted to me.’

Harry leaned close and said, ‘That’s because he is.’ He sighed. ‘Now if only I knew how to get that across to Ginny.’

Hermione smiled encouragingly. ‘I wish I could help, but I don’t know how.’

He nodded. ‘I wanted to do something special for her birthday, but she didn’t sound at all interested to spend time with me.’

Hermione stepped closer to him and said, ‘I think, no matter what she’s feeling, she still likes having you around.’

Harry laughed. ‘That makes me feel loads better.’

‘That isn’t exactly what I meant,’ she finished hurriedly. ‘I just think that you being around won’t offend her further.’

Harry rolled his eyes at this and said, ‘Alright, Hermione, you’ve done your job, I’m thoroughly uplifted. How much more shopping do you need to do?’

She smiled. ‘I’m done. I’ve gotten my robes taken care of and didn’t use any of my potions stuff since our sixth year. But if you want to go back to Flourish and Blotts, I won’t stop you.’

He shook his head emphatically. ‘Not a chance. I got my new robes and I don’t have anything else to get while we’re here.’

‘No?’ she asked. She pointed towards Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. ‘At least Ron might be there.’

He shook his head. ‘Or worse, Percy might be there.’

Hermione nudged Harry towards the store and said, ‘Even though you get to see Ron, I won’t get to see both of you together, won’t you humour me?’

He sighed and nodded. He couldn’t deny her what would be one of the last times they’d see each other before she’d be off to school. Harry opened the door for her and was surprised to see Ron standing alone behind the counter. Ron looked up, his eyes widened at seeing Hermione and he threw down what he was doing to greet her. He bounded around the counter and embraced her tightly. She smiled profusely into his shoulder as he kissed her passionately before finally breaking apart.

He mumbled under his breath, ‘Hey Harry.’

Harry smiled. ‘Hey. You here by yourself?’

He nodded and wrapped an arm around Hermione’s waist, pulling her forward. ‘Yeah, Percy and Ginny went off to do something.’

Harry wondered if he was being purposely obtuse, but didn’t say more. Ron questioned Hermione about all the things she got and she gushed about all the books she’d been able to get.

‘It will be a fantastic year. I am so excited about all the classes that I’ll be able to take and all the new challenges…but I’m really going to miss you two,’ she said quietly.

Ron squeezed her hand. ‘We’re going to miss you, too.’

She grinned and said, ‘I hope you two can take care of each other.’

Harry replied, ‘I’m just hoping you can keep an eye on my red-head.’

Ron and Hermione laughed. She said, ‘I’ll try, but you know how popular Ginny is!’

Harry nodded and sighed. ‘I know…just…keep the other blokes away from her.’

Ron laughed. ‘Didn’t we try that already? And it didn’t work at all!’

Harry ran his hand through his hair. ‘Ron, I don’t know what to do about your sister.’

Ron laughed. ‘Mate, I never know either.’

Hermione poked him. ‘Harry, you’re worrying too much. She really cares about you, too.’

Ron looked down and Harry caught the movement. ‘What? Spit it out, Ron.’

Ron put his hands up and said, ‘I don’t want any part of this.’

‘She’s upset with me, isn’t she?’ Harry asked.

Ron looked at Hermione, who looked away in response. Ron tapped her hand and she replied quickly, ‘Don’t pull me in! I don’t want to get on her bad side! She’s one of the few people I’d consider a friend that’s going to be at Hogwarts next year.’

Ron squeezed her hand. ‘Don’t be silly, Hermione, you have loads of friends.’

She shook her head. ‘I think they’re all in this room.’

Harry waved both his hands. ‘Excuse me, but I have a serious problem over here!’

Ron laughed. ‘Yeah you do. I don’t want to get involved, but you need to do something…but not something too overbearing, she won’t like that.’

Harry looked nervously at Ron. ‘Is it that bad?’

Ron shook his head. ‘That’s all I’m saying. Don’t ruin this moment with my girlfriend.’

Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry turned away from them, leaning against the counter. He had a feeling they wouldn’t say more and didn’t know what his next option would be. He ignored the more provocative activity that was going on behind him and continued to muse. Explaining himself didn’t do anything and spending silent time with her didn’t seem to do it either. He didn’t want to venture a visit to George that might make both the Weasley parents kill him. He glanced over at Ron and Hermione but could see they were both too busy to speak and started walking away.

Hermione caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and grabbed Harry’s arm. She pulled away from Ron, though he continued kissing her. She said breathlessly, ‘Harry, don’t go.’

Harry pulled his arm out of her grasp and laughed. ‘I love you both, but I don’t want to get involved in what you’re doing.’

Hermione laughed and Ron chuckled into Hermione’s hair, continuing to kiss her. Ron wrapped his arms around her waist and said, ‘Come on, Harry. We’ll stop.’

Harry laughed. ‘No, I don’t want you to, not on my account at least. You deserve to enjoy your time together. I’ll catch you both later.’

With that he waved and headed out of the store. He could hear an argument erupting between his two best friends but didn’t think on it. As he headed out of the door he ran smack into the one person he was dreading to see.

Ginny and Percy were on the other side of the door and Harry had to stop quickly not to knock both of them over. Ginny grabbed Harry’s shoulders for balance but quickly pulled her hands away realising who it was. Percy stood behind Ginny, but Harry could feel his glare through her. Percy didn’t say anything and Harry ignored him.

He uttered quickly, ‘Sorry about that. I didn’t see you coming.’

She nodded not catching his eyes. ‘My fault, really.’

He stood there dumbfounded and then said feebly, ‘Have you gotten all your school stuff?’

She looked up at him with a surprised expression and replied, ‘No. I’ve gotten my list, but haven’t had time to go out and get everything.’

Percy was standing as if he were a silent sentry and Harry continued to ignore him, taking Ginny’s arm and saying, ‘Can I talk to you?’

She didn’t have any sort of response and he led her away from the shop and her older brother. Percy stood stock still, watching them with a glare. He relented, shook his head and headed into the store. The street had a scant number of people milling around. Few took notice of the exchange. Harry looked across the street and spotted a stall that appeared to be serving some sort of beverages.

He slipped his arm through hers and took her hand in his, saying quietly, ‘How are you doing?’

She didn’t look at him but replied curtly, ‘Fine, you? You look well rested.’

‘Kreacher’s been making sure I’m resting.’ He led her to the nearby stall that was serving coffee, tea and hot cocoa and purchased two cups of hot cocoa, despite her protests.

‘Ginny…’ he started, but didn’t know where he was going and stood there looking at her imploringly. There were so many things he wanted to say, but his mind went blank when he looked into those dark, brown eyes.

She laughed softly. ‘Harry, you really have a way with words.’

He grinned at her. ‘Just saying your name makes me feel better.’

She shook her head and smiled. ‘I do get butterflies in my stomach when you say it.’

‘If that’ll make you talk to me again, then I’ll say it all day,’ he quipped.

Her face fell and she looked away. He said quickly, ‘No, Ginny, that…you’re right, I’m no good with words.’

She looked as if she were going to walk away and he said urgently, ‘Ginny, talk to me. Something…’

She turned to him and smiled weakly. ‘I don’t know what to tell you, Harry. Between school and George, I just don’t know that I have time to deal with our…relationship.’

He moved the cup from one hand to the other and weaved his arm through hers again. ‘What’s there to deal with?’

She leaned close to him and said, ‘I don’t know, Harry…I’ve been feeling a little weird about things between us.’

He nodded and replied, ‘I know…ever since your mum hollered at us, I’ve been afraid to get too close.’

She looked up at him and said, ‘I noticed.’

He gave her a worried look and said, ‘Ginny, they’re not my parents. I have to show them the utmost respect; especially when it comes to you.’ He continued slowly, ‘I mean...I want them to know that I plan to respect you in the future.’

She sipped her drink and said, ‘I know. I mean…I don’t mean to judge you, Harry. I know we’re serious, that isn’t what’s bothering me.’

‘Then what is it?’ he asked. She looked down and he squeezed her arm. ‘You can tell me.’

She sighed and replied absently, ‘I just want this summer to be over…’

He laughed grimly. ‘Not me. Then I won’t see you until…until Merlin knows when…’

He trailed off and she finished, ‘Until the memorial.’ She continued, ‘Harry, things are just over-whelming. I feel like I’m being pulled in three different directions.’

She started to walk away and pulled him along, their arms still weaved together. ‘Mum and dad want me to ‘rest’ and get ready for school. They also want me to spend some time with George. Percy won’t get off my case about you. On top of that you just…you up and left and I didn’t know what to think…’

He pulled her closer to him and said, ‘I know he’s your older brother, but he was acting like I was trying to take advantage of you in a way I’d never…’

He didn’t complete the sentence but could feel his anger boiling within. He would never dream of doing anything that would jeopardise his relationship, his future, with Ginny. She rolled her eyes at him and said, ‘Harry, he’s my older brother, and he feels partially responsible for Fred’s death. He’s just trying to be there for me, for the whole family, especially with everything that’s going on with my parents and how he was before the war.’

He sighed and nodded, whispering apologetically, ‘I know…I know I’m not helping things.’

He leaned over and kissed her softly, not wanting to push his luck, but she leaned up and kissed him back. They broke apart slowly and she mumbled, ‘And then you go and do something like that and I’m more confused than I was before.’

He grinned and leaned down, his lips almost on top of hers. ‘I don’t mind the confusion.’

She leaned up and kissed him, letting her lips linger on his before pulling away slowly. ‘I wouldn’t mind being able to think clear when you’re around.’

He leaned down to kiss her again but she pulled away. ‘Harry…’ She turned her face away from him and he kissed her on the cheek.

‘That wasn’t so bad, was it?’ He said.

She smiled up at him, sipping her drink. ‘Not in the least. But I think you know what I’m contending with.’

He smiled at her and said, ‘I don’t mean to make things more complicated…I want to do right by you…I wish we had the answer as to what that would be.’

She smiled weakly at him. ‘I know…it would make things a lot easier.’

He looked down at her and said, ‘Barring mind reading, what should we do? What should I do?’

She shrugged. ‘I wish I knew.’

He finished his drink and tossed it into a nearby rubbish bin. ‘How about this…you let me take you out for your birthday, and you can block all of the background noise from your mind for one solitary night?’

She grinned and then started laughing. ‘You know, that’s the best offer I’ve heard in a while.’

‘Good, then I will swing by the Burrow on your birthday, in the evening, and expect you to be ready.’ He grinned at her and she nodded reluctantly.

‘Harry, I hope we’re not going to do something really outrageous,’ she said quietly.

‘Why don’t you tell me exactly what you want to do, since you’re so opposed to surprises?’ He smiled at her and waited for her to respond.

She looked up at him and said helplessly, ‘Harry…’

‘Okay, okay, I’ll think of something that I know you’ll enjoy. Look…well, I’m thinking of a nice place to take you.’ He smiled at her and continued, ‘I know you always look fantastic, but, let me put it this way, I’ll be wearing something Muggle-like that’s one step down from dress robes.’

She shook her head and sighed. ‘This sounds a lot like a surprise to me.’

He shrugged and gave her his most innocent smile. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

She smiled. ‘That sounds lovely, Harry. But…’ She looked down for a moment and said, ‘Harry, I really enjoyed your birthday, so please don’t go out of your way.’

He crossed his arms and said, ‘I want to go out of my way for you. It makes me happy.’

She finished her drink and tossed the empty cup into the rubbish bin and put her hands on his arms and said, ‘Harry, you don’t have to act like this is the last time we’ll see each other.’

‘No, but it is the last time we’ll have some time alone without your parents or your brothers shooting me death glares.’ He tried to smile but as upset as he was about the whole situation, feeling his anger return.

She shook her head and said, ‘Harry…I know they’re giving you a hard time.’

She started to say something but looked away. ‘I guess I can’t really understand how you feel…’ She squeezed his arms and leaned up, kissing him softly. ‘I’m sorry, Harry.'

He rested his forehead against hers and said quietly, ‘Don’t be. I wouldn’t have it any other way.’ He started to laugh. ‘Well, maybe a little. I might feel differently once they stop hating me.’

She slapped him on the arm lightly. ‘Harry, no one hates you! They just want to…to protect me.’

‘From me? What the bloody hell do they think I’m going to do? Force myself on you?’ He stepped away from her, his expression full of anger.

She waved her hands in a sign of surrender and said, ‘Harry, let’s not argue.’

He set his jaw but nodded slowly. ‘I’m sorry…I…I love your family so much…having them upset with me really…confuses me.’

She stepped towards him and said, ‘I know, Harry. They love you like their son…’ She stopped a strange expression crossing her face and continued, ‘but this would be an aberration if you were their son.’

They both locked eyes and burst out laughing. Ginny wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. She said, ‘Oh Merlin’s shorts, that was a disturbing picture!’

He embraced her warmly and said, ‘Let’s purge that from our minds forever.’

She rested her head on his shoulder enjoying their closeness. ‘Harry, I better get inside before Percy comes out here and shoots you the evil eye…send me an owl later this week?’

He kissed her on the forehead and said, ‘Anything for you, love.’

She pulled away slowly and smiled up at him before walking into the shop. He stood there for a few minutes before Apparating back to Grimmauld Place. He had to start work in a couple days and had to get ready for Ginny’s birthday. What had started as a boring day had left him with a laundry list of things to do.
Chapter 28 - A Fresh Start by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
Thank you to all of you that continue to read and comment! A big thanks to my fab Beta Ginny who's been on top of things with this story!

On his first day at the Ministry, Harry had arranged to meet Ron and Mr. Weasley for breakfast before heading over. He Floo-ed to the Burrow and was surprised to see that most of the household was awake. The one person he wanted to see the most was not, as he expected, awake. Ginny had sent him an owl and a small good luck package the day before, which had comprised of a very sweet note and some of his favourite sweets.

When he arrived, he was happy to see that despite the stress surrounding George, both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley seemed very happy to see him. Mrs. Weasley spent much of the breakfast admonishing him for leaving so soon, and at the same time, trying to convince him that he was one of her ‘sons.’ He wondered if this was why Ginny had acted so distantly when they’d had lunch. Despite being an adopted son, Harry had a feeling that Ginny most likely felt her mother’s wrath for his disappearance more than not. Mrs. Weasley continued to vacillate from railing into him and doting on him for the duration of the breakfast.

Harry could see the amusement in Ron’s face as his mother lectured Harry on a variety of things. ‘Now, Harry, you are very dear to us, and I know I may have given you the impression that you’re in trouble, but that does not mean you are not welcome here. I do believe that some space for you and Ginny is probably a good thing, but we expect you not to be a stranger.’

Harry nodded. He replied weakly, ‘Of course, Mrs. Weasley.’

Mrs. Weasley, much to Harry’s chagrin, did not stop there. ‘I can’t believe you were able to clean up so quickly and head out. Is Kreacher treating you well?’

He nodded. ‘Yes, he’s a very good cook…not as good as you, of course.’ He gave her a shamefaced look and said, ‘Mrs. Weasley, I didn’t mean to up and leave, I just thought it was for the best…’

She hardly acknowledged his comment and shook her head. ‘You still look like you’ve hardly eaten. You have a long day ahead of you, best eat up, dear.’

She pushed a full plate in front of him and Harry could see Ron laughing into his hand. Harry rolled his eyes at his friend and watched as Mr. Weasley chuckled at the two of them. Mr. Weasley smiled. ‘Harry, you needn’t worry. Everything is going to go smoothly today. Kingsley is very happy to have you on board, Ron and Neville too. You all are going to be brilliant Aurors.’

Harry nodded, devouring the food in front of him. Ron leaned across the table and said, ‘This is serious stuff, dad.’

Mr. Weasley nodded. ‘Yes, of course. But you both are very ready to be contributing members of society.’

Mr. Weasley continued to go over the basics of what may happen on their first day, but Harry had trouble following. His mind was whirling through all the various possibilities of failure. He knew he’d trained hard last year, but this was entirely different. He wouldn’t be living in a tent, nor have Hermione fall back on for research help.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley seemed happy to see him, but despite Harry’s best attempts, he was feeling very, very nervous. He had never worked a day in his life and was concerned that he’d say or do something that would be wrong. Mr. Weasley did his best to assuage the fears that both Ron and Harry were feeling, but the advice fell on deaf ears.

Harry kept turning his gaze to the staircase, but Ginny made no appearances. Mr. Weasley, Ron and Harry left for work at a quarter to eight. As Harry emerged from the Floo in the central corridor at the Ministry of Magic, he felt over-whelmed by this new step he was taking in life. They passed through security quickly and walked across the corridor.

Harry was surprised to see Gaunt standing in the hallway waiting for both he and Ron. Kingsley was not far off, and had cast a spell on his throat to allow his voice to boom across the entranceway. ‘Good Morning!’

Harry quickened his pace to shake hands with Kingsley and noticed Neville Longbottom out of the corner of his eye. Neville was grinning from ear-to-ear and had on the nicest robes Harry had ever seen him in. Gaunt stood quietly to the back, as if he were uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Kingsley and Mr. Weasley shook hands and Mr. Weasley wished them all good luck on their first day. Kingsley motioned them down the hallway and said, ‘I’m so pleased you could all make it this morning. We are ecstatic to have such excellent resources joining us.’

Harry, Ron and Neville followed Kingsley closely as Gaunt skulked further behind, trying to avoid the disconcerted gazes he was receiving. Harry noticed there were quite a few wizards and witches following Kingsley’s direction, but none seemed to want to venture closer. He showed them all into a small conference room and brought out a few sheets of parchment for each of them.

‘Mr. Gaunt will be going over some basics that you’ll need to know,’ Kingsley continued, ‘As you all are, I’m sure, aware, normally you would need to take your NEWTs to be an Auror, but we are going to tutor you and have you sit for these exams, as I explained in the letters I sent you some time ago.’

Kingsley motioned to Gaunt. He walked past the minister and said, ‘Thank you, sir. I will have them all up to speed in a few weeks.’ He turned away from Kingsley to address the three. ‘I hope you are all ready for some very hard work. We need you in the field as soon as possible and the only way we can achieve that is by getting you ready for what you’ll need to know.’

Gaunt grinned at them as he spoke. Harry felt a rather unsettling feeling but looked down at the stack of parchment before him and waited with Ron and Neville for Gaunt to continue. Gaunt pulled a set of small books from a nearby table and set one in front of each of them.

‘It is hard to determine where to start training without knowing what you know.’ Gaunt opened a copy of the book and continued, ‘This is an assessment test. It’s a way for me to see where you are and what you need to work on.’

All three of them had horror-stricken looks on their faces and Gaunt laughed. ‘I know you haven’t prepared, but I assure you, based on everything you’ve done over the last year, you should be just fine. This isn’t a test that will be with you for your lifetime. I’m going to find out where you are, toss these exams out and get you ready to be top-notch Aurors.’

Gaunt handed each of them quills and said, ‘You’ll have one hour. There is a charm in this room that will alert me if you’re trying to cheat, so please don’t consult one another about the questions.’

He headed towards the door and stepped out with Kingsley in front of him. Harry, Ron and Neville exchanged nervous glances but dutifully opened their respective books and started filling the forms out. Harry had felt nervous about his OWLs, but this was much more nerve-wracking.

The door opened in one hour and Gaunt stepped in quickly. ‘That wasn’t so bad, was it?’

They made no response. Gaunt collected the books and sheets of parchment and said, ‘I think that was rather bracing for one morning. I have something different for each of you to do until we break for lunch.’

They got up and followed him out of the room. Gaunt took them to the closest lift and lead them down a long corridor. A large sign reading, ‘Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,’ was set atop the front desk.

Gaunt stopped for a moment and said, ‘Mr. Longbottom, if you’ll wait right here, there is someone that will be showing you around this section. After which, we’ll be meeting again.’

Neville shot Harry and Ron a smile and stood waiting as a tall wizard came towards him, beckoning him to follow him. With that Ron and Harry were left with Gaunt. He didn’t look them in the eye but said, ‘Mr. Weasley, you’re next.’

He hurried them down three dizzying corridors before depositing Ron at the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Harry watched as Ron was ushered away by a short witch who was speaking too quickly for Harry to discern anything.

Gaunt smirked at Harry and said, ‘Last but certainly not least…’

He led Harry back to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but did not take him back to his own office, but a small room at the end of the hallway. Gaunt ushered Harry in and gestured to the chair at the table. Harry sat down awkwardly and waited for Gaunt to say something.

Gaunt pushed a stack of parchment across the table and said smugly, ‘It has been left to me, Mr. Potter, to make you the best Auror this department has ever seen. Kingsley has given me a carte blanche to teach you everything I know in the time that we have together and I have every intention of running you through the wringer.’ He gestured to the papers and said, ‘Care to explain this?’

Harry gave him a quizzical look and started flipping through what he realised was the most recent issue of the Daily Prophet. Harry balked, seeing a picture of him and Ginny that had been taken when he’d seen her last in Diagon Alley. He looked blankly at the image before Gaunt slammed his hand onto the table.

‘Potter! Are you seeing this? If you care at all about this young woman, you’re going to do a better job of protecting her identity from the media and by extension protecting her from being a target! What were you thinking? Were you thinking at all?’ Gaunt yelled.

Harry put his hands up quickly. ‘Look, Mr. Gaunt, sir, I don’t know you and I’m not sure what this has to do with anything.’

Harry was trying his hardest to keep himself in control, and knew he was feeling more and more furious at what this man was assuming about him. Gaunt glared at Harry and replied, ‘And here I thought you were bright.’

He pulled another issue out, this one with images of Harry, Ginny and some very provocative pictures with ice cream that Harry remembered all too well. He flushed at the images and said, ‘What? I was enjoying my girlfriend’s company. That isn’t a crime.’

Gaunt chuckled. ‘You are really thick.’ He sat up straight and said, ‘Listen very carefully, Mr. Potter. You may think I’m over-stepping my bounds, but I’m not. This is exactly the sort of thing you need to take care about.’

He pulled another article out and placed it under Harry’s nose and said, ‘You don’t think this compromises someone you care about at all?’

Harry clenched his jaw but didn’t say anything. Gaunt shook his head distastefully. ‘You need to get your head out of the clouds, Mr. Potter. This is serious. Your girlfriend could be attacked and targeted by people who don’t like you; who hate you. Is any of this sinking in?’

Harry knew that Gaunt would be his supervisor indefinitely and could not afford to get off on the wrong foot. He sighed and replied evenly, ‘It was never my intention to put her in danger. But based on the last time I came here, it makes no difference, I can’t do anything about what people who are completely mad might want to do.’

Gaunt locked his eyes with Harry’s and replied, ‘As an Auror, that is exactly what you should be doing.’

He got up and said, ‘Mr. Potter. I expect you to read all of this rubbish until I come back into this room. You’re going to tell me, before you leave, how much, if any of it is true about you and Ms. Weasley. Only then, I believe, will you understand the gravity of your actions.’

Harry stared forlornly at the stack of newspapers and sighed. He didn’t have a choice. This was his job and there was nothing for it. He read article after article from colouring Ginny as a disreputable girl taking advantage of an honourable and trustworthy hero to himself being portrayed as a sex-crazed lunatic.

When Gaunt finally returned some time later, he raised his eyebrows at Harry. ‘And?’

Harry sighed. ‘Point taken, sir. These stories are all wrong, there isn’t one true thing about either of us in it and I’m made out to be quite un-balanced.’

Gaunt crossed his arms and said, ‘That, Mr. Potter, is why you need to be more level-headed.’

He sat down across from Harry and continued. ‘Since you have been on my radar, there is one instance that I saw no pictures of, but knew about, your birthday, of course.’

Harry tried to stay calm but cringed as Gaunt smirked. ‘What a lovely, intimate moment you had with Ms. Weasley that day. She seemed quite taken by you and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her.’

Harry set his hands on the table and replied, ‘You were spying on me?’

Gaunt laughed. ‘I’m an Auror, if I want to know something, I go and find out about it. I wanted to know why there hadn’t been any pictures of you in a few days and found out why. You spent a lot of time planning that, didn’t you?’

Harry clenched his teeth and spit out, ‘Yes.’

‘It showed. She seemed touched.’ Gaunt drummed his fingers on the table. ‘Quite boring to watch, I must admit, but that is the way of watching and not doing, I expect.’

Harry focused on one point on the table and said nothing. Gaunt laughed. ‘If you ever get caught and tortured you won’t last five minutes.’

Harry met Gaunt’s gaze and replied, ‘Last time I got caught, I was killed.’

Gaunt laughed loudly at this. ‘Congratulations, Mr. Potter, that might as well be a failure. We will be spending a lot of time together in the future, Mr. Potter, I hope we can enjoy each other’s company on some basic level.’

Gaunt got up and gestured for Harry to do the same. ‘Come, let us find your friends and give you all some reading to do for the week.’

Harry maintained his immobilised facial expression and followed Gaunt back to both Ron and Neville. The three ate lunch around the corner at a stall and returned for afternoon sessions.

At the end of a very long day, Harry declined Ron’s insistent request to come home. Harry said nothing to his friend about what Gaunt had put him through and while Neville and Ron talked, at length, during lunch about what they’d learned.Harry grimaced thinking about coming back the following days but knew that through Gaunt he would become the Auror he wanted to be. He grabbed his heavy tome and Flooed back to Grimmauld Place. Kreacher had a hot dinner waiting for him. Harry saw a note from Ginny, but was too tired to read it at the time, and after doing his assigned revisions late into the night, passed out some time after midnight.

Chapter 29 - Reconciling Two Halves by pokecharm

Harry was exhausted from Gaunt’s training. The first day had been unpleasant, but the training had only gotten more rigorous. Ron, Neville and Harry had been assigned varying tasks each day. One day they would practice various defensive spells, another day they would practice shields and protection charms. Each day proved more challenging than the last, yet Gaunt had noted that they were all excellent candidates to be Aurors and improving quickly.

Gaunt had gone over their test results from the exam they’d taken their first day and he had told them they would have no trouble passing their NEWT’s in one month’s time. Harry couldn’t believe that they only had a few weeks to prepare for what would determine how they would fare at the Ministry in the future.

On top of all of the revisions and reading he had to do, Harry also was trying his best to keep Ginny’s birthday on his radar. Kreacher had been an immense help. The house elf had found the restaurant, had exchanged money and found the gift to give her. Even though Harry had given him instructions, it was still a lot of work for the house elf to do.

Ron, Neville and Harry had taken to spending evenings holed up in Harry’s sitting room with countless books around them. Ron always seemed to be Apparating off to see Hermione, leaving Neville and Harry to concentrate on what needed to be understood for the following day.

In the week between starting work and Ginny’s birthday, Harry only had time to send her a couple of letters by owl. She seemed more invested in the letters she sent back in response, but Harry kicked himself every day for not going over to the Burrow or the Weasleys’ shop to see her.

He imagined Percy was thankful for Harry’s new busy time, but he knew Ginny probably wouldn’t be pleased about it. Or maybe she would be. Harry knew the last few times they’d seen each other she had been rather distant. He had a feeling she was finally able to mourn for Fred more openly, though probably not in front of any one of her family.

Harry had asked Ron about how George was doing, but Ron had stayed mum about it. He knew that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had most likely told Ron that it wasn’t something he should concern Harry with, but this only made Harry feel more guilty.

As Ginny’s birthday approached, Gaunt had made a point to note the date repeatedly, as if he also knew its significance. Neville had no idea what Gaunt was alluding to, and Ron was oblivious about the topic entirely. Harry did his best to ignore Gaunt’s pointed comments, but Gaunt made it impossible for Harry to get away.

The day before Ginny’s birthday, Gaunt called Harry into his office and said, ‘Well, Mr. Potter, you seem to be making solid progress. I see that your friends are more amenable to my teachings than you have been. Any thing you’d like to bring to my attention that is making it hard for you to concentrate?’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, sir.’

Gaunt laughed and smirked at Harry. ‘Your little girlfriend has a birthday coming up, is that correct?’

Harry knew not to argue. ‘Yes, sir. And I took your advice to heart and have planned something that should avoid any magical attention.’

Gaunt smiled. ‘Good…I have a question for you though. Do you think she knows about this and never said anything to you?’

Harry knew he was talking about the unwanted publicity and replied, ‘I don’t know, sir. I don’t want to stress her out more than she needs to be.’

Gaunt looked hard at his desk and said quietly, ‘Its hard to say what’s best, knowing or not know.’

Harry looked up saw Gaunt looking thoughtful. Harry could tell Gaunt was not, despite how he had treated him, trying to make his life harder, but make it better, however hard that was to grasp. Gaunt continued quietly, ‘Trust me, Mr. Potter, one small thing I’ve learned in my long life: life has such value, you should never let anything get in the way of that. Nothing.’

Harry looked at him curiously but Gaunt’s expression changed again. ‘I am sure you expect to do something special for your girlfriend’s birthday, but we have a lot of work to do and you, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Longbottom will be doing a time-consuming project starting tomorrow, and I hope you are able to remember what’s important.’

Harry nodded and walked out of the door. He sighed, knowing fully that Gaunt was going to do his level best to make Ginny’s birthday memorable. Most likely not in the way Harry had intended it to be.

Harry found Ron and Neville in what had become their makeshift office. Gaunt had set them up in a large room with three desks and one table in the centre. The three of them had taken to stacking the various books on the table and trying in vain to organise their desks.

He greeted them quietly, ‘I think Gaunt has something special planned for us.’

Ron nodded. ‘Yeah, some new project. Not to mention all the revisions we need to do.’

Neville muttered something, hardly looking up from his parchment. Harry walked over to Neville’s desk and tapped the edge. ‘Neville, what are you working on?’

Neville looked up slowly. ‘Mr. Gaunt believes I need some extra work in Defence Against the Dark Arts and has given me some extra reading.’

Harry looked at him in sympathising manner and said, ‘Can Ron or I help?’

Neville shook his head. ‘Thanks, Harry, but I can’t. Not until after we’ve taken our exams.’

Harry looked at him incredulously. ‘Did he say we couldn’t help you’?’

Neville quickly looked back at the text he was studying and made no response. Harry didn’t push. He felt like Gaunt had been bullying all of them for the last week and there was no end in sight. Harry sighed and sat at the centre table and looked over at Ron. ‘Any idea what he has planned?’

Ron looked up and replied, ‘Not a clue. Though,’ he lowered his voice and sat at the edge of his seat, ‘Hermione has been rather jealous when I’ve told her what we’ve been doing.’

Harry laughed. ‘You can’t be serious!’

Ron laughed quietly. ‘You know Hermione, she just loves this stuff. She even offered to help and come do revisions with us.’

Harry raised his eyebrows and waited for Ron to continue. Ron grinned. ‘I told her, if we were spending time together, there’d better not be any books around.’

Harry shook his head. ‘I don’t get it Ron. If its me and Ginny, it isn’t okay, but if its you and Hermione…’

Ron narrowed his eyes. ‘I haven’t asked her to undress me, that’s one thing.’

Harry sat up rigidly and said, ‘Let it go, Ron. Nothing happened.’

They glared at one another for a moment before the door opened behind them and Gaunt said, ‘Ah, some free time on your hands, Mr. Potter? Then perhaps I can find something extra for you to work on tomorrow when you get in.’

Gaunt dropped a large stack of parchment on the table and continued, ‘Gentlemen, I hope you have completed the revisions I gave you last week. I expect them on my desk tomorrow morning. Then we’ll have a new set of revisions and spells you’ll need to master.’

They nodded and said nothing. Gaunt sighed. ‘I expect to see you all bright and early tomorrow morning. We have a lot of work to do and I don’t feel like you’re ready.’

Harry knew both Neville and Ron would share the same dread he was feeling at the time. They all went home, choosing not to revise together that night. Harry sent a Patronus to Ginny, asking her if he could come see her that night and had received an owl back confirming it was okay.

He ate dinner quickly and Apparated to the Burrow. He didn’t know why he hadn’t Flooed, but thought it best to knock on the door and act politely, respectfully. He walked up to the house he’d so recently considered home and could hear loud voices from within.

He knocked urgently and could hear silence answer. Mrs. Weasley opened the door and gushed, ‘Harry! How wonderful to see you! How are you feeling?’

He smiled at her, not being able to see past her and replied, ‘I’m fine, Mrs. Weasley, thank you for asking. How are you doing?’

She waved her hand dismissively, ‘Fine, fine.’ She moved away from the door and Harry looked in, though he did not see Ginny around. ‘I expect you’re here to see Ginny. We haven’t had time to plan something for her…I’m so glad you two are going to be able to find some time together.’

She muttered something under her breath that Harry couldn’t hear as she walked to the base of the stairs. Whoever Mrs. Weasley had been arguing with, it didn’t appear to be Ginny. She called up the stairs for her daughter and Harry’s breath caught in his throat as she jogged down the steps, her eyes flowing inquisitively from her mother to Harry. She smiled as she saw him and Harry felt his heart lighten at this.

Mrs. Weasley started to say something and Ginny’s attention was pulled away from Harry. He didn’t know what they were talking about, but Mrs. Weasley shot Ginny a warning glance that was met with frustration and acceptance. Ginny turned away from her mother and beckoned Harry to follow her out onto the porch.

They sat down next to each other and Harry ran his arm across her back, his hand resting near her hip. ‘So, are you ready for tomorrow?’ he asked.

She shrugged and nudged him with her shoulder. ‘I think so. Though if you told me more, then I might be able to plan better.’

He grinned at her but shook his head. He said quietly, ‘I’m sorry I haven’t been around…’

She patted him on the knee. ‘Don’t be silly, Harry. You just started work. Ron was telling me how intense all the work Gaunt has you doing is.’ She turned to look at him and said, ‘That man makes me very uncomfortable.’

Harry nodded. ‘He has that way about him, that’s for sure.’

‘So, how has the training being going for you? The last Patronus I got from you was a little disjointed.’ She smiled up at him.

‘It’s been really tough,’ he confessed. ‘Gaunt has us doing all sorts of things. Every day its something different.’ He wanted to say more, about what Gaunt had warned against, but could still feel tension coming off of Ginny in waves.

She nodded. ‘It does sound rather intense. Ron says that even though Gaunt is layering things on, all of you are staying afloat.’

Harry chuckled. ‘I don’t quit. I don’t see Ron or Neville quitting either.’

She sighed and leaned against his chest. ‘No, I wouldn’t expect that of you either.’ She nudged him again and said, ‘Where are we going again?’

She smiled sweetly at him and he laughed. ‘Not so fast, Ginny. My lips are sealed!’

She turned abruptly and kissed him, pressing her lips hard against his. She pulled away slightly and said, ‘Not anymore.’

He wrapped his arms around her and said, ‘No teasing, Ginny.’ He leaned over and kissed her on the side of the head. ‘How are you doing? You haven’t said much in your letters.’

She looked across the lawn, pulling away from him and said, ‘It’s been fine. I mean…’ She shrugged and repeated, ‘It’s fine.’

He shook his head and whispered softly, ‘You can tell me. I want to know. I wouldn’t be asking otherwise.’

She laughed softly. ‘It is fine. I just need to make it to that train. Things will be a lot easier at school.’

Harry rested a hand on her shoulder. ‘It isn’t like you to want to run away from things.’

She kept her gaze away from him and said quietly, ‘I know…’

He waited a few moments for her to say something more, but she didn’t. He leaned over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and said, ‘Ginny, love, I want to know what’s going on so I can help you. If you don’t tell me what’s going on with you, I can’t help.’

She gave him a sceptical look and he continued hurriedly, ‘And if you bring up how busy I am, I’m definitely not going to tell you where we’re going tomorrow!’

She turned away again, but leaned her back against his chest. ‘A couple days ago, mum and dad finally told George about Fred.’ She took a few quick, shallow breaths, clearly trying to keep her emotions in check and wrung her hands together for a few moments before feeling more in control. She continued, ‘He was devastated. He had no idea. It was as if the last few months were gone from his mind.’

She turned suddenly, her eyes swimming and said, ‘But then, as if something was just turned on him, he remembered; everything. He knew what had happened, what he’d done….it was awful…Percy told me about it afterwards. Mum and dad have been arguing about what to do about George ever since.’

He leaned over and said quietly, ‘At least that’s progress, isn’t it?’

She looked at him blankly. ‘Is it? What is progress?’

Harry rubbed her back gently and said, ‘I think you shouldn’t put all the weight of your family’s burden’s on your shoulders. It is progress. He’s remembering things and that has to be a way to getting better.’

She didn’t say anything but leaned against him, enjoying the closeness. He felt like she was finally allowing him to console her. Something he’d wanted to do the entire summer.

After a few minutes, she pulled away from him slightly and turned to him smiling. ‘Harry, I know you have an early morning tomorrow.’

He nodded and said, ‘I do. I will be by tomorrow before seven. We have reservations and I don’t want to miss any time with you.’

He got up and offered his hand to her. She grasped it firmly and he pulled her up gently. She leaned up and kissed him and he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, returning the affection. He pulled away reluctantly and said quietly, ‘Good night.’

She embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Good night, Harry.’

She turned and headed back into the house. Harry stood for a moment, as if checking the time, quickly Apparated home. Kreacher was awake and Harry asked once again about the preparations for the following day. The house elf confirmed that everything was as Harry had requested it. He rushed up the stairs and got ready for bed, realising he had a long day ahead of him and tried, in vain, to fall asleep.

Chapter 30 - Even the Best Laid Plans by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
a big thank you to the mod Danielle for pushing these chapters through so fast! Without you we'd all be stuck waiting! And of course, my fab Beta whose keeping me on task. I'm glad so many of you are enjoying the story and given the quickness of posting, I may post more of the story here. I'm closing in on writing the end of the story, but it's still some chapters away ;)

Harry looked up at the clock with an exasperated expression. Ron and Neville had long since left and Gaunt had not stopped piling more work on Harry’s desk. He knew Gaunt was doing it because today was Ginny’s birthday and seemed to be convinced that should he ruin Harry’s plans, he would have accomplished something.

Harry had sent Ginny a package earlier that morning, a little something that Kreacher had put together, a sort of package of sweets. Harry had also sent her a Patronus over an hour ago, saying he was tied up at work and would be there as soon as he could.

He was furiously writing and did not hear the door to the office open. ‘You’re late, Mr. Potter.’

He looked up to see Gaunt glowering at him. Harry sighed. ‘I’m not finished.’

Gaunt shook his head. ‘I really wonder what everyone sees in you. What was one of the first things I said to you?’

Harry studied him thoughtfully and said, ‘I should protect the ones I care about.’

Gaunt sighed. ‘Yes, but was that the only point I was making?’

Harry shrugged. ‘Sir, I am running late, as you say, I don’t have time for guessing games.’

Gaunt shook his head. ‘Then go.’

Harry looked at him questioningly. ‘But I haven’t finished these revisions.’

Gaunt nodded. ‘I can see that.’ Gaunt motioned to the door. ‘What’s stopping you exactly?’

Harry didn’t have time to quibble with him and got up quickly, leaving the parchment where it was and grabbed his coat. He didn’t spare a glance at Gaunt as he ran down the hallway to the main corridor, quickly Floo’ing back to Grimmauld Place.

Kreacher was there waiting, pacing nervously. ‘Master Harry! You are late! Mistress will be displeased.’

Harry nodded and sprinted past the house elf, yelling, ‘I know! Is everything still ready?’

The house elf Apparated to Harry’s room, continuing the conversation through the bathroom door as Harry showered quickly. ‘Everything is as you requested it. I had to use magic to extend the reservations you had made and have a cloaking charm for you to use while you and Mistress are out.’

Harry hurried out of the shower and grabbed the clothes he’d already set aside for the dinner. He had chosen a dark blue suit and a white button-down shirt underneath. He had bought a striped tie that had dark blue and green in it. He hadn’t worn a suit for a dinner before and dressed hurriedly. He checked a few times in the mirror to make sure he was presentable.

Kreacher bustled around him, urging him to hurry and finally said, ‘Master Harry “ you can not be any more ready! Do not leave Mistress waiting!’

Harry nodded and took the bouquet of flowers Kreacher was holding out to him and said, ‘I’ll see you in a few hours, then. Thank you, Kreacher!’

Harry Apparated from his bedroom to the Burrow’s porch. He took a few deep breathes before knocking on the door. Harry was surprised to see Ron answering the door, looking like he had just woken up. Instead of letting Harry into the house, he stepped out onto the porch. ‘I was wondering when you’d get here.’

Harry cringed. ‘How angry is she with me?’

‘What?’ Ron asked. ‘Oh, no, she’s not upset about you being late.’

‘Why not?’ Harry asked. He gave his friend the once over again and couldn’t tell, but knew something was amiss.

Ron just shrugged. ‘No reason.’

Harry stood there quietly and then said, ‘Are you going to let me in or not?’

Ron didn’t move but said, ‘Harry…’

Harry started to push Ron out of the way, not wanting to hear some lame excuse for why he couldn’t see Ginny and Ron put his arm out. ‘Give her a few minutes. She knows you’re here.’

‘How can she know?’ Harry didn’t like where this was going and narrowed his eyes.

Ron put his hands up. ‘Come on, Harry.’

Harry sighed and took a step away from the door, avoiding Ron’s gaze. After about ten minutes, the door opened and Harry was disappointed to see Percy emerge, whispering something to Ron and giving Harry a blank stare.

Harry took a step forward and Percy walked out onto the porch. ‘Harry. Didn’t think you’d make it tonight.’

Harry glared at him. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ He took another step forward, ‘Is she okay?’

Percy’s expression softened. ‘She’s fine.’

‘Then why am I still standing outside?’ Harry asked.

Percy shrugged. ‘Couldn’t say…I’ll go check and see if she’s ready to go.’

‘Thanks, Percy.’ Harry watched as Percy left him on the porch with Ron. Ron didn’t meet his gaze.

‘We’re having a slight…well, things need taking care of,’ he finished lamely.

Harry narrowed his eyes. ‘Is this about George?’

Ron didn’t change his expression and the door opened again, this time Ginny emerged. She smiled weakly at Harry and was looking absolutely gorgeous. Harry couldn’t contain himself and let his jaw drop. ‘You look absolutely amazing.’

‘Happy seventeenth.’ He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, before presenting her with the flowers he’d brought. ‘Is everything alright?’

