MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Unwelcome Friend by FloreatCastellum

Summary: Sirius Black knows he is innocent. Alone in Azkaban, he thinks back on the five days that have led to his descent to the darkness…
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death, Mild Profanity, Substance Abuse, Suicide, Violence
Serie: None
Chapters: 3 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 8238 Viewcount: 3828
Published on: 11/11/15 Updated On: 12/08/15

1. Prologue: Day Five by FloreatCastellum [ - ] (1664 words)

2. Day One by FloreatCastellum [ - ] (2098 words)

3. Day Two by FloreatCastellum [ - ] (4476 words)