MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The First Letter by GWeaz

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Lily slowly opened her eyes and was confronted with a very unfamiliar sight. She was lying in a four poster bed with burgundy hangings in a room that she didn’t recognize.

“Oh my God,” she muttered. “Oh my God! Where am I?” Lily gasped rather loudly. Looking around she saw four other beds, each with a distinctive lump on them. She decided that she wasn’t in any mortal peril so calmed down a little. After the initial shock wore off the previous night started coming back to her. The train ride, the banquet, her roommates.

“I thought it had all been a dream!” Lily exclaimed. There was a grumble from the bed next to her.

“Do I look like a dream to you, Red? It is,” she paused looking at her wrist watch, “six o’clock in the morning! We do not need to be up for another hour,” Kay said in a sleepy growl. “Are you always this crazy in the morning? Because if you are I think I may need to invest in some ear plugs.”

“Yeah, or a really good silencing charm!” Alice agreed from the other side of Lily’s bed.

“You’re one to talk, Beautiful,” Kay mumbled. Lily laughed at the memory of last night. Alice merely rolled over, completely unaware of Kay’s little joke.

“Sorry, girls. Go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Lily said as she got out of bed. When she was up there was no use trying to get back to sleep. She decided she would look around a bit more until the other girls woke up. Lily pulled her robe on and left the dormitory. By the time she reached the common room her feet were freezing from the cold marble stairs so she decided she would go warm them up by the fire. She sat down in the chair nearest the fire and failed to notice that the one next to her was already occupied.

“You’re up rather early, Lily,” said its occupant, causing Lily to nearly jump out of her chair.

“Remus! You scared the daylights out of me! Ever think of announcing yourself before you shock a girl like that?” Lily asked, grinning.

“Actually I haven’t. What are you doing up this early anyway?” He asked her.

“I woke up and had completely forgotten where I was. I then proceeded to wake up my roommates, with my shocked yelling. They were not too happy with me”“

“Weren’t they? That’s how I dream of being woken up each morning, love,” said a voice coming from the foot of the staircase that led to the boys’ dormitories.

“Potter, what in the name of Merlin are you doing up this early?” Lily asked, the dislike clear in her tone. “I would have picked you for a late riser.”

“So you’ve been contemplating my sleeping habits, have you?” He asked with a wink.

“You wish, Potter!”

“That I do, Evans,” he said with a roguish grin. “Oh, hello, Remus. I didn’t see you there.”

“Good morning, James,” Remus replied. Lily stared at him in shock. What was Remus doing on such good terms with Potter? She gave him a questioning look, which he answered with another look that clearly stated, ‘I will tell you about it later.’

Lily was about to say something, more than likely something rude, to Potter when she saw a dark-haired thing come flying at them.

“Jamie!” Kay squealed as she launched herself at her cousin.

“Oomph,” James grunted as she struck him. “Miss me that much, Kay?” James asked with a huge smile.

“Of course I did, you oaf!” She said, punching him in the shoulder. Apparently it was a little more than a playful hit because James began rubbing his arm after she hit him. “You haven’t owled me in over a month!”

“Hmmm, it must have slipped my mind,” James said, blushing slightly.

“’Slipped your mind’ my arse, James Potter. You were just too arrogant to admit that a girl had beaten you at Quidditch!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, Kayleigh,” James said, going a distinctly reddish color about the ears.

“Would you like me to refresh your memory?” Kay asked mischievously. “It started with a, might I say, spectacular interception by yours truly.” By now James was squirming and Lily couldn’t help but smile; James Potter embarrassed was something that she was beginning to enjoy. Kay continued, “then, I easily out flew you and was streaking towards”“

“Alright, Kay. We get the point! And that isn’t why I didn’t write. If you must know, I was helping out my grandmother this summer. You know…” He said in a quieter voice.

“Oh, James I’m so sorry. I forgot about your granddad,” Kay said, patting his shoulder. Lily was confused. Where was the arrogant Potter that she had met on the train? Why was he acting so much like an actual human being? More importantly, why was she feeling sorry for him? She was beginning to reconsider her reasoning for disliking him so much. That was until he spoke to her.

“Now, Evans, can I look forward to seeing you in such a state of undress everyday? Or is this a special occasion?” She decided to not rise to the bait. “You see, I have no objection, but I’m pretty sure that Minerva wouldn’t approve.” It was then that she noticed that she was indeed the only one of the four who wasn’t dressed and ready for their first day of classes.

“Oh, bollocks! I’ve got to go get dressed,” she exclaimed, dashing back up the girls’ staircase. She nearly ran into Alice who was on her way down. “Meet you at breakfast,” Lily shouted as she passed.


“Good morning class,” Professor McGonagall greeted. Her commanding tone served to silence the class at once. “This is Transfiguration. I trust that you are all in the correct place?” Apparently everyone was, so she continued. “Now, can anyone tell me what Transfiguration is?”

Sirius eagerly raised his hand. “Will I be regretting this, Mr. Black?”

“No ma’am. Transfiguration is without a doubt the best class in the entire school,” Sirius said with a grin.

“And why is that, Mr. Black?”

“Because, Professor, it is taught by the most enchanting witch in the entire school,” Sirius said cheekily. McGonagall merely glared at him so he continued. “Seriously though,” he paused for a few chuckles, “Transfiguration is the branch of magic dealing with changing one thing into something else,” he added seriously.

“That is correct, Mr. Black. I would give you five points, but I am afraid that would be redundant after taking five away for your previous comment,” the professor said sternly.