She nodded and said, ‘Thank you, Harry, these are beautiful.’ She looked over at Ron. ‘Can you put these in some water and put them in my room.’

He nodded. ‘Don’t stay out too late.’

Harry watched as Ron retired and Harry took Ginny’s hand in his, squeezing it. ‘Are you sure that everything’s okay…I don’t want to pull you away from something…’

She sighed. ‘There’s always something, Harry. You told me we’d ignore the background noise for one evening.’

He smiled at her and said, ‘I did say that, didn’t I?’

She nodded and wrapped her arm around his waist. He couldn’t stop smiling and shut his eyes. ‘One second and we’ll almost be there.’

He could feel her shut her eyes and Apparated them to a secluded location not far from Grimmauld Place. He hailed a Muggle taxi and helped her in. She giggled. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever rode in a Muggle taxi.’

He grinned. ‘I promise this isn’t the highlight of our evening.’

‘Even if it is, this is still fascinating. I bet dad would love this!’ She kept peering out of the window, staring at the traffic flying by them. Harry laughed softly. He knew they’d ridden the Knightbus together before, but Muggle transport was different than magical transport.

The taxi stopped in front of a posh Muggle restaurant and Harry paid the driver before pulling his wand out and placing a cloaking charm on both of them. She looked at him questioningly and he shrugged. ‘I am an Auror-in-training.’

She nodded and they both walked into the restaurant. He gave his name to the host who seated them in a secluded area in the back of the restaurant. Ginny poured over the menu, uncertain about what to get. Harry had gotten the menu in advance and already knew what he would order.

They ordered and Harry spent most of the dinner telling Ginny about the various activities Gaunt had put him, Ron and Neville through. Ginny smiled and stayed attentive, interjecting questions when appropriate.

Harry was able to steer the conversation back to her and asked about her plans for her final year at Hogwarts. She had been corresponding with Hermione since Harry’s birthday.

‘Hermione thinks that I am going to have to fill the entire team. I think I was one of the youngest players on the last team we had.’ She sighed. ‘And Hermione is getting really nervous about her role as Head Girl.’

Harry laughed. ‘You’re not surprised by that, are you?’

‘No, not in the least.’ She smiled. ‘I’m really getting to know Hermione more. Should be interesting not having you and Ron there.’

Harry raised his eyebrows and said, ‘I just hope you two can keep an eye on one another and help each other.’ He leaned forward. ‘Last time I talked to her, she sounded a bit depressed about going back with only ‘one’ friend.’

Ginny looked at him inquisitively. ‘Me? But she is one of the Hogwart’s heroes, she can’t think she hasn’t any other friends.’

Harry nodded sadly. ‘I worry about her more than I worry about you.’

She laughed. ‘You don’t have to worry about me, Harry.’

‘I don’t?’ He raised his eyebrows at her. ‘Look at you “ blokes are going to be chasing you down.’

She shook her head. ‘Please tell me this is the most jealous you’re going to get.’

He shrugged. ‘I don’t feel like I’ve been tested yet.’

She didn’t say anything, but gave him a hard look. He put his hands up quickly. ‘I’m not trying to argue with you…but if I were a little jealous I don’t see that hurting. Isn’t it nice to be wanted?’

He gave her a pleading smile and she relented. ‘Just don’t let it get out of control, Harry. I already know I can’t handle that.’

He nodded and watched as the dessert he’d pre-ordered arrived, much to Ginny’s surprise. She balked at the candle-filled cake that came to the table.

Harry leaned forward. ‘Make a wish and blow the candles out.’

Her eyes reflected the light and Harry could have sworn that she looked overcome with emotion. She shut her eyes before gently blowing the candles out. The waiter took the cake away only to return a few minutes later with slices for each of them.

She looked up at him. ‘Harry, this is starting to remind me of your birthday. This is all too much.’

He smiled. ‘I wanted to do something you’d never done. I’m guessing I’ve succeeded.’

She smiled at him, nodding. ‘I never expected this. Especially…’

She stopped, clearly not wanting to remember what she’d left at home. He reached his hand across the table, squeezing her hand. ‘Leave it at home, love.’

She didn’t meet his eyes but picked at the cake for a few minutes. Much to Harry’s chagrin he caught a red head walking towards them. Ron kept his gaze down and Ginny looked up suddenly, her eyes wide.

‘Ron! What are you doing here?’ She asked urgently.

He faltered for a moment. ‘I’m really sorry, Ginny…Harry. Mum and dad think it would be best if you two wrap this up and come home.’

Ron put his hands up quickly. ‘No, they want Ginny to come home and…’ He didn’t meet Harry’s eyes nor complete his thought.

Harry looked down, knowing fully that this meant he was not welcome at the Burrow right now. He looked up to see Ginny looking imploringly at Ron. Ron shook his head. ‘I’m really sorry. I thought it would be best if it were me coming…’

Harry nodded mutely. He gestured to the waiter who had the rest of the cake waiting in a take away bag. The waiter brought it forward, resting it in front of Ginny. He smiled and left the table.

Ginny tried to speak light-heartedly, ‘That isn’t for you, Ron.’

She got up slowly and looked consolingly at Harry. ‘Harry, this has been absolutely wonderful.’

Ron, noting the tension at the table walked back to the front of the restaurant, leaving the two of them alone. Harry stood up with Ginny and said, ‘It was my pleasure.’

He reached his hands out to hers and pulled her into his arms. ‘I have your gift, but I’ll have it sent to the Burrow.’

She looked up at him. ‘Harry, you’ve already done too much. I don’t know how comfortable I feel about you giving me all these gifts.’

He bent down and kissed her forehead. ‘Don’t be absurd. It makes me feel like I have some use if I can do something that might bring a smile to that gorgeous face of yours.’

She blushed and whispered something into his chest that he didn’t hear. She stood in his arms for a few moments before pulling away. ‘Harry, this has been amazing. You are by far the sweetest boyfriend I’ve ever had.’

She leaned up and kissed him again before stepping away, grabbing the bag with the cake and walking towards Ron. Harry stood there for a few moments before sighing, paying the cheque and leaving.

Once he arrived home, Kreacher gave him a questioning look. ‘Shall I send the gift, Master Harry?’

Harry nodded. ‘Please do. Thank you.’

Harry sadly trekked up the stairs to his room. The date he had been looking forward to for two weeks was over and he didn’t feel any better about his relationship with Ginny. He went to sleep heavily, hoping that the next day would be more restful than the last.

Chapter 31 - If Only Things Could Stay Simple by pokecharm

Harry woke up early the next morning and saw a letter from Ginny waiting for him in the kitchen. She thanked him again for a lovely evening and seemed to be lost for words as to what to say about the gift he’d sent. He hadn’t know what to get her, and Kreacher had found a fair bit of Quidditch coaching guides for her. He’d sent that over with a box of her favourite sweets including Chocoballs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Fizzing Whizzbees and Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum. He smiled thinking back of the previous night, but was quickly jostled back to himself when Kreacher nudged him.

‘Master Harry. You will be late, you must leave soon.’ The house elf bowed solemnly and Harry glanced at the clock realising the time and flew out of the kitchen to his own room to get ready. He ran back through the kitchen and quickly Flooed to work.

He managed to get to work without being late and found Gaunt hollering at Neville about something before turning abruptly and scowling at Harry. ‘Look what the Kneazle dragged in.’

‘I’m not late, sir.’ Harry stated. He knew he wasn’t late.

Gaunt laughed. ‘Didn’t say you were.’ He glared at Harry and continued, ‘Did you have a ‘magical’ evening, then?’

Harry knew not to argue with him. ‘It was wonderful, thank you for asking.’

Gaunt narrowed his eyes. ‘I see the training is coming in handy. I didn’t see any images of you in the Prophet this morning.’

Harry nodded curtly and stood his ground. Gaunt waved his hand dismissively. ‘Get to work. Help Longbottom out. He needs it.’

With that Gaunt left the room slamming the door on his way out. Neville looked sadly at Harry and said, ‘Sorry you had to see that, Harry.’

Harry walked over to Neville’s desk and said, ‘No problem, Neville. What can I help you with?’

Neville sighed. ‘I can do it.’

Harry shook his head. ‘He told me to help you. Don’t let him force you to be alone. As Aurors, we’ll be alone as it is but we still have a team to fall back on.’

Neville eyed Harry nervously. ‘I’m not getting some of these defensive spells. I don’t know why I’m so thick!’

Harry smiled at him. ‘Don’t be stupid, Neville, you’re not thick. These spells are really hard. And to be fair, Ron and I had Hermione with us last year; she knows the techniques like the back of her hand.’

Neville nodded and pushed a piece of parchment across the table. Harry eyed the list and smiled. ‘This’ll be easy, Neville. Let me just find the right books and you’ll be set in no time.’

Neville grinned at Harry. ‘Thanks, Harry; you’re a real life saver.’

Harry nodded. ‘It’s really no problem, Neville. We need to help each other get through this.’

Harry and Neville both lost track of time and it wasn’t until a few hours later that Harry realised Ron hadn’t come in yet. He looked at the clock and stopped instructing Neville, saying, ‘Where’s Ron?’

Neville shrugged. ‘Gaunt said something about an emergency at home.’

Harry looked at Neville in alarm. ‘Why didn’t you tell me sooner?’

‘You didn’t ask. Besides, he’s your best mate, I thought you knew.’ Neville looked sheepishly at Harry.

Harry sighed and cleared his mind before sending a Patronus to Ron. He thought about sending one to Ginny, but grabbed a piece of parchment and began jotting down a quick note to her. He didn’t realise, but he’d signed the letter ‘love, Harry.’

Only after the letter was taken by a Ministry owl did Harry realise his gaffe and groaned. Neville smiled at him. ‘Sorry about that, Harry.’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, really, its fine, Neville. Maybe at lunch I can…’

He couldn’t go there. Ron had told him point blank he wasn’t welcome at the Burrow. At the same time, if it was something so important Ron couldn’t be at work, they might need his help.

Neville broke into Harry’s thoughts, ‘I’m sure they’re fine, Harry. Mr. Weasley is a highly trained Ministry official and Mrs. Weasley is a brilliant witch.’

He knew Neville was right. If they needed him, he could go at a moment’s notice. But to just appear on their doorstep would, most likely, be unwise. He tried vainly to concentrate on his work, but quickly realised he’d never be able to get anything done not knowing what was wrong with the Weasley family, his family.

As lunch approached, Harry eyed Ron’s desk nervously and said absently, ‘Maybe I should go and see if they’re okay.’

Neville looked doubtfully at Harry. ‘I know you’re worried, Harry. But I’m sure they’re fine.’

Harry set his jaw and shook his head. ‘Would it hurt to Apparate there?’

He didn’t expect Neville to respond. Neville chimed in quietly, ‘Well, I don’t know, Harry. It might not be a good idea.’

Harry looked curiously at Neville. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Just…’ Neville looked away nervously. ‘I don’t know, Harry. I know what happened on your birthday and I know you care about them, but…I don’t know…’

Harry knew what Neville was trying to get at and sighed. ‘I know you’re right, but I hate not knowing.’

Neville sighed. ‘Why don’t you send Hermione a Patronus?’

‘But I don’t want to worry her if she doesn’t know,’ Harry replied.

Neville shook his head. ‘There’s no arguing with you, Harry.’

Harry looked at the clock again and said, ‘I’ll just take my lunch running over there. I’m sure it’ll be fine.’

He guessed it would probably be far from fine, but he wanted to make sure she was okay. He groaned inwardly. He wanted to make sure they all were fine. He sighed looking at one of the pictures he’d clipped out of The Daily Prophet of himself and Ginny and smiled. He couldn’t control how he felt about her.

As lunch approached, he used the Floo network to go to Diagon Alley and then Apparate from there. Once he arrived he noticed the silence. It was as if there was a shield around the place. As he got closer something shimmered around him and the front door flew open. Ron came running out and stopped short seeing Harry. Ron looked exhausted and Harry was shocked to see Hermione following Ron out the door, sharing the same expression Ron had only a moment before.

‘Is everything alright?’ Harry asked cautiously.

Ron looked at the ground and Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder. She asked, ‘Harry, what are you doing here?’

Harry took a tentative step forward as Hermione waved her wand resetting the wards that Harry had walked through. ‘You didn’t answer my question first.’

‘I think it’s obvious…’ She trailed off and Harry looked at the ground guiltily. They didn’t want him here.

He started to turn away when Ginny emerged from the Burrow. ‘Ron, was it “’

Her eyes went wide and Harry couldn’t help himself and smiled broadly at her. She pushed a tuft of her hair away from her face and said quietly, ‘I didn’t expect to see you…how are you, Harry?’

She looked extremely nervous and Ron and Hermione both followed Ginny’s tentative steps forward. Hermione reached a hand out, grabbing Ginny’s arm and pulling her back towards the house. Ginny and Hermione locked eyes for a few moments before Ginny relented and stopped moving.

Harry raised an eyebrow. ‘What the bloody hell is going on that you’re not telling me about?’

Ron reached around Hermione and squeezed Ginny’s arm once before turning away without another word. Ginny looked imploringly at Harry but was quickly led away by Ron. She didn’t turn to look at him again. Harry took a step forward but Hermione stood in his way.

‘Harry…’ He continued forward but she put her hand on his chest and stopped him. ‘Harry, listen to me, you can’t be here right now.’

‘What?’ He was staring at the Burrow. ‘Hermione, have you gone mental? Something’s the matter and you’re not going to let me help?’

‘It isn’t my call, Harry.’ She tilted her head and said, ‘Harry, they love you like a son, like you’re part of the family. But they can’t take care of things and worry about your safety.’

He bristled. ‘I can take care of myself, thank you.’

He was pushing her back and she put both of her hands on his chest and said forcefully, ‘Harry. No. You can, I’m sure. But you can’t help.’

Harry gave her a sullen look. ‘And you can?’

She pushed him back, edging him away from the Burrow. ‘Yes, I can. And I’m not endangering myself or the ones I care about by being here.’

Harry crossed his arms and stood stock still. ‘Just tell me why I’m such a menace.’

Hermione didn’t look at him but turned away. ‘It isn’t my place.’

He turned harshly to her, grabbing her and turning her roughly towards him. ‘Do not make me feel worse about this, tell me what the bloody hell is going on!’

He didn’t realise he was yelling and her eyes went wide, then narrowed quickly as she shot back. ‘Don’t yell at me, Harry! I am not the one who’s hiding this from you…’ Her tone softened, ‘I don’t mean to, Harry…this has just gotten a lot tougher for the whole family.’

Harry sighed and let go of her arm. She rubbed her shoulder where he’d grabbed her and he said quietly, ‘I’m sorry…I just feel like such a git.’

She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and said, ‘Harry, I wish I could tell more…but I think Mr. and Mrs. Weasley don’t want anything to affect you anymore than it already has.’

He half-turned to the Burrow and said, ‘Can’t I at least talk to her?’

Hermione looked away. ‘Harry…I think it’d be best if you went back to work. I’ll let her know…’

Harry looked back at the house forlornly and knew Hermione wouldn’t let him get any closer. He thought about running for it, but knew she was too quick. He shook his head and thought about the entire Weasley household seeing him tied up and sighed, slumping his shoulders.

‘Can I send her a Patronus?’ He asked quietly.

Hermione shook her head. ‘Just leave it alone, Harry, please.’

He nodded and repeated, ‘I’m sorry, Hermione…I didn’t mean to…’

She patted him absently on the arm. ‘I’m fine, Harry.’ She grinned at him. ‘I’ll have Ron take care of it.’

He smiled and said, ‘I…alright…let her know I…’

She nodded and nudged him forward. He sighed and Apparated back to Diagon Alley and then Flooed back to the Ministry. As he got back to his office he saw Neville being railed at again by Gaunt. Gaunt turned his gaze to Harry and narrowed his eyes. ‘If you have questions, you ask me. You do not Apparate all over England where-ever you please. Both of you had better stay in this office until all your work is done.’

Harry shot Neville a worried look, but Neville gestured back to their office. Before sitting down Neville asked, ‘Ron and Ginny okay?’

Harry sighed. ‘I don’t think so. Something’s going on…but you were right about one thing, I should have sent a Patronus or letter to Hermione. She was there.’

Neville looked up. ‘I thought Ron said her parents wanted her with them?’

‘Thought so too…’ He sighed and returned to his work. He didn’t want to think about the whole situation. He had never felt so unwelcome at the Burrow. And to make matters worse, he wasn’t even able to talk to Ginny. Hermione had ushered him out of there like he had the plague.

He finished up the work he had late into the evening, and found Neville had fallen asleep on his desk. He gripped Neville’s shoulder and shook him. ‘Neville, it’s time to go. We can pick this up tomorrow.’

Neville looked up at Harry with blurry eyes and said, ‘Yeah…’ He stood up slowly. ‘I fell asleep?’

Harry nodded. ‘I’m surprised I didn’t. I’m surprised Gaunt didn’t come in here to give us hell either.’

Neville stretched and grabbed his cloak. ‘Hope Ron comes back tomorrow.’

Harry nodded. ‘You and me both.’ He headed for the door. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Neville.’

Neville waved absently at Harry, and Harry made his way back to the main corridor of the Ministry. He sighed heavily as he Flooed home, replaying his brief conversation with Hermione. As he burst through the grate at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Kreacher greeted him nervously. He had set dinner, but was fidgeting. He bowed low and tried to say something as the door to the kitchen swung open and Harry was shocked to see both Ginny and Hermione walk in, stopping suddenly at seeing him.

Chapter 32 - The Things We Do by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
This was one of my favourite chapters to write. I hope you all enjoy it too. A big thank you to my fab Beta Ginny! You're awesome! Thank you for continuing to read and comment everyone!

Harry’s eyes widened at seeing Ginny and Hermione and he tried to control himself but dropped the book he was carrying. He balked and bent down to pick the book up, this vantage point giving him an amazing view of Ginny from the floor. He flushed as he stood up again. They stood there silently for a moment, Hermione lingering behind Ginny.

He smiled weakly at her and set the book on the counter. ‘Sorry about this afternoon…’

He didn’t know what to say and couldn’t help but notice the overly vigilant watch Hermione was keeping on Ginny. He took a step forward and Ginny threw out any inhibitions and crossed the short distance between them, throwing her arms around his neck and embracing him fiercely. He shut his eyes and grinned into her shoulder. This was the Ginny he knew and had fallen in love with.

She pulled away slightly. ‘Harry, don’t be sorry. It’s been a mess since…’ She turned away and looked back at Hermione. The latter shrugged and sat down at the table. Harry hadn’t realised, but the table was set for three. Apparently they had been waiting for him.

He slowly loosened his grip around Ginny and took her face in his hands. ‘Are you okay?’

She nodded and he kissed her softly, lingering a moment before she shifted her weight back. ‘I’m fine, Harry. We’re all fine, for the most part…’

Hermione cleared her throat and Ginny sighed and looked away from Harry. He leaned down and said, ‘Are you going to tell me what’s happening? Or do I have to guess?’

She looked up slowly and replied, ‘I can’t, Harry, mum would kill me…’ She grinned and nodded towards Hermione. ‘Besides, Hermione’s here and won’t let me say anything.’

‘Hey! If I hadn’t volunteered you wouldn’t be here at all!’ Hermione shot back. She was smiling at them and she rolled her eyes as Ginny trailed her fingers down Harry’s arms playfully. She pulled away and sat down at the table next to Hermione and Harry stood there for a few moments uncertain what to do.

Ginny raised her eyebrows at him and said, ‘Harry, Kreacher made you dinner, the least you can do is sit down.’

‘I’m wondering what’s going on…it’s hard to concentrate on food when I’m…’ He didn’t complete his thought and Hermione and Ginny exchanged worried looks. Kreacher stood in the doorway wringing his hands.

‘Kreacher…’ Harry started. ‘It’s fine. They’re my friends, you needn’t worry.’

Hermione’s eyes widened and she turned to Kreacher. ‘He wasn’t worried about us. Was someone else here? Is someone else here?’

Kreacher shook his head. ‘He left some time ago. But he was here some years ago, he was a welcome guest then, I thought nothing of it.’

Hermione grilled Kreacher. ‘Did he take anything? Was he looking for Harry?’ She got up and bent down in front of the house elf. ‘If you see him again, you can’t let him stay.’

Harry crossed the room quickly standing behind Ginny’s chair. She had turned in her chair but hadn’t gotten up. Harry was watching the exchange and said, ‘Who was here?’

Hermione looked as if she were trying to will Kreacher to say nothing, but Harry was his master and he replied slowly, ‘Mister George Weasley, he was looking for you and Mistress Ginevra.’

Ginny got up quickly, the chair knocking into Harry. He reached an arm out to her but she blew past him. ‘He was here? When?’

Kreacher bowed low to her, and Hermione had a questioning look on her face when the house elf did this, but said nothing. They all watched expectantly as Kreacher said slowly. ‘He was here earlier, about noon, Mistress. But he left quickly after asking me if you or Master were here. I said ‘no’ and he was displeased. Did I speak out of turn, Mistress?’

Hermione shot Ginny a warning look and the latter replied, ‘No, you did exactly the right thing. But Hermione is right, if he returns you can’t let him stay here. Send him back to the Burrow. Use force if you must.’

The house elf nodded. ‘As per your request, Mistress.’

He bowed low once again and Harry crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. ‘How long has he been on the run?’

Ginny was scanning the floor as if thinking what to do and Hermione put a hand on her shoulder. ‘I’ll send Ron a Patronus; your parents need to know about this.’

She sighed. ‘It won’t help…he’s long gone…’ She looked up slowly at Harry, her hands hanging loosely at her side. ‘Harry, I’m so sorry…I…’ She turned to him as Harry saw Hermione step out of the kitchen.

He took her hands in his and looked at her encouragingly. She continued slowly, ‘He was out last night, before we left for our date. Mum didn’t want me to go with you, but dad thought you’d get too suspicious. He ran off during our date, that’s why Ron came and got me.’ She looked down at their hands and whispered, ‘Merlin, I’m so sorry, Harry…I didn’t want to hide this from you.’

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. ‘Forget about it. Is there anything I can do?’

She shook her head but leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. She whispered, ‘I wish this would all go away…I thought…’ She pulled away and looked up at him, a sad look on her face. ‘I thought I’d finally be able to really mourn…but…’

Her eyes were brimming and Harry took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and rubbed her back soothingly. She leaned heavily against him and he could feel her relax against him. ‘You should be able to do that now…’

She looked up at him, the tears glistening in the corners of her eyes. ‘None of us has, Harry. It’s been like a horrible nightmare.’

She pulled away from him and turned away, but he reached his arms out, wrapping them around her waist. She sighed against him and leaned back. ‘I just want to go to school. It’ll be okay there, won’t it?’

He nodded, resting his head on her shoulder. He said hesitantly, ‘You’ll get the peace and quiet you need.’

She turned her head and said, ‘Harry, don’t make me feel guilty. I…I need this…’

He nodded slowly. ‘I know, I’m sorry…I’m just…’ He let go of her slowly and ran his hand through his hair. ‘I’m really going to miss you.’

She sat down heavily at the table and he sat down across from her, trying to catch her eyes. She looked down at the empty plate in front of her and Hermione came back into the kitchen.

Kreacher had been standing on the edge of the room and said, ‘Shall I serve the guests, Master Harry?’

Harry looked up suddenly and before he could reply Ginny said, ‘Don’t be silly, Kreacher, we can serve ourselves. This looks amazing. Thank you.’

The house elf bowed low again to her and Hermione watched the action closely. She looked as if she were going to comment on it, but leaned forward, took a couple rolls from the nearby basket and placed one on Ginny’s plate before offering the basket to Harry. Harry watched both Ginny and Hermione closely and said, ‘Did you get to talk to Ron?’

Hermione nodded. ‘He replied to my Patronus straight-away.’ She waited for Ginny to meet her gaze and continued, her eyes locked with Ginny’s. ‘He’s home. Bill found him. They’ve got him in his room and there are extra protections around the Burrow.’ She slowly turned to Harry. ‘I’m afraid that ends your surprise visits as well.’

Harry sighed but didn’t say anything, serving the dinner onto both Hermione and Ginny’s plates. Ginny and Hermione seemed to be having a silent discussion and Harry cleared his throat. Hermione turned to him. ‘That just means we…can stay for longer than we’d expected.’

Harry nodded and smiled. ‘How long were you waiting for me?’

Ginny didn’t meet his eyes and Hermione said, ‘We tried to time it right, but I guess you were staying late. We’ve been here for about an hour. You still haven’t done much to this place…’

Harry sighed. ‘I’m sorry; I’ve been a little busy.’

She nodded. ‘I noticed you’ve gotten some new books. Where’d you get them?’

He rolled his eyes and saw Ginny laughing into her hand. ‘Jealous?’

Hermione laughed. ‘What? I…that’s absurd!’ She tried to look grim but the grin was breaking across her face. ‘Sometimes you make me crazy!’ She shook her head and looked between Harry and Ginny. ‘I don’t know how you stand each other!’

Ginny reached a hand across the table and brushed her fingers across the back of Harry’s hand. ‘That’s fine, Hermione.’

Harry watched Ginny’s fingers move across his hand and was lost in the hypnotic movement before Hermione broke in. ‘Unfortunately, Ron says I can’t come back without you.’

Ginny gave Hermione a sceptical look. ‘What kind of request is that? He doesn’t want you to come back then?’

She was grinning at her friend and Hermione slapped her playfully on the arm. ‘Oh please! You know I can’t leave you alone with…well, I don’t have to say it.’

Harry looked up suddenly. ‘What? They still don’t trust me.’

Hermione looked up slowly. ‘Actually, Harry, you’ve been feeling an undue amount of guilt. They don’t trust either of you when you’re together.’

Harry looked up at Ginny and she nodded guiltily at him. ‘Perhaps I should have mentioned that earlier…’

‘You think?’ Harry couldn’t stay upset with her and grinned. ‘That does make me feel slightly better.’

He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her forward slightly. He leaned across the table and kissed her softly, before trailing his fingers down her wrist to her hand. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. The discomfort he had been feeling for such a long time seemed to dissipate in a few moments and he felt relieved; as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Hermione sighed. ‘I’m not supposed to leave you two alone. But I could be persuaded to give you some time without skulking behind you…’

Harry rolled his eyes and Ginny shook her head, laughing. ‘Don’t tease us, Hermione.’

Hermione smirked at Ginny but didn’t respond. Harry sighed and watched as Hermione and Ginny once again exchanged meaningful looks. Harry sighed, ‘What is going on with you two? Something you want to tell me?’

Ginny laughed. ‘Yeah, Hermione and I are having an affair. I didn’t want to tell you.’

Harry shook his head. ‘When did you become such a tease?’

Ginny raised her eyebrows and looked at Hermione. ‘I’m not sure how that’s teasing.’

He sat back and shook his head. ‘I’m not getting myself into trouble with you. I’m not saying a word.’

Hermione laughed and shook her head. ‘You two are incorrigible! It isn’t any wonder “’

She stopped and didn’t see fit to continue. Ginny nodded. ‘I know, I know…we’ll control ourselves, I promise.’

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, ‘Promises from you, I’m wary of.’

Harry raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything, watching the exchange closely. ‘Now I’m curious…what is going on between you two?’

Ginny and Hermione looked up at him and he looked down quickly. ‘I can’t have both of you glaring at me…’

Ginny’s eyes softened. ‘We’re not glaring. We’re fine…Hermione and I have just been spending a lot of time together…’

Hermione pushed Ginny in the back and started to laugh. ‘Don’t make it sound so sordid.’

Ginny giggled. ‘I think we’ve finally spent too much time together.’

‘Perhaps too much highly stressful time together,’ Hermione corrected.

Harry sighed. ‘At least now I know you’ll both have each other next year.’

Ginny nodded and started to say something as Kreacher bustled back into the kitchen. ‘Master Harry, the dessert is on the counter, please let me get it.’

Ginny turned and said before Harry could break in, ‘Kreacher, you really have to forgive both Hermione and I for breaking in like this. Please don’t go to any more trouble because of us.’

The house elf wrung his hands and bowed low again. Hermione raised her eyebrows and nudged Ginny at this. Ginny turned and gave her a questioning look. Kreacher bowed again and said, ‘Mistress, it is my pleasure to serve you and Master’s friends. You have but to call me and I will do whatever you request.’

Harry didn’t seem to notice the exchange between Hermione and Ginny and said, ‘It is much appreciated, Kreacher. But Ginny’s right, please don’t go to any trouble. We’re fine. And the dinner has been amazing.’

Hermione pulled Ginny back towards her and whispered something in her ear. Ginny blanched and gave Hermione a disbelieving look. Harry got up and carried the dessert to the table and set a few plates out before clearing his throat.

‘What are you two whispering about?’ He asked.

Hermione and Ginny didn’t turn but Hermione smiled and said, ‘Nothing, just girl stuff.’

‘Do you really think I’m that stupid that I’m going to believe that?’ He gave them both an incredulous look.

Hermione nudged Ginny and the latter responded, ‘Don’t be so paranoid, Harry. We’re not talking about anything important.’

‘Uh huh.’ He didn’t believe them in the slightest, but wasn’t going to force the issue. He served the dessert and watched as Ginny cringed.

‘Harry, I really don’t know that I can eat anymore,’ she confessed.

Hermione nodded. ‘Kreacher is really treating you to some amazing cooking. I still remember this from last year, but he’s improved a lot!’

Harry nodded. ‘I am really blessed to have him. Though,’ he gestured to Ginny, ‘I can’t say I haven’t been missing your mum’s cooking, either.’

Ginny smiled. ‘Normally I’d tell you to come over, but I think we all know that isn’t the best idea for either you or George.’

Harry nodded. ‘I understand. I do…and I’m glad…no, I’m relieved that I finally know, sort of, what’s going on.’

Hermione laughed. ‘I think you know enough not to worry so much anymore, right?’

He nodded. ‘Yes, Hermione. I won’t do anything…unpredictable for some time.’

She looked at her dessert warily and said, ‘I have to agree with Ginny, I’m feeling rather full.’ She gave them both the once over and said, ‘Perhaps I’ll take a short walk…can I trust you two not to do anything?’

Ginny grinned up at Hermione. ‘Yes, I told you we’ll be good.’ She leaned back and put a hand on Hermione’s shoulder. ‘I’ll be good.’

Hermione nodded. ‘That’s better.’

She got up and said, ‘I’ll be back in a bit.’

Harry got up quickly. ‘You sure you’ll be okay?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Harry, I’ll be fine. No one’s looking for me.’

She headed out the door without another word and Ginny looked up at Harry. ‘You seem to be more worried than usual these days.’

‘I think it’s the Auror training. It’s keeping me on edge.’ He sat down and ate his dessert. Ginny slyly pushed her plate towards him. He rolled his eyes and ate her dessert as well saying, ‘Can’t let it go to waste.’

‘No, indeed,’ Ginny replied, ‘Merlin forbid that sweets should go to waste.’

He chuckled. ‘You know I have a sweet tooth.’

She nodded. ‘And you seem to think I do as well.’

She was smiling broadly at him and he replied, ‘You do.’

She started to get up and put the plates away, but he grabbed her wrist quickly, ‘I’ll do it. You’re the guest.’

Ginny looked at him nervously and said, ‘Come on, Harry, they’re dishes. I think I should be able to clean up when I’m here.’

As if by perfect timing, Kreacher Apparated back into the kitchen and said, ‘Mistress, please, do nothing, I will clean up for you and Master.’

The house elf bowed low again and Apparated out of the room. Harry squeezed her wrist and she relented and sat back down. He set his fork down and said, ‘I don’t want to waste this time with you eating…maybe we should go into the sitting room.’

She didn’t say anything but followed as he got up. ‘Are you sure we should just leave this?’

He nodded and pulled her forward gently. ‘Don’t be silly. You heard Kreacher. He said he’d take care of it and he will. I don’t think he likes it when you try to be domestic in my house.’

She laughed softly and let him lead her down the hallway to the sitting room. Harry wondered where Hermione had gone off to, but was thankful she’d allowed them a little time to themselves. He weaved his fingers through Ginny’s and pulled her onto the nearby couch with him. She sat next to him, her legs underneath her, and leaned towards him, their heads together. He kissed her softly and asked, ‘How was the rest of your birthday?’

She sighed and shut her eyes. ‘Stressful. Thanks to George, I won’t ever forget your birthday or mine.’

She turned suddenly and looked at him closely. She pulled her hand out of his and took his face in her hands. ‘You’re okay, aren’t you? I probably should have asked sooner…’

He nodded, enjoying the feel of her fingers gripping his face. She traced her thumb across his lips and leaned down and kissed him deeply. She was sitting up on the couch and Harry rested his hands on her waist, though he felt the urge to pull them lower. She loosened her grip on his face and broke their kiss slowly. He tried to lean up and catch her lips again but she gave him a thoughtful look and sat back down.

He looked at her longingly and said, ‘Are you okay?’

She turned her face from his and said quietly, ‘I don’t know anymore.’

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her back against his chest. He rubbed her shoulders gently and said, ‘Shouldn’t you know?’

She nodded and sighed. ‘That feels brilliant.’

He grinned. ‘I do enjoy giving you a massage, the feel of…’ He trailed off as he brushed her hair from her neck and kissed the exposed area from her back up to her chin, turning her awkwardly in his arms. They both twisted at strange angles before Harry loosened his grip allowing her to shift and turn in his arms. She turned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, resting her weight across his body and kissed him softly.

After a few short minutes of intense snogging, Ginny pulled away and grinned at Harry. ‘Can you even see anything with your glasses fogged up like that?’

He chuckled softly and ran his hands through her hair. ‘I need to do something about this poor eyesight. I would like to see you while I’m snogging you.’

‘So would I.’ She leaned close to him. ‘I’d really like to see those green eyes of yours when I’m this close to you.’

She leaned down and rested her head on his chest and whispered, ‘Please don’t make me go back.’

He sighed and rubbed her back. ‘I wish I could, love. But I’m turning into ‘undesirable number one’ again this year.’

She laughed softly into his chest and said, ‘You know, I still have one of those posters. It was one of those things I kept around to give me hope. I knew they hadn’t caught you if they kept making those posters and putting them up.’

He continued rubbing her back and said, ‘I feel so bad I put you through all of that last year…’

She sat up and rested her elbows on his chest. ‘I don’t think either of us had a lot of choice in the matter. Based on how you reacted on your birthday, I’m guessing I would have been one big distraction for you on the ground.’

He didn’t say anything but leaned forward and kissed her softly. ‘I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you.’

She narrowed her eyes and pulled away. ‘Harry, I am capable of taking care of myself…’ She laughed and continued, ‘And apparently you as well.’

He nodded. ‘Maybe I should have brought you along for my own protection.’

A sharp knock on the door to the sitting room drew Ginny’s attention away from Harry. Hermione was standing in the doorway and said, ‘We should probably get going, Ginny.’

She sat up quickly and nodded. ‘Yeah, you’re probably right.’

She started to pull away from Harry but he grabbed her wrists and kissed her on her cheek, pulling her back towards him. Ginny elbowed Harry gently and said, ‘Harry…’

He chuckled and loosened his grip. ‘You saying my name doesn’t stop me from wanting to snog you.’

She sighed and stood up, letting him trail his hands down her arms to her hands. ‘I know, but it’s the only thing I can think of besides something less polite.’

She grinned at him and he laughed and stood up. He looked over at Hermione, smiled and echoed, ‘Yeah, thanks, Hermione. I…we…’ He looked over at Ginny, ‘we needed that.’

‘I know.’ She nodded and laughed. ‘You had that look of desperation earlier, I thought it incumbent upon me to do something about it.’

He grinned and crossed the room. He took Hermione’s hand in his and said, ‘You are a dear, dear friend.’

Ginny laughed and patted Harry on the back. ‘She isn’t going to give us any more time.’

‘It can’t hurt to try,’ he chuckled and relented. He watched as Hermione led the way back to the grate in the kitchen and she leaned against the counter. She raised her eyebrows at Ginny and Ginny sighed.

Ginny turned to Harry and wrapped her arms around him, embracing him. ‘Am I going to see you before I go?’

‘You tell me…’ He hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Or if you can get away and come into London, we can do lunch or something…’

She nodded and turned away, her face darkening as she looked at the grate. Hermione stepped forward and placed an encouraging hand on Ginny’s back. She turned and smiled at her friend. ‘See you soon.’

Ginny leaned up and kissed Harry quickly before going to the grate and Floo’ing back to the Burrow. Harry looked expectantly at Hermione. ‘Thanks for keeping an eye on her…’

Hermione took a step towards Harry. ‘Things aren’t as grim as all that, Harry. Just…’ She smiled at him. ‘I know this is hard for you. And I know you want to feel guilty, but this was exactly what Ginny needed and I think that’s the important thing.’

Harry gave her a questioning look but nodded. ‘Thanks, Hermione.’ He reached an arm out and embraced his friend. ‘Give Ron my best. Will he be at work tomorrow?’

She shook her head as they pulled apart. ‘Probably not. I won’t know more until I get back to the Burrow. And my parents want me home, too. I’ll let you know what I know as soon as I get home. Take care, Harry.’

He watched as she threw Floo powder into the grate and disappeared into a burst of green flame. The table was already cleared and Kreacher Apparated back into the room. He started putting tea on and Harry soon realised he was still wearing his work clothes.

He hurried upstairs and put on more comfortable clothes before coming back down and reading The Daily Prophet and drinking his evening tea. He looked at the clock and realised it was much earlier than he’d thought and sat in bed for some time going over the events of the evening, hoping he could remember things as they were and forget the hardships that he and Ginny had gone through so recently.

He wondered about what was happening at the Burrow and also wondered why George would come to Grimmauld Place to find him. He wondered if George was trying to kill him, but now without any magical encouragement. He hoped that wasn’t the case, but didn’t have long to think on it as Kreacher brought Harry’s work from the Ministry up to his room and reminded him of his duties. Harry sighed and got to work, falling asleep with the books strewn across his bed.

Chapter 33 - Places to Go by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
thanks to all of you that are still reading and commenting! Thanks to my fab Beta, Ginny! You're awesome :)

Harry was finally able to get a good night’s sleep and woke up refreshed the next day. He went into the Ministry early, but not before sending a note to Ginny about last night and then sending one to Hermione, hoping she’d have more information to share. He was surprised to see Neville already in and he trudged into the office reluctantly.

‘Were you able to get in touch with Ron last night?’ Neville asked.

Harry shook his head. ‘No, but Hermione and Ginny stopped by Grimmauld Place last night. They explained things…I don’t think we’ll be seeing Ron anytime soon.’

Neville looked worried and Harry continued, ‘I think things will be okay, but I do worry about them.’

Neville nodded. ‘We should be. I heard about George, but I am sure he’ll be fine.’

Harry nodded and sat down at his desk. He said under his breath, ‘I just hope they’ll all be okay…’

The day passed with little fanfare and Harry went home at the end of the day hurriedly. He was sad to see there was neither a letter from Hermione nor from Ginny. He asked Kreacher if there had been any visitors but he had indicated there had been no activity at home. Harry ate dinner quietly and thought about sending another letter to Ginny, but thought better of it.

The next few days passed in the same manner and Harry tried vainly to not get more agitated that there was no word from either Ginny or Hermione. He knew he couldn’t run to the Burrow, Hermione had made it clear he shouldn’t make any unexpected appearances. He also knew that Hermione would be true to her word when she got the chance.

The days passed and turned into another week and Harry finally got the sign he’d been waiting for. He arrived home and Kreacher immediately presented him with a letter from Hermione. He sat down heavily at the kitchen table and went over the letter a few times before he was able to take it all in.


I am sorry I couldn’t write sooner. Things were a little crazy once Ginny and I got back to the Burrow. I just got home myself and my parents haven’t given me a moment’s peace. Ginny’s okay, and I think she was really relieved to get to spend some time with you. I am really glad you’re able to put aside what I can only imagine are conflicted feelings about George for Ginny.

I’m not sure what I can say without compromising the confidences I have been given by from the Weasley family. George shouldn’t be causing you or anyone else any trouble in the near future, but I think the stress around the Burrow couldn’t be thicker. Please don’t try to go over there.

Ginny got your letter while I was there, but I don’t expect her to get a chance to respond. I’m sorry, Harry. I wish I had something more positive to tell you, but unfortunately things aren’t going to get better for the Weasley’s anytime soon.

I think Percy is trying to arrange for George to be escorted to another country where he can relax and escape the constant reminders of what’s happened, but I have a feeling Mr. and Mrs. Weasley won’t go for that.

Ginny and I are planning on meeting early before the train leaves in a couple of weeks. I know it would mean a lot to Ginny if you were there to meet us. Please don’t be late, we’ll be meeting at eight in the morning at the train station.

Take care of yourself, stay safe and don’t worry!



Harry sighed and took the letter in. Things weren’t better and there wasn’t anything he could do. He looked at the calendar in the kitchen and sighed again. Two weeks and he couldn’t talk to or communicate with his girlfriend. He quickly replied to Hermione’s letter, hoping he could get more information out of her. But knowing Hermione, what she told him was all she’d share.

The next two weeks dragged on for Harry as if he had a Time Turner and was forced to go over things again and again. Gaunt was relentless with his work and Neville and Harry were forced to pick up the slack with Ron’s continued absence. Gaunt made no mention of Ron having missed time but instead forced Harry to take much of those tasks over.

Neville had finally gotten a mastery of the defensive spells Harry had been helping him with them and they both took their NEWT in Defence Against the Dark Arts, passing it and their Charms and Herbology NEWTs as well. Harry was nervous that Ron hadn’t taken any of his exams, but didn’t have time to think on it. He and Neville were studying incessantly for their Transfiguration and Potions NEWTS.

Harry didn’t have time to think about the drama going on with the Weasleys as he and Neville studied long into the nights to get ready. Gaunt didn’t let up with other work while they were studying. He had assigned them cases that they’d need to investigate. Nothing in the field, but cases that allowed them to research what had been done and whether what had been done was the most efficient and appropriate action.

