Summary: In Britain, there are two birthdays that are waited for with bated breath by witches and wizards alike. The first is turning eleven. This birthday brings an owl bearing a letter to Hogwarts.
For some, getting their letter does not go as planned. In this series, you will discover the day several witches and wizards received their letter and why it wasn’t just a normal day.
I wish to thank my beta, Alyssa (harry4lif).
I do not own anything your recognise in this story. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling. I am just thankful to be able to play in her world for a little while.
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: Serie: None
Chapters: 2
Completed?: No
Wordcount: 2470
Viewcount: 14173
Published on: 07/05/09
Updated On: 08/15/09