My Guardian Angel by gossipweaver

The line that separates the dream world and reality disappears, leaving them lost in their reflections, unaware they have been selected as the lucky chosen few in the realm of love…

Part 1 of MY GUARDIAN ANGEL series:

1.My Guardian Angel 2.When I See Only You 3.The Boy Next Door

Categories: Harry/Ginny Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes Word count: 16793 Read: 50721 Published: 01/01/05 Updated: 02/10/05

Chapter 7 Firenze's Omen by gossipweaver
Author's Notes:
The stars can be wrong. It has happened before.
Chapter 7 Firenze's Omen

Harry couldn’t recall the last time he flew for this long. Although he still felt very confused, flying around on the Firebolt really cheered him up. He also wanted to escape from his room so Ron and the others couldn’t badger him about not going to the New Year’s Eve party at Hagrid’s house. What good would it do to show up there, he thought, because he was sure he would ruin the cheerful atmosphere, especially for Ginny.

It was late at night when he landed on a snowy mountain top overseeing the castle. The evening stars were sparkling in the dark skies and dancing across the moon. As he sat down, he could see a bright light flashing far below what should be Hagrid’s house. How all the people and animals could fit in there he would never understand. Seeing the castle made him think of everything that had happened these past few years, everything that he had learned and gained, as well as all the horrific events and truths that were now burdening him and weighing on his shoulders. Frustrated with visions of the death of his parents, his run-ins with Voldemort, what happened to godfather Sirius, Lupin, his feelings for Ginny…

“AAAAAARGH………….” He roared at the top of his lungs, echoes of his screams ricocheting across the dark skies and mountains.


“Mr. Potter, some of us do need to sleep…Don’t you have a New Year’s party to attend?” said a deep voice coming from behind.

Harry stood up and turned around. He immediately recognized the centaur’s bright blue eyes and white blond mane.

“Firenze. It’s you. It’s good to see you,” Harry said delightedly, “Sorry about my screaming like that. I haven’t seen you in over two years.”

“You still remember my name, Mr. Potter. I see you have grown up to become a very nice young man,” Firenze answered excitedly, his blue eyes sparkling at Harry, who was standing against the star-filled skies, ”Now tell me what is all the frustration that is making you scream like that?”

“It’s…it’s hard to explain. I…this girl…and we…It’s complicated… What is wrong, Firenze?” Harry paused because he noticed a sudden sad look in Firenze’s blue eyes as he sighed and his head began to droop.

“Firenze, Firenze, please,” Harry walked closer to him.

“Mr. Potter, there are things that I cannot say, because the stars can be wrong. It has happened before,” he mumbled solemnly.

“What is it? What do you see? Tell me please.”

“There are things that I cannot say, because the stars can be wrong. It has happened before.”

“You believe something bad is going to happen. I am going to die?”

“Everybody dies eventually, Mr. Potter,” Firenze shook his head as he stood there, paused, and then he continued, “Time is a unique concept. Once you lose it you can’t get it back. Sometimes there is no second chance to tell your love ones how much you love them. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change fate. I shall say no more. I just hope our next encounter will be a much happier moment. Farewell and good luck, Mr. Potter.”

Firenze waved goodbye and started to walk away. Then after taking a few steps towards the forest, he stopped and muttered, “The girl loves you too.”

Firenze then galloped into the mountain forests.

Except for his parents, godfather Sirius, Lupin, and the Weasley parents, he realized that everyone he had ever cared for and loved were at Hagrid’s house right now celebrating. And yet he chose to stay away from them sulking on New Year’s Eve.

“The girl loves you too…” Firenze’s voice echoed in Harry’s head.

Harry pulled out the blue cloth from his pocket and admired it closely. He began to smile and blush as memories of Ginny flooded his mind: her gorgeous red long hair standing by the staircase, her angelic face under the mistletoe, her soft delicate hands when he held her, and the way her beautiful brown eyes touched his heart and soul when they were by the fireplace. A warm and loving feeling gradually emerged inside him and his heart was beating very fast. He had never felt this way before but he was pretty sure that he had fallen in love.

“Firenze is right,” he said to himself as he grabbed his firebolt and put the cloth back inside his pocket, “I’ve got to get back. I have to tell Ginny.”

Harry arrived at Hagrid’s doorstep in no time. For some reason Hagrid’s house appeared much larger than before. It looked like there were newly built extensions.

“Harry, here you are. We missed you,” Hagrid beamed, his cheeks flaming red, “Come in, the headmaster inflated my house.”

“Happy new year, Hagrid, I am sorry I missed the party,“ Harry hugged him. Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George came towards the door. Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall came over from another room of the house.

“Happy New Year, everybody. Sorry for being late, “he said apologetically, looking around the house, and asked, “Where is Ginny?”

“She’s back at the castle. Ron and I brought her back because she wasn’t feeling well, “Hermione replied.

“That’s because the entire evening she parked herself there and helped herself to all those drinks,” Ron pointed to what looked like a bar, “Some of those drinks really pack a punch. Just take a look at Hagrid.”

“I’m heading back to the castle,” Harry said excitedly, “I’ve got to talk to her.”

“I’ll come too. Come on, Ron, it’s late, “Hermione said, “Thanks, Hagrid. Happy new year all.”

The three of them quickly headed back to the castle and to the common room. Ron went to his room while Harry rushed Hermione to see Ginny, constantly nudging her back to make her walk faster.

“Okay, Harry. Slow down. Please calm down. I’ll knock on her door to see if she’s asleep,” Hermione said, “She was pretty zonked out when we brought her back.”

“Ginny, Ginny, Ginny dear… I think she’s asleep already. Can it wait until tomorrow, Harry?”

He sighed and nodded reluctantly and headed towards his room. Hermione followed him.

“Harry, are you okay? Listen, I want to talk to you…”

“I’m fine,” he interrupted assertively, a bright smile on his face, ”I’m all better now. It’s because now I finally know what to do.”

“No, but listen…It is like this…I don’t know if I should tell you this…” Hermione hesitated.

“Goodnight, Hermione. I shall see you, fair lady, next year!” Harry winked at her and hopped towards his room.

“You come back here, young man!” Hermione shrieked. But Harry was already gone, leaving her standing there to ponder the moment, feeling perplexed and puzzled by his sudden change in behavior.
This story archived at