MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

In the Moon’s Shadow: a stream of memories by magic_quill

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Chapter Notes: Chapter summary: In which Remus first realizes that he magical abilities.

Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling. I do not own any of the characters that can be recognized from the Harry Potter stories as they belong to JK Rowling.
Walking home from Muggle school, I slipped through the woods. I lost my fear of them long ago; I welcomed them and the hiding they gave me.

A few years have passed since my bite. My poor parents have tried everything they could to cure me, or at least ease the pain I feel during my transformations. But no known cure existed.

As much as I hated to admit it…I had no choice but to accept my condition.

It’s not going to change anytime soon, I thought bitterly.
My condition was taking its toll on me. Although I was always thin and small for my age, I had become far too thin, and my skin was far too pale.

The woods had become a sort of haven for me; a protection from the cruel eyes of the children I went to school with. Although they didn’t know my full condition, (being Muggles), they still sensed that there was something different about me, and to most people, different is bad.

Freak, they called me, and although their parents told them not to, I knew they were thinking the same.

At least it’s better than the wizarding families I thought.

Before attending the Muggle school, my parents had sent me to a Wizarding children’s group. I had loved it there, especially the arts and writing.

Unfortunately, one of the parents found out the truth about my condition, and made a big to-do. Naturally I was ostracized by the other children, and completely humiliated. Obviously, I was thrown out.

My dark musings were interrupted by a sharp pain on the back of my head. I spun around to find a gang of bullies from my school. They had thrown a pebble at me, and where clearly looking to start trouble.

“Well, well, well…Remus Lupin. What kind of name is that?” asked the leader, Tommy, with a sneer. He was smallest of all the boys gathered there, and the meanest. He reminded me of one of the small foul-tempered dogs that pick fights with everyone.

“It’s my name, and I like it.” I responded feeling far braver than what I felt. His cheeks tinged pink. He walked slowly towards me, in a menacing way. I stood my ground. I was sick and tired of being pushed around.

“Excuse me…no one speaks to me like than,” he snapped. His “friends” started walking towards me.

“Well, I did,” I retorted.
I knew they wanted to fight…but for some reason, my rational mind was not working, and I still stood my ground. A mad, mischievous thought sprang into my head.

“You don’t frighten me.” I said.

“Really?” said Tommy looking put-off, but angry at the same time.

“Yes,” I responded. “In fact, I’ll give you until the count of ten to get away from me…before you’ll regret it.”

“Oh, yeah?” he said, “What are you going to do? Give me your disease? You freak…that’s the worst you could do?”

His remark caught me completely by surprise. It stung far worse than he could possibly have imagined. I felt the hurt swelling up inside of me.

He’s right, whispered my mind; and I knew he was. I was overcome b a complete sense of hopelessness. It fully hit me then, that I could really hurt him. I could pass on this torture to him, and I was completely disgusted with myself for rising to his taunts and taking his bait. I wouldn’t wish this suffering on my worst enemy…not even you Tom; I had wanted to say. Instead I fought back bitter tears.

Swallowing the lump that had grown in my throat, I spoke.

“Just leave me alone. I don’t want to fight you. Just let me be.”

But it was too late. Not only did they want to fight me, but they also discovered my weakness.
With a triumphant smile, Tommy continued, “You sick freak…do you know what they do to kids like you? They put you out of your misery.”

He pushed me hard. Then he punched me in the face.

“Freak” he taunted, and he pushed me again, but this time I felt an odd tingling sensation, as if warm electrical currents were running through my body.

“Owww” he screeched as he jumped away, as if he had received an electrical shock. He tried to punch me again, but his fist stopped before my face as abruptly as if he had punched a brick wall. “Oww” He screeched again, massaging his knuckles.

Stiff with shock, I looked at him in surprise.

“How are you doing this you freak?” he snarled, his voice slightly afraid. I didn’t answer, unsure of what to do. I backed away, and they began chasing me. I ran through the woods as fast as my legs could carry me…not quite sure what I was running away from.

How was I doing that? I asked myself in wonder. But part of my mind gave a bit of a cheer. I knew I had just performed magic. My heart swelling with hope…I began to think of the tales my parents told me about Hogwarts…Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I managed to lose them rather quickly. I soon found myself in the point of the woods where I had received my bite. Looking about, I felt a stab of pity for the werewolf who bit me. I understood how terrible it was to transform, and from personal experience, I could understand the inability to retain ones thoughts and personality. Just as I was remembering that night, a horrible thought struck me.

A werewolf won’t be allowed at Hogwarts. With a sinking heart, and tears welling in my eyes, I walked home.

I was overcome with such a bitter disappointment, that I felt my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach.

My mum took one look at my swollen eye, and my tear stained face, and she dropped her work, and ran to embrace me. In her arms, I burst out crying, and between sobs, I told her what happened.

“Remus,” she said sadly…but didn’t continue…she didn’t know what to say.

Finally breaking apart, she put her hands on my shoulders and said, “Remus, I don’t want to get your hopes up too high love, only to have them smashed time and time again. I will write to Hogwarts and schedule a meeting with Headmaster, Dippet. We’ll see what we can do, but don’t think on it love. Don’t let what they say get to you. You are so much better than all of them, if only they knew what a good person you are inside, they wouldn’t pick on you. Unfortunately…people don’t stop to learn; they only care about what is readily visible. But one day, they’ll all see.” Then kissing my forehead, she sat me at the table, and made me a cup of soothing jasmine tea, and gave me a piece of chocolate.

Heaving a sigh, I resigned myself to disappointment. I began to think of all the failed friendships I had…of all my friends who abandoned me when they learnt what I was. I though of some of my own family members with whom we lost touch because they didn’t want to expose their kids to me.

What hope is there for me in the world? I thought sadly. Snap out of it Remus…you’ve got mum and dad, and they’re all you need. They really love you…you’re not that unlucky…stop moping…crying won’t solve anything…we’ll just have to wait and see.

Sorry about the slightly miserable chapter, but it helps to develop aspects of the story. I will update soon. Also, sorry about the short chapter. The next should be longer.
-Magic Quill