Harry received a short note from Hermione the day before she and Ginny were leaving for Hogwarts, and Harry cursed himself for not remembering it sooner. He had to take his last NEWTs that afternoon and didn’t have time to send Ginny a personal note, but asked Kreacher if it would be appropriate to send something over. The house elf complied immediately and sent something over on Harry’s behalf.

After the exams, he and Neville were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. They had both passed all of their NEWTs and could officially start their training as Aurors. Gaunt gave them formal letters from Kingsley and told them they’d be reporting to new offices the following week. He made no mention of Ron and Harry was afraid to ask.

Harry sent Hermione a quick Patronus before having dinner and got a prompt response telling him where to meet her and Ginny. Harry was thankful the train was leaving on a Saturday so he would not miss work and tried to go to bed early, though feeling strangely nervous about the whole thing.

He rushed around the house the following morning and Kreacher was ushering him out of the door as early as he could. Harry arrived at the train station well before eight and grabbed a table in the back of the café. As per usual, Hermione arrived ten minutes to eight and grinned broadly at Harry. He got up and embraced her.

‘Hermione, it’s so good to see you. You ready for your term?’ He asked.

She nodded. ‘I can not wait!’ She pulled her trunk and things close to the table and continued, ‘I think this will be fantastic.’ She sighed. ‘I will miss you and Ron, but I think this’ll be a great year. I’ll be able to learn so many new things.’

Harry nodded. ‘Of course.’

‘Did you take your NEWTs, Harry?’ she asked.

‘I did “ and both Neville and I passed. We’re starting our official training next week!’ Harry couldn’t hide his enthusiasm. He continued more slowly, ‘What about Ron? Gaunt didn’t say anything.’

Hermione looked around nervously. ‘I don’t know, Harry. Ron and I didn’t talk about it much. Really, we didn’t have a chance to talk at all. I spent more time with Ginny than with Ron.’

Harry laughed. ‘I would have gladly traded places with you.’

‘I’m sure.’ She laughed. ‘I have a feeling she would have preferred that as well.’

Her face brightened as she turned and said under her breath, ‘Speaking of the devil…’

Harry turned quickly and saw Ginny walking into the café. She looked exhausted, and he walked over to her, grabbing her trunk out of her grasp and bringing it to the table for her. He set it down, wrapped his arms around her and embraced her warmly. She returned the hug and kissed him softly on the cheek. She looked away from him and he kissed her softly before pulling a chair out for her to sit on.

She smiled up at him and then turned to Hermione. ‘How was the rest of your holiday? How are your parents?’

Hermione reached a hand out to Ginny and squeezed her hand. ‘Fine…No one came with you?’

Ginny shook her head and looked down. ‘No, they couldn’t get away.’

Harry looked nervously at Hermione but Hermione didn’t meet his eyes. She was looking intently at Ginny, but Ginny didn’t look up. Harry sighed and pushed his cup of hot cocoa towards her and said, ‘Here, drink this, it’ll make you feel better.’

She looked up at him with surprise and said, ‘What’s in it? Liquid courage?’

He chuckled. ‘No! It’s eight in the morning, Ginny! It’s just hot cocoa.’

She laughed softly and sipped the drink absently. Hermione didn’t break her gaze from Ginny but Ginny was clearly feeling bothered by it. ‘Both of you…stop looking at me like that. It’s fine.’

Hermione looked away guiltily and Harry said, ‘We’re just worried. I know I haven’t been able to get in touch with you since…well…for at least two weeks.’

She sighed. ‘I know; I’m sorry, Harry.’ She looked over at Hermione and smiled. ‘Ron’s been really missing you, but mum and dad haven’t let us out of the house for anything.’

Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair. He didn’t like where this was going and knew Hermione was most likely thinking the same thing. Ginny didn’t look like she wanted to say more and Harry looked helplessly at Hermione. The latter rolled her eyes and said cautiously, ‘I know this is stupid to offer, but is there anything we can do?’

Ginny looked up slowly and said, ‘Harry…I know Ron’s way behind at work, is there anything you can do to help him out?’

‘Of course. I can send over what I think he needs and what we’ve been studying, but Neville and I are done,’ Harry responded.

Ginny looked confused for a moment before grinning widely. ‘Oh, Harry “ that’s wonderful news! I’m so proud of you.’

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek quickly and Harry had trouble seeing straight as the words ‘proud of you’ rung through his head. Hermione cleared her throat to bring Harry back to the table and he smiled at them.

‘Thanks, Ginny. Neville was a great study partner, no offence, Hermione, and we were able to get through all five NEWTs.’ He smiled broadly at them both and continued, ‘So, yeah, anything I can do to help Ron I will.’

Ginny nodded and said, ‘I wonder if we should head for the train soon…’

Hermione looked at the clock and said, ‘No, we have time.’

She gave Ginny a questioning look but Ginny didn’t look up. Harry sighed and knew Ginny wasn’t going to say more. He knew all this time apart wouldn’t help their relationship, but knew there wasn’t anything he could do about it now. They’d be separated until her first Hogsmeade visit. Hermione stared imploringly at Harry and he shrugged.

Ginny laughed softly. ‘Oh come on, the two of you have to be able to talk about something besides my dysfunctional family.’

Harry laughed nervously and said, ‘Well, we’re both a little worried about you and only one of us can go with you on that train.’

He gave Hermione an annoyed look and she grinned at him. ‘Its not my fault you’re not coming with us.’ She laughed. ‘Though I am a tad jealous you’ve passed your NEWTs and I still have a whole year to learn about them.’

Both Harry and Ginny sighed at Hermione and Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Are you going to make this a long year for me?’

‘What? Merlin, no! I’m just excited, aren’t you?’ Hermione gave her a look like she had two heads and Ginny shook her head at this.

‘Um, I don’t think I’m quite excited as you are.’ She smiled at her friend and continued, ‘If I can convert you to Quidditch maybe we can find a middle ground.’

They chatted for a few more minutes before Hermione jumped seeing the time and said, ‘We’d best get going, Ginny.’

Harry got up quickly and grabbed Ginny’s trunk from under the table. She reached for it but he grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it. She didn’t argue but let him lead her to Platform 9 ¾. Hermione hurried in front of them and Ginny laughed into Harry’s shoulder as she watched Hermione bound through the barrier.

‘You’re letting me go away with her? She’s mental!’ Ginny laughed.

‘I wish I could go with you, but I don’t think you’ll need ‘protection’ from Hermione. At least she’ll help you with your studies.’ He grinned at her and they walked slowly though the barrier.

Hermione was waiting for them on the other side and said, ‘Ginny, I have to head to the Prefect’s car, but save me a spot with you and Luna.’

Ginny nodded. ‘Do you want us to take your things?’

Harry nodded and said, ‘Just leave it. We’ll get it on the train.’

Hermione nodded and looked at Harry sadly. ‘I guess this is…goodbye.’

She actually looked upset and Harry let go of Ginny and wrapped Hermione in a warm embrace. ‘Hermione, I’ll see you in no time. Just take care of my girl, will you?’

Hermione laughed. ‘Only if you take care of my man.’ She looked nervously at Ginny and she gave her a consoling smile.

Hermione turned slowly and headed onto the train. Harry looked down at Ginny and they headed onto the train. Ginny found an empty compartment and Harry loaded both Ginny and Hermione’s things into it. Ginny reluctantly led her boyfriend back off of the train and looked up at him with a smile on her face.

She leaned up and whispered, her lips almost touching his, ‘I have been looking forward to this for two weeks.’

He kissed her deeply, pressing his lips hard against hers, feeling her fingers run through his hair and down his back. He pulled her as close as he could, but felt the deepening dread that he’d have to let go soon and not see her for some time. She gently pulled away though he tried his best to keep his lips on hers. She pressed her forehead against his and said breathlessly, ‘I’m really going to miss you.’

He nodded and kissed her forehead. ‘The last two weeks have been torture, how are we going to last for…’

He couldn’t finish and she smiled at him. ‘I’ll let you know when my first Hogsmeade visit is, but I think the…memorial…will come first.’

He nodded and brushed his lips across hers. ‘I’ll be there, barring Gaunt giving me something idiotic to do…’

He started to lean down again and she pulled away. ‘Harry, if you keep kissing me I’m going to miss this train.’

He grinned at her. ‘I can Apparate you to Hogsmeade.’

She sighed. ‘I still have to pass my Apparition exam.’ She rested her hands on his chest. ‘Harry, please don’t do anything dangerous.’

He gave her a surprised look. ‘Me? Gaunt won’t…’ He stopped, that wasn’t what she meant at all. ‘Ginny…if your family doesn’t want me around because it makes things worse, I won’t go there.’ He leaned down. ‘One of the reasons I want to be there won’t be there anymore, so you don’t have to worry about that.’

She laughed softly. ‘That is the one encouraging thing I can think of.’

He bent down and kissed her on the cheek again. ‘I…’ He wanted to say something meaningful. He wanted to tell her he loved her, but he thought she wasn’t ready to hear that. ‘If you need anything at all...’

He looked at her helplessly and she smiled. ‘Thanks, Harry.’

She started to walk away and he grabbed her arm. ‘Before I forget…’ He handed her a large envelope. ‘This helped me since my third year, and it gave me a lot of comfort last year. I…I think you might like it and find it useful.’

She started to argue but smiled at him. She looked at the envelope and turned it over in her hands. ‘Thanks, Harry.’ She started to board the train and turned around. She looked up at him, a look of sadness and remorse crossing her face.

He wrapped his arms around her quickly and lifted her off the ground. She giggled softly into his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I shouldn’t have encouraged you.’

He grinned and lowered her back to the ground. ‘Or teased me.’ He kissed her softly, letting his fingers run through the hair he wouldn’t be able to touch for weeks and whispered, ‘Please make sure all the blokes there know you’re taken.’

She giggled softly and said, ‘Just remember, I don’t want to see any pictures of you and other women either.’

He let go of her slowly and said, ‘Only one woman I want to be seen with.’

She boarded the train slowly and he watched as the door was shut and Ginny stood on the other side. She wasn’t the type of girl that cried, but she seemed to be overwhelmed with emotion. If Harry didn’t know better, she almost looked relieved.

The train slowly left the station and Harry walked briskly with it, his eyes never leaving Ginny’s. He stopped a few metres from the end of the platform and watched the red train disappear into a billow of smoke. He hadn’t felt so sad and detached in a long time. Everything that made him happy had left on that train and he wished he’d had the courage to tell her he loved her, even if he didn’t know if she’d say it back to him.

Chapter 34 - Riding the Rails by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
This starts a very new story arc, hope you enjoy it! Thanks much to my Beta Ginny!

Ginny watched sadly as Harry followed the train as it left the station. He had been giving her the saddest looks she’d ever seen and it made her feel immensely guilty that she was so thankful to leave for school. He was right though. It wasn’t like her to run away from her problems, but things at home had degenerated into a living hell. She was worried about Ron the most. He was missing his chance to move on in life, but the issues with George wouldn’t go away quickly.

Ginny made her way back to the compartment Harry had helped her find and she saw Luna sitting quietly with the most recent issue of The Quibbler. She smiled to herself thinking how little Luna had changed in all the years she’d known her.

Luna looked up brightly. ‘Hello, Ginny! It looks like Harry is going to miss you fiercely this year.’

Ginny grinned. ‘I’m going to miss him too.’

‘He’s looking more grim than usual,’ Luna observed.

Ginny looked up sharply. ‘He was, wasn’t he?’ She didn’t know what to think about it, but felt that both she and Hermione probably had the same solemn looks.

‘Did something happen after Harry’s birthday?’ Luna asked.

‘Well…things are under control now.’ Ginny eluded Luna’s inquisitiveness and was thankful that her friend went back to her newspaper.

She sighed and let Crookshanks out of his carrier. The cat roamed around the car once before settling in Ginny’s lap. Ginny had missed seeing the cat since Hermione had left it with her parents. She petted Crookshanks softly and the cat purred loudly.

Ginny slumped further into the seat and shut her eyes for a few moments. She woke up suddenly when she felt the warmth on her lap jump away from her. She opened her eyes slowly and saw that Hermione had returned. She was wearing her Hogwarts robes and was proudly displaying her Head Girl badge.

She grinned at Ginny. ‘Feeling alright?’

Ginny yawned and tried to cover her mouth. ‘Just feeling a bit tired.’

Hermione glanced at Luna who had looked up, but went back to her newspaper. Ginny knew Hermione wouldn’t say more in front of Luna, but she seemed to be dying to ask her what had happened at the Burrow.

They stared at one another for a few minutes, as if coming to an understanding before Ginny shook her head to clear it, and got up slowly. She paced out of the car, trying vainly to ignore Hermione’s irritatingly close watch on her, and turned back around.

‘I don’t know anything, Hermione. Stop looking at me like that.’ She grinned at her friend and Hermione started to laugh.

‘Fine, fine. I’m going to send Ron a letter. Think he’ll reply?’ she asked.

Ginny laughed. ‘I think we both know Ron better than that. But as you’re now his girlfriend, it’s more likely than not that he will reply to you.’

Hermione couldn’t suppress her grin and said, ‘I certainly hope so. I was getting worried when I didn’t hear from either of you for two weeks.’

She seemed to be testing Ginny for more information, but Ginny sighed. ‘It was not pleasant. I know Ron was dying to write to you, but it was a full-time job.’

Hermione nodded knowingly and said nothing more. The rest of the train ride was kept in relative silence, though Hermione took a few trips around the train keeping an eye on things. Ginny didn’t ask about who the other Prefects were, but knew the Head Boy was Ernie Macmillan, a boy from Hufflepuff. Ginny knew he had attended Hogwarts the previous year, but as with many students, was not able to complete his studies.

On a return from one of her many rounds, Hermione commented, ‘I am surprised to see so many students returning.’

‘It did seem as if The Daily Prophet was proclaiming the school unsafe,’ Luna interjected. She put her paper down and looked seriously at Hermione. ‘But father and I think that’s all rubbish. Why wouldn’t the school be safer now than before?’

Hermione shot Ginny a smile and said, ‘My thoughts exactly. Now we know where all the fallacies may lie and can fix them.’

Ginny nodded but tuned the conversation out. She ran her hand across the seat and realised she hadn’t opened the envelope Harry had given her. As she lifted it she heard Hermione comment, ‘I’m just glad the school is back open and I hope that this year is even better than I anticipate.’

Ginny turned back to her, lifting the envelope slightly. ‘Hermione, I have no doubt that you will make the best of this year.’

‘What have you got there?’ Hermione asked, eyeing the envelope.

‘Harry gave it to me before the train left.’ She smiled thinking of the intense snogging she had been receiving at the time and how much she was going to miss him.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. ‘That was his parting gift to you?’

Ginny smiled. ‘Yes. Though I think he’s given me far too many gifts.’

‘Aren’t you going to open it?’ Luna asked.

Hermione raised her eyebrows expectantly and Ginny didn’t feel the courage to disappoint them. She opened the envelope to find a bit of parchment inside. It was blank and she turned it over in her hands a couple of times. Hermione inhaled sharply and Ginny gave her an inquisitive look as she discovered a note within. Hermione didn’t elaborate on her exclamation and Ginny ignored her long enough to unfold the note and recognised Harry’s slanted handwriting.


I couldn’t think what to give you. I know you’re already over-loaded with enough, but this might come in handy. Fred and George gave this to me my third year at Hogwarts. If you ever need to know where people are on the Hogwarts’ grounds, this will let you know where they are at all times.

This is the Marauders Map “ it was made by my father, Sirius, Professor Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. To have it reveal its secrets to you, tap it with your wand and say, ‘I solemnly swear I am up to no good’ and the map will appear. If you get caught with the map and can’t let that person see it, like Filch, tap the map with your wand and say, ‘Mischief Managed.’

Please be safe this term. Hermione should be a great help academically, but just remember, if any blokes ask, you’re taken.

I’m already missing you terribly.



Ginny smiled as she re-read the note and saw Hermione smiling back at her. Luna looked perplexed but seemed to note there was little chance Ginny was going to say more. Ginny folded the map up and was thankful to feel the train begin to slow down.

Hermione left Ginny alone with Luna to gather the first years and direct them to Hagrid as they would go in a different direction than the rest of the students, as traditionally they came into the castle crossing the lake in boats. Ginny grabbed Hermione’s things as well as her own and magically moved them off of the train. She could just make out Hermione’s silhouette as she and Luna grabbed a carriage.

Ginny didn’t have the ability to see the Thestrals until late in her sixth year. It was only during the Hogwarts battle that she had actually witnessed death and let it sink in. She had ridden the Thestrals in her fourth year to the Ministry of Magic, but hadn’t been able to see them then. Looking at them now, she was both terrified at their appearance and fascinated by them. She stepped towards one and it bucked its head back, but allowed her to pet it. The skin had a leathery texture to it and felt almost smooth to the touch. She patted the animal softly until she heard Luna call her name.

She turned slowly and boarded the carriage absently. Ginny kept Crookshanks with her. He had refused adamantly to get back into his basket and Hermione was off sorting out the first years with Hagrid. Ginny looked questioningly around. During her first year, Ginny hadn’t noticed if Percy had road a carriage or the boats towards the castle. She wasn’t certain if she should wait for Hermione, but as she started to ask Luna, Hermione and Ernie came walking quickly towards the last carriage that Luna and Ginny had been waiting in.

Hermione smiled up at them. ‘Thanks for waiting for us.’

Ernie nodded his agreement and commented, ‘Weren’t quite as many first-years as I’d expected.’ He looked at Hermione. ‘Did they not send out as many letters this year?’

Hermione shrugged. ‘I don’t know. Perhaps not as many people felt comfortable sending their kids away this year?’

Luna laughed airily. ‘That’s absurd! If anything, the school should be safer! Voldemort is dead and most of his followers have been taken care of!’

Ginny looked up surprised, not expecting an outburst from Luna, but Luna had a look of resolve about her that Ginny hadn’t seen since the battle. She nodded at her friend and said quietly, ‘Its unfortunate other people don’t see that.’

Hermione nodded at Ginny and reached out to take the cat out of Ginny’s arms. Crookshanks looked up, but didn’t show any signs of moving. Hermione sighed. ‘Do you mind?’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I’ve kinda missed him over the summer.’

Hermione grinned at her. ‘I’m glad you were able to have quality time with my cat.’

Ginny stroked Crookshanks and said, ‘I wish mum and dad had got me a cat. According to Muggle superstitions, cats are quite common for witches.’

Hermione nodded. ‘You’ve been reading Muggle stories?’

‘Dad has some books. He finds them fascinating. Plus, there’s some rogue wizard that wrote about the magical world with the Muggle world, Shakes-something…I can’t remember the name.’ Ginny looked at the sky thoughtfully.

Hermione laughed. ‘Its so funny, because growing up with Muggle stories, living in this world is…’

She seemed lost for words and Ginny grinned at her. Though she noted Luna and Ernie didn’t appear to show the same interest in Hermione’s thirst for knowledge. Ernie, to Ginny’s knowledge, was a pure-blood, as far as nine generations. He always seemed very intelligent, but also seemed to be full of himself, according to her. She knew he’d had a few run-ins with Harry during her first year, but much of that was due to Harry speaking Parseltongue.

Ernie started to talk to Hermione about proper protocol for the first years and Ginny happily watched the scenery on the way to the castle, paying them no mind. She barely felt Luna’s gaze on her, but did not turn to acknowledge it.

Ginny wondered what awaited them in the castle and held her breath as they approached the last turn on the road. She sat up as they approached the school. It was very much as she remembered it. If she hadn’t been in the battle herself, she would have never expected to see it in this condition.

The exterior of the castle was completely intact. Although some of the towers seemed to have shifted ever so slightly, the castle was exactly as she remembered it. She tore her gaze from it and was thankful to see Hermione, Ernie and Luna all having similar, awestruck expressions on their faces.

She caught Hermione’s gaze and knew the smile on her face was most likely reflected on her friend’s face. They stared at one another for a moment and Ginny said quietly, ‘I’m really glad we came back.’

Hermione replied quietly, ‘Me too.’
Chapter 35 - Shifting Forward by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I swear I thought I uploaded this already...I wonder if I didn't get an e-mail about validation...

Harry had watched the train leave and stayed as long as he could, re-playing the last intimate moment he’d had with Ginny; the touch of her lips on his, the feel of her fingers running through his hair. She had the most amazing scent about her. He wished he had something substantive to remember her by.

He soon realised there were a great number of people looking in his direction and kicked himself for not having used any charms to conceal his identity or Ginny’s. He was flushed from the memory and hurried out of the train station, heading home.

Kreacher was waiting for him as he got home, and grilled him on how his last meeting with Ginny had gone. Kreacher had been very intuitive about the troubles Harry was feeling with respect to Ginny, and seemed to know when to give the right advice.

Harry tried to stay positive as the day went on, and he was surprised to see Ron come out of the grate some time after dinner. Ron looked worse for the wear and had the same tired, exhausted expression he’d seen on Ginny. Harry also noticed Ron’s clothes seemed to be dishevelled, as if he hadn’t changed or showered all day.

‘Ron! I didn’t expect to see you. Ginny made it sound like I wouldn’t be seeing you for a while…’ Harry said quietly.

Ron sat down heavily at the table and replied, ‘I didn’t expect to get away myself. But mum and dad were feeling…charitable.’ He looked at the table with a guilty expression and said, ‘Did Ginny and Hermione get on the train okay?’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, no problems.’ He continued more slowly, ‘How are things? You look totally gone, mate.’

Ron nodded and ran his hand through his hair. ‘You have no idea…Merlin, I wish I could say more. It’s been hell, Harry.’

Harry looked consolingly at Ron. ‘I’m really sorry, mate. I wish there were something I could do to help you…’ He looked at the paper in front of him and continued slowly, ‘Based on what Ginny and Hermione said, I don’t think I can…help you, that is.’

Ron nodded. ‘I’m afraid they’re right. I would love an extra set of hands, they let Ginny go to school, so we’re short-handed.’

Harry nodded. ‘Is he getting any better?’

Ron shook his head and stared at the wall. ‘No. But mum and dad seem to think he’s making progress.’

Harry looked sadly at his friend. ‘Merlin, Ron, I’m no good at this sort of thing. I wish Hermione were here to lift your spirits a bit.’

Ron grinned at him. ‘I have a feeling she’d have an effect on more than just my spirits.’

Harry and Ron chuckled for a few minutes before Kreacher brought tea to the table. Harry thanked him and watched as the house elf left him alone with Ron again. He couldn’t help but notice the disapproving look that crossed Kreacher’s face when Ron mentioned Hermione.

He shook his head and tried to push it out of his mind as Ron drank his tea. Ron said, ‘So, how are things at the Ministry?’

Harry didn’t want to disappoint Ron and said cautiously, ‘Well, Neville and I have taken our NEWT’s. We’re going to start our official training on Monday.’

Ron tried to conceal his disappointment and said, ‘Good for you, both of you. I’m sorry I missed that.’

‘Don’t worry, Ron, you can catch up,’ Harry said smiling.

Ron didn’t look to believe his friend but didn’t push it. Ron sighed. ‘I am looking forward to Quidditch at Hogwarts this year. I’m sure Ginny told you she was named captain of the Gryffindor team.’

Harry nodded. ‘I think she’ll be brilliant. I expect Gryffindor to take the House Cup this year.’

Ron nodded. ‘Are you going to go to the matches?’

‘Wild Thestrals couldn’t keep me away, mate,’ Harry quipped.

Ron gave him a grim look. ‘And we have that memorial to go to.’

Harry nodded. ‘I can’t imagine what that’s going to be like.’ He looked closely at his hands and continued, ‘At least now George might be, mentally, in a better place and he might be able to go.’

‘I’m not sure, Harry. He’s still totally gone with grief about Fred…Everyone is I think…’ Ron looked seriously at his friend. ‘I think we’re finally…you know, getting to the point where we can grieve.’

‘That’s good,’ Harry replied feebly. He didn’t know what to say to that. But looking at the state of his friend, Harry knew he had to say something more substantive. ‘Ron, is there anything I can do?’

Ron shook his head, saying nothing. Harry sighed and started, ‘Look, Ron, I know I’m the last person that should probably be offering you help, but your family is the only family I’ve ever known. I know your parents are afraid that George might hurt me, or something, but I’m really not worried about it.’

Ron gave Harry a serious look. ‘Harry, you can’t come over. It isn’t just your well being, but George’s mental stability that we’re worried about.’ Ron stood up slowly, pacing the room. ‘I know you mean well, but you should listen to Ginny and Hermione…leave it alone.’

Harry nodded. ‘Yeah, sure.’

They finished their tea and Harry said quietly, breaking the silence, ‘So, you coming back to work soon?’

Ron shook his head. ‘No, Percy’s trying to keep the store afloat right now, but I’m stuck with George-watching most days.’

‘Are you going to stop training to be an Auror?’ Harry asked cautiously.

Ron turned to Harry with a sour expression. ‘I don’t want to worry about work right now.’ He took a step towards the grate and said, ‘I’ll see you, Harry.’

Harry got up quickly. ‘Ron, if you get a chance, let me know how things are going. And if I can ask you to do me a favour...’ Ron gave him a hard look and Harry continued, ‘Send Hermione a letter. She really missed you this morning.’

Ron smiled at this and said, ‘I miss her, too.’

He walked into the grate and Floo’d home in a burst of green flame. Kreacher came back into the room and Harry marvelled, ‘How do you always know when someone’s left?’

Kreacher bowed to him and replied, ‘It is my duty, Master Harry.’

Harry nodded, thanked Kreacher and headed out of the room. He sighed and walked into his study. There was a stack of books and parchment sitting on his desk. He had avoided doing extra work all day, and knew he could avoid it no longer.

He sat down at his desk and started working on the assignments until late into the night. Kreacher came in before midnight and insisted he get some rest. Harry knew he had a long day ahead of him and drifted off, still thinking about his last moments with Ginny.

He was dreading the memorial and knew an invitation would be coming soon. From his conversation with Ron, it sounded like the Weasleys weren’t looking forward to it either. He didn’t expect all of them to be in attendance and realised he’d be seeing his godson, Teddy, there. He tossed and turned all night and was thankful there was one more day of the weekend to get some rest.

Harry spent his Sunday catching up on all the things he’d put off due to Ginny’s and Hermione’s departure. When he got into work on Monday, Neville was there waiting, looking more eager than ever.

‘Harry! Are you ready? Can you believe it?’ Neville asked.

Harry grinned and hung his jacket on the nearby coat rack. ‘Where’s Gaunt? I’m surprised he isn’t here with a stack of things for us to do.’

Neville gestured to the desk Harry normally used and said, ‘There’s a letter for you over there. Mine has me meeting an Auror this afternoon. That’ll be the person to train me in my area of expertise. What does yours say?’

Harry picked the letter up off the table and noted he’d be working with an Auror he’d never met before. The letter listed Sturgis Podmore as his adviser. Harry recognised the name, this was someone who had been arrested briefly, years ago, for his involvement with the Prophecy that Harry and Voldemort had sought out during Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and Hermione had suspected that Sturgis Podmore was under the Imperius curse and had not done any actual wrong doing.

Gaunt walked into the office before Harry could respond to Neville’s request and stated, ‘Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t get any easier.’

Harry and Neville waited expectantly as Gaunt built the tension. ‘I’m sure you both read your letters. That’s pretty much it for us. Try to contain your disappointment,’ he said sardonically.

He gestured to the door. ‘Enjoy the morning; you’re free to catch up on outstanding tasks. Your advisers will be by later and you’ll be off doing work in the real environment now. Try to remember everything I taught you, it could save your lives.’

Harry started to say something but Gaunt cut him off, ‘Please, you’ll both be seeing me around. Just remember, any poor actions on your part will have a bad reflection on me. So act like you know what you’re doing.’

With that he stepped out of the office and Neville and Harry exchanged relieved looks. Harry shook his head. ‘I can’t believe we won’t be trained by him. I thought that’s what Kingsley meant in his original letter.’

Neville shook his head. ‘I wasn’t really sure. But I have to admit, I won’t mind getting trained by someone else.’

Harry nodded. ‘Although I wonder, will that be better or worse?’

Neville chuckled. ‘Who’s to say, Harry? I mean, at least we’ll be learning something and applying it, right?’

Harry nodded and waited anxiously as the day passed on. A sharp rap on the door after lunch announced Harry’s new adviser. Sturgis Podmore stepped in. He was a round man, stout and had a full head of brown hair. His eyes were bright and he locked them with Harry’s. ‘Well, Mr. Potter, shall we get to it?’

Harry got up quickly and Sturgis said, ‘Leave your things; you’ll still be using this office as a base. But I have some things to go over with you and then I’ll have some work for you to do.’

He stalked down the hallway to his office and Harry kept pace with him. Sturgis continued, ‘I like to investigate things fully and I need to make sure you have a good grasp of all the proper procedures. As with many things involving delicate subjects, as Aurors, we need to know the law by heart to enforce it properly.’

Harry nodded. ‘Of course, sir.’

‘I have about a dozen books in my office I’m going to loan you. I want you to be as familiar with all the information within as possible, and then we’ll go from there.’ He chuckled seeing the look on Harry’s face. ‘Don’t worry, Mr. Potter. It isn’t that bad. This isn’t medicine, so be thankful for that! It’s the same sorts of things you’ve been dealing with already. This’ll be a way for me to assess your analytical and problem-solving skills.’

He opened the door to his office and Harry noted the same set-up that Gaunt’s office had. Sturgis motioned to a stack of books on his credenza and said, ‘That’s them. I don’t want to go too fast without you looking those over. You can stay in your office for the next few days and review those. I’ll be sending you some files I’m working on, and if you could familiarise yourself with those, that would help as well.’

He nodded and said, ‘I’m really happy to be working with you, Mr. Potter. We all have very high hopes for you and know you won’t disappoint. You’ll only be working with me for a few months, but this is critical.’

He clapped his hands together. ‘Capital! Well then, Mr. Potter. I’ll be checking in.’

Harry nodded mutely and lifted the stack of books and headed back to his office. When he returned to the office he noted Neville was gone. He sat at his desk and did his best to stay alert while sifting through all the information at his fingertips. It wasn’t until the clock rang five o’clock that Harry realised how late it was. He took a couple of the books and headed to the main corridor to Floo back home.

Kreacher had dinner waiting for him when he arrived. He ate quickly and took a bit of time to write Hermione a letter. In his letter, he asked her to keep an eye on Ginny. He asked Kreacher to send the letter off and went back to his books for much of the evening. As he went to bed, he couldn’t help but think of Ginny and how much he was missing her.

Chapter 36 - Coping with Escape by pokecharm

Ginny had not paid much heed to the start of term feast and felt out of place at Hogwarts. It was so strange to be back. No Ron, no George, no Harry, no Fred. She was extremely thankful Hermione had chosen to come back, but they didn’t know each other that well.

The last episode with George had forced Hermione to spend time with her, as opposed to Ron, and they had had a few interesting moments. Ginny now understood why Harry and Ron were such good friends with Hermione. She had this way about her, even if she were asserting her knowledge, to still make Ginny feel comforted. She wondered if this was how Hermione and Harry had got on when Ron had deserted them last year.

She felt like she was in a sort of trance. She passed many of the places in the school that held mixed memories. She found herself walking around the hallways, passing the Room of Requirement and stopping. It had appeared out of no-where, as it often would, and she couldn’t help herself but go in. She pushed the doors opened and stopped. The room had the same look that she recalled from the final battle. Everything was the same, the chairs and pillows in the same places. She remembered spending time in that room, nervously waiting for someone to bring her news.

She had finally gotten her chance to get away when Harry, Ron and Hermione had needed to use the room to find the final Horcrux. She and Tonks had gotten the chance to defend the school and then all hell broke loose. She shut her eyes tightly trying to push the memories out of her mind. The serene looks on Lupin’s, Tonks’ and Fred’s faces as they were brought into the Great Hall. She couldn’t forget. She had hoped it would be easier being at school, but it wasn’t.

The door to the Room of Requirement was still open and Ginny found herself hurrying through it. She wanted to get away, get away from everything. As she hurried to the doors of the school she heard someone calling her name. She turned abruptly and squinted, trying to make out who was calling to her. Light was pouring through the hallway entrance, blinding her, and she felt a pair of hands grip her shoulders.

‘Ginny! Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!’ Hermione eked out.

She wrapped her arms around Ginny and pulled her into a warm embrace. She whispered, ‘What’s wrong?’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I can’t…I can’t do this…’

She was crying profusely now, she couldn’t stop the tears. All the horrors she’d witnessed, all the loss she’d seen, were passing before her eyes over and over again. Ginny didn’t know what was happening, but could feel Hermione wrapping her arm around her shoulders and leading her away.

‘You’re going to be fine…this is all just a bit too much,’ Hermione said quietly.

Ginny looked at her friend and could see through her tears that Hermione was upset too. She stopped in the hallway on the way to the Gryffindor common room and stood there looking at Hermione. ‘How can you be so certain?’

Her voice was shaking and she could see Hermione was thinking hard. Hermione took a few deep breathes and uttered, ‘Because things have to be fine. This is Hogwarts.’

It was a simple statement. But as Ginny had already realised, Hermione had a knack for saying the right thing. Ginny took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. ‘I know you’re right…I just…’

Hermione nodded and squeezed Ginny’s arm. ‘I know…Merlin, I know. I wish Ron and Harry were here.’

Ginny nodded and started to walk slowly back to the common room. It had gotten rather late and Ginny could feel the warmth from the locket increasing as she walked. She wondered if Harry was missing her as much as she was missing him.

Hermione lagged behind Ginny for a few steps and Ginny stopped. ‘What?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Nothing…’

Ginny looked around, realising they were standing in front of the Room of Requirement. She looked around the hallway and looked back at Hermione. Her friend didn’t seem torn by unpleasant memories, she seemed to be smiling.

Ginny walked back to Hermione. ‘I have a feeling I just don’t want to know.’

Hermione grinned. ‘I don’t want to hear it, Ginny. I had to deal with you and Harry all summer!’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘It wasn’t that bad. It was wonderful.’

She grinned at Hermione and Hermione burst out laughing. ‘Not from where I was standing! Especially that last dinner where I was forced to watch you two paw at each other.’

Ginny replied, ‘Ha! Like you and Ron were really any better?’

They both started laughing and Ginny felt a sense of calm wash over her. She grabbed Hermione’s arm and pulled her towards the common room. Ginny didn’t feel quite as overwhelmed as she first had. But she had a feeling that being back at school wouldn’t be quite the escape she’d anticipated it to be.

As they entered the very familiar room, Ginny noted the silence that echoed within it. All conversations had stopped as they’d entered. There were many familiar faces there. Lavender Brown was sitting nearby and tried to smile at both Ginny and Hermione. She only managed to turn the corners of her lips up ever so slightly before looking away.

Ginny looked down suddenly, a feeling of foreboding washing over her. Hermione shifted next to her and then walked forward. ‘I know we don’t have classes yet, though they start soon, and as Head Girl, I don’t think you all should stay up too much later.’

A bit of laughter broke out with more chuckles to follow. Hermione turned back to Ginny with a grin as Dean Thomas stepped forward. ‘Come on now, hero, can’t you let us stay up late for one night?’

Hermione turned and looked up at Dean. ‘What kind of Head Girl would I be if I let you do that?’

He grinned at her. ‘The popular kind.’

Ginny looked from Dean to Hermione but didn’t say anything. She saw a few friends she recognised and sat down, beckoning Hermione to join them. She sat quietly listening to people re-tell their stories about their summers. All the stories had similar threads. She hadn’t realised how detached things had gotten at the Burrow and found herself being pulled into the memory of it before things had become so sombre and depressing.

She looked up to see Hermione staring at her intently. Hermione had sat down next to her, picking up a nearby book and raised her eyebrows at her friend. ‘Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Ginny?’

Ginny nodded. ‘You’re worse than my mum! You don’t need to worry about me, I’m fine.’

Hermione didn’t argue but stood up slowly. ‘I think you need to get some sleep, Ginny. So do I; I’m heading to bed.’

Ginny nodded and watched as Hermione left. She didn’t realise how comforting Hermione’s presence was and tried to think where Hermione’s room was. As Head Girl she may not be staying in Gryffindor tower. Ginny’s attention was diverted back to Dean and Seamus. They were asking her about her plans for Quidditch, and she had to think back quickly to her conversations with Harry about it. They seemed convinced of her strategies and both retired a little while later.

Ginny found the common room had emptied out not long after Dean and Seamus left, but she didn’t have the energy to move. She leaned back against the arm of the couch she was sitting in and propped her legs up on the opposite arm. She felt exhausted, but everywhere she looked the memories came flooding back.

It was as if the presence of others kept them at bay, but now, now her thoughts were driving through her like rain and she hadn’t anything to shield herself with. She shut her eyes tightly, but could feel the hot tears streaming down her face. She missed them. She missed her doting mother and father. She missed her funny brothers Fred and George. Fred. How could he have left them? How could he have just left her and all of her brothers? She wondered how Ron was doing with George now. She knew it couldn’t be easy

She rubbed her eyes, trying to will the tears to stop, but they wouldn’t. She kept going over the final battle, going over the times with George in the hospital. She kept seeing that crazed look on George’s face when he cursed Harry. She wondered if any of the other students had death attempts after the war as she’d had to deal with.

She heard the stairs creak behind her and sat up abruptly. Hermione had her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her and her arms were crossed. She quickly crossed the room and bent down in front of Ginny. ‘Why aren’t you in bed?’

Ginny shrugged and looked away from Hermione. But Hermione would have none of that and grabbed Ginny’s shoulders and pulled her up on her feet. ‘Come on. You can’t sit here all night.’

Ginny didn’t want to go to bed, but she couldn’t think of anything to say or do to stop Hermione. She let Hermione lead her up a few flights of stairs before stopping and pushing the door open of a room Ginny had never seen before.

The room was sparsely furnished, yet it felt warm and inviting. There was an overstuffed chair in the corner and it was very clean. She waved her wand and Ginny saw a pair of tea cups float to a nearby table. Hermione sat at the table and said, ‘Ginny, you can’t go on like this…talk to me.’

Ginny shook her head, sat down across from her and said quietly, ‘There’s nothing to talk about.’

Hermione glared at her. ‘Stop it, Ginny. This is the second time in as many hours I’ve found you crying.’

‘Can you blame me?’ she replied hotly.

‘I’m not blaming you! I’m trying to help you, if you’ll let me.’ Hermione had a worried look on her face and Ginny immediately felt guilty for snapping at her.

‘I’m sorry, Hermione…I…I don’t know…’ She sipped the tea and felt the warmth soothing her. She looked at Hermione and smiled.

‘I know, I mean, being back here is tough. I can’t imagine what this is like for you.’ Hermione looked at the table quietly.

Ginny sighed. ‘You’re probably going through the same thing.’

Hermione turned away from Ginny. ‘Not the same. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.’

Ginny reached across the table and squeezed Hermione’s hand. ‘Don’t be silly, Hermione. We’ve all lost so much. And you were closer to the battles than anyone…if anything, you should be affected more than me.’

Hermione laughed. ‘Great, then we’ll both be messes this year!’

Ginny smiled at her friend. ‘Thanks…I don’t feel quite as depressed as when we first got here.’

Hermione tried to smile. Ginny continued softly, ‘But it looks like I’ve brought you down with me.’

She smiled consolingly at her friend and Hermione rubbed her temples with the tips of her fingers. ‘No, I’m fine. Why don’t you head to your room and get some rest.’

It wasn’t a question. Ginny knew Hermione was telling her to go. She got up slowly and Hermione did the same. She hugged her friend and said, ‘Alright, but send me a Patronus or something if you need some company.’

Hermione nodded and patted Ginny on the back. ‘I think we could both use some rest.’

Ginny nodded and headed up the flights of stairs to the floor where the seventh years lived. All of her roommates were already sound asleep and she quickly changed and got into her bedclothes. She tried to push the memories of the battle out of her mind as she went to bed, but it was to little avail. As she got up the next morning, she felt like she hadn’t slept at all.

She walked in a trance through most of Sunday, seeing Hermione but once. She was instructing the first years how to form proper queues. Ginny passed the assembly with little note and spent most of the day hunched quietly in the corner of the Gryffindor common room.

As the day wore on, Ginny felt more and more tired. She found herself nodding off and heard Dean sit down and say her name. ‘Ginny, you look terrible…’

He chuckled. ‘That came out all wrong. You know you’re gorgeous.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows and smiled. ‘Uh, thanks, Dean.’

He put his hands up quickly. ‘Hey, I know you’re taken. Doesn’t mean I can’t look, right?’

Ginny looked at him curiously and waited for him to continue. He wiped his hands on his pants. ‘What I’m trying to say is I think you need to go sleep in a proper bed or something. When was the last time you slept?’

She looked down, thinking of that stolen afternoon with Harry and sighed. ‘I can’t recall.’

She didn’t feel up to sharing her intimate moments with Harry. Dean grinned. ‘Hermione asked me to check up on you. And as my duty under the orders of our Head Girl, you’d better get some rest.’

Ginny felt something brush up against her legs and looked down to see Crookshanks purring quietly up at her. She sighed and could see Dean was still looking at her intently. The way he was looking at her made her feel very uncomfortable. She got up quickly and reached down to scoop up Crookshanks. ‘I’ll go put Crookshanks back. If you see Hermione, tell her not to worry.’

She hurried out of the common room feeling Dean’s gaze follow her out of sight. She sighed in relief as she made it to Hermione’s room and pushed the door open slowly. She would have expected Hermione to put some sort of charms on the door to keep it locked, but she obviously hadn’t.

Ginny put Crookshanks down, but the cat persisted, rubbing up against her legs and then jumping onto Hermione’s bed. Ginny sighed. ‘What are you on about you barmy cat?’

Crookshanks purred loudly at this and Ginny sighed. Hermione’s bed looked very inviting and she sat on the edge of it. This was no softer than hers, but it felt more comforting than her own. Crookshanks brushed against her back and she reached around to catch him, but he leaped back out of her grasp. She lied down across the bed, trying to grab him, but to no use. She sighed and yawned. Maybe she would just shut her eyes for a moment.

She woke up a few hours later. Someone was rubbing her back gently and she shook her head slowly. The room was completely dark now and she could distantly hear someone talking to her. Crookshanks shifted in front of her and she turned over slowly.

