MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
rupertluvr07 [Contact]

I love Harry Potter(well obviously, if i didn't , why would I be reading any of this stuff?)Im a big Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione fan. Actually, my favorite character is Ron. I personally don't think that Rupert gets enough coverage, what do you think? I wish I could marry Rupert Grint but I don't think that'll ever come true. I'm 17, in grade eleven, I also love to read and watch anime/manga, I spend a lot of time writing and reading fanfics. Actually, to be honest, I've got fanfics running through my head all the time. Buffy and Angel rocks!!! I do normal teenager stuff like watch tv, constantly check mugglenet and steal cars(jk :D) for all of you out there who enjoy artwork and such, I advise to visit deviantart.com. I also post my story up there, so if you would like to view it there instead of waiting for it to be accepted, check it out at bluetiger-eyes.deviantart.com

I'm a Weasley!

The HP Family Quiz
made by Sapphire.

I'm Mrs. Sirius Black

The HP Male Marriage Quiz
made by Sapphire.

I'm Mrs. Ronald Weasley

The Weasley Boy Marriage Quiz
made by Sapphire.

You have many varieties. You may be paired with Harry, Ron, or even Snape. It is hardly ever a problem that you're gay, only that your crush is supposed to be your enemy (or your teacher). You are sometimes tormented by your feelings, moping until something happens to force you and your crush together. Other times, you are extraordinarily open about it, teasing the boy of your affections until he finally comes out (bad pun) of his shell and says that he likes you too. Once you and your crush get together, you are sweet and affectionate, but bitchy enough to stay in character. You are nearly every HP slash fan's favorite. Explains the long description here, doesn't it?

Find out which Draco you are.

Being a brave and chivilrous person, the house for
you is GRYFFINDOR! Harry Potter, Albus
Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley
are a few of the many Gryffindors.

Which Hogwarts house are you in? (Harry Potter)
brought to you by Quizilla

If You Lived in... Harry Potter!- Personal -What would your name be?:kisa What would your nationality be?:japanese What colour and style would your hair be?:black and straight What colour what your eyes be?:green What would your skin be like?:darker than my normal skin tone What gender would you be?:female obviously What would your voice sound like?:like a normal voice??? What languages would you know?:english, japanese, latin What style of clothing would you wear, when not in uniform?:comfortable - Academically -What would your favourite class be?:i have many Who would your favourite teacher be?:again, i have many Which class would you positively fail?:history of magic Which class would you do the best in, but hate?:tranfiguration - Family // Past -What would your blood line be? (Pure blood, half, mudblood?):half Is your family a follower of Dumbledore, Fudge, or Voldemort?:dumbledore ...Or are you an ickle orphan? (awww.):no Any siblings?:good god no!! Related to any of the normal HP cast?:dunno - House Traits -Which house would you be in?:griffindor ...You sure you wouldn't be in Sparklypoo? (If you don't know, don't ask.):... Are you -sure- you'd be in that house?:pretty sure Really? Let's dissect your personality... Are you ambitious?:not really Are you stubborn?:yes Are you arrogant?:no Bored with this yet? XD NEXT TOPIC!:yes - Randomishness -Would you be a follower of Voldemort, Fudge, or Dumbledore?:i was under the impression that i answered this already...but dumbledore Would you be a Mary Sue or Gary Stu?:dunno Which character would you hang out with (or try to)?:ron Would you completely ruin the entire plot of the books? XD:i'd do my best Would you be a teacher or a student?:student Would you be a transfer student from yadda yadda, come to be yadda yadda?:maybe Would all the boys magically fall in love with you? (Or girls, depending.):nah I'm done, now.Buh bye!^-^: Take this survey | Find more surveys
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Stories by rupertluvr07 [1]
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Reviews by rupertluvr07


Reviewer: rupertluvr07 Signed
Date: 11/02/05 Title: None

omg, that was an amazing chapter!! update soon please


Reviewer: rupertluvr07 Signed
Date: 11/01/05 Title: None

omg that was an amazing chapter!! please update soon I give it a 10/10

The Time is Now by Hermione816

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The most succinct summary ever!! My "Book 7" told with revolving POVs from Hermione, Ron and Harry's perspectives. It's got it all! Romance, mystery, intrigue, Horcruxes, humor, international travel, house-elves, new characters, Voldy, the Burrow, and at least one wedding...

Reviewer: rupertluvr07 Signed
Date: 06/17/06 Title: Chapter 31: Oubliettium

hurry and update please!!! incredibly amazing cliffhanger!!... 10/10

Author's Response: Oh, gosh you are all gonna kill me yet again with this cliffhanger stuff, because remember? We go back to Ron\'s POV next...and I am not quite sure when the Trio will all be together again...

Message in a Bottle by GWeaz

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: While walking by the lake Harry discovers an ordinary bottle floating in the water with something extraordinary inside it; a letter from an unnamed Hogwart's student that will change Harry's life. The magic of the bottle makes it so only those with true love in their hearts can open it. As always, please leave a review

The First Letter, the Lily/James prequel is now on the site.
Reviewer: rupertluvr07 Signed
Date: 06/27/06 Title: Chapter 5: A Bond Sealed

i really hope you create a story with their daughter. it would be interesting to see what you do with it. keep up the good work!! 10/10

Author's Response: I think that I probably will, but not for a while. For now you can always check out the Lily/James one.


Reviewer: rupertluvr07 Signed
Date: 02/18/06 Title: None

OMG!! i think you have luna down perfectly. i cracked up lauging when she asked Harry if sex was as good as people said... as for neville being gay, well, thats just different. but its a good different...