“There is more to Transfiguration, though, than just changing the form of an object. Later on in your education you will be taught how to vanish things and conjure them as well. Those of you who are talented enough may be enrolled in my NEWT class where you will also be learning human transfiguration. Today, however, we will be changing, or attempting to change, in any case, a sewing needle into a match. Now, come forward and get your needles, please.” The class rose to their feet and collected their needles. McGonagall watched them all with a close eye and as they were headed back to her seats she noticed James and Sirius poking each other with their needles.

“Need I remind you, boys, that you are no longer six years old?” she asked them.

“On a daily basis, professor!” James stated matter-of-factly. Again Lily noticed a twitch at the corner of her professor’s mouth. What was about these boys that she liked so much? From what Lily had discerned of Professor McGonagall she would have guessed that the woman was uncommonly strict. She found it odd that the woman put up with those boys.

Lily had made sure to pay close attention while Professor McGonagall was explaining how to transfigure the needle, but nearly five minutes had gone by and she was getting no results.

“Hey, Lil, is anything supposed to be happening?” Alice asked as she began violently waving her wand at the needle. “Because I am beginning to think that this bloody thing doesn’t work!” She said, referring to her wand.

“Mum told me that Transfiguration is the hardest subject at Hogwarts,” Kay told her. “I think she said it took her a week for the needle to change,” she said, but then noticed the look of horror on her friends’ faces and added, “but Mum was always bollocks at spell work. She was only really good at Quidditch. I’m sure you guys will get it soon.”

Just as Kay finished speaking Sirius jumped in the air and started dancing like a fool. “I did it. I beat you. I am a Transfiguration God,” he exclaimed in an excited voice. Lily heard James mutter a quiet “damn” as Professor McGonagall walked over towards the boys who were sitting directly in front of her.

“Excellent work, Mr. Black,” the professor said as she examined Sirius’ perfect match.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Sirius said without even a hint of sarcasm. Lily could tell that he was very proud of himself, so much so that he didn’t even try to make a joke.

“Ten points to Gryffindor,” Professor McGonagall stated before walking away with a distinct bounce to her step.

“Hah! I believe you owe me a butterbeer, Mr. Potter!” Sirius bragged, clearly back to his joking self. Potter, though, did not seem to be very interested in what Sirius had said. It seemed he was more determined than ever to change his needle into a matchstick. He had his tongue sticking out and his brow was wrinkled in concentration. A few seconds later, Lily watched in amazement as what was once his needle turned into a perfect little match.

“Bugger! You only beat me by a minute!” James said, obviously annoyed that his friend had outdone them in their first class.

Lily decided that since nothing else was working she would try what Potter had done. She stuck out her tongue a bit and concentrated as hard as she could on the infuriating needle. Nothing. “Gahhhh,” she screamed in aggravation. She began waving her wand madly, which only served to make her bag explode violently sending its contents everywhere. She sighed in utter frustration and began picking up her things.

“What have we here, Miss Evans?” James asked her. She moved to look at him but slammed her head into the desk as she tried to stand, eliciting another angry growl. She came out from under the desk rubbing her head and looking about as mad as a charging rhinoceros.

“What, Potter, do you want?” Lily asked angrily before she even looked at him. When she did finally turn to look at him her face went pale at what he was holding.

Pride and Prejudice? This wouldn’t be some kind of guilty pleasure, would it?” He asked slyly.

“Hand it over, Potter, or else…” Lily growled through a clenched jaw.

“Or else what? You’ll turn me into a matchstick?” He asked, gesturing toward her needle. “So what kind of book is this Pride and Prejudice, anyway? ‘The story of fiercely independent Elizabeth Bennet, one of five sisters who must marry rich, as she confounds the arrogant, wealthy Mr. Darcy….’ Sounds like a right bore to me! Who wrote this rag? Let’s see….Jane Austen? I can’t say that I’ve heard of her before.”

“First of all, Potter, if you have never heard of Jane Austen, muggle or wizard, I cannot speak to you. Second of all, it is not ‘a bore,’ it is the most wonderful story that has ever been written,” Lily said indignantly.

“Where’s the action?” James asked. “Seems like all they do in this story is sit around and have tea parties.”

“Maybe if you read it you would understand, Potter!”

“Now, that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day, I think I’ll borrow this if you don’t mind,” James said.

“I do mind. Give it back,” Lily said, reaching for the book, but before she could grasp it James was heading towards the front of the classroom. “Where are you going?”

“You said I couldn’t keep it, so I’m going to get a copy,” James said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He walked straight up to Professor McGonagall and asked her to conjure him a copy of the novel.

You want a copy of Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Potter? May I ask why?” she asked skeptically with a raised eyebrow.

“It was highly recommended by the lady,” he said, pointing to Lily who turned a dark crimson color.

“Well, the lady has very good taste. I must say! That Mr. Darcy”“

“Professor? The book?” Potter asked, rather confused at her reaction.

“Oh, yes, of course,” she said, snapping back to reality and conjuring up a copy. “Here you are.” James muttered his thanks and returned to Lily just as the bell sounded in the corridor. He threw her the book as he left. He turned back once he reached the door.

“I’ll make sure and let you know what I think, love,” James said. All Lily could do was shake her head and pack her bag. She was beginning to think that Potter was never going to leave her alone.

A/N: That's all for now. Sorry it was such a short one, but I've been seriously bogged down with school work. Let me know what you thought!