Hermione was looking at her intently, a worried expression crossing her face. ‘Ginny?’

She nodded and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes. ‘I’m sorry, Hermione, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on your bed.’

Hermione patted Ginny on the arm. ‘Don’t be stupid, I don’t care if you’re sleeping in my bed. I camped out in your room for the last few summers.’

Ginny grinned. ‘Yeah, but you didn’t sleep in my bed.’ Ginny propped herself up on her elbows. ‘What time is it?’

Hermione smiled. ‘You just missed dinner.’

‘I did? I’m not feeling hungry at all,’ Ginny confessed.

‘It doesn’t matter whether you are or not. I asked Winky to bring something up for you, it’ll be here shortly. You’re not skipping any more meals,’ Hermione stated.

Ginny didn’t want to argue and ran her hands through her hair. ‘I must look a fright.’

Hermione giggled and shook her head. ‘Well, just be glad I’m not Harry.’

‘Is it really that bad?’ Ginny asked.

‘Not really, I’ve seen worse.’ Hermione laughed.

Winky Apparated into Hermione’s room with a laden tray and set it on the table Ginny and Hermione had tea on the night before. ‘Miss Granger, as you requested, dinner for you and Miss Weasley.’

Ginny smiled. ‘Thank you, Winky.’

The house elf nodded and Apparated out of the room as quickly as she’d arrived. Ginny got up slowly noticing Crookshanks purring loudly at her. ‘Hermione, is there something you want to tell me about your cat?’

Hermione grinned. ‘No, but did you see that? Not all house elves say Master and Mistress. Just like I told you before! They are very intuitive.’

Ginny shook her head. ‘Hermione, I really think you’re seeing too much into this. Kreacher was just being polite. I don’t think he knows what the future holds.’

Hermione shrugged. ‘I think he does, you’re just not giving him enough credit.’

Ginny sighed and ate slowly. She said through mouthfuls, ‘Really, are you saying that Kreacher knows the future?’

Hermione sat across from her nibbling on some bread. ‘Not the future. But I think he sees something between people that belong together…like you and Harry.’

Hermione was grinning at her and Ginny felt the heat rushing to her face. ‘I know Harry and I are fond of each other…’ She looked down at her plate and continued softly, ‘I don’t know…’

Hermione raised her eyebrows. ‘Ginny, you can’t honestly tell me you don’t think you belong with Harry?’

‘I don’t know, Hermione. I mean…’ she looked up nervously. ‘I have never pictured myself with anyone else. It’s been a long summer…’

Hermione placed her hands evenly on the table. ‘I know this may be untoward for me to say, and it maybe none of my business as well, but Harry doesn’t…he doesn’t think about anyone else the way he thinks about you.’

Ginny looked blankly at Hermione and the older girl continued, ‘I probably shouldn’t say more, but last year…he was missing you so much. And he never wanted to say anything, but I knew.’

Ginny sighed. ‘Thanks…that doesn’t really help me at all, Hermione.’

Hermione laughed. ‘Oh, come on. You know you love him and he loves you!’

Ginny balked. ‘Whoa! Wait a minute; we’re not even close to saying that sort of thing!’

Ginny narrowed her eyes and Hermione shook her head. ‘Fine, fine, but just remember that I’ve told you what you already know.’ Hermione grinned at her and continued, ‘Now it’ll be easier for you and Harry.’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t know about that. He doesn’t talk about how he feels.’

‘No, he doesn’t,’ Hermione acquiesced. ‘But I think if he opens up to anyone, it’ll be you, first and foremost.’

Ginny didn’t look Hermione in the eye as she finished the dinner and Hermione busied herself with school work. Ginny got up slowly and said, ‘Hermione…thanks…for looking after me. I promise, I’ll get it together as classes start.’

Hermione grinned at the mention of classes and said, ‘You and me both, I’m sure.’ Hermione crossed the room and said, ‘Ginny, if you need anything…’

Ginny nodded and embraced Hermione. ‘The same for you, too. Good night.’

Ginny left Hermione in her room and headed slowly up the stairs. She tried to think positively about the new term, but realised she was missing her brothers and Harry, perhaps Harry more than her brothers. She noticed she’d received a note from Harry, but decided she would reply tomorrow morning before she started her first full week of classes.

Chapter 37 - Class is Back in Session by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I'm happy to see the chapters going through quickly - I have finished writing this fic, it's just a matter of Beta-ing and uploading them. Thanks to everyone that keeps reading!

Ginny had woken up late the following morning and found herself rushing to the Great Hall to inhale some form of breakfast before rushing off to class. She and Hermione, thankfully, had most of their classes together. She knew Hermione was dying to take as many classes as physically possible, but had chosen not to over-load herself as she had done her third year.

Ginny rushed through the common room and saw that there were only a few students around. She bounded down the various staircases and rushed to the Gryffindor table. She spotted Hermione reading a copy of The Daily Prophet and dropped her bag next to her friend, sitting down and helping herself to some cereal.

Hermione looked up slowly and said, ‘Good Morning. Glad to see you got some rest.’

‘Perhaps too much,’ she replied through mouthfuls.

Hermione smiled. ‘You must have needed it. You were looking like a ghost the last two days. Missing him that much, are you?’

Ginny put her spoon down and said sadly, ‘It isn’t just Harry I’m missing. I’m just…’ She really didn’t know Hermione that well and didn’t want to say more than she should. But she knew that now that she had spoken, Hermione wouldn’t let her get away without saying more. She sighed and continued, ‘I just don’t like being alone and having to think about things.’

Hermione leaned close to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. ‘How can you possibly get through this year if you live with the weight of the entire world on your shoulders?’

Ginny didn’t look up at Hermione, but grimaced in response. Hermione continued, speaking quietly, ‘Ginny, Harry asked me to keep an eye on you, so I will, but you have to make a deal with me.’

Ginny looked over at her slowly and replied quietly, ‘What kind of deal?’

Hermione grinned at her and said, ‘Give me a little credit. I just want you to take it easy. I can’t study as much as I’d like if you’re going to act half-mad!’

Ginny couldn’t help herself and laughed. ‘Ah, I see. You can’t honour your promise to Harry if I’m being crazy and you want to get passing marks.’

Hermione looked at her incredulously. ‘I don’t just want passing marks, Ginny.’

Ginny put her hands up quickly. ‘Merlin, no! I meant the highest of marks.’

Hermione shook her head and went back to the paper, giving Ginny a little space to finish her breakfast. Ginny looked over her shoulder and commented, ‘You know, I haven’t read that thing all summer.’

‘I know,’ she replied quickly. ‘It’s probably not worth reading.’

Ginny gave Hermione an inquisitive look and said, ‘Nothing worth reading?’

Hermione didn’t meet her gaze and said, ‘No, not a thing.’

Ginny looked over Hermione’s shoulder and her eyes bolted open. She tried to grab the paper, but Hermione put it out of her grasp. ‘It’s all rubbish.’

Ginny set her jaw and said, ‘You give me that paper, Hermione Jean Granger, and you give it to me right bloody now.’

She must have looked fierce, because Hermione reluctantly moved the paper closer to her. She said quietly, ‘You can’t believe a thing in it, you know that, right?’

The students around them had turned their attention to the commotion, but Ginny paid them little heed. She flipped through the paper and saw the article she was looking for. There, in black and white, were she and Harry, holding each other very close at the train station. She could feel the heat rising on her face and watched again and again as she and Harry embraced and slowly pulled away. She felt her eyes stinging with tears, and could feel Hermione pull the paper out of her grasp.

‘How long have you known?’ she whispered.

Hermione was looking at her intently. ‘Does it matter?’

Ginny turned, her eyes blazing once again. ‘Yes, it bloody well does!’

Hermione didn’t look to be interested in fighting and said, ‘All summer. There have been articles all summer about the two of you. At first I thought you knew…’ She looked down guiltily and took a deep breath. ‘Then I figured it might be best if you didn’t know. I mean, I was there, Ginny.’

Ginny sighed and nodded. If their places had been reversed, she would most likely have done the same thing. She took a few deep breathes and said quietly, feeling the gaze of the hall on them, ‘I’m sorry…’

She started to get up, but Hermione grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. ‘Don’t you walk away after that, Ginny Weasley.’ She sounded cross, and Ginny knew she deserved it and worse. Hermione had been keeping tabs on her the last few weeks and Ginny knew she should be more patient. She relented and sat back down, not wanting to meet Hermione’s gaze.

Hermione said quietly, ‘Ginny, I know this must be upsetting, but they’re just pictures, they don’t mean anything.’

‘No…’ Ginny said quietly, ‘but it does mean that people are watching me…watching him…watching us…’ She stopped, recalling Harry putting a charm on them on her birthday and her smile turned into a scowl. ‘He knew, didn’t he?’

Hermione shrugged. ‘He never told me anything.’

Ginny shook her head disdainfully. ‘Why didn’t he tell me?’

‘I think you need to calm down.’ Hermione was watching her closely and was certainly not the only one.

Ginny could feel the anger coursing through her and said through clenched teeth, ‘I am calm.’

‘No, you are not.’ Hermione grabbed Ginny roughly and turned her towards her. ‘Look at me. You need to let this go for right now. Harry, if he did know, probably did it because he didn’t want you to feel any more pressure than you already do. I know that’s why I didn’t say anything to you.’

Ginny turned away bitterly and reached for her bag. Hermione continued forcefully, ‘Ginny, we care about you. Harry and I care about you. You can’t blame us for caring.’

‘No.’ She glared at Hermione and said, ‘But I can blame both of you for treating me like I can’t handle life. I don’t see either of you doing this to Ron. He isn’t as feeble and useless as I am.’

Hermione glared right back at her. ‘How dare you make that accusation? This has nothing to do with feebleness. This has everything to do with who, out of all of us, is dealing with the most pressure. And guess what, you got the short straw and won.’

They stood there glaring at one another before Ginny said, ‘Fine. Can we go to class now?’

Hermione took a deep breath and said, ‘Fine.’

She grabbed her bag from the floor and followed Ginny out of the Great Hall. Ginny tried to keep a brisk pace, and was surprised that Hermione was keeping up with her step-for-step. Their first class was Transfiguration, which was still being taught by Professor McGonagall. During the Start of Term Feast, Ginny distantly recalled being told that the Headmistress would be assisting in this class. She had been close about who would be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts. There had been some rumour that the class would not start until second term, giving Hermione a veritable heart attack. She and Hermione had that class the following day. As they arrived to Transfiguration, Ginny noticed the class seemed larger than usual.

She sat at a table in the middle of the classroom and Hermione sat down next to her. Hermione pulled the requisite book out for the class, and a ream of parchment. Ginny slowly followed suit, noting there were students from all four houses of Hogwarts in the class. She looked inquisitively at Hermione, but Hermione shrugged and replied, ‘I guess there aren’t that many seventh years to have more than one class.’

Ginny nodded and started to say something when Professor McGonagall entered the classroom and said, ‘Good Morning. I hope you all are ready to master the art of transfiguration, as that is my intent for this year.’

She walked to the front of the room and waved her wand at the chalkboard. The day’s agenda appeared, and Ginny couldn’t help but notice the intense note-taking occurring beside her. She sighed and pulled a quill out of her bag to follow suit.

Professor McGonagall went on for the entire class explaining what would be happening that year and what would get them passing marks on their Transfiguration NEWTs. As the class came to a close, Dean Thomas raised his hand and asked, ‘Professor, how come all of the houses are in this one class? Are we all going to be together for the entire year?’

She sighed and replied, ‘Mr. Thomas, as you may be aware, many of the students have decided not to return to Hogwarts, as is their choice, and because of this, I have decided that the seventh years will be taking all their classes together. I know this is not a normal set of circumstances, but I believe this will be best.’

He looked confused and said, ‘Professor, there’s a rumour about Defence Against the Dark Arts. We all have it on our schedule, but there’s no professor assigned to it.’

She tapped her wand absently against her palm and replied evenly, ‘We are still working on that. After last year, we wanted to have a more active teacher, but the Ministry has, as of now, been unable to produce a worthy candidate that can stay all year. For now, that class is on hiatus. There should be a professor for you after Halloween break, and then a different one for second term.’

She stood for a few more moments and said, ‘Excellent. Thank you all and please have two rows of parchment for me when we meet next, on Monday.’

Hermione balked. ‘We will only have transfiguration once a week?’

‘Yes, Ms. Granger. I do not have the time to lesson-plan for this class more than once a week. I will trust that those of you that have returned for your seventh year can be industrious enough to manage yourselves as best you can.’ She smiled at Hermione and continued, ‘If that’s all, I shall see you all next week.’

She walked out of the classroom quickly, and Ginny watched her for a moment before seeing Hermione get up out of the corner of her eye. She called out quickly, ‘Hermione “ wait!’

Hermione turned slowly and looked at her. Ginny took a deep breath and said, ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you earlier. I know you and Harry…’ She lowered her gaze and couldn’t bring herself to continue.

Hermione stepped back to the table and said quietly, ‘Its okay, Ginny. I mean, I can only imagine how upsetting that sort of thing can be. Just, just do me a favour; I’ll be honest with you if you’re honest with me.’

Ginny nodded slowly and smirked. ‘I really get it, you know, why Harry and Ron love you so much.’

Hermione flushed and laughed. ‘Come on, we have more classes to get to. I don’t want to be late.’

Ginny laughed and grabbed her things following Hermione to their next class. Their day was spent running from one class to another and Ginny had only found time at the very end of the day to reply to Harry’s letter. She was much calmer after discovering her new-found fame and asked him about it in the letter. She also made a point to thank him for the map, though she’d not had a reason to use it.

Chapter 38 - Something to Plan For by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
Thanks for reading and commenting! And a big thank you to my Beta for setting me straight a lot of the time ;)

Harry had spent the next day pouring over the books Podmore had given him. The codes and laws were very specific. It seemed that, in conjunction with certain actions, virtually anything could be illegal and could warrant an arrest. He and Neville had met up after getting their new advisors and had been given similar tasks.

Neville had suggested they study together to get the most out of their time and on one such occasion they were staying late at the Ministry. Neville had taken one set of laws and Harry another. They would quiz one another on the various rules and see if the other could identify which law it would be in violation of.

Harry couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Although he had found Hermione to be brilliant at revisions and overall studying, Neville was an excellent replacement. Neville proved to be more organised than Harry had expected. He had a ‘to-do’ list for them that they had to fulfil daily. Harry was kept in line by Neville’s dedication. When he finally met with Podmore, he knew it would pay off.

Harry spent a lot of his time thinking about Hermione and Ginny being back at Hogwarts. There wasn’t a moment where he both wished he could be with them and still be doing what he was doing now. Harry was relieved that he hadn’t gone back. There were still so many memories he hadn’t sorted out since the battle and he had tried to avoid thinking about the memorial.

He and Neville had talked about it in passing. Neville had said he’d heard a rumour that it would occur early in the fall. They sat studying in their office during their first week and a sharp knock on the door announced they had a visitor. Neville called out, ‘Come in.’

Kingsley Shacklebolt entered and nodded at both of them. ‘How are you both handling things? I have heard very promising things from Mr. Gaunt, as well as from both of your advisors.’

Harry smiled. ‘Thank you, sir. I think both Neville and I are very appreciative of the opportunities we’ve had here at the Ministry.’

Neville nodded in agreement and Kingsley continued to smile. ‘I am very pleased to hear that.’ He crossed the room and took a seat at the table in the centre. ‘There was another reason I came down here.’

He looked at them for a moment and waved his wand, producing two pieces of parchment that floated to each of their desks. Harry started to un-roll his as Kingsley continued, ‘I’ll cut to the chase, gentlemen. I have been speaking with the Board of Governors for Hogwarts and we have decided to hasten the memorial for those lost during the Battle at Hogwarts.’

Harry tried to keep his face immobilised as Kingsley continued to discuss the details, ‘Since both of you are heroes of the Battle of Hogwarts and will soon be full-fledged Aurors, I expect both of you to make an appearance.’

They both nodded dumbly and Kingsley chuckled. ‘I don’t expect you to make any speeches. I would appreciate it if you were there for some photo opportunities. I think this could be a great time for the Ministry to show that we have things under control and things will be moving forward in a positive manner.’

Harry took a deep breathe and asked, ‘Are they, sir? Moving in the right direction?’

Kingsley smiled reassuringly at Harry. ‘I believe that they are, Harry. In a way, Voldemort did us all a favour by showing where our weaknesses lie. Now we know and are able to fix the way we operate. We have a much more thorough security check for all our Ministry employees and will be instituting even more checks as things become more secure.’

Harry nodded. ‘That is good to hear, sir.’

Neville said quietly, ‘It would be my honour to be there, sir.’

Harry kicked himself for not saying that sooner and chimed in, ‘Yes, of course, Neville’s right. It’s a great honour, sir.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘I hope you don’t think I am trying to take advantage of either of you, but I feel that this would be best for all involved.’

Harry and Neville both looked shocked. Neville said, ‘Why would we think you’d be taking advantage of us, sir?’

Kingsley sighed. ‘There has been some murmuring that the only reason we ever let any of the three of you to be hired was to parade you around.’

Harry grinned and started to laugh. ‘Only someone that didn’t know how hard this was would ever think this was handed to us on a ‘silver platter.’ Neville and I have worked very hard for this and wanted it.’

‘I know, Harry. I saw the marks you both received. Outstanding.’ Kingsley got up. ‘The memorial is in two weeks. I hope you will both be there promptly at nine that morning. And, please, refrain from visiting the school until then. Thank you.’

He smiled and headed out of their office. Harry looked over at Neville and sighed. ‘Looks like we are heading back to Hogwarts this fall.’

Neville grinned at Harry. ‘Based on the pictures in the Prophet, I’d argue you have something to look forward to!’

Harry looked confused and reached for the Monday edition and flipped through it, stopping at what he knew he should have expected. There in black and white was a picture of he and Ginny, embracing fiercely on the platform at the train station. He felt the heat rush to his face as he recalled the circumstances that had led up to that picture.

Neville cleared his throat. ‘Harry?’

‘Yeah,’ he replied slowly. ‘Sorry…yeah, you’re right, I do have something…someone to look forward to.’

Harry grinned broadly at this and knew he would reply to Ginny’s later straight-away. Neville continued talking as Harry mused, ‘I honestly can’t wait to be back. Even though this has been really exciting, I’ve missed studying. I want to get back to Herbology a bit. It is such a fascinating subject.’

‘Yeah, it is, isn’t it?’ Harry said absently.

‘I didn’t know you liked Herbology, Harry?’ Neville said.

Harry shook his head. ‘Wait, what? Um, yeah, it’s alright.’

Neville shook his head. ‘Why don’t you just clip it and put it on your desk with the other ones?’

Harry nodded. ‘I’ve asked Kreacher to find some frames so I can put them on my desk, and maybe one at home.’

Neville nodded. ‘My gran has a picture of all of us after the battle. She had it enlarged and its hanging in our entrance-way.’ Neville grinned at Harry. ‘I’ve never seen her so proud of me.’

Harry leaned back and looked at his friend. ‘Neville, I’m sure she’s always been proud of you.’

‘I don’t know, Harry.’ Neville looked up slowly. ‘I know my parents were heroes, Harry, but me? I never had the chance to do something that they’d be proud of until you started openly battling Voldemort.’

Harry looked at Neville intently as his friend continued, ‘And then, when things got bad last year, there were just a few of us from the DA. We tried to fight the good fight; Ginny and Luna were really in it. She got into a few scrapes with Crabbe and Goyle…I never knew how vicious they could be.’

‘Luna or Ginny?’ Harry asked.

Neville looked up with a red face and laughed. ‘Ginny. You know what kind of temper she has! They were hassling some student that wasn’t a Pure-blood and she took personal offence.’

Harry tried to act nonchalant but could feel his heart-rate quicken and his temper growing. ‘What happened?’

‘The important thing is we’re all fine now.’ Neville finished lamely.

Harry gave Neville a hard look and repeated, ‘What happened?’

Neville looked nervously at his desk. ‘Harry, Ginny, Luna and I made an agreement about not talking about what happened last year. I shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.’

Harry glared at him and said, ‘You can’t just drop something like that and not give me the full story!’

Neville stared right back at Harry, showing an uncharacteristic backbone and replied, ‘Yes, I can.’ He continued more slowly, ‘I know how much you care about Ginny, but if she didn’t tell you, then it isn’t my place to tell you in her stead.’

Harry said bitterly, ‘Thanks a whole bloody lot, Neville.’

Neville shrugged. ‘I’m sorry, Harry. I have to be respectful of Ginny’s wishes.’

Harry lowered his gaze and said nothing. He wasn’t sure if he was more furious with himself for losing his temper, Neville, for being so loyal, or Ginny, for not trusting him enough to tell him. He and Neville spent most of the day in silence.

As the day came to a close, Neville got up and said, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Harry.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘Yeah…and Neville…thanks…for being such a good friend to my girlfriend.’

He hoped he sounded sincere, but Neville just nodded and walked out of their office. Harry stayed at the Ministry for a little bit longer before heading back to Grimmauld Place. Kreacher had laid out a small dinner, as per Harry’s request, and he brooded for most of the evening, saying next to nothing to Kreacher.

He was sad that Hermione hadn’t replied to his letter, but imagined she’d been too busy with her new classes to have a spare moment to write. He set a piece of parchment on a book and sat on his bed for what felt like hours, but was closer to three-quarters of an hour.

The letter he’d received from Ginny was distant and terse. She had seen the most recent edition of The Daily Prophet and asked him, point-blank, if he knew about the publicity and why he had hidden it from her.

He was surprised she hadn’t seen anything earlier, but tried not to be overly offended by her candour. He finally hammered out a simple letter that told Ginny that he was worried about her and would be at the memorial in two-week’s time. He also apologised for not telling her sooner, but said he didn’t want her to worry more than she needed to. He hoped she’d find time to write back soon, but didn’t hold out hope. He knew he shouldn’t send her a Patronus, he didn’t know who’d be around when that message arrived. Harry sighed and gave the letter to Kreacher to send off the following morning.

Chapter 39 - Tryouts and Tribulations by pokecharm
Ginny got back into the normal school schedule fairly quickly. Hermione had kept her moving at a rapid pace from their classes to the library with very little alone time. Ginny knew Hermione was doing it on purpose, after what she’d said their first day of classes. She had spent some time in the library, while Hermione was busy with revisions, to put together a try-out schedule for the Gryffindor team. She had seen very few students that had been on the last team in her fifth year, and wondered if she’d be able to get enough players to have a team at all.

Hermione had received a letter from Harry in the middle of the week. Ginny hadn’t gotten a response from him, and Hermione had reluctantly shared with her what Harry had said. They sat quietly in the library talking about him.

‘Why doesn’t he just ask me himself?’ Ginny said tersely to Hermione.

She sighed in response. ‘He asked me to keep an eye on you; he must think that I know what’s bothering you…which I do,’ she added slowly.

Ginny shook her head and put her quill down. ‘Hermione, if he thinks something’s a matter, maybe he should realise he shouldn’t hide things from me if, as he says, he cares about me.’

Hermione looked up at her, hurt, and replied, ‘Ginny…he does care about you. More than you, clearly, know. Give him a break. He’s a boy; he doesn’t know what to say.’

Ginny picked her quill back up and tapped it absently on the parchment in front of her. She said quietly, ‘I really don’t need this right now.’

‘I know,’ Hermione said quietly. ‘But I think there are countless girls that would trade places with you.’

Ginny looked at Hermione sharply. ‘That many girls chasing him?’

Hermione looked confused and said, ‘No; having a dedicated boyfriend.’

Ginny took a deep breath and turned back to her schoolwork. She wondered, if she really had a dedicated boyfriend. She still questioned why, after they’d had so many conversations over the summer about being open with one another, he circumvented her and went to his best friend for information. She and Hermione left the library late in the evening and headed back to the Gryffindor common room. Ginny, thanks to her friendship with Hermione, had been privy to all the latest goings-on at the school. Earlier that day, Hermione had told Ginny that a date had been set for the memorial, but had not told her more. She had also informed Ginny that it would be prudent to have the try-outs either the coming weekend or later in September.

As per the information Hermione had provided, Ginny had put up several posters around the Gryffindor halls calling for any and all students interested in playing Quidditch and winning the House cup. The red-headed girl sat down in the common room, hoping to avoid any pointless conversations. She tried to genuinely smile when Lavender Brown came and sat down next to her.

Lavender smiled at her and asked, ‘How are classes going? I see Hermione’s really pushing you.’

Ginny turned the ends of her lips up in a weak smile and replied, ‘She’s certainly going to keep me on task.’

Lavender looked over Ginny’s shoulder at the remaining flyers and commented, ‘I’m sure we’ll have a great team this year.’

Ginny nodded. ‘I hope so. I’ve been trying to plan for this since I got the letter this summer.’

Dean walked up, keeping his eyes down. ‘Hey, I saw your flyers. I’ll be there for try-outs.’

Ginny looked up at Dean. ‘I’ll be happy to have you. Know anyone else that’ll play?’

Dean shook his head. ‘I think you’re going to have to go for a lot of second and third year students. I don’t recognise too many students from the fifth, sixth or seventh years that know anything about Quidditch.’

Ginny looked around the room and realised Dean was right. She didn’t know most of the students returning. Many that were in her own year hadn’t come back either. Many of the girls she had considered friends were long gone. The girls she shared a room with didn’t play Quidditch; she knew they wouldn’t be interested.

Dean nodded, watching her survey the room and said, ‘Yeah, not much to work with, yeah?’

‘We’ll win this year,’ Ginny said defiantly. ‘We’re going to have to make it work.’

Dean sat up. ‘Yeah, sure. Just tell me what you want me to do, captain.’

Ginny laughed, despite her usual brace of worries, and said, ‘Thanks. Just find some people who can play and are Gryffindors. I want to win; like Harry did when he was captain.’

Dean seemed slightly disappointed with the mention of Harry, but nodded. ‘I’ll see what I can do. Maybe we should have a meeting before the try-outs?’

‘Do you think that’ll drum up more support?’ Ginny asked.

‘It can’t hurt, right?’ Dean responded.

Lavender nodded, having listened too much of the conversation. ‘I’ll see if I know anyone who’s interested.’

Ginny spotted Hermione coming into the common room. Hermione waved her over and Ginny smiled consolingly at Lavender and Dean and headed over to Hermione. She followed Hermione to her room.

‘What’s with the secretiveness?’ Ginny asked.

Hermione waved her wand at the door to put a non-verbal, silencing charm on the door and said, ‘I know I shouldn’t tell you, but they’ve decided on the date for the memorial and I thought I should tell you.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘I figured you weren’t going to tell me.’

‘I changed my mind,’ she said hurriedly. ‘It’s not this weekend, but next. I’m sure your family knows, but you might want to send them a note nonetheless.’

Ginny was eyeing Hermione suspiciously. ‘Why would I do that?’

‘So they know you know!’ Hermione exclaimed. ‘This way they won’t have to find a way to tell you. You’ll already know.’

Ginny looked at her for a second and then nodded. ‘Then they don’t have to worry about me.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Not because they don’t want to, I’m sure.’

Ginny nodded absently. ‘No, you’re right.’ Ginny looked around Hermione’s room and said, ‘I’m going to head back to Quidditch business, are we revising later?’

Hermione nodded. ‘Do you need any help?’

‘With revisions? I think I’m okay.’ Ginny turned towards the door.

‘No,’ Hermione called to her. ‘Do you need help with the Quidditch stuff?’

Ginny turned slowly. ‘You want to help me? How?’

Hermione looked startled. ‘What do you mean ‘how’? Hermione crossed her arms and said sternly, ‘I don’t know if you know, but as Head Girl, I have met almost all of the students in our house. If any knew anything about Quidditch, don’t you think I’d know?’

Realising her mistake, Ginny smiled. ‘I’m sorry. I thought you meant you might come out.’

Hermione’s scowl disappeared and she started laughing. ‘Can you imagine me on the pitch? Then we’d definitely lose the House Cup!’

Ginny headed for the door and said, ‘Why don’t we talk about it at dinner?’

Hermione nodded and started pulling books out of her bag, paying Ginny little mind. Ginny headed back to the common room and saw that Seamus had joined Dean and Lavender. Ginny spent a few hours chatting with them about everyone they knew and built a sizable list of candidates for the team. Ginny knew she’d be playing Chaser, she had a feeling Dean would reprise his role as Chaser as well. This left another Chaser slot, two Beaters, one Keeper and one Seeker. Now more than ever did she wish Harry were around to help her. If he played Seeker, they’d surely win their matches.

Ginny was surprised to see a response from Harry so quickly. He apologised for not having said something sooner and admitted he’d both known about it and didn’t want to alarm her or her family more. She didn’t know how genuine his apology felt, but tried to accept it at face value.

She felt a slight sense of betrayal and mistrust and tried not to dwell on it. The distance was making it difficult for her to appreciate what Harry most likely did not intend to be hurtful. She chose not to reply to him at that time, but would do so later in the week.

Ginny spent much of the week rallying support for the Quidditch team and trying to keep up with her studies. As the week went on, her irritation with Harry had dissipated and she almost felt ready to make some reply.

The day of the try-outs came and Ginny was surprised to see so many familiar faces. Hermione was true to her word and had drummed up quite a few of the younger students. Ginny was concerned about how small her team may eventually be, but tried not to let it bother her. She started off by having the students fly around the pitch a few times to get a feel which ones had a good command of their brooms. Once that was done, she noted on a roll of parchment who she believed had the most promise and then had the students who were there for the position of Beater show their skill.

The day wore on and Ginny wasn’t sure how much closer she was to filling the team. All the students had tried out and she was circling the pitch and trying to score the latest Keeper candidate. Not one of the candidates had been able to stop her from scoring on successive attempts. She had Dean swap positions with her and the Keepers seemed to have more luck stopping him.

She flew down to where Hermione and Luna sat in the stands and commented, ‘This isn’t going as well as I’d hoped. Did Harry have this much trouble?’

Hermione nodded. ‘I’m afraid so, yes. But he had you and Ron. That made it easier.’

Ginny sighed and watched as Dean tried again and again to get past this latest candidate and was having no luck. He flew down next to Ginny, winded and said, ‘Ginny, you might want to give this one a go. She hasn’t let me through once!’

Ginny looked up. The sun was starting to set, and she shielded her eyes with her hand and saw the student still floating in front of the goals, her silhouette showing against the sun. Ginny consulted her roll of parchment and noted that the current Keeper was Natalie McDonald. She was two years junior to Ginny and had not gone out for the last Gryffindor team. She had been giving Dean an impossible time and Ginny kicked off of the ground to try her best. Dean tossed the Quaffle to Ginny. She sized up Natalie and flew closer to her.

‘Looks like you’ve been giving Dean a hard time. You up for another go?’ Ginny asked.

Natalie nodded and replied enthusiastically, ‘Absolutely!’

Ginny could see she was tired, but was not going to give up. Ginny liked the spunk and nodded to Dean. ‘You’ve been brilliant, but you’ve been up here for hours. I’ll take care of this last one. Thanks for your help.’

Dean nodded and wiped his brow. ‘I’ll see you back in the common room.’

Ginny flew around the pitch a couple times and flew straight at the goals. She flew straight at Natalie and then stopped short, having the broom jump in the air in an awkward motion. Natalie didn’t lose sight of her and kept her eyes on the Quaffle at all times. Ginny threw it hard, but Natalie easily blocked it.

Ginny smiled and nodded with approval. The Quaffle flew high in the air and Ginny flew up to retrieve it quickly. She hadn’t realised how late it had gotten.

She snatched the Quaffle out of the air and thought she’d try something different. Flying higher and higher she thought she’d try a technique Harry had mentioned to her. As she floated for a few moments she felt an unusual darkness and foreboding around her. She looked around but didn’t see anything. She looked at the handle of her broomstick and felt her fingers chilling, as if a stiff breeze were being levelled at her.

She turned and looked around, and the sense of foreboding seemed to double. She couldn’t see anything, but started to fly downwards, thinking perhaps they’d worked enough that day. As she moved through the waves a thick blanket of darkness hit her and she felt herself losing her grip on both the Quaffle and her broomstick.

The ground seemed to be coming quickly and she felt like she’d never be cheerful again. She fell of off her broom and grabbed for it, but it fell just out of reach. She was hurtling to the ground and she tried to reach for her wand but something hit her squarely, stopping her descent. She was stopped in mid-air and looked around. There was a darkness descending all around her and a silver otter came flying towards her.

She was frozen for a few moments before she pulled her own wand out and called out weakly, ‘Expecto Patronum!’

A horse came galloping out of the end of her wand, but it faltered and faded quickly. She finally felt motion take hold again and was only a few yards above the ground. She could just make out Hermione’s figure from below. She saw her broom on the ground and called out, ‘Accio!’ Her broom came flying back to her and she grabbed it in just enough time to cushion her fall. She still crashed heavily into the ground, rolling over once before stopping. She was dazed and confused and saw a hare come bounding past her and jumping into the air behind her.

Hermione came rushing to her side and said desperately ‘Ginny, you have to conjure a Patronus! Yours will be strong enough to send them away.’

Ginny felt herself shaking and shook her head for a moment. Hermione bent down next to her and said urgently, ‘If you don’t, we’ll all be done for.’

Ginny took a few deep breathes and thought back to her happiest moments with Harry; the feel of his lips on hers, the feel of his hands running through her hair and called out again, ‘Expecto Patronum!’

This time the horse came galloping out with all the strength she had left. The horse bounded past her and it was only then that she saw a brace of Dementors surrounding them. The entire pitch was enveloped in darkness and the Dementors had come seeking them out.

Natalie was no where to be seen, but Ginny turned her gaze away from the Dementors to see both Hermione and Luna standing behind her. Luna was looking serene as usual, but Hermione was showing an unusual amount of distress. Ginny’s Patronus was shielding them, and the Dementors closed in for a few minutes before backing away into the night.

Ginny felt all her energy spent and slumped onto the ground, her hands falling limply to the ground. Hermione was at her side in a moment, holding her up as best she could. She could distantly hear Hermione saying to her, ‘Ginny, you were brilliant!’

Ginny nodded mutely, leaning heavily on Hermione. She was trying to take deep breaths, but still felt as though she’d never see her family again and even worse, never see Harry again. She had never been under a Dementor attack before, and didn’t know how many had been there.

Hermione was trying to help her off the ground, but Ginny was feeling too weak to move. She felt herself falling forward and could feel Hermione wrap her arms around her and say something to Luna before she blacked out entirely.
Chapter 40 - Safety is in the Eyes of the Beholder by pokecharm
Harry hadn’t heard back from Ginny in a few days, but had gotten a response from Hermione that Ginny had been consumed with all things Quidditch. The prospects for the new team didn’t seem all that promising. He tried not to feel too hurt by her choosing Quidditch over him, but in the same situation, he probably would want to make sure his Quidditch team were in order.

Podmore had quizzed Harry a few times on what he needed to learn, but had yet to take him on any true missions. As the weekend closed in, Harry was feeling lonelier. Ginny hadn’t replied to him, and the entire Weasley family was cut off from him as well. Harry’s only comforts were Kreacher and Neville.

He and Neville had taken to eating lunch and dinner together. Neville was proving to be an interesting companion. Previously, Harry had not spent much time alone with Neville save for his frequent rows with Ron, Hermione or both. He had spent the last few weeks with Neville, and this had strengthened their relationship more than either would have imagined back in their days at Hogwarts.

Hermione’s letter to Harry said that Ginny was busy with revisions and was going to be having tryouts for the Gryffindor team that weekend. Harry was surprised by how quickly she had set the tryouts up, but knew Hermione must have told her about the memorial. Harry had a sinking feeling that there would be lots of blokes trying out for the team and knew how gorgeous Ginny looked in her Quidditch robes.

Harry checked the calendar and realised that the tryouts would be that afternoon. What he wouldn’t trade to be there with her right now. He sighed and turned back to his paperwork. He and Neville had a meeting later that day and knew he couldn’t tear off to see Ginny and miss the meeting. Besides, he had been told, in no uncertain terms, he was not to go onto the grounds of Hogwarts.

Neville ran into their office a few minutes before the meeting. ‘Harry! There’s something big going on! We’d better hurry over and see what’s up!’

Harry jumped from his desk and followed Neville down the hallway to a large conference room. A large group of witches and wizards were milling outside of it. Harry cringed on seeing Gaunt standing at the doorway. ‘All of you need to get back to your offices. The reports of rogue Death Eaters have been grossly exaggerated.’

On seeing Harry and Neville, Gaunt locked eyes with both and gestured for them to come over. ‘See, it’s so unimportant, I’ll be sending our two newest Aurors to go investigate.’

Harry exchanged a surprised look with Neville, but followed him to the front of the group. The nearby wizards and witches were still milling around despite Gaunt’s announcement. Gaunt ushered them through the doorway and Harry saw a rather large map in the front of the room. A couple of wizards Harry didn’t recognise were standing at the front of the room, pointing to various locations. They turned and nodded at Harry and Neville and then turned back to their work.

‘Try not to be so excited to see me,’ Gaunt commented. Harry grimaced at this and tried not to openly roll his eyes.

Gaunt continued, ‘I’ll be borrowing your services for some surveillance. We know you’re no where near ready for action, but we need an extra set of eyes and you’re the last pair we have. Up for it?’

Neville nodded before Harry could reply and said, ‘Yes, sir. Tell us what we need to do.’

Harry stood stock still as Gaunt levelled his gaze at Harry. ‘And you, Potter? You think you’re ready?’

Harry nodded, but said nothing. Gaunt proceeded to hand them each a roll of parchment and told them to familiarise themselves with the individuals on the parchment and their crimes. He made it very clear that they must be caught in the act and it had to be rock-solid evidence.

He and Neville headed out the door. Neville walked slowly back to their office. Harry followed and pulled his coat on. Neville looked nervously at Harry. ‘Was I too eager back there?’

Harry shook his head. ‘No, not at all. I mean, we need to get some action in the field.’

Harry and Neville Flooed to Diagon Alley, meeting another Ministry contact who gave them further location details. Neville took the map out and he and Harry Apparated to a location far outside of London. He and Neville landed soundly in the countryside. They had to walk for about a half an hour to get to the location where they’d be watching their potential mark.

Harry and Neville headed into a local pub and took a seat at the bar. They were forced to spend the time chatting about nothing in particular. Harry couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to Ginny and the Quidditch she was playing while he was sitting with Neville drinking Muggle beer and waiting for their next piece of information to fall into place.

As the evening wore on, Harry started to feel unusually glum. It was as if something dark was falling all around him. Harry also felt strangely cold. He kept rubbing his hands together until Neville finally commented, ‘Harry, it’s blistering in here. Are you cold?’

Harry blew on his hands. ‘I feel weird.’

‘Are you feeling okay?’ Neville asked.

Harry tried to flex his right hand and felt like there was ice forming on his fingers. He stood up suddenly, lurching on his feet. Neville got up quickly and grabbed Harry, pulling him back down. ‘We’re supposed to be undercover!’

Harry shook his head. ‘I know! I don’t know…I don’t know…I feel cold all over.’

Neville shook his head. ‘If you can’t get it together, Harry, you need to get going.’

Harry nodded slowly. ‘I might…I might have to…’

Harry looked around confused and stood up slowly. He was shaky on his feet and Neville commented, ‘At least you look like you had too much to drink, this might help me get what we need.’

Harry nodded and said, ‘I’m really sorry, Neville. I don’t know what’s come over me.’

He headed around the back of the pub and looked around to make sure no one was watching. As an extra precaution, he hid behind a dumpster and threw his Invisibility cloak over his body. He concentrated hard and Apparated back to Grimmauld Place. Kreacher started at Harry’s entrance and exclaimed, ‘Master Harry! What are you doing here?’

Harry nodded slowly. ‘I think I’m coming down with something. I feel cold all over.’

Kreacher stepped forward quickly and said, ‘Master Harry, you seem in fine health to me.’

Harry eyed him curiously. ‘How can you be sure?’

Kreacher looked warily at Harry and said, ‘I believe the answer, Master Harry, is with your ring.’

Harry slowly looked down and realised Kreacher was right. The cold feeling was emanating from the ring. His mind stopped. The ring that was connected magically to the locket he’d given Ginny. He stood up quickly and felt the floor come crashing towards him. He took a few deep breathes and tried to recall what Hermione had told him. He needed to make a break from Ginny’s mind to control his own body. He wondered how Ginny had done this when he’d been attacked.

The cold was finally subsiding and he slowly got to his feet. ‘I’m going to head to Hogwarts.’

Kreacher looked mortified and said, ‘Master Harry, you are not supposed to return there for some time!’

Harry sighed and said, ‘If she’s in trouble, I have to help her.’

Kreacher looked around the room and said quietly, ‘Master Harry, if I may make a suggestion.’

Harry nodded and urged him to continue. ‘You should perhaps send a Patronus to Miss Hermione or the Headmistress.’

Harry had a feeling, where Ginny was, Hermione wouldn’t be far. He took a deep breath and cast a Patronus to Professor McGonagall. He waited fifteen minutes and started to prepare to Apparate when he got a Patronus in return, a silver cat telling him to use the Floo to come to her office, but not to worry.

Harry sighed and pulled his cloak on and tried to look slightly presentable. He headed towards the grate and Kreacher clucked his throat disapprovingly. ‘I do not approve of this idea, Master Harry.’

Harry stopped at the grate and didn’t look back at Kreacher. He headed through a burst of green flame and landed in the familiar office. Professor McGonagall had not changed the office much; the trinkets that Dumbledore had left behind still littered the shelves and tables. There were also signs of her feminine styles; flowers blooming and a soft fragrance wafting through the room. The office was much cleaner and brighter than Dumbledore had ever left it.

She greeted Harry warmly. ‘Mr. Potter, I would have liked to have a better homecoming for you, but you sounded rather insistent in your Patronus.’

He nodded and smiled at her. ‘Thanks, Professor. I really appreciate your letting me back on campus.’

‘I can’t say no to the man who defeated the greatest dark wizard of all time.’ She was beaming at him and said, ‘Dumbledore would have been so proud.’

