MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Makers of Fine Wands by CanisMajor

Summary: Ollivander of Croton arrives in Athens in 382 BC intending to study magic at the newly-opened Platonic Academy. But that's before he meets Plato, and a young witch, and a Dark wizard, and a Dementor or two -- all of whom seem to have their own ideas about where Ollivander's attention ought to be directed.
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Historical
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 6 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 17732 Viewcount: 26782
Published on: 02/10/15 Updated On: 04/22/16

Story Notes:

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Hypatia and Kerichi for thorough beta-reading, and to Golbon and Shahin for help with the Persian spell incantations.

A special mention is due to Daniel Ogden, for his book "Magic, witchcraft, and ghosts in the Greek and Roman worlds" (which he probably never imagined would be put to this particular use), and all its insights into a culture where everyone knew that magic was real.

1. Honey-cakes by CanisMajor [ - ] (1780 words)

2. The Academy by CanisMajor [ - ] (2714 words)

3. The Wand of Orpheus by CanisMajor [ - ] (2595 words)

4. Summoning by CanisMajor [ - ] (3176 words)

5. Oedipus Tyrannos by CanisMajor [ - ] (4181 words)

6. Transfiguration by CanisMajor [ - ] (3286 words)