Harry felt himself flush at this and nodded. ‘I hope so.’

She continued smiling but said, ‘I think it best we get you over to the hospital wing. Ms. Weasley is fine, Mr. Potter.’

Harry nodded and followed her down the many corridors to the hospital. ‘I hope so.’

There were no students in the hallway and this surprised Harry. He didn’t realise what time it was. Professor McGonagall motioned to the hospital doorway and said, ‘She and Ms. Granger are within. Please do not linger too long. Kingsley will not approve of your being here.’

Harry didn’t have time to think on her last statement as he entered the darkened room. Madame Pomfrey bustled towards him and said, ‘Mr. Potter, it seems your girlfriend has the same sense of adventure as you do.’

Harry gave her a worried expression and happened upon the last bed in the first row. He sighed in relief seeing Ginny appearing peacefully asleep. Hermione was slumped over in a nearby chair, keeping a watchful eye on her friend. Hermione shifted uncomfortably and blinked on seeing Harry.

She got up quickly, checking on Ginny once before walking towards him. She embraced him, the worry in her eyes unmistakable. ‘Harry, what are you doing here?’

He hugged her back and said, ‘I felt cold all over and Kreacher said it might have something to do with the ring and locket. I think he was right. What happened? Is she okay?’

He nodded towards Ginny and Hermione nodded slowly. ‘She’s okay.’ She kept her gaze on Ginny and continued, ‘She was brilliant. I…I really should have paid more attention when you showed us how to conjure a Patronus.’

Harry let go of Hermione. ‘Conjure a Patronus? She was attacked by Dementors?’

Hermione locked her eyes with his and nodded slowly. ‘Yes, they were on the pitch, above it actually. It was as if they were…waiting for her.’

Harry ran his hand across his eyes and took a deep breath. He never thought Dementors would return to Hogwarts. After the battle though, he wasn’t certain if they’d steer clear or not. He walked quietly to the edge of Ginny’s bed and took her hand in his. She stirred and turned her head slowly. He smiled and leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. She opened her eyes slowly and said sleepily, ‘Harry…what are you doing here?’

He smiled at her. ‘Checking up on you, love.’

She tried to sit up but looked utterly spent. ‘No worries,’ he said. ‘You’re a brilliant witch, you know.’

She grinned and leaned back heavily on the pillows. Harry sighed and watched her fall asleep once again. He turned to look at Hermione. ‘You look really exhausted. I can hang around for a bit longer, you should get some rest.’

Hermione shook her head. ‘You need to go. Harry, you shouldn’t be here. They’re making a big deal about the hero returning. This’ll ruin it if half the school sees you here.’

Harry narrowed his eyes. ‘You can’t honestly expect me to just leave?’

Hermione rubbed her eyes tiredly. ‘I don’t know that I can deal with you and Ginny all the time…you both are impossible!’

Harry raised his eyebrows at her outburst. ‘I guess we’ve all had a long day.’

He looked sadly at Ginny. He’d been missing her terribly and here she was. He bent down and kissed her softly. Even though she was asleep, he could still feel her react to him. Her lips were so soft. He rested his hand lightly on her forehead. He couldn’t imagine how her first Dementor attack had taken her. He wanted to be there when she came to, but Hermione was right. Kingsley would not be pleased if he was found there. He also knew, after leaving Neville in the lurch, that Gaunt would be on him. He glanced at Hermione and could see she’d slumped back into her chair and was asleep. It brought him some comfort that Hermione and Ginny were getting along so well, or it at least so it seemed

He leaned close to Ginny and whispered, ‘Love, I wish you could hear me. I wish I could be here when you wake up, but I can’t. I…’ He struggled for a moment and then mustered the courage, ‘I love you.’

He furrowed his brow as she made no response and squeezed her hand again. He kissed her softly and smiled. He headed back towards the Headmistress’ office and Flooed back to Grimmauld Place.
Chapter 41 - Wishing for Something Calm by pokecharm

Ginny woke up slowly in the hospital wing. There was sun pouring through the window behind her and she had to blink a few times to let her eyes adjust to the room and her surroundings. She sighed as she saw Hermione slumped across her bed. She reached a hand out to her friend and gently touched her head. ‘Hermione?’

Hermione opened her eyes slowly and buried her head into the sheets. Ginny laughed and said more clearly, ‘Hermione! Don’t sleep like that; it isn’t good for your back.’

Hermione slapped Ginny’s leg and showed little sign of moving. Ginny sat up and grasped Hermione’s shoulder. ‘Come on, Granger. Go sleep in your bed.’

Hermione lifted her head and glared at Ginny. ‘I was having a really pleasant dream. And no offence, it didn’t include you or Harry.’

Ginny laughed and then stopped. ‘What do you mean ‘and Harry’?’

Hermione smoothed her hair out. ‘What?’

Ginny sat back in her bed and said, ‘What are you talking about?’

Hermione laughed. ‘I have no idea. I’m feeling a bit tired.’

‘You don’t say,’ Ginny replied. ‘Hermione, I wasn’t critically ill, I just…I fainted or something…’

Ginny looked at Hermione and continued, ‘I was on the train with you when Harry got attacked, and it didn’t hit me that fully then, but I’ve never had Dementors focused solely on me, is that supposed to happen?’

Hermione nodded slowly. ‘I’m afraid so, yes…Harry had those sorts of attacks in our third year, your second, on a regular basis.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows expectantly and Hermione continued, yawning, ‘The Dementors seemed to focus in on him. Professor Lupin said it was because he’d experienced real…’

She trailed off and Ginny said, ‘Real what?’

Hermione sighed and looked somewhat pained, but continued, ‘He had experienced real horrors.’

Ginny looked at Hermione blankly for a moment, letting the information sink in. She leaned back against the pillows and said quietly, ‘Brilliant. I’m a target for Dementors? But I’m not the only one!’

Hermione smiled at her outburst and said, ‘You may not be, but you have always been too popular for your own good.’

Ginny abruptly threw a pillow at Hermione and exclaimed, ‘Shut up, Hermione! It isn’t funny!’

They were both grinning at each other as Madame Pomfrey came by. ‘Ms. Granger! As Head Girl, I would have expected you to act more appropriately in the hospital wing!’

She gave them both a cold stare before she continued, ‘Ms. Weasley, you are free to go once you feel up to it. But I expect you to come by at least once in the next week to make sure you’re fine.’

She turned on her heels and walked away, leaving both Ginny and Hermione brimming. Once she was out of earshot, they both burst out laughing. Ginny wiped the tears from her eyes and said, ‘I don’t think Madame Pomfrey is going to want to see either of us anytime soon again.’

Hermione smiled at her and said with a serious tone, ‘Are you sure you’re okay to go?’

Ginny nodded and leaned forward, swinging her legs off of the bed. She looked at her bare legs and pulled the sheets around herself. ‘Um, why am I not wearing any pants?

Hermione laughed. ‘I’ll go see if I can find your Quidditch robes.’

Ginny surveyed the room and noticed the silence. She didn’t know how Harry had been able to spend so much time here. It seemed lonely. And yet she felt some solace in it. There were no traumatised siblings, no overbearing parents, just one healer and all the time in the world.

She shut her eyes tightly and didn’t hear Hermione coming back. The images from the attack flashed through her mind and she started when Hermione put a hand on her shoulder. ‘Ginny, are you okay?’

Ginny turned to her friend and nodded slowly. ‘Yeah, I was just thinking.’

‘About?’ Hermione asked.

Ginny made no response, her mind being pulled in various different directions, and Hermione wrapped the robes around Ginny’s shoulders. ‘I know you’ve been under a lot of stress, but maybe some actual rest might do you some good.’

Ginny nodded slowly. ‘You’re probably right.’

She got up slowly, feeling a little unsteady on her feet. Hermione reached an arm out to her and Ginny used it to keep her balance. She wrapped her robes tightly around her body and looked around for her boots. Hermione nodded towards the bed and Ginny turned to see her boots peeking out from under the sheets that were half off the bed. Ginny finished dressing slowly and with help from Hermione, was able to get out of the hospital ward not long before noon.

She went back to Gryffindor tower and took a long bath before heading down for some lunch. The Gryffindor table erupted in cheering as she neared it. Dean stood up from the other side of the table and said, ‘Here comes our very own hero! Not even Dementors are going to stop us from winning the House Cup!’

Ginny flushed at the attention and put her hands up. ‘I don’t think I’d call what happened to me a victory.’

Hermione looked up and said, ‘Not many students could do what you did.’

Ginny smiled and sat down next to Hermione. ‘Thanks to you and Luna, I got out of the pitch safely. Has Professor McGonagall said anything about what happened?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘I haven’t seen her.’

Ginny looked worriedly at Hermione, but didn’t say anything. She watched with an amused expression as Natalie retold the story about how Ginny, Hermione and Luna had defended the pitch from the Dementors. Ginny gave a side-long glance to Hermione and the latter nodded approvingly. Ginny stared blankly at her lunch for some time before finally admitting defeat.

Hermione was watching her and nudged her as she showed signs of leaving. ‘Sit down. You’re finishing your lunch.’

Ginny gave Hermione a defiant look. ‘Excuse me?’

Hermione raised her eyebrows and repeated, ‘You’re finishing your lunch. Don’t even think about leaving. Harry will kill me if he finds out you’re not taking care of yourself after a Dementor attack.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows and replied, ‘Please, Harry is no better patient than I am.’

Ginny ate a bit more, slowly, being thankful it was Saturday. She had all weekend to catch up on her revisions as well as announce the Gryffindor team. Even though the tryouts had turned out so strangely, she still thought she had a solid team. She was pleased her Keeper was so promising. That might compensate for the rest of the team not being stellar.

Once she’d managed to finish enough of her lunch, including some chocolate Hermione had forced on her, she got up and grabbed her bag. Hermione called out to her, ‘Where are you off to?’

Ginny beckoned to her. ‘Shouldn’t we get going? We have revisions to do.’

Hermione grinned broadly. ‘Finally, something we’ll both enjoy!’

‘Both?’ Ginny asked. ‘I think it’s just you.’

Hermione laughed and followed as Ginny led the way to the library. A lot of students were pointing and gesturing at them, and Ginny turned and whispered to Hermione, ‘Why are they looking at us like that?’

Hermione smiled. ‘You really didn’t spend that much time with us, did you? This is how they always looked at Harry after he had performed some feat that was unimaginable. Congratulations, you’re really following in his footsteps.’

Ginny sighed and set her bag down in the library and pulled a few books out. After a few hours, Ginny was feeling exhausted. She tried not to make it obvious, but she was watching Hermione revising feverishly and sighed. It seemed that no matter the conditions, Hermione would always be at peace if she could study. Ginny tapped her quill on the table and said quietly, ‘I am really exhausted. I might need a short kip to get some energy back.’

Hermione looked up slowly. ‘Yeah; want me to come and wake you before dinner?’

‘Not really,’ Ginny admitted but laughed. ‘I know you will anyway, thanks.’

She left the library and headed to Gryffindor tower. She didn’t care for the looks she was receiving, so she ignored them. She was too tired to be bothered by it. She dropped her bag on top of her chest and fell into her bed. She must have been asleep for a couple hours and woke up to a darkening night outside her window. None of her room-mates were around and she sat up slowly. She felt a strange warmth coming from the locket and touched it absently.

She didn’t realise how much she was missing Harry. At least if he were here, she wouldn’t be alone. She sighed. That wasn’t fair. She wasn’t alone. She had both Hermione and Luna. They were proving to be good friends.

She started to lie down again when she heard a sharp rap on the door. She expected this to be Hermione with her wake-up call and got up to answer the door. She was surprised to see Professor McGonagall on the other side.

‘Professor? What are you doing here?’ she asked.

Professor McGonagall smiled and replied, ‘I was coming to check on you. I meant to have you come see me in my office, but Ms. Granger informed me you were resting. How are you feeling?’

Ginny smiled slowly. ‘I’m okay, thank you Professor.’

Professor McGonagall gave her a questioning look and Ginny stepped to the side, letting the Professor enter. She said quickly, ‘Excuse the mess, Professor.’

She looked nervously at the floor. She didn’t know Professor McGonagall well, though the previous year, she’d saved the old DA on more than one occasion. Professor McGonagall surveyed the room quickly and said, smiling, ‘Ms. Weasley, I must commend you on your performance last night. I would not have expected anyone of your age to conjure such a powerful Patronus. Did Harry instruct you?’

Ginny nodded and answered, ‘Yes.’

Professor McGonagall smiled at her. ‘You’ve never stricken me as the nervous type, am I interrupting something?’

Ginny’s eyes widened. ‘What? No, Professor. I’ve just never…I’ve never known you very well. All this attention is really…strange.’

Professor McGonagall nodded slowly. ‘I’m afraid, with your…friends; this is something you should expect. Your brother and Ms. Granger had to deal with this being friends with Harry Potter and I believe you will feel it more acutely after the war.’

Ginny nodded and smiled weakly. She really didn’t know how to respond to this comment. Professor McGonagall started for the door and stopped. ‘Is there anything I can do to help you adjust to these new circumstances?’

Ginny shrugged. ‘If I knew, I’d certainly do it myself.’

Professor McGonagall nodded approvingly. ‘I would expect nothing less. If you need anything, you know where to find me.’

With that she left Ginny in her room, feeling both dumfounded and curious. That was a peculiar visit by the Headmistress, and she wondered if Professor McGonagall was just checking up on her at her parents’ request. She had heard very little from her family. She’d gotten a couple of letters from Percy, all asking about her and providing very little information about George.

She still recalled those last few harrowing days at home. George had become next to impossible. Her parents were arguing almost all the time. They paid little to no attention to either her or Ron. They just did not have the energy to deal with everything. She didn’t blame them. George was in need of serious support and help.

She pushed the thoughts out of her mind. There was no use in dwelling on what she had no way to help with. Percy had indicated they’d all be there for the memorial, barring any setbacks for George. One thing was clear, George had insisted on being at the memorial. Ginny cringed at the greeting she’d witness between Harry and George, but knew telling Harry would only make him more apprehensive.

She freshened up before heading to Hermione’s room to see if she was ready for dinner. She knocked on Hermione’s door and the door opened for her. Crookshanks was purring loudly at her entrance and she tried hard not to roll her eyes at the cat. ‘Hermione? Are you ready?’

Hermione looked up from her desk and replied, ‘Is it dinner already?’

Ginny eyed her curiously. ‘Are you alright? You look a little…pale.’

Hermione got up quickly and forced a smile at Ginny. ‘What? Oh, nothing. Are you ready?’

Ginny titled her head and said, ‘That isn’t fair, Hermione. Tell me what’s bothering you.’

Hermione sighed and narrowed her eyes. ‘Never you mind, Ginny. It doesn’t concern you.’

‘You’re my friend, so it bloody well does,’ Ginny shot back.

Hermione crossed her arms and said in a slightly defeated manner, ‘It’s your brother that’s making me upset and thank you I don’t want to talk about it.’

Ginny eased her shoulders back and said, ‘Ron’s a rubbish boyfriend sometimes.’ She grinned slowly at Hermione and said, ‘Even if you did tell me, I’d most likely take your side anyway.’

Hermione grinned at this and shook her head. ‘Sometimes I wish Ron would get some clues from Harry about being a more attentive boyfriend.’

Hermione led the way out of her room and down the flights of stairs. Ginny followed closely. As they cleared the common room, Hermione continued, ‘I mean, how can Ron be so stubborn?’

Ginny laughed. ‘Ron has always been stubborn. But Harry is stubborn all the time, too.’

Hermione nodded. ‘I know, but at least he’s so dedicated to you.’ They turned a corner and she continued, ‘I mean, take last night for example.’

Ginny nodded. ‘You know, I had the weirdest dream. I…’ she laughed. ‘This is so stupid; I dreamt that Harry came to see me. I must have been really out of it.’

Hermione stopped in her tracks and stared, wide-eyed at Ginny. ‘What?’

Ginny looked at her curiously. ‘What? What’s the matter?’

Hermione grimaced and looked guiltily at the ground. She said quietly, ‘You weren’t dreaming.’

Ginny stopped and shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, I think I misheard you. What?’

Hermione took a deep breath and cringed. ‘I’m sorry; I should have said something sooner.’

‘What are you talking about, Hermione?’ Ginny said, no longer amused at her friend’s inability to speak.

Hermione sighed and repeated, ‘You weren’t dreaming. He was here, last night, checking up on you.’

‘What!’ Ginny practically yelled. She glared at Hermione and said, ‘He was here? And he just left?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘He sat with you for a little while, but both Professor McGonagall and Kingsley would have killed him if he was caught here’

Ginny looked at Hermione with a confused expression. ‘What? Why?’

Hermione wrung her hands. ‘Merlin, Ginny, it’s been a crazy day. I’m really sorry about “’

Ginny put her hands up and said clearly, ‘Why couldn’t he stay?’

‘Because they don’t want him to be seen at Hogwarts before the memorial service…they want him to return with fanfare, not…not like that,’ she said slowly.

Ginny sighed and tried to quell the mounting anger. She thought back to the dream she’d had and asked, ‘He was here…did he…did he kiss me?’

Hermione nodded slowly. ‘I think so…I was asleep.’

Ginny’s expression softened and she gestured down the hallway. ‘Come on, I’m hungry…and now I have to send Harry a letter.’

Hermione smiled weakly at her and Ginny followed her to the Great Hall. After dinner, Ginny sent Harry a much more pleasant note than the one she’d sent previously. She couldn’t help but touch the locket repeatedly as she wrote, realising she really missed him and was anxious now, more than before, to see him again.

Chapter 42 - Preparing for the Inevitable by pokecharm

Harry had gotten back to Grimmauld Place early in the morning. When he got up the next morning, he was dismayed to see a Howler waiting for him. Gaunt said quite a litany of things and called him some disrespectful names for leaving Neville, but also informed him of the success of the mission.

He was glad the weekend had finally come and was wishing he’d ignored Hermione and stayed with Ginny until she’d woken up fully. He sighed contentedly, thinking of, despite the attack, how absolutely stunning she looked. He was so blessed to have such an amazing girl, woman, in his life.

He stared sadly at a picture that he’d put up of him and Ginny from the Prophet. Even though he hated having their stolen moments photographed, he was thankful to have a record of them. Kreacher had done a brilliant job finding suitable frames and Harry couldn’t help himself and placed them liberally around the house.

Harry sent an owl to Neville asking him about the previous night’s project and got a quick owl back, saying it had gone great and if he wanted a full report, he’d be happy to share that on Monday. Harry worried he wouldn’t have time and owled Neville back to ask if they could meet and talk about it. Neville responded and asked Harry to meet him in Diagon Alley later that day.

Harry spent much of the rest of the day busying himself with the paperwork he’d missed out on completing thanks to his part in the mission the day before. He hurried out of the house and Apparated to Diagon Alley a few minutes before meeting Neville at the Leaky Cauldron.

As he entered the pub, he was surprised to see the throng of on-lookers surrounding Neville. His friend waved him over and the people parted like a wave before him. ‘Harry! How are you feeling?’

Harry nodded, eyeing the crowd warily. ‘Better. How did things go last night?’

Neville grinned at him. ‘Brilliantly! I had a lot of help from you though!’

‘Oh? How so?’ Harry asked.

Neville leaned in close and said in a hushed tone. ‘When they saw you leave, they thought we were both drunk and they talked more than they should have.’

Harry nodded. ‘Did Gaunt reel them in?’

Neville shook his head. ‘Not exactly. But he’s putting more evidence to get a fool-proof case.’

Harry had one drink before calling it quits. He thanked Neville for letting him know what had happened, and left to have dinner at home. The crowd seemed to grow larger as he left, and Harry was thankful they were more interested in Neville.

He got home late and was surprised to see a letter from Ginny. He opened it slowly, worrying that it was another Howler, but was relieved to read the contents.


Hermione just told me I wasn’t dreaming last night, although, that would have been one fantastic dream. Thanks for coming and checking in on me. I’m sorry I was so cross with you about the photographs. I know you didn’t do it to hurt me. I know how much you care about me and I hope you know how much I care about you. I’m really missing you and I hope we’ll get to spend some time together next weekend.

Love, Ginny

Harry sighed loudly after reading the letter the second time. She’d signed it ‘love.’ He wondered if she’d heard him the previous night or not, but he didn’t care. Even though they were miles apart, it felt like it did after her birthday; he felt good about their relationship.

He replied to her letter promptly, indirectly repeating his proclamation from the previous night, and spent much of Sunday thinking about her. He didn’t know how he’d make it through the next week, but had a feeling Gaunt would make it memorable.

When Monday finally rolled around, Harry had worked himself into a very anxious state. Kreacher had served him a soothing tea before he left, but it did little good. As he rounded the corner to his office, he saw the familiar visage of Kingsley looking into his office. The older man turned to see him and his usual calm demeanour was replaced by exasperation.

He slowed his pace as Kingsley walked towards him. ‘Can I have a word with you, Harry?’

Harry nodded weakly, wondering what was worse, leaving Neville or going back to Hogwarts. Kingsley shut the office door and Harry noticed Neville was not in their office. Kingsley smiled at him and said, ‘Perhaps I wasn’t clear, but we were hoping your first visit back to Hogwarts would be at the memorial.’ He continued smiling and said, ‘Thankfully, Professor McGonagall was able to keep your visit under wraps.’

Harry started to argue but Kingsley cut him off. ‘I understand there was a Dementor attack at the school. This is frightful business. I am happy to see both Ms. Weasley, Ms. Lovegood and Ms. Granger were able to handle things.’

Harry sighed, realising he wasn’t going to be read the riot act and said, ‘I don’t know how many there were, but Hermione seemed really upset.’

Kingsley walked towards the door and said, ‘I’m not sure. Hagrid came upon them and said he’d seen a dozen.’

Harry balked. ‘A dozen Dementors! Are you serious?’

Harry felt panic set in, hoping there were some new protections around the school. Kingsley guessed his thought and said, ‘The professors there are putting some wards up in order to get warnings of the arrival of such things. I don’t know how effective it will be, but I’ve sent one of our best Aurors down there to help out.’

Harry tried to process this information and didn’t notice Kingsley leave. The door flew open a few minutes later and Gaunt stood with a vicious look. ‘Well, Potter, congratulations on almost getting Longbottom killed.’

Harry put his hands up. ‘Sir, I spoke to Neville last night, he said my…behaviour helped him get what he needed.’

Gaunt clenched his jaw and said, ‘So it did.’ Gaunt took a step into the office and said, ‘When I send you on a mission, I expect you to fulfil that mission to whatever end. Your life…is mine.’

Harry stared angrily at Gaunt, but said nothing. He had no argument to make. Nothing he could say would make any difference. Gaunt stood at the doorway for a few minutes, glaring at Harry before finally turning. ‘I expected better of you. You are very, very lucky that Longbottom has not told those details too loudly.’

He left the office and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. If that was the worst he was going to get, then it wasn’t too bad. Neville came into the office, beaming, an hour later. ‘Harry! How are you this morning?’

Harry nodded and replied curtly, ‘Fine, and you?’

Neville was grinning from ear-to-ear and said, ‘Brilliant!’ He looked up slowly and continued, ‘It’s weird, Harry, people are treating me like some sort of hero and I really don’t even know what the case is all about.’

Harry nodded. ‘I know. Gaunt didn’t tell us much.’ Harry looked blankly at his paperwork and continued, ‘I wonder if we shouldn’t have asked more questions.’

Neville replied, ‘Gaunt doesn’t seem the type to like us questioning his orders.’

They fell into an uneasy silence as the day progressed. Harry tried not to be irritated by the constant flow of Ministry workers coming through to congratulate both him and Neville on a job well done. As the day came to a close, Harry and Neville finally enjoyed a few quiet moments to themselves.

Harry started to get up to go home and stopped. ‘Neville, why didn’t you tell them the truth? Gaunt told me you didn’t tell anyone about why I wasn’t there.

Neville looked up slowly and replied, ‘I did, Harry. But I made it sound like it was our plan from the beginning. I don’t think I did anything wrong.’

Harry looked at Neville and shook his head. ‘The credit should be yours and yours alone. You shouldn’t have done that.’

Neville laughed. ‘Harry, for the number of times you’ve spared me, I think I could give you this one with no reserve. You did help, intentionally or not.’

Harry didn’t like what Neville was insinuating, like there was some sort of tally being kept, but didn’t argue with him. There was no point. It was done and over. He nodded and mumbled a ‘good night’ to Neville before heading home.

Once he arrived there, he was surprised to see a letter from Percy, asking if he could stop by for tea at Grimmauld Place. Harry was more than a little surprised that Percy would want to see him. He replied straightaway and had Kreacher prepare tea and waited for Percy to arrive.

The flames from the grate burst to life and Percy stepped out. He nodded curtly at Harry and stepped away from the grate. Ron stepped out as well and smiled at Harry. Harry looked with surprise at Ron and said, ‘Percy made it sound like he was coming alone.’

Percy nodded. ‘I did that on purpose. I didn’t want you talking to Ron beforehand.’

Harry glared at Percy and replied, ‘Oh, and what would we have talked about that wasn’t allowed?’

Percy didn’t see fit to dignify this with a response, but sat down for a cup of tea. Ron looked at Harry with an expression of frustration, and sat down next to his brother. Harry sighed and sat down, waiting for Percy to get to the point. He was starting to like Percy less and less.

Percy drank the tea for a few minutes and finally stated, ‘You’re going to the memorial, aren’t you?’

‘Of course,’ Harry replied. ‘Kingsley made it clear that both Neville and I should be there.’

Percy sighed and said, ‘Look, mum and dad wanted me to come by and talk to you, about everything that’s happened.’ His tone softened, ‘We’re all very sorry for everything that happened. We want George to get better. We never thought he’d go mental.’

Harry tapped the table and said tersely, ‘What’s your point, Percy?’

‘My point, Harry,’ Percy said his name with some relish. ‘Is that George will also be at the memorial.’

Harry felt his eyes bulge at this. ‘Are you serious? Is he even well enough to go out? You’ve had him holed up for weeks!’

Ron said quietly, ‘He’s a bit better. We don’t have to watch him as closely as we had to in the previous weeks. He’s been…he’s been wanting to talk to you…about what happened.’

Harry nodded slowly. ‘Probably best that didn’t happen.’

Percy nodded. ‘I’m glad you see that.’ Percy gave Ron a side-long glance and said, ‘We can’t bind his magic, mum and dad won’t allow it. And, quite frankly, he doesn’t need that. He’s okay. He’s still mourning, but he’s okay.’

Harry gave him a sceptical look. ‘Okay? How are you defining ‘okay’? And why do I find that hard to believe?’

Percy narrowed his eyes and replied, ‘I don’t expect you to believe it, but you should still know what we know so you can make an informed decision about going back to Hogwarts.’

Ron put his hands up quickly. ‘Look, Harry, we didn’t come over here to make you feel more put out than you already are. Our parents don’t…’ He looked at Percy for a moment before continuing, ‘They aren’t particularly proud of how they treated you. But they had to be able to control something. They think of you as one of their sons, you know that, right?’

Harry nodded slowly, but before he could say anything, Ron continued, ‘And I know they would want to be here themselves, but they’re a little frayed ‘round the edges. What I’m trying to get at…what Percy’s trying to say is…everyone in the family feels bad about what happened, with respect to you, and we don’t blame you for anything. You’ve been…well, really decent about it. So we thought we’d just come out here and let you know, warn you, that George would be at Hogwarts for the memorial too.’

Harry almost said he’d already been back, but stopped. He wondered if they even knew what happened the previous day. He replied, ‘I appreciate the warning, but I’m in enough trouble at the Ministry as it is, I need to go.’

Ron said quietly, ‘You do realise how tough this is going to be, don’t you?’

Harry nodded and looked down at the table. ‘I think I do. I don’t know how Hermione and Ginny have been getting on being back there.’

Ron nodded and said, ‘It sounded from Hermione’s last letter that both she and Ginny are pretty depressed being back.’

Harry replied quietly, ‘I got that impression too. I can’t imagine what it must be like to walk those halls after witnessing everything that happened.’

Percy commented, ‘Even I’m not looking forward to going back, but…’ He faltered, ‘I have to go back, for Fred.’

Harry looked sadly at Percy and said, ‘That’s why I have to go back.’

Percy looked up and replied, ‘We all have to go back, at least one more time.’

Ron started to say something, but glanced at the clock. ‘Percy, mum will be expecting us. We’d better get going.’

Percy got up and looked at Harry. ‘Look, Harry, I know we don’t see eye-to-eye, but I would like to advise you to use caution at the memorial.’

With that both Ron and Percy bade Harry ‘good night’ and left. Harry sat quietly for some time in the kitchen, mulling over the news that George would be at the memorial. He spent a bit of time writing Ginny a letter before heading to bed and hoping the rest of the week would be less bracing than this first day had been.

Chapter 43 - Suppressing Reality by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I'm sorry these updates are taking so long, apparently artistic freedom is frowned upon here at Mugglenet. All you hopeful writers should keep that in mind ;) let's hope this doesn't take another three weeks to be rejected for something asinine. Thanks for reading and commenting!

The week leading up to the memorial was sombre. The students walked around the hallways in a daze. Ginny and Hermione both noted it, but said little else. There wasn’t much that needed to be said. They were both nervous about what to expect the following week. It had been hard enough coming back to school and trying to do things in a normal fashion. But now, to also have to commemorate what had occurred, it was a lot to deal with for the student body as a whole. Professor McGonagall had informed Hermione that, as Head Girl, she would be expected to play a part in the memorial, as well as being one of the Hogwarts’ heroes.

Hermione had confided to Ginny, during one of their study sessions in Hermione’s room, that she was exceedingly anxious about the whole thing. ‘Professor McGonagall has given me an agenda and I am expected to preside over portions of it.’

She looked at Ginny nervously and Ginny commented, ‘You’re going to make a speech?’

Hermione nodded and Ginny laughed. ‘Better you than Ron or Harry.’

They both looked at each other and started laughing. Hermione sighed. ‘I can only imagine if either Ron or Harry were asked to speak. Harry said, in his last letter, that Kingsley told him not to speak!’

Ginny grinned. ‘I think he’s not great with words. Never has been, I’m so glad he doesn’t try to win me over with his words.’

Hermione smiled at her and said, ‘You wrote back to Harry about the night of the Dementor attack?’

‘Yeah,’ Ginny replied. ‘He sent a letter back earlier this week. I hope…’ she looked down at her parchment and said quietly, ‘I hope we can make this work. This long distance thing isn’t doing any good for me.’

Hermione nodded and they both went back to their revisions. Ginny couldn’t spend much time with Hermione that week. She was whisked off to a variety of meetings and Ginny felt the same sense of loneliness as she did when Harry, Ron and Hermione had left her the previous year.

Ginny got a strange letter from her mother, followed by a more concerning letter from Percy. Percy had told her that George would be coming to the memorial. She didn’t even want to think what kind of state he would be in, but hoped that Percy had him under better control than the previous time he was in charge of George.

Ginny was also worried that her mother had sounded so detached; as if reality had been suspended for her. Ginny spent time alone in her room with her curtains drawn around her bed. She’d kept one of the clippings from the Prophet with her and Harry in it and tried to think back on those happy times.

She found that she was falling asleep crying and hated it. She hated feeling so weak and helpless. She wanted nothing more than to have the memorial come and go and to have things back to some semblance of order.

She’d announced the new Gryffindor Quidditch team and was relieved that there was little to no argument with her about the positions. She had been spending a decent amount of time with Natalie McDonald, the new Keeper, and Dean. The three of them had come up with a few strategies for their first Qudditch match. This year, the school would be doing two matches in the fall and two in the Spring. There would be a ‘championship’ game with the two houses with the most points facing off. This would give the winning house, by far, a much larger point total than the other houses.

If nothing else happened this year, Ginny wanted that House Cup. She wanted to have that exhilarated feeling she’d had her fourth and fifth years, when she’d help win the cup when Harry couldn’t play. She didn’t like that he wasn’t there to help her, but at the same time, it was nice to be in charge and be responsible for the whole team.

She hadn’t thought much past the current school year, but knew that she’d need to think about her NEWTs and what she wanted to do in the future. She knew her father would want her to follow his footsteps to the Ministry, if she worked at all. She knew her mother stayed at home with them when they were younger. She doubted her mother ever really held a job, or ever really needed to.

She knew her family was never well-off; it was something that had always stung when being with Hermione. She didn’t have any concept of what it was like growing up without a lot of the luxuries her friend had. She knew Harry’s family never treated him well, he’d probably know better than Hermione. But even now Harry was loose with his money. She enjoyed the attention, but sometimes felt like he put too much stock in material things.

As the week wore on, Ginny became increasingly apprehensive about the memorial. She had to wear her Gryffindor Captain badge on her robes and noted Hermione had her Head Girl badge proudly displayed as well. On normal days, it wasn’t necessary to wear those, but with the Board of Governors in attendance, Professor McGonagall had made it clear that everyone should be dressed appropriately at all times.

The night before the memorial, Ginny found herself sitting up, wide-awake, in her bed. She couldn’t sleep. She had the same tense feeling she’d had before the Battle at Hogwarts not even a year ago. It was as if the world were closing in around her. She wanted to get up and run to Hagrid’s hut, but knew he’d send her back into the school. Besides which, the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team should not be costing the house to lose points. That was one trait she didn’t want to carry on for Harry.

She headed down for breakfast well before the other girls woke and trudged quietly to the Great Hall. She was surprised to see so many of the professors there and nodded curtly at them before sitting at one end of the Gryffindor table. Professor Sprout came over and stood near her. She asked quietly, ‘Ms. Weasley, why are you up so early?’

Ginny tried to smile and said quietly, ‘I couldn’t sleep.’

She’d had all her Herbology classes with Professor Sprout, but didn’t think they were on more colloquial terms. She nodded. ‘I know this will be a long day, you should try to get some rest.’

Ginny shook her head and said, ‘I think my family will be here soon.’

The professor nodded. ‘But not for a few hours.’

Ginny was getting increasingly irritated by this line of dialogue and tried to be as polite as possible. ‘I know, but I can’t sleep.’

Professor Sprout was being called back to the head table and scuttled off without another word. Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. She just wanted to be alone. She wondered where she could get that solitude. She thought about hitting the pitch, but knew Hagrid had cleared it and she wouldn’t be able to fly safely. After she finished her scant breakfast she headed down the various corridors of the school and came across the Room of Requirement. She concentrated hard and watched, relieved, as the doors appeared.

She pushed them open slowly and saw the room as it was the night of that final battle. She took a tentative step in and felt an emotional upheaval. She needed to get out of the school, but there was nowhere to go, and more importantly, nowhere that she needed to be more. Her family would need her support and she would need theirs.

She didn’t know how long she’d been in there, but as was customary in the room, a clock chimed and she looked up to see that there was only an hour left before the ceremony started. She checked to make sure that she looked presentable and left the room quietly. The hallways were deadly quiet and she hurried out of the school. There was a throng of students milling around, but she saw a group of red-headed people and made a bee-line towards them.

She tried to smile and be happy to see her family, but she was dreading this more than anything. She didn’t see Harry in the group, but wondered if he’d be standing about with her family. She spotted her mother first and was embraced tightly. Mrs. Weasley had tears in her eyes and asked, ‘How are you, dear? How is your term going?’

Ginny nodded, not really knowing how to respond. She hugged the rest of her family in turn, seeing George standing at the edge. He looked sick to his stomach. She mustered what little energy she had and smiled at him. His apprehension seemed to ease at this and he hugged her quickly. ‘How are you?’

‘Okay,’ she replied truthfully. ‘How are you?’

She didn’t mean for her question to sound accusatory, but knew she’d done it. He sighed and said, ‘Better. Still a little dazed some of the time.’

She nodded and felt Percy closing in behind her. She turned and gave him a questioning look, but he was staring blankly around them. She wondered what he was doing, but didn’t think on it. Hermione had finally emerged from the school.

Hermione spotted the group, it seemed, in the same fashion Ginny had. She was stopped a few times by different people, but she smiled politely and continued towards them. Ron was the first to step forward. Ginny had almost forgotten; Hermione was very much in the same boat as she was. Both Hermione and Ron had been apart for a much longer period of time than she and Harry.

Ron wrapped his arms tightly around Hermione, whispering something in her ear. Ginny looked away as she saw Ron lean in to kiss Hermione. Although she was happy for her brother, his snogging skills lacked a certain something. If she and Hermione were closer, she might offer some tips at another time.

When the two finally broke apart, Hermione went through the motions of greeting the rest of the Weasley family. Mr. Weasley asked after her parents, to which Hermione commented that they were better, but would not be coming to the ceremony.

Walking towards the group, Ginny immediately recognised Andromeda Tonks and her grandson, Teddy. The boy was not even a year old, yet he had grown like a weed. He had his father’s height already, but had adapted his mother’s Metamorphing abilities. He looked at the group he was being brought towards and his hair turned from pale blonde to a deep red in a few moments. Mrs. Weasley embraced Andromeda, pulling her away from the group.

Before Ginny could ask to hold him, a bell could be heard chiming across the grounds. Ginny wasn’t certain what this meant, but Hermione motioned for her to follow and she sighed and followed Hermione across the grounds. Hermione was standing in front of a large swatch of land that had been populated with hundreds of chairs. Ginny was reminded of Dumbledore’s funeral and tried to pull her mind away from the memory.

Hermione looked away from Ginny, but the sound of quiet shuffling wasn’t enough to shake Hermione’s blank look. Ginny leaned close and asked, ‘Are we supposed to do something?’

Hermione nodded, getting control of herself and said shakily, ‘Just make sure everyone fills the seats and such.’

Ginny looked up at Hermione and could see the tears threatening in her eyes. She grasped Hermione’s shoulder and said, ‘Take a deep breath.’

Ginny didn’t expect she’d be the one in better control that day, but she felt numb, as if the events around her were occurring, with or without her involvement. Hermione nodded and took a few steps away to make sure there was enough seating. Ginny’s eyes passed over many notable people in attendance. She did not see a host of Ministry officials, but she expected they’d be coming later. She spotted Neville on the outside of the seating area; he waved at her, but came no closer. She looked around for Harry for a few moments, but didn’t see him.

She turned and spotted walking towards her Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. The latter was unusually sombre and he walked boldly towards her. Ginny looked around nervously, but saw no help in sight. Draco stepped forward and said quietly, ‘I know I didn’t get to see you after everything that happened, but…’ He looked away from her for a second before holding her gaze again. ‘I just wanted to give my condolences for your brother.’

Ginny tried to repress the shock crossing her face and she replied feebly, ‘Thanks.’

Draco stood there for a few moments longer and said, ‘Is…’ He screwed his face up as if he were about to say something painful and continued, ‘Is Hermione around?’

He said her name with some emphasis and Ginny couldn’t stop herself and raised her eyebrows at him curiously. The action didn’t escape Draco’s notice and he gave her a weak smile. Ginny nodded and pointed in the direction Hermione had gone and he nodded his thanks and left.

Ginny watched as he said something quickly to his mother and headed off in the direction she’d pointed out. She wondered what he could possibly have to say to Hermione and she wondered if Ron would be around to see the conversation.

She kept an eye open for Harry, but saw no sign of him. After a quarter of an hour, she saw most of the dignitaries had been seated. Hermione gestured for her to find a seat and noted that a group of Gryffindor students had held one open for her. She hurried over and sat down, seeing her family only a few rows away.

Hermione was seated close to the front, no doubt for her speech. There were a row of seats on a slightly raised platform. Ginny recognised Kingsley close to the centre, near a podium. Professor McGonagall was standing a few steps away from the platform, speaking quickly to Professor Slughorn and Professor Flitwick. There were other Ministry officials Ginny did not recognise seated on the platform. Ginny heard a loud chiming and this seemed to signify that the ceremony should begin.

Professor McGonagall strode to the podium. She was wearing much more formal robes than Ginny had seen her in. The robes were accented with the colours of the school and each of its houses. Professor McGonagall took a deep breath and started, ‘I want to thank all of you for coming to this Memorial. We have come a long way since the horrific events of last May and Hogwarts is a testament to the power of good to triumph over evil…’

Ginny tried to listen as Professor McGonagall began speaking about everything that had happened. She also spoke about the reconstruction that had occurred and made a point to thank each and every person who had been involved. Once the Headmistress finished speaking, Kingsley stood up, and embraced her. Ginny wished she had paid more attention, as it appeared that the Headmistress had been overcome with emotion.

Kingsley smiled out across the crowd and cleared his throat. ‘I think Professor McGonagall and all the professors here at Hogwarts have worked exceptionally hard to bring this school back to the glory and grace that Professor Dumbledore left it in. On behalf of the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizarding community, I want to thank you.’

The crowd erupted into applause and Professor McGonagall was obliged to stand and give a sort of bow before sitting down again, dabbing her eyes with her kerchief. Kingsley turned back to the podium and said, ‘Professor McGonagall and I have asked one of the Hogwarts heroes to speak and I’m sure we’ll all be glad I picked the most eloquent of the group.’

There was light laughter at this. Kingsley motioned to Hermione and Ginny watched as her friend took one deep breath before standing up and ascending the few stairs to the platform. Hermione walked towards Kingsley, embracing him before setting a piece of parchment on the podium. Ginny made a point to try to catch Hermione’s eyes, but Hermione seemed to be seeking someone specific out. She smiled across the gathering group, waiting for the applause to die down before starting.

‘I’d like to thank Professor McGonagall and Minister for Magic, Mr. Shacklebolt, for giving me this opportunity to speak. I know I speak for both Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley when I say that we are honoured to have been a part of something this life-changing and ground-breaking. I think we all agree that if we could do anything differently, it would have been to act sooner and preserve life where we could have.’

She took a deep breath before continuing, ‘It has been four months since the death of the most powerful dark wizard of our time. In those four months, people have finally been able to bring their lives back to normal, live their lives as they should. Without fear or worry that some dark menace will descend upon them for no greater reason than because it can.

‘Something that was a growing theme for what the press have jovially labelled us as ‘the trio’ have believed is that no matter the circumstances, just because someone is stronger than someone else, does not make that person, exerting their power over another, right. And it is incumbent upon those of us that see these injustices to act upon them, to stop them. Those of us in a position to do the right thing, must. As we’ve learned, it was for the greater good that we all stood together, united, against a common foe.

‘It may be a simple thing, to wake up and be free of concern over whether or not your life is in danger, but that is something we should hope for and hope for the generations to come. If we’ve learned anything over this span of troubled time, it is that vigilance will save us from a much worse fate. I am so very thankful that the threat is gone, forever. And even if it cost me a high price, I can always look to others, friends I’d consider family,’ her eyes strayed to Ginny’s as she continued, ‘and see that there was a much steeper price paid.

‘But for all the losses, something great grew from them. As we came to Hogwarts this year, I saw something I didn’t expect. The school was, like a phoenix, reborn. The school I remembered and loved so dearly, had been put right. All the pieces that were shattered and strewn at the end of the battle have been placed back where they’d long resided. Even now I walk the corridors, as Head Girl, and see things I remember from my very first year at Hogwarts.

‘And now,’ her voice broke here for a moment, ‘now it seems like there isn’t enough time left to be here. Friends have come and gone, but the school still stands. A testament to all the good that we’ve done; all the things we’ve learned that we will take with us. It all stems from this place. It isn’t just a building, its home. And it always will be, for me and for countless others in the future.

‘There have been many tragedies that have plagued my seven years here at Hogwarts, and I’m hoping that this extra year I’m taking won’t lead to any more excitement than high marks on my NEWTs.’ There was scant laughter at this, mostly from the section Ginny was sitting in, as everyone knew what an avid student Hermione was. But Ginny also noticed there was hardly a dry eye as Hermione tried her best to smile and continue on.

‘Hogwarts is too strong a presence in all of our lives to ever let something endanger it. It means more than just a place for students to go and learn how to practice magic properly. It’s a place where we’ve all grown up, witnessed ourselves become adults. We don’t just learn how to be witches and wizards; we learn how to be responsible people. And that is something we should all take with us. Hogwarts has been the foundation, but we must continue to grow and learn from our experiences here.

‘I could never ask for a more welcoming environment, and I hope that this building will long stand as a beacon for all those who wish to learn and learn in the safety and comfort of a place that will never diminish. Thank you.’

There was a deafening applause for Hermione, and Ginny could have sworn she was crying. Ginny wiped her eyes and turned, her eyes straying to the back of the seating area. She spotted quite a few familiar faces, but the one she was seeking out was nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 44 - The Memorial by pokecharm

The week leading up to the memorial, the Ministry was in an unusual state of disarray. Harry and Neville found themselves caught up in all the excitement and lost track of their normal activities. The days leading up to the memorial, Harry hardly had any time to himself. He and Neville were both being pulled from one meeting to another. At one of their meetings, they were both surprised to see Ron in attendance. Kingsley had explained that Hermione would be making a short speech. Kingsley made it clear that no one else was expected to make a speech, though he held Harry’s gaze for a few moments before moving on.

He took Harry aside after the meeting and said that although he did not expect Harry to make any speeches, as the events were most likely the hardest on him, it would be wise to prepare a few short words should he be asked any questions. Harry had wanted more advice, but Kingsley made it clear that as the hero of the battle, Harry was not required to speak using the company line of the Ministry.

Harry had been rushing around for the better part of the week, and when he finally got some time to himself late Friday night, he felt it appropriate to send Ginny a letter. He stared at a blank piece of parchment for over an hour before finally giving up. He’d be seeing her the following day and would be able to talk to her then.

He couldn’t imagine what she was going through at the moment. Her family was, as Harry had already been told, all going to be in attendance. This included George. Harry felt his anger, or at least disappointment, towards George to have dissipated. He knew his feelings for Ginny would ease any concern he had for the whole situation.

As the morning rolled around, Harry was dressing as quickly as he could, though he knew he had hours and hours before the ceremony. Kreacher was being unusually quiet, as if he knew the significance of the day and ushered Harry out of the door early.

Harry and Neville had agreed to go together, but as Harry reached the Ministry and was just outside their office, he saw Gaunt and Podmore coming towards him. Both looked highly distressed and Gaunt called out, ‘Potter! Where’s Longbottom?’

Harry shrugged. ‘We’re meeting here to head to the memorial, sir.’

Gaunt shook his head. ‘We need you to do something first.’

Harry shook his head defiantly. ‘I have to be there. Kingsley told me to be there.’

Gaunt stood up to his full height, just a head taller than Harry, and said, ‘I know, but if we want to catch that wizard, we’re going to need your help.’ Harry didn’t feel good about this and Gaunt continued, ‘Think of this as redemption for your earlier desertion.’

Harry narrowed his eyes and knew there was little he could do to disobey Gaunt. He sighed and repeated, ‘I have to be there.’

Podmore smiled at him. ‘You’ll be there, just a little late.’

Harry gave them both a curt nod and followed as they led him down a series of corridors. Gaunt made it clear that Harry needed to stand in a certain place and wait for someone to pass by and give him a box. He wasn’t to open the box, but bring it back to Gaunt straightaway.

Harry glanced at his watch as he Flooed outside London. He was going to be very late, and wondered what Ginny would think of this. He had hoped they’d have some extra time prior to the ceremony to catch up, though the more Harry thought about it, the more he realised she’d most likely be surrounded by her family and wouldn’t need him anyway.

He stood at his designated spot for an hour and a half before a short, stocky, dark-skinned man meandered towards him and stopped just past him at a nearby stall. Harry was standing in the middle of a busy marketplace and had been keeping an eye out for various characters. He’d been sipping a strong coffee to keep himself alert and was surprised when the dark-skinned man behind him whispered for him to move closer.

Harry didn’t want to look obvious in case they were being watched and headed towards a nearby rubbish bin. He tossed a used napkin in and the man approached the same rubbish bin. He made to throw something away, but just as quickly pulled out a small parcel and tossed it into Harry’s hands. Harry concealed it quickly under his robes and made no other gesture to the man.

Harry watched as the stranger walked away and he stood waiting for a few minutes before heading in the opposite direction and Apparating to a safe place. He then Flooed back to the Ministry and sought Gaunt out. The Auror was waiting for him in his office, and jumped at seeing the package.

Harry tried to restrain himself and said curtly, ‘Can I go now?’

Gaunt paid him little mind and nodded, waving him out of the office. Harry quickly ran down the main corridor to Floo to Hogwarts. He’d glanced at the clock in Gaunt’s office and knew the ceremony had already started.

Once he arrived outside Hogwarts, he found that the teachers had still kept many of the safety barriers up so he jogged quickly to the area where the ceremony was clearly taking place. He must have just missed the entire event as the guests were all getting up from their chairs. Harry tried to appear as if he’d been standing in the back the entire time, but doubted anyone would believe that. He saw a press of reporters crowding around Kingsley, and nodded to him. Kingsley acknowledged him with a quick nod. Both men had hoped the reporters would not take note, but they all turned to see Harry. There seemed to be a moment where they weren’t sure if they should approach him, but the moment passed quickly and they raced towards him.

Harry tried to stay calm; he hadn’t been mobbed before and was afraid they’d attack him. Neville appeared out of no where by his side. Harry gave him a nervous look, but tried his best to hear all the questions and answer them as best he could. He tried to glance at what was going on around him, but it was impossible to see anything or anyone aside from the bright flashes going off in front of him. Kingsley finally stepped in, ushering the reporters back with just one wave of his hand.

He led Harry away with Neville following close behind. He said in a hushed tone, ‘I understand you were able to assist Gaunt this morning. I do appreciate that. I also thought this would relieve some pressure for you with respect to this event.’

Harry was finally able to see without spots in his eyes and could see the wary, sombre looks all around him. He didn’t see Ginny anywhere and tried to stop and look for her. Kingsley continued moving him into the school and then the Great Hall. He stopped there and said, ‘The reporters won’t be able to bother you here.’

Harry nodded and said quickly, ‘Yes, but sir, I need to see the Weasleys.’

Kingsley nodded. ‘Yes, of course. They will want to see you as well, I’m sure.’

Harry couldn’t tell if Kingsley was saying this to appease him, but he finally was able to make out a group of red heads. Much to his chagrin, Ginny did not appear to be with them. Harry slowly approached the group and was shocked to first be confronted by George. He took a deep breath and said, ‘Hello George.’

George smiled at him and reached a hand out. ‘I’d hug you, Harry, but I think you need to buy me at least one drink for that.’

Harry laughed, feeling the tension dissolve in a moment. ‘I’m sorry, George, I don’t think I’m ready for that step. And I don’t think Ginny would approve.’

George nodded, but said in a serious tone, ‘Harry…’ He took a deep breath and continued, ‘I’m really sorry about what happened. And I’m glad you’re okay.’

Harry nodded. ‘Don’t worry about it, George.’

He stood for a moment, looking at the concern crossing George’s face, but wasn’t able to think on it more as Mrs. Weasley gave him a bone-crushing hug. ‘Harry! We missed you this morning.’

He nodded and said apologetically, ‘Gaunt had some business for me. He said it couldn’t wait.’

He looked around and Ron said, ‘Harry, she’s not here.’

‘What?’ he said absently. ‘Oh, wait, where is she then?’

Ron sighed. ‘She and Hermione are both outside trying to keep an eye on all the students.’ Harry started to make for the door, but Mr. Weasley grabbed his arm firmly. ‘I believe Kingsley brought you back in here for a reason.’

Harry gave Mr. Weasley a defiant look and said, ‘I’m sure he did, but I told Ginny I’d see her and I’m not going back on my word.’

Percy rolled his eyes and stepped away from the group. Harry frowned at this action and Mrs. Weasley stepped forward. ‘I think it would be best if you stayed here and away from prying eyes.’

Harry nodded; realising there was someone of note standing to the side of Mrs. Weasley. He took a tentative step closer and noticed Andromeda Tonks. In her arms and being a perfect terror was his God-son, Teddy. The little boy looked up at Harry with curious, doleful eyes and Harry couldn’t help but smile. He took another step forward and said quietly, ‘Mrs. Tonks, I’m sorry I haven’t written to you in some time.’

She shook her head, tears still glistening in her eyes. ‘Don’t be silly, Harry, you’ve been busy. I’ve been reading about you in the paper. I think your parents would be very proud of you.’

Harry felt his face flush as she spoke and looked down quickly. ‘I hope so.’ His eyes strayed back to Teddy and he asked, ‘How’s he doing? Not exhausting you, I hope.’

She smiled and pulled the little boy closer to her body. ‘He’s a right terror, not unlike his mother at that age. But I love him. And he reminds me so much of Nymphadora.’

Harry nodded and reached a hand out to Teddy. The little boy looked at him warily, but reached his tiny hand to Harry’s, grasping two of his fingers. It was a feeling Harry had never experienced before. He hadn’t been around children much and here was this little boy who grasped his fingers trustingly. Harry leaned close to him, smiling, and said, ‘Don’t give your Gran too hard of a time.’

The little boy gave him a mischievous smile and peeled out a little laughter that shattered the otherwise solemn silence in the room. Harry could once again feel the weight of dozens, if not more, eyes upon him. But he paid them little mind. He knew he needed to be a better God-father to Teddy, especially considering Teddy would now be living his life as Harry had lived his own, without his parents around. He wanted to play more with Teddy, but could see Andromeda drifting back towards Mrs. Weasley. He ruffled Teddy’s hair before turning back to the rest of the Weasley family. He very much wanted to see Ginny, but had to assess his situation more closely before making a move.

Harry knew he couldn’t get away with all of them watching. He normally lived with his emotions on his sleeve, but knew that his training may finally pay off. He nodded slowly and started chatting with Ron. Once both the Weasley parents started to chat with Andromeda, Harry knew his chance had come. He grinned at Ron and without another word, turned and ran out of the Great Hall.

He could hear Ron scream out, ‘Oi! Where is he off to?’

Harry bounded through the entranceway, hearing the Weasley family calling after him, but ignored them. He saw students returning from the ceremony as well as milling around the grounds. He stepped onto the grounds and looked around frantically. He could see a photographer look up suddenly at seeing him, but threw a disarming spell at him to drop the camera he was carrying.

Harry bounded around the outside of a large group, but could find no traces of Ginny. He did see Hermione and rushed over to her. She was looking somewhat put-off and as Harry closed in, he could see why. Draco Malfoy was having a conversation with her. Although it didn’t appear that Hermione was a willing participant in the conversation. Harry ignored their hushed tones and said urgently, ‘Hermione! Have you seen Ginny?’

She looked up abruptly, as if Harry were her saviour, and replied, ‘She went inside. Her parents are leaving soon; she’s probably in the common room.’

He uttered his thanks and quickly turned on his heel, much to Hermione’s apparent dismay. He made a mental note to write her a letter asking her what Draco wanted, but didn’t have time to think on it long.

He bounded up the various staircases to the Gryffindor tower and was disappointed to see no students standing outside. He looked at the Fat Lady but she sighed. ‘I know you are the Hogwarts hero, Mr. Potter, but the security has been very strict.’

He sighed. ‘Can you just tell me if Ginny Weasley is in there?’

She shook her head. ‘She very well maybe, a whole host of students just came through, but none are in the common room now.’

Harry groaned and banged on the portrait door. ‘Ginny! Are you in there?’

‘Mr. Potter! There is no need to shout, she’ll not be able to hear you!’ the Fat Lady admonished him.

He started to bang again when Neville appeared behind him. ‘Harry, we need to get going. The ceremony is over and Gaunt needs us for something.’

Harry didn’t like this one bit and had a glimmer of saying ‘no’ outright. But he hung his shoulders dejectedly and followed Neville down the spiralling staircases. He kept his gaze down and didn’t sense anything around him. He was furious that Gaunt had cost him one of his few chances to see Ginny.

As Neville turned the corner to the last staircase, Harry took one last, longing look at the Fat Lady, wishing she’d known whether Ginny was within. He turned and felt someone wrap their arms tightly around his shoulders. He started for a moment, but could see the red hair cascading around him. He gripped her tightly, forgetting that he had missed her up until that point. They pulled away just slightly and he kissed her fully.

He whispered, ‘I’m so sorry I’m late. I…’

She nodded and pulled his face back to hers, kissing him deeply. He could hear Neville behind her, ‘Harry, we can’t be here…’

Harry tried to ignore Neville, but Ginny pulled away looking at him forlornly. He shook his head and said, ‘These quick meetings aren’t doing anything for me.’

She nodded and replied, ‘Me either.’

Neville shot Harry an impatient look and Harry could see the Weasley parents looking up at him with worried looks. Percy was shaking his head and seemed to be laughing slightly. Ron shoved him in the back and they both turned away. Harry didn’t see Hermione anywhere in sight and looked back at Ginny. He ran a hand through his hair and said, ‘When is your first Hogsmeade weekend?’

She sighed and shrugged. ‘Not until November, a couple weeks before our first Quidditch match. Will you be coming down to see us play?’

Harry nodded. ‘Ron and I were planning on attending, yeah.’ He reached a hand out to her and pulled her closer. He took her hand in his and kissed her palm. ‘How are your classes going?’

She turned to see all the eyes on them and said, ‘Harry, I don’t think now is the time to have a conversation.’

He looked at the ground and said quietly, ‘I’m really sorry I was late…there was a…a work thing.’

He tried to catch her eyes, but she pulled her hand out of his and started down the stairs past Neville. He stood for a moment before hurrying after her, pushing past Neville, who still stood watching the doorway. He called after her, ‘Ginny, wait!’

She stopped at the foot of the stairs and said quietly, ‘Harry, I can’t…we can’t do this here, please, not with all these people watching…’

She gave him a look he couldn’t quite figure out and he sighed and nodded. ‘I’ll send you a letter later, I promise.’

He bent and kissed her on the cheek. She gave him a weak smile and headed towards her parents. Neville came up behind him and said, ‘Can we go now?’

Harry turned at the tone and saw that Kingsley was not far from the entranceway with a disapproving look on his face. Harry sighed and followed Neville out of the school. Harry didn’t care for the meeting with Ginny and wondered how upset she was with him. He had a feeling it had more to do with the memorial, than him, but his late arrival certainly didn’t help. He knew he’d send Hermione a letter, asking about Ginny, but wondered what she’d say, if anything. Kingsley shot both Harry and Neville a warning look and all three left the Hogwarts grounds without saying another word.
Chapter 45 - After Effects by pokecharm

Ginny had been searching for Harry after the memorial had ended and had only found him when she was finally on her way back to the Gryffindor common room. She would have loved to spend the rest of the day in his arms, but her parents had warned her against doing anything that might attract more attention to their family, especially on a day commemorating the death of their son.

She had spent a few passing moments with her family before heading back to the common room. She couldn’t stand the oppressive feeling that was radiating from her parents. She felt as though she would drown in their sorrow. She thought, perhaps unfairly, that she’d finally come to some terms with what had happened, but being with them again, after more than a month apart, she felt like they were as depressing as ever.

As she said farewell to her parents, she couldn’t help but notice that George seemed more at ease than ever. He gave her a serious look and whispered once everyone was out of earshot, ‘That Harry of yours, he’s alright.’

Ginny looked at him curiously, wondering what had happened, but he just playfully punched her in the arm and followed their parents out of Hogwarts. Ginny watched them go with a mixture of sadness and relief. Hermione came up behind her and Ginny started, ‘I didn’t see you coming, how are you? That was a brilliant speech.’

Hermione grinned at her. ‘Now you know why I was so anxious all week.’

Ginny nodded and followed as Hermione walked back towards Gryffindor tower. She wanted to push the memorial out of her mind and stopped in the hallway, grabbing Hermione’s arm to stop her. ‘Wait! Draco Malfoy was looking for you. Did he find you? What did he want?’

Hermione flushed a deep shade of red and said, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows and said, ‘Oh, not a chance in hell, Granger, spit it out.’

Hermione sighed and shook her head vehemently, ‘Not bloody likely.’

Ginny gave Hermione a smirk and said, ‘Such language, Hermione, and from our Head Girl.’

Hermione tried to pull away from Ginny, but Ginny held strong. ‘Did he say something rude? Based on your reaction, I’d argue he’d said something quite the contrary.’

‘I really do not want to talk about it now,’ she said forcefully.

Ginny started to relent and then added, ‘I just hope Ron didn’t happen upon you snogging Malfoy.’

Hermione turned, her eyes full of fury. ‘I would never, never, snog Draco Malfoy! That is vile and for you to insinuate something like that…Ginny, where do you even get these ideas?’

Any memory of the memorial, only a few hours old, seemed distant and uninteresting as compared to her friend’s clear lack of comfort with this conversation. Ginny took a step closer to Hermione and said, ‘What happened? He…What did he do? Did you do something?’

Hermione shook her head and started to walk forward, but Ginny kept pace. ‘Come on, Hermione, we’re friends. You can tell me. I’m not going to tell Ron, but if it’s that interesting, I might not be able to hold my tongue for long.’

Hermione bounded through the portrait hole and up the stairs, Ginny on her heels. She could feel a lot of students watching them, but kept her eyes on Hermione’s rapid retreat. Hermione pushed her door open and Ginny thought she was going to slam the door on her face, but instead she gave Ginny an exasperated look, so she hurried through.

Ginny held her hands out and said, ‘What is going on?’

Hermione shook her head, pacing her room. ‘I was terrified. I didn’t know what to think. And he was acting so strangely. I mean, this is Draco Malfoy. He hates all of us. He hates everything and everyone here. And for him to be anything but hateful, I just…’

Ginny put her hands up and said, ‘Whoa, Hermione, slow down. What are you talking about?’ She sat down on Hermione’s bed and noted Crookshanks immediately nudged her in the back. She rolled her eyes and tried to shoo the cat away. She continued, ‘When I saw him, he…he gave me his condolences for Fred, and then asked after you.’

Hermione nodded. ‘He told me. He caught me for a moment before the memorial started, but I was able to get away.’ She looked helplessly at Ginny and continued, ‘But then he caught me after the memorial.’

Ginny looked at her expectantly and she added, ‘That’s when I saw Harry for the first time, too. He was looking for you, did you find him?’

Ginny nodded. ‘Yeah, but we can talk about that later.’

‘Why was he late?’ Hermione asked.

‘Don’t change the subject, and I don’t know. What happened after the memorial?’ Ginny asked.

Hermione wrung her hands. ‘Well, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, I was still upset about everything, so all I really wanted was to…’ She rolled her eyes and said tentatively, ‘I wanted to see a familiar face, but the one I got wasn’t the one I’d expected.’

Ginny wondered if Hermione would ever get to the point and Hermione continued to pace in a rapid fashion. ‘Then he just came over. Professor McGonagall was talking to me and just turned and left and I didn’t have anyone to get away to.’

Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘What did he say? Bloody hell, this better be good…’

Hermione gave her an irritated look and said, ‘You could try to be a little more sympathetic.’

‘I would be if I knew what I was being sympathetic about!’ Ginny retorted.

Hermione took a deep breath and said, ‘He…he apologised for what happened at his house, when…’

Hermione had a pained look and Ginny sat up, completing quietly, ‘…when Bellatrix tortured you…’

Hermione nodded slowly. ‘Yes…he…oh, Ginny! I wish you had been there…he’s a horror, a complete horror of a person. He’s never said a kind word in his life, I’m sure, but he stood there and he…he took the blame for what happened.’ She gave Ginny a very sad and very lost look. ‘He said he could have stopped it and he was too much of a coward to say anything. And then he said…he asked…if I could ever forgive him for that.’

Ginny could see the tears brimming in Hermione’s eyes and wasn’t sure why she should be upset. She got up quickly and hugged her. ‘You really gave me a scare, Hermione! At least now we know Malfoy is a little human.’

She shook her head. ‘I’m not done…’

‘There’s more?’ Ginny said incredulously. ‘I wasn’t gone that long.’

Hermione gave her a strained smile. ‘Long enough…’ She shook her hands vigorously and began pacing again. ‘Then he saw his mother behind him, and waved her off. He then pulled me to the side, away from a lot of people and said…’

She furrowed her brow, fearful to continue and Ginny grabbed her. ‘Please, just get it out!’

Hermione covered her eyes with her hand and said very quickly, ‘He told me how good I looked, was glad I’d recovered from the torture; he said I made a brilliant speech, hugged me and left.’

Ginny balked, letting go of Hermione, and knew her expression of shock could not be hidden. ‘He touched you? And it didn’t involve your vomiting?’

Hermione gave her a distasteful look. ‘It isn’t funny, Ginny.’

She started pacing and said in a hushed tone, ‘What is Ron going to do if he finds out?’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Who cares? Hermione…’ She smiled at her and said, ‘He complimented you. There isn’t anything wrong with that. I mean, you’re not going to melt…’

Ginny looked at her thoughtfully and asked, ‘What was that like? Hugging Draco Malfoy?’

Hermione cried urgently, ‘Stop saying it like that! It wasn’t anything…it didn’t feel like anything!’

Ginny couldn’t help herself and grinned. ‘Oh come on, how many guys have you hugged? Did he hug you tightly? Did his hands linger anywhere?’

Hermione did not look amused in the least and said coldly, ‘Ginny Weasley, I thought you’d be the one better suited to tell this to.’

Ginny slumped her shoulders slightly and said, ‘Hermione, I’m not trying to tease you mercilessly. I just don’t think anyone has ever been this close to ‘knowing’ Draco. Wouldn’t you be a little curious?’

Hermione studied the ground hard and said, ‘Ginny…’ She shook her head and brought her eyes up. ‘I don’t know what to tell you.’

Ginny smiled at her friend. ‘Hermione, hugging Draco doesn’t mean you’re cheating on Ron.’

‘No, but it was very strange,’ she relented. ‘It was…I don’t know…he’s not as tall as Ron, so it felt like hugging Harry, I suppose. But since you’re a tad shorter than I am, I’m not sure what to tell you.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, ‘Since I don’t want to hear about you and Ron, I’d love to hear about you and Draco.’

‘There is no ‘me and Draco,” she said with much finality.

‘Alright, I’m sorry,’ Ginny replied.

She couldn’t stop smiling and Hermione waved her hands emphatically. ‘Stop it! I’m not saying anything else.’

Ginny sighed and started to head for the door, but Hermione called back to her, ‘So, where was he?’

Ginny turned and stopped, facing the doorway. ‘He said he had some ‘work thing’ and couldn’t get here on time.’

Hermione took a step forward, placing a hand on Ginny’s back. ‘I’m sure there’s no where he wanted to be more.’

Ginny nodded and replied bitterly, ‘Yeah, and he managed to not show up on time.’

She could feel her anger mounting and continued, ‘Not find me in time so we could spend even a few minutes together without everyone gawking.’

Hermione didn’t respond for a few moments and Ginny turned to see Hermione looking at her thoughtfully. Ginny shrugged. ‘At least you and Ron had some time together.’

Hermione laughed. ‘Sadly I had more time with Draco than Ron.’

‘Yeah and I’m sad to say I got to see you snogging Ron,’ she added.

Hermione laughed at her. ‘I don’t think Draco was interested in snogging me!’ She gave Ginny a small smile and said, ‘He hugged me in a very…friendly manner.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows in disbelief. ‘I don’t know, Hermione, the way you reacted leads me to believe he did something you enjoyed.’

Hermione’s jaw dropped and she tried to snap it shut without Ginny noticing, but it was too late. ‘He did, didn’t he?’

Hermione made no response, and Ginny wagged her finger triumphantly. ‘I knew it! You were protesting way too much!’ She sat back down on Hermione’s bed and said, ‘So…how was it?’

Hermione flushed and looked very flustered. She clearly thought she’d fooled Ginny, but now she was caught. She fiddled with her robes absently and finally said, ‘It was nice…good…fine…Ginny…’

She gave her an exasperated look, but the latter showed no signs of moving. ‘There has to be more.’

Hermione scowled at her. ‘He didn’t do anything, Ginny!’

Ginny shook her head. ‘I’m not buying this. Not for one second. I tell you a lot of stuff, so fess up!’

Hermione sat down heavily at her table and said, ‘I don’t even know how to describe it…I mean, I’ve only been with Ron…’

She gave Ginny a helpless look and Ginny commented, ‘Don’t look at me. I know you lot think I’ve been really popular, but Harry has been, by far, my most serious boyfriend.’

Ginny smiled at Hermione and she continued slowly, ‘He was just really…sweet…like when Ron wants me to spend some time with him.’

She flushed red at this connexion and Ginny nodded slowly. ‘He was…flirting with you?’

Hermione shrugged. ‘I don’t think so…I mean, why would Draco Malfoy want to flirt with me?’

Ginny tried to repress her grin and replied tartly, ‘Maybe watching you get tortured did…’

She couldn’t complete the sentence and started laughing uncontrollably. Hermione crossed the room and pushed Ginny playfully. ‘That isn’t funny, Ginny!’

She was grinning at her and said, ‘Merlin, wouldn’t that be just like him, though?’

Ginny sat up slowly and said, ‘I don’t know him at all, so you should ask those two friends of yours.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and Hermione followed suit. ‘I could throw Ron into a fit of jealousy and tell him about it.’

Ginny laughed. ‘You should! He’s acting far too complacent for my taste.’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘He’s your brother…’ She sighed and said, ‘Anyway, that was pretty much it…’ She grinned at Ginny and added, ‘I have to admit, for a vile, loathsome human being, he has strong arms and smells amazing!’

Ginny couldn’t stop laughing and shook her head. ‘We both have lots of ‘boy-related’ issues, don’t we?’

Hermione laughed. ‘I think we’re running the gamut on them too…’

Ginny got up slowly and said, ‘Well, I’m glad he was, at least, sort of nice to you.’

Hermione nodded absently and asked, ‘What about you and Harry? He asked me about you while I was…talking with Draco, didn’t get to spend more than a second with him. He looked really upset that he hadn’t seen you.’

‘I’m sure,’ Ginny replied with no sincerity. ‘Anyway, I think dinner shouldn’t be far off.’

She started to head for the door, but watched as it locked. She turned and gave Hermione and annoyed look. ‘What?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘Ginny…Merlin, I hate making excuses for Harry…’

‘Then don’t,’ Ginny retorted.

‘No, Ginny, I have to…I feel like I owe both you and Harry this,’ she said quietly.

Ginny shook her head. ‘Why would you think that, Hermione? You don’t owe us anything. We’re all friends. No one owes anyone anything.’

She shook her head and said more quietly, ‘Just let me do this, would you?’

Ginny sighed and nodded. ‘I really don’t want you wasting time on this. I honestly think Harry and I just need to…take it easy until we can be together.’

Hermione gave her a sad look and said, ‘Ginny, Harry really cares about you. If you tell him to leave you alone, it’ll destroy him. You know how boys are…he’ll think you never want to see him again.’

Ginny rubbed her forehead and replied, ‘That isn’t what I’m saying…but if we can’t be together…this…this is getting more stressful than it needs to be.’

Hermione nodded. ‘I agree, but I have to admit, Ron and I are in no better shape. Just hear him out, would you?’

Ginny furrowed her brow, but nodded. ‘I really think you’re giving Harry more credit than he deserves. I don’t think he’d be phased one way or another.’

Hermione stood up quickly and said, ‘Ginny, I can’t believe you just said that! This is Harry. This is you and Harry. You and Harry,’ she repeated. ‘This is forever you’re dealing with.’

Ginny raised an eyebrow and said, ‘Are you saying I’m not serious about him?’

Hermione cringed and replied, ‘It doesn’t sound that way to me.’

Ginny narrowed her eyes and replied evenly, ‘We are both really distracted with things. I think Harry and I could use some time apart.’

‘You have that now,’ Hermione reasoned. ‘Why do you need to make a big deal about it? Please, I’m telling you as a friend, just take it easy.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and replied, ‘Fine. I’ll come get you when I head to dinner.’

Hermione was studying her closely and nodded. ‘Please.’

Ginny gestured to the door, which Hermione un-locked with her wand. Ginny headed up the flights of stairs to her room. Already she was feeling her anger towards Harry return. Why hadn’t he come on time? He had always said Gaunt was a slave-driver, but not this new adviser. What was so important that he couldn’t be present on time? She’d have to send a letter to Ron or Percy asking if something happened with George, but based on what George had said, he was better. Ginny sighed and stared at the picture of she and Harry from the Prophet. Was Hermione right? Was this forever? A part of her knew he was what she’d always wanted, but was it too much too soon? She could feel the locket warming her from the inside and she lay back against her pillows. She was just glad she’d survived the memorial.
Chapter 46 - Hoping for an Easy Resolution by pokecharm

Kingsley ushered Harry and Neville quickly out of Hogwarts. Harry knew he was wearing his emotions on his sleeve and was, clearly, less than thrilled that his reunion with Ginny had been cut short. They had avoided the general press as they left, and Harry was thankful that he may have spared Ginny at least one day of being in the Prophet. He needed to get home to write her a letter, apologising and begging her forgiveness. The look on her face when they parted was making an ever-gaping hole in the pit of his stomach.

He could feel the ring, cool against his skin, and wondered if that meant she were angry with him. It wasn’t the same cold that he’d felt when she was hurt. He wouldn’t, in all his life, forget that feeling.

Harry hadn’t been paying attention to where Kingsley was leading them, but saw that they had left Hogwart’s grounds and were quickly walking through Hogsmeade. Kingsley turned to them and said, ‘We’re going to Floo back to the Ministry for a de-briefing and then you have the weekend to yourselves.’

Harry nodded mutely while Neville looked unsettled. Once they arrived back at the Ministry, Harry saw Gaunt not far off. He was grinning, the first time Harry had ever seen anything other than a scowl cross the man’s face. He stepped forward and said something urgently to Kingsley that Harry couldn’t quite hear. Kingsley nodded at him and turned to the others. ‘I won’t be doing the de-briefing, but I want to thank both of you for being at the memorial, which went well.’

He turned abruptly and followed Gaunt down the hallway, the two talking in hushed tones. Neville turned to Harry and asked, ‘Why were you so late?’

Harry gave him an annoyed look. ‘Gaunt caught me when I came in here, said I needed to do something for him. I didn’t have a whole lot of choice.’

Neville gave him an uncertain look and said, ‘Harry…I know we’re friends, you and I…but Ginny…’ Harry felt angry just hearing him say her name. He continued, ‘Ginny really needed you today.’

Harry glared at him. ‘She seemed fine to me.’

Neville shot back angrily, ‘It was the memorial for her dead brother, how can you even say that?’

Harry was shocked Neville would make such an outburst and said, ‘I wasn’t late because I wanted to be! If Gaunt asks you to do something, you do it, don’t you?’

Neville rolled his eyes. ‘Please, you just up and left that one time!’

Harry clenched his jaw. ‘You told me to go and I went and both Kingsley and Gaunt almost had my head for it. I wasn’t going to make that same mistake again!’

Neville shook his head. ‘Fine; whatever, Harry. Let’s just get this over with.’

Harry stood for a moment before following Neville down the hallway. He tried to stay focused as a wizard he’d never met went over what was successful and not successful on his morning activities. As they emerged, Harry was surprised to see Gaunt and the wizard he’d met earlier that day chatting. Harry gave them a questioning look and they both turned away from him.

He sighed and furrowed his brow. He was feeling like his mood for the day was getting worse and worse. He grumbled a good night to Neville and headed home. Once he arrived, Kreacher had a rather large dinner waiting for him. He stopped halfway through dinner and told Kreacher what had happened, the house elf nodding at appropriate times.

Kreacher, as Harry suspected, advised advised him to send Ginny a letter. Kreacher surprised Harry when he also suggested asking Professor McGonagall to see Ginny and have time at the school without an appointment. Harry gave him a sceptical look. ‘I’m not sure how wise that would be; she looked pretty upset with me.’

Kreacher shook his head and said, ‘Master Harry, I do not often give advice, but here I will: Mistress Ginevra needs support now more than ever. As someone who loves her, that support should come from you alone.’

Harry eyed Kreacher warily. He sighed and said quietly, ‘You should have seen the look on her face, Kreacher. She was so detached.’

Kreacher shook his head and said, ‘This is all the more reason for you to go to her. Now. Tonight.’

Harry balked. ‘I can’t just storm the school! Kingsley will have my head. I’ll just…I’ll just send her a letter…’

He knew how insincere that sounded and could see the disappointment in Kreacher’s eyes. But he also knew that Kingsley and Professor McGonagall had both made it clear that he shouldn’t be haunting around the school, besides which, if he wanted to be at school, he would have gone back.

He knew he was making meaningless excuses, but didn’t know what else to do. He thought back to that warm embrace and felt his heart lighten. They’d be okay. It was tough, not being with each other, save for a few stolen moments here and there, but they would be okay. The more he repeated this, the more he believed it, and that gave him some sense of solace.

He finished dinner and quickly wrote Ginny a letter, being more forthright than he’d been before and apologising, repeatedly, for not being there when he knew she needed him. He worried what response he’d get from her, but didn’t let the thought linger. He needed to send the letter out. He gave it to Kreacher as soon as he was done and began to write a quick note to Hermione, asking what Draco had been bothering her about, and if Ginny was okay.

The memorial had been held on a Saturday, and Harry was thankful for the break. He spent much of Sunday doing very little of consequence. Kreacher had left him alone most of the day, Harry suspected this had to do with his not heeding the house elf’s advice. He just didn’t know that visiting Hogwarts would be a good idea. He sent an owl to Ron, asking if he could stop by, as things seemed to have calmed down, but instead got a response asking if Ron could come to Grimmauld Place.

Ron arrived in the middle of the day and was alone. He gave Harry a weak smile as he entered the sitting room and said, ‘Dad told us why you were late. It must be exciting working there.’

Ron sounded disappointed that he hadn’t had a chance to start and Harry shrugged. ‘Not particularly. I still feel really badly about being so late.’

Ron replied, ‘I wouldn’t put it past either Gaunt or Kingsley to have done that on purpose.’

Harry raised his eyebrows. ‘But what benefit would that have?’

‘The poster boy coming late? I’m not sure, but Dad made it sound like he knew you’d be late,’ Ron offered.

Harry sighed and tried to push this new piece of information out of his head. ‘How was Hermione?’

Ron grinned. ‘Her speech was brilliant. I am so glad they didn’t ask any of us to say anything, officially.’

Harry sighed. ‘Now I’m really sorry I missed that…she wasn’t nervous?’

Ron nodded. ‘I think so, but I know her better than the general public, I expect.’

Harry looked up and said, ‘How is everyone doing?’

Ron knew Harry was speaking about his family and he nodded. ‘Um, okay, I think. I mean, mum and dad were pretty upset, but George was actually okay. He seemed normal to me.’

Harry nodded. ‘He seemed that way to me too. We got to talk for a few minutes.’

Ron replied, ‘I heard. George said something about you being really…I don’t know…he just said you were a nice guy or something.’

Harry cringed. ‘I’m afraid Ginny may not say the same thing. Could you tell if she was furious with me?’

Ron shook his head. ‘Honestly, I don’t know. She didn’t seem all that upset during the memorial. I think she only cried when she was hugging mum. But then George said something to her and they were both smiling. So I’m not sure. I barely got to see Hermione, but she seemed less upset with me than usual, and that was nice.’

Harry started to ask about Draco, but knew that Hermione would kill him if he said anything. ‘I only saw Hermione for a few minutes, too. I was too busy looking for Ginny.’ Harry sighed and continued, ‘I wonder if I should have apologised to Hermione, too.’

Ron laughed. ‘I don’t think you have to worry about her. She knows us both pretty well.’

Harry laughed. ‘I bet she’s just pleased you write to her at all.’

Ron grinned. ‘I write to her more than I ever have.’

Harry rolled his eyes. ‘Please tell me there isn’t any bad poetry involved.’

Ron crossed his arms and said, ‘I’m not telling you my secrets, Harry. Besides, Ginny never struck me as the poetry type.’

Harry rolled his eyes. ‘But she’s still a girl; she’ll want some sweet words.’

Ron laughed. ‘Harry, neither of us is good with words, that’s why they asked us not to speak.’

Harry furrowed his brow. ‘I wonder how hard it is to convince a woman that you’re really serious.’

Ron shrugged. ‘In my very limited experience all I can tell you is you have to be there for her and then let them lead, maybe. What the hell do I know? I’m lucky Hermione is even interested in me at all!’

Harry laughed and thought about how much he wished he were with Ginny right now. ‘You and me both. I know you don’t want to hear this, Ron, but your sister is amazing…and…gorgeous…and…’

He would have continued, but Ron stood up. ‘Please stop…I know you like her, Harry, but I don’t need to hear the details.’

Harry laughed. ‘Sorry, well, you can compliment Hermione all you want in front of me, I won’t take offence.’

Ron laughed and said, ‘No, thanks. I would rather tell her myself.’

Harry nodded, realising Ron was right. Though he wondered if he’d ever really told Ginny how wonderful she was, how perfect she was. Ron eyed him and asked, ‘You’re thinking about her right now, aren’t you?’

Harry looked down guiltily. ‘So? She’s my girlfriend, last I checked.’

Ron rolled his eyes. ‘Anyway, Harry…Percy is taking George by the shop later, we think he might be ready to manage some things again.’

Harry stood up quickly. ‘He’s that much better? That’s brilliant! Is there anything I can do to help?’

Ron gave him a serious look and said warily, ‘Maybe…I don’t want to put you in any awkward positions.’

Harry shook his head. ‘Ron, your family is my family, forget about it. Just tell me what you need me to do.’

Ron said steadily, ‘I think George might need some…support…but I’m not sure how Percy will feel about it. I’ll keep you posted.’

Harry nodded and watched as Ron headed out of the sitting room towards the grate. Harry followed behind and said, ‘Ron, if you see or talk to Ginny, let her know…I…I don’t know…you know.’

Ron nodded. ‘I know. I’ll see you later, Harry.’

With that Harry was once again left alone. He checked for any new letters but there was no response from either Ginny or Hermione. He hoped she’d gotten the letter already and wondered if he shouldn’t have included some flowers or sweets. He wanted to assess how much trouble he was in before doing that, but decided he’d ask Kreacher about it during dinner.

Chapter 47 - Meet Me Half-Way by pokecharm

Ginny was starting to get used to these confrontations with Hermione. She loved that Hermione was so loyal to Harry, but was also a little put off that she would defend him so soundly, almost ignoring her concerns. It was hard for Hermione to ever admit she was wrong.

They had gone down to dinner together after the memorial, her parents and all the visitors were long gone. Hagrid was clearing the grounds up and Hermione stepped out of the school to chat with him. Ginny had gotten to know Hagrid better through the Order of the Phoenix and final battle the previous year. She followed close behind.

Hagrid waved as they got closer. ‘’ello you lot!’

Hermione waved and walked forward. ‘Hagrid, I am amazed you were able to get this place to look so different in a few short hours.’

Hagrid beamed. ‘It was a stellar affair wasn’t it?’ He dabbed his eyes and continued, ‘And Hermione, yeh made a wonderful speech. Perfect for the occasion.’

Hermione nodded. ‘Thank you, Hagrid. I was really hard-pressed to come up with something meaningful.’

Hagrid looked over to Ginny and said, ‘And how are you feeling after that attack last week?’

Ginny sighed. ‘Fine, better, much better.’

Hagrid nodded. ‘That was a right foul mess, wasn’t it? I’m glad Professor McGonagall had some more wards put up around the school. Can’t have the school being unsafe!’

Hagrid looked at them knowingly and said in a hushed tone, ‘Yeh both should use more caution. The Prophet’s been publicising your being here. If something were to go awry, I’d never be able to forgive myself.’

Hermione smiled. ‘It looked like Ginny had everything under control that night.’

Hagrid nodded. ‘That she did; you are one powerful witch, Ms. Ginny.’

She smiled up at him. ‘I still can’t believe they got onto the grounds so easily.’

Hagrid nodded grimly. ‘There’s rumour that they’re all rogues now, no policing Azkaban for them. They just hunt for something sweet to taste.’

Ginny sighed. ‘I guess that’s us, isn’t it?’

He nodded. ‘’fraid so. But yeh handled yerself very well in a tight spot, and with at least a dozen Dementors there no less!’

Ginny balked and looked at Hermione. ‘Were there really that many?’

Hermione nodded slowly. ‘Did I not tell you that?’

‘No,’ Ginny replied, rolling her eyes.

Hermione smiled. ‘I’ve only known Harry to have fended off more.’

Hagrid nodded. ‘Learned from the best, you have. Now you two best not be out too late.’

He motioned for them to go back into the school and they reluctantly did so, promising to come see him soon. Hermione led the way back to the common room, most of the students had changed from their nice robes since the morning, but the silence still hung over them.

Dean looked up at Ginny and said, ‘We going to be ready for that match with Slytherin?’

The room seemed to brighten at the prospect of a conversation and Ginny nodded. ‘Absolutely. We’ve got a great team and we just need to get a little practice in.’

There was a collective groan at this and she turned to survey the room. ‘You don’t expect we’ll win if we don’t practice, do you?’

Dean sighed and Seamus put in, ‘But we’ve all got rows and rows of parchment to get in.’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘First of all, you didn’t even come out, Seamus, so why are you worried? And second of all, we will always have revisions, but that isn’t going to stop me from winning. Are you saying we’d rather study than win the House cup?’

No one in the room would contradict her and she crossed her arms smugly. ‘That’s what I thought. So I expect the whole team to be on the pitch tomorrow after lunch.’

‘Tomorrow?’ Natalie called out from the other side of the common room. ‘It’s Sunday, we don’t get a day off.’

Ginny laughed. ‘That was today. And by my clock, you have a few more hours before it’s over.’

They didn’t seem overly thrilled, but they didn’t deny her their time either. She set out a few more guidelines before Hermione started to head off to bed. Ginny caught up with her, calling out as she headed up the stairs.

‘Hermione! You’re heading to bed awfully early,’ she commented.

Hermione turned slowly to her. ‘It’s been a long day…to be honest, I’m surprised you’ve any energy at all.’

Ginny sighed. ‘Honestly, I dread being…alone.’

Hermione nodded slowly. ‘We do have to sleep, you know?’

Ginny nodded. As she looked at Hermione, she realised this would be the first time she’d really be alone all day. There had always been the presence of someone around, but as she looked at stairs, she knew she’d have to start thinking about what happened today.

Hermione gave her a curious look and asked, ‘Are you alright?’

She nodded. ‘Yeah, just…thinking.’

Hermione studied her for a few moments and said slowly, ‘I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone, but I’m not sure I can handle any more companionship today.’

Ginny looked at her and asked, ‘Still bothered by that…hug?’

Hermione shook her head and glared at Ginny. ‘I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring that up again.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and smiled playfully at Hermione. ‘I don’t think I have to bring it up at all.’

Hermione turned on her heel, saying, ‘Good night, Ginny.’

Ginny watched as Hermione disappeared out of view. She didn’t want to talk Quidditch anymore. She hadn’t been sleeping well, but she needed the rest. She trudged up the flights of steps to her room, and sighed. Her roommates were all still downstairs, she was alone.

She slowly got ready for bed, feeling the locket warm up for some time before finally returning to a cooler temperature. She tried not to get upset, thinking about her stolen moment with Harry. She couldn’t even control herself. At the time, she was furious that he’d been late, but all she’d wanted was to find some solace in those arms.

She sighed contentedly, thinking of how much she’d missed him and how much he’d clearly missed her. She hoped he wouldn’t send her some detached letter apologising for what happened. She was sure he didn’t mean it. And she guessed the Ministry arranged for it. But did that mean he had already known and hadn’t told her, as with the pictures? Or was he taken by surprise? She didn’t know what to think and fell asleep with the memory of Harry walking away from the Gryffindor common room and embracing him fiercely.

When Ginny awoke the next morning, she felt the same sort of detachment she’d felt the day before. She hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about what had happened. She still felt a deepening sadness at Fred’s death, now more than she had all summer, but she also felt acceptance from it.

George’s demeanour had been her turning point. He seemed better. He was almost his normal self. And the comment he’d made, one of the few things he’d said to her, and about Harry, made her feel better. Percy also seemed to have calmed down as the memorial went on. She wondered how her brothers were doing. She sat down, before heading down to breakfast, and jotted a quick note to Percy. Out of the two there, Percy and Ron; Percy would be the one most likely to respond. Though she knew, if Hermione had owled Ron, he’d probably be honest with her.

Ginny went to the Owlery to send her letter off and found Hermione there. She had knocked on her door earlier, but when she got no response, she left. She raised her eyebrows expectantly and asked, ‘Who are you sending an owl to?’

Hermione jumped at Ginny’s entrance and looked at her seriously. ‘Haven’t been to breakfast yet, have you?’

Another owl inched forward, closer to Ginny, with a letter in its beak. She looked down at it; the owl was unfamiliar to her, but then she recalled, Harry’s owl had been killed the previous year. She pulled the letter out of its beak and saw it was addressed to her. She tied the letter to Percy to a school owl and looked back up at Hermione expectantly.

The latter rolled her eyes and said, ‘Aren’t you going to open your letter?’

Ginny sighed. ‘I’m pretty sure I know what it’s going to say. What are you doing up here?’

Hermione sighed and said, ‘I got a letter early this morning, I thought I’d reply straightaway. But based on your…attitude this morning, perhaps I should change my response.’

Ginny narrowed her eyes and said, ‘Harry sent you a letter, asking about me, again?’

Hermione didn’t deny it. ‘He did. He’s worried about you. He sent you a letter too.’

Ginny shifted the letter from one hand to the other and said, ‘I’m sure Harry is worrying over nothing.’

Hermione shook her head, taking a step forward. ‘We’ve gotten to know each other pretty well, haven’t we?’

Ginny nodded and Hermione continued, her eyes blazing, ‘Then why are you lying to me?’

Ginny balked and started to argue, but looked away from Hermione. ‘I’m not lying. I’m just not sure there’s anything to be concerned about.’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘I haven’t lied to you; I wish you wouldn’t treat me like I’m just your brother’s girlfriend.’

Ginny glared at Hermione. ‘I have not treated you like you’re ‘just’ anything. I’m tired of arguing with you about Harry.’

Hermione kept her gaze on Ginny and replied, ‘You act like I care about him more than you do. Harry and I are very good friends, but he only wants you. I don’t understand what the confusion is between the two of you.’

Ginny laughed bitterly. ‘I find it hard to believe you don’t understand something.’

Hermione didn’t smile. ‘No, you wouldn’t. You’re too busy being the centre of attention to notice something so innocuous as your boyfriend pouring his heart out to you.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘Really? When did that happen? I must have been too busy being ‘popular’ to have noticed.’

Hermione started past Ginny. ‘Leave me out of this, both of you. I have had enough.’

Ginny stared as Hermione walked down the stairs at a brisk pace. She narrowed her eyes. Harry shouldn’t be sending Hermione letters about her in the first place. She looked down at the envelope in her hands and sighed. She didn’t want to read it. She’d give anything to have the courage to throw it in the Black Lake, but she couldn’t. She turned it over in her hands once more before breaking the seal and reading the letter.


I can not apologise enough for not being there for you yesterday. I know things have been strained between us and I know I’m almost entirely to blame.I hope you know that there is no one I care for more than you. The only thing I wanted to do yesterday was be there with you, and your family, and help you cope with the tragedy that I helped create.

I’m not going to tell you that Kingsley or Gaunt made me late, as Neville reminded me; it was my choice to obey or disobey. I just hope you can find something to hold onto until I can make this up to you.

You’re always in my thoughts.


Ginny sighed. She couldn’t stay angry at him after a letter like that. No matter how gratifying her anger was towards him, he cared about her. She knew he did. All the thoughts and doubts that had haunted her mind disappeared after a second reading.

She sat down on the stairs of the Owlry and felt tears streaming down her face. She wanted nothing more, at that second, then to have him there with her. She knew he didn’t like crying girlfriends, but she needed some comfort. And she bitterly thought back to her closest comfort having stormed off not five minutes previously.

She wiped the tears from her face and took a few deep breaths before heading to the Great Hall. The last thing she wanted was to be seen looking upset. Though, given the previous day’s events, it wouldn’t be surprising. She walked into the Great Hall and noticed the resounding silence. There was hardly a student around. Dennis Creevey was sitting to one end of the Gryffindor table and did not look up as Ginny sat a few seats away. She tried to smile at him, but he turned away from her, pouring over The Daily Prophet.

Ginny knew not to read that rubbish and turned back to her meagre breakfast. She wasn’t feeling hungry at all and knew she had to get back into Hermione’s good graces as well as send Harry a note back. Not to mention the Quidditch practice she’d arranged for later that day. She sighed and ate quickly, trying to get back to her room to write a letter to Harry. She knew she needed to go easier on him. She hated that Hermione was right, as usual. She wondered if she had taken the time to read the letter first if they wouldn’t have argued at all.

She glanced once more at Dennis, but the younger boy didn’t look up. She started to say something, but realised she was not in the best temperament to offer advice. She thought about sitting down again to talk to him, but knew she didn’t have the time. She looked back once more, but saw he was still uninterested in her.

She bounded towards the stairs for the Gryffindor tower. As she got closer, she saw a few of her team-mates hanging about. They all looked up expectantly and Dean chortled, ‘Guess our captain’s gonna be late!’

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, ‘Give me twenty minutes, I’ll be there. Why don’t you all start without me?’

Dean rolled his eyes and said, ‘This could prove interesting.’

Natalie looked slightly nervous and Ginny patted her on the back. ‘Don’t let them scare you, they’re all talk.’

She smiled at her and headed through the portrait door, leaving them on the other side. She saw Hermione sitting near Lavender Brown and knew now was as good a time as any. She sighed and put a hand on Hermione’s arm. ‘Can I talk to you?’

Hermione looked past her as a couple Gryffindor students headed out the door to watch the practice. ‘Looks like you’re already late.’

Ginny lowered her shoulders and said, ‘Two seconds, I promise.’

Hermione stood up slowly, Lavender eyeing them curiously. They took a few steps towards the stairs. Ginny pursed her lips together and said quietly, ‘I’m sorry. You’re right, whatever there is between me and Harry should stay there. It isn’t fair for either of us to put you in the middle. When I write him next, I’ll…I’ll tell him to stop asking you about me.’

Hermione shook her head and said, ‘I’m just a little short-fused too. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. You and Harry, you’re so perfect, and yet you both feel the need to argue non-stop.’

Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘We don’t argue like you and Ron do.’

‘No,’ Hermione acquiesced. ‘But you are both very maddening.’

Ginny laughed. ‘So, you coming to watch us burn up the pitch?’

Hermione sighed. ‘If I could even go another year without having to be subjected to Quidditch…’

Ginny laughed. ‘I’ll be right down.’

Ginny hurried up the stairs and quickly changed into her Quidditch robes. She was already feeling better. She took one last look at the letter Harry had sent her and knew she’d write him a response after the Quidditch practice. She needed to really think about a meaningful response to his letter. She grabbed her gear and bounded back down the stairs, collecting Hermione on her way out.

Chapter 48 - What Shall Be, Shall Be by pokecharm

It only took a few days and the sombre fog lifted over most students, Ginny and Hermione included. Ginny found herself thinking less and less about the loss of Fred and more and more about Quidditch and her forthcoming NEWTs. She and Hermione were both getting increasingly anxious that a professor had not been named for Defence Against the Dark Arts, but all of their other professors were happily compensating for this fact.

Ginny had not done so many revisions and studying like these since her fifth year, preparing for her OWLs. Hermione was an excellent study partner and helped Ginny get both organised and motivated. Although, Ginny knew she could never keep up with Hermione’s break-neck pace.

She had been re-reading the letters Harry sent, trying her best to not let her mixed feelings bother her. She cared about him, she knew she did. And there was very little she could doubt about Harry. He was, as Hermione had described, a stalwart boyfriend. Even if his scrawling handwriting was a murder to decipher, he still took the time to write her on a regular basis. She was under the impression Kreacher had not replaced Hedwig, as the owls Ginny saw varied from day-to-day. She wondered it that wouldn’t be an appropriate gift for Harry for Christmas.

She found herself daydreaming in this fashion on an hourly basis and Hermione spent a good amount of their time together trying to bring Ginny back to the task at hand. On many occasions, Hermione found Ginny plotting out Quidditch strategies on her revisions.

‘You are never going to get this History down if you don’t concentrate!’ Hermione was scolding Ginny as she pulled a fresh sheet of parchment out and crumpled up the one Ginny had been using.

‘Hey! I needed that!’ Ginny tried to reach for the parchment, but Hermione pointed her wand at it and it disappeared in a burst of flame.

Ginny grumbled something under her breath, but knew better than to make a scene with Hermione in the library. She picked her quill up and tried once again to concentrate on the task at hand. After what felt like days, Hermione finally showed signs of wanting to eat something. Ginny got up gratefully and followed her friend out of the library. They headed towards the Gryffindor common room, noticing a strange sort of smoke or fog coming from the third floor as they passed.

Hermione stopped, as if to investigate, but Ginny shook her head. ‘Hermione, this is something for Filch to look into, not you.’

‘I’m Head Girl,’ she stated authoritatively. ‘I think I should make sure there isn’t a fire or something.’

‘A fire?’ Ginny asked. ‘You can’t be serious? And you’re going to go in there and put it out?’ She grabbed Hermione’s arm and continued, ‘I don’t fancy saving you from suffocation!’

Hermione shrugged Ginny’s hand off and turned to her. ‘What if someone’s in trouble and we just walked away? Then what?’

Ginny sighed. They were both Gryffindors. There was no way they would turn from someone needing help. She nodded and pulled her wand out. ‘Fine, but I want to make sure that you remember that I did not think this was a good idea.’

Hermione ignored her caveat and got off the shifting staircase towards the third floor and the apparent source of the smoke. The smoke was wafting through the corridors surrounding one of the side entrances to the third floor. Hermione stepped off of the staircase with Ginny close behind. There were other students watching the activity, but with one swift hand motion, Hermione made it clear they were all to go back to their business. Ginny was surprised to see the students begin to move along almost immediately. She watched the students for a moment before realising Hermione had gone through the doorway, almost shutting Ginny out.

As she bounded through the door, she immediately saw Hermione in front of her. There was little to no light on the third floor and Ginny only spotted Hermione thanks to the light pouring in from the outer corridor. Ginny started to raise her wand when she saw Hermione wave her off.

Hermione cast a charm around them, a silencing one as Ginny stepped closer and heard, as if in a tunnel, ‘Someone’s here.’

Ginny tried to look around Hermione, but didn’t see anyone. ‘What do you mean someone’s here? I don’t see anyone.’

Hermione pointed towards a mirror that was covered in dust, but in the reflection, there was an image of two men. At first Ginny thought it might be a painting, but it was clear the surface was a mirror and the men were moving in and out of the picture, their arms in the actual hallway. She could just make out part of the conversation.

‘I think you’re bloody crazy! This is not the time to do this!’

Another voice, lower and more menacing, replied calmly, ‘Never were one to follow orders were you?’

A tone of exasperation met this question, ‘I have done everything I thought reasonable, but this is too much!’

‘Too much? Too much!’ The voice had grown in volume and continued, ‘You are a worthless, waste of space. You were never one of us…’

There was the sound of a scuffle and Hermione leaned back, knocking into Ginny. They both froze, realising they could be discovered at any moment. Hermione put her finger to her lips and pointed to the door. Ginny shook her head, wanting to know what was going on.

The other voice returned, more quiet than before, ‘I never wanted to be a part of this…you think I belong, I don’t belong…anywhere.’

Hermione pushed Ginny towards the door and Ginny reluctantly let her. Once clear of the door, she said, ‘I told you we shouldn’t have gone in.’

Hermione walked past her, paying her little mind and Ginny turned and jogged to catch up. ‘Where are you going?’

Hermione pulled the silencing charm off of them with one wave of her wand and said, ‘Professor McGonagall.’

Ginny was right behind Hermione, uncertain of what was happening. ‘Who do you think that was?’

‘No idea,’ was Hermione’s only response.

They rounded the last corner to Professor McGonagall’s office and Hermione said clearly, ‘Eye of Newt.’

The doors to the office opened slowly and Ginny raised her eyebrows. ‘That’s an interesting password.’

Hermione shook her head, smiling. ‘It’s that Muggle playwright again…’

The office was utterly silent. Ginny hadn’t seen Professor McGonagall’s office much since she’d returned, but it was brighter than when Professor Snape was the Headmaster. The paintings on the wall all took notice of their entrance. One, in particular, looked Hermione up and down and scoffed.

Hermione took a tentative step into the office. ‘Professor?’

There was no response. Ginny gave Hermione a side-long look. ‘Should we leave a note?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘We don’t know who else might see it.’

Ginny sighed, but stopped, seeing Professor Dumbledore’s portrait. She nodded at him and he winked at her, but said nothing. Hermione came up behind her. ‘He doesn’t say much these days, I’m not really sure why.’

Ginny gave the former Head Master a sad look, but he turned away, as if it were painful to see her. Another door crashed open on the other side of the office, causing both Hermione and Ginny to jump. Madame Pomfrey was bustling across the office and stopped short, seeing both girls staring wide-eyed at her.

Hermione found her voice first, ‘Is something a matter?’

Madame Pomfrey shook her head. ‘There was a slight incident, but things are under control. If you’re waiting for Professor McGonagall, she’s gone to London on some urgent business. Professor Flitwick is standing in as her replacement.’

Hermione nodded and turned to walk out, but Ginny stood for a moment and asked quietly, ‘Do you need our help with something?’

Madame Pomfrey stopped for a moment and shook her head, looking sadly at Ginny. ‘No, but I expected you to stop by the hospital wing last week and you didn’t. You had best stop in before your next Quidditch practice.’

Ginny bit her lip and nodded. ‘Yes, of course. I’ll be by later.’

Hermione shook her head as they headed to Professor Flitwick’s office. ‘I can’t believe you never went back. You were attacked by a dozen Dementors.’

‘You were there too! You and Luna both, but I’m the only one that was totally wiped out by it,’ Ginny said quietly. ‘I can’t believe they found us on the pitch at all.’

Hermione turned slowly, a look of concern crossing her face. ‘That has been on my mind a lot lately. What would they have been doing there? Did they never leave after the battle? Have they been waiting for students to return?’

The words started to flood out of Hermione’s mouth, ‘I mean, wouldn’t this be a feast for them? The Ministry never really had control of them, and now they’ve become rogues, all of them. Attacking and probably killing at will. There’s a lot written about how Dementors can be vilified, but no one really knows how to speak with them, or even communicate with them!’

Ginny arched her eyebrows; it was fascinating to watch Hermione trying to figure things out when she only had scant details at her fingertips. Hermione continued in a hushed tone, ‘I wonder if they weren’t really looking for you, but felt the tragedy you’ve lived through and sought you out.’

Ginny nodded, not knowing what to say. They slowed as they reached Professor Flitwick’s office. Hermione knocked, but got no response. She knocked a little louder, still there was no answer. She turned the knob and called out, ‘Professor Flitwick?’

The room was dark, but the moment Hermione’s hand pushed the door open, the room was flooded with light. Ginny shielded her eyes, but reacted too slowly as the light focused into a bubble and bounced straight into Hermione, throwing her into the nearby wall. Ginny pulled her wand out, but the bubble dissipated. Ginny rushed to Hermione’s side and was relieved to see she was okay, though her head had hit the wall hard. Pieces of the wall had crumbled to the floor around Hermione, but she sat up. Ginny wrapped an arm around Hermione’s shoulders. ‘Are you okay? What was that?’

Hermione shook her head, trying to clear it. Ginny gingerly touched the back of Hermione’s head and felt panic set in, her fingers felt damp. She had hit her head a lot harder than Ginny had initially thought. ‘Can you stand?’

Ginny wiped her hand on her robes so Hermione wouldn’t see the blood. Hermione turned her head slowly, as if this were a difficult task, and tried to stand. Hermione’s eyes went wide and Ginny cast a protection shield before turning to see what had startled Hermione. The office had grown dark again; there was no sign of life within. She tried to help Hermione to her feet, but they were both too off-balance to get far.

A much too familiar voice called out, ‘Are you both alright?’

Ginny dreaded the look Hermione would give her, and tried to avert her eyes. Hermione gave Ginny a pleading look, but it was no use. Draco Malfoy had hurried down the hallway towards them, putting a hand under Hermione’s arm so she could lean on him as he pulled her upright. He was still waiting for an answer and Ginny replied, ‘I’m okay, Hermione isn’t…Someone set a trap in Professor Flitwick’s office.’

Draco peered into the office, but didn’t get any closer. Hermione must have been feeling the effects of the collision; she was starting to lean her weight away from Ginny to Draco.

Draco seemed to notice this and shifted his arm across her back, supporting her. Ginny couldn’t help but notice the grime on the bottom of Draco’s robes. She eyed him warily. ‘What are you doing here?’

He gave her a frustrated look and said, ‘I was here seeing Professor Slughorn, then he got called away. I think some student saw a fire on the third floor. Rumour was, you both were there. Someone’s in the castle that shouldn’t be.’

‘Besides you?’ she asked acidly.

He grinned at her, a charming grin. ‘Yes, besides me.’ He shifted his weight slightly. ‘I think we’d best get our Head Girl to the hospital wing.’

‘I don’t think she’s ‘your’ Head Girl.’ Ginny was getting increasingly nervous about his presence. She thought back to what Hermione had said and shuddered to think that he might do something to her. Now more then ever, as Hermione was in little to no state to fend him off. She stood up to her full height. ‘I’ll come with you.’

He nodded. ‘Don’t trust me, do you?’

She shook her head. ‘I can’t imagine why I should.’

Hermione started to limp along. Ginny turned slowly. ‘Hermione, maybe I can just levitate you.’

Draco shook his head. ‘If you drop her, that’d be even worse.’

‘Why would you assume that I would?’ she replied.

His eyes bulged as he saw the cut on the back of Hermione’s head. He furrowed his brow for a moment before lifting Hermione easily in his arms. ‘This solves that discussion…and I know where the hospital wing is.’

He stalked off and Ginny rushed after him. Hermione came to, somewhat, and pointed back at Professor Flitwick’s office before passing out entirely. Draco rolled his eyes. ‘I think you’d be better of doing as she says.’

‘I don’t trust you,’ Ginny said curtly. ‘If anything happens to her, you’ll have me to deal with.’

She glared hard at him and he slumped his shoulders. ‘I would have thought…fine…I wouldn’t ‘do’ anything to her…if I wanted to do either of you harm, I could have when you got caught by that bubble-thing.’

He was right. She knew it. She narrowed her eyes. ‘You’d better be in that hospital wing when I get there.’

He turned without another word and headed towards the hospital wing. Ginny had a sudden wish that either Ron or Harry were there. They’d have made sure Hermione was okay. Or more likely, nothing would have happened to her. She hadn’t expected to get attacked on school grounds, but it had happened in the past, more recently than she’d like to recall.

She stepped back towards the office, throwing a stunning spell into the room, then a lighting charm to illuminate the room. She stood outside the door, fearful to get hit by the same bubble again. She put a hand on the door and took a steadying breath before setting foot into the office. Nothing happened. She kept her wand pointed outwards and called out, ‘Professor Flitwick?’

There was no answer. The office was empty. Everything appeared to be in order. No books were out of place, no parchment strewn on the floor. If something had happened, it hadn’t happened here. She surveyed the room once more, looking for some sign of Professor Flitwick, but there wasn’t any to be found.

Her mind quickly went back to Hermione and she hurried out of the office, shutting the door on her way out. There was a strange sound that came from the door as she shut it and she stopped, turning slowly. Perhaps this was the trap that had been set when she and Hermione had happened on the door not a half-hour previous.

She placed her open palm on the door to feel for some sign of the intense heat that had from the bubble, but it was cool to the touch. She took a few steps back and pointed her wand at the door. ‘Reducto!

The door splintered into a thousand pieces. The bubble appeared, but it lolled for a moment before bursting in the doorway. Ginny had jumped back to avoid any backlash. There was a thin film over the door, but she didn’t dare touch it. She saw Draco hurrying back down the hallway towards her.

She glared at him. ‘I thought I told you to stay with Hermione.’

He glared right back at her. ‘I got her there and she’s fine. She told me to come and check on you.’

‘Did she now?’ Ginny asked, not believing him. ‘I find that hard to believe. She didn’t look in any state to be telling you anything.’

Draco’s face hardened. ‘Madame Pomfrey gave her something, and she came to almost immediately. She told me I needed to make sure you were okay.’

‘I can take care of myself,’ Ginny said huffily. ‘I don’t need looking after.’

Draco glared at her. ‘That’s fine, but I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.’

‘What do you know about it? Set it here for us to find, maybe?’ She glared at him more fiercely.

He looked shocked. ‘What? I…’ He glared at her to match her own glare and said, ‘I may have made mistakes in the past, but I’m not like that anymore.’

‘I’m so glad you’ve explained it to me, so much more believable,’ Ginny retorted.

As if realising this was a lost cause he shrugged. ‘Fine, have it your way. I’m here to kill all of you; just bidding my time.’

Ginny turned away, she knew she should thank him for helping Hermione, but she didn’t trust him in the least. He turned on his heel and stalked away. Ginny looked at the door again and decided he was probably right to not touch it. She headed down the same corridor and noted Draco some ways ahead of her. She was irritated when she saw him re-enter the hospital wing.

Ginny pushed the all too familiar doors open and saw Hermione arguing with Madame Pomfrey and Draco was already in the thick of it. Ginny could just make out Draco’s tone, ‘She shouldn’t be leaving, she almost cracked her skull wide open.’

Madame Pomfrey nodded approvingly. ‘Mr. Malfoy is correct, Ms. Granger. You need to stay over-night at the very least.’

Hermione threw Ginny a pleading look, but Ginny remembered how she had terrified when she saw the blood on her hands. She let her gaze fall to the floor and said, ‘I’m sorry, Hermione, I think you need to take it easy.’

She could feel daggers being shot at her and she added, ‘Maybe she can rest more comfortably in her own room. I can stay with her and make sure she’s okay.’

Hermione looked hopeful at this, but Madame Pomfrey didn’t seem convinced. ‘I don’t know, Ms. Weasley, you’re also prone to accidents.’

‘What!’ she spat out. ‘I am not! Not like “’

She turned away, not wanting to bring up the subject of Harry, but Draco seemed more than happy to oblige. ‘Like your boyfriend; Potter? Yeah, that one had his own personal bed here, didn’t he?’

He sneered at Ginny and she glared back at him. ‘Enough!’ Madame Pomfrey said sternly. ‘You can argue outside, but Ms. Granger needs her rest and you being here isn’t going to make that happen.’

She gestured to the door and Ginny said quickly, ‘I’ll come check on you in an hour or so, just get some rest.’

Ginny placed a comforting hand on Hermione’s arm. Hermione nodded and then looked up at Draco and said quietly, ‘Thanks…Draco…for helping me.’

He gave her a curt nod and stalked out of the hospital wing without another word. Hermione looked lost again, like she had after the memorial and Ginny felt badly leaving her, but she didn’t want Malfoy to get away without saying more. She hurried after him and saw he was clear across the corridor. She called out loudly, ‘Hey!’

He turned slowly, his movement fluid. He didn’t say anything, but kept a glare plastered to his face. She caught up to him and asked, ‘You were here to see Slughorn?’

His glare intensified and he replied evenly, ‘Yes.’

She felt like she were pulling teeth trying to get this information out. ‘You couldn’t just send an owl? Or make an appointment?’

‘It may have escaped your notice, but it is not that late. I can come to the school if I wish,’ he finished.

‘You hated this school, why would you ever come back?’ she asked.

‘You don’t know me as well as you think, Weasley. Think what you like, but I do not have to explain my actions to you or anyone else.’ He turned and walked away from her, not giving her a chance to reply.

She stood there for a moment before remembering the film over Professor Flitwick’s office door and sought out Filch. The groundskeeper was a Squib. He couldn’t practice magic and yet continued to work at the school. She never quite understood it, but he spent most of his time trying to find ways to assign detention. She found him in a broom cupboard, a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other.

‘Mr. Filch, there’s some sort of film or something over Professor Flitwick’s office door. Hermione and I came upon it “’

He broke in, ‘Put it there, did you?’ He mumbled under his breath, ‘Conniving brats…’

Ginny took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. ‘No, we didn’t. But I think you might want to look into it before someone gets hurt.’

She didn’t want to stand there and be interrogated any longer, so she walked away once she felt he wasn’t going to insult her further. It had only been about twenty minutes since she’d left Hermione, and she knew Madame Pomfrey would not be happy to see her again. She headed to the Great Hall to eat something before going back to revisions. Though the idea bored her, without Hermione, there was little direction in her revisions.

After eating dinner, Ginny decided enough time had passed and headed back to the hospital wing. Much to her surprise, Hermione was there and was fast asleep. Madame Pomfrey assured her that Hermione would be fine, but Ginny sat with her for a bit, before the discomfort of the chairs got the better of her.

She squeezed Hermione’s hand once before leaving, heading back to her room. She wrote Harry a letter, finally replying to the one he’d sent her after the memorial. She felt bad, but there was still a lingering feeling of doubt when it came to Harry; not that he didn’t care about her, but that his priorities seemed skewed. She sighed and sealed the letter. She would send it off first thing in the morning. She got ready for bed and tried her best to ignore the barrage of questions about what had happened. She didn’t know anything and would have to wait until the morning to find out if Hermione knew anything either.

Chapter 49 - Pretending the Truth by pokecharm

Harry had been nervously eyeing the clock in his office. He and Neville hadn’t really talked since the memorial, both of them consumed with their work. Gaunt had followed up with both of them, finally explaining their recent activities. There were still many unanswered questions, but things started to fall into place

Gaunt had been working the case with Podmore and a few other Aurors that were linked to the smuggling of Dark Magic artefacts. Gaunt had intended for Harry and Neville to pose as people looking for something to mark their victory over their Dark Lord with; something specific. Gaunt was under the impression that if there was a massive ring of dealers, this would certainly induce great interest, especially if the great Harry Potter was concerned. There was still quite a lot of uncertainty around Harry and his actions. The only thing people seemed to really know about him was that he had, single-handedly defeated Voldemort and was closely linked to the Weasley family, more specifically, their only daughter. Harry never argued with this last assertion, reporters would see him coming in and out of the Ministry, but he managed to avoid them.

After the memorial, there was less stalking and more calls for interviews. Gaunt had made a public announcement saying that Harry would not be making any public claims. Gaunt had told both Harry and Neville that this action should peak the curiosity of any Dark Magic dealer.

Gaunt had convinced Harry and Neville that their continued participation would be appreciated. Both Harry and Neville believed that meant it wasn’t optional to assist. As Harry watched the minutes tick by, the door to their office opened. Gaunt walked in, with Podmore close behind. The two glanced between themselves before stepping forward.

Gaunt started, ‘We might need to break this wonder team up for a short while. I’d like to use you both to your greatest strengths, if I can.’

Neville looked warily at Harry; neither was certain what this meant. Podmore took a few more steps into the office and said, ‘We need you, Harry, to continue working with Gaunt over these Dark Magic artefacts. We think a big shipment will be moved, and we may need you to work out of the office for a bit, and away from contact with anyone. Can you do that?’

Harry nodded. ‘Of course.’

Gaunt turned his gaze to Neville. ‘Longbottom, you are going to be working on-site.’ He gestured for Neville to follow him and Harry watched as Neville left the office with Gaunt.

Podmore smiled at Harry. ‘Nothing to be worried about, Mr. Potter. Gaunt won’t let anything happen to your friend. I suggested the opposite assigning of tasks, but your fame will serve us well.’

Harry didn’t know what to make of this statement, but started to place his books in his bag. Podmore showed no signs of leaving and Harry settled back in his chair. ‘Is there something I can do for you, sir?’

Podmore nodded without looking at Harry. ‘Gaunt asked me to give you a general idea of what you’d be doing.’ The older man sighed. ‘You’ve really showed a lot of promise, Mr. Potter, and that is saying something, especially when you consider it is Gaunt complimenting you; an unusual thing, indeed.’

He stood up, pulling a piece of parchment out of his robes. In great contrast to Gaunt, Podmore’s robes were always immaculate. Not a piece of dust or dirt could be found on them. He set the paper on the desk and Harry noticed the familiar case template that was used for the Department of Mysteries.

He started to read the parchment when Podmore cleared his throat. ‘You will have a mock argument with Gaunt, and storm out of the office, tomorrow. From then on, you will not come to the office, nor make contact with anyone. This is very much an assignment that requires your unerring attention. You must then wait for word from Gaunt about meeting someone to purchase something illegal. You will arrive at the location in question and purchase the goods offered to you, whatever they may be. At this point, we will be watching and will arrest those doing the selling.’

Harry nodded, trying to take in all the information he had just been presented. He looked over the parchment and said, ‘Where is Neville going?’

Podmore smiled. ‘Mr. Potter, you needn’t worry about Mr. Longbottom.’

Harry laughed, trying to sound nonchalant. ‘I just want to make sure he isn’t having more fun than I am.’

Podmore must have thought nothing of this and added, ‘No, he’ll be taking in a few classes, but he’ll also be unearthing something for an old friend.’

Podmore gestured towards the door and Harry picked his bag up. After so much training, Harry had to figure that this meant Neville was being assigned to pose as a student somewhere. The Ministry of Magic had a wide jurisdiction; Neville could be assigned almost anywhere.

Harry didn’t see Neville as he left and Podmore basically escorted him to the main corridor. Once Harry arrived home, Kreacher was waiting with a hot dinner. The house elf eyed Harry cautiously and asked, ‘How was work, Master Harry.’

Harry smiled. ‘Fine, busy. How are things here?’

‘Nothing to concern yourself with, sir,’ the house elf sounded very assured. He stood behind Harry as he ate and continued, ‘Master Harry, have you not heard from Mistress of late?’

Harry looked thoughtfully at Kreacher. ‘She hasn’t replied to my last letter. I wonder if she’s still upset with me.’

‘Perhaps you should send another letter?’ Kreacher offered.

Harry sighed, setting his fork down. ‘You don’t think that would be too much, do you?’

Kreacher looked mortified. ‘No! Master Harry, Mistress must not doubt your intentions.’

Harry eyed Kreacher curiously. ‘Does she doubt them now?’

Kreacher made no reply and Harry knew there was something more that the house elf would not say. He ate the rest of his dinner in silence.

When Harry arrived at the Ministry the following day, there was an inter-office memo waiting for him on his desk. There was also no sign of Neville. The memo was short; only informing him to be ready for a loud, open confrontation with Gaunt that afternoon. After he read it, the memo began to smoulder. Harry had to quickly toss it in the rubbish bin before it burned the other papers on his desk.

The rest of the day dragged on and Harry nervously read through his books. The case file Podmore had given Harry, had been left at home. He didn’t want any proof of his actions being on his person. He knew Kreacher would not let anyone rifle through his things, especially Ministry-related ones.

Podmore stopped through after lunch, wishing Harry good luck and telling him he would be fine, just follow his instincts. He also warned that Gaunt would be using any means necessary to get Harry angry; the argument would be as realistic as possible.

Harry cringed, thinking of all the things Gaunt had on him and all the reasons Harry really disliked the man. He grabbed his things, as if he were heading home and could see Gaunt just out of the corner of his eye, it was about to begin.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Gaunt taunted.

‘Podmore said I could go for the day, so I’m leaving,’ Harry replied evenly.

Gaunt glared and followed Harry as he continued towards the main corridor, people watching the beginnings of the confrontation. ‘I have another assignment for you and you’d better accomplish it more effectively than you did the last.’

‘I did everything you asked me to do, sir,’ Harry said stiffly.

‘Did you? I wasn’t sure, what with the clean up Longbottom had to do for you, on more than one occasion.’ Gaunt was only just getting started.

Harry was surprisingly calm and knew this wasn’t helping. As if Gaunt knew Harry was having trouble, he continued, ‘Luckily, I can trust Longbottom to do a better job, I wonder how you managed against Voldemort.’

Harry still seemed unfazed, this was the usual drubbing he’d received from Gaunt and replied, ‘I think I still managed to do something worthwhile.’

Gaunt was clearly growing frustrated and finally said, ‘At least you had enough sense to not drag your girlfriend through the mud with all your failures.’

Harry stiffened and glared at this. ‘I think she’d be proud of me.’

He was speaking honestly and hoped it was true, but this was too easy for Gaunt to exploit. ‘Proud of you? She could hardly look at you after the memorial.’

Harry’s temper was boiling and he turned to walk away, stopping and realising an explosion was exactly what Gaunt wanted. ‘Like you’d ever know what it’s like to have a girlfriend.’

Gaunt didn’t stop. ‘I don’t think you’ll have to worry about it much longer yourself. She’s gorgeous and smart, any man with half-a-brain should be chasing after her. And she’d be foolish to wait around for a dud like you to realise how lucky you are.’

‘She doesn’t think that of me!’ Harry shot back. ‘We care about each other, and that’s something you’d never understand.’

‘Please!’ Gaunt countered, ‘You don’t think her eyes aren’t straying now? You’re out of the picture and she can have her pick of eligible bachelors at Hogwarts.’

Harry bristled. Gaunt was feeding the jealous monster that had been lying in wait. He knew Ginny wouldn’t intentionally hurt him, but she was gorgeous and Merlin knew he wasn’t good enough for her.

He let his eyes wander as Gaunt continued his full, verbal attack, ‘How faithful do you think she’ll be? Considering you’re pretty much a failure at being a half-way decent boyfriend. She could do better with Longbottom! At least he can follow simple instructions, can you?’

‘I can,’ he replied through gritted teeth.

‘You sure about that, Potter? If I’m not mistaken, she’s asked you to do things on a number of occasions and you couldn’t even do those,’ he said. As if knowing Harry’s mind, he continued, ‘She wanted you to be at that memorial and you were late!’

Harry started to retort, but the conversation with Kreacher pulled his raw emotions up to the surface. ‘I didn’t mean to be late! I had something to do, something that you wanted me to do!’

Gaunt laughed, a cold hollow laugh. ‘You’ve defied me before, and you couldn’t put your girlfriend past your own selfish desires?’

Harry was furious, now the act was no longer a game, it felt real. ‘Sod off! I am the best young Auror you’ll ever get to train in your miserable, little life!’

Gaunt stood up taller, as if satisfied by this digression and said, ‘I think you’ve said quite enough, Potter. Get out of here and don’t you dare think about coming back. You will always be a failure and you’ll never amount to anything for anyone.’

Harry didn’t waste a second glance on Gaunt, but turned and left. Once he arrived home, Kreacher handed him a letter from Kingsley. It had scant details, just to stay put and try not to worry about things.

Harry felt the fury still brimming and tried to steady his breathing. He didn’t know how long he could sit idly at home. Gaunt’s words rung true in his ears, partially. Ginny was more than he deserved. He knew Gaunt was right. He had let her down. That was probably why she hadn’t replied to his letter. He stood in the kitchen staring blankly out the window, tapping the counter absently. It was foolish of him not to go see her. He should have taken the time. She was everything to him. The thought stopped his absent actions. He was a mess without her. Why hadn’t he gone back to school so he could be with her?

He wanted to send her another letter. One that apologised for all of the selfish things he’d done to her, but he couldn’t. If he messed this assignment up and put Ginny in harm’s way, he’d never be able to forgive himself. He sat down heavily at the table and stared at a blank piece of parchment. Waiting was certainly going to be the hardest part of this assignment.

Chapter 50 - Unexpected Guests by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
I'm astounded at how long this story is taking to be validated...the story has long since been completed, but I'm still a little ways away from posting the final chapters. Thank you to those of you that continue to read and comment.

The Gryffindor common room had grown quiet again. The rumour of the attack had spread like wildfire, and although Hermione was fine, it was the talk of the school. Hermione had suffered a mild concussion, but was, otherwise, unharmed. Ginny had tried to get Hermione to rest more, but Hermione was worried she’d missed valuable study time. Ginny had, at the very least, convinced her to study in her room.

On one such afternoon, they found themselves cloistered in her room, Crookshanks, curled up at Ginny’s feet. She didn’t know what the issue was with the cat, but he would not leave her alone. Hermione had given up apologising for his actions. She sat on her bed, with a couple books spread out before her trying to write an essay. Ginny had been keeping an eye on her and, Hermione was showing signs of tiredness.

‘Why don’t you just lie down?’ she asked, knowing the answer before the words came out.

‘I can’t! I was there for…well, too long…and we need to catch up.’ Hermione sounded frantic.

‘We didn’t miss anything, Hermione,’ Ginny said quietly. ‘I feel like you’re trying to keep yourself busy to avoid talking about what happened.’

‘I let my guard down and got hurt, that’s it,’ she replied evenly.

It was going to be another argument, Ginny could tell. But she didn’t want Hermione to feel like she couldn’t trust her. ‘No one saw him bring you to the hospital wing and I haven’t told anyone, not even Harry.’

Hermione was glaring at Ginny. ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘There isn’t anything to talk about! He helped you; if anything, I think you, we, should both be more thankful!’

Hermione turned back to her books and said absently, ‘I sent him a letter thanking him, that’s the end of it.’

She said the last part with finality and Ginny nodded. ‘I do wonder why he was here. You didn’t get a good look at him, I imagine, but his robes were filthy. He said he was here to see Slughorn, but his office isn’t anywhere near Flitwick’s.’

As if the mystery were more alluring, Hermione nodded. ‘It doesn’t make sense why he was there, or why the door was rigged with an alarm, of sorts.’

‘McGonagall is back, and she and Flitwick aren’t saying a thing about it. And neither did Madame Pomfrey. It was almost like they expected to see someone, just not you.’ Ginny was staring thoughtfully at her parchment.

Hermione stretched awkwardly. ‘You know, it isn’t just my head…my back has been aching for days too…’

Ginny laughed. ‘I’m not giving you a massage, so you’d best owl Ron for that.’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘Thank you, that isn’t a bad idea.’

‘Think he’d come?’ Ginny asked.

‘To get out of the house, possibly,’ she replied.

They studied for a little while longer in silence, before Ginny stood up. ‘I enjoy revisions as much as the next student, but it’s getting late.’

Hermione glanced at the clock. ‘We have a lot to do tomorrow. And I think McGonagall might give me some more information, I’ll let you know when I know.’

They bid one another good night and Ginny headed up the stairs to her room, her bag heavy with books. She still hadn’t heard back from Harry, which surprised her, considering he had really opened up to her in his previous letter.

The following day started with the patter of rain against the windows. It rained far too frequently and Ginny wasn’t a big fan of running about in the rain. She had scheduled the pitch for later that day and hoped the storm would clear up by then.

On her way to breakfast, she spotted Hermione hurrying towards her. ‘You’re up early,’ she commented.

Hermione nodded, grabbing Ginny’s arm and leading her towards the Great Hall at a rapid pace. ‘McGonagall gave me some more information. She doesn’t want me to tell anyone, but said she could trust us.’

‘Us?’ Ginny asked. ‘I wasn’t in the meeting last I checked.’

‘Hush!’ Hermione whispered. ‘They’re going to put a student under cover here, to keep an eye on things. Something is going on. They don’t know who, or why, really, but McGonagall was called to London to talk with Kingsley. He told her that Gaunt told him that something was afoot at the school, but they didn’t know more. That’s why they had the alarm on Flitwick’s office.’

‘Wait, that doesn’t make any sense!’ Ginny exclaimed. ‘What does one thing have to do with the other?’

Hermione shook her head. ‘I’m getting ahead of myself…McGonagall left Flitwick in charge, a sort of ruse, to see if they could discover who might be…well, they’re not sure what they’re after…but I told her about that conversation we overheard.’

‘What did she say to that?’ Ginny asked. A lot of this wasn’t making any sense, but at Hogwarts, that wasn’t wholly unusual.

‘She wasn’t sure what to make of it. I mean, it was just two people arguing over doing something, but again, we don’t know what.’ She seemed to grow anxious as they got closer to the Gryffindor table.

Ginny sat down some distance away from the rest of the students to afford some privacy and said, ‘Well, it was about something that they shouldn’t be doing.’

Hermione nodded, grabbing a bowl of cereal. ‘All I know is we should be on the look-out for an old friend to come by and try to discover what’s going on.’

Ginny looked thoughtfully at her breakfast, but her mind was reeling. She wondered, hoped, that it would be Harry. Not hearing from him for a few days had been disappointing. Hermione broke her out of her daydreaming to usher her off to one of their many classes.

As the day wore on, Ginny had less and less time to think, or even process, the information Hermione had given her. She wondered if someone would really attack the school or someone in it. And why would they want to? There was nothing that could bring Voldemort back and there was nothing at the school to be taken.

Ginny and Hermione were heading to the library in the afternoon when they both noticed a group of students milling around. Ginny looked curiously at Hermione, but the latter, just a bit taller than her, grinned and walked quickly forward.

‘Neville!’ Hermione cried. ‘It’s so wonderful to see you!’

Ginny watched as the students parted in front of Hermione. Neville was looking more cheerful than usual, whatever training he’d gone through, it was, seemingly, not as bracing as what Harry had gone through. Neville was dressed in Hogwarts robes, but Muggle clothes could be seen peaking out underneath. Hermione embraced him and Ginny came up behind her, relief, but also disappointment washing over her features. It was Neville, and not Harry, who had been assigned to Hogwarts. She didn’t need to be as brilliant as Hermione to figure that out. He grinned and hugged her back.

‘I’ve missed you two. How are things here?’ His question was much more leading than intended, but most of the students around them didn’t notice anything.

Hermione didn’t wait for Ginny to say anything, ‘Things have been a little tense since the memorial, but school’s gone back to normal, a little.’

Neville nodded and pulled close to them. ‘I’ve heard otherwise.’

Hermione rubbed her neck gingerly. ‘That was nothing, Neville.’

Neville shook his head. ‘I know you’ve been through a lot with Harry and Ron, but this sounds serious, Hermione.’

Ginny nodded approvingly and piped in, ‘Neville’s right, Hermione.’ She stepped forward and embraced Neville. ‘How are things at the Ministry?’

He gave her a grim smile. ‘Difficult. Both Harry and I are really being pushed to the limits.’

Ginny tried not to bristle openly with the mention of Harry, but didn’t mask it well. Neville stepped closer to her. ‘How are you doing, Ginny? You looked pretty upset after the memorial.’

Ginny shrugged it off and looked away, but Neville put a hand on her shoulder. ‘Ginny, this is me you’re talking to.’

She furrowed her brow. All the times she, Luna and Neville had spent together the previous year came crashing back. The hiding and stalking they did around the school to avoid detection. The many nights they spent together, healing one another after their various ‘sessions’ with the Carrows or Crabbe and Goyle. She took a steadying breath and said quietly, ‘Better…I’m better. Thanks for asking, Neville.’

He started to say something, but stopped. ‘I’d better touch base with Professor McGonagall. I’ll see you both around. But please don’t say anything leading if you…know anything.’

Hermione and Ginny exchanged a quizzical look, but Neville just smiled. Without another word he walked away. The two girls left for their next class, saying nothing about their encounter with Neville until they were able to study in Hermione’s room later that day.

Ginny watched as Hermione’s discomfort continued. Hermione continued to shift until Ginny finally couldn’t take any more. ‘Hermione! Go to the hospital wing! You’re not doing much better than you were a day ago!’

Hermione shook her head. ‘I’m fine.’

Ginny stood up suddenly. ‘You would never let me get away with this.’ She crossed the room and put a hand under Hermione’s arm. ‘Come on, we’re going, now.’

Hermione pulled her arm out of Ginny’s grasp and crossed her arms. ‘No.’

‘Excuse me?’ Ginny couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘You are refusing to get help? What is the matter with you? You’re no more indestructible than any of us!’

‘I’m fine,’ Hermione stated. Though her voice was hollow and did not hold the resolve that Ginny knew well. ‘I’m sure it’ll go away with some more rest. But if I’m bothering you, you’re free to go.’

Ginny sighed. ‘I’m not bothered by you; I’m bothered by your refusing to let me help you, again…’

Hermione lowered her eyes back to her books. ‘I’m fine, Ginny. Just a tad sore. You would be too after slamming into a wall. Stop worrying so much.’

Ginny didn’t like to give in, but said, ‘If you’re not better in a couple days, we’re going to visit Madame Pomfrey and you’re not arguing with me, okay?’

Hermione rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah, sure, whatever.’

Ginny didn’t care for the response, but let it sit. She wasn’t about to start yet another long drawn-out argument with Hermione. They studied late into the night, Ginny finally called it quits. She could see that Hermione was going to continue studying, but knew there was nothing she could do about it. She went to bed without repeating her ultimatum.

As they went to class the next morning, Hermione looked no better, but Ginny did not say a word. Both she and the rest of the Gryffindor table were enthralled by Neville’s appearance. According to Neville, he had decided to forsake his job with Ministry for the rest of the year and come back to Hogwarts. He had made great strides as a young Auror, but needed more study. His success with his NEWTs was never brought up and Ginny said nothing about it.

She tried to get Neville’s attention, but noticed he’d been whisked away from the table by Professor Sprout. Neville seemed thrilled to be back at Hogwarts and looked to be an outstanding addition to their circle of friends. Hermione was falling asleep in her breakfast and Ginny had to divert her attention from Neville’s popularity to keep Hermione from drowning.

She gave Hermione a disapproving look, but the later gave her a stern look. She said curtly, ‘I’m fine.’

Ginny started to argue, but thought better of it. She had been distracted by Hermione’s health and Harry’s lack of response to her letter. She wanted a few minutes alone with Neville, but didn’t see an opportunity at her disposal. They headed to class and Ginny was surprised to note that Neville was not there.

The day wore on and fall was coming on at Hogwarts. The weather had been getting steadily cooler and Ginny was rushing around the castle without Hermione. She had finally found her way to the hospital wing and Madame Pomfrey had pronounced her fit to fly. She thought to look for Neville, but realised she wouldn’t be able to see him if he was staying in the boys’ side of the Gryffindor tower. Neither gender were allowed to ascend the stairs of the opposing gender, as per a new rule instated for the students’ security that year. One of many precautions that had been set up at the school that Ginny had always taken for granted. She shouldered her bag more closely and headed up the spiralling stairs to Hermione’s room. She hadn’t seen her in hours and hoped that she’d finally be resting.

She knocked on the door, but got no response. She knocked again and still got no response. She remembered that Hermione never locked her door, or at least she always seemed to be able to enter.

She pushed the door open and was shocked to see what was going on inside. She froze at the door, uncertain whether she should enter or run away. Her eyes and expression were frozen and she couldn’t find her voice.

There was a collective sigh and Ron said, ‘Didn’t mum teach you better than to barge in?’

Ginny shook her head and countered, ‘I knocked, twice.’

‘And the silence wasn’t a hint?’ Ron glared at her.

Ron and Hermione were sitting on Hermione’s bed, Ron just behind Hermione so he could massage her back and shoulders. Ginny was thankful that both of them were fully dressed.

Hermione sighed and pulled her cardigan over her tank top. Ron had been massaging her shoulders and she clearly thought the moment had gone. Ron gave Ginny another glare before pulling Hermione closer to him. He said quietly, ‘Ignore her, you need this. Neville was right, you’re in bad shape. Why aren’t you in the hospital wing?’

She made no response as he continued his ministrations and Ginny stepped into the room, shutting the door. ‘I told her the same thing, but she refused to go, I don’t know why.’

Ron rolled his eyes and laughed. ‘You’ll rarely see this, but I have to agree with Ginny. Hermione, why would you refuse to go?’

She blinked slightly and said absently, ‘I’m fine.’

Ron kissed her softly on her exposed shoulder. ‘You are, I won’t argue with that; but I can’t leave you here knowing you’re not going to get back to me in one piece.’

She turned her face towards him and said, ‘You could have come back to take care of me.’

‘You need taking care of?’ Ron asked, kissing her on her cheek.

Ginny felt her lunch coming back up, the room was getting dangerously saccharine. She turned towards the table. ‘I hope that Harry and I aren’t like this.’

Without breaking her gaze from Ron, Hermione stated, ‘Much, much worse.’

Ginny rolled her eyes and started to sit at the table. Ron called out, ‘Oi! Get out of here. This is my only time with my gorgeous girlfriend.’

Ginny stood up. ‘What are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be with George?’

Ron continued holding Hermione close and said, ‘He’s with Percy and he’s much better than when you saw him last.’

‘Really?’ Ginny was surprised at this. ‘He didn’t seem that grounded.’

Ron sighed, resting his forehead on Hermione’s shoulder. ‘Yeah, he’s better. I think he is getting better, at least. He’s clear of that curse.’

Ginny sighed and sat down, pulling her bag into her lap. Was it finally over? She didn’t dare hope for that. She looked at Ron, he was blissfully happy with Hermione. And Hermione was practically glowing. She said quietly, ‘Why hasn’t anyone felt the need to tell me?’

Hermione looked up, and upon seeing Ginny’s expression, tapped Ron’s leg. She was practically sitting in his lap on her bed. Ginny tried not to notice. He looked up slowly. ‘You looked like you were pretty over-loaded at the memorial. Mum and dad said they’d wait until George told them to tell you.’

‘He didn’t want me to know?’ Ginny asked.

Ron shook his head. ‘Don’t be an arse. You know he wants you to know, but he hurt you the most, by hurting Harry. And he knows it. He wants to…triumph for you, you know, prove that he’s better. He doesn’t want to lose you.’

Ginny ran a hand across her face. ‘Lose me?’

Hermione got up, and Ginny could hear Ron’s irritated sigh. ‘Ginny,’ she said quietly, ‘I’m sure it isn’t because he doesn’t love you.’

Ginny got up suddenly. ‘I’m so tired of people who say they ‘love me’ hiding things from me!’

Without waiting for a response, she stormed to the door, but Hermione was too quick. She locked the door with a wave of her wand and Ginny turned, her eyes blazing. ‘You unlock this door right now, Granger!’

Ron got up quickly standing in front of Hermione as if Ginny would really attack his girlfriend. ‘What is the matter with you? See, this is exactly why we’re afraid to say too much, you’re so prone to fly off the handle.’

‘Just because you’re as ambivalent as ever doesn’t mean I should be!’ she shot back.

Hermione put her hand to her forehead and tried to push past Ron. ‘Ginny, Ron, both of you…’ She looked between the two of them, uncertain what issue to tackle first. ‘Ginny, you do have a tendency to let your temper control your actions, and that’s been a positive and negative. And Ron isn’t ambivalent; he’s been immersed in this for longer than you have.’

Ginny glared at both of them. ‘My temper is the only thing that gets anyone’s attention.’

Ron shook his head. ‘That is a bloody lie. Just now Hermione noticed your being…upset or something.’

He looked helplessly at Hermione and the latter smiled sweetly at him, putting her hand in his. Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘How long are you going to be here, Ron?’

He didn’t pull his eyes from Hermione. ‘I have to Floo home tonight, but I’ll be back tomorrow.’

Ginny glared and said curtly, ‘If you don’t open this door I’ll destroy it.’

Hermione glowered at Ginny and waved her wand at it. Ginny continued, ‘And I hope you have a reason for how you got here and how my ‘boyfriend’ couldn’t stop in.’

Ron started to argue, but shook his head. ‘Later, Ginny.’

Ginny slammed the door shut and didn’t bother to apologise for it. She stormed up the stairs and flew past her room mates. She didn’t want to have any long drawn-out discussions. It had become more and more painful as the days passed with both Neville and Ron returning to Hogwarts, but there was still no word from Harry. She wondered what could possibly stop him from responding and wondered what she had said wrong to have him ignore her so thoroughly. The anger continued to mount until she found herself staring angrily at the top of her bed waiting for sleep to take her.

Chapter 51 - The Frustration of Truth by pokecharm

The morning proved no less calm, and Ginny found herself cautiously passing Hermione’s door on her way to breakfast. She knew she’d be utterly mortified if Ron were still there. Especially considering how her family had reacted to Harry doing far less with her. She knocked on Hermione’s door and hoped there’d be no response.

Hermione came to the door herself and opened it, giving Ginny a quizzical look. She asked, ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

Ginny didn’t realise it, but she was craning her neck to look around Hermione and the latter gave her a sly smile and stepped to the side of the door. The room was empty, save Crookshanks who, upon seeing Ginny, bounded forward. Hermione started to call his name, but Ginny bent down and scooped him up, much to his delight.

‘I’m not looking at you in any funny way,’ Ginny said quietly.

Hermione shut the door and said, ‘He’s not here. He left just like he said he would.’

She sounded despondent and disappointed at these turn of events and Ginny couldn’t blame her. She would have loved to have her boyfriend come at the drop of a hat. She was forced to think back to the Dementor attack and give Harry his due credit.

The room was silent for a moment before Hermione cleared her throat. ‘That really bothered you yesterday, didn’t it?’

Ginny turned, her eyes surprised. ‘Why would you say that?’

‘It almost looked like you were pained to see us together. And not the sort of pain that we were being…grotesque to you,’ she added the last part quickly and Ginny couldn’t hide her agreement with Hermione.

‘It’s just…I had hoped…when you’d mentioned a student coming to Hogwarts…’ She didn’t want to finish her thought. She knew how foolish she sounded even thinking it.

Hermione smiled. ‘You thought it would be Harry?’

‘Hoped is more like it,’ Ginny said quietly.

Hermione collected her things and stuffed them in her bag. Ginny set Crookshanks on Hermione’s bed, despite loud, meowing protests. Hermione opened the door and Ginny headed out. There was some loud talking and laughing coming from down the stairs and Ginny watched as Hermione locked her door and followed her down the stairs. They emerged into an animated discussion about the final battle at Hogwarts and Ginny was surprised to see Neville in the thick of it. He grinned at her, but didn’t stop his story.

Hermione came up behind her and waved at Neville before heading towards the portrait door. For a moment, Ginny wondered whether she should listen to the rest of Neville’s story or follow Hermione, but her stomach made the decision for her and she smiled at Neville while trying to catch up to Hermione.

Hermione was walking at a brisk pace and Ginny easily caught up with her. She asked idly, not caring for the answer, ‘Is Ron coming again today?’

Hermione smiled a clear, wistful smile. ‘Yes, he said he would, and he’s never let me down.’

Ginny suddenly felt less hungry, but tried to smile to hide it. ‘That’s nice of him, to be so reliable. What caused this turn of events?’

Hermione laughed softly. ‘I guess it was the way Neville made my injury sound so dire.’

Ginny couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Neville is good for exaggerating that sort of thing. There were so many scrapes he, Luna and I got into last year. You’d think we’d been beaten to a “ ’

She stopped abruptly. She’d never told Ron, Hermione or even Harry in great detail what had happened the previous year. The memory of the torture and torment had finally ebbed away as things got better and better. She smiled at Hermione and completed, ‘Needless to say, we were never so worse for the wear that we couldn’t get better.’

Hermione was still daydreaming about Ron, or at least it looked that way, and Ginny was spared saying more about her time in the hospital wing. They headed into the Great Hall to eat a quick breakfast before heading off to a brace of classes. The day proved busy and Ginny didn’t have time to pay attention to Hermione’s love-sick behaviour. Though she did, at one point, wonder if Ron had used a love potion on her. She couldn’t imagine anyone being that taken by her goofy, older brother.

Ginny tried to avoid it, but Hermione’s uplifted spirits were spreading to her and she found herself smiling for no particular reason. As they headed out of one class and towards the library, Ginny was surprised to see an increasingly familiar, but no more welcome face.

Draco Malfoy was speaking in a conspiratorial tone to Professor McGonagall. He appeared to be pleading his case and both Ginny and Hermione got close enough to hear him sneer, ‘And you think you can trust him? Since you’re all bloody Gryffindors there’s no harm? My father said you’d be more the fool, but I didn’t believe him. I hate admitting when he’s right!’

He looked as if he were going to storm off, but stopped abruptly. The heated discussion had caught the eye of quite a few students, but with a look from Hermione, many of them started to hurry away, not wanting detention or points taken from their house. Draco’s face changed from fury to concern upon seeing Hermione, and Ginny shifted awkwardly next to her. He took a step towards them and said, ‘You shouldn’t be up, you know.’

Hermione was clearly taken aback, but replied evenly, ‘I’m fine.’ Her tone softened and she continued, ‘Thank you again…’

She seemed to be struggling to say something more, but stopped. Ginny looked between the two of them, her unease doubling. Draco turned to her, irritated, and said, ‘Still think I’m up to no good?’

Ginny smiled sweetly. ‘After that little performance, I’d argue the whole school agrees with me.’

He took a step closer, a smirk crossing his lips. ‘Since when have you ever sided with the masses?’

She gave him a curious look and said, ‘What are you doing here, Malfoy?’

He didn’t answer at first, he studied his hands hard. This gave Ginny time to, once again, inspect his appearance and he looked worse for the wear. His robes were in a poor state and one of his hands carried a scar across the back. His shoes were immaculate and it made the robes that much more confounding for Ginny to explain.

He glared at her, realising what she was doing and said, ‘I was just leaving.’

‘You came here to holler at Professor McGonagall and then leave?’ Ginny asked.

‘It isn’t any of your concern what I do here!’ Draco barked.

‘It is mine, though,’ Hermione said, finally breaking her silence.

Draco sighed. ‘Is it? As Weasley pointed out last time I saw her, you aren’t ‘Head Girl’ to me.’

‘You don’t belong here, Malfoy. Why do you keep coming back?’ she asked.

‘Unfinished business,’ he stated simply.

Ginny couldn’t control herself and blurted out, ‘Come to kill another professor?’

Draco was clearly stung by her words, but recovered quickly. ‘I’ve never killed anyone.’

Hermione took a step closer. ‘Then what other possible business could you have here?’

Draco looked as if he were going to answer, but stopped, seeing something he didn’t like. ‘If you want me to be the villain, fine, I’ll be the villain!’

Without another word he stormed past them towards the front of the school. Hermione watched for a moment as he retreated, but Ginny looked to where Draco had been looking and rolled her eyes. Ron was walking towards them, his bag with him.

She said under her breath, ‘Bloody hell.’

Hermione turned at her exclamation, but grinned upon seeing what caused it. Ron crossed the hall in a few easy strides and had wrapped Hermione in a warm embrace, kissing the crown of her head. ‘Did you sleep alright?’

She nodded, resting her head against his shoulder. ‘I feel a lot better.’

Ginny was backing away slowly, wanting no part of this when she bumped into someone. She turned quickly and saw Neville grinning at her brother and Hermione. He smiled at her and said, ‘Isn’t that sweet?’

Ron looked up at hearing Neville’s voice and said, ‘Hey Neville! Glad to see you’re back.’

Neville smiled at him. ‘Just needed to brush up on some stuff.’

Ron gave Neville a knowing smile that didn’t escape Ginny’s notice. ‘You know why he’s here? And why Harry isn’t?’

Both Neville and Ron exchanged surprised looks as Hermione slowly pulled away from Ron to see if Ginny was right. Ron kept Hermione close and said, ‘Not exactly. I just have bits and pieces. It’s all very secret. Everyone at the Ministry is sticking to their stories. You’ll be hard-pressed to find the truth now.’

Neville slowly produced The Daily Prophet and pushed it into Ginny’s arms. She shook her head. ‘I don’t read that rubbish.’

Neville sighed. ‘This will at least give you an idea about what’s going on.’

Ginny gave him a tired look, but took the paper. She didn’t have to scan far before she read the lower headline: ‘Potter Dismissed from Ministry!

She stopped reading and her eyes went wide. Hermione pulled away from Ron and read the headline over Ginny’s shoulder, and then Hermione practically pulled the paper out of Ginny’s hands to read the article.

Neville didn’t meet Ginny’s gaze and she glared at him. Despite being significantly shorter than he was, she didn’t back down. ‘Neville! What the bloody hell happened! Is this why he won’t answer my owls?’

Neville furrowed his brow and said, ‘Whatever is happening to Harry, it doesn’t involve any of us and it’s probably…safer that way.’

‘What are you saying, Neville?’ Ginny asked, her voice rising.

He shook his head. ‘That article knows as much as I do.’

Ginny ran her hand across her face. She couldn’t believe it. She wouldn’t believe it. This job meant everything to Harry. She couldn’t imagine what kind of scenario would lead Harry to this and then have him not tell her about it. Hermione looked dumbstruck and Ginny was able to grab for the paper but Hermione pulled it out of her reach. ‘Don’t, it’s all rubbish.’

Hermione turned to Neville. ‘This can’t be true, this is Harry…he’d never…’

Ginny grabbed for the paper again, but Hermione shook her head. ‘It claims that he got in a shouting match with Gaunt and was fired for it.’

Ron took the paper from Hermione and folded it under his arm. Ginny glared at him, but trusted Hermione’s assessment. Besides which, she knew, in her heart, she didn’t really want to read it. She couldn’t bear to think of Harry as being a traitor to the Ministry. They both were glaring at Neville and he balked little under their gaze.

Ron cleared his throat. ‘Come on, you two. You know this can’t be the whole truth. There’s no way. But if he did, he’d be right to; Gaunt is a right, foul git.’

Hermione rolled her eyes and gave Ron an irritated look. ‘Do you know more?’

He shook his head slowly. ‘I haven’t seen Harry in a few days…see, there’s this beautiful girl I’ve been tending to, haven’t had time for my own best friend.’

Hermione’s cheeks reddened slightly at this and Ron reached a hand out to her. Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Must you two keep doing that?’

Ron laughed. ‘Yes, we must, as often as we can.’

Ginny turned back to Neville, but his resolve hadn’t weakened in the least. ‘Don’t ask me questions you know I can’t answer. I’m here to take some classes and that’s it. As far as you know, are we clear?’

Ginny was surprised at Neville’s tone and said, ‘I thought you were my friend, Neville. Why would you come here to tell me nothing?’

He shook his head and gave her a grim smile. ‘I’m not telling you nothing, I’m telling you not to worry. I wish I could explain Harry’s behaviour, but that’s eluded me for some time now.’

Ginny didn’t know what he could mean by that, but let it go. She watched as Ron and Hermione walked away from them. She wondered where they’d go and pushed the thought out of her head. Neville took a step closer to her. ‘It might be time for dinner, you want to go?’

Ginny sighed. ‘You sure a big celebrity, like you can be seen with the likes of me?’

‘It’d be an honour,’ Neville replied.

They headed into the Great Hall. Ginny tried to pay attention, but Neville was the centre of attention at the Gryffindor table. All the students were hanging on his every word. Even Ginny found herself rapt with his stories. They headed back to the common room and Ginny found her mind easing a little. Maybe Harry was working under some sort of cover, just as Neville was.

The days passed on in the same fashion. Hermione and Ron were practically inseparable when he was on campus, though Ginny wondered who was getting more pleasure out of their visits. With Ron around, Hermione wasn’t able to study nearly as much as she’d like to. Nor was Ginny able to study as much, as Hermione was the one who kept her on task.

Neville had been a good source of comfort. They never brought up the discussion about Harry’s whereabouts again and Ginny sent one additional letter asking Harry to just let her know he was alright. He never responded. As the days wore on, Ginny started to wonder if she was the only one, out of the two of them, in their relationship. She stopped staring aimlessly at the pictures of them from the Prophet, but folded them neatly into the journal Harry had never once used. She wondered if she shouldn’t write to him through it, but thought, if he’d wanted to, he could have done the same thing.

Despite Ginny’s dislike for Ron’s and Hermione’s behaviour, she really had no where else to go for study time. She did find some comfort in the regular Quidditch practice. Natalie had become a gifted Keeper in a few short weeks and she and Dean were the life of the team. They kept everyone on task and played practical jokes whenever they could. On one day of practice, they bewitched one of the Beaters’ bats to turn to rubber when gripped by any player. It drove the Beaters mad, but made for an amusing afternoon of practice.

More and more of the Gryffindor house would come out to watch the practices as the jokes became infectious. On many occasions, Ginny would see Ron, Hermione and Neville talking quietly away from other students. She often wondered if they were sharing some secret that they needed to conceal from her. More and more she was feeling isolated and alone.

She tried to spend time with Luna, but Luna was her normal self and only proved to be moderately interesting. Luna did consistently come to watch Quidditch practices, though Ginny thought this was more due to the danger of another Dementor attack. It surprised her that there was not one more sighting of a Dementor since the one a month ago.

Ginny couldn’t help but notice how utterly happy both Ron and Hermione seemed to be. The more time she spent with them together, the more she realised she was missing Harry. She had tried on a few occasions to take the locket off, but it wouldn’t budge.

Neville, upon seeing it, had exclaimed, ‘So that’s how he knew!’

She had tried to get more information out of him, but he had just smiled at her pleasantly. As the first Hogsmeade visit approached, Ginny felt less and less inclined to let Harry know about it.

On one of the rare days when Ginny was with Ron and Hermione in Hermione’s room, she had finally alluded to her feelings about Harry’s absence. When Hermione realised what she was saying, they’d had a rather animated argument about it.

‘You can’t just not tell him! He said he’d come see you!’ she railed at Ginny.

Ginny shook her head in an uninterested manner. ‘If he were so interested, don’t you think he’d reply to at least one of my letters?’

Ron, who had been lounging across Hermione’s bed, chimed in, ‘Ginny, the man’s in danger, or something…’

‘You don’t even know!’ she shot back. ‘How much danger can he be in if he isn’t even talking to his two ‘supposedly’ closest friends? Or his so-called girlfriend?’

‘I’d argue a lot of danger if he can’t speak to any of us.’ Hermione turned to Ron and they both gave her a worried look. Hermione started slowly, ‘Ginny, if this is a Ministry thing, then maybe he isn’t able to say anything, but the fact that you can’t take the locket off means that he’s okay and is thinking of you.’

Ginny glared at Hermione. ‘You would bring that up wouldn’t you?’ She paced around the room before turning back to Hermione. ‘He doesn’t care at all about me. I was right that we both needed a break, now he’s given us one whether I want it or not!’

Before giving Hermione the chance to lock her in, Ginny bounded out of Hermione’s room and slammed the door shut and headed to her room. She never studied with Hermione in her room after that. She always went to the library. Neville found her there and always sat with her. He never appeared to be studying, but always asked her leading questions from injuries incurred from the previous year.

They were sitting in the common room, for once away from the incessant onlookers, and Neville pulled close to Ginny, his arm across the back of the couch. ‘You know, this reminds me a lot of last year, but with less scars.’

She looked up at him, his face rather close to hers and she pulled away. There were various sets of eyes on them and Ginny realised why he’d been virtually whispering in her ear. She sighed and shifted back towards him. ‘Scars heal, Neville, it’s no big deal.’

He sighed and pulled away. ‘You can’t fool me, Ginny. This is much harder than you’re letting on, and you’re making it harder on yourself.’

Ginny glared at him and asked, ‘How?’

‘By distancing yourself from your closest friend: Hermione,’ he stated simply.

‘If you hadn’t noticed, she’s almost always, otherwise engaged,’ Ginny stated bitterly and hoped Neville was getting the idea that she didn’t want to talk about any of this.

He was. But that didn’t stop him from continuing. ‘Ron and I aren’t going to be here all year, I hope. You need to spend time with her so there’s someone to look after you.’

She felt her temper rising and replied acidly, ‘I don’t need anyone to look after me, thank you very much.’

He got up. ‘I don’t know how we got on so well together last year; you’ve become rather selfish and rude.’

‘What!’ she practically shouted. ‘You’re on my case all the time!’ She pulled close to him and whispered viciously, ‘If I had a boyfriend, I’d argue he’d be jealous of you making the moves on me.’

He bristled at her tone and said, ‘You do and he will. I don’t need Harry on my case as well as you.’

He grabbed his books and headed up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory, leaving in a huff. As if like clock-work, Hermione and Ron came through the portrait door. Neither had seen the incident. And Ginny knew, even if they had been present, they wouldn’t have noticed it.

She hated what Harry had done to her. Cut her off from him and left her alone with his two best friends. She had never felt so alone since Fred’s death and now she felt an over-arching depression that she feared would follow. She mentally vowed that she would throw herself into her studies and Quidditch before allowing something like that to happen again.

She ignored Ron and Hermione and headed up to her room. The pitch would still be clear for another few hours and perhaps she could get some practice in before it got too dark. On her way up she invited Natalie and knew she’d be able to find Dean as well. She’d salvage the rest of the day as best she could and move on to something more interesting.
Chapter 52 -House Arrest by pokecharm
Author's Notes:
The last time I updated was more than a year-and-a-half ago, I can only hope that those that were reading went elsewhere to see the completed work. But I'm feeling oddly optimistic that this might actually get through the moderation queue. Dare to dream!

Grimmauld Place had never felt more like home and more like a prison than the almost two months Harry had spent there. Kreacher followed the Ministry orders from Gaunt and allowed no letters out of the house. This was particularly painful as Harry had never had a chance to send Ginny a note telling her what had happened. The second letter he’d received from her he knew meant trouble. She was angry, furious. And he couldn’t blame her in the least. He was, by rights, a horrible boyfriend. Since the catastrophe at the memorial, he’d only sent her one measly letter. Now more than ever did Harry kick himself for not heeding Kreacher’s advice and seeing her.

Gaunt had sent him regular letters, letting him know what he was to expect. Harry had dozens of files strewn across his sitting room. He spent the time studying who he’d be meeting and how he’d be expected to act.

The Ministry had been investigating a group of magical artefacts smugglers. They had been focusing on big ticket items: larger items that had deep magical history behind them. Harry was worried about the locket he’d given Ginny. It was a very valuable heirloom and he wondered if it had any Dark Magic connotations. He tried to think back to the conversations he’d had with Hermione, but didn’t think anything dark would be associated with something from Godric Gryffindor.

He thought about using the journal she’d given him for his birthday, but Kreacher, in his fervour to keep him unable to communicate with the outside world, had hidden it. He had even bewitched Harry’s wand so he could not cast a Patronus charm to communicate.

The rows that followed were fierce. Kreacher held firm to the Ministry rules and Harry had, initially, told Kreacher to not allow him to communicate. He tried to retract the command, but Kreacher knew better and stuck to the original decree.

Not one person from the Ministry had stopped by, but Harry had been receiving messages through strange means. One of the files Harry had been given would flash brightly and create new messages for him. He had been sent a map of London. On it were marked various locations of interest where the smugglers had been spotted. It was still unclear whether there was one central figure, or vying groups.

After reading the various files, Harry was under the impression that there were specific items being sought after. It didn’t seem like anything related to Voldemort. Both he and Gaunt had ruled that out early. There was no way to raise the Dark Lord. That would be impossible. The Ministry had destroyed his body and all the Horcruxes had been destroyed as well. That had been the only way to defeat Voldemort. Harry had wondered if there might be rogue Death Eaters on the loose, but as he studied more, that seemed less and less likely.

Even Lucius Malfoy had stayed clean. He had avoided the smuggling entirely. The Malfoy family had sold many of its holdings in various corporations and seemed to be veering more and more towards honest work.

Harry had, thankfully, not seen much of Draco Malfoy since the previous year and this reminded Harry of seeing Hermione with him at the memorial. The look on her face came back to him when he thought about the Malfoy family. Hermione and Draco had been anything but friends. In all honesty, they seemed to both detest one another. Draco had made every attempt to make Hermione’s life impossible, through both Ron and Harry. And Hermione had no love lost for Draco. In their third year, Hermione had punched Draco outright for being a prat. Although he meant to be a nuisance, if not for Draco’s attempt to have Buckbeak killed, they would not have been able to save Sirius with him. Harry hadn’t seen Buckbeak, or Witherwings, as they changed his name to avoid Ministry policies, and wondered if he had been freed after the battle the previous year. Harry hadn’t seen him, but recalled Hagrid having him recently. He wondered if Kreacher couldn’t locate him.

He had pleaded repeatedly with Kreacher to go to Ginny, but the house elf refused. ‘Master Harry! I cannot go to Hogwarts. The Headmistress will not look kindly upon it. I dare not tempt her wrath!’ The house elf was practically trembling.

Harry groaned. ‘If I’m your ‘master,’ then shouldn’t you do as I tell you?’

Kreacher nodded slowly. ‘Yes, of course Master Harry, but you also told me to follow your instructions and not communicate with the outside world.’

Harry furrowed his brow. ‘I need to talk to her, Kreacher, you have to help me.’

The house elf backed away from Harry, as if he would strike him. ‘Master Harry, please do not ask me, I cannot, I dare not.’

Harry stepped back. ‘Kreacher, I don’t know what else to do. I can’t go see her. You refuse to help me. Who else can I turn to?’

Harry looked helplessly at Kreacher and the house elf looked away. He started quietly, ‘Master Harry, I know no solution you’d prefer. If you leave Grimmauld Place, you will make the headlines from The Daily Prophet true.’

Harry sat heavily on the nearby couch. ‘I know…but I can’t let her…bloody hell, you saw that letter. She’s lost complete faith in me! And who can blame her! I haven’t said a word to her in almost two months.’

‘She received your last letter, Master Harry,’ Kreacher offered.

Harry didn’t see fit to acknowledge this. ‘But what must she think since I didn’t reply to any of her other letters? I mean…she must think ill of me, the ring’s gone cold. And not the ‘she’s in trouble’ type of cold.’

Kreacher nodded slowly. ‘I’m of little use, Master Harry. I cannot break your original request; you said it superseded all others. I cannot break my word.’

‘But what if Ginny called you to her, then you’d have to go, right?’ Harry asked hopefully.

Kreacher gave Harry a curious look. ‘I suppose, Master Harry, but why would she call me? Would she not need a reason?’

Harry put his head in his hands. ‘This is so frustrating! I can’t go to her. You refuse to go to her. I can’t even send her a bloody letter!’

Kreacher cowered at Harry’s rage and Harry regretted it almost immediately. He put his hands up quickly. ‘Isn’t there anything I can do?’

‘Unless she calls me, Master Harry, neither of us can do anything. We are locked here, until Mr. Gaunt announces your next move.’ Kreacher meandered out of the room shortly thereafter to prepare dinner.

Harry didn’t have long to wait. The very next day a letter arrived, all in black. It was an invitation. Gaunt had finally convinced someone to let Harry meet them. The letter told Harry where to go and when to be there. Not fifteen minutes later, a long instructional letter appeared on the Ministry file. Gaunt gave Harry explicit instructions about all the things he was to do and what he was to be interested in. It was not a small amount of information and Harry found himself having to spend a great deal of time trying to remember all the various details.

Kreacher did not bring up Ginny and Harry spent as little time as possible looking at the various pictures of them together. It felt like a piece of his heart was being torn out, knowing she was questioning his motives and his concern for her. After everything they’d been through, he knew she couldn’t be so easily swayed. At least he hoped so.

The date came and Harry dressed casually. He wore dark colours and set out for a small pub near Piccadilly Circus. It was the first time he’d been out of the house in months, but didn’t dare go away from his course. He was to go straight to the pub and sit down for a drink. He would then be approached by another wizard and from there the details became a little unclear.

Harry entered the dimly lit pub and seated himself at the end of the bar near a Muggle television playing a local football match. One club seemed to be outpacing the other club by a large margin and Harry started to recall the rules of the game as he watched. He was so engrossed in it he didn’t notice the young wizard that sat next to him. The man tapped the counter for a drink and Harry turned, startled at his sudden appearance. The man was tall, despite sitting down, Harry could discern his height. He was dressed in Muggle clothes, but this seemed natural. He was wearing light colours and this offset the man’s blonde hair and gleaming blue eyes.

Harry sat down and commented, ‘Good match.’

The wizard waved blithely. ‘Perhaps. I don’t take in Muggle sports as a general rule.’

Harry grinned. ‘Ah, so are you my ‘date’ for tonight?’

The man laughed a low, hearty laugh. ‘Sorry I couldn’t be a red-head.’

After reading the file, Harry knew he had to play this just right. ‘She’s not too thrilled with me right now either, but I wouldn’t complain.’

‘Really? Trouble with young love, Mr. Potter?’ he asked.

Harry sighed, sipping his Muggle drink. ‘It isn’t always smooth sailing, as they say.’

‘No indeed.’ The man drank his drink quietly and Harry waited patiently, knowing he couldn’t force the issue. The man drained his glass and said, ‘Ready to go?’

Harry drained his glass and felt the effects fairly quickly. He cursed himself for his low tolerance and tried to nod. ‘Yeah, sure. Where we off to?’

The man laughed again, but mirthlessly. ‘You should know better than to ask that. How do you feel about Side-Along Apparition?’

‘Not my favourite, but if that’s how we have to play it, then let’s have at it!’ Harry knew he sounded like a young playboy, exactly what Gaunt had wanted. The idea was to give the impression that Harry had let his fame go to his head and now wanted bigger and better things.

It was an easy game, for this one man at least. Harry wondered how thick he’d have to lay his cover on as he met more people. The man led him out of the pub and around the corner. There were quite a few passer-bys, but the man paid them no mind. Harry jogged after him. ‘Hey, what should I call you?’

The man turned and smiled. ‘You know I won’t use my real name, Mr. Potter.’

‘Of course not,’ Harry concurred.

‘Then you may call me Tom,’ he said simply.

Harry wondered at the choice of name, sharing the first name with Lord Voldemort, but didn’t bother with it. Tom grabbed Harry fiercely around the collar and said, ‘Now don’t struggle.’

With a blinding flash, they evaporated on the spot. Harry felt the world flip upside down. This felt nothing like Apparition. Once they landed, Harry fell to the ground, vomiting everything he’d had for the day. He tried to get up, but rolled over onto his back. Tom stood above him, shaking his head. ‘Whenever you’re ready, Mr. Potter.’

Harry took a few moments to collect himself and slowly got to one knee. They had landed in the middle of a field. It had no striking landmarks to speak of, and Harry hoped that when this memory was viewed again later, it would reveal something worthwhile. But as he imagined, these people were too clever to use the same place twice.

He stood slowly, rubbing the back of his neck and then wiped his mouth. ‘I’m fine. Sorry about the mess.’ He waved his wand and the vomit disappeared.

Tom rolled his eyes. ‘Let’s go, Mr. Potter.’

Harry followed gingerly as Tom led him further into the surrounding forest. There was nothing in sight. Even the forest had grown silent at their arrival. As they reached another clearing, Harry began to discern three figures. All of them were of similar height and were shrouded in dark coloured robes. Harry slowed as they drew closer.

There was a nod between the three figures and Tom motioned to Harry. ‘As you’d requested, I’ve brought the great Harry Potter.’

Harry took a deep breath and said, ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

They didn’t move. Their faces were hidden by their hoods. The hoods had been drawn down, covering all of their features. The middle figure stepped forward, his wand to his throat, and said in a garbled tone, ‘Welcome, Harry Potter. We thank you for your part in Voldemort’s fall. We wish to honour you with admittance to our society.’

Harry ran his hand through his hair. ‘I’m not big on meetings, as you might expect after that mistake of a job at the Ministry.’

Tom chuckled and said, ‘We don’t have meetings, Mr. Potter. Once you’re a member, you’re privy to all sorts of things.’

The three seemed to confer wordlessly and Tom stepped forward. ‘Time to go. We’ll send word in one month. Please be ready to complete the rest of your…initiation then.’

Harry started to say thanks, but Tom pulled him away and towards the clearing. Harry cringed. ‘More vomit-inducing Apparition?’

Tom grinned. ‘My favourite as well.’

With a jerk Harry crashed back on the ground not far from Grimmauld Place. Tom looked around as Harry dry-heaved what little he had left in his stomach. Tom pulled Harry to his feet and said, ‘Remember what I said. In about a month, you’ll be getting another black envelope. Same deal. If you have questions, they’ll just have to wait.’

Harry nodded dumbly and headed unevenly into his house. Kreacher was there waiting, looking as nervous as ever. He drew Harry a hot bath and a cup of hot tea. Harry had told Kreacher all that had happened. He set to write out all the events in his Ministry paper; after doing so, he was told to send his memories to the Ministry straightaway.

Pulling memories was slightly less painful than it looked. Harry conjured a vial and placed his memory within it. He handed it to Kreacher and the house elf Disapparated on the spot.

Harry grumbled something about Kreacher running to the Ministry over his girlfriend, but didn’t get upset about it. There was no use. He glanced at the calendar. Ginny’s first Hogsmeade visit would be coming up soon. House arrest or not, Harry was going to be there.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=75003